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QOTD #5: Childhood Tastebuds

“Off topic” topics have been hotly discussed since I started on the blog, but since I love to give you exactly what you want; once weekly we’ll run an off-topic discussion. So bearing that in mind …

Off topic Wednesday: What food did you love as a kid/teenager that is simply no longer available?

Answers tomorrow. If you want to jump right into the discussion, please scroll to the bottom of this post.

Yesterday, we were talking all about the Big Red Machine. Always a stand-by to beef up PPV matches, and always handy as fodder to tomorrow’s stars, Kane has been a cog in the wheel for nearly 2 decades. I asked you what your favorite moment was. As always, these are your answers. No replies today, these are simply your memories.

Matt Hayden: Me and my best friend have always gotten a kick out of any of the straight-out-of-a-cheesy-horror-movie story lines that Kane has been in, being big cheesy horror movie fans ourselves. If it was anyone but Kane, I'd hate it, but I've just grown to expect it from him, he's shown he can be thrown in any insane storyline and still recover/stay over, and his character's history almost demands it at this point. Also, I sometimes like to imagine Glen Jacobs' reaction when they pitch the idea to him.

Mar Solo: When him and Big Show were a tag team, Carlito and Chris Masters locked Kane in a room with a crane in front, with Big Show frantically trying to push the crane out of the way. By the time Show gets the crane away from the door, Kane walks up behind him and says there was another door in the room they didn't block.

Uncruisimatic Buck Nasty: remember that time he referred to his fans as kanenites?

dwaters: All the good ones have been mentioned. The debut, the anger management sessions, and the "Kanenites" promo. That promo was made all the more special by Rock's mouthing of "Kanenites??".

BooBoo1782: I love the "Kanenites" promo as much as the rest of this crowd, and Team Hell No was awesome, but it doesn't seem like the Pete Rose arc from WM XIV to WM 2000 is going to get its due unless I write something about it. The start of the angle in Boston was great, if only for the glorious cheap heat promo that Pete Rose cut on the Boston crowd, right down to the Bill Buckner joke. By the end of that promo, he was the most hated man in the building, and then Kane got a huge pop for that Tombstone. I watched WM XV at a friend's house, and I remember marking out from the surprise when Rose showed up in the chicken suit, leading to yet another tombstone. And yeah, the gimmick had lost its steam by WM 2000 - largely because the surprise was gone - but it was still fun.

Chris Hirsch: His debut, when he ripped the cage door of Hell in a Cell and McMahon's legendary call of, "That's gotta be Kane!!!!!"

Mister E Mahn: My favourite early Kane moment was his debut. Coming down and ripping the door off of the cage immediately let you know that he was for real. That really set him up for a strong early run.

David Anderson: For me, its still the moment in the first Hell in the Cell, when Undertaker absolutely destroyed Shawn Michaels with a very vicious char shot, gave the throat slitting gesture, the crowd is going nuts, and all of the sudden the arena goes red, cue ominous music, and out comes this behemoth dressed in red head to toe, accompanied by Paul Bearer, who walks right up to the cage and proceeds to rip the cage door off its hinges, come face to face with a dumb struck Undertaker, and hit the Undertaker with his own finisher, and leave the ring, allowing Michaels to drag his blood soaked carcass over just enough to get the pin. I know some people loved DX during their beginning, but I found them to be obnoxious jerks and was excited to see Michaels get his arse kicked, only to watch in horror as Kane cost him the match...

Magoonie NOT Teddy Belmont: The whole mystery of Kane and Paul Bearer building him up was so well done. You didn't know what the hell he was going to look like but you got the feeling from Paul he was dangerous and crazy. Paul sold that whole storyline beautifully.

Devin Harris: Undertaker and Paul Bearer kidnapped Austin and took him to some undisclosed location. They had him tied up and were going to embalm him or something equally stupid. All of a sudden Kane kicks the door down and saves Austin. The whole thing is wrestlecrap worthy. Oh yeah, the camera man follows all of this.

