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QOTD 175: So you shot her...twice?!

The above scene is one of the more bizarrely funny scenes I've seen in quite a while, as Sam Jackson reacts to DeNiro's...transgression in a way typically reserved for finding out a pro wrestler has been smuggling cigarettes across the border to supplement their income.

What are your favorite unexpected reactions in movies, TV, games, or wrestling?

Tarantino is actually pretty excellent at this sort of thing, with the scene below, and then the thoroughly hilarious de-balling of the KKK a few scenes later:

In wrestling, naturally the king of this kind of thing is Mick Foley, with his type-b personality generating countless memorable moments amongst the typically macho A-types in the squared circle, though the reaction that's unexpected here is The Rock's smile - which was an even greater moment if you read Foley is Good. 

Breaking Bad was pretty incredible at this sort of thing too - as just when you'd expect the show to slow down, or a character to make a rational choice for once, they'd dive right back into the shit in the most unexpected, and thoroughly awesome way possible. See below (Season 3 spoilers):

There's countless more I'm sure I'm forgetting, and I'm excited to see what you all think, so have at it!

More MeekinOnMovies:
More Shit

Even More Shit
Big Shit
Complicated Shit
Canadian Shit
Positive Canadian Shit
Jungle Shit
Ruined Shit
Face Shit
Bird Shit
My Shit


  1. What are your favorite unexpected reactions in movies, TV, games, or wrestling?

    I know it isn't movie/tv/game/wrestling but...

    "I enjoyed reading this" - Someone in the Comments of a Paul Meekin Article

  2. Shane Douglas pulling during a match against Raven was unexpected reaction.

  3. Growing up, Kamala and Abdullah the Butcher were the most fearsome wrestlers to me and my younger brother. The reactions from Kamala during the Undertaker match at Survivor Series and the build up to it, were surprising and just made the Undertaker seem just that much better. I love this feud so much, good memories.

  4. The "This is Your Life" segment as the highest ratings ever for WWE was unexpected for me. I thought it was too over the top and ridiculous for my tastes, but evidently I am in the minority.

  5. All the backlash the creators of Transformers: The Movie received when Optimus Prime was killed off. I don't think the creative department saw that coming.

  6. I really look forward to these QOTD's. This is a gimmick that should live on forever I tells ya!

  7. Stranger in the AlpsJune 16, 2014 at 12:50 PM

    You're wrong.
    Sarcasm is NOT an unexpected reaction in the comments of a Paul Meekin article.

  8. That was a shoot according to Meekin.

  9. Stranger in the AlpsJune 16, 2014 at 12:54 PM

    I was totally not expecting Chris Tucker to be annoying in Rush Hour 3.

  10. Actually liking one of these questions.

  11. "You cut the cut The Rock OFF at 3rd base!!!"

  12. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 16, 2014 at 1:02 PM

    everyone in the theater laughed when marvin got shot in pulp fiction, esp. since it was followed by "you shot marvin!"

    people cheering like crazy when freddie and jason squared off for the 1st time in freddy vs. jason

  13. As a child I was about six when I saw the episode AFTER optimus died, and I was like, wait, did I miss something here?! Optimus is dead?!

  14. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 16, 2014 at 1:02 PM

    we ALL cried when aeris died

    don't even try to deny it

  15. Man, I've been on such a Tarantino kick it's not even funny.

    Actually it's really funny and I'm loving every second of it.

  16. I didn't. Mostly because I knew it was coming.

    Now that ending to that Lego Movie, THOSE tears were unexpected.

  17. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 16, 2014 at 1:04 PM

    i hadnt even seen it when my friends was like "i saw TF. optimus dies"

    i honestly dont think it registered, and i have no memory of any reaction to prime dying

    my 10 yr old self was blown away, however, when spike said "shit"

  18. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 16, 2014 at 1:04 PM

    i loved the last line about "planet duplo"


  20. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 16, 2014 at 1:07 PM

    so, ya know when carter got stabbed in er?

    i didn't see it when it aired, so i knew what happened to lucy, but i didn't know the deets

    well, carter falls to the ground in the exam room, after the dude in the stabs him, and it's all dark. carter hits the floor and his eyes get all wide and i'm thinking that he sees the door opening and it's lucy walking in about to get stabbed.

    camera changes and it shows he's looking across as lucy lifeless all bloody.

    was *not* expecting that to the scene, and i actually gasped

  21. For wrestling I'd have to go with Austin's reaction to the first appearance of Dude Love. From the look on his face, I've always assumed that he'd not seen the Titantron video before the segment.

