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Monday Night Open Mic

Howdy Blog O' Doomers!

Well what's on tonight. There's a new episode of RAW.

And Game 1 of the college baseball world series between Vanderbilt and Virginia.

And surely some replays of World Cup and Wimbledon action.

And some major league baseball. If you like any of that, go to your Netflix or Hulu or something.

Enjoy your show, whatever it is and come out swinging but keep it clean!


  1. Raw! Vanderbilt vs Virginia! Chris Sake on the bump in Baltimore! What a night!

  2. Got the Yankees-Blue Jays game on, hopefully the Bombers can recoup after an ugly weekend against Baltimore and gain some traction. Of course, as I say that, the Blue Jays strike first, 1-0 in the first. Grrrr.

  3. Man... this show. It's in my place, it's a big deal, I'm sure...

    ...but the problem is that given we just saw all the emotion of the WrestleMania 30 main event dismissed on-screen as if it never happened, why should I be excited? It's hard to get up for a show when every blowoff gets overturned.

  4. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 23, 2014 at 5:21 PM


  5. I felt the same way after WM III. We see Hogan defeat Andre and then they have a crooked ref cost out hero the title on a non PPV Main Event. I didn't even bother ordering WM IV. They sure don't care about me as a fan at all!

  6. Replace show with chick and off with job, and I agree.

  7. Watching Lawrence of Arabia. This

  8. I wonder if Steph gets a normal coffee this week.

  9. Anyone ever wanked while watching wrestling? Like when there's a shit match on and you want to pass the time so you just beat off over some porn on your laptop while Michael Cole and JBL babble on in the background? You feel kinda gay sometimes because you realise you had Dolph Ziggler wrestling Kofi Kingston somewhere in your periphery the whole time

  10. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 23, 2014 at 5:26 PM

    Deadspin had a vid of Michelle Wie awkwardly trying to reverse twerk on a wall after she won the women's US Open. It was the hottest clumsiest thing Id seen in some time .

  11. Bit of bad circumstance for Bryan post-WrestleMania. He takes some time off to get married, his dad dies and then he gets the neck injury, which doesn't seem to be healing.

    Not really the WWE's fault. Just a shitty matter of circumstance.

  12. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 23, 2014 at 5:26 PM

    Yeah, it's time to come to terms with it brah - you gay.

  13. I'm playing Mario Kart 8 with my girl and trying to decide if we can be bothered staying awake (it's after midnight here) to watch RAW. But I can't actually think of any one who will be on it whom I actually am excited to see, right now. Sad.

  14. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 23, 2014 at 5:26 PM

    Closest is fapping to the unlockable Divas video in Shut Your Mouth

  15. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 23, 2014 at 5:27 PM

    It's one of the movie GOATs

  16. No, but what IS WWE's fault is that we are told, point-blank, "See? Daniel Bryan was a waste of time." HHH just called the person who beat him at Mania a B+ player so he could be in charge again. Eight months of story just got erased.

    And Danimal... joke all you want, but a lot of people didn't buy WM29 because it was rematch city.

  17. The answer is always no.

  18. I would argue that being able to wank between watching oiled up men wrestling each other is the epitome of being straight

  19. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 23, 2014 at 5:28 PM

    And this is why I think you gay.

  20. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 23, 2014 at 5:28 PM

    I'd rather keep playing MK8. Then when you're done, instead of watching RAW, go in your bedroom and give it to her RAW

  21. I see your point but...they are the same heel line from before.

  22. I like when Tprincess does a little wrap up of her thoughts on the week in wrestling with these.

  23. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 23, 2014 at 5:30 PM

    Tonight's guide description for RAW - "Roman Reigns finds out the consequences of winning the Money in the Bank battle royale"

  24. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 23, 2014 at 5:30 PM

    The suspense is already killing me.

  25. I'm sure I must have at some point. I definitely done it with sports center on in the background 1,000's of times.

  26. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 23, 2014 at 5:31 PM

    Also, note that it doesn't say "Consequences for drugging his bosses coffee".

  27. That he gets to be in the match? Right? So I don't have to watch RAW then

  28. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 23, 2014 at 5:32 PM

    That's right! RAW is not yet legally compulsory in your jurisdiction. Aren't ya glad Linda didn't get in to the Senate?

