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Saturday Night Thread

Talk about everything going on tonight here

The Gene Okerlund Shoot won the poll and will be reviewed Thursday


  1. No NBA? Huh, looks like theres only Ivory Coast v Japan in the World Cup

    Yeah, I know, soccer sucks and is dumb and also sucks.

  2. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 14, 2014 at 5:28 PM

    World Cup, Baseball Night on FOX....not too bad to spend a Satruday.

    Speaking of baseball, my team's starting to get hot in the BoD Fantasy Baseball league, so look out, Condescending Wacha's coming back above .500.

  3. If I ever learn fantasy baseball, I will make you all eat it with the NINJA BLACKSOX.

  4. No Waka Waka for Piquet after that loss.

  5. Sup dudes? Happy early Fathers Day to anyone that is a Dad.

  6. Man you're avatar tricked me....

  7. Doing a homage.

  8. Ladies and Gentleman.Contest of champions is gonna begin in 10 min.

  9. Having a bunch of friends that are engaged sucks. Like I've got buddies that are also single but none that I'm comfortable going out and it just being us getting beers.

  10. The card

    Vader(c) vs Stan Hansen for the CNW world title.
    The outsiders(c) vs German sulpex masters(Yoshihiro Takayama and John Albert)for the tag titles.

    AJ vs Low Ki
    Daniel Bryan vs Alberto Del Rio
    Jushin Liger vs Hiroshi Tanahashi.

  11. Someone else had this game before, Classic or Clusterfuck?: Bret/Owen/Anvil/Bulldog vs Shawn/Diesel/Razor/123 Kid in 1994.

  12. What's going on tonight? I'm working on a paper and wishing I could figure out how to run Wrestling Mpire on my Mac.

    Have we stopped watching shit on Sat night as a group? I would enjoy doing so tonight.

  13. Have anything in mind? And, I'd like to finish up my paper first. Maybe start at 9p Eastern?

  14. Fuckers. Bringing us pizza and pasta.


  15. I'm about to come up on SummerSlam 93 in my Network PPV-a-thon...

  16. Going to the Tremont bars for the first time in years. You ever hit up that scene?

  17. I nominate SummerSlam 2001

  18. I'm up to 1994....specifically, Bash at the Beach. I can jump forward, but I just watched SS 93 not too long ago.

  19. That sounds tits. Never happened, though, right?

  20. This show is dedicated to Mark "Officer Farva" Haas.

    Your hosts for COTW are AbeyAnce1 and WCW1987

    Liger vs Tanahashi is the opening match.

  21. I'm game, I'm sure the feature will come back, everyone's just out of sorts for reasons obvious.

  22. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 14, 2014 at 5:52 PM

    Stayed up to 4am watching Commando last night. I don't regret a damn thing.

    "Fuck you asshole!" *pulls trigger, gun's empty*
    "Fuck YOU asshole!" *PUNCH*

  23. Not that I'm aware of. The Harts and the Clique were like in different universes, except for King of the Ring 94.

  24. Ahnold's finest.

  25. So then the game is "come up with a hypothetical match, name the era and participants, and debate on whether it'd be good or shitty"? Sounds cool.

  26. Seems like a hipster area lol


  28. Bloody Italians. Lousy pasta slurping ass bitches.

  29. No idea what's on the card, but that would work for me. It's far enough ahead that I won't get to it on my on, and it's possible I've never seen it.

  30. Soccer sucks and is dumb. It sucks, too.


  32. Yeah, someone on here did it before, but I don't remember who.

  33. Well, yeah, but it seems like we haven't done it for a few Saturdays now. Or have I just been absent?

  34. Is there a problem I'm using Farva picture as homage.

  35. We've done it, but it's hardly organized anymore.


  37. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 5:57 PM

    Owen and Bret started feuding before Nash came to the WWF, and both Hall and Nash (and Waltman) were in WCW by the time the Hart Foundation 2.0 angle started. So, no, it never happened.