  22. My favorite unexpected development is coming to this site and not seeing a QOTD.

  23. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 16, 2014 at 1:14 PM

    i also was like "wtf?!" when romano lost his arm

  24. Spike saying "shit" and Ultra Magnus saying "dammit" was not expected when I was little.

  25. Unlike Farva, we'll see it coming a mile away?

  26. A Jericho/Goldberg match would've been better than the Goldberg vs. Nobody matches that happened at Fallbrawl 98 and WWIII 98.

  27. Vince has lost several hundred million dollars already this year. I'm gonna state the last thing he needs to start doing is running shows in Sturgis.

  28. Part of the deal was that Bret couldn't associate with the other two.

  29. If Cranky Vince is how Vince really he, then his relationship with Kidman is disturbing.

  30. Apparently the whole "This is Your Life" segment as the highest ratings ever for WWE meme is more Russo bollocks. There is an article in this month's FSM debunking it.

  31. Man, I know the QOTD has sucked lately but that is a bad response.

    Seek a doctor.

  32. Hulk standing next to Thor, then just punching him out of the blue.

  33. No. Just need wrestling events in more outdoor arenas.

  34. I kind of liked the 1997 wargames match. Maybe it was bad for business, but it was different to have Mr. Spiffy turn heel and handcuff the horsemen to the cage and beat up Flair.

  35. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 2:05 PM

    "You don't wanna fuck my shit up? You're fucking my shit up right now!"

  36. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 2:06 PM

    Why? It's Chris Tucker, only time he's not annoying is when he's Smokey.

  37. Love that. They actually borrowed a Family Guy technique where they cut out a single frame of motion right before the punch to make the hit look more impactful.

  38. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 2:11 PM

    I think Farva would want us to crack jokes. I know I would, not that I'd be in a position to gave a damn, being dead and all.

  39. My favorite unexpected reaction was when Meekin wrote an extended article on shoots complete with GIF examples and turned out not to know what a shoot was.

  40. A winner is in you.

  41. MSL on MLW laid out a pretty convincing argument that it is JBL.

  42. When Meekin made a QOTD on crap and everyone crapped on it.

  43. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 2:13 PM

    That was exactly the reaction I expected.

  44. I also liked how WCW1987 shut down Caliber out of the blue.

  45. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 16, 2014 at 2:16 PM

    i reviewed "starscream live" for the local paper and gave it 5 energon cubes out of 5

    i can't wait till "starscream on ice"!!!

  46. Mad Men, the moment we've waited for as Pete finally lays it out for Cooper how Don Draper is a fraud, using the identity of a soldier killed off, the fear of Don's all along, his secret exposed....and Cooper replies: "Mr. Campbell....who cares?"

  47. No serious responses in this thread guys, clearly Meekin needs to be ripped into more.

  48. Stranger in the AlpsJune 16, 2014 at 2:34 PM

    I wasn't being serious. In fact, I was being sarcastic.
    Nobody knows me, man.

  49. Iran-Nigeria? Yeah, they're the bitches of that group. Bosnia and Argentina should beat both of them convincingly.

  50. TJ: anyone see this?

  51. I'd give it till after BoD Raw is Farva.

  52. "Wow that was great"--any woman after having sex with Paul Meekin, unexpected because they are usually suffocated to death before completion.

  53. I hear Dr. Death is doing a run in.

  54. Botch: unintentional mistake
    Shoot: legit, off script happening, i.e., unscripted promo, legit fisticuffs being thrown, etc.
    Totally not the same thing you bulbous twit.

  55. Yeah! Fuck you for answering a question I thought would be interesting considering CM Punk's unexpected return tonight!!

  56. So if a wrestler accidentally throws a punch and knocks out a guy cold, is that a botch or a shoot?

  57. The saga of Cranky Vince escaping Cuba and swimming to Miami with refugees on his back in time to make Wrestlemania 28 was one of the funniest things I've ever seen on any medium.

