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Daniel Bryan and WWE World Title Updates

The following is from today's Wrestling Observer Newsletter:

Money in the Bank PPV Update

“The plan as of 6/9 was to go with two ladder matches on the show, one for the title, and the other for the briefcase that could be cashed in for one year as is usual for the show. With two Raw TV shows left until the PPV, there was no announcement made of such a second match. Given that Cesaro was originally one of the favorites to win the briefcase, and he’s instead in the title match, his being in the key match is interesting. What’s also notable is that my pick to win would have been Seth Rollins. It shoots the rocket for him after his turn, and he’s filled with obvious contenders in Cena, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, as well as Bryan. Rollins getting one of the final spots leaves Reigns and Ambrose with nothing for the PPV, since whether it’s a ladder match or some other type of match, the very obvious direction as the hottest program for the PPV would be Rollins vs. Reigns & Ambrose. With Orton in the ladder match that could lead to Rollins & HHH as a team, but all of this is speculation.”

Bryan's Health Update

“Little is known about Bryan’s situation other than the bad news from last week that his right arm was actually getting weaker and not stronger since surgery, which was a bad sign.

The only thing we had heard was that they were still going with the idea that Bryan vs. Brock Lesnar would take place at SummerSlam in Los Angeles on 8/18. But that may not indicate anything because a week ago the idea was still that Bryan be working 6/29, but they were concerned and did formulate the ladder match back-up plan. At this point nobody has given an estimate return date for Bryan and because of that, the speculation has been running crazy as to what that means.”

All credit goes to Dave Meltzer and the "Wrestling Observer Newsletter."



  1. Don't know what all of this is about, but it's pretty clear to me that the last 3 spots are going to Wyatt, Cena, and Reigns, and Rollins will face Ambrose in a singles match.

    As for who wins the strap...I say call an audible and put it on Wyatt, and shift the title focus to whatever program he's in. Maybe one more time with Cena at Battleground, then hopefully Bryan is ready for Summerslam.

    Where that leaves Lesnar, I have no idea, but I'm sure there's a way to fit him in as champion in the Fall, as I'm sure they have planned at this point.

  2. If Bryan is ready at Summerslam, obviously they have to Bryan vs Lesnar.. That's probably the best drawing match and should be near 5 star.

  3. Agreed, but A) Do you have to have it for the title, and/or B) do you have to do it at Summerslam, especially if Bryan is either not ready or just coming back? Do you want to rush a program like that if Bryan is just coming back, say, in early August?

  4. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 11, 2014 at 4:01 PM

    please dont have cena in the title picture

    find something else for him to do against some midcarder

    just please let the title picture be absolutely fresh for once

  5. I wouldn't have it for the title. It would require too much twisting to get the title on one of them before them. Bryan vs Lesnar is such a big match, it doesn't need the title. And if the match is a big hit, it will make a rematch at wrestlemania for the title even bigger. Also by not having it for the title, that adds another marque match at summerslam, whatever the title match is. I agree with you, I'd probably make that wyatt vs Cena, and for gods sake, let Wyatt win this time, and without the help of an 8 year old boy.

  6. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 11, 2014 at 4:04 PM


  7. Bryan should win in his return from injury though.

    Lesnar can't lose his first post-streak match

  8. Bryan absolutely can lose at Summerslam. Its easy to blame it on the injury is he loses. Then later Bryan can get the title at a PPV, hold it for a few months, Lesnar can win Royal Rumble to set up the rematch at WM for the Title. Lesnar can taunt and taunt about how he beat taker, and then Bryan, and then 29 men in the Royal Rumble. Beating Bryan again will be a piece of cake. all of a sudden you can get two huge matches out of Bryan vs Lesnar if booked this way.

  9. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 11, 2014 at 4:08 PM

    They could always run a "Bryan came back too soon from injury" thread to the storyline. And have Lesnar day Bryan could never beat him even at 100%. Bryan's an underdog. It could absolutely work.

  10. I'm with you on that idea.

  11. I would bet everything I own that Roman Reigns wins the 2015 Rumble

  12. That could be the direction they go. However, I don't know why they would have Lesnar beat Taker, if they don't want him in the main event of the next WM. If I were to guess, Roman wins royal rumble year after next.

  13. They could throw Cena/Lesnar on Summerslam and it'd do okay. Cena could defend the Undertaker or something like that.