Dirty Dave Delaney: I remember marking out when he returned to Raw in September 2002 sporting a new look and really thought it wouldn't be long before he won the World Heavyweight title setting off a successful main event run... but the whole Katie Vick angle killed him dead in the water.

placetobepodcast: Love the opener to No Mercy 2002 when he sits next to Taker, looks over and just says "so, how was your week".

Andrew Champagne: I remember Kane doing a Slammy presentation with some diva (Kelly Kelly, maybe?) where she spent time praising couples and weddings, and his response recalled him chokeslamming a priest on RAW. I found that hysterical; when Kane is allowed to showcase his deadpan sense of humor, he's pretty funny.

Garth Holmberg: I'm not going to lie... I'm probably the biggest Kane mark of all time, and the only person who gleefully purchased a 3-disc DVD set of him. He's had TONS of stinker moments, thanks to "invisible heat" where he can be used in any role and never really lose face. The best moments I can think of, other than the debut at Badd Blood, obviously... His in-ring debut against Mick at Survivor Series, Armageddon '99 and the flying clothesline off the top of the cage, the early weeks of the unmasking where he was a rekindled fire, laying out Stone Cold, Jim Ross, and anyone who stood in his path, and the Wedding From Hell. Come on, THAT WAS AWESOME. Just off the top of my head.

Eric Von Erich: I don't know why, but the Kane moment that sticks out for me is when he grabbed a toolbox from under the ring, pulled out a wrench, and absolutely clobbered Vader with it. I think it was after their match and Vader was due for eye/orbital bone surgery so he needed an on-screen injury to justify the absence.

Basscase: No one mentioned him shocking Shane McMahon's testicles with a car battery?

daveschlet: I enjoyed all of the early Kane stuff. From his debut up until early 1999 or so. His ring gear was cooler then, and he was portrayed as an unstoppable force, similar in a way to Michael Myers from Halloween. Early masked Kane was the best.

Stranger in the Alps: That moment with D-X when he got on the mic and said "Suuuuuuck iiiiiiiiiiit!" It had a Special Olympics-style feel-good moment to it.

UmmahSports: Back around 2000, there was a 10-man tag match on RAW: Heel D-X and the Radicalz vs. Rock, Mankind, Rikishi & Too Cool. Kane had been gone for a few weeks/months after X-Pac stole Tori from him. The match itself was as wild and high-energy as any RAW match you've ever seen, and I think D-X got DQ'd. Then the lights go out and Kane comes back with Paul Bearer, whom he'd been estranged from for a while. Kane gets in the ring and just destroys everybody while the crowd was going insane.

Beardmoney: I was a big fan of the Kane/X-Pac team, thought their overall story arc was tremendous. I particularly loved the promo where X-Pac threw away his electrolarynx and told him to start speaking for himself. It was a great moment for the character because he needed to be humanized somewhat in order to start evolving. Also, it demonstrated the strength of their friendship, which made their feud all the more brutal by contrast.

Extant1979: Easily Kane's best moment, especially in recent years, has been the therapy session where he went into all of his history - with a straight face. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time, and it really sold the Dr. Shelby segments.

I’m going to make mention of a spot I didn’t see in the thread; his appearance at the 2001 Royal Rumble. His timing was perfect, the ring needed to be cleared of deadweight. Then out comes celebrity entrant Drew Caray, who attempts to bribe Kane with money. Now, of course, Kane is still in his monster role, who has no earthly concern with money, and goes to kill the man. Unfortunately, Raven saves the day – leading to hardcore mayhem through the next few guys.

After about 15 minutes of that, Kane has enough and clears the second batch of midcarders – just in time for the Honky Tonk Man to make a surprise appearance. Kane watches him, curiously, do his “Cool Cocky & Bad” routine, then decides to make better of it by smashing a guitar over his head and moving along.

I’ve never been a particularly big Kane fan, but he helped make the early stages of that Rumble enjoyable. He’d go on to set the record of eliminations at 11; only broken in 2014 by Roman Reigns.

