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Loss, and dealing with it

Hey everyone.

What a draining week this has been.

The loss of a BoD member was a very sad thing. If there's one small positive to come out of this tragedy, it was the sense of camoradery (sp?) shared by the users of this blog.

There was a real sense of community and was such a reminder as to what's important in life, and how nothing is a gaurentee.

Anyway, so some of you may know of the hellish month or so i've had in my relationship with my girlfriend.

I have been with her four years, long distance, but plans to move together. Actually met through wrestling. I used to backyard (well, it was a little more professionally run - properly booked shows, angles, in a hall), and met many new people. Long and short of it was she was one of those people. I saw her and thought 'totally out of my league', and proceeded to just have tons of fun with my friends who I didn't get to see as often as I liked.

She ended up falling for me, and the rest was history.

Then, just over a month ago, one of her four younger brothers committed suicide, and it changed everything.

I went to the funeral, and she just wasn't ever the same with me again. I've never felt so impotent and useless. I kept being told 'she needs you right now', yet the only sollace she'd get was from her family, and she seemed to resent our relationship more and more by the day.

 She called today to end things.

I'm devastated. I know this isn't 'the place' to do this, but the showing of friendship and family here yesterday was very heartening.

Would be nice to hear some stories from you guys, and perhaps some advice. Not just for me, but for any other BoD'ers who are perhaps feeling the strains of life, and/or suffered some form of loss.

I just find it difficult to imagine being with someone else. I'm a 27 year old total oddball (which, I guess we all are to a certain degree). Just strange shit.

Take care, all.



  1. Sorry to hear about that.

    I personally have not had to deal too much with losses, thankfully.

    As for advice, seeing how it just happened today, try to distract yourself as much as possible, with positive activities. Anything from watching wrestling, sports, movies, going to the gym or for a run, or even participating here, which can be a positive coping skill. Stay away from booze, as lame as it sounds, because drinking while emotional can lead to bad things.

    Time will heal this eventually and just keep your head up for now. It will get better

  2. I recommend developing a pot habit. I literally have nothing else I can say that wouldn't be a sweet lie. Other than a sincere good luck. And if you should ever be in the a Coventry area, Dan, say and we'll go for a drink and a burger or something.

  3. I'm gonna co-sign all of this

  4. I'm sorry, Dan. A break-up, especially when there's long-term plans in the mix, are always the most hurtful. Mostly because it seems like you have to start over again.

    The best advice I can give you (and I've been in your boat before) is to keep busy. If there's hobbies that you've been putting off, tackle them. Another tip is to do/attempt something new today. Something you've always wanted to try but never did. There's no time like the present. It doesn't have to be sky-diving or whatever. Something small will do.

    I know life sucks right now but in the words of Homer Simpson when he was consoling Moe during a break-up, "If someone loved you before, someone will love you again."

    Best of luck to you.

  5. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighJune 14, 2014 at 12:08 PM

    Oddly enough, wrestling has always been a good distraction for me during tough times. I can watch a match they reminds me of when I was a kid, or I can just watch a 5* classic to take my mind off of things. When my mother passed away in 1999 (I was 14), I asked my dad to bring me to video update to rent a wrestling video. I rented wrestle mania 14 because I was there and knew it would bring back positive memories

  6. Just don't go inward. Try to hang out with some friends or something. Being alone might sound like the best thing, but it won't be. It will be the worst decision you can make. Being with people is what you need right now. Hope things work out for you.

  7. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighJune 14, 2014 at 12:10 PM

    Dan.... I'm 29 and went through a similar thing about a year ago. Keep busy, reconnect with friends. You will go insane just thinking about it. It hurts but it honestly gets better as time goes on.

  8. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 14, 2014 at 12:12 PM

    Much love to you guys. Means a lot. We can be perceived as a lot of things, but let them overlook us. There's so many good people here, good hearts, great advice, lots of life experience.

    I'll do my best to harness all of your good wishes and be strong.

    I'm hanging with some friends and having a few beers (sorry Bayless!). I need a few tonight and will not become dependent.

    Was ment to work 10-4 and deal with drunk England fans wanting a taxi. Glad i've called that off...

  9. Whatever you do, just don't blow her cell phone up with calls and texts. If you play it cool and give her space she will likely seek you out once she's over what she's going through.

  10. Christmas time last year my mom was given very poor odds of survival (was actually told 0% on december the 26th) and put into a medically induced coma.

    My friends are the only thing that kept me together. Marathoned Bacanno with a guy I'd been trying to make watch it for months.

    Spent christmas eve with my one of my best friend. She did a lot for me those few weeks.

    Got the gang together to play some poker (I cleaned up IIRC)

    In short, call up your friends and do what you like to do. You can't greive 24/7, and there is no shame in that

  11. Death has that effect sometimes. After my mom died, I also ended a relationship I was in. There weren't really any big problems or anything, things were just different all the sudden.

    I don't know what it is about it, but sometimes it just drives people apart, even good relationships. I think in my case her death just changed me -- I felt like a different person in the aftermath and spent a lot of time thinking about my priorities and values in life and sometimes you just need to go through that kind of personal metamorphosis on your own and outside of the context of a 'we'.

  12. Yeah, I can vouch for the "avoid drinking" thing. Maybe do it once to get it out of the way, but do NOT go to a strip club. It'll just bum you out more.

  13. if you are with friends, it might be okay and can cheer you up.

    Stay away from shots though

  14. for failed relationships it helped me more to "get it out". spend one or two days hearing sad cheesy love songs, watching sad corny love films and basically crying my eyes out. after that, my "recovery" starts (taking longer or shorter depending on the depth/length of the relationship).

