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QOTD #6: Your Favorite RAW

Happy Thursday, BoD Nation!

Today’s Question: After 1100 episodes of RAW, which one is your favorite of all time?

Answers tomorrow. Read on to see the discussion from yesterday, or scroll to the bottom to start today.

Yesterday, we went off-topic, asking what your favorite discontinued childhood food was. Overwhelmingly, with nearly 400 votes, Dave Scherer was the overwhelming favorite. It initially popped up all over the place as a rival to Spam, but was removed from the market years ago as humans couldn’t digest it; truly it was a product best left for the dogs.

Let’s get to the rest of your answers. It should come as absolutely no surprise that nearly everyone involved are children of the late 80’s, early 90’s.

Mister_E_PuttingPedalsToMedal: I used to have quite the taste for teen girls back in those years.
Now unavailable.

That didn’t take long.

Adam “Colorado” Curry: Sharkelberry Fin Kool-Aid. For I know they might still make it. Fun fact: if you mix grape Kool-Aid with dry gin it tastes like grass.

Oh my god, I had completely forgotten about the Sharkleberry Fin Kool-Aid. We used to devour that in the summertime. I can remember having a giant collection of Kool-Aid points (hell if I can remember what they were for), made up entirely of packets of Sharkleberry Fin and Berry Blue.

Chris Hirsch: Surge!!!!

You and Tony Schiavone both.

CruelConnection2: Crystal Pepsi. I haaaaate Sprite and loved this.

You were the first of several BoD posters to mention this. I can still hear the Van Halen “Right Now” campaign, which featured a bunch of facts like “Computers still can’t laugh” while barrel chested men enjoyed their new healthy soda (it looks like water!). I blew my $2 allowance on a 12-pack of this on more than one occasion.

Extant1979: It seems impossible to find the old Hostess Chocolate Pies. Everywhere I turn, I see the fruit-filled ones, but not the chocolate goodness I remember as a child. Very discouraging. I used to love those things (which is always part of the reason why I was such a chubby child).

It might be the part of the country you’re from, because I have seen these in multiple spots throughout the US when I’ve travelled. I have never ventured to try; but I may send my wife after one the next time we’re visiting and she’s having a choc-attack.

AverageJoeEveryman: Real, honest to goodness, Bill Cosby advertised, Pudding Pops. Especially the veriety pack that had Milk Chocolate, Vanilla, and Blended options, just like an interracial family.

I remember the Cosby commercial where he eats the Pudding pop with his right hand while the left is free to do whatever it pleased. It’s probably for the best that they didn’t look to fellow child entertainer, Paul Reubens, to do this bit.

Ray Is A Nerd: Smurfberry Crunch. It was fun to eat. A very smurfy breakfast treat. Seriously, I don't think I'd eat it today, because I don't want to die, but damn that was a tasty cereal.

Yeah, I’ve gone from “I’ll have what the CARTOONS are having please!” to “hold the cheese, I’m watching my triglycerides” in less than 30 years of food decision making. Wait, this is starting to depress me. Let’s get back to the comfort food.

PrimeTimeTen: Skittles where green was lime. Fuck you and your green apple, Skittles.

I hadn’t had Skittles in so long that I’m only Googling this now – and am outraged my kids are going to live in a Limeless Skittles world. This literally has changed the entire fabric of my recesses where I would trade the red ones for the green ones. It was probably a losing proposition but I LOVED the green ones. NOT COOL SKITTLES.

riraho: Kraft's Tomato & Bacon salad dressing. On salad, on just sliced cucumbers, on sliced tomatoes. That was tasty.

Get your health food out of my thread.

Beardmoney: I miss Texas Grill Fritos. The Honey Barbecue flavor was really good. I think it's the same flavor used for the corkscrew Fritos, but won't eat those because the shape is too aggressive. I'm convinced one will jam right through the roof of my mouth and stab me in the brain. I love Mitch Hedberg for actually doing a bit about Texas Grills.

dwaters: Hi-C Ecto-Cooler with Slimer from Ghostbusters on the front. Loved to drink it straight from the metal can, it made it colder and better somehow.

This was brought up time and again throughout the thread. The mutant spawn of the Real Ghostbusters, Slimer’s mucus clogged up the drink aisle for years after Peter Venkman had ceased being relevant. I’m fairly sure every single member of my Grade 2 class had one of these packed in their lunch boxes daily; lest they face the shame of being a slimeless loser.