We’ll wrap it up here, but I’ll be back tomorrow with more. Cheers.


  1. The recap of this one is going to be disgusting.

  2. Clove cigarettes.

  3. Kane really really sucks.

  4. Nigeria and Argentina appear to be goal-friendly so far. On the other hand, I do hope Bosnia's defense is strong. I'd love to see Iran kept goalless for the whole group stage, since Greece fucked up their part yesterday.

  5. Its funny this guy is already half burned out. Just copy and paste some comments about how good Kane is and then a short wrap up combined with some stupid question about food? Anyone think this guy makes September?

  6. I'm kind of rooting for sounds like they have been pooped on by theif government and not really supported or funded.

  7. Started off so good then derailed into Kane and discontinued foods. Almost makes you miss Meekin's poop threads......nah.

  8. Flipz Pretzels. Chocolate pretzels aren't really a thing here in the UK but I used to love these. Can get them imported from the US still but they cost like £3/$5 for a small packet.

  9. Anything Chef Boyardee. I tried some a few years ago b/c my kid liked it (he's even moved on) and it tastes like vomit.

  10. WWF Ice Cream Bars, TNMT ice creams with gumball eyes, Ruffles "The Works" chips.

  11. Does anyone remember....I feel like it was Burger King had a pizza pocket for limited time before hot pockets came around. I loved those things.

  12. I miss the candy Bonkers. Kind of like the precursor to starburst.

    And count chocula, which I think is discontinued.

  13. Count chocula is not my friend you just have to look for it.

  14. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:22 AM

    i'm somebody! i made the list!

  15. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:24 AM

    me, too

  16. This is precisely why the advocates for rotating the QOTD duties are on point. Different viewpoints, different ideas...keeps it fresh.

  17. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:25 AM

    good off topic question!

    for a while it was chocolate pop tarts, b/c there was actually period where they didn't have them

    or was it chocolate chip ones?

    in any event, whatever they were, they were gone, but they're back

    gatorade gum. if fruit stripe gum still around?

    wendy's old recipe fries

    hardees fried chicken

    pizza hut's old recipe pan pizza

  18. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:25 AM

    i miss the comic book ads for bonkers

  19. Arbys breakfast. It still exists, but at like 1 in 20 locations. Best fast food breakfast by miles and miles.

  20. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:26 AM

    "Count chocula is not my friend"

    what'd he ever do to you?

  21. Adam "Colorado" CurryJune 25, 2014 at 10:26 AM

    Sharkelberry Fin Kool-Aid. For I know they might still make it.

    Fun fact: if you mix grape Kool-Aid with dry gin it tastes like grass.

  22. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:26 AM

    green AND orange!

  23. Someone should do a Wednesday QOTD of "Favorite commercials growing up". That could be really fun.

  24. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:27 AM



    coincidence? READ THE BOOK


    that think you'd order from pueblo, colorado. i don't even know what it wa

  25. I'm going to use my pull as an official gatorade spokesman to get that shit back into production.

  26. Is All Sport still around?

  27. Great flavor that lasted less than Fruit Stripe.

  28. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:28 AM

    cool. he was texting me all freaked out. i'll let him know it was a typo

  29. McDonalds and the new Taco Bell breakfast would like to have a word.

  30. I couldn't let that go we bros 4 Life

  31. Might buy to read on vacation next week. Heck it's $0.99, I'll do it!

  32. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:30 AM

    i havent tried to the new bell, but i can't see how the crunch wrap thingee can be good with the added random taste of the wrap

  33. McDonald's breakfast (or lunch, brunch, and dinner) has been and always will be garbage. Taco Bell's breakfast is just okay. Arby's breakfast has only been rivaled by Sonic.

  34. AM Crunch Wrap is amazing.

  35. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:30 AM


    you just miss the hot pokers up the ass that preceded the drinking of said surge

  36. Steak, Egg and Cheese Bagel, all day, every day.

  37. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:30 AM

    your that dude on the scooter from the ad, arent you

  38. I have fond memories if the Arch Deluxe. I felt so sophisticated eating it as a child. That ad campaign really got to me.

