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QOTD: Underused Jobbers

Thanks for the welcome to the blog; I read every comment, good or bad. I look forward to this as we move forward.

Today’s question: What jobber was criminally underused? We’ll check in with your responses tomorrow, and I’ll share my answer.

I’m going to go over a lot of your answers from yesterday, so if you want to simply participate in the new discussion for today, skip ahead to the comments section. Otherwise, let’s get in to your responses.

Mike Mears: "This Is Your Life" would have to be on the Mount Rushmore of sports entertainment-y segments, for sure.

The WWF execs and their 8.4 rating would probably agree with you.

ProjectBlue: Always enjoyed Sting making the save for Flair vs Funk and Muta.

Not to mention, the match at Havoc was fantastic. Sting was too young and inexperienced to know to stay away from Flair at this point; he had no excuse by 1995.

syd.h: Most of the buildup for HHH/Eugene was terrific: from their first meeting on the Highlight Reel ("On three, say Pedigree!") to a backstage segment with Eugene and Evolution on a bouncy castle, to HHH and Regal having an awesome brawl on RAW (following an all-time great Regal promo) which ended with Trips tipping a bloodied, stretcher-bound Regal onto the ramp.

kbjone: You already mentioned the Eugene/Rock segment, but what about a little interview Maria did with the NEW Tag Team Champions, William Regal and Eugene. What seemed like a run-of-the-mill interview with Regal turned funny the moment the chocolate milk started flying. Soaking Maria was just a bonus.

After getting killed by Triple H at SummerSlam, poor Eugene found his legs a second time around this time, establishing himself as the happy midcarder living his Make A Wish dream, before drugs and knee injuries derailed him again. Great choices.

WCW1987: When the Kat showed her boobies.

Hoss_of_BOD: I always loved seeing The Kat's rack.

Who knew that nudity and male testosterone were a winning combo?

Devin Harris: The Raw after Austin won was my favorite moment. From the fans being super happy to see Austin, to Vince being annoyed with the whole thing, to Vince getting a stunner.

This was pretty much the template of the Post-Mania RAW; about 15 years before it became a “thing”. Every single segment got an amazing reaction all night long, and Steve Austin just about blew the roof off.

Mr. Satan: Anything Positively Kanyon-related.

My personal favorite was the night Mike Sanders debuted, and kept getting his ass-kicked during every other quarter hour segment backstage by constantly running into angry wrestlers. Then the cherry on top came when, it appeared he’d finally be able to walk away, only to get nailed with a Kanyon Cutter out of nowhere, accentuated with the BANG.

David: The heel Austin/Angle segments where they were trying to outdo each other for Vince's affection.


thebraziliankid: WCW Slamboree 98-Malenko comes back as masked dude and defeats Jericho.

What really stood out about this entire deal, was that Chris Jericho, with very little assistance from the bookers, made himself the #1 heel in the entire company by not only crossing the line with Malenko’s dad, but taking the proverbial dump all over it. And using Ciclope as a plot device? Just brilliant. He made Dean a human being, which we hadn’t seen from him over his previous 3 years within the company. This was arguably one of the best mid-card feuds of the modern era.

PrimeTimeTen: Bret Hart to Owen and Davey Boy: "I'm asking for your help." Bret reuniting with Owen and Davey... it was fucking amazing. 14-year-old me watching the Tuesday afternoon replay on TSN was jumping up and down on the couch.

We’ve got a lot of Canadians on this blog, myself included, who could not have been happier to see them patch up their differences and unite the family in their impending war against the American fans. The late 90’s was truly the golden age of sports entertainment.

James: One personal favorite was when DX "hijacked" Raw on the fourth of July in 2006.

This, on the other hand, was the golden age of saying “cock” on TV.

Extant1979: Turning on a syndicated WWF show on a random Saturday morning in October 1992 and finding out that Bret Hart won the WWF title.

joedust: Eddy Guerrero winning the wwe title.

WhiteGoodman: Jericho's fluke WWF title win on Raw in 2000. I was a teenager and obviously old enough to know better, but after it happened I jumped up and down and ran to tell my parents that my favorite wrestler, my paragon of virtue, won the world championship. They did not care one bit.

No surprises to see people responding to their favorite wrestlers winning the championships. I’ll be right there with you when the WWE finally pulls the trigger on Santino.

Eric Von Erich: I have to go with Hercules rising up to refuse becoming Million Dollar Man's slave. I remember watching that on Superstars when I was ten years old. When he started whipping that chain around to chase everyone off, I had tears of joy streaming down my face. I immediately ran out to the backyard to tell my mother the good news but, not being familiar with the characters, I don't think she understood what I was talking about.

Wrestling has a certain magic when you’re young, and pompous bullies put in their place is always a winner.

