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QOTD 174: Same Name Game

So, Blog Otters, one of my favorite games to play with folks while on a bus or road trip or while we can't do anything else, is to play the same name game - which I cribbed from Cougar Town. So, lets play it!

Combine movie titles into silly, dumb, insane names that conjure up an idea of possibly the best worst movie ever. 

For example: Iron Man + Man On Fire = Iron Man on Fire

The 40 Year Old Virgin + The Virgin Suicides = The 40 Year Old Virgin Suicides 

And so on. You can do it for music, games, TV shows, whatever. Bonus points if you come up with a silly plot involving BODers!

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10 Awful Plot Twists That Ruined Great Games
10 Most Jaw Dropping Moments from the Major E3 Press Events
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  1. Tropic Thunder In Paradise

  2. I think it is finally time to send QOTD out for a walk on the highway.

  3. I'm a bigger fan of 1995 WWE than 1994.

  4. Star Wars: A New Hope Floats
    An Inconvenient Truth About Cats & Dogs
    Apollo 13 Ghosts
    Blair Witch 2: The Jungle Book of Shadows

  5. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 15, 2014 at 11:03 AM

    Same here. It may be the Shawn and Diesel show, but that's a lot more interesting than every match being a jobber squash.

  6. Since Cougar Town was mentioned, I will just say that Bobby Cobb is the best character in TV history. that is all.


  8. And that's okay with me. Plus Razor was still cool.

  9. I was a Diesel fan as a kid, 1995 was awesome for me.

  10. He's the Golf Pro that lives on the boat right? He is incredible.

  11. Goddammit Meekin + Meekin Doesn't Know What A Shoot Is=

    Goddammit Meekin Doesn't Know What A Shoot Is

  12. So saying "this is all uncomfortable can we talk about wrestling please" is bad, and only assholes do it. But making jokes about playing in traffic are okay?

    Just want to make sure that I have the same opinion as anyone.

    If the QOTD does "take a walk on the highway", let me be the first to say that I am stunned and shocked and will personally never forget it.

  13. I think the undercard was worse in 94 but the Bret/Owen stuff rocked. And crazy Bob at the end of 94 was great too. 95 probably had better overall ring work (I know hard to believe with KOTR 95 and Summerslam 95) but the top of the card sucked and 94 had WM10.

  14. Do The Right Thing From Outer Space
    Kindergarten Maniac Cop

  15. That's when you get together a bunch of lighting, camera, and technical people and film actors saying lines from a script, right?

  16. That ones kind of clever.

    Well played Meekin.

  17. Hell yeah. He makes me wanna live on a boat in a stranded parking lot, while drinking beer.

  18. Mr. Meekin,Mr. Madison, what you've just said... Is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point, in your rambling, incoherent response, were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

  19. That's my favorite quote from The Bridges of Billy Madison County.

  20. Thank you. As a reward for your compliment, feel free to chastise this short film I wrote:

    There's a Cactus jack joke in there!

  21. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyJune 15, 2014 at 11:50 AM

    No Country For Old Men Who Stare At Goats
    From Russia With Love And Other Drugs
    Full Metal Jackass

  22. It's a wonderful life aquatic

    Three Colours: Blues Brothers

    Remains of the Day of the Jackal

  23. Dirty Dave wins.

  24. Fahrenheit 911 Is A Joke (okay, mixed media there, and no hatred to Michael Moore implied)
    Fantastic Four Weddings and a Funeral
    Reservoir Dogs In Space
    Up In The Air Bud Spikes Back

  25. The fact Air Bud Spikes Back is a real movie gives my heart glee.

  26. Once we get to September 95 Raws, is that when they start uploading nitros too?

  27. Never said by Farva when he was offered a drink.


    Replace kid with frequent BOD poster.

  29. A Walk Hard To Remember. A real classic.

  30. Austin out of the main event picture, HHH comes in and takes over the main event scene, Hogan comes back in a month and gets main event pushes, Undertaker is dumped to the midcard and being eliminated by a jobber, Flair vs. Vince happened, Angle got sent back to the midcard. To me it was a point where I can say that WWE changed drastically.

