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Impact Wrestling - June 12, 2014

Impact Wrestling
Date: June 12, 2014
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

Reviewed by Tommy Hall

It's the go home show for Slammiversary and the big story is of course a war between Dixie Carter and MVP because where would we be without the focus being on Dixie? The problem with Impact's taping schedule rears its head again tonight and this weekend though as MVP is injured and may not be able to go on Sunday, so everything tonight may mean nothing at all. Let's get to it.

We open with a video narrated by MVP, talking about how he's risen to power.

Here's Eric Young in gear to open the show. Young says this Sunday is the biggest match of his career but he wants to say something to the trio in person. MVP comes out and explains that he and Dixie don't see things the same so Eric has MVP's undivided attention. Eric is ready for Sunday but MVP says he's still half man and half amazing, so after he takes the title on Sunday, Eric can go back to fishing.

After the plug for Young's fishing show, Eric asks that Sunday be a fair fight. MVP likes the idea but he can't guarantee that Lashley and King can control themselves. Young says he has no problem with losing a fair fight, but getting beaten down three on one isn't wrestling. He's willing to do anything to make sure it's even on Sunday and MVP likes the sound of that.

Young can pick the stipulation on Sunday, if Eric can beat all three of them in one night. King says Eric couldn't beat two of them but Eric is ready to try. MVP is willing to give Eric a break and says Eric can pick the stipulations if he wins 2/3. The deal is made and it's Lashley up first.

Eric Young vs. Bobby Lashley

Eric hammers away to start but gets drilled with forearms in the corner. A backdrop puts Bobby down but Eric comes back with a running forearm that appeared to mostly miss. Young avoids a charge in the corner but does a Flair Flip into the sliding sunset flip. Lashley will have none of that though and launches Eric to the floor.

Eric is sent into the steps and comes up holding his back. Lashley is no idiot and puts on a torture rack followed by an over the shoulder backbreaker. Young punches his way out and nails a nice dropkick before stopping a charging Bobby with two boots in the corner. He jumps off the corner into the Dominator powerslam though and Lashley gets the pin at 5:11.

Rating: D+. Basic match here and I already don't like the booking here. Young went from fresh to pinned clean in less than six minutes three days before a PPV title defense. You have Young beat King before this match and then have him lose to Lashley to protect him and get the same result. Why is that so hard?

Lashley goes after Young again but Samoa Joe makes the save.

Willow says he's bruised but not broken. He'll turn the tide tonight because patience is on vacation.

Eric Young can't stand up but says he has to go back out there.

Samoa Joe says this is the latest sign of a problem with MVP.

Here are Bram and Magnus in street clothes with something to say. Bram talks about how Magnus was treated so badly and turned into someone Bram didn't know. Magnus says he and Bram are unstoppable and they've made Jeff Hardy so scared that he's gotten a new identity. Willow comes out and says he's from Jeff Hardy's Imagin-I-Nation and says he goes where Jeff can't.

Willow vs. Magnus is set for Sunday and Willow says they'll (as in himself and someone else) will celebrate. Bram: “You and Jeff Hardy? YOU'RE THE SAME BLOODY PERSON!” Willow admits that he's Hardy and says someone will be in his corner on Sunday. Bram asks who and it's Abyss, who comes out to clean house.

Ethan Carter III says his aunt isn't here tonight but he'll take care of the family business. They're the Carters after all.

Robbie E. vs. Knux

The comedy story continues as Robbie is terrified of clowns, including Crazy Steve at ringside. Robbie hits on Rebel but The Freak easily chases him off. Robbie's right hands are stopped by a Steve distraction, allowing Knux to hit a nice running cross body. E. comes back with a nice middle rope clothesline but DJZ and Steve get in a horn off. Knux splashes Robbie in the corner as the Freak takes care of the other Bro Mans. Back in and a nice Sky High pins Robbie at 3:09.

Rating: D+. Not much to see here but that Sky High was really nice, as was Rebel. At the end of the day, the division needs challengers for the Wolves but one of the few teams is being wasted in this comedy feud. To be fair though, the Bro Mans are comedy characters so what else do you expect?