  38. Italian food is the tits.

  39. Not at all. I just got dooped earlier

  40. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 5:57 PM

    Zantadude, I think.

  41. Shouldn't that second one be "Fahk yoo, aschoule!"?

  42. Huh. I may have seen this; I'm sure I've seen the Kane/Taker vs DDP/Kanyon match. That's the one where 'Taker starts to let Page leave, and Kane is all, "Don't be a pussy, pussy boy!" So Taker grabs Page and whips up on him some more, perhaps stimulating the need to create DDP Yoga.

    That right?

  43. Liger is getting pretty good in FPR for me. Same 5 moves, but you can buy them as a finish, unlike ADR's shitty missionary position powerbombs.

  44. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 14, 2014 at 5:58 PM

    Also, Monica Bellucci. 10/10 fap material.

  45. Either way, this would work. Looks like fun.

  46. So SummerSlam 2001 in an hour when Hoss finishes his work then?

  47. Yes. And, I'll go old school and say Sophia Loren. As recently as Grumpy Old Men 2, I would have tapped that broad given the chance.

  48. Watching the 7/5/93 Raw. Crush challenges Yokozuna after the bodyslam thing on the boat. Next week Yoko will squash him into pineapple goop.

    IMO, Crush should have gotten the Jesus push instead of Lex Luger.

    Turner jobber working for Titan watch: Bam Bam Bigelow squashes JUMPIN' JOEY MAGGS~! in 45 seconds!!

  49. Liger Wins in a upset.**1/2

  50. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:00 PM

    Way better than the food us micks are known for. Corned beef is fucking gross.

  51. Uh, no? Liger is boss in FPW and his high damage pin moves

  52. Aj vs Low Ki now.

  53. Diesel debuted in 93, but didn't start really working until after the 94 Rumble. Anvil and Bulldog didn't return until after Owen won KOTR 94, plus Anvil was heel and Bulldog was face. At no point during 94 were these guys aligned together in face/heel terms where this match would have happened. Would have been pretty spiffy, though.

  54. Oh, and I approve of your avatar. Very nice.

  55. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:04 PM

    I love the Simpsons episode where for some reason they have a huge soccer match in Springfield, and Kent Brockman is calling the the game and he's bored out of his fucking mind. Meanwhile, the Bumblebee Man (out of costume and just wearing a suit) is doing the Spanish commentary with pretty much the exact same words, but is excited beyond belief.

    I gotta admit, the GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL! guy is cool, he should do hockey games.

  56. Just watched King of New York for the first time. Weird movie.

  57. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:09 PM

    Diesel did start in 93, for some reason I always think he came in between the 94 Rumble and WMX. Which is dumb, because he was the "big guy that clears out the deadwood" dude in the 94 Rumble. I'm shot...

    Would this even be possible in a video game without CAWs? Closest I can think of is that I believe you could do Bret/Bulldog/Anvil vs. Hall/Nash/Waltman in Revenge. No, wait, you can't, that game didn't have 6 man tag matches.

  58. Mitch, The GodfatherJune 14, 2014 at 6:09 PM

    Here's a good question for the thread. Who has turned more - Kane or Big Show? I believe it's been Big Show.

  59. Kane, if we're talking about turned stomachs...

  60. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:11 PM

    You've never seen King of New York? That is a weird movie. I just love the line at the start when Frank gets out of jail and asks all his buddies why they didn't come visit, and the head gang-banger is like "Ain't nobody want to see you in a cage, man."

  61. it dumb? And does it suck?

