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Network Updates - 6/21/14

A list of what has been added to the Network library over the last 24 hours:


  • Legends of Wrestling
              2008 > The Territories - 1/1/08

In Ring
  • RAW Replays
            1994 > Episode 90 - 12/12/94
                        Episode 91 - 12/19/94
                        Episode 92 - 12/26/94

            1998 > Episode 281 - 10/12/98

  • Smackdown Replays
            2002 > Episode 135 - 3/21/02

All 1994 RAW's now appear to be uploaded, and with the next batch they will have hit 1995. The RAW episode from '98 is the "cement in the Corvette" episode, along with the IC title tournament, drunk Hawk and the return of the Big Boss Man. The Smackdown episode from 2002 has The Rock taking on Kevin Nash, and it was the last Smackdown before the first-ever draft on the next RAW. 

Some good stuff loaded today.


  1. I'm wondering if they're holding off on Nitro until Raw catches up to September 1995. It would make sense, but it might frustrate some people who want to see the shows on the Network.

  2. Stranger in the AlpsJune 21, 2014 at 10:03 AM

    They uploaded like 6-7 episodes of 94 RAW's this week, so it could be that they're fast-tracking to the Monday Night War era. That's positive thinking, anyway.

  3. Trying to decide on a WCW ppv to watch.

  4. Of all the legends roundtables "The Territories" is my absolute favorite.

  5. It seems like the Raws were always the fast-tracked uploads, while sticking to a schedule. They can do a month of uploads in a week, so September should be about two months and change away.

  6. They are slapping old school wrestling fans in the face. They have made zero effort, besides the dumping of the Clash shows, to add any fresh old school content like Prime Time, Nitro, WCW Saturday Night, any old NWA, heck they even stopped putting up the Old School MSG/Boston Garden/Spectrum shows.

  7. Add it all dammit! (Impatient wrestling fan)

  8. Uncensored 98.

  9. Starrcade 2000.

  10. Souled out 98.

  11. Spring Stampede 2000...WORST.PPV.EVER.

  12. Souled 98 has Raven's best match ****3/4 against the one that cannot be called.

  13. Loved Souled Out 1998. Also a great Flair/Bret match on that show.

    Did you read the NJPW results? Also, Global Force signed a talent exchange deal with them.

  14. Stranger in the AlpsJune 21, 2014 at 10:47 AM

    I'm taking the more patient route with this thing. I haven't spent a whole lot of time with it, and there is still tons of stuff on there that I have not watched.

  15. I don't really agree with the slap in the face thing, though I guess your mileage may vary. Most of the stuff you're asking for was stuff they never promised.

    I'm fine with what's here, as I'm still nowhere near done watching what they have added. And a lot of the Old School shows? They're filled with ridiculous 20-minute snooze fests between jobbers, with a few marquee matches here and there.

    For $10 a month, it's a great thing to have as background noise while I'm cleaning, cooking and just hanging around.

  16. Results from which show?

    I'm starting to see this GFW thing in a more positive light,he's trying to mix puro,lucha and american style.

  17. Dominion was earlier today

  18. Chris Benoit. His name is Chris Benoit. His ghost won't murder you if you say his name.

  19. Stranger in the AlpsJune 21, 2014 at 10:49 AM

    My grampa didn't have a phone for the first 14 years of my life. He couldn't be called.

  20. Gonna check now.

  21. I have a feeling ROH is about to get raided by GFW.

  22. The UNDAHBASS is now IC(ok)
    Ibushi retains(ok,I was cheering for Ricochet)
    Yujiro pins Ishii(stupid).

  23. G1 participants:

    Block A:
    - Hiroshi Tanahashi
    - Satoshi Kojima
    - Yuji Nagata
    - Kota Ibushi
    - Katsuyori Shibata
    - Shinsuke Nakamura
    - Tomohiro Ishii
    - Shelton Benjamin
    - Davey Boy Smith Jr.
    - Doc Gallows
    - Bad Luck Fale

    Block B:
    - Togi Makabe
    - Hirooki Goto
    - Tetsuya Naito
    - Hiroyoshi Tenzan
    - Kazuchika Okada
    - Toru Yano
    - Minoru Suzuki
    - Lance Archer
    - AJ Styles
    - Yujiro Takahashi
    - Karl Anderson

  24. Surprising score at the end of 45 minutes. No surprise that Iran's "parked the bus", more that they've kept it 0-0.

  25. My picks

    Ibushi or Ishii.But I think they're gonna give to AJ or Okada.