  15. Wait, who'd we lose from the BoD? Not trying to be disrespectful, but I just wanna grt caught up

  16. Farva was killed in a car accident three weeks ago

  17. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 14, 2014 at 12:54 PM

    Oh my god, that's awful. Jesus. I'm so sorry to anyone here who knew him in real life.

    All I can say is I really liked the guy just from his posts, and I'll miss him. Fuck fuck. RIP Farva.

  18. The first woman I ever loved broke my heart. No, that's not right. She ripped it from my chest, chewed it up, spit it out, stomped all over it, and then kicked me in the balls with steel toed boots after I left everyone I loved and knew and moved to WV with her. I moved back to CA a year later, alone. I was so fucked up that I couldn't eat for 3 days.

    ME. Hoss couldn't eat for 3 days.

    5 years later, I met my wife.

    Is life perfect? Hell no. But I have a good woman I trust implicitly, and we've been together 14 years. Sometimes shit works out.

  19. After questioning his whereabouts, several of us did some google searches to find out that he was killed in an accident on May 22nd.

    Very sad news.

  20. This is a horrible bummer. I heard last night in the midsts of a mushroom trip and spent the entire night kinda pondering the idea of friends on the internet and how

    grief is weird.

    We can't really control it, and our immediate reactions to death often riddle us with guilt. When I heard of Mr. Farva's passing, literally the first thing that popped into my head after yelping "Jesus Christ" was "Did he turn out to be a real Doctor?" and I felt horrible immediately.

    I made the mistake of attempting to explain this blog to my family last night while still kinda shocked a bit. Upon hearing about the late Doctor, and letting out an audible "Jesus Christ!" after reading the news on Scott's Facebook, my family popped into my room, and I went on to explain 1) Who Farva was, 2) What this Blog was, and 3) What the IWC is, 4) What I did on the blog, 5) That I considered the people on here my friends. It was that last part that drew a raised eyebrow.

    I don't know if it's a creepy-internet-guy-lives-in-his-basement-kind-of-thing-to-say, but I consider this blog a mostly friendly place and the people on it I consider my friends. Your_Favourite_Loser, The Fuj, hell, even Caliber Winfield are all people that'll occasionally cross my mind in my day-to-day life for one reason or another - I saw the Expenadables 3 trailer in the theater the other day and thought right away "Caliber is going to cum himself". I consider Caliber a colleague, and Fuj's facebook is simply a blast to witness.

    Anyway, I'm rambling because this is such a strange thing. I don't know Farva personally, never did, never e-mailed him really, but he was a welcome presence and seemed like a good guy. I think we can all agree we'll miss him, and whatever that degree of 'missing' for each of us is different.

    Hopefully the legacy here, and the thing Farva leaves behind is that despite the fact he lived in Florida, he entertained and brought joy to a bunch of dorky ass wrestling fans across the world for quite some time - and not to borrow a cliche we unfortunately hear far too often, but maybe, just maybe, he has a front row seat in that great big wrestling ring in the sky, because if some of our favorite wrestlers are up there, a hardcore fan like Farva to entertain would certainly be welcome with open arms.

  21. Whoa... man. I feel so bad and I think I had one comment convo with the guy. Really sad. How'd the people here find out?

  22. I've been there. I spent most of my college career infatuated with a girl who gave more mixed signals than a mash up DJ. There was a single moment where I could have made a move, but she was hammered, had a boyfriend, and I figured anything worth doing was worth doing right.

    Which was a dumb fucking idea, but thankfully the regrets I have from most situations are from the mistakes I didn't make, versus the ones I did.

    Also, congrats on the 14 years of happy relationship. I find that the best way to find love is just to let it happen, wait for the right moment, sieze it, and hope for the best.

    This girl I was seeing - the selena gomez looking chick that I swear exists, it's clear we're not going to 'be together' officially, but versus racking my brain trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong, I just take the fun sexy adventures as they come, not so much worrying where things are going, but how good they are in the given moment.

  23. Meekin what are your feelings on our lost brother?

  24. I posted them below, but to TL;DR it, weird, bummed, surreal. I don't know the full details but..was he crossing a highway or something?

    Also I made the unfortunate mistake of heading to the NPP forums and found myself a bit disgusted. I figured those guys played rough or whatever, but Jesus Christ.

  25. Scotsman's whole deal was shock value, too bad Scott became way more relevant and has a community that dwarfs his. Scott's shit gets quoted on Raw, Scotsman's shit is dated 90's humor and it's funny that he has like 10 people that still post there and few a crossovers from here trying to be cool. A man lost his life, fuck your online mask and react as a human, not a fucking animal. c

  26. Sorry to hear, man. Maybe she'll have a change of heart after some mourning? I don't know. Best thing to do now is try not to focus on it too much and just do thins to keep your mind off it. Go out, do stuff, hang out with friends, etc.

    By the way, I'm sorry to all of you for not saying anything about Farva. I didn't really know how and I'm not really close with the community like I am others like Halforums. There, we had a recent death with a long-time member like Farva and it hit the whole community hard, too. So while I didn't know Farva or any of you very well, I know what that's like. Sorry to hear about his sudden death and I hope guys are all doing okay.

  27. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 1:15 PM

    Do I even wanna know what those asshats are saying over there?

  28. By the way, what's NPP? Is that the group that split off from the Scotsman forums? I've had a...couple of bad run-ins with those guys, to say the least. Though they did give me a preview of what Reddit or Anonymous are like. Kind of a pre-cursor of things to come. Helped make me a LITTLE more thick-skinned.