AngleSlam: Macho and Liz WM VII

I remember your reaction vividly.

YJ2310: Heyman getting up from commentary booth and joining the Invasion

X-Man: My favorite moment was when the ECW faction turned on Jericho and Kane at the beginning of the Invasion.. just a perfect WTF moment, complete with Heyman getting up from the booth.

When he screamed “FEEL THIS MOMENT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE JR”, I got chills. It was a beautiful wrinkle to the impending war between WCW and the WWF, for the “forgotten” brand to remind everyone just who the hell they were. For about 28 minutes until Stephanie McMahon was revealed to be the force behind it all.

Amsterdam_Adam_Curry: I have to go with the main of the first ONS PPV. I love when Beulah shows up, DDTs one of the Dudleys, and hugs Tommy, who is at about .9 Muta. She gets a ton of blood in her hair, and I thought that was a great moment. Especially when they're married in real life, just the fact that she's hugging her real life husband makes it even better.

That type of love is infectious.

Knuckleberry Pinn: something I've always enjoyed time and time again is The King and JR bantering on commentary during backlash 2000's main events and other things involving McMahon.

This is the role that suited Lawler the best on commentary, McMahon’s third “stooge”. A natural foil for the straight laced Jim Ross.

BobSacamano: Bryan attacking Bray in the cage, the Evolution/Shield face off the night after WrestleMania, the Mark Henry retirement, and the Cena/Cesaro Raw match.

Great recent examples.

The one I wanted to share with the blog is actually one of relative recent history. Going back about 5 years, the WWE had guest hosts to every single edition of RAW – and the bulk of them were a bore, there to promote something, help Hornswoggle beat up Chavo Guerrero, and move on.

There was one clear standout however. As someone who grew up on the Price is Right, Bob Barker’s appearance was the stuff of legend. At least once a year, I go into my digital library and watch the opening segment to the show. There’s so much going on here between the contestants and Bob, that I’m going to let the clip do the talking for me.

See you tomorrow.


  1. Um, I believe the politically correct term is "enhancement talent."

  2. Ziggler and Ryder today.

    Zach has been DOA for two years now. Maybe it'll be easier to leave now that Curt Hawkins left. Colt Cabana does well for himself on the Indy scene and Ryder is a thousand fold better than him.

  3. I had an SD Jones LJN figure back in the day. The yellow shirt not the red shirt if you're wondering.

  4. Zack Ryder; he had a fan base with his YouTube show; people were chanting for him in matches he wasn't involved in; his us title win got him a great pop.
    He lost the title to swagger 2 weeks later who then lost the title to santino a few weeks after that. He then feuded with kane/eve which made him look just plain bad. He then got the losing pin at wrestlemania because he was made to be an idiot.
    I'm not saying he would main event wrestlemania but he could have been in the kofi/santino role and always be in the mid card hunt for a title.

  5. Tim Horner. He was a legit mid carder back in the NWA and Southern territories, but he never went past JTTS in the WWF. He'd get all the token jobber offense in tag matches against heel teams--dropkick and a couple of armdrags--and then he'd tag in his jobber partner, who'd promptly get destroyed and pinned by the heels.

  6. You're 2 for 2 with me new QOTD guy.

  7. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJune 22, 2014 at 10:41 AM

    This is better than comment of the day haha I like it!

    Two obvious ones spring to mind:

    Ryder, massive fan base, kids were wearing the headbands and he was getting big reactions on the woo woo woo. Nice signature maneuvers, decently sized, comfortable on the mic. Never going to be world champ material, but he definitely does not deserve this underuse as a jobber.

    Eugene. To roughly paraphrase Scott from 'One Ring Circus' I believe, he could have been a great opening act for years, imitating a different great wrestler's move set every time. The crowd and the commentators would be guessing who it is until he hits like a rock bottom or something, and then for title matches he could go through different phases or something. Instead we got what we got, and whether you liked or hated it, he was underused in the long term.

  8. Roode-Storm, even with the Aries sidebar, SHOULD have been the feud of 2012, no ifs, ands, or buts.

    Yet TNA managed to screw that one six ways to Sunday, and then panic-booked out of Aries-Bully, which would have been a BETTER World Title match than Bully-Hardy.

    Because TNA.

  9. Eugene's misuse was partially his own fault. Guy's been fighting an addiction to painkillers off and on since his WWE run. They paid for him to go through rehab but it's hard for a company to keep a liability like that around. I really hope he gets a trainer position down in NXT because he's a great hand and has had a part in training a lot of top guys during his time in OVW.

  10. Ran him through YouTube, he did pretty well against Rocky Romero. I kinda hope he wins, everyone else has either been TV champ, or really isn't ready just yet. Or they're Blowjob Whitmer.

