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Minor Smackdown spoiler

Just in case you’re really anal about this, a minor Smackdown spoiler follows the break…

So apparently whoever had “You people don’t deserve an explanation” as the first promo for Seth Rollins’ heel run in the pool, you may collect your prize.  I don’t think we expected anything else, really. 


  1. I'll wait for Raw to kill them for this. No reason to burn Rollins' big promo on Smackdown.

  2. From the way the spoilers read it seemed Rollins was, unsure of himself?, or something. That's the vibe I got.

    Plus he was still wearing his Shield gear so there's that.

  3. I'm more interested to hear Ambrose now anyway.

  4. I never pay attention to the opinions of the people who recap these things.

  5. “You people don’t deserve an explanation”

    They had a full day and thats what they came up with. The WWE Writing Staff ladies and gentlemen.

  6. He wasn't being critical or praising, just observing. And you're right, might as well not blow the explanation on Smackdown. Just have Reigns and Dean come out and say "You owe US an explanation dick" or something similiar.

  7. This. I actually wasent expecting him, Hunter, Rollins or Ambrose to even be on the show

  8. If it happened on Smackdown, it probably wasn't important

  9. I honestly thought that Smackdown was converted to being a RAW highlight show years ago. I hadent even watched it since the Jeff Hardy/CM Punk angle and had to be informed by someone here a few months ago that it is indeed still a wrestling program with matches and what not

  10. It was "The Shield knows why I turned on them."

  11. Here's the full spoilers of the Rollins part

    "SmackDown opens with Triple H and Seth Rollins coming to the ring to the Evolution music. Rollins is still wearing his gear. Fans boo Rollins and call him a sell out. Triple H says he told us he wins. Rollins takes the mic and our correspondent says he seems cockier than usual but a little hesitant. Rollins gets a lot of heel heat here but says only he knows why he turned on The Shield. Dolph Ziggler interrupts to a pop. Ziggler calls Rollins a sell out and Triple H seems amused by Ziggler coming out. Triple H announces Rollins vs. Ziggler tonight and Rollins looks at him like he wasn't expecting that."

  12. Stranger in the AlpsJune 3, 2014 at 10:21 PM

    They forgot him at that convenience store in Tupelo after a show.

    You ever get stuck in Tupelo?

  13. Stranger in the AlpsJune 3, 2014 at 10:32 PM

    But yet Tommy Hall's Smackdown recaps get more comments than your 1986 WWF shows.

    You got e-book money, Brian?

  14. Here's what I don't get about WWE fans and Smackdown: It seems like fans constantly complain about Smackdown being uneventful and unimportant, but when WWE does put something significant on Smackdown, fans criticize WWE for "wasting" the moment on Smackdown.
    So to poll the crowd here: Do you want important things to happen more often on Smackdown, or not?

  15. I think it'd be a mistake to add a new member to The Shield but if they absolutely HAVE to, the clear best choice is Bad News Barrett.

  16. Seth always seems unsure of himself on the mic.

  17. No, it is a taped show nobody watches.

  18. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighJune 3, 2014 at 10:36 PM

    I would assume it would be someone kind of off the map. Nothing clear about that choice IMO, he is doing his own thing and doesn't seem like a fit at all

  19. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighJune 3, 2014 at 10:37 PM

    Yeah I wasn't expecting any angle advancement until monday

  20. Stranger in the AlpsJune 3, 2014 at 10:38 PM

    People watch, but there is generally no storyline advancement. Lately, it's been about 7-8 quick matches, with recaps of RAW.

    Up until recently, you could find at least 2 solid *** to ***+ matches on the show. I still watch mainly for the matches themselves. If you want your angles to advance, then it's not the show for you. You won't miss anything by not watching, really.

  21. Hey, if it's good enough for Stone Cold, it's good enough for Seth Rollins!

  22. Ladies and gentlemen, the newest member of The Shield is...Booker T!

  23. It won't happen now that he's getting big on his own, but Cesaro would've been awesome with The Shield.

  24. But you know WWE is still going to try to get people to watch. They're not going to throw in the towel and accept that "nobody watches."

