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"L'amore non Conosce Distanza..."


I'm a rookie at Scott's Blog of Doom. As many of you know, I contribute my weekly Main Event recap to the BoD every Tuesday. Of the more popular posters was "Officer Farva" who, in real life, was a 31-year-old guy named, "Mark Robert Haas".

On May 22nd, 2014, according to a recent news report, Haas was attempting to cross Highway 19 in Clearwater, Florida when he was hit by a car. The authorities pronounced Haas dead on the scene.

I'm not going to pretend I knew him well or that I had a camaraderie with him. It's also not my intention to grandstand. I'm simply trying to come to terms with how I feel and to attempt to bring some comfort to regulars at the BoD because I know, like me, they're a little shaken up by this.

I think we all feel the same way and can't really put into words where we're at.

Judging from the outpouring of sympathy by the regulars here, Haas seemed to be well-regarded at the BoD. They speak, in volumes, of his humor and wit and of the conversations and debates he would engage in regarding the world of pro-wrestling.

Personally, I like to chat and argue with everyone on the boards but I never really decided to talk to Farva or to many of the popular posters because I'm always insecure about coming off as a sycophantic ass. I figured that the bigger guys might eventually comment and we'd end up talking.

On just the first review I wrote, Haas took a little time to welcome the new guy from his own crappy, little indie blog with his wry wit:

 Beyond that, I never really got to talk to him much. I really wish I had.

In moments like these, I find myself dumbfounded by the randomness of this world. Any of us can go at any time for just about any reason. It's humbling and extremely unfair. It's a notion that I've rebelled against but eventually accepted.

Today, for instance, I went to a San Jose Giants game where the proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. I am involved in this because of one of my close friends who, in his mid-40's, was diagnosed with cancer. Fortunately, he's a survivor and he is in the recovery stage. It was a long, hard road and he was one of the lucky ones. I did my best to help him along the way, taking him to his chemo appointments and attending Relay for Life functions.

It was unfair, the whole thing. He had taken to restarting his life, working hard to lose a lot of weight so that he could live a longer life...and then cancer shows up to ruin the party.

But, that's the way of things.

Right now, the feelings I have are hard to quantify. It's not sadness so much as it's confusion and strange awkwardness. We didn't really know Haas personally. We didn't interact with him face to face. Yet, we all had some sort of connection to him. He was one of many of us: a young wrestling fan just going about his day when the horribly unexpected happened. In that way, we're all connected.

My great Grandmother used to have a small wooden sign hanging in her living room that read, "L'amore non conosce distanza" which, in Italian, essentially means, "Love knows no distance". It was one of those things you'd buy at a farmer's market or wine festival that costs about five or six bucks and would look good next to the picture frames of all your relatives.

In moments like these, it ceases to be a Hallmark card line painted on a piece of wood and becomes something else.

I cannot even begin to imagine what his family is going through but I'd like to think that, even though they may not know who we are, they realize Haas had a second family with Scott's Blog of Doom who loved him for the wit and wisdom he'd reveal in every day conversation.

The other lesson to be learned in all of this is one that's probably cliche: life is fucking short, so love and respect those around you and look out for those you hold dear.

Rest in peace, Mark Robert Haas. You will be sorely missed by everyone you knew -- including all of us B+ Players.


  1. Knowing his posts and seeing that picture, yep that makes perfect sense.


  3. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 14, 2014 at 11:09 PM

    This sucks so fucking much. I really liked Farva, guy was funny as shit and seemed like he'd be a blast to hang with for real.

    As others have noted, it's bizarre to feel sad about the death of someone you only know as a poster on a message board, but i do. I feel sad, for him, his family, and us for not having him around anymore to goof off with during work hours.

    RIP buddy. And by the way--- anyone I've ever argued with here at BOD, I just wanna say I think you're all good guys. Sorry to anyone I've had bad words with over bullshit wrestling arguments.

  4. I bet that guy drinks his gangster with a Shirley Temple chaser.

  5. Fuck. I got nothing else. Lifting a few glasses to you, buddy.

  6. As another relatively new poster (though I appreciate Vince namedropping me I'm the terrible names) I always enjoyed Farva's posts. RIP I'll be drinking one to you while I watch Spring Stampede 96.

  7. Sad to hear. I never really interacted with Farva ( although the time difference means it's difficult to carry on conversations anyway) but dying that young is a real tragedy. RIP.

  8. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 15, 2014 at 12:00 AM

    It's weird to actually put a face to the name. Though seeing as how that pic is 13 years old (I'm assuming it's a yearbook picture), I doubt he looked the same a couple weeks ago. I know I look nothing like I did when I was 13. Hell, I look nothing like the pic on my licence, and that was taken in 2009.

    RIP Mark. I'm finally cracking jokes again, but it still hasn't quite sunk in yet.

  9. oh my god all of you need to shut up. dude crossed a highway and fucking died. dont be so sanctimonious. get some prom photos done with his corpse or something. smh.

  10. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 15, 2014 at 12:40 AM

    I think I can safely say I speak for everyone here: go fuck yourself.

