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Network Updates

I'm introducing a thread to the blog that provides updates to the WWE Network library. This will save you time in searching for new stuff by scrolling through the library itself. It would be very useful if they would add a Just Added section for us nerds.

RAW Replays:


Episode 85 - 11/7/94
Episode 86 - 11/14/94
Episode 87 - 11/21/94


This is Your Life, Rock! - 9/27/99

Smackdown Replays:


Episode 49 - 7/27/00


  1. Excellent idea! And I have no idea why they haven't put up the "Just Added" section yet. It seems like a fairly simple thing to do.

  2. Just looked at the CRZ recap of that Smackdown episode and it sounds really good. Plus it's a birthday episode for me! Huzzah.

  3. Cena wins the title in MITB. Brock vs. Cena for the strap at Summerslam.

  4. Can it please turn out that Cesaro's current music is only temporary too?

  5. I can live with that as long as it results in Brock smashing Cena's face at SS.

  6. Want to up vote 5000 times.

  7. The more I think about it, I don't see a problem with having the entire Poffo family join the Hall of Fame. It's not a real place to go and visit and scratch our heads over weird selections yet and might never be. The Poffo family also wouldn't be the most undeserving entry, either.

    I really hope it's a real place someday. I think it would be wonderful to visit.

  8. Cool idea. Thanks!

  9. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 11:33 AM

    great thread last night, everyone

  10. I don't know if putting the title on Brock - a guy who only wrestles a handful of times each year - is the best idea for the summer months. If you want Brock to have the belt, do it around the Rumble and lead it in to WrestleMania.

  11. Checked out episode 85 of Raw, and they cut out Vince's on-air acknowledgment of Randy Savage leaving.

  12. Fucking crazy about Farva. I was at the bar getting shitfaced(knocked back a shot for Farva) so I didn't get a chance see all the posts about it. How exactly did he die?

    Also this going to sound weird, but the feelings I have about Farva dying are the exact same for when a celeb usually dies.

  13. There was no reason to not induct the Poffo family other than to have a pissing match with Lanny, who may be just as pompous as his Genius character. Savage can be a headliner while the Poffos are a secondary induction.

  14. Apparently, he was trying to cross a highway and got hit by a Cadillac. The reports say he was dead at the scene, no real chance for medical personnel to help him out.

  15. Farva was killed in an accident. He was hit while crossing a very dangerous road

  16. Think I'll start to watch all the 95 Raws to prep for the MNW stuff.

  17. Damn, was it a hit and run?

  18. At this point I sincerely hope that Daniel has wrestled his last match of 2014. And unlike 99.9% of other, I never had a problem with the Kane feud, so this has nothing to do with that, and 100% to do with his long term health.

  19. Doesn't seem like it, although the news report we found didn't mention if the driver stuck around. They said there were no arrests. Most likely just an accident.

  20. For the actual news:

    Bryan: Crap. Crap. Crap. Shit. Fuck. Damn. (Insert profanity here).
    Savage: Past damn time.
    Rollins: Napkin Booking 101, folks. Doesn't mean it'll suck, just raises the potential for that.
    KC: Should be a decent one.

  21. And TJ:

    Damn, the Dutch put a serious shitkicking on Spain yesterday... I bet a lot of people just got quite nervous about their Spain bets...

  22. Spot on about Rollins and napkim booking

  23. I missed it too...when/where/how did we find out

  24. I know it's minor and can be corrected quickly, but changes of music and attire are some easy ways to signal a change in character. Why weren't they thinking about new music when they were teasing the Shield breakup around Mania?

    Hope Bryan gets better. I think WWE began thinking everyone was like John Cena (so far), who always comes back incredibly early from the (inflated?) projected time out. Not sure why they do that when they have people like Christian and (until Thursday) Evan Bourne on their rosters, but there you go.

    I don't know much about that period, but is running an outlaw promotion primarily designed to get your sons over and a midcard comedy gimmick worth a Hall of Fame spot just because you're related to an obvious 1st balloter? I don't think Chris Gwynn is making the MLB hall of fame anytime soon despite being Tony's brother.

  25. That's great news about Rollins and what they should do about Cesaro.
    Remember at Backlash 99 when HHH had that shitty music in between DX and "My Time."

  26. It took a few tries for WWF to get HHH's heel them right, the initial terrible heel theme, Higher Brain Power, then My Time.

  27. One of the many reasons I love living in the city. I walked home drunk at 2am and had streetlights and sidewalks.

  28. Someone brought up his whereabouts and were concerned and Parallax suggested someone with his name google search him to see what we found.