BooBoo1782: How has no one in THIS crowd mentioned WWF Ice Cream Bars yet? Admittedly, they weren't that good - on taste alone, I would have gone with a standard ice cream sandwich or a Chocolate Eclair bar - but still, they were fun. To this day, when I pass an ice cream truck, I look to see if they've made a comeback.

Well, WCW1987 actually brought it up first, but you between the World Cup and Dave Scherer I can see where you missed it. Honestly, it’s probably for the best they’re gone, horrified parents don’t need to hear their kids discussing the fact they just swallowed Andre the Giant.

kbjone: Libby's Potted Meat. They apparently discontinued it a couple years back, and that made me sad. That on unsalted top crackers, and a bowl of chicken noodle soup, was a pretty big part of my childhood.

If there is finer eating than mechanically separated chicken, salt, and fat, then I’d like to hear it. We used to do the same; though with canned pate which I believe is similar. Good choice.

Brian McGrath: The line of chips that Keebler had in the late '80s was tits and I google them every now and then to see if someone picked up their recipes: O'Boisie's, Ripplins, Pizzerias. Tato skins got bought by another company. Apparently, O'Boisie's were bought by Poore Bros. snacks, and subsequently by Inventure Foods a few years back, but discontinued. Maybe because they were only available locally and in Dollar Tree? Bastards.

I would have killed for a pepperoni pizza style potato chip as a kid. Stupid Canada, always behind the curve!

Peter Greyy: Chef Boyardee Rollercoasters were the best. Then they were gone. Managed to get hold of a case of the stuff, after it was discontinued. Tried my best to make that stuff last as long as possible. Waited too long. Last bite I ever had of the stuff was like Guerrero coffee. Miss it.

Honestly, there’s no point in rationing your favorite stuff. I’ve made this mistake as well (Jones holiday Cranberry soda in 2004) – and it wound up developing a strange white layer along the sides. I didn’t dare chance it.


You’ll need to be more clear. Earth, Fire, Rain, or Sun? YOU MUST CHOOSE!

Magoonie NOT Teddy Belmont: Arizona used to make these coffee soda drinks that were really good. Haven't seen them around for years though.

Pretty sure these have been rebranded as Every Coffee Based Energy Drink on the Market. The brilliance is they can add the word “Energy” and charge 3 times the price of Arizona. And please Magoonie, enjoy your dopamine.

a_wrestling_god: Kraft Noodle Classics Savory Chicken was the shit, but it was discontinued.

Now you’ve got me thinking about instant refined carbohydrates pasta meals, and I realize I haven’t seen the Hamburger Helper Wagon Wheels since I was a kid. There are a hundred awful looking boxes of shluck in the pasta aisle, they can’t make room for those?

jobber123: I wasn't allowed to eat any kind of junk food as a kid so I'm less nostalgic about this stuff than other people, however one thing I did love when I was like 9 or 10 was drinking "Jolt" cola and getting buzzed off the caffeine. I've looked around in gas stations and it seems like they don't sell it. I used to buy two at a time and pound them.

I haven’t seen them in ages either, but apparently they’re still kicking under the name “Jolt Energy”. I used to drink these when I worked the overnight shift at a radio station when I was 17 to keep myself awake long enough to remember to play the commercials.

Aric Johnson (copyright 2014): I consider the nacho cheese Doritos you used to get, that were BRIGHT NUCLEAR ORANGE and stained everything you own, permanently, to be a different product than what is sold as "Doritos" today.

And with the legalization of marijuana, this is probably for the best.

Marv Cresto: When I was, like, 10 or 11 years old I could rage through 3 or 4 McDonald's Arch Deluxe burgers, I loved those damn things for some reason. Then like every "This is our next Big Mac" it disappeared within months. I'm sure if I had one now I'd vomit.

Let’s not get off topic, “if you ate this now, would you vomit” is the topic of next week’s Wednesday thread.

Stranger In The Alps: the McDLT - in a styrofoam box, with the cool veggies on one side and the hot burger on the other!

This would have been a rock star if not for social issues like “the environment” getting in the way of the incredible packaging. It looks like they’re trying it again with their new BLT Quarter Pounder, but nothing will ever possibly top the hot staying hot, and the cool staying cool, with a less follicly challenged Jason Alexander telling us all about it.

And on the topic of McDonalds, that takes me to my pick. I firmly believed I would see it pop up, and am amazed we got through the thread without seeing it. I’m talking about the McPizza.