  29. Ha ha ha I know what you are saying!!

    I should slice off all my skin, right?

  30. This is such a mark response. The guy is playing a heel character and bashing the guy who beat him clean at the big show.

    I get that you got personally invested in Daniel Bryan, but these comments are really the reaction Triple H is going for. He wants to be a heel, he wants you to boo him.

    By the way, no one here tell Andy about Santa Claus...

  31. Where's the joke? That crooked ref cost Hogan the momentum he had been building for years which led to a lackluster Savage reign. As soon as the Megapowers get over huge they split them right away killing the hottest act the company had going. You go back to Hogan anyways proving he never should have been without the belt in the first place. Then you rinse and repeat the same angle with Warrior the year after. Which would lead to a lackluster Warrior reign. These guys don't care about booking or the fans! We can't catch a break! And don't get me started on Slaughters heel turn for WM VII. Total spit in the face to any intelligent fan.

  32. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 23, 2014 at 5:33 PM

    That's fine, so long as they weren't showing extended highlights of men's tennis.

  33. The pre show is Alex Reilly and Booker T taking it in turns to yell "PREBOGO" so far.

  34. Bull. The story should've ended when Bryan beat three people in one night. He should've proven himself beyond a doubt then... but the minute he's gone, it's like he never won a thing.

    And I'm not the only one who thinks it. You notice the "CM PUNK" chants are back? Here's a hint: they show up when we think the WWE stopped listening to us.

  35. Keep it clean!

  36. Catching up on nxt. The Vaudevillians are awesome. I'm only disappointed they can't go to Chikara, tag with Matt Classic and win Trios this year.

  37. But how can I justify all my sarcasm in the week ahead if I don't at least watch it? Laughing at RAW without actually watching it is like skipping the commercials - stealing!

  38. Come out swinging!

  39. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 23, 2014 at 5:36 PM

    Does that mean TPrincess is a swinger?

  40. But keep it clean! Blog O' Doomers!

  41. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 23, 2014 at 5:37 PM

    If so, also really brings new meaning to the "keep it clean" part...

  42. She knows how to coin a catchphrase

  43. Kane vs Cena; stretcher match. Man. What a great idea that was.

  44. I really think you are reading into a bit much. I'm not saying they can't handle it better but going back to the same line from before was the easy lazy thing to do that worked once. They probably think it will work again if and when he comes back.

  45. I hope we get a rematch tonight.

  46. Honestly, I pretty much only watch RAW to see Daniel Bryan these days, so these past couple months have sucked. Gonna finish up with JR on Steve Austin Unleashed.

  47. Those guys are really pros. They do a fantastic job every week.

  48. The first stretcher match on Raw in over 10 years! #stretchermatch

  49. I'd rather get carried out on a stretcher myself than sit through another Cena/Kane match.

  50. Well, probably not. But, you never can tell what VKM will do. That whole coffee thing last? All him. Genius.

  51. Great head of hair on Alex Reilly.

  52. I've had enough with HHH in this role. I can't watch raw until he's out as the #1 heel that all the big stories flow through... Booooring, I'm gonna watch the rest of clash 23 and then maybe Beach Blast 93. Fuck raw

  53. Stranger in the AlpsJune 23, 2014 at 5:39 PM

    The first RAW of 1995 was put up on the Network today. Highlights include Gorilla Monsoon and HBK on commentary, and Bulldog/Luger vs. Bigelow/Tatanka.

  54. No but I have agreed to watch it whilst my lady went off to put on a new outfit, "just watch tv and I'll be right back! Xxxxxxxx"

    She comes back, I've fallen asleep watching RAW. Sigh.

  55. Ai aiai,back to college tomorrow.

  56. That should be fun. HBK was on some primo blow in '95, hopefully he's entertaining.

  57. I'm really glad we kept Heath Slater. That guy has MEGASTAR written all over him.

  58. The CM Punk chants are retarded. HE'S NOT COMING BACK. Get over it.

    And the story HAS to continue, because there's no off season. Daniel Bryan got injured, so they moved on, taking him out of the story because having him wrestle COULD KILL HIM. He'll come back to a hero's return when he's ready. You can cheer him to your heart's content when he returns.