    I googled his name with obituary added to it and found two of them. I found someone with the same name passed away on May 22nd then checked the day of his last post, which was on May22nd. The obit said he was in Florida bout raised in PA, which he mentioned here in the past.

    Ferrari and Abeyance then saw the links of the accident and after that, X Man saw the obit and found his sister on Facebook to confirm if this was true and she said it was.

  29. I think it was in yesterday's update post. I pretty much assumed he was dead when I heard he wasn't responding to emails a few weeks ago. But it is one thing to assume it and quite another to have it confirmed.

  30. The road he crossed was actually ranked the most dangerous in America and 52 people died on it last year alone.

  31. That had to have been a weird convo.

  32. Yes.

    Playing internet detective was shocking too when I found the results

  33. Wow...How'd we know his real name

  34. Also nice to see that cunt Caliber find some way to make a person dying into him being persecuted.

  35. Wow...How'd we know his real name?

  36. Higher Brain Power?

  37. are you fucking serious

  38. Did he really? In last night's open thread? I know he didn't find out until earlier today.

  39. There were some people here who interacted with him via email, which included his last name.

  40. the instrumental of My Time

  41. Sigh. Well, Zebras and stripes, I guess.

  42. I had it from the Fantasy Basketball league and his email

  43. Sort of like 9/11 reminding Steph of his dad going to court with the Feds?

  44. "I know things get heated around here, but I truly wish no harm to any of you. I know I can't expect you guys to feel the same about me, which is my fault, I rated Shawn vs Taker from WM25 at about ***, so I deserve the death threats."

  45. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 11:59 AM

    What a fucking douchebag.

  46. Show me.

    I need a link.

    Fuck that guy

  47. Just posted the quote below. His whole post is in the Friday thread.

  48. It was like an episode of Catfish

  49. like 3 posts down from about 2 hours ago.

  50. It's not far down at all. Under Marion something or other. Honestly, now that I read it, I didn't think it was that bad.

  51. Was he a legit doctor, did the obit mention it?

  52. There was no mention of it in the Obit, which was really bare bones. Just a death notice, really. Apparently, the funeral is next month in Bethlehem, Pa.

  53. They just mentioned his parents and sister and do leave donations in his memory to a Labrador Rescue in Florida. It did not mention anything else.

  54. what a knob, x pac heat

  55. Fuck him.

    Fuck him upside down.

    I don't wish death on him, no matter the douchebag he might be.

    Remember Farva vs Blog in the case of CM Punk.

    See how no one gives a shit because wrestling opinions have no bearing on matters of life and death.

    What kind of ego do you need to think your dumb wrestling reveiw matered that much to people.

    Fuck that guy

  56. I read that but didn't realize it was him, fucking douchebag.

  57. I'm so curious about the time between his last post and the accident.

  58. I read it.

    My thoughts are posted below

  59. Anyone know what his last post(s) were?

  60. I think they would have had M.D. or D.O. in the obit for sure. I'm extremely curious as to what he did for a living.

  61. His second to last post was to me "Just hook up with jobber and get it over with."

  62. You can access his posts by clicking on his screen name. Hit the "Scott's Blog of Doom" link above and then click on Farva.

  63. "I'm way to fucked up for this but for any rap 300 and 360 bars is the shit"

    Final post, in the Gary Hart shoot review thread.

  64. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 14, 2014 at 12:09 PM

    Well if he ever had any hope of being welcomed back on the blog, that ship has sailed I'd say. What a self absorbed dick.

  65. I think he is lonely and trying to say he wants back in, in his own very special way. And if he is seriously receiving death threats, maybe he is wondering how come Farva's death is getting such sympathy.

    But that's me putting on my special Benefit Of Doubt hat, charging it up to 11 and turning off all the safetys.

  66. Ahhh. Is that the official title? Weird!

  67. Oh, that ship sailed the last time he tried to come back. He seems to have more than burned that bridge. Honestly, he pretty well blew it the hell up.

  68. I 100% agree. When a wrestler or any athlete comes back too soon, the risk for greater injury is too much.

  69. No more wrestling in 2014, surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble, wins the damn thing and goes on to win the title at WrestleMania - AGAIN!


  70. On youtube someone did a bad ass mix of My Time and the Motorhead theme. The instrumental was cool, it sounded like a Fear Factory song.

  71. Spain are too inconsistent to bet on. If you aren't going for an outside bet, it's safer to bet on either Brazil, Germany or Italy. And, the last World Cup aside, when they played really badly despite still coming overall 2nd, Netherlands.