  29. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 1:19 PM

    "I know this isn't 'the place' to do this"

    Why not? Parallax, Warne, and thebrazilliankid probably know more about me than most of my close friends and relatives. Being able to vent shit to people I know, but don't really KNOW is often really therapeutic.

    Also, something something my ex is a bitch something something.

  30. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 1:20 PM

    Didn't think so. Caliber's take was bad enough.

  31. we need to have a beer at some point

  32. I know I'm gonna regret asking this, but where is Caliber's take?

  33. I estranged from a lot of family members let alone the ex. My advice is to deal with it all. Emotions, feelings, how you feel physically, mentally and even spiritually. Accepting the realities of my life helped me tremendously. Also, remember there is a huge difference in being related to someone and being family. I don't deal with a lot of people related to me but I'm continually surrounded by family.

  34. Are you in Boston?

  35. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 1:24 PM

    I think NPP is Scotsman's forum, but there's a whole sub-category basically dedicated to talking shit about the BoD regulars behind our backs. Dougie (as Osiris) and buckdiddy are all over that shit. I think Caliber posts there too.

  36. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 14, 2014 at 1:25 PM

    I lost my stepmother -- 45 years young -- last year to leukemia. Thankfully, the one consolation to a slow-acting disease is that you get enough time to make sure you say all the things you wanted to say and have no regrets. And in a mercifully thankful manner, she just passed away in her sleep one night; no long, hellish hospital stay with her in pain, she was able to leave peacefully. She was the fun, energetic one of my four-parent circle, so I never felt like I should've cried because that would've been counter to what she was, and as I quoted Michael Jordan talking about his father in my funeral speech, I was simply grateful for the time I did have with her. The only time I did at my funeral was the picture slideshow at the end, and seeing a pic of her and I together, the reality that we'd never share a picture again, she'd never see me graduate or marry (a running gag was that every time I'd be in contact with a girl, she'd ask to text her for me and proceed to grill me jokingly about every detail), never see her future grandchildren (in addition to the two infant ones she left behind who'd never have any great memories with her), and I broke down. Since then, I just try to carry on her fun-loving spirit with how I carry myself, and try to be there for my dad by staying in touch, since I'm 500 miles from home and he's basically alone now. It was the first meaningful death in my life and I still feel a hole every Mother's Day when I only have to call my biological mother.

  37. As a pretty inconsistent presence here, I don't have a ton to add, but I feel like it'd be somehow disrespectful not to say something.

    On Farva: He was willing to play the villain, and he knew how to take a joke. That may sound like a pretty week compliment, but it's the mark of somebody who's at peace with who they are and how they perceive themselves, and doesn't need to rely on the opinions of others to define their own self-worth. We should all be so lucky.

    Beyond that, he was a funny guy who stuck to his guns with a (digital) smile, and that's more than I can say for 99.99999% of people on the internet, so despite not having an intense personal relationship with the man, I can say without irony or sarcasm that I'll actually miss the Hell out of him.

    On Selby: Use the pain for something productive. If you're an artistic type, go make art. If you're an athlete, switch your workouts to two-a-days. Whatever it is you're passionate about, go do that until the pain fades, because you're gonna hurt either way, but eventually you're going to be past it and you'll either have used it for something or you won't. The right choice there is not the easy one, but then it rarely is.

    /Talbot's opinion

  38. Strange thing is we open up more to each other than we do to people we know in real life. Think about all the convos we have here. They run the gamut of sexist to enlightening, but none of them happen in person. So it's not strange to feel close to a person you connect with online

  39. Heh, I'm almost curious to see what - if anything - they've said about me.

  40. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 1:28 PM

    (Note: this is a copy-and-paste from cult's post in the BoD update, which itself was a copy-and-paste from what I'm guessing is Caliber's Shitbook page)

    "I know things get heated around here, but I truly wish no harm to any of you. I know I can't expect you guys to feel the same about me, which is my fault, I rated Shawn vs Taker from WM25 at about ***, so I deserve the death threats."

    Fucking prick... (that's all me).

  41. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 1:30 PM

    I scanned through it when I first heard about it and I wasn't mentioned, they seem to only pick on certain people, Cult is a favorite target.

    Feel free to look, but be warned that you have to sign up before you can even view the forum.

  42. Quite true. I was going to add to what you said but those are my thoughts exactly.

  43. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 1:36 PM

    Did your mom pull through? Also, what is Bacanno? Never heard of it.

  44. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 14, 2014 at 1:46 PM

    Very touching. Welling up. Thanks for sharing.

  45. Not shitbook, he put that in our live thread friday

  46. Detective work.

    Bayless goggled his name and obituary and found one matching the date of his last post.

    Someone found his sister on facebook and confirmed it after that.

  47. My mom recovered fully.

    Baccano is an anime. 13 episodes of immortal prohibition era gangsters, psycopaths, mayham, gore and laughs.

    It's around sex and wrestlemania 17 in terms of the greatest things ever.

  48. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 1:55 PM

    Really? How'd I miss that? And are we sure it's him? I can easily see one of the many (justified) Caliber haters posing as him just to stir shit up. Though that does totally sound like something he'd say.

  49. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 1:58 PM

    Glad to hear you mom's OK. Mine is probably going to outlive me, she's already survived a brain tumor and a really serious car wreck, and is in better shape than anyone I know.

    Anime just isn't my thing. I've tried, but can not get into it.