    The story continues, Andy. You can't hold off everything while a guy recovers.

  59. BoD RAW Preview:

    With BoD Wargames just six days away, what else will the GM book for the show?

    For starters, title matches for the Writers Championship and the Solid B+ Player Belt will be announced tonight.

    Also, forget some shitty coin flip. A star studded, six-man tag match will decide which team gets the man advantage as Cultstatus & The Fuj & Jef Vinson take on Parallax1978 & Jobber123 & and the GM himself, Brian Bayless

    Speaking of the GM, after delivering his message to midcard talent two weeks ago, will the Midcard Mafia have a chance to respond or stay home and wait by the telephone?

    Plus, two tag team matches tonight as Curtzerker takes a trip down the express lane to face the Upper Midcard Express and Paul Meekin & White Thunder take on a team making their BoD RAW debut, the New Age British Bulldogs, comprised of Andrew Dean and Dan Selby

    Back again this week is "Welcome to the BoD" with guest Mister E Mahn, discussing the proper techniques of time keeping.

    Wade Michael Meltzer is back with part 2 of his sitdown interview with Beard Money.

    The Debut of Buck Nasty's "Make it Rain Everywhere" music video will happen tonight.

    All of this and important questions like "Will Mar Solo get his cup of coffee" are going to be answered tonight on..........................................................................

    BoD RAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  60. I have suggestion.How about stoping the secondary champions to job in non-title matches.

  61. I enjoy her posts in general and particularly wish she would review stuff more.

  62. Exactly they are guilty of lazy story telling but nothing else. They are think it worked once it will work again. We will say all this crap about him and he will prove us wrong.

  63. You miss the point. Almost intentionally.

    Take him off TV, sure. Vacate the title, fine. But don't act like this invalidates everything he's done since SummerSlam. And no one is calling the Authority on this.

    No, CM Punk isn't coming back. But they chant it because chanting "Stop ignoring us" doesn't scan.

  64. Wait a minute,Abey said I was gonna be "Welcome to the BoD" eternal guest.

  65. I'm finishing it up now. Not bad. The Gary Hart stuff is great.

  66. Bayless>WWE creative.

  67. Tell me, how id you come up with something so innovative as the John Cena/Bray Wyatt feud?

  68. We will take your idea under advisement. Thank you for watching; we value your input.

  69. Sells as good as Ziggler plus people backstage like him.

  70. Didn't we steal the tag belts on BoD Raw a couple weeks back? Did we ever have them taken from us?

  71. Better yet, Daniel Wyatt? WASSUPWITDAT?"

  72. Everybody loves Slater. He usually brings doughnuts in. Whataguy.

  73. Stranger in the AlpsJune 23, 2014 at 5:43 PM

    I still say "Petuka Bazooka" needs to be utilized in some fashion.

  74. They are heels...they are using the fans love for Bryan to build heat for themselves while he is gone.

  75. Vinson ambushed me and stole the one I had... you still have yours, as far as I know.

  76. The belts were returned off camera

  77. Well, Cena is Cena. It takes a special kind of character to make the fans believe that he is actually in jeopardy. Wyatt fit the bill. I was actually in favor of continuing the feud and blowing it off at SummerSlam.

  78. I concur. Last couple weeks have been a little crazy for me in terms of my schedule, cutting in on my promo time.

  79. The problem is that there is no one speaking up to the Authority, whether a wrestler or an announcer, pointing out hypocrisy and inconsistency. JR calling out Vince or HHH 15 years ago (in this case, pointing out Bryan's victories and the Authority's tactics) wouldn't have actually changed anything, but at least it would express the feelings of (in this case) the Bryan fans and convince the undecided that there is another perspective than the heels'; here, silence speaks volumes, and when the Authority's is the only narrative (especially since they are literally the people who can write WWE history), more people think "it must be true."

    This doesn't mean that the Authority should suddenly become Bryan cheerleaders. But at least give the Bryan fans a feeling like they are acknowledged.

  80. Great..a rematch from SD....

  81. When's the payoff? HHH was already beaten cleanly in the center of the ring. Stephanie is literally untouchable.

    We got the payoff and we got the Authority being overcome. They're TELLING THE SAME STORY. All that emotion up to WM30 is being wiped out. It's the reset button.