  62. Nope, not possible in any classic game.

  63. Low Ki wins with a Diving Foot Stomp.***1/2

  64. Daffy Duck > Bugs Bunny

  65. Coming up next Daniel Bryan vs Dos Caras Jr(Del Rio)

  66. Clearly, you have never seen Rabbit Season / Duck Season.


  67. Fucking cool film. Great performances from Walken and Fishburne.

  68. Daffy Bryan carrying Bugs Cena to some of his funniest cartoons.

  69. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:17 PM


    -This asshole a couple doors down from me needs to realize that revving up his Mustang at 7:00 AM and midnight doesn't make him cool, it makes him a wanker. You're trying WAY too hard, buddy.

    -The weed I got tastes terrible. It's good smoke, I'm pretty blazed off 3 good hits, but it tastes like ass.

    -It's been kind of chilly all week, but of course it's going to be 80 tomorrow, and today is the last day of my "vacation". Fuckers...

    More to come...

  70. I wouldn't exactly call Fishburne's performance "great"

  71. Best "thug" role I've seen in those kind of movies

  72. I'm not your problem. I'm just a businessman.

  73. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:18 PM

    That movie is like Hackers, the acting is... not so great, to be nice, but the script is good enough to where it doesn't matter.

  74. I'd take 80 and some shit-tasting weed right now.

  75. I always wonder what the people who came to clean up that island would think about all those dead bodies and that one guy killed them all. That would be so crazy

  76. Big Show: Corporation, heel. Union, face. Unholy Alliance, Heel. WWF champ, face. Haircut, heel. Hulk impression, face. 2001 Heel. invasion, face. Heyman, heel. 2005, face. ecw, heel. Mayweather, face. 2008, heel, then face. Jerishow, heel. I'm losing track after that.

  77. That movie is a guilty pleasure of mine. Same with Kindergarten Cop.

  78. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:20 PM

    "I just shot him, the bullets and the fall killed him"

    Not the same movie (that's from Collateral), but one of my favorites. "Hey, he FELL!"

  79. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:21 PM

    You're welcome to stop by, I got some beer in the fridge too.

  80. Italian ice, gelato, caprese salad...

    Great shoes and jackets and sunglasses...

    Gotta love italy

  81. Bryan rolls Del Rio and wins in a solid match ***

  82. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:21 PM

    Isn't everyone but Owen in the new WWE game?

  83. Its easy. Just throw your mac in the garbage and get a PC. Everything will work fine.

  84. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:23 PM


    Sorry, had something stuck in my throat there.

  85. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:24 PM

    I can't blame her, she doesn't owe the fans anything.

  86. I got some dank that's so dope I had to wash my hands after breaking it up to smoke.

  87. I'm almost out of weed. I'm saving what I have left for tomorrow night.

  88. Yeah, it's petty to bitch about it, goes both ways I suppose. Oh well.

  89. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:26 PM

    5-on-5 on a hockey rink-sized playing field is actually pretty fun. That league was just ahead of it's time. Go Blizzard!

  90. I picked the nsx up from my work garage and took it out for a spin, got on a nice straight away and opened that fucker up...pretty goddamn amazing for a car that's 17 years old.

  91. Now the tag title match.

  92. Take a couple resin puffs?

  93. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:27 PM

    I probably would have let it go by now, but it's not my spouse that died, so my opinion means jack shit.

  94. I might have to scrape out what's left at the bottom of my grinder pretty soon.

  95. Anyone want to watch backlash 2000, I want to crack open some of the good stuff?

  96. Mitch, The GodfatherJune 14, 2014 at 6:29 PM

    He was out a couple of months after Judgment Day 2000 and turned heel on Raw against the Undertaker. He turned heel in 2002 and joined the NWO. 2005 was a weird period especially the lead-up to Survivor Series. He was a face when he came back in 2004. I believe after he turned heel against Taker again in 2008 he wasn't a face until after he and Miz split up.

    What all this means is that they didn't have much of a clue to do with him or Kane.

  97. I like Daffy. But he was a hothead who was easily fooled. Bugs wins.

  98. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:29 PM

    Those Honda engines will last forever as long as you do basic maintenance. For instance, don't wait 15,000 miles to change the oil like this one dumb assed broad I know.