  14. They could make Lesnar the WM attraction like the Undetaker was. He does not need the belt

  15. Brock vs. an atrophied Bryan coming off of neck surgery sounds like the worst idea ever. How about just putting Brock in the title match against whoever end up being champion.

  16. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 11, 2014 at 4:25 PM

    No, too soon!

  17. I like the idea of Reigns in the MITB match while Rollins wrestles Ambrose. HOWEVER, they would be foolish as hell to blow off Rollins/Ambrose in one PPV. Let them beat the shit out of each other for 15 minutes until they both get good and pissed and start using chairs, call it a double-DQ, then build up to a street fight match at SummerSlam.

    HHH can screw Reigns out of the MITB win and set up that match at SummerSlam. Put the belt on Sheamus, who loses to Bryan at SummerSlam (if he can go full-throttle). Alternatively, he loses to Lesnar. The Reigns can win the Royal Rumble, Bryan can come back full-strength and demand a WM shot, be refused, then win the Royal Rumble. Meanwhile, Reigns goes over Lesnar at Royal Rumble for the title, setting up Bryan for a second WrestleMania triumph.

    Or something. Shit, I don't know anymore.

  18. Neither does the WWE, apparently.

    It's fly by the seat of your pants booking, like Meltzer mentioned today

  19. I know, right? It's so pointless. I came up with that scenario in five minutes. It may not be the best idea, but at least it's a PLAN.

  20. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 11, 2014 at 4:31 PM

    i could imagine the authority will make sure rollins is in the ladder match as a reward for his service, and i almost feel that's certainly the way to go

    problem is, we also want to see a showdown b/w rollins and reigns/ambrose, which i guess could occur in the context of the ladder match. but that dilutes their issue, which is big enough to carry a ppv on its own

    so it's definitely a conundrum, but for once it's actually an interesting one to have

  21. Damn, I wish there was an actual MITB briefcase match now. Brock walking in about 15 minutes in, killing everything moving (and those not, just in case), and casually taking the briefcase as his would be a nice finish. And an impending death sentence to the champ.

  22. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 11, 2014 at 4:32 PM

    can't. mark henry probably got a restraining order against herhim

  23. I can't tell if people actually believe it will either be Bryan vs. Cesero or even Brock vs. Bryan at the ppv or more of it "this is my dream match up for next Wrestlemania". I don't think there is any way at this time that Reigns does not main event and win his first title at Wrestlemania 31. I would think that would also require and established star such as maybe a Lesnar or someone to make it feel big. The problem is on the heel side who do you even have besides Triple H that would make this feel like a "big" victory other than Lesnar. The established big time stars on the heel side are almost non exsistent. I would think maybe they would do Wyatt vs. Reigns and have it be the next top heel against hte next top face ala a Rock and Austin type thing but honestly I'm already bored with Wyatts vs. Members of the Shield. These guys have been going at it virtually every month in some form for the last year at that point. So yeah I'd in long I'd go with Lesnar vs. Reigns for the WWE Title next year. Reigns beats Lesnar to cement him as the next big thing...

  24. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 11, 2014 at 4:34 PM

    That's highly logical, so you know Vince and co. will find a way to completely fuck that up.

  25. I think, at the very least, we're going to get HHH v. Reigns at SummerSlam, with the COO putting the kid over strong.

  26. This Daniel Bryan situation is really scary.

  27. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 11, 2014 at 4:35 PM

    i think it was over on (NEW LOOK, SAME GREAT CRAP!) 411 that someone even suggested that dbry will actually surprise work the ppv...

  28. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 11, 2014 at 4:35 PM

    This is the worst I've felt about an injury since Tom Brady blew his knew out.

  29. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 11, 2014 at 4:35 PM

    only in this case, people care and the person it happened to is a good guy

  30. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 11, 2014 at 4:36 PM

    fuck 411

  31. HHH had no problem making Bryan a star at Maina XXX. And the Shield the last two ppvs. He'll probably have no problem making Roman Reigns a star (although he'll probably need to win some kind of six-man at Battleground, something like Rollins/HHH/Orton v. Cena/Ambrose/Reigns).