There’s very little on the McDonalds menu I haven’t enjoyed, but the McPizza was my favorite as a teenager. Both the regular pepperoni, and the bacon double cheeseburger were excellent. Apparently, the wait time for these to cook was the reason it was dropped, which makes sense when you’re running a restaurant based on speed, but I’d be happy to wait the 11 minutes to have one of these available to me once a month.

Have a great day all, see you tomorrow.


  1. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 26, 2014 at 10:09 AM

    return of ecw ('01)

    raw after wm 29

  2. I assume this thread will be hijacked into a World Cup open thread momentarily. But before that happens, I shall answer the question as given:

    I've been to five Raws/Raw tapings - in Oct. 1994 in Burlington, Vt.; June 1997 in Lake Placid, NY; Sept. 2009 in Chicago; and July 2013 and March 2014 in Brooklyn. Being a part of the Raw where Daniel Bryan was elevated to take on Cena at the SummerSlam was awesome.

    Second favorite moment was when Jim Neidhart threatened to punch me in the face while I was at ringside telling him that he sucked.

    As far as an episode I didn't see in person, I would have to say Bret Hart's tirade against Vince McMahon after he was screwed out of the WWF Title against Sid in the lead-up to WM13. That, in my opinion, is the true kick-off of the Attitude Era. Can't wait to see how they treat that on the Network.

  3. The Nitro Simulcast. Hands down one of the weirdest things as long time wrestling fan could see. On that note also Bischoff and McMahon hugging. Or Seeing Bischoff, Heyman and McMahon all in the same ring

  4. I'll go the unconventional route and say that there was a Raw in 96 which I believe was the first PPV-lite Raw they did. It featured Kid v Hakushi, Dudes With Attitide v Bulldog/Yoko and Bret v Taker.

    Kid/Hakushi was the only good match, but I still remember it because it was a pretty surprising watching a tv show without any jobber matches for the time period.

  5. The one where Pillman pulls the gun on Austin really stands out to me, only because I remember seeing that as a kid and being blown away by what happened.

    Also in early 97 I was adamant that Sid vs Taker for the belt was going to be the main event and argued about it with people forever. So one of my biggest raw mark outs was when Sid won the belt back from Bret because I knew that meant taker vs sid and I had been vindicated in my smarkness.

  6. thought we were getting a world cup thread

  7. The Raw from 93 that featured 1-2-3 Kid's upset win over Razor and the IC title title change between Marty and Shawn was perhaps the first story driven episode and it was a great show.

  8. The Raw where Sid won the title from Bret depressed me because I hated Sid and loved Bret.

  9. I really liked the Radicals/DX vs. Rock/Sock/Too Cool RAW. It told a great story throughout the show from the Radicalz betrayal to Rock stepping up with a great promo to Too Cool running in to join the fray to nuclear heat throughout the whole match for everyone's spots and feuds to Kane's big return with Paul Bearer.

    Just an awesome RAW.

  10. Yeah, that was a bummer. Especially when Bret had just won the title at Final Four.

  11. The RAW where Austin beat Kane for the title in Charlotte. It was my only live RAW and I don't remember much from it other than the title switch, Kane's entrance and drooling over Lita when she was still with Essa Rios.

  12. That was in Cleveland.

  13. Yep. Made Raw must-see TV, at least for a little while.

    The Dallas Raw from early 2000 is also up there, as is the night after Revenge of the 'Taker (Austin hijacks the ambulance, Brian Pillman returns).

  14. Damn you're right it was Undertaker. Dunno HTF I forgot that.

  15. MSG Raw '97. That show had everything.

  16. AverageJoeEverymanJune 26, 2014 at 10:32 AM

    First Raw I went to December 8 1997. Had the DX strip poker game, Sable in the potato sack (later an incredibly small bikini), Mero outing Sal Sincere as a jobber, and Stone Cold forfeiting the belt to The Rock.
    On tv my favorite is still probably the Dallas 10 man one.

  17. The Raw after Jericho won the Undisputed Championship. I told my friends going into the pay per view that Jericho would win and everybody said "no, it will be an Austin/Rock final". I made sure to slam it down their throats that Jericho won for the whole night. I honestly don't remember anything else about the show.

  18. Actually I know how I forgot that: I was really, really drunk most of the time in '99.

  19. I don't think you were still alive when that happened...


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