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MeekinOnMovies On....Why Are You All Dicks To Me?

But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the *new*. The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations.

Mayhaps it's time I stood up for myself. I'm not trying to go crazy, or lash out, or condescend to anyone, and I'm only going to do this once.

The value of a critic, especially a critic in today's day and age, isn't to tell you what to see or what movies are worth your money. With the way film works now, seeing a movie early and first and spoiler free is almost always the way to go.  A critic is about validation, or lack there of. Seeing a movie everyone says is good - like Argo, having a negative reaction, and finding someone paid to think and write about film who agrees with you is what people go for now. Which is fine.

I've been watching movies / playing games quasi professionally since 2010.  You can find all the movies I had to review for that movie review show I made, here. I've been writing creatively more or less since 2001.  Recently I've been paid to do so, decently well, for a website I won't mention else be labeled a shill. Before that I was paid decently well to manage the work and writing and 'legacy' of Roger Ebert, and before that it was pro-bono.

My point is that it's clear I'm not handsome enough, popular enough, rich enough or confident enough to be taking any of this lightly or to be doing it because I only got lucky. Yes, I lucked into some great chances, but I made the most of them, and if my pile of student loans and general output doesn't tell you I love media in all its forms - movies, games, television, books, theater - you're nuts.

Of The AFI top 100 movies I've seen 61 of them, and naturally countless more not on the list. I've been on film sets, edited short films, whether or not any of the results are good, the fact I've done it, and had my hands in it, I've seen actors blow up at Directors over their lines, I've rigged up PVC pipe to create the illusion someone puked all over their boyfriend.

Being on set, and doing these things, and understanding the work and nuance and patience and strife that goes into making a film, even a BAD one, is the difference between some guy who watches a lot of movies and someone who feels qualified to speak about them on a larger level.

And I am qualified to speak about them.  If you don't think I know what I'm talking about, I'm willing you bet you haven't read much of what I wrote. And in fact, to prove it, if you respond to this post without using the codeword pumpkin kitten, I'm going to assume you skimmed over this, too, and just like giving me shit because it's the internet and being mean on the internet is a wonderful way to fill whatever voids you have in your life when it comes to assertiveness, directness, clarity, and insecurity.

Similarly, if you think that somehow missing a 'classic' movie makes me a fraud, you're a dope. You tell me to go watch Armageddon again? I was god damn 12 when that movie came out.  You say it's terrible that a movie 'expert' hadn't seen Apocalypse Now? Why the fuck do you think I got around to seeing it? There are holes in everyone's catalog, Roger Ebert is missing reviews for quite a few popular flicks, and I'm sure the guys on ESPN or Fox Sports haven't seen every 'great' football or baseball game, just like every famous chef hasn't had every single 'great' dish from across the globe.

Shit, there's stuff Scott Keith hasn't reviewed, lets all call him an idiot.

If you want to challenge me on something I say about a movie or a game or TV show, if you disagree with me that I think something is good or bad or bad in the best way, that's fine, but getting personal so quickly and so immediately is a sign of insecurity and often times jealously. If you truly had a point you wouldn't need to call me an idiot to do it. If you truly cared about what I said or about engaging with me, or anyone else on a human level, you would not need to resort to cheap shots and dumb insults I've heard millions of times before.

If you take one thing away from this over-long and pretentious and pissed off rant, let it be this: If you don't think I mean well, you're nuts.

But damn it is hard to care about you assholes when everything I say, or type, or write is disregarded in favor of cheap insults about my weight or voice - all things I'm keenly aware of and have heard thousands of times before and bring up often. You think a person who writes on the internet doesn't have thick skin? You think a fat guy isn't used to being called fat? Why call me terrible, then answer the question anyway?

So why am I telling you all this when surely I shall be met with vitriol and scorn and general internet dickwadary, becuase I guess I'm an optimist. Despite the generally horrible and terrible things you all say about me, I maintain that behind each of those words and usernames and hollow insults is someone who's an actual human being with hopes and dreams and fears and insecurities and is just as much a person as anyone else.

I do not understand why, for the life of me, I am met with this insanity. Is it because I'm on a wrestling blog writing about stuff that isn't wrestling? If that's the case, fine, I guess, but I don't go to 411mania or and complain when those outlets cover something other their chosen fields.

