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More On Hogan

From the Clash XXX comments…

As horrible as Hogan's face run was, that's what WCW brought him in for. The superhero who beats up all the bad guys is what Hulkamania was about and that's what WCW was trying to recreate. I didn't like it either but I don't know why some people think WCW should have made the huge move of signing Hulk Hogan and have him adapt to WCW's product. The whole idea was to change their product and make a run at #1, not have Hogan and Flair trading the title like Flair did with everyone.

I’d like to stress once again, as someone who lived through Hulkamania almost start to finish, that is 100% the opposite of what his deal was in the WWF.  Hogan wasn’t a superhero who beat up the bad guys effortlessly, he was the larger than life but flawed hero who would get jumped by the heels and frequently betrayed by his friends, sell like crazy for them, typically lose or sometimes win by countout/DQ in the first house show run and then rally to beat them decisively in the rematch.  Yeah, if you were in Buttfuck, MN and happened to get a Hogan show with him defending against some midcard goof like Terry Funk or Bob Orton or god forbid Iron Sheik he would typically steamroll through them, but if it was the SERIOUS houses like MSG with the Big John Studds or King Kong Bundys on top, totally different formula, where the heels would be protected with a DQ for the first run.  Paul Orndorff won a TON of matches over Hulk by DQ after steamrolling through the midcard following his heel turn. All the way up until Zeus that was the basic formula – heel attacks Hogan and gets the best of him, Hogan has to figure out to foil their devious boss attack pattern, Hogan rallies and beats them with the legdrop after drawing a second big house. 

It really wasn’t until he started getting ridiculous creative control in 92-93 and believing his own hype that you saw him turn into whatever it was he became when he went to WCW.  The formula with Vader should have simple – Vader lays out Hogan at the Clash with the powerbomb and all hope is gone, Hogan defends against Vader at Superbrawl and wins by DQ because Vader is beating the shit out of him and escapes the legdrop comeback by Race running in and saving him like a coward, and then Hogan wins the big cage match at Uncensored.  At that point with all the money gone he can no-sell the fuck out of the powerbomb and beat him clean because Vader has served his purpose.  Instead, they STARTED with Hogan no-selling the powerbomb.  It was the same deal with the Butcher/Flair nonsense at the Clash, although at least there he showed a slight bit of vulnerability, but then immediately came back to retire Flair and then put away Butcher in their very first match!  There’s a HUGE jump from “NWA style trading the title” to “Hogan is an untouchable superman who never ever loses or sells anything” and Hogan drew money in the 80s by finding the middle ground. 


  1. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 10, 2014 at 1:26 AM

    He just loaded up on Pastamania food to give himself a much lower center of gravity. YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB THE HULKSTER, BROTHER

  2. I think that the ultimate example of what Scott is talking about here is the Earthquake angle. I had starting watching wrestling about 2 years before then, so I was still a big Hulkster fan at the time. I remember Quake squashing the living shit out the mid-card, complete with stretcher jobs and Vince's serious voice about how careers were going to be ended by this monster. So then he attacks Hogan on Brother Love, and Hogan sells the SHIT out of the beating, going so far as to run the retirement (IE, go film a movie) angle that the younger me ate up with a spoon. I remember when Hogan said he was coming back, and beat Earthquake by countout at Summerslam, and that leads me to my question - why did that happen? It seems like Hogan always got the clean pinfall at the end, but he never did over Tenta. Why did they go that route? Any insight?

  3. As badly as they screwed up the overall feud, the first Hogan-Vader match at Superbrawl was actually not bad.

  4. His feud with Ric Flair in 1991/92 is what really turned the Hulkster. He knew he was leaving after Mania VIII maybe for good at least as a full time guy yet his ego couldn't allow him to do such a high profile all-time dream match job like that. The fans turning on him in his feud with Sid just added to the insecurity.

    He's never been the same since. Always super-protective of his spot and treating the biz like his own personal sandbox.

  5. They probably wanted to protect Quake because they planned on selling future houseshows with them on top. My only question is did Hogan ever get a televised pinfall over Tenta? Even in WCW. If he didn't that'd be very surprising on Hulk's part.

  6. Yeah, the funny thing I notice when watching Hogan wrestle on DVDs of old stuff is that he sells like NUTS for guys, and most of the angles running up to the shows involve him being beaten down horribly- Andre, Bundy, Orndorff and more all leave him laying, and it's only LATER that he comes back for a huge blow-off. Hogan just demolishing top-level heels with ease was never part of the '80s formula.