  32. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 11, 2014 at 4:36 PM

    get up, a git git, git down

    411 is a joke in yo' town

  33. It is. It quickly went from serious but common neck surgery to a possibly atrophied arm. I sincerely hope this isn't the end of Bryan's career, especially since the Authority is still pushing "you're a B+ player" mantra. I hope they're continuing with that with the intention of Bryan going over strong upon his return to prove his A+ bonafides once and for all.

    But that's probably wishful thinking.

  34. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 11, 2014 at 4:36 PM

    Other people can kiss my ass, Tommy's the GOAT

  35. HAHAHAHA...yeah, no.

  36. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 11, 2014 at 4:37 PM

    F tommy the goat, it's all about


  37. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 11, 2014 at 4:38 PM

    My ass, you can kiss it!

  38. If the plan is a big Brock run in the fall (which it kind of has to be so they don't lose subscribers), then someone needs to put over Brock big at Summerslam. If it's not Daniel Bryan, then it probably has to be John Cena.

  39. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 11, 2014 at 4:39 PM

    "a big Brock run in the fall"

    totally envisioned this as brock taking a jog through the woods with the leaves changing colors

  40. If they really want to push Rollins, why is he wrestling on Main Event (against Dolph, no less) a week after making a major heel turn? I know neither Main Event nor Smackdown have Raw's audience, but a heel not wrestling for weeks could be used to stoke audience anticipation for a face finally getting a shot at him.

    As for MITB, I'd go with Orton for now: Cesaro's association with Heyman has not really helped establish him as a potential world champ (he was in this position for Elimination Chamber a few months ago), ADR would be stupid rather than sleeper, and Sheamus...maybe as a transition. Why wouldn't the Authority just give Orton the title and let everyone else wrestle for the briefcase?

  41. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 11, 2014 at 4:40 PM

    they're trying to get people to watch the network

  42. Cena wrestled on Main Event a few weeks ago.

  43. Sheamus as a transition champion setting up a big Lesnar win at SummerSlam isn't a bad idea. I think the fans might completely revolt if Orton gets the title again.

  44. The only way Brock is getting the title at SummerSlam is if he is dropping it right away at NoC.

  45. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 11, 2014 at 4:44 PM

    Oh they clearly are gonna strap the rocket to Roman's ass. I just imagine it's gonna end up happening in a more convoluted, bullshit fashion.

    I would love to be proven wrong, though.

  46. Rollins vs Reigns is the big money match for 31 so might as well put the title on Rollins now so he has a lengthy title run before he drops it.

  47. Frankly, he only needs to hold it that long to keep the subscribers numbers.

  48. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 11, 2014 at 4:47 PM

    who does he wrestling b/w now and then?

  49. Rollins vs Ambrose, Cena, and Bryan will buy more than enough time until after the Royal Rumble.

  50. If the idea is to make Roman Reigns the next big thing, his WrestleMania match needs to be with someone a little bigger than Seth Rollins.

  51. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 11, 2014 at 4:49 PM

    assuming dbry comes back :(

    no cena, please, but i guess it would be inevitable

  52. Rollins is wrestling on Main Event to make Main Event a big deal.

  53. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 11, 2014 at 4:49 PM

    hhh: "i like the way this joedust kid thinks"

  54. Not really. Seeing Reigns grab the throne will be more than enough. No reason to rush dream matches against someone like Cena or Lesnar.

  55. My guess is Wyatt wins the strap at MITB. Just go with him at this point.

  56. I don't see how you keep Cena out of the title picture that long.

  57. It's WRESTLEMANIA. It's the place for dream matches.

  58. Yeah, for guys that have been established and are legends. Let's ease up on Reigns vs part timer until you actually need it.

  59. I know that is their thinking but it'd be such a waste.

  60. sounds pretty darned decent to me.

  61. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 11, 2014 at 4:54 PM

    "I don't see"

    how ironic, concerning cena

  62. What's interesting about this thread is that with the depth of the roster currently and arguably thanks to the Bryan injury, the WWE has lots of ways to go. And many of them have a chance to make for compelling TV.

  63. It makes 0 sense from a story perspective that HHH wouldn't put both his guys (Orton & Rollins) in MITB. Also makes 0 sense from Rollins' POV. He said he joined Evolution because his career had to evolve. How is not being in the big match for the vacant title, and instead (possibly) fighting your old partner evolving?