  58. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 16, 2014 at 3:07 PM

    quit downvoting me abeyance

  59. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 3:13 PM

    I find Jackie Chan even more annoying.

  60. I wouldn't be surprised if Cranky Vince was Ziggler.

    However, given the timing of the deletion, maybe it was someone who's been recently released?

  61. What weird WCW coverage we had over the years here huh? For some reason, years went by with random Worldwide stopping and starting. Then we had to put up with one hour Nitros for what seemed like forever despite TNT showing literally nothing else but old movies on their channel.

  62. A BOTCH. As in, you were an accident. So it was a botch when your parents conceived you, so they shoot left you in a dumpster.

  63. Jackie Brown is by far my favorite Tarantino film. Just wanna throw that out there.

  64. Goldberg was supposed to have the World War 3 pay per view off and wouldn't work it against Jericho. WCW didn't handle Goldberg perfectly being WCW you have to assume some degree of incompetence but Goldberg wasn't easy to work with either.

  65. What I take from this is that the Horsemen are losers. Real Horsemen would have broken Sting and Lugers legs for daring to team with them.

  66. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 16, 2014 at 3:30 PM

    A certain scene between George Clooney and Brad Pitt in "Burn After Reading", along with the reveal of what Clooney was building in his basement throughout the movie. Died laughing both times .

  67. Jericho and Goldberg had a story at least. As a one-off Jericho has no credibility, but after weeks of shooting his mouth off people just wanted to see Goldberg crush Jericho - which Jericho was more than willing to do.

  68. "Goodbye everybody!" - Doctor Nick, Simpsons movie.

  69. Whatever happened to that "Let's support our DDP Yoga efforts!" thing?

  70. I'm glad I wasn't the only person that never thought Cranky Vince was funny.

  71. I remember watching this show live. It wasn't much different than Nitro but I was 14 and could watch hours and hours of wrestling per week. Great time to be a fan.

  72. No, you're wrong.

  73. You guys are cute when you're angry.

  74. Good Will Hunting made Ben Affleck a star

  75. haha I watched it along with Kill Bill Vol. 2 on that aforementioned Mushroom Trip and holy fucking shit man.

  76. Tee hee... "avian swerve." That's a good band name.

  77. The Monday Night War DVD is hilarious for, simultaneously, all the right/wrong reasons.

    "Fans were confused, yet interested."

  78. "Alright, we like the USA now... but we *HATE* the south!"

  79. Well, that is certainly.... concise.

    Can someone expand those acronyms for us? JBLis pretty commonly used but the other two lost me.

  80. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 16, 2014 at 4:20 PM

    No way that's a legitimate question. You're just trolling.

  81. I saw a local indie fed's public access show where they taped a month's worth of programming on a beach... it was embarrassing. And that's not because Balls Mahoney was their "world" champion.

  82. Don't even joke about that. That's like yelling "Fire" in a crowded theater.

  83. Good point(s).

  84. Ah man I shot Marvin in the face!-Vincent Vega

  85. Oh yeah, it was definitely something -- I would not turn down a Jericho/Goldberg Nitro main event. But what I'm saying is that Goldberg needed to face somebody that was credible on the top level at some point in his reign, and the only time he really did was the September Nitro match against Sting (because if you're going to book Sting vs. Goldberg, you do it on free TV. Because WCW.)

  86. Agreed. Why he was kept off those PPVs when he was at his hottest is the biggest question mark.

  87. Didn't hurt Heyman.

    Not that i'm comparing them in any meaningful way, of course, but Paul seems to have done okay.

  88. If this was a debate, Candy Crowley would you cut off and talk about how you're wrong and that botches aren't shoots.

  89. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 16, 2014 at 7:28 PM

    Rusev is Borg!

  90. It's funny because it portrays Vince as a drug addicted bisexual sexaholic with a thing for fat chicks. And even if it is total BS it is completely believable.

  91. It seemed to me that dolphin was an ex-writer who still had friends on the staff.

  92. I also think he's way too much of a kissass.

  93. There was also a fake HHH account called "HugeWolfDick" or something.


  95. MSL= Mister Saint Laurent from Major League Wrestling (MLW) podcasts. He does podcasts with Konnan and Court Bauer.


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