At best I like to think I provide a point-of-view that ISN'T uber movie expert guy who has seen everything and knows everything, because I'm not.  I like to think I know a little about a lot. A bit about writing, a bit about subtext, lighting, tone, pacing, theme, pathos, ethos, and so on. If you read my stuff and think I come across like a know it all, read what I've done again with an open mind. It takes a lifetime to become an expert, I'm *four* years in.

Everything's subjective, and when it comes to art there are no right or wrong answers.  That's what I try to say, that's my voice. That's what I think of when I review something - does a movie have value for all people, certain kinds of people, or no one at all. Can someone who's not a super heady cinema snob enjoy movie X? Then I'll suggest seeing it. If a movie is so far up its own ass that you REALLY need to get over the eye roll and pretension.

The only absolute is that negativity doesn't do anyone any good. I'm on here because I swear to god I'm trying to entertain and spark discussion, especially when seemingly everyone is actively miserable about the WWE, it would make sense to have something a little less depressing to chat about, right?

Maybe misery loves company.

Love my QOTDs, hate my QOTDs, love my reviews, hate my reviews, love me, hate me, the fact remains I'm never boring. I'm not on here asking the same questions about god damn Lex Luger or Hulk Hogan or Triple H being an asshole, and clearly I spark SOMETHING in most people here, but maybe I'll take off for a bit, maybe I won't, who knows. Regardless, a little civility goes a long way.

Oh, and one last thing on that whole knowing what I'm talking about thing -  I brought a reference:


Interview with Quvenzhané Wallis from Paul Meekin on Vimeo.


  1. tl;dr

    We like our meltdowns only a few paragraphs long please.

  2. It's Caliber all over again.

  3. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 20, 2014 at 1:21 PM

    [Madd Rapper]...tell 'em why you mad, son!! Tell 'em why you mad!![/Madd Rapper]

  4. AverageJoeEverymanJune 20, 2014 at 1:22 PM

    Sombody had to have placed a bet on Meekin as next right?

  5. I'll oblige: Pumpkin Kitten:
    I have never had a problem with Meekin and thought it was all part of a big joke. I know several top posters are generally annoyed by Meekin but I don't think it's worth snapping over.
    Scott Keith has had a lot of shit written about him and he still keeps an awesome blog.
    Meekin, if this is your last post here, I do wish you the best of luck.

  6. You just got to do what you do if that's what you do.

  7. This reminds me of when Monica became the head chef at Alejandro's. She hired Joey so she could fire them in front of the whole staff. She then got marinara sauce dumped all over her and JUST as she was about to quit and start crying, Joey stepped up and took his fake firing like a man. Monica slowly gained the respect from her peers.

    The morale of the story here is that you need to hire a Joey to yell at and scream at in the comments section. I'll be that Joey, but you have to pay for my WWE Network subscription.

  8. You mention Roger Ebert more than Jesse Baker mentions rape.

  9. It's fun to give you shit. Beyond that, I don't know.

    My main point, though, is don't do posts like this. Think of how many years Chris Hyatte and his weirdo fanbase abused Scott on just about every level. He no-sold it like a champ. When it came out that Hyatte had been duped for some time by some guy claiming to be Missy Hyatt, Scott could have rubbed his face in it, but did something worse: he treated Hyatte the proper way, like he was beneath notice.

    Just do what you do. As Joey "Coco" Diaz always says, "It's a beautiful day to be alive. Why fuck around?"

  10. Pumpkin Kitten, baby, I like your work. I've been reading and posting on Scott Keith related websites years? I dunno...but it just seems like all the people not named Scott Keith eventually go through a phase where the blog commenters just tear them apart for a while.

    I don't know, just don't take it personally. They're just trying to get your goat and haze you...kinda like all the stories of the WWE locker room.

    I've done a fair bit of work on cartoons and movies and it's much harder to do it than talk about it. Just keep working at all that you do and don't let these guys get you too upset.

  11. "If you take one thing away from this over-long and pretentious and pissed off rant, let it be this: If you don't think I mean well, you're nuts."

    I took away a few things, and that isn't one of them.

  12. Your first line nails it on the head. And at least Meekin was (emphasis: WAS) game, unlike Caliber and his Punkish fits.

    Sometimes, playing into the joker's hands only gets your face covered in feces.

  13. Scott never gets enough credit for how well he handled Chris Hyatte.

  14. Something tells me Meekin typed this up BEFORE he posted today's QOTD.

  15. Also, Can we Threadjack this post for France-Switzerland and Honduras-Ecuador chat?

    No? Damn.

