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QOTD: Wrestling's Darkest Moment

We’re moving into a little bit deeper territory today, as we tackle a subject that is likely to paint a fairly broad canvas.

Today’s Question: What was, in your opinion, professional wrestling’s darkest day?

We’ll discuss your answers tomorrow. In the meantime, here’s yesterday’s replies, lifted directly from the comments section.

We were talking about jobbers. Those loveable undercard losers, that try as they might, just can’t seem to win a match. We definitely had a wide array of what you considered to be a “jobber”. Let’s dive in.

therealnitzilla: Um, I believe the politically correct term is "enhancement talent."

And the Gobbledygooker would prefer to be remembered as an esteemed Guerrero family member, but it’s not going to happen.

WCW1987: Dolph Ziggler.

MikeyMike2323: Ziggler and Ryder today. Zach has been DOA for two years now. Maybe it'll be easier to leave now that Curt Hawkins left. Colt Cabana does well for himself on the Indy scene and Ryder is a thousand fold better than him.

David: Zack Ryder; he had a fan base with his YouTube show; people were chanting for him in matches he wasn't involved in; his us title win got him a great pop. He lost the title to swagger 2 weeks later who then lost the title to santino a few weeks after that. He then feuded with kane/eve which made him look just plain bad. He then got the losing pin at wrestlemania because he was made to be an idiot. I'm not saying he would main event wrestlemania but he could have been in the kofi/santino role and always be in the mid card hunt for a title.

Crikey Mate Down Under Aussie: Ryder, massive fan base, kids were wearing the headbands and he was getting big reactions on the woo woo woo. Nice signature maneuvers, decently sized, comfortable on the mic. Never going to be world champ material, but he definitely does not deserve this underuse as a jobber.

RosAlGhulScoe: I know this is going to sound crazy now, but I really think they should have put Cena vs Ryder on the PPV after WM.

You guys sure love you some Zack Ryder and Dolph Ziggler. The fact the Ryder love is still pouring in some two years after his weekly castration from worst enemy Kane and even worse best friend John Cena speaks volumes about the fan support he had. Dolph Ziggler is an interesting choice as a “jobber” seeing as how he held the World Title as recently as a year ago, but it’s almost hard to disagree at this stage of his career. Sadly it looks like he’s carrying CM Punk’s leftover chips squarely on his shoulders, without the clout to get away with it.

Danimal Crossing: I had an SD Jones LJN figure back in the day. The yellow shirt not the red shirt if you're wondering.

The Daniel Bryan of his time; doing the deed in record time during the biggest pay-per-view in history to that point. I’m not old enough to have seen much of his career, but I have seen my share of Coliseum Video, and he was a solid soldier.

Mike_N: Tim Horner. He was a legit mid carder back in the NWA and Southern territories, but he never went past JTTS in the WWF. He'd get all the token jobber offense in tag matches against heel teams--dropkick and a couple of armdrags--and then he'd tag in his jobber partner, who'd promptly get destroyed and pinned by the heels.

Another great old school suggestion. Tim Horner had the ring skills to throw down with anyone – here’s a quick display of that in a squash match where he picks apart his opponent in a manner that you might expect from a Dean Malenko.

ziggaman730: Well Idk about yall, but El Dandy was one Jam up guy!

And a serious professional.

Petrock: Iron Mike Sharpe

Parallax1978: "Iron" Mike Sharpe. Man that guy looked scary and as a young #1 Draw I was always shocked when he lost.

I’ve attended a couple of WWE events with my wife, and inevitably there will be at least one match featuring a wrestler I’ve never seen before. She asks me who everyone is, and the no-name always winds up with the distinction of being called “Iron Mike Sharpe” which seems to satisfy her. Previous Mike Sharpe’s include Sheamus in 2009, and Roman Reigns in 2012.

PeteF3: The legit answer here is Barry Horowitz. A great (as in GREAT) worker when allowed to show it, and could function as either a cocky heel or a gutsy underdog babyface.

VintageGamer: Barry Horowitz. His run as The Jobber That Could ended way too soon and he could have just as easily transitioned into the cocky jobber that kept living on past laurels.

Your opinion wouldn’t have gone over well with my 6th grade friends, where he was referred to as “Barry Horriblewitz”. And I’m pretty sure your dream scenario came true in the WCW Saturday Night studios; the canned heat in attendance couldn’t stand the guy.

