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More WWE Cuts Coming Tomorrow?

The following was reported by Dave Scherer of

We have heard that Mark Carrano, who works in Talent Relations under Triple H, is the man who made most, if not all, of the calls to the released talent today. It is fair to say that at least some of those let go would have appreciated that the call came from Triple H himself.

There is a lot of talk that the cuts/releases are not done and that there will be cuts on the administrative side of the company as well, perhaps as soon as tomorrow. Potential cuts loom across pretty much all departments.

The word making the rounds is that the current state of The WWE Network, its success or lack thereof, is what is precipitating cuts both in talent as well as potentially in office staff. That wouldn't bode well for state of the Network base when they release the current subscriber numbers at the second quarter earnings conference call.

So it may very well may be that tomorrow continues Black Thursday into Black Friday."

Not Looking to good for the WWE today.  

Also, I will try to keep the blog updated with all of the cuts, if any, that will occur tonight through the weekend.


  1. What're the odds that giving "us" what we want is what finally kills WWE?

    They're going up every day.

  2. Yeah because releasing JTG and Jinder Mahal means that WWE is going out of business.

  3. I wonder what happens with the stock prices tomorrow?

  4. Can't say that I'm surprised by these developments.

  5. I love Curt Hawkins

  6. It's the last straw for me. I'm never watching Raw againe.

  7. The cuts are a result of the WWE losing between $40-50 million.

    Not the end of the world but it's clear the network, with start up costs being a lot more than they originally thought, have dug them in a hole this year

  8. Bet it goes down.

  9. While I doubt Mark intended any insult by it, that's still an incredibly dick think to keep up given the circumstances.

  10. They finally got JTG!

  11. Right now, Vince is inquiring about firing the entire network staff so he can replace them for the third time.

  12. Its because everyone was saying JTG didn't get fired....we did this to ourselves.

  13. Fuck, Mark Henry has been employed by WWE for 18 years... 16 of them injured, but still.

  14. Meanwhile, next month in TNA:

    TNEAY: Oh my God, Taz - it's an
    Invasion! Ivan Burn! Bro Dismay! Teddy Wong! Burt Lawkins! And there's
    Drew Macklemore! What are they doing in the impact zone, TAZ?

    TAZ: Let the pigeons loose!

  15. About 30 people in NXT who have yet to wrestle on TV


  17. don't forget evil referee Marc Harris

  18. Drew Macklemore could get over.

  19. I can't believe it took 17 posts before someone typed this

  20. If you could sign three wrestlers from the indies or international to replace these guys, who would you sign?

  21. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 5:36 PM

    "something something something TAG TEAM MATCH"

  22. Eh, we fucked that one out earlier today.

  23. Sid, Vader, & Harley Race.

  24. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 5:38 PM

    AJ Styles and Bad fucking Influence.

    I know *they* won't sign 'em, but I would.

  25. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 5:38 PM

    I know. That's da joke.

  26. ... and Evan Bourne could play the role of Bryan Lewis.

  27. For the WWE:

    AJ Styles

  28. No way. It will go up. Firing people=corporate profits=better stock prices.

  29. Tanahashi
    Cheerleader Melissa
    Kenny Omega

  30. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 5:40 PM


  31. Typical corporate stuff... stay profitable by slashing jobs...

  32. "It is fair to say that at least some of those let go would have appreciated that the call came from Triple H himself."

    Well, if that isn't some handwringing and possibly entirely fabricated horseshit.

    You do not get, nor should you expect, a company executive to call you and tell you you've been shitcanned.

  33. AJ, Christopher Daniels, Uhau Nation

  34. I'd be all over this if I thought it would really happen.

  35. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 12, 2014 at 5:43 PM

    Darren McScotland
    Shiek Sameer Jinder
    Born 'Evans'
    Hawk Curtain
    Terry Langs
    Bart Klay
    Joshi Tanaka
    Some other guy

  36. Who could have predicted the Network failing, am I right???

  37. True no others business is the CEO going to personally call laid of employees that aren't at the top level of the executive power structure.

  38. You sir were correct

  39. Dunn is the biggest impediment to a quality product and has been for years.

  40. The camera angles and things are getting worse at an alarming rate, for example Reigns spearing Slater Monday.

  41. Perfect time to buy would be Monday morning.

  42. aboslute truth. In fact many companies announce mass layoffs then never follow through except through attrition, just for the stock price bounce.

  43. and I'm sorry you were correct. I would hate to see the Network go away. I love the stuff up there now, even if I have bitched about some of the lack of content. And I hope to see the network last long enough to get all that stuff I've bitched about.

  44. Exactly. Then they demand the kept-on workers increase productivity to make up for the workers that were fired and don't give them raises. Its the American way.

  45. How about WWE reduces their weekly production costs by going back to the old school tron or no tron? RAW/Smackdown/Main Event/Most PPV's need a major visual overhaul.

  46. I don't even mean that. He's long been known as someone who simply doesn't "get" wrestling. For all the criticism of Vince (and that is warranted since ultimately it is his decision) Dunn has been rumored to be the main push for wanting to be further and further away from wresting and all the traditional wrestling things we like such as heels and faces, heels cheating, managers, etc.

  47. If the Network goes away, WWE goes away. Its that simple. I can't imagine why people would be rooting for that to happen.

  48. I think we are a long way away from it going away. They will do everything they can to keep it afloat. Way too much invested.

