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MOTD: 1 15 99 Kobashi vs Vader

On the subject of great last matches, Vader had a hell of a run in AJPW after leaving WWF. This WAR with Kobashi showed exactly how badly Vader was wasted during his time in the WWF.

No doubt he was wasted, although to be fair it's not like there was a ton of people around who were willing and/or able to work that kind of style with him.  


  1. Anybody know a good place to get old Japanese stuff on DVD? I'd rather not try to hook up my old VCR to my flat screen and I've been jonesing recently.

  2. On the subject of Vader, I liked how WWE were nice to give Vader a nice farewell match when he beat Slater. Vader had been my favorite for years and hated that my last image of him was a guy that fell on his ass in 2005.

  3. Do you have a tv card on your computer? You should make your own!

  4. Man, Vader in his prime versus some of the top guys today...

  5. Vader was also in way better shape here than he was in WWE.

  6. Vader circa 92 vs Samoa Joe circa 05

  7. AverageJoeEverymanJune 6, 2014 at 1:05 PM

    Ill keep saying it: Vader vs Sheamus in their primes would be crazy

  8. AverageJoeEverymanJune 6, 2014 at 1:07 PM

    A "Best of Vader in Japan" dvd would rule

  9. Vader just didn't Austin's podcast ... said he did most of his WWF run on a bum shoulder - the angle where he beat up Monsoon was supposed to give him 6-8 months off and instead he was only out 2. Said he fought through it but wishes he was healthier. Its too bad because Vader instead of Sid is way more compelling going into WM13

  10. This is my least favorite thing I've written. It's all over the goddamn place.

  11. Sting was Vader's best American opponent by far. Every match they had was over four stars.

  12. I think he helped himself by being in better shape, too.

  13. Why bring him in if he immediately has to miss almost a year?

  14. Fuck yes. Sheamus, Barrett, Cesaro, Bryan and holy shit, Lesnar.

    Lesnar/Vader would be two massive motherfuckers beating the piss out of one another. I'd be glued to the screen.

  15. When did they discover the injury?

  16. Before he left wcw.

  17. it happened in WCW and he wanted to get it take care of but Hogan had negotiated some time off so Bischoff asked him to stay on so he worked through it

  18. I'd be a little worried about Bryan with Vader, now that he has a neck issue, but otherwise, yeah.

  19. and vice versa, I'd say (although Flair gives both of them a run for their money, both ways)

  20. Vader/Cena would be ridiculous

  21. Cena didn't seem to mind taking Lesnar offense. so I could easily see him go "all out" with Vader, too.

  22. Great point. I'd say Vader was Sting's best opponent as well.

  23. Foley had some good ones too.

  24. Duuuuude. Yes.

  25. Vader is the type of opponent Cena needs. Since they treat Cena like Superman, he should be feuding with Superman villains. Monsters. That was the Hogan formula too. Big huge nasty guys.

  26. They have one at highspots and it's great.

  27. Needs more Elephant Helmet.

  28. Shit, that finishing sequence was like some Undertaker/WrestleMania shit.

  29. Once Foley turned face in the wwf they should've had a few Mankind/Vader ppv matches to see if they could've recaptured some of that 1993 magic.

  30. I know they were in the fatal four way, but a Vader-Bret match(healthy of course) could have been pretty good. . .

  31. This match makes me want to watch Kobashi vs. Samoa Joe again. That was, as Austin said, a hell of a piece of business.

  32. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 6, 2014 at 3:31 PM

    1.) Put IC/Euro title on Vader.
    2.) Win Royal Rumble.
    3.) Crush jobber to show dominance all the way up to Wrestlemania
    4.) Job to Champ/Undertaker.

    This is not that hard.

  33. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 6, 2014 at 3:36 PM

    TNA: Vader vs. Joe. Make it happen.

  34. Or you know, capitalize on one guy tearing off the other's EAR. Two companies let a gift wrapped feud slip through their fingers and yet they act like we don't understand the business.

  35. I originally mis-read the title as Kobayashi vs. Vader.

    Kobayashi is the competitive eater from Japan.

  36. It's Time! It's Time! It's Dinner Time!

  37. You want to take away one of Stone Cold's Rumble wins? Or HHH and The Rock's 1st IC Title reigns?

    Vader was mis-used especially after his initial 14 months or so but by late 1997 he looked done.

    Did he still have gas in the tank? Sure but you sure as hell couldn't tell that by most of his 1998 run.

  38. Yea fuck that tag match with Foley at WM13. Total waste of a match for both guys

  39. I just re-watched that a couple of days ago, just awesome. Joe talked about that match on Stone Colds podcast and talked about how Kenta was worried that he'd get no reaction as it was his first match in America. Boy was he wrong

  40. Speaking of gift wrapped, how about incorporating that literally in what you are saying. Have Foley being interviewed and then someone off camera gives Foley a gift from Vader. Mick opens it and its his fucking ear. Boom, too easy.

  41. Without a doubt. Their series of matches from GAB92- Fall Brawl 94 are probably my favorite continuing rivalry in wrestling. Every match is atleast 3 stars to 4 1/2

  42. I always enjoy the wrestling podcasts. Good stuff

  43. They had a couple of singles matches on RAW.

  44. Still amazes me he could get his fat ass up for those moonsaults. Fun match.

  45. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 6, 2014 at 5:26 PM

    Did Stone Cold NEED both Rumble wins?
    If Vader had the machine put behind him, do you think he would have cared more?

  46. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 6, 2014 at 5:27 PM

    You scarcasm is duly would have preferred he wrestled Foley at Wrestlemania.

  47. Look at the video, that is easily the best shape he was in since his prime in WCW.

  48. I wouldn't doubt that TNA would make it happen, but Vader's well over 60 now. No way he could take Joe's offense anymore.

  49. If Cena worked the Umaga formula with "in his prime" Vader, the result would have been glorious.

  50. 1997 didn't matter as Austin wasn't up to that level at that point, but Austin NEEDED the 98 win like Daniel Bryan needed to win this year's Rumble.

  51. Highspots and have good ones.

  52. One of my all time favorites. Best without commentary.

  53. At least we got it at one of the greatest PPV's in WWE history when they met at Canadian Stampede. Thought it was a very fine match indeed.

  54. The John Cena of competitive eating. (Seriously. They have this hot dog eating competition every year at Coney Island, Kobayashi has won every year.)

  55. I don't watch a lot of rasslin anymore, but hot damn this match had me marking out!

  56. And Joe isn't exactly the man he was when he first hit TNA, although that could be chalked up to motivation.

    Still, Vader in his prime v. Joe in his prime? How do you say "SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!" in Samoan?

  57. That's money man.

  58. Vader's best American BORN opponent, is what Guest meant, I think.


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