Mister_E_Logdriver: I would totally have liked to see Lanny Poffo in a tag team or even get an IC title push. The poem gimmick, and a different moveset for the time was pretty cool.

I refused to give the title of “jobber” to a man who once beat Hulk Hogan in his prime. Granted, it was by countout, and yes Mr. Perfect might have played a teeny role, but it happened.

Extant1979: I'm gonna go with a guy that I saw on a few Prime Times and wrestling matches at MSG: Sunny Beach. The name alone would have given him an IC Title win in another era, at the very least, some vignettes.

The first wrestling tape I ever owned was bought at a street garage sale for $1 – a used copy of UWF’s Beach Brawl. It advertised an appearance from Cactus Jack, so I fast forwarded, until I found the match, in all its glory. Sunny Beach wrestled as one half of Wet and Wild against a skinny Mick Foley, and Bob Orton. That match, along with the rest of the tape, was absolutely atrocious, and attempts to sell the tape on eBay in later years proved impossible, even with a $0.01 price tag, and my using the words “CACTUS JACK MICK FOLEY MANKIND” about 40 times throughout the listing. It’s fairly clear my mistake was not latching on to the legend of Sunny Beach.

Jay Thomas: Real old school guy - Rick McGraw, my first favorite wrestler as a kid. He would get tremendous reactions on TV and at house shows. McGraw would get in there with a Sgt Slaughter or Magnificent Muraco and they would sell for him so strong, you always had a feeling that McGraw would pull off an upset. But the heels always went over and came out of a match with McGraw looking stronger.

My only previous knowledge of McGraw came from his unfortunate obituary in Bret Hart’s book, so I did myself a favor of watching a couple of his matches. While his drug problem could obviously be overlooked as he was starring in the 80’s, his height probably did him in against ever getting a sustained push. Good wrestler, great suggestion.

foeaminute: Wasn't there some guy that kinda looked like Hulk Hogan? I almost feel like his name was Terry Hogan or something (I know that's not it)...

As answered later in the thread, Randy Hogan is your winner – and I think “kinda looked like” is about as kind to Randy Hogan one can be. I mean, take away the pythons, the spray tan, the height… Actually, who am I kidding? When I recapped WCW’s G-shows, I would have killed for a Randy Hogan.

White Thunder: Brad Armstrong

Brian_Bayless: Brad Armstrong was underused.

Sweet Lee: Does Brad Armstrong count? If they had let him be "Guy That Can Wrestle" Brad Armstrong, he had a Malenko like ceiling. Instead, he now holds the record for bad gimmicks, with at least 4 that come to mind (Arachnaman, Candyman, Buzzkill, Badstreet).

Not only is Armstrong furious at your omission of “B.A.” from the bad gimmicks list, but Brutus Beefcake is demanding his respect at the top of the bad gimmick list along with a hit from your finest speedball.

ABeyAnce1: R-Truth, when he turned into the crazy heel in 2011, it almost seemed like he reinvented himself and could have gotten a US title run or a tag team title run. Sadly, after losing to Rock and Cena at SurSeries 11, he slowly, but surely, faded from the main focus.

He’ll be back once the Little Jimmy feud starts up with Little Johnny. This is planned for later in the year once the custody feud for Little Johnny between Bray Wyatt and Heidenreich is settled.

Uncruisimatic_Buck_Nasty: there is only 1 answer: MULKEYMANIA

You’re a sick, sick man.

YJ2310: The Conquistadors! Those fellas were pretty sharp in that Survivor Series match....

Way, way before their time. The foreign masked wrestler is a fish upstream in any era outside WCW’s Cruiserweight heyday. Just ask any of the 14 incarnations of Sin Cara.

dwaters: Sal Sincere, or Tom Brandi. Ironically, he disappeared as a jobber as soon as he was called a jobber by Marc Mero.

The Mero thing was one of the worst examples of cutting off the nose to spite the face a company can do. There truly was no point to having Mero out him as “Tom Brandi” other than to deflate his heat balloon and make everyone involved look like blithering idiots. This is right up there with Steve Austin chanting “BORING” at Lance Storm.

thebraziliankid: Norman Smiley.

Ray Is A Nerd: I don't know if Norman Smiley would be considered a jobber...but he was CRIMINALLY underused.