  64. Cena vs. Reigns is the money match.

  65. Not this year, it is too soon.

  66. Rollins/Ambrose in a streetfight/no DQ/falls count anywhatever & HHH/Reigns at Summerslam sounds like a damn good plan. Add in Alvarez's plan for Brock to either be a mystery participant in or just out n' out crash the MitB match, destroy everyone, and hold the titles hostage until the show, and you got yerself a "highly recommended" show right 'chere.

  67. Oh wow, poor Wrath. I totally forgot that he jobbed to Disco. I guess WCW were really determined not to make any new stars.

  68. I really like the Rollins/Ambrose Summerslam street fight idea.

  69. I think it's too soon to have both guys in the main event. Reigns vs. Cena has more credibility as a main event.

  70. That arm getting weaker part has me worried, and it's been speculated on a podcast that Bryan's career could be over.

    Then again, the guy that speculated is a bit of an idiot who has an trollish hatred for Bryan.

  71. I saw put the belt on Cesaro and then he and Bryan could feud over the belt when Bryan returns without it feeling contrived. Cesaro could get some real heat beating up Bryan and the matches would be great.

  72. Because Main Event is becoming more relevant than Smackdown.

  73. I would actually enjoy Lesnar having the belt until WM, appearing only periodically. It would give the title a "big match" feel and we could get tons of Heyman mic work to carry it in between Lesnar appearances. If Bryan can come back and win the belt back at Summer Slam, then you have the Authority pay off Heyman to "sic" Lesnar on Bryan. He wins the belt and then Reigns gets his WM moment by beating the streak killer. I know that sacrifices Bryan a bit, but we all know Reigns is the chosen one and I honestly don't think the WWE sees Bryan as the man now that his chase is over. He will still be in the top 3 or 4 guys but he isn't going to get a year long title reign. I don't think he ever was. I think summerslam was the limit if he wasn't injured.

  74. Why wold they do that when Bryan can wrestle Kane in an Inferno match?

  75. If they actually used planning, Rollins could be a huge deal by 31.

  76. This would work really well if the IC Title wasn't killed dead.

  77. It won't mean anything. Rollins and Reigns are top guys right now. They have the history, a storyline already built in, and Rollins will get a great match out of him.

  78. Cesaro winning the title right now would bomb hard.

  79. Hard to imagine Cena sitting out the main event 2 years in a row.

  80. revive it. make it matter. make a fighting champ. Make guys care about and talk about wanting to win the title that Steamboat, Savage, Valentine, etc. carried. One of the things that excites me as a fan for the first time in years is the depth of talent and the fresh talent that is in WWE. I would argue that this is best roster since the middle of the last decade and arguably since the 2001 glory year.

  81. He has done it before.

  82. Seems like a waste of Cesaro given then plan was apparently for him to cash in the briefcase on Lesnar. I'd absolutely go with Rollins myself. Which means they'll go with Orton, again.

  83. I want Bryan back and I want to see him and Rollins have a fued. Those two were putting on MOTYCs in ROH and I think everyone would enjoy that.

  84. Orton is the one guy who kills it all for me. I don't like Cena either but I would understand putting the belt on him. If Orton gets the belt and doesn't drop it the next ppv either to Bryan or to put over a young talent like Cesaro (I know the face/heel would need to be tweeked) then it would be a giant failure and kill some of the momentum that I feel WWE still has, despite the unfortunate injury to Bryan.

  85. That's probably a gross exaggeration.

  86. It's all speculation at this point, but it's obviously a very bad sign and could be career ending. I think we all hope it's not, but no one knows yet. Bryan is the best worker I've ever seen. I hope he can return.

  87. He could hold it longer. Heyman could do all of his promos for the build between the ppvs and Brock could just work the Sundays.

  88. He sat out 24-26. That was his longest stretch.

  89. Put the title on Rollins now, if Bryan is healthy by SummerSlam, do Bryan/Rollins. Bryan/Rollins until Oct, then Rollins/Ambrose, then Cena/Rollins at TLC and Rumble. Reigns wins the Rumble. Rollins defends in an EC match. Rollins vs Reigns at 31.

    That seems like a good way to me to delay Rollins/Reigns without it feeling forced and losing all the heat.