  50. I've been through a lot of things in my life as well. The loss of my father unexpectedly a few years ago (he's the one who introduced me to this whole wrestling thing when I was 4, I'm 34 now), I went through a divorce back in 2009, and basically hit rock bottom in terms of my life; and I also lost my grandpa during my senior year of high school (1998), so it's been rough.

    But since all of that I have gotten remarried to the absolute love of my life in 2013, my wife is amazing. I have a beautiful son, who will watch wrestling with me from time to time, usually late 80s WWF stuff.

    So the best advice I can give, no matter how hard it is, is just hang in there. Do things you like doing, rely on your friends and family to help out, and keep your head up. Don't give up on life or things that make you happy. People are there to help.

    Best wishes.

  51. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 1:59 PM

    Wait, did you get married to the chick that you divorced, or someone else? Not that it's any of my business, but fuck it, I'm bored.

  52. I understand completely, Dan. Pretty much the same thing happened to me about a month ago; it's hard, but you'll be better for it in the long run. I'm still recovering, I must admit, but I feel okay about it; the only thing that'll heal that wound is time.

  53. I got married to someone else.

  54. I hope you and your new wife can be happy for the rest of your lives together.

  55. Scotsman paid for Blog of Doom, post that on NPP.

  56. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 2:07 PM

    Ah, gotcha. I've found that getting back together with an ex never ends well.

  57. Very well said, Paul. We might bitch at each other sometimes, but in the event of a real tragedy, the community comes together in a very real way. The BoD is a strange, somewhat dysfunctional family, but a family nonetheless.

  58. Thanks I hope so too. She's an amazing woman. We also just bought a brand new house together so I hope it works out too. :)

  59. Cleveland area

  60. I understand how it is.My mom's friend died of cancer last year,I used to go to her house and play with her daughter years ago.It was really sad.

    You're right Dan,the BOD is this big family I guess.

  61. Buckdiddy's NFL thing is a fucking joke.

  62. Also during our wedding I got to come out to Ric Flair's music, not vetoed by the wife. And then later when we were introduced as husband and wife at the beginning of the reception, we came in to Real American. Yes, I'm a Hogan mark.

  63. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 2:10 PM

    I bet Scott and Scotsman get a good laugh about people thinking they hate each other.

  64. WOW.That's sound like a really fun wedding entrance.

  65. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 2:11 PM

    Buckdiddy himself is a joke.

    What NFL thing?

  66. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 2:12 PM

    That's fucking awesome. Sounds like a great woman.

  67. Jesus Christ, on the no Penis Provided main page he has some NFL column thing. Fuck me is it awful. I heard his blog is just as bad but I've never been drunk / enough to actually check it out. Sorry Scott became the star of Wrestleline but that is just how it is.

  68. Have you ever walked into a public restroom and smelt something so disgusting you immediately ran out gagging from the noxious fumes and later found it was 5 homeless people living in one of the stalls whom had been alternating between shitting and jerking off over each other?
    No? Well if you ever want to see what its like go check out npp.

  69. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 2:17 PM

    Who do people in San Diego constantly jerk off in public?

  70. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 2:18 PM

    Probably still better than anything written by Jemele Hill.

  71. For sure, it is all a work.

  72. Guys, just wanted to say I appreciate what a bunch of good dudes everyone here is, and that I enjoy the intelligent and funny conversations we all have here. Sometimes it's an enjoyable escape from the doldrums of real life.

  73. I lost my dad to cancer less than three years ago, we weren't in contact at the time and he never told me he had it, never sent a letter, never called, never tried to contact me. Or maybe he did and I missed it.

    My dad was dying of a terminal disease and I found out when he was dead.

    It was about a year before his death that we talked, I hadn't decided a major or even where to go to school, I'm the youngest of three brothers so I never had the opportunity to spend a whole lot of solo time with him and I never will.

    I'll never understand why he never told me, I'll never get a chance to talk with him again, I'll never get to ask him how to survive the perils of adulthood. There will always be this question mark in my life, and I try not to let it drive me mad but it'll always be there.

    I'm not trying to turn this into a pity party or a pissing contest about pain, your pain is recent and much more relevant than my three year old pain. My pain is my pain and your pain is your pain and your exes pain was her pain, and its not your job as somebodies partner to shoulder their pain. You need to support then but don't let the fact that they're miserable make you miserable.

    I can't understand why my dad didn't tell his children he was dying and I never will, but that was his decision that he made, I can only control my life and my happiness. I believe the same is for you. Focus on yourself, focus on what's real, don't worry about the wrong moves you made or the right moves you didn't make.

  74. I've said once,I'll say it again.Somehow this place helped get through depression.

  75. Its really nice outside all the time.

  76. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 2:21 PM

    Ok, lets lighten the mood a little bit:

    The guy blatantly tagging the fucking windshield of the tram at about 15 seconds in is awesome.


    Michael Elgin showing emotion.

  78. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 2:26 PM

    A few years ago 2 guys got busted having sex right on the side of the road around the corner from where I now live. In the middle of the fucking afternoon, alongside a really busy state highway. Would have hated to be the first cop to respond to that one.

  79. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 2:27 PM

    I would totally bang his wife.

  80. Dude.. I think we've all been there. My last real relationship was nearly 8 years ago. I got my heart broken by a girl that I was sure i was going to marry and it hurt like a motherfucker!! I was so depressed that I just laid in the bed for days on end not caring about anything. Then I got up, got pissed at her (and myself) and used that to motivate me. I swore off love and relationships and proceeded to bust my ass. These last few years have been some of the best in my life...