WCW never got it. After spending a year or so as a goofy jobber who just wanted to smack his bitch up, Norman gets over as a crybaby who screamed his way through hardcore matches to win on a fluke and becomes their hottest midcarder. The WCW brass then gets the brilliant idea to have him “show guts” by not screaming anymore, instead losing every match he’s in. Then he dressed like KISS for some reason and hired Ralphus and that was the end of my interest in Norman Smiley.

brocore: "Hole in One" Barry Darsow, Repo Man, Blacktop Bully

They would have made a killer stable with Demolition.

Hoss_of_BoD: Read every comment? Bah! Say "kitty pumpkin fucker."

I find your language a little apauling and I won’t be meekin any effort to play your games.

Zanatude: George South

Ric Flair once called him his favorite jobber to wrestle, so you’re obviously on to something here. You know you’re being criminally underused when The Ding Dongs are set to debut and the producer looks to you as the fodder.

Rick Poehling: How can it be anyone other than Jim Powers? When I was a kid, Jesse Ventura had me completely convinced that he was just a win or two away from breaking out into the big time. He put over Powers stronger than he did most mid-carders.

In all seriousness, Powers probably was a push away from breaking out at any point – but after spending so long toiling as “the other guy” in mid-card tag-teams, he likely got lost in the shuffle. He definitely had the look, and a strong enough move set to warrant an opportunity.

daveschlet: In all honesty...The Gambler. The gambler was a criminally underused jobber and gimmick.

And we’ll wrap the comments here, as daveschlet pins my choice right on the donkey.

It wasn’t so much the losing streak that was the problem with the Gambler. In fact, the losing was part of his charm. He was a true Gambler, through and through. Despite constantly getting owned, time and time again, he thought he was smarter than everyone else, and would eventually win his way to the top – like so many gamblers before him. But the pit never loses, and Gambler never learned his lesson. He’d come back the following week, feeling as cocky as ever. Maybe he’d beat some opponents playing super Nintendo wrestling, and was convinced he was ready again to tangle with the big boys. But it was never meant to be.

My peeve with the Gambler is that he never got the chance to take a shot at the “big game”, and move up to Nitro; despite clearly not having the bankroll of wins to have earned it. It would have had a real shot to get over. Disco Inferno made a career out of being the arrogant loser, and there’s no reason to believe the Gambler couldn’t have done the same.

Also, he totally beat Loch Ness.

Til tomorrow.


  1. uhmmm you know..that day the guy everyone liked killed his family...

  2. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 23, 2014 at 10:09 AM

    November 5th, 1955?

  3. There is only one answer to this question.....JTG loses his job.
    ....oh, and the Benoit thing.

  4. Obvious answer is Benoit, with Owen and Eddie up there.

    A more fun question would be the darkest storyline day...and for that, I'd have to go with either Hogan's loss to Andre at The Main Event (we kids though Hogan would be champ forever!) or Summerslam 2013, the day Bryan wuz robbed.

  5. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 23, 2014 at 10:11 AM

    R-Truth vs Mark Henry?

  6. When Beware of Dog got struck by lightning and the lights went out.

    Also Benoit.

  7. Obviously In Your House : Beware of Dog. At least for the middle matches.


  9. The Gambler was awesome. Anyways, Benoit was the darkest day that I can think of off the top of my head.

  10. That's why I'm the champ!!!!! WOOOOO!!!!!

  11. No question - it's a tie between Benoit murdering his family and Owen dying live on PPV.

  12. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 23, 2014 at 10:14 AM

    Here's a question off of this question...if you can only save ONE wrestler from meeting their demise who do you pick?

  13. Obvious answer: Dino Bravo

  14. By the way, the format for this is a bit confusing, too much stuff up there. Like for example, while glancing at it, I thought you were saying that "Zach Ryder not getting a push was the darkest moment in wrestling history".

  15. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 23, 2014 at 10:16 AM

    My answer, Eddie, him not dying could set off a chain of events that keeps Benoit from doing what he does. So it could possibly save four lives.

  16. Louie Spicoli. All around nice guy and he was really starting to come into his own as a character performer.

  17. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 23, 2014 at 10:17 AM

    Well I can see that being the case and I wouldn't argue with anybody making that claim.

  18. Owen and Benoit. No real other "top" choices.

  19. Yeah, I agree with Magoonie. Seems about right.

  20. Chris Benoit. There can't be another option among "modern" moments and tragedies. Eddie's death hurt, but Benoit's fall from grace, killing his family and himself, questioned everything I believed in with professional wrestling and kept me away from the product for nearly 5 years.