Post match Steve attaches balloons to Robbie's back to freak him out.

EC3 and Spud are talking in the back when Brooke returns. She doesn't say anything but she returns.

Ethan and Spud are in the ring with three chairs set up. Ethan brings out Brooke as he plans on exposing the past sins of Bully Ray. He asks Brooke if she was in a relationship with Ray and asks why it's over. Carter accuses Ray of being an alcoholic and trying to put Brooke through a table but Brooke denies it. Spud says he can't deal with this anymore because he has the results. Apparently Ray IS the father, even though Brooke hasn't had a baby. Spud produces pictures of Ray next to an angry looking kid but Ethan is annoyed. He threatens Brooke until Ray comes out and runs them off.

Before he deals with Carter and Spud, Ray wants to apologize to Brooke. He treated her horribly despite her being an amazing girlfriend. Now Ray is in a better place in his life and wants to wish Brooke the best. They hug and Ethan sounds like he's gagging. Ethan and Ray argue for a bit until Ethan challenges Ray to a tables match on Sunday, because Ray is putting Dixie through a table over Ethan's dead body. Ray loves the idea of a dead body and starts a chant about it, but he'll decline the tables match. Instead, since we'll be in Carter Country in Dallas, let's make it a Texas death match. Ethan says it's on.

MVP tells Kenny King to keep focused out there tonight.

Kenny King vs. Eric Young

Second match in Young's 2/3 challenge tonight. Young gets armdragged down to start and his back is already bothering him. They head to the floor with the champion in even more trouble. Back in and Young shoves him off the top, only to get slammed down for his troubles. Young avoids a springboard Swanton Bomb and nails the piledriver out of nowhere for the pin at 5:12.

Rating: D+. This didn't have time to go anywhere and the outcome was already completely clear. I still don't get why this wasn't in another order, but it's TNA so this isn't the biggest problem that they have to deal with. It also doesn't help that the fans are already sick of seeing the same people over and over again and now they get to see the same guy three times in one night.

Eric says he'll keep fighting.

Brittany vs. Madison Rayne vs. Gail Kim

Winner gets Angelina on Sunday. Brittany and Madison double team Gail to start but Madison won't high five her. Gail dropkicks both of them to the floor and does it again through the ropes. Cue the Beautiful People as we take a break. Back with the Beautiful People on commentary and Madison hitting a headsicssors on Gail, followed by a slow motion victory roll for two. Gail puts a leg choke on Brittany but gets caught in a cross armbreaker by Madison.

That makes Gail let go of her hold but she rolls Madison up for two. Kim goes up top but gets caught in a double superplex (with her thankfully kicking off the post to make it easier for them) to put all three down. Madison nails Brittany but gets sent to the floor as a result. Gail puts Brittany in the figure four around the post as the Beautiful People come out to ringside. Kim runs Brittany over as Angelina distracts the referee. Velvet sprays Brittany in the eyes by mistake, allowing Gail to hit Eat Defeat for the pin at 10:09.

Rating: D+. This gives us I believe the 284th title match between Angelina and Gail. That's the problem with the entire Knockouts division as a whole: it's the same core group of about five girls having the same feuds and the same matches over and over and over with only occasionally someone jumping into the division, getting a title run, then leaving it back to the core group. Just please find a new direction for the next 8 years so I don't have to watch the Beautiful People vs. Gail/Madison again.

MVP is talking to Brian Hebner and says it's going to be a fair main event.

We run down the PPV card. The only added match is King vs. Aries.

MVP vs. Eric Young

If Young wins he gets to pick the stipulation. Lashley and King jump Young in the aisle before the bell and we take a break about five seconds after the match starts. Back with MVP staying on Young' sback and putting him in a camel clutch before just letting it go so he can get two off an uppercut. A wicked powerbomb gets two and a buckle bomb sets up the running boot to the face in the corner for a close two on the champion. MVP grabs a chair to sit in and talk some trash but Young is starting to get up. Instead MVP picks up the chair to blast Eric in the back for the DQ at 10:14.