  31. This sounds a lot like the Build-a-Title game that Doug Benson plays on Doug Loves Movies. Take a group of people, start with one title, and add to the first or last word of the title. If you get to a point where dinnertime can't add then they're out.

    Spider-man > Along Came A Spider-man > Along Came A Spider-man On Fire...

    You can also use sound alikes,

    Spider-man > Harriet The SPYder-man...

  32. Indeed. It's mostly nostalgia for me, but nothing can touch the epicness of Hogan-Andre. And although Steamboat was looking for revenge, he wasn't that big of a star to me at the time, so his win over the almighty Macho Man was kinda an upset. III all the way.

  33. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 15, 2014 at 12:35 PM

    The amount of space dedicated to linking back to yourself is equal to the amount of space used for the article.

  34. I meant Mania's only.

  35. If you were watching at the time, it's not. Piper vs. Adonis was supposedly Piper's retirement, and a hair match to boot. And there was heat in that six man, since the faces were looking for revenge on Danny Davis. The pop you hear when he's getting his ass kicked is awesome.

  36. Bad Santa with Muscles
    Ready to Rumble in the Bronx

  37. "Brand Extension Era" is a more relevant name. People who obsessively refer to it as "Ruthless Aggression" are just clinging on to this motif that eras are christened in a promo (like Vince's 'Attitude' speech).

    "Brand Extension" reflects the different approach that was made to the business.

  38. Yeah, it's just too many.

  39. Yeah I'm just blind sorry!

  40. Yep my mistake, sorry.

  41. It is very Caliber esque.

  42. I would not choose 17 since its the mania that began an era of bankrupted creativity. All downhill after that night.

  43. My biological dad was a sack of crap, and I've never met the guy. The dad I grew up with, my brother's bio dad was absolutely no prize either, and far from someone I'd look up to. So, I'm here to celebrate other people's dads who I admire, and I try to pattern my life after.

    Arnold, of course, for a number of reasons. He's completely self-made, and busted his ass from the get go. He arrived here in America with $20 in his pocket when he was 19. By the time he was 30 he a 6-time Mr. Olympia [the highest honor in bodybuilding], as well as a millionaire due to his investments & start-up businesses. He's an awesome guy who stands by his friends, and is honest when called on his fuck-ups or bullshit.

    Stallone for a lot of the same reasons. He toiled in Hollywood for years, taking bit-parts while being stereotyped. He created a script from whole cloth, and turned down offers as high as $250,000 for it, because he wanted to star in it, knowing how good the script was. Once he got his break, he went on to build two of the greatest film franchises in history with Rocky & Rambo. A good portion of people don't even know he's a writer & producer, as well as a director. He directed Rocky II, III, IV, Rocky Balboa, Rambo 4, The Expendables, and a few others. He's extremely kind, honest, hard-working, giving, and everything I want to be as a person, and what I want from my career.

    Dexter, much like The Punisher, is a hero of mine because they do what I wish so badly someone would do. Dex & The Punisher are brilliant, tactical, and never make mistakes. There's never collateral damage, and no bullshit where an innocent dies because of lazy detective work. They're thorough & precise, and the people who die deserve to die. They make the world a better place, and I never tire of watching them kill rapists, human traffickers, murderers, child molesters, and people who scream at cashiers who say they can't use one of their 300 coupons because it's expired. Beyond that, Dexter is a great guy. He loves his family, he's kind & honest, and the kind of person any rational guy would want to be like.

  44. It probably depends on Bryan's future. If he's out a long time and doesn't really stay a tippy-toppy guy, then no. If it's his true coronation in retrospect, I could see it somewhere in the Top 7 or so.

  45. I think Austin got the title shot in the main event of the very next pay-per-view, but that would have been I think his last ever WWE title match.

  46. Attitude ended imo when Russo and Ferrera left. Like them or not, their booking defined what we think of when we say attitude era.

  47. 4 is unwatchable. Not 3.

  48. Vince was awful after 92

  49. It's what he wrote on Father's Day

  50. Caliber: " Can I write fitness articles here?"

  51. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 15, 2014 at 12:47 PM

    Remind me to never let Hogan near a booking committee.