  21. This should be far and away the Chris Benoit murder-suicide. The only thing that would come close would be Owen Hart's death.

  22. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 23, 2014 at 10:19 AM

    I was watching Nitro with my elderly great aunt who was a huge wrestling fan although I don't know if it was some sort of dementia, she thought it was real. Spicolis death was announced and I asked what happened, she said it was because The Flock beat him up too badly.

  23. Owen. His death had nothing to do with substance abuse like so many other performers.

  24. This is the only acceptable answer. Owen didn't die because of drugs, alcohol, or bad choices he made in his life. He died because of a horrible accident that should've never happened.

  25. The darkest day in pro wrestling would be the day Kamala faced SD Jones, with Slick as the special guest referee.

  26. Good job on these, Chris. Especially the last two. They aren't terribly long, and you're listening to your audience.

  27. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 23, 2014 at 10:23 AM

    I did that joke already.

  28. Mine is the final Nitro. Most of the wrestlers had guaranteed contracts they could ride out for a year or two. There were a lot of other people that lost jobs that probably didn't have anything to fall back on. Plus, there was one less place for guys to work and make a decent living.

  29. The day Kevin Sullivan decided to book his wife and Chris Benoit in a wife-stealing angle.

  30. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 23, 2014 at 10:24 AM

    Take your pick between Owen plummeting to his death on live television, or Benoit killing his family.
    I guess if I had to nitpick I'd go Owen, but either way I don't think there are any other serious competitors.

  31. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 10:25 AM

    It would be the "In Your House" where the power went out.

  32. Not with 80's guys! :)

  33. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 23, 2014 at 10:25 AM

    He was popping a horrendous amount of pills...

  34. While the personal tragedies were tough, it was always something the business could and would bounce back from. When someone closes there doors there usually isn't a rebound.

  35. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 10:26 AM

    Owen's death fucked me up more because it was seen by so many people.

  36. I'd say Owen's the most tragic/saddest.

  37. Triple H getting booked to marry Steph...

  38. For me, it's a toss up between:

    The day Scott Keith left money on the table when he no longer let Caliber write here.

    The first time Meekin name-dropped Roger Ebert

  39. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 10:27 AM

    So many things I wish would have happened. I wish he would have become an agent, got that firefighter's gig...ANYTHING except for what happened.

  40. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 10:28 AM

    Rae Carruth?

  41. Zack Morris Time Out: Just saw Piper and Virgil on the Funeral Parlor with Paul Bearer... doing a reenactment with wrestling buddies, making voices for Ted Dibiase and Sherri.

  42. When the NOD debuted.

  43. Taking away all the deaths which are obviously all darker than anything else....I'm going to toss out Austin's heel turn at WM17. Not even from a mark perspective, but that WWE would turn their biggest star without any reason behind it.

  44. Owen dying would be my choice. He really seemed to be enjoying himself in 98-99. I will probably never get over that. The Benoit tragedy stays with me because I followed him his whole career.

  45. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 23, 2014 at 10:31 AM

    Vince Russo joining WCW...

    But seriously, Owen. I was more sad about his death than a lot of my relatives.

  46. When they found Akeem from the deepest and darkest part of Africa

  47. Bruiser Brody getting murdered and the guy getting away with it.

  48. Austin's paranoid he can't win the big one on his own anymore and enlists the help of his mortal enemy to accomplish his goal.
    The execution afterwards is awful, but the idea and the reason were actually not bad. Austin's coming back from major surgery on his neck and no one was sure if he could still go.

  49. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 10:31 AM

    Keeping it 100%: The day extreme wrestling decided to go mainstream . That day started the decline of a lot of wrestlers careers.

    Now I'm not talking the occasional chairshot and blading, but once ECW, WCW and the WWE decided to try to one-up themselves I feared for wrestlers lives.

  50. None of that was ever referred to ever on WWE programming ever. Never ever ever ever ever.

  51. I cringe when I watch old tapes of people letting Sabu throw a chair into their faces at full force, unprotected.

  52. I haven't watched any of the TV since the original broadcasts, but that's how I always looked at it. Maybe I'm making up for the lack of what the writing staff came up with.

  53. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 10:33 AM

    I think about it when I see RVD throw sloppy kicks at peoples faces and when I see old Mick Foley matches.