  7. All I wanna say is, Brooke Hogan's ass is frightfully mediocre, considering how delicious her father's is.

  8. Agreed- keeping guys strong was a recurring trend back in the day, ESPECIALLY by the '90s. You'll notice that by the time Survivor Series hits '92 or so, guys are almost NEVER jobbing clean on that show (when before it was usually FULL of "name" guys dropping clean falls), and it extended to regular TV & PPV as well, as screwjobs were suddenly more common and even BLOW-OFFS often didn't end clean.

  9. Imagine how people in the future will perceive the 'historical recordings' of Hulkamania.

    Also, do you think in the future, people will think that oregano comes from Oregon? I wonder about this stuff sometimes.

  10. Oregano doesn't come from Oregon?

  11. That didn't protect him that well. Hogan took two sit-down splashes from Quake at Summerslam and then just Hulked up. From that point on, Hogan was pretty much immune to Quake's finisher.

  12. Not for lack of Hulk rubbing it to tune her up.

  13. Goes back to his immense paranoia in WCW, I guess. He couldn’t
    let that clash go by without getting the upper hand back. A show couldn’t end
    without Hogan seeming to be in control. Couldn’t show weakness for more than a
    second. In WWF, it was his house, he knew everything was built around keeping
    him strong in the end, but he just kept thinking that those in the back in WCW,
    Bischoff excepted, would screw him, which, given a chance, they probably would’ve.

  14. Actually they did learn a little as 1995 went on didn’t
    they? Hogan was left laying by Giant (and others) at Fall Brawl and at Havoc
    that year.

  15. Damn, HartKiller just got smacked and put in the sharpshooter.

  16. But does it really matter if he sold for his opponents all match, if he just shrugged it off at the end anyway? isn't this precisely the sort of thing that Cena gets major hate for? I only started watching around WM 4, so maybe there was indeed a difference from 1983-1987 though.

    Also, Buttfuck MN doesn't deserve an A-show.

  17. Also worth noting is the number of times the heel got the visual clean pin on Hogan. Two examples come to mind -- Royal Rumble 92 (I believe), when it came down to Earthquake and Hogan. Earthquake hit his finisher and counted the three himself, before Hogan won. And at WrestleMania against Slaughter, Slaughter had Hogan pinned when his manager accidentally distracted the ref. I really can't remember any other time that the top babyface was shown to have been beat, clean, on so many occasions.

  18. *Nerd mode on*: I always saw this, both for faces and heels that they are aware that there is no ref, so they just take this time to rest until they hear the actual 2 count. *Nerd mode off*

  19. You are way off on what show you are talking about for Earthquake/Hogan.

  20. Royal Rumble 92 is one of the most sacred events in world history. How could you possibly get this wrong? :)

  21. I thought Brian Knobbs had that one locked up.

  22. The WWE put this list together. The first one is fine, the other five are ridiculous.

  23. The formula works better if you don't see it every week. Hogan would beat a guy once a month at MSG. Cena beats a guy on 4 Raws then on ppv. The Hogan opponent remained over since only the house show audience saw the loss. The Cena opponent has been overexposed as not a top guy and is less over.

  24. I think Hogan legit kicked him in the face. Probably screwed up the finish

  25. I don't know, I think that's just his role, to be a comedy heel. Just think that's his ceiling, despite the strong match with Cena last year. Not everyone is meant to be a main eventer, and his mic skills can keep him in a fun role for years to come.

  26. I think the last 20 years have shown us that as great as Hogan is as a draw (and love him or hate him he is the most famous pro wrestler of all-time except for maybe The Rock), he has a terrible mind for the business. It really proves it was Vince who was the genius behind Hulkamania, or that Hogan really started to believe fans would lap up anything he would do regardless of how stupid or business-exposing it was because the 80s went so well for him.

    Whether Hogan was in charge or had major pull over his own angles (WWF 93, WCW 94-99ish, WWE 2005-2007, TNA 2009-2013), he tended to do much more harm than good to the product. You can count on one hand the amount of good angles that came out of those years. Thankfully, Hogan is in his best possible role in WWE right now where he just pops up to pop a rating or help ticket sales and has no other role in the product.