    Last year I started talking to a girl that I knew wasn't right for me, but because I was so lonely, I fell in love with her (or the idea of what she could be). We talked for months and I guess I thought she would eventually come around. Then it clicked.. she didn't want me.. I was only fooling myself. That started another depression bout that made me question what I was doing with my life and if I would ever have the same type of happiness in my personal life that I have in my work life.

    Then my business picked up (big time) and I got out of my funk. Two weeks later, someone responded to a personal ad that I posted up two years ago, we went out and now she's officially my girlfriend. She is pretty much the exact opposite of the girl I was crazy about two months ago, and I can't believe how fast we are moving, but it feels great to have someone that I can talk to for hours on end. Who know what will come of it, but I'm so glad that I went through that ordeal because it led me to where I am now.

  81. Wow, I haven't checked in for a while here, so i'm just reading the news. Pour one out for Farva, rest in peace.

    Advice? Live life, and be happy while you do it. There's really nothing else I can add to that.

  82. I looked through that thread once or twice, I think I was only mentioned once or twice.

  83. Somehow she thinks mullet guys are attractive.

  84. I'm about a year removed from a horrible 4 year relationship - abusive might be an understatement. She treated me like shit but was very good at manipulating me into thinking she was as good as it gets and her shitty treatment of me was due to various shortcomings of mine. I ended up finding out my father had terminal cancer and she wasn't exactly sympathetic about it. She really had no reaction, didn't ask about it, didn't ask how I was, etc, before eventually announcing that it would be inconvenient for her to have to go through my father dying with me. This to add to such other gems as "it's not realistic to think I'd turn a guy like him down for someone like you". One night she drank half a box of wine and started ranting and raving about life, eventually turning her anger to me and went on a ridiculous rant that wrapped up with "and that's why your father will die ashamed of you." I almost want to thank her for saying that because that as the moment where I realized she's the most hateful piece of shit I've ever known. My advice on the relationship front is that you won't miss the bad ones in time. I know it's easier said than done but just get through each day until the day you wake up and realize you don't give a shit any more - I know right now you can't imagine that day ever coming, but it will.

  85. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 2:31 PM

    Dude needs to shave his head and grow an evil goatee.

    He has to be leaving the PPV with the title, right?

  86. They're really building to it,it's the perfect time.

  87. Its just the actual posters there that are gross


    Jay Lethal is also showing personality.

  89. Were you the one who talked to Farva's sister of fb? What was that like? Seems like it would be soooo awkward.

  90. This wasn't quite the same. I was involved with the girl for a few years, and we lived together for at least 2. It just didn't work out in the long run, and it fucking hurt. I'd had one serious relationship before, but this was the one and only time where I can say I understood heartbreak, and what blues really is about, deep down in the pit of whatever my fucking soul may be.

    As for the one you didn't move on while she was drunk, there's really no telling what the consequences might have been. I really dislike "what if" scenarios.

    Thanks for the congrats. :-)

    And this Selena Gomez looking chick...she's not like, painted on your hand or anything, right?

  91. Oh god, that was mistake. I'll probably wait a few weeks before a take my next occasional looky loo over there. I really don't need to read the horrible shit I'm sure they are tripping over each other to say about a guy who passed on about 50 years too early at least.

  92. This is true to a degree, but it might depend on the person. I don't believe I've ever said anything here that I wouldn't or haven't with someone in "real life."

    But, this might be because my give-a-fuck truck often breaks down.

  93. For the past few years I wasted my time on one girl. She was lousy when it came to relationships. I have no idea why, maybe I didn't want to move on. So last winter I went to party at her house even though we barely had anything left. She chose to ignore me the whole time. I left and never looked back. It's funny because I don't give it a second thought now. The past two days made me appreciate this site even more guys. Thanks for that.

  94. I feel ya. But in general, I think guys are more comfortable opening up here than they would be in real life. If they were, these threads wouldn't exist.

  95. Just came on for the first time in a while and saw the news about Farva. I only interacted with him briefly a couple times before, but he was certainly entertaining. Enjoyed reading his discussions with everyone here. Very sorry to hear the news, both for myself and for all of you who have known him so well from here. My condolences to his family, friends, and everyone here at the BOD. R.I.P. Farva

  96. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 2:44 PM

    Lethal is another one of those guys that Vince is a moron for not giving him a shot.

  97. He's still young,he's 29.They can him no time.

  98. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 2:47 PM

    Really? I figured he was at least older that I am, maybe closer to 40.

  99. Yes that was me. It was pretty awkward at first. She didn't know that he was such a big wrestling fan and had no idea what this site was about. She was pretty cool about it, and it turns out we have a real life friend in common. She was supposed to post on the site last night, but she is not too familiar with disqus. She was surprised at how much her brother's death affected the blog and curious about how much we knew about him.

  100. Yeah.If they called him,it needs to be heel Jay,like he is right now with Martini.

  101. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 2:49 PM

    Yeah, no kidding. How would you even start that conversation?

  102. When I had my first ever real gf (not just some girl I got to hookup with or dated casually in highschool, I mean first true adult romance) I thought she was everything and I couldn't imagine life with out her. I felt like I could never feel that way about another person. When times got rough I was terrified to have it end because she was my world. This was supposed to last forever because why else would I feel this way?

    Then one day we broke and I thought I was going to die. My world had ended. I dreamed about her for weeks. It was torture. I was sick to my stomach. How could I ever go on. Then as time went by things slowly got better. But still how could I ever replace my one true love?