  54. And than getting a face push!!!!!

  55. "I *NEED* to beat you, Rock"

  56. He always wanted to beat the Rock.

  57. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 23, 2014 at 10:34 AM

    i hope we have some QOTD's that aren't wrestling related

  58. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 23, 2014 at 10:34 AM

    I was as much a part of the problem with that shit as anyone, I marked out like crazy for the hardcore shit. Now I just cringe. Rock/Foley from RR99 is more like a snuff film than a wrestling match.

  59. That was a snuff film when it happened. I watched Beyond the Mat not long after that (sometime in 2001 or 2002) and wanted to throw up. I won't even think about watching it now.

  60. Punctuated by the fact that WCW didn't always used scored tables (how Finley got injured).

  61. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 23, 2014 at 10:36 AM

    I can post one about dropping a deuce, if you want. Wait, no, I won't, because that would be fucking stupid.

  62. If you could make a wrestler into your favorite food, what would it be?

  63. Not counting deaths, the most recent 'dark moment' was when Rey's music hit at #30 in the Rumble. The realisation that they didn't give a fuck about what the fans wanted.

  64. It's Chris Benoit's death. More specifically the Tuesday. Sunday he was away under mysterious circumstances. Monday, we found out he and his family had died.

    But it was on Tuesday that we found out why.

    I was in a fog all that day. Benoit was my favourite wrestler and dealing with the news and its repercussions was like walking through a nightmare.

  65. But the hits you would get, think if the hits.

  66. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 23, 2014 at 10:38 AM

    I guess if we're excluding major tragedies then I'd say the day that Vince sat down with his inner circle and said "Gentlemen, we're going to kill the territories."

  67. Stranger in the AlpsJune 23, 2014 at 10:38 AM

    The day that Time-Warner decided they wanted out of the wrestling business. This opened the door to Vince McMahon killing his only competition, which has since led to the staleness of the product. OR, the death match fought between Chris Benoit and a weight machine.

  68. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 23, 2014 at 10:38 AM


  69. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 23, 2014 at 10:38 AM


  70. The whole entire scenario was just mind boggling.

  71. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 23, 2014 at 10:39 AM

    Until Scott starts giving me a cut I could care less about the hits.

  72. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 23, 2014 at 10:39 AM

    what if we have one about how wwe dropped deuce

    and domino

    and cherry

  73. You think that death match was 5 stars?

  74. Last week when JTG got released.

  75. Think of all the money being left on the table... has that joke been beaten dead yet?

  76. Not just killing the competition, but wrestlers now had no comparable place to go to fresher their personas or hone their craft.


  78. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 10:41 AM

    You can throw in the stunts as well. Those steel trap doors in the ring almost killed one of the Villano's and ruined the British Bulldogs career.
    And don't get me started on the Sting/Owen entrances.

  79. this thread has become all about beating jokes dead.

  80. Stranger in the AlpsJune 23, 2014 at 10:41 AM

    ****1/2. It loses half a star for the overbooking of the whole angle.

  81. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 23, 2014 at 10:42 AM

    Bad time to be a wrestling fan. I was taking a bit of a sabbatical from cooking and was working in a factory at the time, and people that had never spoken to me before or since were asking me about, like I knew him personally or some shit. Only answer I could give: "He killed his wife and son, obviously he was insane".

  82. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 23, 2014 at 10:42 AM

    hasnt happened yet, but it will be when THE CATALYST steps away from the business

  83. Not that I totally disagree but movie productions use this kind of stuff all the time. I don't think the issue is the gimmick itself but the lack of safety procedures being followed.

  84. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 23, 2014 at 10:43 AM

    Yes, and it wasn't funny to start with.

  85. He even tried to book Chavo for a late run in.

  86. It was crazy cuz 3 days before Wellington died and Scott posted on the blog about how Benoit was taking it, not knowing he was probably in the act of killing his family at the time.

  87. Kevin Sullivan booked the entire thing, you know.

  88. (hangs head in shame... like Benoit)

  89. To me, that promo, plus his reluctant handshake with Vince was enough for me to "read between the lines".

  90. Given their history, doesn't surprise me.

  91. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 23, 2014 at 10:45 AM

    Even worse was Scott reviewing the Benoit DVD between him dying and the world finding out what happened. Taken out of context it makes Scott look like a complete scumbag.