  11. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 22, 2014 at 11:11 AM

    jobber123 isn;t underused at all... in fact, not only is he top 5, he's #2

    (does that mean he's the shit?)

  12. They booked themselves into a corner because Roode/Storm for the title in a blood bath should have headlined BFG but Aries got so hot. I had this brilliant idea that during the Aries/Roode match, all the other X-Division guys run in on Roode, Aries wins, but gets DQ'd. He snaps and declares war on the X-Division.

    But TNA really jumped the shark for me when Taz joined Aces n Eights.

  13. Barry Horowitz. His run as The Jobber That Could ended way too soon and he could have just as easily transitioned into the cocky jobber that kept living on past laurels.

  14. And much like TNA throughout their entire 12-year tenure, they pissed it all away in favor of putting all their chips behind a WWE retread.

  15. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 22, 2014 at 11:18 AM

    I would totally have liked to see Lanny Poffo in a tag team or even get an IC title push. The poem gimmick, and a different moveset for the time was pretty cool.

  16. But hey, at least it made a star out of Sabin and he slid right into the main event!

    (Oh wait, none of that happened.)

  17. He is a trainer at NXT.

  18. Gotta love that TNA invested well over a year into the Aces & Eights angle, only to drag it out way too long and release just about everyone involved in the angle before they could deliver any sort of satisfying blowoff.

    Say what you will about WWE and their terrible stories, but at least those angles have a definitive beginning, middle, and end. TNA just throws shit against a wall with no plan in place on where to take anything.

  19. I've seen this guy's name on a few recaps, too. He used to write on CRZ's old site way back in the day. He's good people.

  20. To this day I don't know why WCW didn't run a series of matches on WCW Saturday Night between Barry Horowitz and Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker. They could of had a series where they weren't sure how to win.

  21. The ghost of Meekin's titsJune 22, 2014 at 11:28 AM

    No otters or Roger Ebert? Something is not right.

  22. I'm gonna go with a guy that I saw on a few Prime Times and wrestling matches at MSG: Sunny Beach. The name alone would have given him an IC Title win in another era, at the very least, some vignettes.

    How about some love for Rip Rodgers or Jose Luis Rivera?

  23. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 22, 2014 at 11:31 AM

    I remember Sunny Beach! Loved the name as a kid.

  24. This.

    TNA has had the outlines of a good long term story several times, only to go "Oooh, Shiny!" and get distracted by something else. Roode-Storm was well built for Storm to win the title at the PPV after a long reign by Roode, only for Aries to happen. Even though that was a mistake, Aries was hot as champion, only for TNA to "break" his arm, turn him tweener, and have him lose the title to Jefferson. Bully could have turned on a face in either Storm or Aries and been sufficiently shocking.

    Aces & Eights did a good job of getting Bully over (and no one else in the group) but should have ended with AJ making Bully tap (hello, he debuts a submission called "The Calf Killer" when Bully liked to talk about his calves!), except the angle became too much about Sting and the Hogans, and then the Hogans and AJ left the company without getting to the payoff. Oh, and Bully's long reign was briefly interrupted by Sabin, trying to copy the Aries' mistake, only without any heat to at least somewhat justify the wrong decision.

    To paraphrase a great man: who is more stupid: the stupid company or the stupid people (like me) who still watch it?

  25. I have a distinct memory of Superstar Billy Graham and Rod Trongard (talk about a jobber announcer) discussing Sunny Beach's name during an MSG card back when I was a kid.

  26. Also, I was at that Raw with Bob Barker. So much fun.

  27. Actually I'd say the lack of a clear beginning-middle-end is something WWE is just as bad at.

    Consider the current Shield split. There's been a beginning sure. And Seth turning segued nicely out of the Evolution feud which was great.

    Then ... Nothing.

    The Shield have seemingly just decided to go their seperate ways. I have no doubt they'll revisit it at a later date but now is the time for Rollins, Ambrose & reigns to be going after each other.

    The middle of any story is about escalating stakes, the jeopardy the characters face becoming ever more grievous. The WWE have actually de-escalated the tension since the turn. Ambrose and Rollins have minor skirmishes that go nowhere whilst Reigns seems to have slipped into a parallel universe where he's swapped revenge on Rollins for spiked coffee & a title he won't win yet.

    WWE knows the start (Rollins turn) and I'm sure they think they know the end (Reigns WWE champ).