    I also enjoyed Orbitz. Such a fun drink I would try to leave the orbs for the end.

    There was also a Gatorade gun which may or may not still exist it came in regular or orange. I loved the orange.

  39. CruelConnectionNumber2June 25, 2014 at 10:31 AM

    Crystal Pepsi. I haaaaate Sprite and loved this.

  40. Nah, I'm Ronald McDonald.

  41. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:31 AM

    the dude from x-entertainment (now dinosaur dracula) has made it his mission to keep the spirit of ecto-cooler alive

  42. Arch Deluxe is a great pull.

  43. Yea Matt deserves a medal for his long sufferer work.

  44. Are you talking about the TNMT Pudding pies....because if not you should be...we all should be.

  45. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:33 AM

    i remember when it came out (remember the van halen song in the ads?)

    i was in high school, and the student lounge had a pepsi machine that finally got it. and this one girl was buying it and all these people were standing around her waiting to see what it was like

    it was just regular pepsi with a different color, right?

  46. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:34 AM

    cant forget this gem

  47. Three words:




    Why the fuck did they discontinue that shit? I've also never seen a single box of Waffle Crisp since moving to Georgia.

  48. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:34 AM

    remember when they'd have random cereals devoted to the big thing in pop culture at the time?

    i remember ghostbusters cereal

  49. I almost brought that up just so I could post of my favorite moments of the 80's

  50. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:35 AM

    those cinnamon toast crunch cannibals wig me out, dude

  51. The motherfucking MCDLT!!!

  52. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:35 AM

    i wonder if that was a toupee

  53. why and how has a Jimmy Kimmel or Fallon not got him to recreate the routine?

  54. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:37 AM

    i wonder if leno ever thought about redoing his doritos ads

  55. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:37 AM

    wendy's salad bars

    my folks tore that shit up

  56. I liked it too. This brings up all the failed sodas I was the one guy who liked Pepsi Spice. I tend to like anything Christmas centric around the holidays and it was solid for mixed holiday drinks.

    Remember Coke Blak? that was a bad idea from the start.

  57. Why do you say burned out? I think he's doing just fine. If anything, him cutting out his replies to the comments is more concise and will help him stray from Caliber/Meekin territory.

  58. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:38 AM

    he's so awesome

    he had a gi joe adventure series with the toys that had me howling

  59. Not discontinued, but I have found myself wondering if it is acceptable for a 30 year old Man to buy a Lunchables now and again.

  60. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:39 AM

    d. dracula has a FB page

  61. BK chicken fries were amazing

  62. I am assuming most us grew up in the 80s/early 90s, so it may not be as much food that doesn't exist any more as much as food and drinks we thought were fine to consume and now finding out that we probably shouldn't have been.

  63. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:40 AM

    i remember the old basic ones

    none of this drink and cookie shit!

    just crackers, meat, cheese, and a packet of grey poupon

  64. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:40 AM

    lead paint is still ok, though, right?

  65. To consume? Yes

  66. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:41 AM

    how many of you bucked the system and put the straw in the bottom of your

    capri sun?

  67. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:41 AM

    of course consume

    what, i'm gonna paint with it?

  68. yea I was disappointed when the old site went simply because of the christmas advents and the thanksgiving parade rants.

  69. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 25, 2014 at 10:45 AM

    McDLT or Cheddar Melt from MCDonald's

  70. Yah that was so good

  71. The garlic bread they had on the bar was awesome!

  72. It seems impossible to find the old Hostess Chocolate Pies. Everywhere I turn, I see the fruit-filled ones, but not the chocolate goodness I remember as a child. Very discouraging. I used to love those things (which is always part of the reason why I was such a chubby child).

    Not much else I miss in terms of childhood foods. Maybe Gerber peaches. They still sell them, but they don't taste the same. I would mix the contents of the jar into my farina in the morning. It's just not the same any more.