  92. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 10:45 AM

    But that falls into the problem I have with these crazy stunts.
    You only have a limited amount of time to practice them, if they do it at all. This makes the chance of injury higher. Perfect example: Foley in HiaC. Taker choke-slamming him threw the cage wasn't planned for.
    Like Ross said, "How do you practice falling off a ladder?"

  93. There was no way he could have known at the time, he should have been safe.

  94. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 23, 2014 at 10:47 AM

    "The only professional thing in that match was the guy ringing the bell."

    I don't remember who posted that, but I laughed my ass off.

  95. You don't need to defend it, dude. He said "taken out of context."

    You just took it IN context.

  96. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 23, 2014 at 10:49 AM

    Let me combine a couple of the gags here and say that it was
    Ahmed Johnson’s dark match at the Beware of Dog PPV.




  97. My death-related choice, Owen Hart's death was a terrible tragedy that could have been and should have been avoided. The fact that it happened on live PPV television makes it all the worse. That messed me up something fierce.

    The non-death related category here is probably when Vince finalized the deal to buy WCW. Within the span of a few weeks, we lost the indy promotion that could in ECW and the second-biggest promotion in the country, in WCW. It completely shifted the landscape of professional wrestling, and not in a good way, as guys no longer had the options they used to. TNA is nowhere near becoming that alternative for guys that WCW was. With no competition, things just get stale.

  98. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 23, 2014 at 10:49 AM

    Oh, he is, but there's no date or anything on it IIRC, so someone reading it for the first time might see it as Scott praising a child killer.

    Let that be a lesson: If you're doing to write about a dead guy, hold off until you know how he died.

  99. Dustin Harris still doesn't know why

  100. With the exception of wrestlers dying, I thought the Montreal screwjob was WWF's darkest moment and believed the company would be going out of business soon.

  101. A lesson VKM learned the hard way with the tribute show on Raw.

  102. I think we are all forgetting it was the day Matilda got kidnapped right?

  103. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 10:51 AM

    The steroid scandal hurt them way more than Montreal.

  104. I think the only real answers for me would have to be Benoit. Great worker, put on 4 to 5 star matches, and had a great career only for it to get thrown away within one weekend.

  105. I know in hindsight Vince buying his competition turned out to be horrible, but at the time I was very excited when it all went down because WWF was on such a roll at the time.

  106. Another candidate: whatever day it was after Eddie Guerrero's death that Vince McMahon decided not to do _enough_ to prevent a similar tragedy.

  107. Really? I thought the Caliber posts were hilarious.

  108. Yeah, Regal was the one who changed the pace.

  109. Ban_weight_machines?

  110. What sucked on top of that was that he turned face he still had the paranoid thing going on.

  111. Montreal actually helped WWF,the rating after the screwjob were extremely high.

  112. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 23, 2014 at 10:53 AM

    Yep. Though he didn't have much of a choice there.

  113. That's kinda what I was saying. It's not the stunts themselves that's the problem. It's having people do stuff they are properly trained to do or having someone in charge of coordinating that isn't properly trained.

  114. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 10:54 AM

    It could be the day Lita became sexually active....because she got the AIDS!!

  115. You're probably right. You could even argue Diesel's reign as champion was even worse from a financial stand point But I'm just talking from a fan's POV because at the time I was unaware of the steroid scandal going on.

  116. Today or yesterday; whenever that article about TNA's impending demise was posted.

  117. Really? I feared for the state of the business as soon as I read posts about the ink being dry. Now, I hadn't watched Nitro in a while when the company went out of business, but it was pretty clear to me that things were going to take a turn for the worse.

    WWE was it at that point, no alternatives and no where else to go. It was pretty sad.

  118. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 23, 2014 at 10:54 AM

    I didn't just help, it directly kicked off the most successful time in wrestling ever.

  119. Non-tragedy pick from late 2000:

    "Chris Kreski is out. Stephanie, you're in charge."

  120. So both. And every other day in the last 12 years.

  121. Yes, but without having a magic 8-ball in your possesion, the night when Montreal happened did you honestly believe WWF would rebound the way they did?

  122. He's referring to how Regal's comments on Benoit during the tribute imply that Regal was suspicious that something worse had happened. "I'll hold off further comment until all the facts are known, but Chris was an amazing wrestler" or something of that nature.