  99. Can someone tell me who's Cara Delevigne?

  100. There you go. Its amazing how creative people can get when the weed runs low

  101. Dude, come on... change the avatar back.

  102. ESPN is a bunch of assholes. I'm not a Kings fan at all, but there is one small reference to them winning the cup on the front page of their website. Talk about being spiteful because you don't have the TV rights.

  103. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:31 PM

    I was so shitfaced a couple weeks ago that I broke my pipe and lost a 20 sack. I'm more mad about the pipe even though it cost $10, that was a nice ass bowl, smoked as smooth as could be.

  104. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 14, 2014 at 6:31 PM

    They had front page last night, but it's almost 24 hours ago and new stuff is happening, so I think they get a pass on this.

  105. Fashion model with Groucho Marx eyebrows

  106. If the Heat won the NBA title, it would be plastered all over the front page for a week or more.

  107. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 14, 2014 at 6:32 PM

    That works.

  108. "What's that LeBron James is drinking?! Is it a delicious refreshing SURGE?! Tune into SportsCenter to find out!!"

  109. I worked for a company that MS bought. I made a shitload of money until they closed us down. I was constantly amazed at their fucking arrogance and the level of bullshit coming from Washington. I never, ever knowingly support any kind of MS product.

    I'm aware that Apple has its problems. However, I have been much happier with my MacBook and iMac than I ever was with any WIndows based PC, and I've had many. I still have one that functions, but I never use it, and keep it just in case I run across something that I have to do on Windows. I may boot it up for this game I want to play, but probably not. I don't really need another distraction.

  110. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:33 PM

    "Hey, I'll bring over a 12 pack if you got some trees."
    "Shit, come on by!"

    That's how I usually deal with that situation.

  111. We've decided on Summerslam 2001

  112. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 14, 2014 at 6:33 PM

    Eh, I chalk it up to the other big stuff this week than the usual pissing-on-hockey. I think this is a bit of a Daniel-Bryan-is-buried much ado about nothing. Their night was last night, but there's a bigger event than the Stanley Cup going on right now.

  113. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 14, 2014 at 6:34 PM

    Con Air, The Rock, or Face/Off?

  114. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:34 PM

    I had some shit like that a week ago. For some reason my cat was going nuts for it. I had to put it in the basement so she wouldn't get at it.

  115. I've hard a medical card for 5 years but before that one of my biggest stresses in life was keeping the herb following. Nothing was worse when the dealer flaked or shit was dry. Now I can buy it like groceries.

  116. They wouldn't want the TV rights after the 3rd labor stoppage anyways

  117. One of the main reasons I want to move to Colorado.

  118. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:36 PM

    It's getting close to where it will be legal here, at least for medical use.

  119. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 14, 2014 at 6:36 PM

    I`m jealous. Having your world go dry is very frustrating. I usually send out the feelers for what I can find way before the bag is empty.

  120. If anyone says faceoff I'm throwing my fucking hot tea in their face... That movie STINKS

    I enjoyed the Rock and Con Air, I'd pick con air over the rock just because its hard for me to view ed Harris and his crew as bad guys, they were almost justified IMO.

  121. Switched the avatar.

  122. They should just legalize the shit already. It's ridiculous that it's treated the same as shit like crack and meth.

  123. Apparently a girl that I'm gonna meet is fan of her.Never saw this woman.

  124. It was a nice tribute though dude

  125. Farva was my BoD gambling buddy and I'd like to lay some action on this soccer game tonight but I know shit about soccer. Any advice?

  126. Not all of Harris's crew were for the cause,some were for the money.

  127. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:39 PM

    I generally buy 1/2 eighths at a time, but I always make sure I have a backup 20 sack, or at least a dimebag of schwag around somewhere. Not that I have any trouble finding any drugs given my line of work.