  73. It is absolutely OK.

  74. TJ: We kicked off a Greatest TV Character Tournament today with Groups A and B if anyone is interested in voting... just pick four from each pool to move on... winners go to a standard bracket from there

  75. Anybody remember Astropops?

  76. Damn it. I was going to post that.

  77. When I was in high school, the government class required every student to read a copy of Newsweek each week. When the Arch Deluxe was new, they would have coupons for free Arch Deluxes in every issue. Once a week, my friends and I would head up to McDonalds for our free Arch Deluxe. That McDonalds hated us.

  78. I've actually gone quite the opposite. I was a picky eater as a kid, and now I'll eat just about anything other than eggs or mayonaisse.

  79. orange cupcakes

  80. AverageJoeEverymanJune 25, 2014 at 11:10 AM

    Sorry to hear that man, they rule.

  81. AverageJoeEverymanJune 25, 2014 at 11:11 AM

    Real, honest to goodness, Bill Cosby advertised, Pudding Pops

  82. I used to have quite the taste for teen girls back in those years.
    Now unavailable.

  83. Can we give Chris a chance before we gather the torches and pitchforks? It's been barely a week. He's doing fine. I wouldn't mind a cut down on the answers, but he's included me every day, so he keeps my support.

    But be aware, Mr. QOTD Man. You neglect to include me, and I will turn on you so fast!

  84. Jerry? Do we have Jerry Lawler on these boards?


  86. Oh yeah, I liked that Sharkleberry stuff too.

  87. It's fake. No mention of the WWE Network on it

  88. AverageJoeEverymanJune 25, 2014 at 11:13 AM

    No thank god. All Sport was awful, Powerade is where its at. Especially for hangovers.

  89. Loved Crystal Pepsi! In grade 8 that was the shiz.

  90. Shit, that was difficult.

  91. AverageJoeEverymanJune 25, 2014 at 11:15 AM

    I especially remember the SNL fake add they did mocking it with Crystal Gravy. Hilarious and completely disgusting at the same time. Also I was a huge fan of Crystal Pepsi as a kid, I just liked that it was different.

  92. AverageJoeEverymanJune 25, 2014 at 11:16 AM

    (Will Farrell as Harry Carey)
    If I were a Cinnamon Toast Crunch Id eat myself, Id be delicious!

  93. Adam "Colorado" CurryJune 25, 2014 at 11:16 AM

    There's still a ton of people around here that have un-opened boxes of Flutie Flakes. I think more people bought them as collectibles then to actually eat them.

  94. AverageJoeEverymanJune 25, 2014 at 11:16 AM

    I really enjoyed the Legend of Zelda cereal.

  95. Adam "Colorado" CurryJune 25, 2014 at 11:17 AM

    Orbitz were great.

  96. It is only going to get more difficult from there... some tough groups coming

  97. AverageJoeEverymanJune 25, 2014 at 11:18 AM

    Just take them up to the counter and assure the checkout person that you are buying these for your "children" that you "have" because you had "sex" with a "female" and they "do exist". Make sure to do "air quotes" around all of the appropriate words.

  98. Sour Cream and Onion Munch ems:

    I could eat a whole box of those in one sitting.

  99. AverageJoeEverymanJune 25, 2014 at 11:20 AM

    He would never agree with the above statement. For him they are always available.

  100. Adam "Colorado" CurryJune 25, 2014 at 11:20 AM

    I haven't eaten at McDonalds since I was about 15 Everything they make is disgusting and shouldn't be legally called food. Same for Arbys.

  101. The Bigfoot pizza from pizza hut

  102. Jello Pudding pops....the cancellation of them was just a slap in Bill Cosby's face

  103. "You better flip that Frito, Dad." Classic.