  11. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 15, 2014 at 12:40 AM

    This post must make you feel so proud of yourself, that I can't even myself to bite hard at this trollpost. The state of your life that compelled you to write this speaks for itself.

  12. I've seen YouTube trolling with more substance than this. Just leave.

  13. OfficerFarva was like WWF 95: we're all better off without him.

  14. five stars tokyodome meltzer

    far-va rotting clapclap-clapclapclap

  15. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 15, 2014 at 12:44 AM

    I get the feeling that if you died suddenly, a lot less people would be sad about it.

  16. no one would care about any of us! give a generation or three, no one will ever speak our names again.

  17. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 15, 2014 at 12:47 AM

    I can clearly see that when you die the only reaction will be "It's about fucking time..."

  18. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 15, 2014 at 12:48 AM

    Well yeah, they'll be dealing with like, future stuff.

  19. so who care if i make a few jokes about someone dead now? it's a fallacy to play the whole "people die everyday" card but it's true! I dunno. I'm clearly trolling. Sorry. I'm done.

  20. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 15, 2014 at 12:53 AM

    Troll or not, you still suck.

  21. call the afterlife hotline NOW to find out what was really crossing his mind as he crossed that highway! back to you tony!

  22. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 15, 2014 at 12:57 AM

    You're awful at this.

  23. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 15, 2014 at 12:58 AM

    So stick that in your pipe and smoke it, brother!

  24. "There are no pending criminal charges at this time."


  25. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 15, 2014 at 1:03 AM

    Idiotic trolling and stupid hashtags. Call someone "butthurt" and you'll complete the vinegar and water trifecta.

  26. you really are butthurt. thanks for playing.

  27. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 15, 2014 at 1:06 AM

    Incoherent trolling, the best kind.

  28. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 15, 2014 at 1:09 AM

    I just want to point out that I'm hammered. like, have been drinking since Thursday morning hammered (fuck off, I'm on vacation), and quite stoned. But still, fuck this wanker.

  29. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 15, 2014 at 1:12 AM

    Man, if you're gonna troll, at least bring the goods. Have some material. Dude had nothin'.

  30. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 15, 2014 at 1:15 AM

    NOTHING. Take a lesson from Dougie or Vince or Chan, that's proper shithead trolling, this fuckbag is just looking for cheap heat. And unfortunately we're giving it to him.

    My cat will kick the shit out of his cat, that I'm sure of.

  31. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 15, 2014 at 1:17 AM

    I think his mom finally made him get back in bed.

  32. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 15, 2014 at 1:20 AM

    I still maintain that my cat will destroy any other BoD's cat. Live from Tonawanda NY, it's Friday Night Cat Fights!

    Like I said, I'm... slightly intoxicated, to put it mildly.

  33. I don't think the dude has ever posted using Disqus. It shows.

  34. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 15, 2014 at 1:26 AM

    I don't think he's ever considered not being a total asshole. It shows.

  35. Huh. Farva looked like a more Asian Tiger Woods. Abeyance clearly can't be happy.

  36. Yeah. With the name (and I know this is stupjd) my mental image of him was dressed up as the Village People cop.

  37. " Haas was well-loved by everyone on the BoD."

    Sorry Matt. You lost all credibility with that statement.

    Guy's not a saint just because he lost a game of chicken.

  38. Is this the inevitable backlash? If so I give it a 4/10, would not bang.

  39. Oh, ok. I announce my retirement, then.

  40. You claimed to speak for everyone reading the BoD, saying that we all loved him.

    When you overstep your authority to such an extent, I feel copelled to correct you.

  41. Whoops. Damn, I'll correct that right away. Sorry. Didn't mean to speak for you.

  42. All done. That should make you feel so much better now.

    Have a good one.

  43. Harlan Leverage IIIJune 15, 2014 at 3:05 AM

  44. Correct harder. You're not correcting hard enough.

  45. Way to puss out on that correctin' business.

  46. Seemed to be good enough.

  47. That's ok. I can always re-re-correct it to "Also, Zanatude is a heartless shithead." But, I'm more classy than people who shit all over somebody after they were killed just because that person once hurt their feelings.

  48. Huh? I'm supposed to say he was a great guy because he illegally ruined the lives of at least two families?

    I don't want to say anything good or bad about him. Just leave me out of your professions of love.

  49. Was that the one where he says 'Only if I can drive my own car.' and it goes to a shot of his character, driving a red sports car, with the number place of JIMKELL

    I loled.

  50. Cedric Alexander should be somewhat indy known: Didn't he tag with Roderick Strong or Caprice Coleman or something?

  51. The word online at the time was that Hogan said Storm wasn't ready for the title.

  52. Hulk Hogan knows his shit, brother. Also Abyss is ready to break out as the next John Cena.

  53. Wasn't Hogan low on Roode also, right before HE won the title?

  54. I know, right? Despite the Claire Lynch stuff, the summer of 2012 was the most interested in TNA I'd been in many years. It all fell apart that fall (Aces and Eights, the botching of Aries as a main eventer) but for a few months there it kind of looked like they were going to be alright.