    Then again, he is Hogan and drew millions of dollars. Is it any worse than organizations repeatedly bringing in Vince Russo to book when it's clear that the only time he ever had any good ideas was 1996-99?

  27. You have to think though, he went from years of Vince probably disagreeing with him on aspects of his character to Bischoff saying "Yes Sir" to everything Hogan wanted to have happen.
    The Creative Control concept is really awful. Especially when those in question will abuse it.

  28. I'm guessing someone who's a bigger fan of RoH than WWE.

  29. For sure. I've said this many times, but it's a near impossible situation for the writers to have so many hours to fill every week. Especially since squash matches are basically no longer allowed.

  30. A smark speaking in hyperbole? GET OUTTA HERE!

  31. Diesel vs. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania and The Rock vs. CM Punk at Elimination Chamber are the first one that come to my mind.

    I am sure there have been several others.

  32. And protect they did. I went to a house show in December 1990 with Hulk-Quake on top, and they STILL booked a Quake count-out win. I didn't go to the rematch when it rolled around a month or two later, but I believe it was a gimmick blowoff.

    I always assumed they were keeping Hogan-Quake as a WM7 main in their back pocket in case something went wrong with the other direction. Once they settled on Slaughter, they could dispatch of Quake. Hogan eliminating him last in the '91 Rumble was basically the televised blowoff.

  33. I generally agree with Scott more than Meltzer. Someone else has mentioned this, but when a match is just straight fucking awesome, Scott's not afraid to give a match ****. Meltzer will find some small nuance to pick on a la HBK-Taker at WrestleMania 25.

  34. and those programs instantly become better because of it.

  35. I think the reason so many are upset about this is because it seems like he would be perfectly capable of being more than just a comedy heel.

  36. I wonder what the weather is like in Buttfuck,MN this time of year?

  37. Uncomfortable for some but enjoyed by others.

  38. the problem is (well, as far as we know) that for Punk it is not solely about the money. I guess if Punk had any desire to come back at this point at all, he would attach a lot of strings to it (for example: him getting a guaranteed WrestleMania headliner spot).

  39. Reigns was mega over before the turn. I don't see that changing, if it does that means Reigns will get MORE cheers. The spear out of nowhere and the Superman punch gets great reactions. Plus, his look makes women want to remove their underpants immediately and men flip their boners into their waistbands.

    I see all three Shield members having good careers.

  40. Plus, Punk didn't move the needle THAT much during his run on top, right? I don't think he's the answer, especially since he'd just whine and quit again the moment he's unhappy about something again.

  41. That was really the main reason - Hogan's first match back, it was a hot feud, and you don't want to kill Quake that quick. I think they did awesome house business from that, not to mention the feud lasted through Survivor Series and into RR. Kill Quake dead there, and Hogan has nowhere to go.

  42. Is it true that curtian-jerkers could pull in six figures a year if they were on Hogan's house show loop back in the day? I've heard shoot interviews were guys like Honky say Hogan may have been a dick but everyone scurried to check the booking sheets to see if they were on his loop

  43. Bret basically said the same thing too, and thanked him several times for it.

  44. dozens of girls and guys that think The Shield is hot?

  45. i see both sides. Rollins' character and look work better but at the same time I was thinking last night how Ambrose's "twitchiness" during his promos just scream heel.

  46. I'd say it's time to take that truck full of money and go get BROCK LESNAR. Give him some kind of supplemental contract that will pay him vast sums of money to carry the title until Bryan can come back.

  47. Most of the population is apparently confined to prison shower rooms, so weather isn't really an issue.

  48. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJune 10, 2014 at 7:22 AM

    With tears in his eyes.

  49. That won't work, since Brock is a lazy fuck.

  50. It was Summer Slam 1990 with Hogan and Earthquake. ;)

  51. LOL, Brock just loves money

  52. Eh, I think Hogan/Vince both deserve credit. Vince had a genius mind, but anyone else in that role would've bombed. Hogan was a star before he got to the WWF, so it's not like Vince made him out of nothing.

  53. I don't think he had any quarrel with 1991 Flair, given he was a lead heel and not getting any cheers. Sid is different given he was getting 'WE LIKE YOU' anti-heel heat.

  54. Don't know why anyone would be granted creative control.

  55. Probably learned the lesson from Zeus the previous year. Had Hogan win at Summerslam, win at Survivor Series, win at the No Holds Barred PPV, then STILL even contemplate doing it again at Mania.