    All so HHH can gain heat he won't use because he already did.

  82. Are you kidding? That was an absolutely brilliant. Take your top babyface and turn him, just for a few weeks? It only put him more over!

    Hollywood wished they had our team.

  83. I call shenanigans and cite the 9/10ths Possession Law

  84. No they don't

  85. We've gotten puke jokes and fart jokes but will we ever get pee jokes?

  86. No, Andy, you're being obtuse. And a mark. Triple H and Stephanie are HEELS who were feuding with Daniel Bryan. So any negative comments are in their roles as HEELS.

    If they REALLY, TRULY thought Daniel Bryan was a B-Plus player, they NEVER WOULD HAVE LET HIM WIN at WrestleMania. Shit, they wouldn't have even given him the chance. But they did. And the whole fucking show was built around him.

    Try and separate a storyline from the actual people. They aren't the same thing, no matter what the dirt sheets tell you.

  87. C'mon. If it doesn't happen on camera, it doesn't happen. Booking 101. Everybody knows this.

    But, we all have to start somewhere. Keep on crawling; you'll figure out how to walk eventually.

    In the words of the next big heel, Bo-Lieve!

  88. Go tell Vince he's senile.

  89. Okay. So should I wait until WM31 for the payoff I just saw at WM30? That's the slap in the face I'm mad about.

  90. At this point, just ignoring the gimmick might be the best option.

    Or going all out to humiliate it, but this one feels like any attempt would go right through. Think Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

  91. You know, you're probably right. They couldn't possibly keep the product fresh 52 weeks a year like we do. Good point!

  92. Which one?

  93. 4 on 3 handicap match.

  94. Choppy choppy your pee-pee.

    No way we could ever top that.

  95. They're yelling PREBOGO again. Alex Reilly, Booker T and now Santino.

  96. Dude. THE GUY NEEDED SURGERY. What part of that injury are you incapable of comprehending?

    When he comes back, enjoy his return and revel in any of his victories. How hard is that?

    Conversely, just stop watching, because you seem to not understand the mechanics of this.

  97. No brothas in the preview....just like real life.

  98. Smackdown doesn't count, silly. That was just a dres rehearsal.

  99. Yeah but that's a dick joke. Not a piss joke.

  100. Aw, c'mon. Let's play it out and see where it goes!

  101. Stranger in the AlpsJune 23, 2014 at 5:49 PM

    It's like they run the beta on Smackdown, and then run the real deal on RAW. And people say Smackdown isn't important.

  102. We've got live notes from today's Mexico-Croatia match. After Meixco's second goal, a rotund Meixcan fan was seen cheering wildly wearing an El Santo mask. Early reports thought it to be Paul Meekin, in hiding after his latest meltdown, while others are speculating it was El hijo Del Santo himself. We will have a full biography and breakdown of El Santos caret in this weeks Observer. Be sure to stop by the site tonight to hear Bryan and I give flabbergasted and disinterested opinions and insight on tonight's repetitive action, and make you wonder why you pay the $10.99 in the first place.

  103. Fuck me. I spell rehearsal right, and miss an "s" in dress? Pathetic.

  104. Tonight on RAW: Roman Reigns spikes Randy Orton's coffee with exlax, forcing him to shit in Stephanie's bag! Seth Rollins debuts his third theme song in as many weeks! Dusty Rhodes returns as CropDust! And that's just hour one!

  105. You said pee. Not piss. I went to pee pee.

    But, stay tuned. We always give the fans what they want.


  106. Maybe you could have Santino pee his pants when he gets scared.

  107. If nobody watches Smackdown, does it really happen?

  108. You'll be glad to note that the WWE regularly features African Americans on our broadcasts, and have for years. We have always been progressive with regard to equal rights.

  109. TNA is turning things around. Slowly, but they are.

  110. Marcus Anthony and The Body Guy are slowly becoming my favorite workers thanks to OVW. Plus their TV champion has the absolute best name in all of wrestling today ("Mr. Marvelous" Melvin Maximus).

  111. Booking pro wrestling would be easy for most of us. We have all been fans for 5/10/15/20/25 years or longer. There are basic principles that have always worked and will always work in wrestling, and wrestling fans are surprisingly forgiving and even enjoy some of the crap.


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