    Then I eventually got another girlfriend and I realized everything was exactly identical to my first relationship. We said the same shit to each other, I felt the exact same say about her as I did the other one. Then I thought to myself "oh wow this is all bullshit, same shit different toilet"

    Then I broke up with that one and got another one. Guess what, exact same feelings, same fights, same everything. My point is literally this is all in your head and interpersonal romantic relationships are completely replaceable and the more you go on date the clearer that becomes. It might seem like your world is ending but eventually you'll get another gf and it will be exactly the same. Like to the T dude. The one true love is completely false and that's based on people who have only had one real relationship and them got married. I've had several now and I swear to you its exactly the same.

  103. It helps that I'm pretty fearless when it comes to approaching strangers (unless I'm trying to pick up girls). I did some research first so that I could be sure it was her, then i told her what we knew about her brother and that I hoped it wasn't true. She was a little confused, but it worked itself out.

  104. If someone I didn't know randomly started asking about a dead relative right after they died, I'd honestly tell them to fuck off.

  105. I think I would to, but I was tactful and I was totally prepared for her to tell me that.. LOL

  106. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 14, 2014 at 2:53 PM

    This has been an issue that's been plaguing me the most, actually.

    I'm a lazy, weird motherfucker who loves pro wrestling, and motorsport, and she was totally accepting of that.

    I hear about all the shit some of my friends sometimes have to put up with from their partners, and I really worry that that'll be me, rather than being with the person who I truly hit it off with.

  107. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 14, 2014 at 2:55 PM

    So sorry to hear about that. That's absolutely awful.

  108. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 2:57 PM

    My first reaction would be "Who the fuck is this?" Hell, my father died a year ago, and I didn't recognize 95% of the people at his funeral. Guy talked to like 6 people, who the fuck were all the rest of the people there?

  109. I don't know if that's the case. The community would likely exist, and friendships built, which would lead to threads like this regardless of comfort level. You do have a point; many people say and do shit online they wouldn't in real live, but it's often a sign of who they really are, and not about being able to share or relate on an emotional level.

    Shouldn't you be dancing?

  110. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 14, 2014 at 3:05 PM

    That's the fucking best.

    It reminds me of talking to my now ex about our wedding, and I was adement that i'd wear a Dumb and Dumber tux at the afterparty/reception haha

  111. There's probably a lesson in there about not extrapolating big life lessons from the personal experiences of one person, though.

    I'm in a relationship now that does, in fact, feel different than any other one I've been in. We have the same dumb fights, sure, but even those are different. The insecurity that used to accompany those fights in other relationships- Does this fight mean she's leaving me? Does it mean I should leave her? Why spend my life with someone who's bitching about this kind of bullshit?- is absent now. We've been together for almost two years and it's become very easy to imagine spending the rest of my life with her, which is something that two years ago I'd not have wanted, before we started dating (I've actually known her for a really long time, she dated a friend of mine seven years ago).

  112. Shouldn't you be out oppressing people? I'm sure there are many minorities not having their civil right violated right now, better get on that. Don't want them feeling comfortable in this country or anything.

  113. Well its cruel world for a wrestling fan. I'd keep that under my hat until your dating formally but really its not like you need to list off every TV show you've ever watched to enter a relationship honestly anyways.

    You're a pop culture reviewer, an online blogger with a following. A writer. Yeah about wrestling but other stuff too so just play that card first and foremost.

    Dude I felt exactly the way you do right now. Hopeless, distraught, frightened, etc etc. What will I ever do without my babygirl??? Now im all alone, she was the one for me. Then I finally meant another girl I was in to (and don't be so out of your mind to think that in a world with 6 billion people there aren't tons of women who have a compatible personality with yours, think of how fucking illogical it is to believe that only one human being could identify with you) and we started going out I realized I felt the exact same way about her I did about the other one. I'm on my 4th long term relationship now and, Dan I fucking swear to god I could replace any day with any of those girls with another and its exactly the fucking same. Exactly.

    Its just biology, pure and simple. And its about protecting your caveman kids and wife so Dan Selby v 1.0 wouldn't leave his cave babies to get eaten by a saber tooth tiger. These feelings of separation you have are left over from survival instincts to get the human population going. That's fucking science dude. Its in your brain. Its not a real thing.

    Once you find another gf (and you will, online ratings or joining a club or whatever you gotta do) within a week or two you'll be having the exact same talks as you did when you first met your last gf. And then within a year the same fights, and the same feelings of attachment etc, and you'll say that fucking jobber was right on the money.

  114. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 14, 2014 at 3:13 PM

    This world needs jobbers.

  115. You're gonna obviously get along better with some people than others but the main frame is exactly the same. Also IMO the reason you lose some of that insecurity is because you see, oh hey this totally replaceable.

    I get the same exact same "miss you babe" texts at work or"hi" when were at party but separated for a bit. The exact same pillow talk, the exact same pissy bullshit, sure some like some of my bad habits more than others. Some were cool with me being a uber sports fan, some were twats about that but lower maintenance in other ways. But its the basic shit.

  116. Hey now. Hoss is not about oppression or violating the rights of minorities. Hoss is an equal opportunity hater.

    Besides, you're the one with the "Dancin'" as part of his nickname in Bayless' universe. It's not like I'm "Hatin' Hoss" or "Liberty Tramplin' Todd Lorenz."

  117. you are a profound motherfucker

  118. Regarding: "I know this isn't 'the place' to do this" - heck, why not? If we can talk baaaaack body drops we care surely talk about girlfriends. Sorry to hear about what happened. My wife's father drowned, and that was a tough one for us.