    But an effective Act 2? That eludes them more often than not

  28. Somewhere, Big Bully Busick is watching the vaudevillians and smiling in approval

  29. Awesome, thanks!

  30. Yes! Was just about to post this. As a kid I was always waiting for him to score that big upset. He was definitely treated like he was a notch above the other jobbers; I remember him getting to be in the ring during Hacksaw Jim Duggan's coronation ceremony (after he won the crown from Haku). I believe he was even treated to victories in a few jobber vs. jobber matches. Too bad he didn't get to come in with Brad Armstrong as team. I imagine those two against the Rockers would have been a match that we'd be hunting down on Youtube today.

  31. Real old school guy - Rick McGraw, my first favorite wrestler as a kid. He would get a tremendous reactions on TV and at house shows. McGraw would get in there with a Sgt Slaughter or Magnificent Muraco and they would sell for him so strong, you always had a feeling that McGraw would pull off an upset. But the heels always went over and came out of a match with McGraw looking stronger.

  32. Rollins and Ambrose are feuding with each other.

  33. Yeah, a very entertaining segment.

  34. I enjoyed this QOTD post.

    I know this is going to sound crazy now, but I really think they should have put Cena vs Ryder on the PPV after WM.

    In a bit of fantasy booking, I would have had Ryder attacking Cena during the build up to Rock vs Cena at WM. This wouldn't have been a heel turn since everyone was booing Cena anyway and Cena just stole Ryder's woman! In the interest of not risking the WM main event, have Ryder get fired and do the Matt Hardy attacks from the crowd where they don't acknowledge him. Finally, have Vince agree to give him his job back and a PPV match with John Cena if he agrees to not get involved until after WM.

    I don't know if he would have worked as a big time player in WWE, but he certainly earned an opportunity.

  35. Wasn't there some guy that kinda looked like Hulk Hogan? I almost feel like his name was Terry Hogan or something (I know that's not it)...

  36. OOOH! Wouldn't be a bad idea to give them a bodyguard. Wonder what Busick's doing now.....

  37. Does Brad Armstrong count? If they had let him be. "Guy That Can Wrestle" Brad Armstrong, he had a Malenko like ceiling. Instead, he now holds the record for bad gimmicks, with at least 4 that come to mind (Arachnaman, Candyman, Buzzkill, Badstreet).

  38. Whitmer has actually been tolerable aince joining the decade, who have a great gimmick

    reDRagon are awesome. Hipster douches with MMA bullshit. It just works, completely unlikable guys in that you might even know someone like that. Subtlety in their douchetness

  39. That is why the DR is capitalized. The team's original goal was to chase Richards out of town

  40. R-Truth, when he turned into the crazy heel in 2011, it almost seemed like he reinvented himself and could have gotten a US title run or a tag team title run. Sadly, after losing to Rock and Cena at SurSeries 11, he slowly, but surely, faded from the main focus.

  41. At ten dollars, I can almost guaruntee ROH makes negative money based on the cut they have to gibe the cable provider

  42. They just started Act 2 with the Shield. It's been, like, three weeks. Give it some time.

  43. ACH? He's ready.

  44. Yeah, let's play it out and see where it goes.

  45. Reno Riggins, Barry Horowitz, and in all honesty...The Gambler. The gambler was a criminally underused jobber and gimmick.

  46. Frogman LeBlanc and Chick Donovan in World Class, Frankie Lancaster and "Jumpin'" Joey Maggs in WCW, "The Duke of Dorchester" Pete Doherty and Salvatore Bellomo in 80s WWF, "Sodbuster" Kenny Jay in the AWA. And depending on how loosely the term "jobber" can be applied, I'd also give a nod to one of the most criminally underused talents in the history of the biz, Terry Taylor.

  47. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 22, 2014 at 12:11 PM

    there is only 1 answer:



  48. Randy Hogan, mainly worked in Texas. Basically he's what you would have gotten if you'd put Hulk and Dave Sullivan in a centrifuge.

  49. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 22, 2014 at 12:11 PM

    and iirc correctly, if you added pedophilia to his job description

  50. Wasn't that Buck Zumhofe? Or was Randy Hogan a chomo too?

  51. Winning matches after interference by POWER OF THE PUNCH~!

  52. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 22, 2014 at 12:14 PM

    i might be thinking not of randy hogan but the wcw fan who looked like hogan, who i thought called himself randy hogan

  53. And since he's in TNA, mission accomplished. (Dorks that they are, I'd rather have them in ROH than Davey.)

  54. Then Piper literally beat him to death... Or something.

  55. Even Brock Lesnar vs Hardcore Holly for the WWE title would laugh at that.

  56. Might be. Got this when I googled Randy Hogan's real name:

    Seems like he's doing pretty OK for himself.

  57. Mmmmmmmmmmmmaybe.

  58. Buck doesnt even deserve to get a mention, what a piece of garbage...

  59. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 22, 2014 at 12:19 PM

    That was the only time that I've been remotely interested in Truth.