  56. Plus they could send the fans home happy with Warrior beating Rude

  57. Flair was never facing Hogan at Wrestlemania. It was in Sid's contract when he signed in 1991 that he had the Mania 8 main event against Hogan.

  58. While it's true based on what other wrestlers have said, it's worth noting that by the time Hogan came to WCW he certainly wasn't on a regular house show loop. WCW always seemed to do less house shows than WWF, and on top of that Hogan was usually off filming Thunder in Paradise or doing some other bullshit and didn't do a ton of non-TV dates with WCW, especially before the NWO years.

  59. You should ask the 37 people that attended TNA's show the last time they ran there.

  60. That was HartKiller's comment.

  61. AverageJoeEverymanJune 10, 2014 at 7:40 AM

    It can show Jared giving Seth his aids.

  62. Well they could book more screw jobs and much shorter matches and more angles and backstage segments, so that the real 20 minute+ matches at the "special events" don't get boring so fast...

  63. Wasn't he a good friend of Hulk's?

  64. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighJune 10, 2014 at 7:47 AM

    It could very well lead to Cody going heel but I appreciate they went a different route with it

  65. Hogan did get a pin fall over Tenta, when he was Shark in WCW. I just stumbled upon it as a I review WCW Worldwide 1996. It was aired on 3/24 and lasts under five minutes.

  66. I think he actually did do regular house shows for WCW the first few months he was there, especially in Europe. Any chance he could get to pin Flair I guess.

  67. I'm with you. I lost the desire to watch Raw a long time ago. During the build to Wrestlemania, I watched the Hulu version. I tried watching a 3 hour Raw and just got so bored. I don't know how people do it.

  68. He overrated the main event and probably also the other match.

  69. Brock is a lot of things, but I don't think 'lazy' is one of them.

    You know what? Now that I think of it, I cannot really think of a bad thing to say about Brock. He doesn't mind jobbing when the situation calls for it, he has the respect of the veterans, and he can always be counted on to put on a good match.

  70. This guys ratings are terrible.

  71. Hey, it's the WM 19 feud all over again! 20 years in the making!

  72. So your beef is that we get too many quality 15-20 minutes matches on free TV then?

  73. Having been to a show in Buttfuck, Mn I will say that Hulkamania was not running wild.

  74. This for me. He wasn't a huge draw in the ratings during his year long title run and if he's walked out once there isn't much stopping him from doing it again when he sees something he doesn't like booked.

  75. Jesse Baker level *whoosh* :)

  76. And then he lost to Arn Anderson which everyone rightly called out as a laughable response to criticism.

  77. *cue punk defenders saying he was "buried" for not always being in the main events while being champ*

  78. Iron Shiek main event all shows there, while humbling his opponents.

  79. AverageJoeEverymanJune 10, 2014 at 7:59 AM

    Anal Bleeding is however.

  80. This is what happens everytime you get into an argument with Worst in the World.

  81. Other than the month he was champ I really enjoyed hogans 2002 run

  82. My only beef with Scott was giving every Bret Hart match ever 4+ stars even if it kind of sucked.

  83. Yeah, he did that 1994 European tour, but as far as domestic house shows he really did only a handful from 94-95 (mostly in places where WCW was trying to expand its business in, like the west coast) and PPVs and TV tapings. I actually distinctly remember Hogan/Flair being advertised for a November 1994 house show at MSG, but it was later canceled probably because of the WWF's pull with the arena. But at the time WCW was definitely trying to use Hogan at particular house shows to raise its profile beyond its southeastern roots.

    Basically, he did a schedule like Batista's recent schedule: TV, PPVs, and the odd house show, at least in 94-95.

  84. If they seriously do something because someone is "getting to over" at this point with the roster being so paper thin...they deserve to go under.

  85. The main event was pretty good. I would have gone ***1/2.

  86. "I didn't watch Raw, as I wasn't in the mood for Rasslin' yesterday." -Vince Jordan

    So you clearly know what you're talking about.

  87. Last week, Brie quit so her husband wouldnt have to give up the belt and he gets stripped eight days later. Great storytelling

  88. A helpful website shows that Cena's actually only fought as a single 8 times this year on Raw. 7 wins and 1 no contest. The days when he dominated every show are certainly over.