  119. yeah, the thing about there being just "one" true match/love/etc is just idealism to me at this point, and (unfortunately) people's ways of putting certain others on pedestals to justify our own interest in them, or the time we've invested in relationships (sunk cost fallacies.)

    I went through some of the same shit in college, then had my eyes opened by one of my mentors when I was working in my first job in an investment bank. Had someone explain to me the mentality of speed trading with portfolio diversity over drinks after work, using the dating game as an analogy. Suddenly it clicked and I wondered why the fuck I used to keep obsessing about just one person or another at one time in those crushes/relationships.

    Since then I've been a lot happier/more relaxed when it comes to relationships, and much less willing to take shit/be manipulated for sex. It's gotten much easier to leave sex on the table and walk out if sex is held up for a demand (happened to me twice in the last few years, and each time I've just been able to walk out with the trader's mentality that there's always something else out there that yields a good ROI.)

  120. Well, what's a black man if he can't dance? It's either that or a basketball gimmick. Not sure how you pull that one off though.

  121. This happens at least three or four times in your life buddy...before you know it some new girl will be making you feel awful all the time. It just gets easier with time. Hang in there for now and KEEP busy with something. It helps.

  122. Go watch 300 days of Summer. No homo. Its really good at portraying breakups and rationalizing them.

  123. she never posted???

  124. This is a valid point. But, I don't recall Ron Simmons or Ahmed Johnson dancing. I even dug Ahmed for awhile, until it became apparent that he couldn't really stayed healthy, and as I recall, had issues with hurting guys in the ring.

    Today though...yeah. How's your moonwalk?

    Well, you could be the midcard crazy acrobatics guy. I don't think Kofi shakes his groove thang.

  125. I know you don't want to hear this, but everything is going to work out. I have been with two different girls I honestly thought I was going to marry, and they both ended rather abruptly. One involved a tragedy involving her family, as well. Sometimes stuff like that just makes a person put a wall up, where they have no "room" in their lives for anyone else. This is a cliche, but it really is her and not you.

  126. no homo ARE YOU BEING A HOMOHPHONE??????

  127. Guys, we aren't allowed to have an opinion: An internet troll forum is watching us and criticizing our every move.

  128. Cancer sucks. I don't know what feels worse...watching my mom die of cancer slowly over 10 months or my uncle suddenly out of nowhere from a heart attack. Different feelings of awful.

  129. Sunk cost fallacy is a brilliant way to put that dude.

  130. if a person is into you, or likes you for a particular reason, it is amazing what he/she will put up with or ignore.

    If you're dating someone who's phenomenally good looking, but has absolutely god awful taste in clothes, loves shitty country/pop music and only watches Jersey Shore type reality crap, you'll still ignore it because you're physically attracted.

    The converse applies as well. If a woman is really into you for some reason (whether for your looks, money, social circle, whatever), she'll overlook a lot of flaws. I've been in situations where I dated/had fwb situations with women who were much more into me than I was into them, and I was at first amazed how easily they put up with shit like me wanting to watch wrestling or baseball instead of their preferred Glee crap, or my insistence on Iron Maiden as driving music, etc.

  131. Man Kofi doesn't even have a gimmick. He was Jamaican and then someone in creative said "that's confusing. Just make him black, it's a catch-all".

    There aren't many variants for black guy gimmicks. Let's see, dancer, tough guy, angry black man, buffoon and pimp. I think that about covers it.

  132. I'm pretty sure mickfoley is CAPSLOCKMAN, and I actually find him wildly entertaining.

  133. Sorry to hear that you went out with Ellie Hart, dude.

  134. Iron Maiden motherfucker, horns up

  135. Well, it could be worse. You could be TL Hopper or Outback Jack. Tough guy kind of goes across the board though, regardless of race.

  136. I was 25 when the girl I had been dating for 5 years and was engaged to dumped me on my birthday (which she had forgotten to throw more salt on the wound). When I was 33 I got married and today I'm 38 and happily married with two kids, things I couldn't possibly imagine happening back in 2000. For a while when I thought of my 25th birthday weekend I thought about that breakup; today when I think about that birthday weekend I think about how awesome a card Summerslam 2000 was and how much fun I had hanging out with my friends watching it, friends I still have to this day. I think I'm just saying what a lot of others on here are- eventually you'll get over it and move on. Hurts like hell now but better days are ahead.

  137. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 4:00 PM

    The guy that runs NPP, one of Scott's buddies, even though they like to act like they hate each other, one of those friendly rivalry things. This blog actually runs on Scotsman's server.

  138. There's a great bit of storytelling if Brock wins the strap and defends it every few months - it shows how hypocritical the Authority is concerning Bryan, since they allow Brock to keep the strap after stripping Bryan of the title for not defending it in a timely manner. Then, Bryan could return and call them out on it, and Trips can go on about how Brock is the epitome of an A+ player. The Authority refuses to give Bryan a title match, proving that Bryan was right to want to refuse to give up the title, Bryan wins the Rumble, faces Brock at Mania XXXI.

  139. B-B-B-B-B-B-BOOM!

  140. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 4:02 PM

    Remember how restrictive the comments on Wrestleline were? You couldn't use the word "ass", even if it was part of another word, like "assassin". Fuq that shite.

  141. Was commom sense media running Wrestleline?

  142. Man, I can't believe OfficerFarva is gone. Truly mind blowing. I wasn't his biggest fan but his absence was very noticeable within our community. I was starting to wonder why he was gone. May he R.I.P. It's really sad. I hope his family and friends are doing ok.