  26. That actually wasn't that bad of a show.

  27. Probably the least great WCW ppv.

  28. I'd rather them take their time. I already have enough difficulty deciding on what to watch now!

  29. Gonna see it today

    Fale is now IC champion
    Gallows/Anderson retained the tag titles
    Time Splitters won the jr tag titles
    Ibushi Retained the Jr HW belt.

  30. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 21, 2014 at 11:00 AM

    I'd give that title to Spring Stampede 99

  31. Forgot about that one.DAT opener!

  32. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 21, 2014 at 11:01 AM

    What if you say it three times in front of a mirror?

  33. I mean, it was above average. I think it's on par with GaB 98.

  34. I agree. This whole "they are slapping the old school fan in the face" thing, which I've seen others see, is just ludicrous to me. These are "Now what?" fans - meaning, if they put the entire library up in one shot, they'd celebrate it for about 30 minutes and then go, "OK, now what?".

  35. If you New Japan fans can enlighten me, is this Dominion show worth viewing? I have to wake up early as hell tomorrow to look at a couple houses to buy and I need a chill night of wrestling viewing.

  36. Probably a very mediocre show. Have't seen it and probably won't go out of my way to.

  37. I saw the voices of wrestling review,the guy is honest in his opinions,He said it was a good show.

  38. I'm gonna check it out because of Richochet vs Ibushi.

  39. I just don't know if I wanna spend $25. I'll probably end up buying it after I have three beers.

  40. There were like 4 **** matches. That's awesome. Just such a long show.

  41. You'll still just be staring at yourself. If you decide to kill someone after that, you might want to consult a mental health professional.

  42. ^ This. As soon as something we want gets uploaded, we cheer and then ask where the next thing is.

    I'm OK with how they're doing things right now.

  43. I'm watching it now. It's a great discussion.

  44. Watching the Legends House reunion. What a contrived way to get some heat for the episode.

  45. So the Bullet Club picked up the IC title, but lost the Jr. Heveyweight Tag

  46. Help the less informed, what was the name of the Japenese wrestler who fucked over Okada for the Buplet Club

  47. Stranger in the AlpsJune 21, 2014 at 11:56 AM

    Or one will be provided for him.

  48. I'll buy ot when I actually see a GFW show, and that show isn't early TNA bad.

  49. Well, Argentina's team can go home, beating Iran 1-0 with a very late goal.

  50. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 21, 2014 at 12:01 PM

    Soccer kids are annoying. He missed the net by like 15 feet, STFU.

  51. I need to see this Nakamura/Fale match. I can't understand why they put Fale over. Unless Nakamura is being set up to win the G1 and face the champ later on.

  52. Four months has passed and they still haven't put up the full versions of One Night Only, The Big Event and Halloween Havoc 1990. There's no defending that, that stuff should have been up by now. And the full versions of all three shows aired on Classics On Demand a few years ago so they clearly have them.

  53. Ah, Rob Black. The greatest shitstain on the pro wrestling industry, and yes, I am including Benoit. I've never looked for a reason to hate Bully, but damn if he hasn't given me a perfectly legitimate reason.

  54. This is a good idea but the execution was meh.

  55. Been watching Havoc 90... I think Steiners/Nasties may be my new fave tag match...holy shit they beat the piss out of each other.

  56. I'm still in Oct. 1994, but I'm glad we're entering 1995. Boy was 94 bad.

  57. Finished SummerSlam 1988 this morning, moving on to 1989 this afternoon. Love the Hart Foundation-Brain Busters opener, but a match with the Rockers may have been a better way to kick things off.

  58. Thanks. The formatting thing, I'm at a loss. No idea what happened but it looked great from my end when I e-mailed it.

    With you on slimming it down. I'm a very detail oriented person by nature, I want specifics for everything. I'll try to keep that in check.

    Glad you enjoyed the CZW bit. I think they get a lot shit because people don't bother to stay current with them for whatever reason.

  59. I don't like Roderick Strong. I could probably write an essay on the topic but nobody wants that to happen ever. I should not have been over critical (or pretty much just a dick) about anybody. There's people I like and others I don't just like anyone else. I need to remember not to convey that in the column because it's shitty and a bad look.