  60. Always loved his little finger gesture before the match. Ya just knew he was going to get killed...

  61. The Conquistadors! Those fellas were pretty sharp in that Survivor Series match....

    Iron Mike Sharpe and Barry O get a dishonorable mention...

  62. He got main event PPV matches with Cena, Rock, HHH and Punk out of it over the following six months, which is better than five years of having the US title considering where he was.

  63. Good luck!

    On a related note, why are SO many independent/low budget movies in the horror genre?

  64. So Evan Bourne just had an interesting tweet about tonight's show.

  65. I feel like the name might be right, but I definitely saw this dude on either a low grade WWF broadcast or WCW/NWA stuff back in the late 80's early 90's.

  66. Waaaaaaaaaay too much for an ROH show.

  67. Probably, and he probably would have eventually been pushed back down the card like many before him and after him. Two PPVs later, Cena headline a PPV vs John Laurinaitis. The PPV after WM, Cena beat Brock. I don't see how giving Ryder a chance is any worse than Laurinaitis.

  68. Sal Sincere, or Tom Brandi. Ironically, he disappeared as a jobber as soon as he was called a jobber by Marc Mero.
    I liked Battle Kat. He was like a He-Man figure-come-to-life jobber.

  69. That guy worries me. He looks like a skinhead with all the ink.

  70. We're getting a pot-fueled runin?

  71. it's just like underpants gnomes

  72. I blame Truth for that,he got caught on wellness violation along with Bourne.

  73. I really liked awesome-truth

  74. Ciampa came out of Final Battle looking like the Ultimate Warrior. I would have considered pushing him past Elgin at that point. The continuation of the Truth Martini feud really feels like it sapped him though. Imagine if Warrior had been bogged down by having Jimmy Hart lead another guy to take his IC title after Summerslam 88.

  75. Jack Foley was pretty good.

    Seriously though, how sad is it that jobbers back in the 80's had more personalities and characters than 80% of today's WWE roster?

  76. Norman Smiley.

  77. Hansen fascinates me though. ROH hasn't had a genuine monster like that since Morishima. Kind of wish he and Rowe were on the card. They could have put them against Outlaws Inc. or Jacobs & Whitmer.

  78. Didn't even realize. I thought he was still working at OVW.

  79. They should each grab an arm of their opponent and pull until he begs the ref to stop the match for fear of being ripped apart. The Tug of War!

    Even if not as a finish (the pesky no two person submission rule) that would be an awesome spot for them.

  80. I doubt Vince ever used him, but I do remember him working a few WCW tapings. Seem to recall him getting fed to Vader once.

  81. ACH=Charisma machine +ring skills=future world champion.

  82. There was a scientific study done about this in 1889 in Cambridge. It was never completed because the doctor working on it had all his data burned by his ex-wife. He didn't have to complete the study to know that in fact, bitches be trippin and shit

  83. I think this needs clarification. Jobbers are guys you take off the street and give them 500 bucks to lose a match. Enhancement talent are guys that you bring in to make your guys look good.

    Rocky King was grade A enhancement talent. During the mid to late 80s he made everyone he got in the ring with look like a world beater. Not sure what happened to him though. WCW stopped using him and the WWF never did.

  84. I have been to a grand total of one live TNA event, and it was the night Chris Sabin won the title right here in Louisville, KY. Guess that's my TNA "I was there!" moment.

  85. Upvote for The Gambler.

  86. At least Laurinaitis was a very good pure heel, lots of casual fans wanted to see him get beaten up. Zach in a main event would be well... Like Eric Young being a sudden main eventer.

  87. There was no reason he couldn't have had a decent midcard spot. Someone on here said it before but I'll repeat he was the perfect guy to be in the opening match on a house show and pop the crowd. Such a waste.

  88. Because they have a lot of fans, so they stand the best chance to make money. Plus, there's a pretty vibrant horror / sci-fi convention scene and even minor stars can do well there. Also: Sam Raimi and Peter Jackson provided the blueprint on how to break into the film biz making low-budget horror films.

  89. Even if it isn't Regal, there needs to be SOME manager that just carries around brass knucks, just for the hell of it.

  90. Brad Armstrong

  91. That's 3 weeks in which things haven't escalated from the initial turn.

    The way Reigns is suddenly off doing his own thing makes it seem like the Shield breaking up wasn't a biggy for him anyway, thereby making what interactions Rollins/Ambrose have had seem minor league.

    If he's not that interested then why should I be.

    For sure it's early days but everything they've done so far suggests that they don't have a clue how they'll build one story point on top of another to get to a satisfying conclusion

  92. The Vaudevillains need to become an NXT mainstay and just stay there. Not that I don't wish good things for these guys, but Cole would murder this gimmick within five seconds the moment they hit the main roster.