  104. I love Vanilla Coke, they only just brought it back to England within the last year.

  105. I chased high school girls, when I was in high school.

  106. Never liked it... it always tasted like coke with vanilla rum in it... which led me deciding if I was going to drink something that tasted that way, may as well have rum involved

    Now, Cherry Coke? All in

  107. Invisible Pepsi,OK soda, Cookies and Cream Twix, Kayo, WWF Ice cream bars, Burples.

  108. I miss SURGE and DJ Ran all up in my area

  109. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pudding pies. Those things were so fucking bad for you and looked like shit with the glazed frosting looking like dandruff over a shell-shaped "pie", but I made my parents buy them for me every time we had to go to the local Mobile or Shell Gas Station. I would say the WWF Ice Cream Bars as well, but everyone else has probably hit that note.

  110. #ApprenticeofFranchisePlayer

  111. Adam "Colorado" CurryJune 25, 2014 at 11:36 AM

    I love Cherry Coke, which is weird because I hate regular coke.

  112. There's something I miss: 10-K and Gatorade in glass bottles.

  113. Thoughts on Wild Cherry Pepsi in comparison?

    Really working hard not to drink soda... the only moments of weakness I have are if a restaurant has cherry coke/pepsi or dr. pepper on the gun

  114. (something about flamethrowers to deal with the area problem)

  115. TJ:

    Dave Scherer is at it with me on Twitter

  116. I have been enjoying it. He has one lame comeback every time. What a dipshit.

  117. Adam "Colorado" CurryJune 25, 2014 at 11:44 AM

    Cherry Coke is better, but Cherry Pepsi is good too.

    I rarely drink soda anymore, only if I'm really dragging ass in the morning. I hate coffee and Red Bulls get me all jittery and shit. Every other energy drink tastes like ass and makes my stomach feel like I drank of can of razorblades.

  118. Pepperoni Pizzeria chips. Wise Crazy Calypso chips were pretty awesome too.

  119. good grief the guy is online....and deals with pro wrestling..and the only thing he has to hold on to is using an alias.

  120. TJ..shit another suicide bombing in Nigeria during their world cup game..20 something dead

  121. i was logging in just to post this surprised noone else said this. All pizzarias were soooo good!

  122. Smurfberry Crunch. It was fun to eat. A very smurfy breakfast treat.

    Seriously, I don't think I'd eat it today, because I don't want to die, but damn that was a tasty cereal.

  123. This is pretty awesome in that my comment yesterday was right he is soooo worked up over this that he has just been stewing and is probably ranting insults at the wall before finally coming back to tweet another sick burn at you...using your real name!

  124. Adam "Colorado" CurryJune 25, 2014 at 11:50 AM

    Not something I drank as a child, but I miss Sparks, Charge, Four Loko, etc... back when they had all the caffeine and shit in it. Don't see the point in banning them, you can just as easily make a vodka and Red Bull at home, and people have been making Irish coffee since about 2 minutes after whiskey and coffee were first in the same room together.

  125. I couldn't resist poking the bear a couple more times as soon as I saw what he's been doing this morning.

  126. Yah same here with coffee... I have had maybe 10 cups in my lifetime and none since like 2002sh.

    I maybe have one soda a week, really depends if I go out and get the urge.

  127. The hardcore fundamentalists in Iran HATE soccer, but it's too popular with the people for them to be able to get rid of it, as they did with most everything else of Western origin when they took over from the Shah. The preferred sports among the Iranian fundamentalists are wrestling and weightlifting, because they are very similar to the traditional games of the zurkaneh ("strong house"). I always root for Iran in international soccer, because the game is a vehicle for reform there. For more specific details on the subject, I recommend the book "How Soccer Explains the World" by Franklin Foer.

  128. Adam "Colorado" CurryJune 25, 2014 at 11:57 AM

    Last time I had a cup of coffee I was probably in high school, though I do have those Starbucks frappicuino things they sell at grocery stores. Outside of booze the only things I really drink are ice water and Gatorade. I probably drink 2 gallons of water a shift while I'm working.