  60. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 21, 2014 at 1:02 PM

    Meh, fuck it. People telling the owners "Adam was here just having a beer and came back and helped us out and didn't even clock in" certainly won't do me any harm.

  61. Now I know. Hm. Just spitballing but maybe there's a way for me to type it into my own Blogger, publish the post and then export it. I'll check that out. Other than being physically able to type it into this Blogger account, I'm at a loss at what else I could've done.

  62. Ahhh, the Liberty NY Raw tapings. You can almost see the pencil-graffiti on the walls from school assemblies.

  63. Boy, if you think 1994 was bad.....

  64. You make a great point, Dan. As soon as I read your comment, I instantly felt like a total dick. We all like and dislike wrestling personalities for whatever reasons but I did totally come off as a dickhead smark and I feel bad about it.

    I'll keep the jokes to myself next time.

  65. Point taken. As previously stated, I'll keep the jokes to myself and be more objective.

  66. Excellent observations. This is constructive feedback. Thank you.

  67. You're right in a way. I had a good idea of what I wanted to say (which apparently was too detail oriented) but my tone was totally inconsistent. Point taken, thanks.

  68. Thanks for the feedback. Touched most of your concerns above in other replies.

  69. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 21, 2014 at 1:12 PM

    My favorite graff ever: someone threw a huge tag on the wall in the stairwell of my high school, and it was signed with "keepin the janitors at work in 96!" Fucking hilarious.

  70. Hopefully I have the opportunity to do another going in with the intent of providing information and not somebody's life story. I do have a really hard time (in life in general) when it comes to details/specifics.

  71. The October 1994 Raws feature my first Raw tapings, in Burlington. If you watch closely during the Jarrett-Doink match, you can see my dad and I in the crowd.

  72. The fact that Roderick Strong is still in ROH is just sad

  73. I don't follow SHINE closely (maybe one-two shows a year) I was going on what I last knew about the promotions founding members and ownership. If I'm unsure of something, I'll research it next time. Same goes for Beyond's geographic origin. Just laziness on my part. In terms of being an upstart, they really didn't make a significant impact until last year. So, I'm not sure what to say about that. Regarding Gabe and being affiliated with SHINE, technically this is correct. You're looking at it from a promoter standpoint, I'm looking at from a much broader business standpoint. I put SHINE with the Dragon Gate and EVOLVE stuff because that's where it naturally fit in my eyes.

  74. I'd do both and I 99.9% guarantee you that nothing would happen. Going forward, I will keep my opinions to myself.

  75. I am a big BJ Whitmer fan. He's from here, as far as I know, lives here and I've been watching him for over a decade. He's a damn fine wrestler.

  76. Why not write an essay on the topic? Doesn't have to be super long, but might be an interesting way to showcase what you like and dislike about particular indie feds and wrestlers.

  77. BJ and Jacobs have been awesome as a team again. That was a great use of both guys. The Decade even has the strength to make Strong interesting again, but the guy just seems incapable of selling a new character or personality.

  78. I agree Taven and Martini were as perfect a manager/wrestler pairing as Hart and Honkytonk. It did exactly what it needed to for Taven, gave him an established gimmick to work with and a forum to gain heat. The blowoff was perfect too with Ciampa ending the Honkytonk TV reign in an Ultimate Warrior fashion. It's a shame that reign was wasted on another attempt at getting Lethal over, leaving Ciampa in the wind at the moment.

  79. Again, could write an essay as to why I do not like Mike Quackenbush at all and most people would probably have a better understanding afterwards but nobody wants to read through all of that.. In the interest of being objective, I'll keep my snipes to myself going forward.

  80. Voice develops over time. Just keep at it, you'll figure out what works and doesn't for you.

  81. Hmm. I guess I could. I'll think about it but leaning towards "No". This whole thing has been largely shitcanned so I think I've done enough damage.

  82. Tip: Take "RODDY: DIE IN A FIRE" signs to ROH shows. Spread the word.

  83. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 21, 2014 at 1:48 PM

    Yeah, I'm about where you are, maybe November. 94 was pretty bad but you know, the shows are short, to the point and a breeze to go through unlike today's RAWs. Also 94 gave us some good matches with Bret vs Kid' Luger vs Nash, Hall vs Shawn.

  84. Just had a random great idea: An Outsiders podcast with Hall and Nash.

    This needs to happen now.