    Have I mentioned lately that WWE has an announcer problem?

  93. I was really done after they fucked up Monty Brown. I've checked it put on occasion but it is generally terrible. I think I went out of my way to see Flair - Foley and Flair - Sting episodes. I watched a few episodes during / after the Aries chase. That's about it.

  94. The LJN figure features the hand gesture. They captured his essence perfectly.

  95. I've always wondered where are these type of girls in the real world. They claim that they're big wrestling fans, yet I've never seen a girl who looked like that in my life who enjoys wrestling.

  96. What happened to Meekin?

  97. It's the PPV companies that name the prices. 35$ is pricey, no doubt about it. TNA PPVs are 10$ more, and that's more even more absurd.

  98. Brad Armstrong was underused.

    La Parka was underused in WCW

  99. You didn't see the meltdown?

  100. I just got home after a weekend away for a wedding

    Is there a thread for it

  101. Here's what we know about the Vaudevillains. Sources tell us that Gotch is likely related to Frank Gotch, maybe his son, maybe not. He is a legit power lifter, and has reportedly been helping HHH with his workout regiment, which would explain his push. The general feeling is that he has "it" and will likely win the Royal Rumble this year, but plans can change. We have on good authority that he is in fact from the 1920s, and looks great for his age.


    caused by

  103. Speaking of jobbers, Brett Lawrie was hit by a pitch again. Reports are a broken finger. Possibly the one he uses to open his Red Bull with.

  104. I thought that said Rodney King.

  105. After the Austin Aries fucked up title reign I checked out for good. Plus who the fuck are the wrestlers on their roster. Besides a small handful of guys I've never heard of any of them. (Lashley, EY, The Wolves, MVP, Bully, Kennedy, but who the fuck is anyone else on their roster).

  106. Oh, I disagree. The character motivations of all three members of the Shield have been spot on the last three weeks. And maybe I'll concede that the WWE needs to spell it out for people, but I've enjoyed picking up on everything on my own.

    We discussed this earlier in the week, and I got some flak for defending WWE, but I think it's been pretty clear: Rollins was the glue that kept these guys together. He got sick of being the spot man and busting his ass in a trio and wanted the spotlight for himself.

    Without the "Architect of the Shield," there was nothing holding Ambrose and Reigns together. So they go off to accomplish things in their own way, staying out of each other's way.

    Ambrose, the reactive one, went right after Rollins looking for revenge. He's the wild card who acts before he thinks.

    Reigns, on the other hand, is more calculating. Instead of going after Rollins, he's decided to go after Triple H, who he sees as the root of all the problems. Messing with Vicki to get in the ladder match - against Triple H's wishes - was step one.

    They know what they're doing. They may not be spelling it out explicitly for everyone, but it does seem like the know what they're doing.

  107. I see the BoD cracked Meekin

  108. Brothas just can't get any respect. *sad face*

  109. Algeria 3
    Korea 0

    38th minute

    Um... Bye-bye Korea? And I'm gonna regret even thinking this, but one hell of a rematch is becoming more and more possible for the Round of 16:

    USA-Algeria, 4 years after Landon Donovan.

  110. Yep, but he has nothing on Caliber's.

  111. The What's Up remix is the best.

  112. He also tweeted to Steve Austin about botches being shoots

  113. That's a perfectly reasonable reading of it so far, but I'm not sure I buy it.

    To me it smacks of them just moving Reigns to where they want him to be (main event) rather than him acting out of any character motivation.

    I will be surprised if there is any extended feud between Reigns and the other two. A few matches on RAW, which Reigns will inevitably dominate, is likely all we'll ever get as they focus on strapping the rocket to Roman.

    That scenario may well have it's moments, but it won't build in a dramatically satisfying way from that initial break up

  114. To which Austin has not responded.

  115. Pretty much what Natiahs said. It's a genre that appeals to independent filmmakers. On a personal note, I grew up on horror movies, I imagine that's the case for a lot of people getting into filmmaking.

  116. I did. I called him obtuse. No response.

  117. Are you going to take request questions by any chance?

  118. "Hole in One" Barry Darsow
    Repo Man
    Blacktop Bully

  119. Yeah, seems like only the indie guys will respond to questions and comments.

  120. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 22, 2014 at 1:51 PM

    I kind of liked Repo Man.

  121. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 22, 2014 at 1:53 PM

    They should have been tag champs. Even after that loss to Rock/Cena, they could have been the dominant tag team all the way up to Wrestlemania.

  122. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 22, 2014 at 1:56 PM

    A few people on here were advocating for Fandango to be Cena's first challenger after the WM29 title win (at Extreme Rules 2013).