  129. Vanilla is one of my favourite flavours in general, I'd take Cherry too .

  130. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJune 25, 2014 at 12:01 PM

    Off topic a bit, but whatever happened to that Mariano bloke?

  131. Adam "Colorado" CurryJune 25, 2014 at 12:01 PM

    I miss Clusters. Though Raisin Brain Crunch is pretty much the same thing, just with raisins in it.

  132. Skittles where green was lime.

    Fuck you and your green apple, Skittles.

  133. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 12:03 PM

    time to consider harassment charges

  134. More like poking the kitten.

  135. Kraft's Tomato & Bacon salad dressing. On salad, on just sliced cucumbers, on sliced tomatoes. That was tasty.

  136. Pudding Pops take me right back to my grandma's house in 1985. Love it.

  137. Amen. I've swapped over to Mike and Ikes the last couple years anyway, but this seals the deal.

  138. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 12:05 PM

    can we all agree that scherer is most likely poking the dog?

  139. Yeah, I heard that. Unfortunately, I'm in Canada, where I don't think the Halloween promotion happens.

  140. I loved that website!

  141. The only thing I hate about it is the weird sauce they put in it. It's like the Big Mac sauce or something. I hate sweet sauces in general with sandwichs. Otherwise, I do enjoy the AM Crunchwrap. I do love my eggs, cheese, and sausage in sandwich form.

  142. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 12:09 PM

    cherry coke ftw

    i remember when the cherry craze (in bottled form) hit

    cherry 7up? why not!

  143. Being a Chinese/Taiwanese kid, I miss a lot of things I can't even describe properly.

    I actually have trouble remembering foods I really miss from American side as a kid...

    Sodas with sugar?

  144. Serious question: Are you egging him on or is he just that sad of an individual?

  145. Adam "Colorado" CurryJune 25, 2014 at 12:12 PM

    Oh, and what's that shit called, we used to eat it all the time back in the day? Oh yeah, pussy, that's it.

  146. ARRRGH I can't believe I forgot about that Rumble bit with Drew Carey.

  147. Wow Dave Scherer is having a full on twitter meltdown over Bayless. He's acting like posting Brians real last name is some kind of coup. Its its really funny to see someone that old act this pathetic over the internet.

  148. How has no one in THIS crowd mentioned WWF Ice Cream Bars yet? Admittedly, they weren't that good - on taste alone, I would have gone with a standard ice cream sandwich or a Chocolate Eclair bar - but still, they were fun. To this day, when I pass an ice cream truck, I look to see if they've made a comeback.

    Another wrestling-related thought: when I ate at WWF NY/The World, they had something called Manhattan sauce for wings (in addition to JR's BBQ and regular Buffalo) that I remember being really good. Never seen it any place else.

    Taco Bell used to have a menu item called the Chilito - later renamed Chili Cheese Burrito - which had no beans, just cheesy beefy goodness. I hated refried beans back then, and still don't like them that much, so this one was a big hit with me.

    Finally, does anyone else remember an individual-sized "Mexican pizza" that you could warm in the microwave. My parents used to get them at warehouse stores (like Costco or Sam's Club) in the 90s.

  149. This one might not be liked by anyone else:

    Libby's Potted Meat. They apparently discontinued it a couple years back, and that made me sad. That on unsalted top crackers, and a bowl of chicken noodle soup, was a pretty big part of my childhood.

    And as for Armour's brand: BLECH! Fuck that rancid wannabe.

  150. Meh the copying and pasting of comments is lame. We all saw them yestery, I don't need a recap. New gimmick or gtfo

  151. I never actually got to have a WWF ice cream bar but I definitely remember seeing them around.

  152. You can't get that any more?

  153. Yeah, some people think calling you by your full name is a spectacular insult.

  154. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 12:21 PM


    want some lotion for that BURN?

  155. I just have a stupid egg account on twitter so I can't really get in on the action but the BoD guys are fucking crushing him, its pretty brutal

  156. What was the arch deluxe? Was it like grilled or something?

  157. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 25, 2014 at 12:24 PM

    They gave people the runs.