  16. Best use of a reference ever!

  17. It's the internet. That's why people are dicks.

  18. All I read was "PLEASE LOVE ME... WHY DOESN'T ANYONE LOVE ME???"

  19. Dude, I was shocked that you hadn't seen Apocalypse Now, but I didn't rip you apart for it or hold it against you. Sheesh. I read most of your stuff on here, and for the most part it's good, just don't go have a Caliber worthy meltdown. Especially if a few people don't like your writings or whatnot. Sure some of the QOTD stuff is a little wired, but who the hell cares. You gotta Road Warriors (mid-80s level) no-sell the criticisms dude.

  20. Yeah, not really sure where all the hatred for you comes from, I feel complete indifference.

  21. For the last god damn fucking time....Fuck Soccer!!!!!

  22. I'm glad that Costa Rica won and put us (England) out of our misery rather than dragging it out to Tues.

  23. I love the avatar. UNC!!!

  24. AverageJoeEverymanJune 20, 2014 at 1:41 PM

    JaMeekin me crazy!

  25. Here you go, pumpkin kitten.

    Dude, seriously, water off a duck's back. Up until this post, you took everything like a champ. Fuck everyone else for teasing you, you went on to do what you do and haters be damned. That's the way to go.

    Are there people who don't like you? Maybe. But fuck 'em, who cares. Post what you want to post, enjoy what you enjoy and don't bother with anyone who belittles you, insults you or rants against you.

    Everyone here has done something that's gotten them ripped apart. Most of them tuck their tails between their legs and run. You kept on keeping on, and I respect that. Treat it like a joke, keep laughing behind their backs and enjoy life.

    Everything else is bullshit.

  26. This seems like more of a botch than a shoot.

  27. Meekin you're our top heel now. And this post solidifies it. Bravo.

  28. I know that *I* would totally melt down... Thank god everybody here loves me!! (everybody loves Bo!!) :D

  29. Actually, I'm impressed you haven't melted down, too.

  30. Meekin, can you recommend any good board games? (serious) I'm going on vacation and need something to play with the family.

    Also, don't take everything so seriously. It's all in fun spirit.


  32. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJune 20, 2014 at 1:54 PM

    Who is this Roger Ebert guy and has he ever done anything Australia-related?

  33. You know what episode was really funny? The one where Ross and Joey accidentally nap together...and enjoy it.

    JOEY: I wanna do it again!
    ROSS: We can't.
    JOEY: Why not?
    ROSS: Because it's weird!

  34. He probably reviewed Crocodile Dundee at one point.

  35. Damn. That's a low blow, and fucking hilarious.

  36. You're a professional movie reviewer who had never seen fucking Apocalypse Now until yesterday. What kind of baseline or taste in movies so you fucking have bro? I'd expect a movie reviewer who wants to be taken seriously to have seen every major film made by great directors. How can I take that seriously? I don't have anything agaisnt you as a person and until I think I've enjoyed how you no sold any critiques but your head is up your ass re:film.

  37. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 20, 2014 at 1:57 PM

    how *you* doin'?

  38. I just read the headline and now I'm reading the actual article.......oh damn......

  39. Does everyone who has a guest column on this blog end up going crazy?

  40. What an unfortunate coincidence.

  41. It's the curse of the QOTD.

  42. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 20, 2014 at 2:00 PM

    What in the holy blue fuck is this?
    I mean, WOW.
    Pumkin fucking kitten.

  43. When it comes crashin' down and it hurts inside...

  44. Mayhaps you should cut him some slack.

    Seriously, starting this rant with "mayhaps" really sums up a lot of my Meekin hate. He's. Very unlikeable. His opinions on Armageddon and not knowing the difference between a botch and a shoot just show he doesn't know what he's writing about. And he's trying to put himself out there as a knowledgable source. He's not.

  45. That's so funny. If I was this Paul Meekin I'd frame that story and put it on my wall

  46. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJune 20, 2014 at 2:02 PM

    What a movie :')

  47. I love that BODer's end up breaking the special guest columnist. Meekin truly living his Caliber moment right about now.

  48. Nobody likes movie critics, Meekin. You should know this.

  49. (Must not make Farva joke... must not... oh fuck it, I've got worse reasons for heading downstairs after I die anyway)

    Yeah, the QOTD has even been linked to a fatality.