  123. Said it before and say it again, TNA could be something really great if they had the patience to build but this obsession with becoming WWE-level right now shoots them in the foot time and again. See the "New Monday Night War," they believed the hype fans would prefer them, went head-to-head on "RAW" and got their asses royally kicked. They could have gone with Aries as champ, he could have spiked so much fun but no, they had to give the belt to Hardy, a guy who's blown more main event chances than I can count (and the fact they even welcome him back after the Victory Road 2011 debacle says volumes). It's a damn shame, two years ago they were pretty strong, tag and Knockouts divisions with lots of talent but no, they keep going for the huge moves to become WWE level and it blows up in their faces.

  124. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 22, 2014 at 1:57 PM

    There's gotta be a dozen or more posters, and Scott posts pretty much anything that you send him too. Someone will put your Q up if you have one.

  125. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 22, 2014 at 1:57 PM

    People were humming his music. He was obviously the next Rocky.

  126. Oh, I think the only Shield feud we're going to get at the moment is Rollins vs. Ambrose, with Reigns moving on to take on Orton, Triple H, Batista (when he comes back) and eventually winning and defending the WWE World Heavyweight International Big Gold Belts.

    Having Rollins and Ambrose be the only Shield feud makes it more palpable when the trio reunites somewhere down the line for the MASSIVE pop.

  127. "Iron" Mike Sharpe. Man that guy looked scary and as a young #1 Draw I was always shocked when he lost.

  128. He was actually managed by Albano and challenged Backlund for the strap in '83

  129. So generally you like lies? If so let me just say what a great guy you are!

  130. I disagree about the WWE. they USED TO be got at this. many of the feuds in recent years didn't have a real "blowoff" at all - instead it wasn't/isn't even unlikely we'll see a rematch of the supposed "blowoff" ppv match just two weeks later on Raw.

  131. He is also not a juicer

  132. Same. But Meekin started strong also.

  133. And he teamed with Hogan in Japan

  134. I think he's great. His match against ACH in PWG last year was my favorite wrestling match of 2013

  135. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 22, 2014 at 2:19 PM

    Parallax, you are a brilliant man with lots of well thought-out, practical, ideas. You are ensuring everyone's enjoyment of this blog for years to come. Oh yes, and your personal hygiene is above reproach.

  136. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 22, 2014 at 2:31 PM

    I watched off and on from the weekly PPV days until the Monday night challenge when I more or less stopped. As soon as I see a Nasty Boy, I'm out.

    I went to a house show and a PPV too, and they were both good times.

  137. Read every comment? Bah! Say "kitty pumpkin fucker."

  138. The legit answer here is Barry Horowitz. A great (as in GREAT) worker when allowed to show it, and could function as either a cocky heel or a gutsy underdog babyface.

  139. I always liked seeing that guy on my TV.

  140. Because they had to make up their own shit.

  141. "Hole in One" was that deal. Saturday night had fallen so far off the radar that they let guys do whatever they wanted and it worked.


    With BoD WarGames just six days away, what other matches will be added to the card?

    Things will be back to normal this week as we have an action-packed show

    The BoD World Heavyweight Championship will be defended tonight as Cultstatus puts up his belt against....................................GM Bayless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Plus, the Tag Team Division Heats up as Curtzerker takes a trip through the express lane to face the Upper Midcard Express.

    Two weeks after the GM told the Midcard Mafia to stay on the sidelines, will they disobey orders and return to BoD RAW?

    Also, six days before his cagematch against Jesse Baker, Mar Solo takes on Unstable member Steve Stennick. And, will be get his cup of coffee?

    "Welcome to the BoD" returns as Abeyance interviews the numero uno timekeeper of the BoD, Mister E Mahn

    Wade Michael Meltzer is back with part two of his sitdown interview with Beard Money

    And who will face Hart Killer 09 for his BoD Solid B+ Player Championship at BoD WarGames?

    All that and apperances by Buck Nasty, thebraziliankid, Todd "Hoss" Lorenz, and Dancin' Devin Harris on...................................................

    BoD RAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  143. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 22, 2014 at 2:51 PM

    The C-List belt is done.

  144. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 22, 2014 at 2:52 PM

    Back when jobbers were important enough to remember.

  145. Fuck that. Austin responded to one of my tweets a few years ago. That dude is awesome.

  146. "Would you ask Iron Mike Sharpe why he felt the need to shower for more than 90 minutes after wrestling for less than ten?"

  147. You don't remember Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston and Heath Slater?

  148. "Recent history teaches that they would screw this up so fast if ever made it to RAW, but it’s perfect for this crowd."

    I don't know, Rose and Dallas have been doing well so far. I'll give you Emma and maybe Paige.

  149. Awesome.

    The WarGames preshow battle royal will be for that belt.