  72. What about Rocky Johnson and Peter Maivia. If they were not related to the Rock, they would be nowhere near the HOF.

  73. Lanny beat Hogan on SNME.

  74. If he's receiving death threats, I SERIOUSLY hope it's nobody on here sending them. (As much as I'd like to say it's 100% not, well, there's always the infrequent posters/liars...)

    As far as him coming back, I could not care less either way. He's just not worth more than the occassional sideways reference by now.

  75. 1. Why is WWE trying to rush this guy back so soon? This is one of those times that D-Bry has to be selfish and tell Vince where to stick it.

    2. Not really hung up on the Savage getting into the hall thing. He didn't seem to care too much about it himself

    3. Figures. I know it's the opportunity of a lifetime but if I were Rollins, I think I would have turned down the push. Just for the same reason Bret waited so long. You do this to a guy and you don't have any direction for him it's going to fizzle out quick and then he's just another guy on the roster.

    4. It's Shane Helms. Not really much to say.

  76. I for one would love to hear about the history of 3 Count.

  77. He was using literary license. I guarantee you no one has ever cared enough to send him a death threat.

  78. Rocky, maybe. He was a pretty solid part of the late Backlund/early Hogan cards, with the "historic" tag title run with Atlas.

    Maivia, only as a whole family entry. And not having Rock in that tree would not help, but it's not like there's not a pretty good wrestling representation even then.

  79. Yeah that's how I feel.

  80. I can sum it up for you real quick: They got over when they weren't supposed to and then got buried. WCW died and he went to the WWF. Got over when he wasn't supposed to and got buried. The end.

  81. That once sentence was pretty bad and typical of caliber to make everything about himself but overall the post wasn't as offensive as I thought it would be

  82. That's a phenomenal amount of dipshitery.

  83. You just made me think of something. Why not induct all of the Samoans? It's a shit-ton of them and they all contributed to the business in some way, and collectively, they contributed a whole lot.

  84. That's what I mean. It's much more toned down than some of his other posts.

  85. Stranger in the AlpsJune 14, 2014 at 12:26 PM

    I have a news update for you:

    Enter the Dragon is the shit, and Jim Kelly missed his calling as the 70's Wesley Snipes.

  86. Hit by a car and died.

  87. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 14, 2014 at 12:27 PM

    I cannot express in words how incredibly stupid it is for WWE to have a Hall of Fame, and not have Macho Man in it.

  88. All in the mathematical equation.

  89. I don't think you can just tell Vince no or turn something down. Also the same can be said for not pulling the trigger on a singles run quick enough. There was a good chance him and Ambrose would be cannon fodder for reigns and at the very least he was most likely seen by some as the one with the lowest ceiling so it's very possible even if he could say no (he can't ) that this might be his only big chance and he wouldn't even have a chance to fizzle if he got out in the shuffle after the split

  90. :shakes head:
    Even during our own tragedy he can't show respect.

  91. When he was running the QOTD's I shot him an email or 2.

  92. Buck Nasty brought it up.

  93. might make what they are adding kinda look sad (much like this thread does unfortunately). Nice idea to collect it all in one place, kinda like some people with Nefflix adding and removing stuff.

  94. You make good points, but to me this is like a guy in AAA working out the kinks and getting the call to the majors cause the owner is trying to sell some tickets. At this point Rollins doesn't have a character to build on. He just decided to turn heel just cause. This really needed more time to develop. Not 6 years, but more time than they took.

  95. Yeah, it was the greatest.

  96. makes you want to hear some shoots where guys say, "yeah, they gave me push to the moon. I was supposed to get over huge, but I just couldn't get it done."

  97. That's why I enjoyed the Buddy Landell shoot review. He was given opportunities early but just didn't have it and pretty much owned it.

    This might get me attacked but I feel the same way about Barry Windham. I think he was given every opportunity to succeed but he just wasn't, imo, a main eventer.

  98. ehh, without Savage to give the speech I'm not sure how much value inducting Savage has. Instead you are left with the aformentioned pompous asshole giving the speech (hopefully not regaling us with more talk of his amazing self-sucking abilities). Not sure I care too much about hearing Lanny Poffo putting himself and his dad over or even talking up Randy. We know how great Randy is. The WWE HOF is not a real place or even a real HOF with actual voters. It is a gimmick to make money on WM weekend.

  99. psychologically yes. Windham had all the tools and has been in a ton of great matches (ask some old timers about his house show work, not just the TV). But for whatever reason he couldn't get it done mentally. Just didn't work hard enough (which he openly admits).