  50. "First Prime....then Ultra Magnus...and now, you. It's a pity you Autobots die so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now".

  51. Umm...Apocalypse Now sucked!

    wrong thread?

  52. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 20, 2014 at 2:04 PM

    i do think a lot of times there's a lot more vitriol spewed towards people than is necessary

    the actions of some people like mroberts and reneke indicated they were baiting the readers, and then when it became overwhelming they realized they were too far in

    i don't see that in meekin, though, in terms of trying to bait people. he's just doin' his own thing. i haven't agreed with all of it and agree that sometimes discretion is the better part of valor, but he's a genuine smiling face around here who just is in his own world part of the time

  53. Oh yeah I forgot about that Armageddon thing. I'm just a mere movie fan. Nothing more. But seriously this guy Meekin has no fucking clue about movies.

  54. I'm not trying to dump on Meekin but I actually agree with you (without the profanity). I'm a professional screenwriter who started late in the game and didn't go to school for any creative writing or cinema. But once I started writing, I made it my point to see almost EVERY classic film I could possibly get my hands on so I could learn and appreciate the craft better.

    I think for someone who claims to be a pro movie reviewer and not see Apocalypse Now is just baffling to me.

  55. He might be somewhat knowledgeable on movies. But if I wanted that, I'd go to IMDB, or some other movie forum. Going sideways at times is fun, but if you don't have a decent wrestling base, you're in the wrong neighborhood.

  56. This thread needs about 2000 more posts before Meekin reaches Caliber caliber.

  57. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 20, 2014 at 2:05 PM



  58. You have one of those knives, right?

  59. The profanity is just to highlight my exacerbation with his movie knowledge and not to really curse him out.

  60. AverageJoeEverymanJune 20, 2014 at 2:07 PM

    probably "Young Einstein" as well

  61. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 20, 2014 at 2:07 PM


    you're why they can't have nice things!

  62. Please do a Caliber breakdown.

  63. I know, I know! I'm a hypocrite! 8 (

  64. Here's my response to your lengthy blog post. You seem to turn Scott's blog into your own little power hour whenever you post and Caliber did the same damn thing. You try way too damn hard to be liked and it shows on here. Just be cool baby and not try too hard. I want to discuss wrestling and just shoot the bullshit not read about how YOU need to pass a drug test or whatever else YOU think we should talk about which in essence is mainly about YOU. You turn Scott's blog into your OWN BLOG whenever you post.

    Now you call yourself a film critic, yet have never seen a film such as Apocalypse Now until like yesterday. It shows that you do not thoroughly do your research and do not watch films that are considered the greatest by critics in order to improve your game or seek films to basically improve your critiquing skills. You act like you know things when you don't and get butthurt when people call you out on it.

    (in a Forrest Gump voice) And that's all I have to say about that.

  65. You want to know about movies don't start with him.

  66. I hear ya. I hope he at least watched The Godfather.

  67. I have not seen any of the Godfather movies. But then I wouldn't put myself out there as an expect of the sort.

  68. Agreed. I enjoy that guy who reviewed Legends House. People would criticize his style and he'd shrug and be like, "Eh, whatever".

  69. AverageJoeEverymanJune 20, 2014 at 2:09 PM


  70. You got the got the powerrrrrrrr....

  71. You're on the wrong planet dude

  72. Fuckin A Right! Get'm Meekin!

  73. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 20, 2014 at 2:11 PM

    whatever planet it is, i bet it's not cybertron

  74. You should. The first two are fantastic. The so much.

  75. Fair enough. Do yourself a favor though and watch 1 and 2. Three you can skip.

  76. Three does not deserve the hate people have.It as good as the first two.

  77. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 20, 2014 at 2:12 PM

    are you that dude from 'the road warrior'?

    you are, arent you?

  78. Meekin needs to be actively fighting people down here for that to be true.

  79. I have all three as a set. I have never once put the third in my DVD player. Girlfriend tried once, said she wanted to complete the trilogy. I threatened to break up with her if she did.

  80. Um. No. It's really not. This isn't even subject to opinion. You may as well say that Jaws 3D was as good as the original Jaws.