    I must say, I've been happier since I decided to give up on TNA for good. Food tastes better, the birds seem to sing a little more, and my blood pressure has gone down.

  55. They...they hired Johnny "You hired the Wrong one-legged wrestler" Ace??

  56. Wiyh Caprice Coleman

    He has a promiment spot in ROH, is in a feud with the decade that gets tons of screen time, and was booked against OKADA before being pulled from the show.

    Cedric Alexander isn't even close to "COMPLETELY unknown"

  57. That match was so wild. In an age where you "feel like you've seen every spot in wrestling", it was awesome to see some new innovative stuff.

    Side note: two of them (Cedric and Trevor) got thrown into the big 6 man tag against Mount Rushmore at the next show (Gargano replaced an Injured Everret). So atleast the response and acceptance from the crowd got them booked again

  58. Cedric is future star.

  59. Yeah, Aries has never been a draw and Joe's best days (and days of bringing interested eyes to the product) are long gone, having been replaced with pints of cookie dough ice cream and a general DILLIGAF attitude.

  60. I really hope when TNA folds (or his contract is up, whichever happens first), WWE gives EC3 another shot. He's pretty much the textbook definition of a guy who wasn't much, got cut because of it, refined himself and stepped up every aspect of his game and become something in his time away.

  61. I just wish this promotion would die and go away. I desperately want a true alternative to TNA, but if the past 12 years has taught has nothing else, it's that TNA is not ever going to step up and be that.

  62. Your typo makes this hilarious.

  63. Did Aries ever really have a chance? He won the belt in like late spring, the Roode feud petered out, he was aimless for a few month while the BFG Series consumed almost all of the screen time, and then he was forced to turn heel because of Jeff Hardy. Most dudes today who don't draw as champs do so (or, rather, don't) because of the shitty booking they get. They booked Aries perfectly until he got the belt, then they immediately lost interest and moved onto the next shiny.

  64. You're right, when Aries won the title, he was the most over man in the company, but then TNA being TNA basically booked him in a way where his heat diminished as they focused more on Aries cutting promos and being involved in angles rather wrestling good matches and winning. I'm pretty sure if they gave Aries a fighting champion gimmick after he won the title, he would've done pretty well for himself.

  65. Who are you Jim Cornette?

  66. I would've loved to have seen Abyss come out in throwback jerseys and jorts (while still wearing the mask) doing battle raps on his opponents.

  67. Ha, I was gonna say the same thing.

  68. I think Abyss could've made that work when he was Joseph Park so long as he was given Kurt Angle's corny rap lyrics.

  69. I'm still not sold on him to be honest

  70. Honestly it's like TNA spent 8 years being 2000 WCW, detoured for a couple years into 1999 WCW, than went right back to 2000 WCW.

  71. Didn't realize that. I haven't watched a hell of a lot of ROH since the "Cornette Reign uv Dullness" (CRUD) started. Might need to check it out again.

    But my point still stands that even the smarky fans at PWG didn't really know two of these guys, but they put on an amazing match.

  72. Yeah, he's pretty good. But if you put him over in the main event, it's going to kill your company.

  73. On I think Howard Stern he plugged the ppv main event a few days before as Kurt Angle facing "some other guy".

  74. No, I'm pretty certain he's still in WWE in some capacity. Wasn't he still doing house shows back in the winter?

  75. So it's basically the same but worse. I think that can be a stock answer given whenever anyone asks how TNA is at any given time.

  76. It's when Austin Aries cashed in his X Division title to wrestle Bobby Roode for the world title

  77. Most matches by "new guys" tend to be a ton of unconnected spots and stupid contrived stuff. This match had some of that (the triple drop kicks, "punch fest" and stuff like that just felt stupid), but the match actually had a good amount of flow to it.

    And that's sadly not surprising with Everett. Watching the MV2 match the whole time, I was thinking "if that guy doesn't slow down, he's going to be in a wheelchair before he hits 30". Incredible height on the flips, though.

    But now I gotta get Sold Our Soul for Rock 'n Roll. Not that I wouldn't have, anyway.

  78. Yeah, according to Wiki ( which is never wrong), he's a producer.

  79. There is one fairly immutable fact in professional wrestling: With very few exceptions, all wrestling promotions eventually die. If you can't figure out the formula for profitably you perish. True for any business--especially true for wrestling. TNA has not survived for a minute based on the quality of their product or support of their fans. They have existed because 1) they are on a network willing to carry them for a cheap price, and 2) owners seemingly unconcerned with ever turning a profit. The day either of those 2 things change is the day the company ceases to exist.

  80. I have a feeling Jim Cornette would tell you that TNA sucked as badly in 2012 as any other time and he'd throw more choice words in there.

  81. I always loved Cornette referring to guys like Russe, or the Mulkeys, having "buggy whip arms". It's a term that amuses me, for some reason.

  82. Needs to do his own beat boxing as well.


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