  100. it is stupid, but as I said lower down, without Randy being alive, we are left with listening to his brother babble on about how great Randy is. For me, not really a selling point to watch the ceremony.

  101. afaik Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero have both admitted that about themselves, too.

  102. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 12:55 PM

    i raised the question last night, so if someone happens to see x-man, ask him: how exactly did he confirm that mark haas was our farva? scott confirmed that a mark haas would e-mail him all the time, but i'm curious as to how x-man confirmed with his sister. maybe by asking if he was a wrestling fan, that he said he was a doctor, etc?

  103. or do the big surprise twist: he is the surprise entrant in the Rumble but is eliminated by whoever is the top heel.

    could not only result in the heel getting a lot more heat from it but also used to create the first post-WrestleMania feud for that guy.

  104. exactly. at this point it's more like "well, you obviously can't have a WWE Hall of Fame without the Macho Man!"

  105. You know if Koko made it in, I see no reason why The Genius shouldn't. And why not put Angelo in as the token old timer. It's not like the majority of the fan base recognizes him less than Carlos Colon anyway.

  106. The Genius does have something that Koko never got:

    A victory over the Hulkster.

  107. why would anyone consider Spain inconsistent when they won the three biggest tournaments in a row (2008/2010/2012)?

  108. Spain fans threw a hissy fit yesterday.

  109. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 1:03 PM

    flipping through the channels to watch something mindless

    the good news: a block of the cosby show! yay!

    the bad news: it's the olivia years and most of the kids are grown up! boo!

  110. Flair did the same thing with Windham in 87 that he did with Sting in 88. Sting turned into a star and Windham didn't. The Windham marathon from Worldwide is better from a technical standpoint but that Clash match in 88 just had *it* that Windham couldn't bring.

  111. I was under the impression no one on here gave enough crap about him to contact him, let alone death threats.

  112. Ugh. What an absolutely awful way to go, and at 31 too.

  113. I definitely don't rule out Caliber being Caliber, but do keep in mind, we're not exactly a large portion of Scott's views. Just his posts/responses.

  114. Totally down with Savage going in. Just have Rude, Martel, Midnights and Demos on my must induct list.

  115. For the Game of Thrones fans who love wrestling:

  116. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 14, 2014 at 1:19 PM

    Demos = overrated.

  117. Maybe so. But, I didn't see a lot of Hawk and Animal until after the arrived to the WWF. Demos were my childhood, so I'd like to see them go in.

  118. I'm legit offended at that Big Show/Drogo comp.

  119. Because their play was itself still very inconsistent . And yes they're doing well lately but they're not 'mature' as a 'great' team.

    Same thing I was saying about France before the last World Cup and look how they fared there.

  120. That could work, guys like Benoit and Flair had some pretty long Rumble runs the year after they won it.

  121. Speaking of which, part of me thinks it'd be sort of cool if they inducted Derringer one of these years. He WAS responsible for two of the most memorable themes of the late-80's and early-90's (Hogan and Demolition).

  122. Same way that Daniel Bryan fans continue to claim that he gets buried, despite the years of overwhelming evidence against it.


    She didn't really have much to offer outside the red hair, yeah?

  124. Anybody want to watch a PPV tonight?

  125. Okay guys, WHERE is this from?

  126. SHe's keeping the red hair. It wa a photoshop. Her black hair is the best though.

  127. Kid got caught watching WCW in 2000.

  128. Oh thank goodness. I do agree about the black hair.

  129. Yeah, I didn't like that one either. On another note, jason momoa is the new aqua man!

  130. That was punishment enough.

  131. Relative of Ric Flair?

  132. Totally. Even if you weren't a Hulkamaniac, you can't say that song wasn't sweet. Especially when the solo kicked in. Hard not to get amped up.

  133. For some reason, Episode 84 (Randy's last episode) is missing from the Roku app.

  134. BTW you're a good poster. I rescind any earlier criticism and welcome you to the BoD sir. Help your self to any snacks or drinks in the break room, keys to the bathroom will be in your mailbox.

  135. Probably the most perfect use of that term ever.

  136. They really should just put Savage in the damn thing just to get it over with. Everyone is clamoring for it, the crowd will go ape shit, any kind of randy savage DVD will probably do good #'s even in the network era just due to what a huge and iconic star he is. Plusoor Stephanie is probably dying to put those rumors to rest.

  137. Still they gotta get it over with. Also would it kill them to cap the celebrity inductee speech time to like 5 minutes? That way we can keep the ceremony under 5 hours. Also maybe force Lanny to do the induction as the Genius to hopefully shorten it up.