  52. Steve Martian + Martian Short = Steve Martian Short.

  53. I hate that term and how it's become so widespread in describing that time period. Seriously, it was a phrase that was uttered two times at most - once by Vince, and then Cena in his debut.

  54. It's sad when you see a guy do the moves he was later famous for before he got famous.

  55. The timing. WCW died the week before, changing wrestling as we knew it forever. Combine that with the face of the era abandoning his defining character and it's a pretty swift bookend.

  56. Stranger in the AlpsJune 15, 2014 at 12:53 PM

    I'm Gonna Git You Sucka + Dick = draw your own conclusion.

  57. Ah okay. McCoy my first Dr too. The first story I saw was Paradise Heights, as I think it was called. Terrible, but it scared the hell out of me as a little kid.

    Remembrance Of The Daleks, Silver Nemesis and that one set during WWII are what made me a life-long fan however :)

  58. This is a laugh out loud terrible post.

  59. Stranger in the AlpsJune 15, 2014 at 12:54 PM

    This is a laugh out loud response to a post.

  60. I'm sure you would have filled that thread with hundreds of awful posts too.

  61. Glad you like it.

  62. I found him a better set-up to Lawler's jokes than JR was, and I listen for the humour than the play-by-play. JR on his own I find better than him plus Lawler.

  63. We did with the Impact thread about a month ago.

  64. I absolutely feel the same way about WrestleMania X.

    no WrestleMania before or after had me in that special kind of anticipation like that one.

  65. you never heard it?

  66. yeah I was never a big Austin fan, but I've grown to enjoy it more in retrospect. I loved heel austin though. Not sure it was best for WWF (we've debated that over and over around here) financially but for me it was awesome creatively. didn't much care for "sheriff austin" or the other stuff he did as CO Gm to keep him on TV when he couldn't actualy work. I didn't like everyone cowering to him or him stunning guys that had to work night after night when he wasn't able to get in the ring.

  67. Mitch, The GodfatherJune 15, 2014 at 1:00 PM

    Never got the love for Wrestlemania 19. Jericho/HBK was solid but Angle/Lesnar is just one of the most forgettable main events of all-time only remember because of Brock's botch.

    If they could have knocked Cena/JBL and Batista/HHH out of the park, WM 21 would be far and away the greatest WM ever. Funny thing is Cena/JBL had a great I Quit match the next month and Batista/HHH had a great HIAC match at Vengeance.

  68. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 15, 2014 at 1:00 PM

    Internet annoyance Paul Meekin + the motion picture "Blow"

    Paul Meekin Blows.

  69. I think that is true of that one point as a kid where it all comes together. I was insanely interested in Foley/HHH and that entire period of 2000/2001 but it still never compared to the wide-eyed fun of a 13 year old wanting to see Piper go over (no matter how politically incorrect it all was in retrospect) or rooting for Hogan to beat Andre, Steamboat (even though I dug Savage), etc.

  70. Get outta here non-seeing person!!!

  71. Sorry Lax....
    Chris Walker Texas Ranger.

  72. Excalibur Winfield.

  73. You can't kill a dead man!

  74. Imagine if it'd been Bret/Flair instead of Bret/Austin... Bret could've still kept the same general heel character where he was uncomfortable with the more sexual/violent direction the company was heading, yay Canada/boo USA, and lash out at Flair because of the lifestyle of debauchery he represents.

  75. WMX is definitely one I used to watch all the time growing up, probably the most times overall.

  76. Oooo, I got one, My Favorite Martian Short

  77. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 15, 2014 at 1:16 PM

    There's no reason to encourage that.

  78. The biggest reason I can't agree that the Attitude Era stretched to WM19 is because 2002 was such a shit year, at least IMO. This isn't even considering the botched Invasion angle the year prior.

  79. 19 may not have been the BEST card, but it was pretty solid overall. Matt Hardy/Rey Mysterio has always been one of my favorite 'Mania openers.

  80. 21 was stellar until the title matches.