  123. We all live under the pall of knowing that TNA could end at any time.

  124. It created the Mr.McMahon persona,without that,Austin wouldn't be as over as he is.

  125. Everyone was talking about how great Benoit was, but as more info came out, that all changed. You could see Regal's expressions as if something wasn't right, and that he started to only talk about the wrestling side of him.

  126. Probably not, but I'm sure he regretted it after the fact. Not sure of the alternative, though. Maybe just a brief mention/ten-bell salute at the top of the show? Would that have been better?

  127. Benoit wouldn't let him in the house to watch puro. What a dick

  128. Well, Austin was over before Montreal and he would have been over even if Montreal never happened, but he wouldn't have drawn the type of money he did without Montreal.

  129. Hindsight is part of this question, I'd say.

  130. You should limit how many of the previous days answers to like 5 or something... I guarantee people will start going nuts trying to be one of the people whose comment gets posted like when we used to have comment of the day.

  131. It was going to be a lose lose situation either way.

  132. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 10:57 AM

    When it happened I didn't think it would hurt them.
    Seriously what was the worst that would happen? If anything it hurt Bret.

  133. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 23, 2014 at 10:57 AM

    How ya feelin, kid?

  134. He was over for sure,but he would never have his greatest enemy.

  135. Yeah, that would be the smart way to get hits.

  136. Was it a blindfold match against Viscera? #ministryofdarkness #anotherblackguy


  137. Final day of my mini vacation due the cup.Just finished my work about the Box of Ur.

  138. If he wants to put in the time to respond to that many comments, let him. It's his choice.

  139. No one mentioned Robocop?

  140. That Abey quote is more words he's posted consecutively in one post than his entire run here combined.

  141. It killed his career.

  142. If I want to offer something that I think might work then let me. It's my choice.

  143. Right, but I wonder if it was just a brief mention at the top of the show, it may have been an easier thing to shake off. I mean, I'm really not 100 percent on the timeline, but it seemed to me that they were figuring shit out on Monday.

    Acknowledge that he's dead on Monday with a brief mention and if a tribute was needed, you've got SmackDown.

  144. CruelConnectionNumber2June 23, 2014 at 11:00 AM

    DAWN OF THE INTERNET is the darkest period of wrestling. Killed the Apter mags, made taped shows seem lame (reading spoilers ruins everything), made house shows seem all the same, killed tape trading, and made wrestling fans spoiled and put everything at their fingertips as opposed to having demand for the product.

  145. It's not up there with Benoit and Owen, but Droz getting paralyzed sucked pretty hard.

  146. When Heidenreich raped Michael Cole.

  147. The terrifying thing is he supposedly texted Chavo about his dogs being in an enclosed area... clearly being set up to be eaten by Dean Malenko.

  148. My main issue with the internet is that there aren't any surprises anymore.

  149. Well thing was WCW and ECW programming was really bad during it's dying days, much like TNA is now and WWF was producing really great programming that I figured a WWE owned WCW program would deliver a better product than what WCW was dishing out in 2001. Of course that's not what WWE did when they brought WCW, but when the news of when WWF buying WCW first broke, there were all sorts of rumors flying about like Shane McMahon running WCW programming for real, which I thought would have been pretty awesome at the time.

  150. When they started letting black people wrestle

    /did I do that right?

  151. By saying "you should" instead of "I think maybe you could" you infer a directive instead of an offer.

    But, whatever. I'm sure now a directive wasn't your intention.

  152. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 23, 2014 at 11:02 AM

    With hindsight, yeah, that would have been better. And really, someone should have known something was wrong with the guy. You don't just up and murder-suicide your wife and son, there have to have been some sort of warning sings.

  153. HEY! The way he's doing it, I'm almost guaranteed a mention! Your way might make it harder for me to see my name in a post (especially since Bayless has banished me from BoD Raw!).

    I need this, parallax! Don't ruin it for me!

  154. When Mae Young gave birth to a hand.

  155. This is what we all say in retrospect. There is just no way to know.

  156. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 23, 2014 at 11:03 AM

    That seems kind of racist Dude.

  157. I thought that's what we were going for here.

  158. If we're going to do Wrestlecrap Dark Moments (tm), you might as well include Chucky, as well as Rick Steiner challenging him to a match.

  159. Even if the Mr McMahon character never happened, I do think Austin/Undertaker still would have done great business in 98 as those guys were the two biggest names in the company.

  160. There isn't at all. Even guys who were receiving weird texts from Benoit kind of shook them off. No one expects something like that to happen.