  25. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighJune 3, 2014 at 10:42 PM

    True. He would of added some ass kickery. Dolph has spent to much time being the "show off" to fit in with a group that is all business like the shield, or else I would of wanted him in there. I'm intrigued on the possibilities this opened up however

  26. No, just a regular job that pays decently

  27. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighJune 3, 2014 at 10:43 PM

    Agreed on that. Love when recappers can't help but try to be body language doctors and say who was "over"

  28. My girlfriend thought that was an excellent segment.

  29. Seth Rollins is forming a new faction called the Bulwark.

    Meanwhile, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns are splitting into Shield Red and Shield White.

  30. Stranger in the AlpsJune 3, 2014 at 10:46 PM

    Big man right here.

  31. ^^^^^^

    C+ player

  32. That's hilarious, but totally understandable.

  33. Hmmm, I wonder if he hates the fans and will call us all jealous losers next? SMELL THE UNEXPECTED.

  34. Hopefully it was intentional and he isn't degrading back to his Tyler Black days cause oh man he was AWFUL back then.

  35. I said in the other thread that the ideas for the heel turn being tossed around this board would be better than what the writers had in store for us. Damn those lazy sons of bitches.

  36. Why would Ric Flair pick him?

  37. It's their go-to for any major heel turn and has been for many years.

  38. Short version: Not as Smackdown is presently treated.

    Important things should happen on Smackdown IF there were things that were relatively exclusively to Smackdown that mattered (e.g. the US Title) and Raw did a better job promoting the show: remember how the post-PPV Raws would have a segment with the World Heavyweight champion and then run a generic Smackdown commercial like "Did X retain the title?" Wasn't Bo Dallas' debut on Smackdown, only for the exact same segment to be repeated on Raw? I honestly don't know because I haven't paid attention to Smackdown (even reading the summaries/spoilers) in a long time.

    That said, if "no one" watches, then why not have Rollins do a test run: if it's good and gets heat, then show clips on Raw and have him do a short backstage with Renee; if he rambles (as he sometimes does), then just ignore it and do a better, more complete version on Raw. Sure, it will be repetitive for those that do watch Smackdown/read the website, but a lot of Rock/HHH era promos would spend a few minutes summarizing what happened on the previous show even when there was more audience overlap.

  39. I like that they occasionally put important things on there. ADR vs. Big Show title change and Orton/Bryan/Kane finally beating the Shield for their first 3 man loss were good "gets" for Smackdown.

    The only way to make it important is to put important things there.

  40. Well, that's one way to ruin character development.

  41. I'm all for this if this leads to Daniel Bryan/Reigns/Ambrose vs. the New Evolution.

  42. Mississippi isn't hell, but you can see hell from there.

  43. And if it WAS important they'll redo it shot for shot, beat for beat on Raw.

  44. Well guys, he really doesn't owe us any explanation

  45. I smell a rehash of the Shawn/JBL story, where Rollins did it for monetary reasons - not so much greed, but he's in some sort of financial bind. The spoilers noted his promo seemed nervous and forced, which if it's not just him being an average speaker, could be his character 'saying as he's told'.

  46. Meh, half the time I forget SmackDown even exists. The important stuff is what happens on Raw.

  47. Exactly. People say they don't watch SD because nothing happens, but then when something does happen, it's like they're mad at WWE for putting it on the show they weren't watching.

  48. It wasn't. That turn sucked.

  49. I was watching this product for three reasons:

    1) Daniel Bryan's feud against the Authority
    2) The Shield vs. Evolution
    3) The Wyatts


    1) Bryan's probably gone for a long while and the title will be stripped
    2) The Shield is done for and won't be the same.
    3) Bray who?

    It's as if the WWE saw what they had and then sabotaged it like SimCity where you build it up to like 100,000 citizens and then press all the "DISASTER" buttons until your city is a flaming wreck.


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