  81. I'd never heard the "Brand Extension Era" alternative, but holy shit that's SOOO much better than "Ruthless Aggression." I think why that name has stuck for so long is because John Cena used it in his first promo.

  82. My Favorite Martian Salute Your Shorts

  83. All i remember was Stacy and the rumour that they were supposed to run in on the Vince/Shane match but that it got pulled at the last minute.

  84. I hope he has this memorized word for word and recites it to each new person he meets as a means of thorough introduction.

  85. We all knew Vince/Shane was going to be a sports entertainment train wreck of possibly the best kind. Why not have Vince, desperate to win, get some WWF guys interfere in the match, and Shane could have the WCW guys run out as his back up. Then you could still do the Trish/Steph brawl, Linda standing up and kicking Vince in the balls, and Mick's forearms in the corner leading to Shane's Van Terminator and victory.

  86. Back then Shawn was all, "I'm sorry; I only like you as a friend."

  87. meekin +

    = Every question of the day ever.

  88. The Lion King Ralph
    21 White Men Can't Jump Street

  89. Stranger in the AlpsJune 15, 2014 at 1:37 PM

    Kiss Kiss Bang Bang The Astronaut's Wife.

  90. Stranger in the AlpsJune 15, 2014 at 1:38 PM

    Kiss Kiss Bang Bang The Preacher's Wife

  91. Stranger in the AlpsJune 15, 2014 at 1:38 PM

    Kiss Kiss Bang Bang The Butcher's Wife

  92. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 15, 2014 at 1:40 PM


  93. I thought Paul's favorite game to play was how much food can I fit into my mouth

  94. He would have lost all his money to Hooters north rather than south of the Mason-Dixon Line?

  95. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 15, 2014 at 1:45 PM

    When Hugh Morrus was shown and the headline "WCW Wrestlers" was all the intro they got, you knew it was going to fall flat

  96. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 15, 2014 at 1:45 PM

    What a time for the WCW invaders to attack and leave both McMahons dead in the middle of their street fight.

  97. It could use some tighter editing, but hell's yes this is absolutely required reading for anyone who enjoys a little schauden... shodden... freuden... enjoyment at the pain of others.

  98. They should bring Mooney and Lord Alfred back to do Raw.

  99. Wait...

    How the fuck you don't know what the term shoot means in wrestling?

  100. Y'know what always pissed me off? The Hardy Boyz matches where Matt would wear that weird ribbed mesh shirt that had a tiny hole above the nipple on one pec. YOU'RE A WWE "SUPERSTAR," MATT. BUY A NEW SHIRT.

  101. Major League + Snatch = Major League Snatch.

  102. Seann William Scott's option C from the Rundown? Because if that's the case, the Rock has told me that there is no option C.

  103. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 15, 2014 at 1:54 PM

    perfect example of this, from dream theater

    song itself:

    lyrics: (some of the references won't make sense unless you're familiar with other bands and/or some pop culture references, though)

    Sailing on the seven seize the day tripper diem's ready
    Jack the ripper Owens Wilson Phillips and my supper's ready
    Lucy in the sky with diamond Dave's not here I come to save the
    Day for nightmare cinema show me the way to get back home again

    Running forward
    Falling back
    Spinning round and round
    Looking outward
    Reaching in
    Scream without a sound

    Leaning over
    Crawling up
    Stumbling all around
    Losing my place
    Only to find I've come full circle

    Flying off the handle be careful with
    That axe Eugene gene the dance machine
    Messiah light my fire gabba gabba
    Hey hey my my generation's home again

  104. It was severely limping along by then resorting to hit shotting and shock value without the workers and creativity behind it.

  105. Penny can looks fun

  106. aren't they both dead?

  107. How?! He put warrior dead center. Gave him the stamp of approval and then took like some months off... before coming back for the earthquake deal.

    Not his fault warrior bombed.

    The fans still had gas in the tank for hogan
    Warrior had no credible heels built for him.

    Thats not hogans fault.

  108. Vampire Hunter D The Mighty Ducks

  109. And although I played along, this is pretty half assed. "This isn't even a question, buy I need people to see these 75 links! Plus, some people are back around for a few days...have to capitalize so people can see what awful taste I have in things!"