  89. Jan 13th
    bt Damien

    Feb 10th
    bt Randy Orton

    Feb 17th
    bt Cesaro

    Mar 10th
    bt Rowan

    Mar 24th
    NC Luke Harper

    Apr 21st
    bt The Wyatts by DQ

    May 19th
    bt Luke Harper by DQ

    June 2nd
    bt Kane by DQ

  90. Clearly, you are a man of wealth and taste.

  91. Cause...Kodos is green, and Nader is/was part of the Green Party?

  92. To be fair, this is another area where the current announcing really hurts the product. If it was 1998, JR or even Schiavone would be telling the fans that Rollins was jealous of Reigns, that he was full of himself, that he sold out, whatever to fill in the gaps in the dialogue (because you clearly can't have Rollins say "I turned because I was jealous of Roman.") I don't really understand why people have to play dense if there isn't a 100% word for word exposition all the time, but in a true Wrestling 101 scenario you'd be getting that from the announcers' "insight."

  93. Flair's awesome Rumble victory alongside Heenan's excellent commentary.

  94. Headline HonkyTonk Man in Moosejaw, right?

  95. Yeah, I don't know why so many "smart" fans have such a problem understanding the concept of "Triple H is the boss." He can get his ass kicked for the next 20 years, and he'll still be the boss. He can use his authority to cheat on your behalf, book you in title matches, stack the deck in your favor, or just make your life easier...all of which fits perfectly well with a heel persona.

  96. Bob Backlund-Verne Gagne 90 minute draws, eh?

  97. I think this whole thing really is as simple as WWE feeling Reigns is one of the next Big Deals and wanting to begin the year or two build it'll take to put him on top. BUT to do that they needed to break up the Shield, because--in their minds--you can't keep a guy in a stable and build him as a top babyface. I'm sure we can all debate that one. The Shield really seemed to have run its course when they were lackeys to the Authority and turned on them. I'm sure the split was supposed to happen then. But with Punk leaving, Bryan needing to be pushed to the top, the Wyatts getting over huge... events kept necessitating the Shield being kept together. So we end up with the shitty "predicament" of the trio being massively over and nothing to do with them. They beat the Wyatts. They beat Evolution. What do you do with them next? We know now that it was apparently a kneejerk decision by Vince to "shake things up," but at the same time it really was overdue.

  98. Mild distaste at being this guy aside: I think you meant "no mean feat" since a mean feat is an unimpressive (mean as in average) feat.

  99. He's going to come back and challenge the incumbent champion, I would imagine, and I figure whether he gets the belt back or not depends on how over he is relative to the other top dogs when he comes back.

  100. No Sandow in a Magneto costume. You're right. Sandow in a flesh-colored body suit was a major improvement. :(

  101. These shows are making 2002 look like the Attitude Era.

  102. Would Frozen be considered an iconic film of the 10s?

  103. Punk is content at this point and doesn't want to come back. Based on what I've read it sounds like Vince would welcome him back tomorrow if he wanted, but the guy is getting married and seems to enjoy taking a break. Let's let him be

  104. I bet Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker had tears in their eyes when they realised their match was only ****3/4.

  105. I think it’s hard to argue that Hogan shouldn’t have been
    used in WCW during 94-99 because he did sell a ton of merchandise and his ppvs
    were huge. But he definitely could’ve been booked better, and it was his
    selfishness and creative control that prevented that. Everything he did during
    that time also ensured that there was nobody else to pick up the drawing slack
    when his star waned, which it did in 99. It’s not important that Hogan drew
    great buyrates in 1998 if his behaviour meant that NOBODY would draw good
    buyrates in 1999.

  106. And let this post be a reminder to all of us about the importance of remembering to take our prescription medication.

  107. Earthquake, Warrior... Only Yokozuna escaped the job!

  108. Man, this show could be SO much better if they cut it back to two hours.

    That said, Ambrose's promo was outstanding, and had me all psyched to watch him beat the shit out of Rollins. Reigns is still the chosen one and is awesome. The Wyatts, unfortunately, are fizzling out quick now that they're decisively losing; if they want to save that gimmick they need to put Rowan and Harper over the Usos for the tag belts (and I love the Usos, so it pains me to say that).