  90. Having seen them main event a ROH show back in 2008, I'm salivating at seeing the two of them main event a PPV now.

  91. The Heyman pairing was a terrible idea from day one

  92. It's probably going to be Orton winning the belt which is awful but he's a safe choice.

  93. You think Rollins is getting a 9 month title reign?

  94. I think Raw and house shows would all go down the shitter if that happened.

  95. Well it's fun to think of potential matches as opposed to facing the grim reality that Orton's winning the belt again.

  96. Orton basically just did. Why not?

  97. Also, how fucking stupid does Kane look right now? He just sits around and waits for Bryan. That's the only motivation he has as a character? You'd think a Demon would have malice against the entire world as opposed to just one individual.

  98. There's a few different viable choices, but the idea of putting the title on Bray Wyatt and booking him in a feud with Daniel Bryan that lasts from Summerslam to Hell In A Cell the most.

    Money In The Bank - Wyatt becomes champion.

    Battleground - Wyatt successfully defends it against someone (possibly Cena, so that he can finally pick up a pinfall victory over him.) Meanwhile, Bryan defeats Kane as a way of finally wrapping that feud up.

    Summerslam - Wyatt either pulls out a dirty victory over Bryan to retain the strap, or Bryan picks up the DQ victory when Rowan and Harper interfere at the end.

    Night Of Champions - Bryan wins the title from Wyatt in a rematch from Summerslam.

    Hell In A Cell - Bryan retains the strap against Wyatt in a HIAC match to blow off the feud for good. These two had a tremendous match at the Royal Rumble without any stipulations involved, just imagine what kind of match they could have inside the cell.

  99. If the plan is to put the title back on Bryan when he is healthy, Orton winning it in the meantime isn't that bad of a choice.

  100. Yikes, he really kind of did, didn't he

  101. Because they're DESPERATE to keep subscribers numbers for the network up and there's no way Vince McMahon is going to let Seth Rollins be the guy to carry the company for that long.

  102. Yeah ideally its Lesnar vs. Reigns at Wrestlemania. Fantasy booking Lesnar destroys everyone (including Bryan) in his path to Wrestlemania and the only guy that can literally stand toe to toe, punch for punch with him is Reigns who then beats him at Wrestlemania. I wouldn't MIND Wyatt vs. Reigns at Wrestlemania but I'm already kind of sick of Wyatt vs. Shield matches and I'm not sure that would be that great of a match. The problem with Reigns is that like I said its either gotta be HHH or Lesnar at Wrestlemania.

  103. I'm not arguing that. If he wins, I guess it's a positive sign that Bryan is going to be back pretty fast.
    I'm just curious who will be in the MiTB ladder match.

  104. Especially one that cannot "be controlled", like Steph claims. Kane re-doing his early months, with the random match kills, wouldn't be the worst idea.

  105. Wyatt's a goof. Forget all that. They'll either put it on Orton to eventually job it to Bryan or if Bryan's out longer than expected, they'll put it on a face and job it to Lesnar.

  106. Putting Money in the Bank in June is really throwing me off, I keep thinking Summerslam is next month.

  107. Rollins is their top heel right now. Why even fucking bother then?

  108. He has momentum, plus after back-to-back rivalries with Punk/Bryan/The Shield/Cena, winning the championship would be a logical next step. Plus, he has a clean victory over Daniel Bryan from earlier in the year. It really sets up winning the championship as another big hill for Bryan to climb over since he would have reason to doubt whether he can defeat Wyatt or not.

  109. He's done worse with bigger stakes.

    For instance, SID as champ.

  110. Something else I've been thinking about is that I know everyone here is all like "Triple H, burial, best for business" blah blah blah but in reality he's lost at what three straight pay per views and lost four straight matches? I mean has he even won a match since he "came back". I don't buy the fact that Triple H is bullet proof. At some point he's got to win to remain a threat of any kind and if he doesn't win then so what. I mean Reigns vs. HHH at Summerslam why is it a big deal for Reigns to win when he's been beating Triple H and his buddies for going on six months at that point. I would almost be interested in HHH winning at Summerslam and booking a rematch for Survivor Series. Have Reigns really show some ass and have to overcome some odds (lolcenawins) before building him back at for Wrestlemania as the only guy who can end Lesnars reign of terror.