  110. Haha there was a QOTD a while back where I made the unfortunate choice to talk about wrestling.

    Long story short I made the point that all botches are shoots, but not all shoots are botches. So if a wrestler does something wrong or something weird happens - like when the ring ropes broke on Jericho at...Summerslam I think, I'd refer to that as a "shoot" because it wasn't supposed to happen within the context of the match.

    It was a semantic argument, and not wanting to be viewed as Anti-semantic I just rolled with it.

  111. Ha! Poor lord died back in 03 or 04 I believe.

  112. There are several DDP Yoga articles I've written that many people have read and commented on and hated that tell you otherwise.

  113. In my defense the ones of these I full-ass tend to get the most shit, so, here we are.

  114. MaffewOfBotchamaniaJune 15, 2014 at 2:02 PM

    I have to agree. Next to WM 17, the second best is WM X.

  115. Tonight:

    My body is ready.

  116. No... not buddy rogers relate. Vince was being Vince. He wanted him called "the real work champion" because Vince is a Control freak. Always had to tweak something

  117. Storyline wise it had been building in matches. But you are mostly correct

  118. Lol horseman = Vince acknowledging wcw. Never was happening.

  119. For me, it's less that, more just sadness at how a company that had ingredients to be good blew it time and again due to their obsession with becoming WWE right now rather than build it up.

  120. That's fair, but still dude...pick one thing and shill it.

  121. Yeah by the time he was Sheriff he had gone from a favourite of mind to a reason to change the channel.

    Like you I'm not a fan of someone dishing out punishment unless there are consequences. It's stupid and counter productive whether it's Austin or Dusty dropping bionic elbows. If you can't work, don't half-work. Just stop.

  122. Oh for sure. I mean I'd be the first to admit that it wasn't as good after WM17. That was the end of the Golden Age of the Attitude Era. Or something.

  123. You can't fault a show for what happened after it. WMX7 was on point and the last hurrah of the Attitude Era.

  124. Watched the AWA doc last night. A shame that Verne was so lost once Vince showed up as he was ahead of his time with TV and promoting big cities. I saw some parallels with 80s Verne and modern Vince as well.

  125. I'd watch this if it was about the speech Jim Bouton got from his minor league manager before a big game:

    ""Every one of you guys is this close (holding index finger and thumb a centimeter apart) to big league pussy!"

  126. I think a lot of fans hated that era, which is why they stuck with the shitty name- I think Vince also wanted to push the phrase endlessly, judging by his one big promo. Didn't Benoit have a shirt design called "Toothless Aggression" as well? I'm sure they used it more often.

  127. Endless loop of Arnold yelling at the kids to SHUT UP!

  128. Oh, how I hope so. Nothing would make me happier than seeing the Heat go out with a whimper.

  129. Introducing the man that will take pro-wrestling to the next level:

    THE ROCK... and Roll" Buck Zumhofe.

  130. I agree it wasn't strong. My hatred of Hogan and UT pretty much soured me on wrestling in 2002, although I still watched fairly regularly until 2005 or 2006 (around the time Eddie died). But it was no longer appointment TV, I stopped worrying about catching SD also, didn't order a single ppv after Summerslam 2002. But it seemed like a lot of the major players were still around in 2002 doing things, it was still fairly edgy, still tried to swerve us and suprise us, etc. And Rock/Austin serves as a nice bookend also. Nothing is a perfect "end" but that works as well as any other for me

  131. Because as someone who is a self professed "writer", Meekin couldn't be bothered to do the basic research to find out what it is.

  132. Live Free or Die Hard Day's Night in Heaven Can Wait Til Your Father Gets Home Alone in the Dark Knight's Tale of Winter Break Point of No Return to Paradise Hotel 13 Ghosts in the Machine Gun Preacher's Wife's Murder By Death Becomes Her Master's Voice Over The Top Gun Crazy, Stupid, Love & Basketball Diary of a Wimpy Kid With A Bike Ride Along Came a Spider-Man of Steel Magnolias.

