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Random Questions for the Master

1. Roman Reigns, what's the deal? Nothing against the guy at all, he isn't as annoying as most newbie's. But why has WWE appointed him the next super duper star? He isn't really much bigger than Ambrose or bunch of other new guys. Nor is he yet that great in the ring. Is it his "look"?
2. More and more, general crowds seem smarter and smarter. I love how it seemed SO many people noticed and complained about Bryan's backing down from Kane on RAW a few weeks ago. Having said all that, why does WWE like to piss in my Corn Flakes?
3. Have you seen the Miz in the Marine movie? Why do you suppose that movie was made? They have to know it isn't watchable. I mean, it's beyond obvious no one could enjoy that trash. Speaking of the Miz. His ring work never makes sense. Why is he allowed to wrestle despite shit match after shit match?
Thank you
​1.  He's got the look, the family connections, and he can sing "I'm a little teapot" with his daughter.  What more do you need?  

2.  ​Were you in a prominent position with the company in the 90s before jumping to WCW for more money?  Because that one seems to hit a nerve with Vince pretty frequently.

3.  Look, I'm not here to make judgments, but clearly you're in love with the man and I don't want to be a part of any weird stalker incidents.  You're just going to have to accept that Miz belongs to everyone.  


  1. In order of success for the Shield guys... Rollins > Reigns > Ambrose. I see Reigns getting the big push and failing. The guy's long singles matches that he has had on RAW have been very lackluster. Rollins is by far the best worker of the three. Ambrose I feel will be a high midcarder at best.

  2. I'm sure on a personal level, it killed Flair that WCW was "his" promotion for so long (that time he went to the WWF aside), and business absolutely sucked. Then, Hulk Hogan came in and things got better in 1994, and the NWO set the world on fire.

  3. Maybe...but it's not the same. Hard to explain.

  4. He didn't. His plane was delayed and he didn't get to the arena until like two hours into the show. So they went ahead without him.

  5. How is it not the same?

  6. Raw was only a two hour show in '98/'99 and Smackdown didn't become a weekly series until August of '99. Today's roster may generally be more talented than the '98/'99 roster, but it's also smaller. Combine a smaller roster with a heavier TV burden and your product will probably stagnate much faster, regardless of what your match:segment balance is.

  7. AverageJoeEverymanJune 8, 2014 at 1:50 PM

    I remember liking the main event too.

  8. Hmm, but you have to do something. And if you can't get more wrestler, or less TV time, or don't want the jobbers back, you have to reduce the wrestling itself.

    I mean, what about a RAW show which would contain only one main match and before only segments to hype that match, like kind of a boxing event?

  9. I think he's trying to say that in the old days fans would go ape shit for really boring shit, but now fans are spoilt so the only time they go ape shit is for something awesome like Daniel Byan.

  10. :D. I felt after my tirade yesterday, that I needed a fresh start and back to jobber status (i.e. out of the top 20)

  11. I've been off and on the past couple of years. I can't watch Smackdown at all anymore, but I like RAW for the spontaneity and hope that something new and exciting will happen. I often DVR it and watch it early the next morning before work, so I hopefully won't get any spoilers before viewing.

  12. Exactly Tom.

    Norman Smiley got bigger pops than most of the "superstars" do today. Sure, there are rare occurrences of a guy being red hot for awhile and getting crazy reactions in places like Chicago or Philly. Overall, though, it's the same robotic, lifeless show and crowd every week.

  13. Who said he had to do that? You can't deny that they did put him in some monumentally stupid angles and he was out there jobbing to Eric Bischoff and getting his head shaved by Vince Russo.


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