  158. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 25, 2014 at 12:25 PM

    Damn Bayless. Did you fuck his girl in one of his two houses?

  159. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJune 25, 2014 at 12:25 PM

    WTF! Who is this "Dr.Oz" hack fraud!?! He's not even Australian!!!! What happened to Wimbledon? Get off my TV!!!!

  160. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 12:26 PM

    lol, gotta make sure there's a mention of the 2 houses

  161. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 25, 2014 at 12:26 PM

    ...and he made the dog watch. LOL

  162. The line of chips that Keebler had in the late '80s was tits and I google them every now and then to see if someone picked up their recipes:

    O'Boisie's, Ripplins, Pizzerias. Tato skins got bought by another company.

    Apparently, O'Boisie's were bought by Poore Bros. snacks, and subsequently by Inventure Foods a few years back, but discontinued. Maybe because they were only available locally and in Dollar Tree? Bastards.

  163. Ghostbusters cereal had one of the lamest cereal commercials. They couldn't afford Bill Murray or the other guys, of course, so they had the ghost come off the box art work and tell kids why the cereal is part of a balanced breakfast. I'd be like, "UHHH fuck you, GHOST. I'm supposed to believe you? The whole logo on the box says NOT... YOU."

  164. This guy is the very definition of sad and pathetic.

  165. That's Freedom Toast Crunch, sir.

  166. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 12:27 PM

    i vaguely remember some of those, esp. tato skins

  167. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 25, 2014 at 12:27 PM

    I miss penny candy that actually COST A PENNY.

  168. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 12:28 PM

    still around, but ya know what i never was a fan of?

    munchos and funyons

  169. Tato Skins chips are sold as TGI Friday brand now. You can get them anywhere.

  170. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 25, 2014 at 12:29 PM

    What about Bravos? They were the ghetto equivalent of Doritos.

  171. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 12:29 PM

    not sure if they do it anymore, but i remember when the candy bins at grocery stores had an honor system where you could drop a dime (heh) in the locked box and pick out a few pieces of candy

  172. Several years ago my brother and I were on a road trip, and somewhere in.. maybe Indiana? Illinois? We found a market that had something called "Coke II" which we found odd. We bought it, and it was basically Pepsi, meaning it was basically New Coke.

  173. Munchos suck. I also made the mistake of burning one of the crisps once. One of the worst smells ever.

    As far as Funyuns, your opinion is, quite simply, wrong.

  174. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 12:29 PM

    in before "i didn't eat bugles, i wore them"

  175. yea they changed it to coke 2 at some point and it was still in a number of states for a long while. I think it is gone gone now though.

  176. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 25, 2014 at 12:30 PM

    ...ugh @ Four Loco. Go back to the original version of Cisco. (liquid crack)

  177. Nothing better than a bugle gene Simmons tongue

  178. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 25, 2014 at 12:31 PM

    Link please?

  179. Yeah there's a bar I sometimes go to that has them in a vending machine. It's not, let's say, a "classy" bar.

  180. damn yo...he used #liar..he the kids would say pwned you

  181. Food that's no longer around....
    Honestly, I have no idea. I kind of just evolved in my tastes and can't say that I really know if they went away or not.
    I guess when I was a fat teenager I used to destroy Sbarros and now that isn't available.

  182. Yesterday, after emailing me my account was cancelled, he posted my name on Twitter, calling me a loser and a scumbag

  183. I guess for me teen girls would be more "available" nowadays than they were when I was a teenager (and, a "loser").

  184. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 25, 2014 at 12:40 PM

    Sbarros is around....barely though.
    Whenever I think of Sbarros I think of the "All You Can Eat" song by the Fat Boys. They even ate the fake food that was hanging from the ceiling. LOL

  185. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 25, 2014 at 12:41 PM

    I think you should fuck his dog in retaliation and don't call him afterwards.

  186. LOL! That's how I felt when I was eating Sbarros. We used to have them in all the Cleveland malls but they're about gone.


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