    Are we done yet?

  133. WM X17 had five classic matches.
    1.HHH vs Taker
    2.Vince vs Shane (classic in the sense that its the greatest "sportz entertainment" match ever, not in traditional workrate.)
    3.Benoit vs Jericho
    4.TLC 2
    5. Austin vs Rock

    WM 3 only has 1 classic match (and another with the greatest historical signifigance of all time though. Its not even close.

  134. Are you trying to recycle my old gimmick?

  135. What, no love for WM23? Cena/Michaels, UT/Batista, MVP's coming out party, a fantastic MITB ladder match (maybe the best ever), and the spectacle of the Battle of the Billionaires. Fantastic Mania.

  136. They both have all their hopes riding on the guy that married their daughter?

  137. Yea but he could have called them the 5 Horsemen to show that the WWF's version is better.

  138. I always kind of preferred 14 to 3. And I think 12 doesn't get enough love.

  139. I liked HBK/Jericho and Austin/Rock, but I really didn't care about either Angle/Brock or Vince/Hogan, which were the big ones.

  140. 14's under-rated. Pretty much everything on the card had been built up for months beforehand.

  141. Yes, but no one gives you any shit at all about the ones you don't post. Maybe you should work towards that

  142. anyone else picking up ea sports ufc on Tuesday? Got mine already preordered from best buy since I had a coupon.

    How the hell do you not know what a shoot is in 2014?

  143. WM III had superior tag wrestling for sure. Solid opener; fun, quick Killer Bees v. Volkoff/Sheik; terrific six man with the Bulldogs and Hart Foundation. The Dream Team v. Rougeaus match was good too, and it built a major new character.

  144. Why is Antilles wearing makeup?

    This whole thing is offensive

  145. I also think the Angle/Benoit match suffers in comparison to what they'd produce later. Savage/Steamboat is far and away the best match on either of those cards.

  146. For me, it's 3, 10, and 17, in no particular order. All the Manias after 20 blur together (for me, anyway).

  147. That's what we're assuming, because it would be logical, but they've never released a schedule or anything.

  148. Hopefully were getting a live thread for that. If the game goes how I want it to go, ill stay up for all of it.

  149. 7 is pretty underrated IMO.

  150. So in Caliber world every guy wants to be a vigilante serial killer. A psychiatrist's wet dream, this one.

  151. Mooney is apparently working as a news anchor for an NBC affiliate, KVOA 4 in Tucson, AZ.

  152. Mitch, The GodfatherJune 15, 2014 at 3:45 PM

    I wouldn't consider those first three classics.

  153. Was it always known that Clash VI was clipped horribly on the Network? They cut three matches! One of the ones they cut was the Varsity Club/Road Warriors title match where Teddy Long makes the fastest three count in history, too.

  154. Very late in his run (i.e., when it was too late) Flair did start to morph back into the Flair of old. They brought the "Nature Boy" nickname back (though Savage messed up and said it at WM8) and he got to wear suits more often when cutting promos, as opposed to wearing his robe and wrestling gear all the time (another Vince thing, it seems--never show a wrestler in street clothes if at all possible).

  155. The guy who just got indicted for decades of molesting a family member?

  156. This place is a ghost town today.

  157. Slap Shot in the Dark
    Se7en Samurai

    Red Dawn of the Dead Poets Society
    Dirty Harry Potter
    The Girl with the Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Tattoo
    South Pacific Rim
    Aguirre, the Wrath of Godzilla

  158. Yeah what's their drummer's name? Mike Portnoy? I once started a full on fight by innocently asking two guys I just met "so who is better, him or the guy from Rush?" as an ice breaker. Crazy.

  159. -food +cock

    Not that there's anything wrong with that.

  160. I'd take Austin-Rock and the TLC match over that.

  161. He would have been complaining about being misused in the WWF instead of WCW.

  162. Shilling is one thing... I have done it myself at times... having more lines of shilling than content is something that someone who wants to be a writer should be ashamed of.