Rating: C. The match made sense and at least they didn't give it a clean finish. MVP being the cocky heel makes sense and going after the back as much as he did makes even more sense, but I've over this feud already. MVP almost has to win the title on Sunday, if nothing else to end this over done Eric Young title reign.

MVP says pick whatever stipulation you want and poses with the belt. The trio leaves and Young makes it a cage match to end the show.

Overall Rating: C-. This was significantly better than most of their previous shows but it still had its issues. First and foremost, WAY too much Eric Young, which is another incarnation of the same issue they've been having time after time now: too much of the same idea, meaning that if you don't like that one idea, there's no need for you to watch the show. The stuff they had wasn't terible and it set up the payoff at the end well enough, but I don't really want to see Young for a fourth time in three days.

Other than that, the show wasn't that bad and they did a good job of setting up the show on Sunday. That's TNA in a nutshell: the payoff is usually decent, but man alive is it hard to get through the buildup. The wrestling was pretty standard tonight, but a lot of angles were advanced and you can see the logical matches coming on Sunday.

However, a five match card with a comedy match, a Knockouts three way and then three Eric Young matches (including the World Title match three days before the pay per view) doesn't do it for me, especially when there were so many people (Aries, Anderson and Storm to be exact) that didn't get any time tonight. Also the X-Division is having a multi man ladder match on Sunday and wasn't mentioned at all here. That's TNA for you: they do some ok stuff, but it's at a bad expense of other stuff.

Bobby Lashley b. Eric Young – Dominator
Knux b. Robbie E. – Sky High
Eric Young b. Kenny King – Piledriver
Gail Kim b. Brittany and Madison Rayne – Eat Defeat to Brittany
Eric Young b. MVP via DQ when MVP used a chair

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  1. Why does anyone still watch this show?

    Isn't there a better use of two hours that you could come up with?

  2. We at least got the PPV main event for next week free so no need to order the show now. TNA is considerate to us financially challenged fans.

  3. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 12, 2014 at 9:41 PM

    Well tomorrow I get to watch a 1999 Thunder. That's got to to be.....

    I can't finish that sentence.

  4. 99 Thunder > 14 Impact

    Impact has even finished Alvarez off. Clock's now ticking how long it'll take before you crack now.

  5. great if you are a fan of "Lightning Foot" Jerry Flynn?

  6. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 12, 2014 at 9:47 PM

    I sat through NXT: Redemption and every single episode of Thunder ever. When I have free time I watch Herb Abrams' UWF. I can handle Impact.

  7. Instead of reviewing shows maybe you can write an article on time management because I think it's freaky how you watch all these shows and give a timely and detailed report on everything that went down.

  8. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 12, 2014 at 10:05 PM

    Well for one thing this is my full time job. I don't do anything else other than live off e-book sales and ad revenue from my website. It's either do all these at once or don't eat.

  9. I support ya. :)

  10. I'd sure like to earn money sitting on my ass at home, watching wrestling.

  11. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 12, 2014 at 11:00 PM

    Much appreciated.

  12. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 12, 2014 at 11:00 PM

    It's a little more complicated than that. Sometimes I lay on my back too.

  13. Wait...the main event of the go home show for the ppv is the actual main event of the fucking ppv???

  14. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 12, 2014 at 11:11 PM

    I'm still trying to get over that one.

  15. Not to mention it's a legit 10 minute match with the heel beating up the champ at will.

    Will MVP even be able to work on sunday? What a mess.

  16. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 12, 2014 at 11:22 PM

    I can live with the beating as it was Eric's third match of the night. At least it wasn't a clean pin.

  17. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 12, 2014 at 11:30 PM

    Why do you want to do any of that to yourself?

  18. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 12, 2014 at 11:40 PM

    I'd rather watch wrestling than do just about anything else. Even the worst is more entertaining than almost any other form of entertainment.

  19. If you're a WWE wrestler, you could spend that 2 hours working on your resume!

    High-5! Anyone? Anyone?


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