  138. Thank you for posting this. Saves a shit ton of time.

  139. It's not on the version of the Network, either. I think they just haven't put it up yet. The same thing happened with Ep. 6, which didn't show up until several episodes after it had been posted.

  140. It must be hard for fans and followers of wrestling in 2014 to believe that at one time pro wrestlers were getting endorsement deals to do commercials for sprite.

  141. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 14, 2014 at 2:14 PM

    Thank you. I'm sorry for being so antagonistic towards you before. I've always thought you were a good poster too.

  142. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 2:20 PM

    remember the wcw mastercards?

  143. I'm talking about Spain's inconsistent play, despite their ultimate success in recent years, and how that doesn't make them a safe bet compared to other teams who consistently play better, taking into account literally decades of stats.

    Please explain how in any way this relates to your pet peeve regarding Daniel Bryan and people moaning that he isn't being promoted hard enough.

  144. Just came on for the first time in a while and saw the news about Farva. I only interacted with him briefly a couple times before, but he was certainly entertaining. Enjoyed reading his discussions with everyone here. Very sorry to hear the news, both for myself and for all of you who have known him so well from here. My condolences to his family, friends, and everyone here at the BOD. R.I.P. Farva.

  145. Yeah the Demos are past overdue- they were like the LOD, but actually professional, decent workers, and not actively trying to ruin the credibility of everyone else around them!

  146. Just bizarre seeing Lanny Poffo with no facial hair on a Countdown show. Wouldn't have known it was him.

  147. Great idea. I approve of this as a daily thread.

  148. I'll probably have to entertain the GF tonight.

  149. Stranger in the AlpsJune 14, 2014 at 2:59 PM

    Episode 84 from 10/31/94 - Lex Luger vs. Bob Backlund
    The 1-2-3 Kid vs. jobber
    King Kong Bundy vs jobber
    Jim Neidhart vs. jobber
    The Undertaker and Paul Bearer on The King's Court.
    Randy Savage makes his final WWE appearance......ever.

  150. have you ever seen Blackbelt Jones?

  151. Stranger in the AlpsJune 14, 2014 at 3:02 PM

    Yes......yes I have. In all it's blaxploitative glory. I once created a mix tape of movie soundbites, and I had plenty of BBJ on there.

  152. Spain getting that shitkicking last night was remeniscent of Barcelona getting destroyed by Bayern Munich a season ago. Their style seems to be on the way out.

  153. They can't do a Savage documentary without talking about why he never came back after WCW, right? Even if it's some bullshit explanation.

  154. I've said Argentina from the start and I'm sticking with it.

  155. So uncharacteristic of Vince to bury his own creation in favor of someone else's.

  156. He can blow himself?

  157. Hogan should probably induct him, but Lanny will probably insist.

  158. They should just say he was on steroids so they can leave him Barry Bonds.

  159. Yeah, every time I read a "WWE concerned over Bryan" headline I expect it to be that they're concerned for his health...but it's "WWE concerned Bryan won't be ready for the pay per view!"

  160. Yep. Every dog has its day. Spain last night were lazy in comparison to a real old-fashioned Dutch team. They'll have better form but that's what makes them so inconsistent - you never know which Spain you'll see playing.

    Your Argentina bet is a good one.

  161. Oddly enough whenever people are complaining about Rollins attire and music I thought of HHH's heel turn. He had that generic music and then a couple of early My Time versions, and he went from his long tights to just the trunks from his long tights to actual trunks. Things turned out okay for him.

  162. 40 minutes to the big kick-off....I think England will get a 1-1 draw, but after seeing Costa Rica take apart Uruguay, a win would put us in a great position.

  163. Isn't it Higher Brain Pattern? Makes no difference I realize, but Pattern just sounds cooler.

  164. It's confusing as all get-out. I wonder if his absence has changed business that much. If this happened last year he'd get as much time as he needed.

  165. They can probably play around with the timeline a bit but after Angelo died, from all accounts Randy became a changed man, so maybe use that as the excuse.

  166. Stranger in the AlpsJune 14, 2014 at 4:05 PM

    That episode of Smackdown features Shane McMahon forming a stable of Chris Benoit, The Big Show, Kurt Angle and Edge & Christian. Unforunately, I'm unsure why this stable didn't go forward, because it's a pretty awesome one.

  167. Big Show I think was sent down to OVW because he sucked right around this time.


    +1 on the gratitude. Thanks for doing the digging, and this column is a great idea.

  169. AverageJoeEverymanJune 14, 2014 at 9:50 PM

    I was so psyched for that stable.


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