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Kickstarter plug

Good afternoon!

I've recently launched a small Kickstarter campaign for a short horror film I'm working on producing this summer. Any chance I could get a plug on the blog to hopefully get some more eyes on it?



  1. See, I made it through Aces and Sabin and some of the other stupidity. Earlier this year, though, it just started to get to be too much. All Dixie all the time plus the loss of Daniels and Kazarian made it a chore, so I finally just deleted the standing recording on my DVR.

    I'll occasionally check out the show on demand, but with the Network, I don't really care anymore.

  2. Chris Sabin was TNA world champion?

  3. And you thought Eric Young was bad.

  4. Yep, he beat Bully Ray and lost it right back.

    They had a good opportunity going for Bully to keep the title til BFG until AJ, TNAs prodigal son defeated him for the title.

    Instead Aces and Eights was dead in the water by then, hogan was out the door, and Dixie began her shitty heel character.

  5. I love Bad Influence, but at the same time they weren't missed when TNA fired them due to the fact that TNA was rarely using them towards the end.

  6. Yeah, but Hogan being out the door was a good thing.

  7. He left at an awkward time, in all honesty. And he left with no real reasoning behind the departure.

    Why? Blame a LOT of people there.

  8. And that's on TNA, quite honestly. They dig themselves into holes, creatively and logically, and then try to climb out with brute force and/or faulty "equipment".

  9. TNA was legit putting out a better wrestling product than the WWE during Aries' chase.

  10. I wrote a TNA bashing piece a year ago and did not expect they'd still be around by now. I suppose someone has to ne the distant second.


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