  163. I agree that TNA killed Aries for good. I'm just saying that now, modern day, it is what it is.

  164. Absolutely. It's probably just age and all the matches that have come sense, but for me personally the Savage-Steamboat match doesn't hold up after all these years. I get the magic of the match if you were a fan of the time, but for me it's more or less just there.

  165. Exactly. You couple that with that crowd and mania 3 goes above 17. Now I will say without the historical significance and imagery the opinion might be different.

    People that didn't grow up at the time may not be able to appreciate just how big of a deal wrestlemania 3 was.

    Plus Vince's introduction of Aretha Franklin is gold.

  166. Hold that 10 for Johnny B. BadJune 15, 2014 at 4:48 PM

    Agreed on 12. Great show. The 3 hours fly.

  167. I think 17 is better pretty easily. Up and down the card, 3 comes up short, for me anyway.

  168. So that happens is Austin deciding to side with Vince now about his love for his company and needing to do what was best?

  169. I just want to get to the game already. Fuuuuuuck.

  170. Hold that 10 for Johnny B. BadJune 15, 2014 at 4:51 PM

    To be fair, you're judging it on match quality alone. Atmosphere, stars appearing, commentary, moments, entrances, x-factors, and nostalgic attachment all can play into judging a show for some folks too.

  171. Can Am vs Muraco and Orton tops my list of most underrated mania matches ever.

  172. It's a running joke from like 2001 when Rogue Leader came out and everyone kept spelling it Rouge leader because in-browser spell check wasn't a thing at the time.

  173. I'm waiting to hear back from the PR rep person so i can review it / possibly secure a give away for the blog since its in our wheel house.

  174. I'm just following the Stone Cold Steve Austin Podcast's methods.

  175. There's a part of me that feels it ended when the radicalz came in.

  176. Hold that 10 for Johnny B. BadJune 15, 2014 at 4:55 PM

    You may be right. That undercard was a near ideal mix of wrestling, stars, moments, and segments. To this day I disagree with not making Cena-JBL a wild, weapon/run-in filled brawl. Of course it'd still have HHH blowing it in yet another WM main event.

  177. But every match was at least watchable. Even if you argue it's a two match show, it's two matches with HUGE historical significance. Hogan slamming Andre. Savage vs Steamboat was seen at the time by many as the greatest match ever plus it has and still has one of the most remembered finishes ever. Plus again that crowd.

  178. I think Piper had intended for it to be his final match but I may be wrong. He certainly seemed like it was.

    Thought it was touching when he kissed Fink on the head.

  179. Hold that 10 for Johnny B. BadJune 15, 2014 at 4:59 PM

    It was planned, but cut due to time constraints.

  180. Is he also incapable of adjusting when given constructive criticism?

  181. If we're talking underrated mania's 8 definitely has to be in the discussion.

    Maybe it's just because I really loved Piper vs Hart. I was always surprised Bret's victory wasn't seen as a big thing given Piper never jobbed.

  182. Hold that 10 for Johnny B. BadJune 15, 2014 at 5:06 PM

    New Generation 2?

  183. Hold that 10 for Johnny B. BadJune 15, 2014 at 5:07 PM

    What about the "E"era? Just that one small change symbolized a lot of larger ones.

  184. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 15, 2014 at 5:08 PM

    During dark times such as these, it's nice to see some things never change. Like Meekin being obliviously terrible. It's oddly comforting, in a way.

    R.I.P., Farva.

  185. Real quick... how about sine QOTD is never going away... how about there's a six month run (meekin look up run as it refers to wrestling) and then pass it to someone else?

  186. Scott regularly posts plugs for people, just don't click on Meekin's links if it bothers you. Frankly it sounds like he had a totally different QOTD wrote and scrapped it.

  187. HHH vs Taker is a highly underrated brawl. Easily Taker's best match from this period (until Lesnar in HIAC at least). Benoit vs Angle was simple a great technical match. They had better matches later, but I thought this one was a solid ****. I cannot think of a better "sportz entertainment" match than vince vs shane. It is absolutely a classic because of that, and was the perfect payoff to months of storyline. I will admit that the final 2 are much better than the first three I listed. They are both ***** in my eyes. However, the first three are still around **** are still classics.


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