    But this company is in dire need of a talent enema. Santino, Swagger, Ryder, Fandango, Sandow, R-Truth, Woods, Los Matadores, 3MB....either permanently move them to Smackdown and Superstars or let them go. Bring up Zayn, the Ascension, Rawley and Neville and star freshening up the product.

    So, now that MITB is for the title, what are the odds they put the belts on a new face like Cesaro or Reigns or Rollins, versus going back to Orton or Cena?

  109. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 10, 2014 at 9:38 AM

    I think Hogan really thought he'd go to Hollywood and become an action hero (after all, that jabroni Piper did it, brother!) and when it didn't quite work out he'd clung to wrestling like a lifeline because it was all he had to remain relevant. So I can see why he became more protective of his spot, especially since Vince was allegedly always trying to replace him with someone younger and less follically challenged

  110. I can't agree with "Worst" any more than I do on this point. For the people here that are complaining about the turn not making any sense or them not explaining it well enough, I really don't think you people watched the same show I did (and CooltrainerBret admits he didn't even watch, so I don't get why he's so vocally opposed to it).

  111. "No way, Brother! It's in my contract with Billionnaire Ted, that I NEVER LOSE!!"

  112. It was more Jake the Milkman Milliman-Greg Gagne 90 minute draws.

  113. With Soldat Ustinov and Teijo Khan at ringside, right?

  114. Can't think of any off the top of my head.

  115. Zack Ryder got no reaction from the crowd when he got any offense in on Rusev. Sad. He's got a really good look, seems to be in good shape and proven he can have charisma.
    I think a problem is actually too much in-ring action. The backstage stuff breaks it up as a viewer. Lately Raw has felt like one long three hour match.

  116. I thought Rollins was money. It wasn't catchphrase-central, but by setting himself up as a non-chickenshit heel, and by getting his point across, he looked like an A-player to me. He comes across as an extension of the Authority much more than Bootista or Orton ever did. I was impressed.

  117. For willingly giving AA a pinfall win, even if tainted, Hogan can only be on my "Mostly Shit" list, no lower.

  118. Ambrose turning heel is somewhat expected. He looks, sounds and acts like a sociopath. But Rollins turning, given how much they hyped him as the guy who brought the Shield together, makes much more sense in this particular story setting.

  119. He disappeared, to where, no one knows. Why? Same answer.

  120. A list like that on the company website almost guarantees that they won't be adding anyone to the Shield. And keeping it exclusive is the way to go.

  121. From Cody's description, it kinda sounded like Tyler Breeze, but Breeze is a guy who should get vignettes before being called up, so who knows? Nice for a mid-card angle to have a cliffhanger, though.

  122. (backstage, at a random house show days after BoD RAW)

    "I have a lot on my mind, and a little cut-away promo won't do. Not for everything that we're involved in, whether willingly or not.

    First: the end of BoD Raw this past Monday. So, it's going to be WarGames. Two rings, ten people. one war, and no games. As fun as riling up the idiots in the crowd can be, we might even have to forego the traditional Five-Second Pose for this one. But enough of that for now. There's something a little more pressing to mention

    (pauses, then lets out a soft chuckle)...You know, it is funny that the so-called Tag Champs have zero belts, we have one, and Vinson, of all people, has one. And he's even defaced it with a little spray paint. I wonder why he'd do something like that to his "allies"? (shakes my head) No matter. Soon, we WILL be the NEW BoD World Tag Team Champions, and we WILL have both belts, in their proper condition.

    After that, who knows? Maybe we'll retire the belts, because there's no one else in this organization that can beat us two-on-two. No legends, no superstars, no midcarders, no jobbers, NOBODY. All they can do is take a trip through the Express Lane, straight to their end. And remember, it's not the trip or the fall that hurts you, it's the sudden stop at the end. See you Monday."

  123. "They beat the Wyatts. They beat Evolution. What do you do with them next?"

    Exactly. There's nothing left for them to do as a unit.

  124. - I'm getting sick of the same 'opponent is beating up Sheamus, the ref pulls him off, Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick ot of nowhere' finish. It seems to have been done a lot since he returned. Good match, though.

    - Layla with the milk over her hair and face was a Brazzers moment if ever I saw one.

    - Ambrose's promo was the highlight of the show. Reigns (and later, Rollins) were pretty good, too.

    - I wish JBL would shut the fuck up sometimes.

    - My WWE 2K14 Tag Champs Sandango made an appearance. I think they'd be a good team without the Sandow silliness.