    Pretty astonishing that in this day and age, people who have never met each other can go and find out about other people's whereabouts. Crazy world we live in.

  143. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 4:04 PM

    CBS (the American TV network) Sportsline ran it, IIRC. Man, those were the dark days of the internet, 56k modems and shit.

  144. The way you word things make me laugh.

  145. Well, I guess there is Fandango.


    Fine. You can be the next Cena, as far as I'm concerned.

  146. What if every user except me is foley?

    *wears tinfoil hat, arms self with fire axe*

  147. Exactly! I care about aria a hell of a lot more than her and her whinning.

  148. I know. Several days ago, I was wondering what was going on with him. I thought he was just buys with work or whatever.

  149. Also didn't need pharmaceuticals to stay relevant.

  150. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 4:09 PM

    farva's guestbook is currently up to 7 pages. not work, everyone. hope his family is confused in a good way by it all

  151. I was hoping for that as well.

  152. And the legend of the thrown frozen water bottle.

  153. You top 5 handshake reference from yesterday makes me smile every time I think of it.

  154. Stranger in the AlpsJune 14, 2014 at 4:10 PM

    Dan, whatever you do, DO NOT...I repeat, DO NOT crawl into a dark corner and listen to "All By Myself" by Eric Carmen on repeat. I shit you not, I will drive to the UK and take you to the nearest fish n chips place and cram tartar sauce down your gullet.

  155. I was going to say you'd be breaking a barrier but Too Cool beat you to it and of course Fandango. How bout a Sinatra gimmick?

  156. So I get to overcome.......on your mom

  157. I saw his photo on the obit page. I had no idea he was Asian. He never brought it up.

  158. Great minds think the same.

  159. That is a perfect story especially with Trips and Heyman on the mic in the lead up. If D Bry struggles to come back Cesaro could be slotted in Bryan's place by complaining that he (Cesaro) does the heavy lifting for Heyman each week but Brock gets all the love and the belt.

  160. Lot of water to get through.

  161. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 4:12 PM

    you can, however, listen to "heat of the moment" as performed by eric *cartman* and congress

    or even "kyle's mom is a big fat bitch"

  162. I really did not like Too Cool. As for Sinatra, there is some dude in NXT that sings as part of his schtick.

  163. Lobsterhead said his condolences earlier.

  164. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 4:14 PM

    or he was like jerome from summer school

    he went to the bathroom and his zipper got stuck

  165. Anything but what we found out.

  166. Getting back with an ex is usually worse than it was in the first place. It never ends well at all.

  167. I didn't like them as heels but I got into them as babyfaces. They were fun if nothing else.

    I don't pay much attention to NXT, but I'm vaguely familiar with it from Scott's reviews. See there, white guys get to be everything.

  168. I didn't see any.

  169. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 4:18 PM

    what clinched it, though? i'm genuinely curious.

    i know all the evidence adds up and we have outside corroboration (scott having received nurmous e-mails from mark haas), but there's still a part of me that's saying "maybe it's not him," ya know?

  170. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 4:20 PM

    "I just realized that all of those years I spent in the 90's cold calling
    people doing market research surveys has finally paid off."

    i finally found you!!!

  171. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 4:20 PM

    they have a blatant "fear the beard" dbry shirt with "fear the mullet," same color and design, all of it

  172. Farva said he lived in Tampa, the accident was around the area, unless he makes a surprising appearance, I think it's pretty clear he's gone.

  173. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 4:21 PM

    i know :(

  174. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 4:22 PM

    "Who do people in San Diego constantly jerk off in public?"


    lol. great typo

  175. Why you'd change his avatar to yours? You just gave me false hope for a second.

  176. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 4:24 PM


    people often think of me in order to remind themselves *not* to think of me!

  177. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 4:25 PM

    was reading through the comments in this thread, and when i got to a post by hoss, it made me realize that farva was our own *haas* of the BoD

  178. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 4:26 PM

    do you ever come to pitt for shows?

  179. When listening to Big Show on Steve Austin's podcast, considering what he was doing and what he was getting paid it really sounds like a sore spot with him.

  180. this. this. this. this. 1000x this.

  181. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 4:28 PM

    you were all ready to drink water last night. he can use you to clear a path

  182. I would suggest Forgetting Sarah Marshall and booze. You'd be amazed how good that movie is at exercising demons.

  183. I prefer Taco Flavored Kisses.

  184. Jesus Christ you changed your avatar and for a second I thought I was having a stroke.

  185. I'm doing a homage.

  186. That didn't turn out so well for Cory Feldman.

  187. Dude, no kidding, parallax and I were talking about it last night. You could come in handy as an investigative reporter the way you got all that together.

  188. I think Scott made that point in his review of The Rise and Fall of WCW DVD: Giant just keeps mentioning Hall and Nash's salary over and over and over again, and there's never any acknowledgement of how damn successful Hall and Nash made WCW.

    Then again, I think Giant made pretty good money in WCW and didn't work any harder than those guy (at least not beyond mid-1997, anyway) so I wonder if he wasn't just saying what the WWE producers wanted him to say in pimping the WWE version of the story that WCW only overtook them using the equivalent of a pump and dump strategy.

  189. Check out the link hbenton posted below. It's how he really feels. He's upset about the payouts but how would he feel if everyone refused to work with him over the spot he was handed? It's the one thing he never mentions or acknowledges.

  190. Changed how? Just curious, as I haven't heard that before.

  191. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 14, 2014 at 5:50 PM

    I think the Oberyn/Shawn comparison was the best.


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