    Of course then you don't have room for Cesero to turn and get a win on Lesnar because if Cesero beats Lesnar then you can't do the whole "nobody can beat him" gimmick to where is if he ends Takers streak and then wins the title you can push the "he beat Taker at Wresltemania, he held the WWE Title hostage is there anyone that can put an end to the Beast Incarnate". So yeah I still prefer my Lesnar wins the title destroys Bryan after he comes back from surgery, destroys maybe Cena again, destroys another top babyface and then just in general wreaks havoc on the entire roster until Reigns puts him down at Wrestlemania to win the title.

  111. Damn, I don't even want to think about that. What a travesty that would be for so many different reasons. Talk about life life and circumstance beating down on a guy.

  112. Especially with Battleground in between both of them, I keep wondering why people are fantasy booking matches in October and then jumping back to August.

  113. I don't see much momentum. He's lost to Cena at like three straight PPVs. Got the cheap win in the cage but still. I thought he was hot going into Wrestlemania but has totally cooled now. None of this is his fault. His work's been good. But this Cena feud has done him no favors.

  114. HHH's promo and getting Rollins to turn is a perfect example of how a heel never has to win a match. His promo was worth a 1000 straight wins on TV.

  115. I disagree with that. His promo wasn't that good. Especially not worth a 1,000 straight wins. Of COURSE a heel has to win and win often especially a guy that hasn't been full time in what four years? He's gotten his ass handed to him every night but one for four months. So by that logic Bray Wyatt has cut amazing promos on Cena he doesn't NEED to beat Cena right? Afterall promos are worth a 1000 wins.

  116. This wasn't exactly some well thought-out plan they had.

    And Lesnar is their biggest heel. He just ended the streak. I realzie he's not full time but they have to get the belt on Lesnar by Summerslam to keep subscribers. I really don't see any other way for Vince to see it.

  117. This is fake fucking wrestling, not fantasy baseball. People want to see Reigns destroy HHH now more than ever. Even after they just kicked his ass for two straight PPVs.

    The goal of the heel is to get you to want to see him get his ass kicked.

  118. I hope Orton doesn't win. Been hoping he would go off tv for a while but no such luck.

  119. Anyone dealing with a neck injury knows there is a chance that their career is done.

    I doubt his career is over or in any legitimate jeopardy but him wrestling again in 2014 looks bleaker and bleaker. Give him extra time to recover and let him win the RR match in 2015 when he is as healthy as can be.

  120. Why would I subscribe to the network in August when I know Brock ain't gonna be on there until WrestleMania?

  121. He can incite a reaction from the crowd (even if it's a positive one when it isn't supposed to be) and he's seen as one of the upper-tier guys in the company right now (as mentioned in my last comment, he has been booked in the second/third most important feuds on the show since last October.) Winning the championship is also a sure way of making him hot. I can already hear the announcers say that we've just went from one of the greatest feel good stories in WWE history (Bryan winning the championship at Mania) to one of the darkest days in recent history when Wyatt wins the championship.

  122. Keep him off TV for the rest of 2014. Neck injuries are serious business and a guy as valuable as Bryan shouldn't be rushed back. Give him extra time off if necessary to ensure he comes back as healthy as can be and bring him back at the Royal Rumble in 2015 and have him win the match and earn a title shot at WM 31.

  123. What I like to do when a wrestler gets hurt is wait for the wrestler or their doctor (through the wrestler) to tell people what the deal is. I mean, the practice of Drs. Meltzer, Keller, Reddit and Wrestlezone, M.D.s is reputable to an extent, but I roll my eyes hard when I hear them talk about career-threatening or potentially requiring surgery because it's all transparently horseshit speculation to drive up traffic.

  124. Don't people always want to see the heel lose? Atleast in theory outside of weird things like heels facing Cena and the Austin/Bret match but 90 percent of the time people want to see the heels lose so then again by your logic lets just have them cut awesome promos and then lose every match. No need for Reigns to lose his first match with HHH only to come back and win later. Its not like this isn't a tried and true method in pro wrestling over the last 30 years or anything. I can't believe that you think that heels have infinate heat despite losing all the time. I thought thats exactly what the problem with Wyatt/Cena was. Wyatt cuts these awesome promos you say are worth a 1,000 wins and heels don't ever need to win so Wyatt doesn't need to win, Lesnar doesn't need to win. Lets just have all these heels cut awesome promos worth thousands of wins and then go lose because thats what the fans want to see.

  125. I'm glad you're not booking WWE this summer.

  126. It would be nothing but Ric Flair broadways and title wins.


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