  161. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 11:04 AM

    Well didn't they say he was totally fucked up when Eddie died because they were best friends?

  162. 97 Taker was really entertaining,just wanted to kill Shawn at any moment.

  163. I'd argue WCW killed his career. Souled Out 98 scoring a pretty good buyrate proved that Bret was stlll a draw after Montreal.

  164. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 23, 2014 at 11:05 AM

    What's a Box of Ur?

    I'm sore as fuck, worked like 35 hours over the last 3 days, and I burnt the shit out of my hand last night. Got a fat paycheck coming though.

    I'm quitting smoking today, so if I'm seem a bit irritable no one should take it personally.

  165. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 23, 2014 at 11:05 AM

    You're wrong.

  166. Yeah, Eddie was his buffer. Once Eddie was gone, look out.

  167. Chris Kreski dying is pretty sad too :(

  168. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 11:05 AM

    He ain't black.

  169. Everyone gets down about something. We can't always assume the worst b/c in most cases it usually isn't. We shouldn't be expected to know when it is that 1% of the time that someone is about to snap

  170. 3 for 3 new QOTD guy.

  171. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 23, 2014 at 11:06 AM

    So Meekin actually quit huh? I thought it was just a little rant and he would be back after a few days. Probably for the best, he seemed to take it all too much to heart. Good luck Chris, try not to have a meltdown. Not sure if yesterday's answers with your comments works or not yet. Like Parallax said, I think you should limit it down to five or so of the best answers so it's not too long.

  172. To be fair, I meant for there to be way more spaces, but disqus was all like "no dude, you only get one".

  173. Well at the time WCW was kicking WWF's ass in the tv ratings and the night of Montreal, morale was at a all time low with several wrestlers wanting to quit. The night of Montreal seemed like WWF was in the same position TNA is now.

  174. It is interesting to think about what is the "darker moment" Benoit or Owen. Benoit obviously involved the end of three lives but at least it didn't happen in front of thousands of spectators and on live tv. The Owen tragedy also has an extra level of treating works like pieces of meat being told to go out there and dance after one of their friends was dropped to his death on the very stage they are being asked to dance on.

    Benoit had a more lasting impact however as, sure some things changed when Owen died, they stopped treating wrestlers like professional stuntmen but it was Benoit tat lead to the company getting cleaned up and bringing us into this ..oh maybe we should treat these guys like people who we care about and look out for their well being.

  175. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 23, 2014 at 11:07 AM

    It hurt Bret, made the "Mr. McMahon" character and made a quick spark for WCW but they did nothing with it.

  176. It's artefact from mesopotamia.I had to analise the pacific side of the box,which is drawing of a party.

  177. Kreski wasn't a wrestling guy from what I understood.

    But he got continuity, so that was good.

    Plus he really couldnt lose with the talent he had.

  178. I also saw Best in the world yesterday,Elgin won.

  179. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 23, 2014 at 11:08 AM

    Nope, racism even in the form of a lame joke is NEVER right! Check your privlages!

  180. See this is basically what I am talking about people would be fighting to get the tiny bit of dopamine that seeing their name mentioned would create.

  181. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 23, 2014 at 11:08 AM

    True. And even if you think someone is kind of losing their shit, you're not going to think that it's going to go that bad.

  182. So much potential and from the word go they wasted it. It's amazing that they had one of the best pro wrestlers in the world on the roster, fresh off one of the most talked about angles ever and they did nothing.

    I wonder how much of that was Bischoff and Time Warner brass worried about another lawsuit from the WWF?

  183. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 23, 2014 at 11:09 AM


  184. Well I am glad I now have your approval.

  185. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 23, 2014 at 11:09 AM

    I'm sure Heidenreich enjoyed himself.

  186. Shockmaster...
    The day Bret Hart showed up in WCW...
    The "Reviving Elbow"...

  187. Blame Stephanie for what we got today in the booking.

  188. Meta-answer...the darkest moment in wrestling is when you, as a fan, realized wrestling was fake...

  189. He storyboarded everything. Would have been quite useful during the Invasion.

  190. Judging from Bret's book, he seems to put most of the blame on Hogan for the way he was treated in WCW and of course Bischoff being easily swayed by Hulk not helping matters.

  191. We almost certainly never would have had Vickie Guerrero as GM of anything, which could be argued as a good or bad thing (I actually found her tremendously entertaining eventually, especially with La Familia).


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