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Rollins getting too over?

It occurred to me watching Raw tonight as the crowd chanted for Roman Reigns that maybe they turned Seth Rollins heel to prevent what happened back in 04-05 with Orton and Batista.  Rollins was going nuts the last few months with psychotic high spots drawing huge reactions. You think the WWE was nervous Rollins might start "stealing" Roman's heat?  Or was this just a "hey let's break up the Shield because...WCW"

I like the conspiracy motif, but the reason was that Vince was freaking out about the rating of the week before and decided to just do it at the last minute as something to do.    Because Vince.  


  1. All I know is that it led to Ambrose's best promo since being called up to the main roster and allowed Reigns to show more personality than he ever has--both good things

  2. Seth wasn't too bad either, and believe me I've heard some painful mic work from him in ROH.

  3. I never got the vibe that Seth was "stealing" heat from Reigns. All three guys managed to draw heat on their own which is crazy if you think about it.

  4. I think that Dean Ambrose would have been MUCH better suited (no pun intended) for the role that Seth Rollins is in now.

  5. Missed Raw, sounded like I missed a good show.

  6. Seth fits the storyline better.

  7. I can tell you one thing - when the inevitable reunion occurs I will definitely be marking out pretty hard.

  8. Dean could have handled the heel promos fine no doubt but he's just too much of a nutbar now to turn corporate IMO.

  9. It was fine. Again the usual valid complaints apply like too much filler but what worked really worked well.

  10. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 9, 2014 at 11:51 PM

    i wish farva was still around, so i could chide him about how wwe now is OFFICIALLY going to get...


  11. Who the fuck wrote this email?

    Some people still cannot get over the fact that Reigns is going to be pushed and it is just ridiculous. He is over and they are not worried about anyone stealing his heat.

  12. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 9, 2014 at 11:57 PM

    I'm pretty sure 30% of the wrestling fanbase is delusional.

    Another 30% is Rednecks.

    Another 30% is COOL GUYS, like you and me.

    And the other 10% is retards.

    Am I leaving anyone out?

  13. GDunn is the coolest. His Facebook account apparently shows this but he wont send me the link so I cannot confirm.

  14. Roman Reigns was always gonna be the guy. Maybe not this soon, but Bryan's injury is clearly an issue. Ambrose and Rollins might be able to take advantage of any opportunites they get handed, but this is about Reigns, and given hwo he seems to be progressing in-ring, it won't be a bad thing. Worst case, he becomes a Cena type who has ****+ matches with opponents that carefully play to his strengths. Nothing wrong with that, and if anything hes better than Cena in a lot of non-wrestling ways

  15. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 10, 2014 at 12:21 AM

    If only GDunn could stop banging models long enough to let us in his little facebook world. I, for one, will not entirely be fulfilled in life without having been witness to the exploits of the great, ballyhooed GDunn.

    Our lives our meaningless without access to your pictures and itinerary, GDunn! Please, save us from our lives of mediocrity and failure! If only just for ONE moment!

    *starts crying*

  16. Whu happened to Farva?

  17. I'm okay with Reigns, but tonight just showed how much more entertaining Ambrose is in and out of the ring.

  18. and also if the WWE was really worried about it they would have simply cut Rollins' spots out of the matches.

  19. And more than that, he should be pushed. Reigns has been quite awesome the last few months.

  20. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 10, 2014 at 4:57 AM

    This question is lame.

  21. To be fair, he's also been well protected to look awesome, too. Arguably more protected than anyone else has in a very long time.

  22. I don't get why people keep acting like breaking up the Shield is some kind of incredibly dumb, WCW move. The Shield feuded with the Wyatts a lot already and they just steamrolled Evolution. What else? They could have just moved on to a bunch of singles feuds, but in that case, turning one isn't as big of a deal, especially with a mediocre top of the card heel group right now. If they're going to keep teaming, who do they face? They beat every top heel team and easily.

  23. Each member of the Shield has something about them that is better than what the others bring to the table. Reigns has the best look, Rollins is the best worker and Ambrose is the best promo, so they have each been able to generate heat individually in their own way.


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