    I have 20 "C" posters ready for the match

  150. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 22, 2014 at 3:04 PM

    We were talking about this last night.: If you prove yourself worth with the "C" list belt you get bumped to the "B: level and so forth like Punch Out for Nintendo.

  151. I always felt Hogan vs Iron Mike Sharp would have been a hell of a match. At least as good as the Hogan vs D. David Schultz matches I enjoyed in my youth.

  152. I put NXT on as background noise when I go to the gym on Saturday mornings. Listening to Regal on commentary is an absolute pleasure and the show might be the best-booked hour of wresting television going today.

    Loved the Vaudvillains. Best team name ever.

  153. I had a joke lined up that the winner of the "C" List title will receive their belt in the mail within 4-6 weeks.

  154. I really wish "boo-boo kitten fuck" was used instead.

  155. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 22, 2014 at 3:06 PM


  156. If toy believe reports they want Cole and Styles to headline or co-headline Final Battle. That scenario would be a good way to get the title back on Cole if they want him as champ facing AJ.

  157. Be careful, Meekin might criticize it.

  158. True, I praised Meeks as well but i checked out early. That Otters shit was insulting.

    If he keeps it for the MOST part wrestling-centric, Im in. A little veering off into the twilight zone..(Twilight Zone QOTD would be ok with me *hinttity-hint-hint*) Is fine by me, but hey, i aint callin no shots around these parts.

  159. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 22, 2014 at 3:07 PM


    Check you mail. It should be there.

  160. Rowe and Hanson are on the preshow. They're filming a few matches before the main card for TV.

  161. They need to figure out how to make the Director's Cut into a double team move.

  162. I agree. They need the patience to build long-term stories and to create stars, but they clearly have none. I would love to see a promotion come along and display the patience and pacing necessary to run a successful wrestling company.

  163. He was Little Richard Marley with the Freebirds. I think he reffed too.

  164. Maybe they'll repackage Dylan as Whistler Snipes.

  165. I should do a shoot about Meekin on the next BoD Raw.

  166. write it up and send it to

    I had a "Welcome to the BoD" with Meekin I just thought of too.

  167. Don't leave the money on the table Bayless.......

  168. George South

    TJ: HOLY SHIT!!! Michelle Wie is about to win a Major!

  169. Ow, he's punching me in the head! Now he kicked me in the face!

    Really, he reminds me of that scene in Dirty Work with the narrating drug dealers.

  170. Abeyance is not pleased. I am.

  171. Been pulling for her since she was 13. Glad she's finally putting it together.

  172. That belt is great.

  173. She's pushing 30 now isn't she?

  174. Try 24. 25 in October.

  175. Looks like I've jinxed her.

  176. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 22, 2014 at 3:41 PM

    Thanks. I wanted it to e a little over the top.

  177. Nope. Back up by two, one to go.

  178. < Homer> Mmmmmmmm .... table money... < /Homer>

  179. No way she can blow it now. It's been a long time coming, this first major.

  180. Would have to be a van De Velde level choke now.

  181. If she blows it from six feet, with three putts to win... this'll make Van de Velde look like Tiger Woods in 2000.

  182. Whoops, she's a little further than I thought. I mixed up the two approaches,

    Doesn't matter.

  183. Recently I've seen a number of posts on the blog about guys who make the absolute best out of whatever job they're asked to do in WWE. Regal is the personification of one of those guys.

  184. Yes! Someone agrees with me! He's so ready to take the leap into the main event scene.

  185. Honestly, I kinda hope he does one of Colt's $5 wrestling shows just to be a dick.

  186. He would really be a guy to spear-head it too, he has some fancy tricks.

  187. After Samoa Joe's reign of terror being ended too quickly be Angle, I was pretty much done. I think the next time I tuned in was at the height of the Aces & 8's, and nothing interesting was happening. Shame, they've put on some of the best matches in the past decade or so.

  188. To be fair, who the fuck were Flex Kavana or Sterling Golden? Everyone has to start somewhere.

  189. Maybe, but the cable company gets like 80% of the cut.

    They gotta charge enough to make some money

  190. I disagree completely and think you're giving creative too much credit. The logic of the turn is non-existent. No reasonable person would believe that Rollins would turn the day after the Evolution match and in return for his turn he got absolutely nothing.

    The pay-off you're promising is not coming at all. Ambrose and Rollins are excommunicated to the low mid-card and Reigns will be the Champion and have main eventers to deal with, he'll never see Rollins again (unless he watches the gay-porn clip). The turn accomplished nothing and eliminated the most interesting thing that WWE has built in years.

    The turn was a knee-jerk reaction to bad ratings and the negative stock news. No more, no less. To say anything else is just adding your own lipstick to a brutally ugly pig.


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