    - I hope Cena's not getting the belts, but I can't see who else they'd give them to. I'd go for Cesaro or Rollins.


  125. Out of all the people, I would of assumed you would of gotten that Punk isn't coming back.

  126. He wasn't buried, but honestly, how many shows did he close as champ? I could probably count it on one hand.

  127. Actually, he was pretty complimentary toward Batista's return. The difference being that Batista was at the tapings pretty much every week whereas Rock showed up once or twice a month.

  128. Hogan went a little overboard with no selling in 1995 -- but when sin creeps in your life - the sinner justifies it by what happened in the past. Hogan mentally took the hulk up and turned it in total no selling with Vafer.

  129. True, but, I mean isn't that how it works? They want a guy to get over huge, so they protect him.

  130. Count out losses were not en vogue by 1995. Wrestling was seen as a real sport in 1985 and you couldn't work a snark audience into accepting Hogan doing count out jobs - therefore because pinning the guy that destroyed Andre the Giant would appear weak - Hogan had no choice to win.

  131. Brian, feel free to put me in a JTTS role

  132. Actually yes! 20 years ago, we hat mostly jobber matches and only 5 ppvs in the WWF. Today we not only have 13 ppvs but ppv quality matches on RAW and SD. No wonder if it's getting too much.

  133. BoD NXT and the rumored soon to be BoD Worldwide are great places to learn. You could be given the name, Mack the Evil Trucker, and have a finishing move called the Big Rig.

  134. After last night, I'd say yes to both points.

  135. I like Bo Dallas' gimmick and all, but I wish they do something to truly heel up the gimmick more. Like he'd be this super positive, role model outside the ring but once the bell rings, he works super dirty.

    They need something to nail the hypocrisy of the gimmick, which what I assume they're going for.

  136. Triple H was Batista's boss as well, he promised him stuff too! Look at what THOSE PROMISES got him? Kayfabe wise, how does Rollins NOT notice this?

  137. Sure, but I can't remember the last time they've worked THIS hard to protect someone.

  138. When he got that Royal Rumble record it became very obvious that big things were in store.

  139. Agreed. At Payback when he was supposed to wrestle Kofi, I thought it would've been great if, after Kane interrupted and destroyed Kofi, Bo snuck into the ring and tried to get the pinfall.

  140. True, but there's a difference between Sandow wearing a stupid costume in a quick squash match and Sandow wearing a stupid costume as a focal point of a segment involving a Hollywood celebrity that is supposed to draw big ratings.

  141. I'm thinking they didn't know (off-screen) at the time exactly how long Bryan's recovery would be, but (on-screen) the point was more about principle. That Brie quit so Stephanie wouldn't be able to give Bryan the ultimatum and so Steph couldn't just feel like she controls everybody and everything.

  142. There should have been a multi paragraph piece on ambrose and reigns promos tonight. This was huge and very retro. Ambrose is the best in the business right now on the stick.

  143. You may be right, but I'm of the mindset personally if you think someone is your guy, then you get behind him all the way.

  144. How does it feel?

  145. Can Bayless please give you a bigger push?

  146. Archie Stackhouse doesn't mind paying his dues...for now. On another note, I was considering writing for the blog if people were interested. I kinda have the itch again.

  147. I think the turn was clearly put together last second and was super sloppy. It makes no logical sense. Sorry, it just doesn't. Have a plan guys, don't just do things to do them.

    That said, Ambrose cut a great promo last night and Rollins is over. I'm thinking that Ambrose vs Rollins can develop into a feud that may give us some miles and good matches in the midcard. And really, who else is in the midcard these days? Also, it clears the path for Reigns to feud with HHH which is another feud that should have legs and headline some of the big shows.

    The ends are going to turn out to be ok, but it doesn't justify the haphazard means.

  148. JBL's annoying, Michael? What, Michael! You don't like him to talk, Michael! You don't like him saying Michael after every sentence, Michael?

  149. I can see that now...

    "Oh,'s Sandow again...let's flip to the game."
    "Wait! He's wearing a tight, flesh ballet suit, doing interpretive dance! That's MUCH better than Magneto!"

    Meanwhile, at WWE HQ:

    "Holy SHIT...the ratings...we're at a 6.2 and climbing...quick: find a way to shrink Sandow to three feet and we'll call him SANDSWAGGLE!!!"


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