  49. hope your right. I've enjoyed the network and it has actually got me back into the current product. I'm the poster child for how to lure the old school fan back with the network.

  50. Some of the pyro, and definitely some of the HD set could easily go and not be missed.

  51. I just can't see them throwing in the towel with all they have put into it. They will cut back on costs and toss everything possible into it first before cutting ties.

  52. I think you'd have an easier time getting rid of Cena.

  53. New Names for Released WWE Talent when they go to TNA:

    JTG: Malik Singleton
    Curt Hawkins: Dirk Hunter
    Drew McIntyre: Elliott Wembley, cousin of Magnus
    Jinder Mahal: Raj Patel, Friendly ITT Technician
    Brodus Clay: Brutus Crash

  54. Honestly none of these cuts will hurt the product. Not a one of the people cut can't be replaced with someone else from NXT. McIntrye is the only one that slightly surprised me simply because at one time rumors had him being pushed and also being a "HHH guy." But that ship seemed to have long sailed and they were all such damaged goods that they couldn't be rehabilitated in the eyes of the fans. Heck they could probably cut a good deal of the mid to lower card guys who have been hanging around since 07-08ish without hurting the product. Even someone like a Kofi or an R-Truth is pretty expendable at this point.

  55. I wish Daniel Bryan the best in his future endeavors.

  56. ... and Evan Bourne could play the role of Bryan Lewis.

  57. It's also Vince's fault for listening to that, and I quote Jim Cornette "Bucky Beaver Motherfucker."

    How does he have this much power?

  58. One non-used guy I would absolutely HATE to see get cut is Justin Gabriel - dude is talented as hell, and could easily be pushed/repackaged into a solid mid-carder at the very least.

  59. If I'm a middle of the road office person at Titan tower, I'm very nervous. I remember reading that the McMahons added layers of management because they were patterning themselves like Disney. That could easily be wiped out if they saw fit.

  60. That is most companies... middle management is the worst place to be during layoffs.

  61. is upvoting yourself the new "thing"?

  62. There might be something to that if they were already in the positive, but given they are already projecting a loss, the market usually shrugs off profit increases due to cost cutting measures. Analysts will rightly point it out as an attempt to soften losses rather than an increase in profitability. I wouldn't expect a huge drop, but it wouldn't surprise me to see it go below $10/share, before slowly inching back up again.

  63. It's not even like they need to be replaced. The roster is so deep that none of the cut guys really had "spots" anyway.

  64. Yeah, but do you actually WANT the network to fail?

  65. They put too much money into that HD set that they use for all the shows. Problem is, the fucked it out too quickly and everything looks the same. The PPVs used to look special, now they look just like RAW (except WM of course).

  66. It stinks to see them punished for actually doing something really cool for the fans in putting the PPVs on the network and providing a large archive out of the gate for such a low price.

  67. Who are you to doubt referee Marc Harris?

  68. I mean guys like Kofi, Miz, R-Truth, and the like are old news. Someone else on another board noted that after Austin/Rock guys like Lesnar, Batista, Edge, Cena, and Orton all got to the top level. But the next wave didn't, except for the perseverance and tenacity of Bryan and Punk (and their fans). Cesaro, Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns, etc. already seem to have passed up the last group and now they just tread water doing jobs for the next generation that are trying to be Cena. Not even sure most of them have the name recognition to make a loss matter anymore. Is anyone really being built up with a win over Ziggler or Kofi at this point? both great workers, but it ain't happening. Might as well go cheap and build up some NXT guys.

  69. And that's not a knock on WWE or its stock, more the market itself. I've followed a handful of stocks over the years and it seems anything remotely good news for a company's profitability always results in a stock dip. Bad news too. Its the weirdest, unrelated, random, voodoo witchcraft stuff that makes a stock rise.

  70. blocked on the j-o-b. Mind posting what he said?

  71. well when most of the money being made on the stock market is now based on having super fast computers that can sell/buy in split seconds as stocks drop fractions of a cent, then yes it is a big game.

  72. He has produced the product that Vince presents for over two decades.

  73. I feel like playing again:

    Samoa Joe
    Christopher Daniels
    Daffney (no idea if she's still around, but always felt she deserved a chance)

  74. " Your colleagues lose their jobs & you tweet that? You're an idiot Mark."

  75. Mark: Here we stand. 18 years this August! Still here.

    Curt: Your colleagues lose their jobs & you tweet that? You're an idiot Mark.

  76. Who would be the biggest mid-card release that would surprise you, outside of the obvious big names. Probably Kofi? Would Ryder surprise anyone? Or would they go as high as Christian?

  77. But he influences Vince more than anyone and no one seems to able to even stand him?

  78. Dunn's a workhorse. The guy produces over 5 hours of television every week with no reruns.

    Vince, a guy who hates sneezing, and doesn't sleep... loves the hell out of a guy like that.

  79. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 6:08 PM

    Yeah, if only just to save the huge hit on their catering budget.

  80. Ziggler, Christian, or Big E

  81. I really can't see them dumping Kofi

  82. I really thought Gabriel was gonna be a breakout midcard face after leaving Nexus

  83. Does Big Johnny still have a job?

  84. He cut a good basic promo about his loss to the NXT champ. It made me want to see more of him. Plus, he's incredibly talented in the ring.

  85. Well he is a pretty big part of the NXT tapings tonight which I think makes him safe at least this round.

  86. The same 11 guys are on Raw every week, so theoretically they could shed two-thirds of the roster and nobody would notice.


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