  85. Makes you feel like you got hit in the head with a large book. Popular at college bars.

  86. Thanks again for everyone's feedback. Not what I had hoped for but it's still good. I'll give this another shot next week and send it Scott. If he posts it, he posts it.

  87. I meet at the crossroads of being lazy and busy all the time. Plus apart from occasionally lurking here i don't really keep up with wrestling much anymore.

  88. He brought back the brunette with the undercut hairstyle.

  89. Ghana 2
    Germany 1

    63 minutes in. Holy shit.

  90. Someone's Ghana get their ass kicked!

  91. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJune 21, 2014 at 2:25 PM

    I'm sure you've replied to similar comments already but I'll go ahead anyway, I like the idea of being able to catch up on the Indy scene, much like how Bayless let's me read a 2 hour shoot in 5 minutes. Just condense it and stick to the major promotions I guess and it should come together in time.

  92. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJune 21, 2014 at 2:26 PM

    How troublesome for you

  93. That workaround will actually work. I'd just send it as an XML file. Settings > Other > Upload Blog. It will merge with existing posts and show up in the main feed based on the publish date.


  95. Klose subs in. Klose scores goal. Klose ties World Cup career goals record. 2-2, and there's still 19 minutes to go.

  96. He was good with Taven.

  97. You're wrong because he was never good at any point in anything he's ever done.

  98. Okay,I respect your opinion.

  99. Watching King of the Ring 95. Who booked this shit?

  100. Have you heard him speak? He's never going to get signed to WWE or TNA for that reason alone. I like him as a wrestler but I'm also realistic.

  101. He's the perfect ROH upper midcard guy.

  102. The only time Quack "broke kayfabe" during the entire shutdown angle was to confirm that NOT being true. So take that for what it's worth.

  103. Apparently the company wants to book Styles against Cole for FB.

  104. Decided to put on ECW Guilty as Charged 99.

    Haven't watched anything ECW related in a long long time.

  105. CZW giving both Drew Gulak AND Biff Busick there World title almost makes me want to check them out.


  106. I've only a few things about CZW,but really like Gulak's anti-deathmatch gimmick.

  107. That is what happens when you have too many babyfaces.

  108. I wonder how many people realize CZW is I believe the only wrestling promotion that's been around a good amount of time to have an unbroken World title lineage.

    Considering their deathmatch motif that's pretty crazy.

  109. What do you mean unbroken?

  110. Never been vacated in it's over 15 year history.

  111. Interesting.

  112. Masada came close to having to vacate it last August due to a legit injury but tougher it out and lost to Gulak.

  113. Ends 2-2, with blood spilled on the last free kick/header. Muller's bleeding.

  114. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 21, 2014 at 3:04 PM

    So many problems could be solved if they just offered up a timeline of some kind, instead of just randomness. "Coming this August: Saturday Night's Main Event!" or something like that. At least then people would have an idea about what to expect (and when) and have something to look forward to.

  115. Its a dog eat dog world and I'm wearing milk bone underpants.

    oh you said Murph, not Norm.

  116. Honestly, I was just curious. It's the only Indy I care about. I like pwg, but love Mike's stories and crazy characters, the promotion's sense of humor...
    I wouldn't blame anyone for not liking Quack, though. I've read he's a perfectionist and hard to be around.

  117. I don't want to pick at a scab here but assumedly your dislike for Mike has something to do with his divorce, because why else would you bring up your feelings for him when we're talking about his ex wife?

  118. You did a good job. It was pretty solid. I'd like to see less jokes made at the wrestlers' expenses and maybe a few less words. It's hard to get people interested in the indies anyway and too many words is just going to lose people quicker. Jokes are good because they keep people engaged.

  119. I remember seeing that on PPV. First I was pushing for Shawn, then Undertaker, then Savio Vega, then we ended up with King Mabel. The ECW inspired Philly crowd crapped all over the show.

  120. Did this get edited, or are people genuinely complaining about the criticism in this?

    I have never seen Roderick Strong and cursory EWR knowledge revealed he wasn't bad, so I learned something new apparently. How is that a bad thing?

    Jesus, I've seen worse reviews from Scott on a GOOD show.

  121. Cheap heat with Tony Atlas backstage for no explained reason

  122. That really doesn't have anything to do with it at all other than being something that occurred. Anything regarding that specifially would be based on speculation and hearsay.

  123. Nice job. Very easy read to get caught up on the independent scene.


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