  81. Get the fuck out of here. What movie did you watch?

  82. It's not a terrible movie...but it's not as good as the first two.

  83. LLOL Ok, the third film isn't *that* bad. No need to break up with a broad over it.

  84. Lord Humungus

  85. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 20, 2014 at 2:14 PM

    that's not a no!

  86. I didn't want to taint my PS3. I was afraid the movie had cooties.

  87. Didn't Sid use that gimmick for awhile?

  88. Yeah, starting out in Memphis, I think.

  89. Sure,Pacino overacts too much and let's not forget Sofia Coppola.But there's a nice story about Michael trying to find redemption but never reaches.I think the hate for the film is partially through that,it's frustrating experience.

  90. C'mon. It's worth watching just for the final scene where Michael dies.

  91. He's a cat who fucks pumpkins? That's one of the more imaginative insults I've heard.

  92. Just reading further are not qualified to speak as an expert in film at all. You hooked up pvc pipe to make puke and worked with Ebert but you don't understand or appreciate great film. I know I've argued with you about other movies you hadn't seen also. Do what you want to do man, but don't tell me I can't trash you for blatantly laying a turd.

  93. I laughed when he collapsed out of the chair. Does that make me a bad person?

  94. Did you read this whole thing. Its very close.

  95. Pretty sure I've seen a match with that gimmick vs Jake Roberts. Jake was wearing red or orange pants, and won by DDTing him on a chair, after the first DDT didn't do the trick. Cause, you know. Mask.

  96. That's why I'm asking for him to calm down!

  97. Nah. It's funny, in an ironic sort of way.

  98. Yeah, that's how I bought them on DVD, the three movie set with the DVD of extras. Damn well worth it.

  99. Is this Meekin's Charlie Reneke moment?

  100. Who gives a shit that you interviewed Quvenzhané Wallis? She's a cunt.

  101. Who picked Meekin for the first post Caliber meltdown?

  102. and...the BoD has a new insult to use. I like it.

  103. Oh I think that movie sucks. That made Michael into a completely different person and didn't offer up a acceptable explanation for why.

  104. Goodfellas is like Godfather on crack. If you saw that one, Godfather will bore the hell out of you.

  105. Dude, nobody gives a shit about your value as a critic. You are missing the point.

    Your job here is to provoke WRESTLING discussion on a WRESTLING blog.

    You are a near-complete failure when it comes to this task and you are so blind to it that you think your role as a CRITIC is why people take offense to you.

    I'm sure you're a fine critic. But go do it where people need a FUCKING MOVIE CRITIC.

  106. Farva's body literally melted down though.

  107. Oh absolutely. Love the special features in that set.

  108. I've seen a lot of the vitriol pointed towards this guy but after that "Blog Otters" crap I stopped paying much attention to his posts.

    I'm surprised. He seemed to do a good job shrugging it off but it seems Apocolypse Now was the breaking point.

  109. The horror.

    The horror.

  110. Well it would help if he would watch films that show he has credibility in the films he critiques.

  111. Is that his job here? Did Scott not mind him providing this kind of discussion?

  112. I've seen every almost great or classic film and I'm just a movie fan. I'm 32 but I had seen all these movies before I was 21. You just have shitty taste and watch trash like Armageddon.

  113. Pumpkin kitten?

    Meekin, you've been trolling people for months with Blog Otters, unneeded stories about your sexual history, the fact that you dealt with Roger Ebert and turning too many of the QOTDs into your own personal playground to write TLDR things. And you've openly admitted to playing it up too along with your shameless and grating self promotions.

    So now you're upset this has shockingly caused people to not like you? Come on.

  114. So this is some shit that happened? How many meltdowns does this make? Is anyone keeping track?

  115. Scott did tell him to cool it when he did a QOTD that involved him talking about a three way

  116. At this point I'm sure Scott keeps him around as a form of hate deflection.

    It sure seems to be working. I LOVE to hate Meekin. It's transcended X-Pac heat and reached XPW hate.

  117. I don't think a film critic, especially an Internet film critic, needs to have seen every "great" film by a certain age.

  118. I'm the same way which is why I never post much in the QOTD or other threads like that. I come here to talk about wrestling. Not movies, not how to pass a drug test, not anything like that. I'm just here to talk about wrestling.

  119. M. Robert. Caliber. Reneke. Some guy who used to review WCW shows and then went to 411. The book review guy.

  120. Forgot about Cucch. Did he tapout too?

  121. Its not just QOTD... this place has been meltdown central for years


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