  128. Face/Off for sheer ridiculousness.

  129. Bet on Brazil,they gonna book them to win anyways.

  130. I splashed his ass!

  131. True a few took it to far but I actually ended up cheering for them

  132. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 14, 2014 at 6:40 PM

    "I'd like to take his"
    "....You wanna take his face--"
    "Yes! His'S COMING OFF!"

  133. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:41 PM

    It's not here in NY, get caught with crack or meth and you're looking at a bail hearing (which will be the least of your problems at that point), get caught with weed and it's just like a speeding ticket, anything under 7/8 oz. isn't even a misdemeanor.

  134. Travolta touching his wife's face as a sign of affection is maybe the dumbest thing I've seen in a big budget film

  135. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 14, 2014 at 6:41 PM

    That`s been my biggest beef since leaving kitchens is that I don`t meet a lot of hookups any more.

    For years I would buy quantity - like a quarter or a half a pound, and make it last. I never, ever, sold it, it was always persy other than sharing with friends or whatever. Now I have a kid and I`m nervous about having that much in the house - even in Toronto they`d probably throw the book at me for that much, so I carry much smaller amounts.

  136. The eyebrows things is kind of a new thing for ladies.

  137. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 14, 2014 at 6:42 PM

    "If anyone says faceoff"


  138. Also quite cringe worthy

  139. Hitler did less worse things than making me choose between the 3.

  140. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 14, 2014 at 6:43 PM

    More than Travolta's "While you were still learning how to SPELL YOUR NAME!...I was being trained TO CONQUER GALAXIES!" from Battlefield Earth?

  141. My bet... no-one scores, and a bunch of people who can't play a real sport go on about it for weeks.

  142. Wicker Man for sheer ridiculousness.

  143. On ESPN today the consensus seemed to be Boris Diaw is finals MVP thus far. Sickening to give an award that prestigious to player with that kind of low pedigree. Duncan or Parker have to get it.

  144. Small bet on Japan. They are a real sleeper team at this tournament, and Ivory Coast is like kayfabe Sami Zayn at times.

  145. Also, Sean Connery's character is James Bond is one the greatest fan theories ever.

  146. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 14, 2014 at 6:45 PM

    Leonard plays well in Game 5, he's got to get it. He's the biggest reasons they won twice in Miami, which was a huge task at hand. Don't ding Diaw though, he'd be a sixth man or starting 4 on a lot of teams, big man with a great touch both shooting and passing and plays tough interior D. And he came into the league as a point guard of all things.

  147. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 14, 2014 at 6:46 PM

    But of coursh he ish

  148. That explains that 5-1 Netherlands-Spain result

  149. I agree. You have US Open, NBA Finals, World Cup, Chuck Noll dying, and college world series.

  150. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:47 PM

    The Rock. Cage's shitty over-acting kills Con Air, and Travolta's shitty over-acting kills Face/Off.

    Weren't all 3 directed by the same guy?

  151. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 14, 2014 at 6:48 PM

    Evening all.

  152. Thinking about changing my avatar to Tom Cruise's character in The Last Samurai to raise awareness. That movie is legit great. How that movie wasn't even nominated for Best Picture, I'll never know.

  153. I'm trying to bet on Japan but this the weirdest thing I've ever seem, both teams have underdog money line odds and I don't even know what I'm looking at on the spread thing. And I'm a veteran sports gambler

  154. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:48 PM

    Even when they had the TV rights they didn't give 2 shits and a fuck about hockey.

  155. basically, a draw is NOT a push. Draw means you lose your stake. Hence the inflated odds.

  156. Amazingly underrated film. I think Cruise gets forgotten about or lashed against because of his religion but I'm still a fan.

  157. Dude,the fun of Cage films is too se his Cageisms.

  158. Con Air. Cause it has John Cusack and it's been scientifically proven movies with John Cusack are better than those without.

  159. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 14, 2014 at 6:49 PM

    No (Michael Bay, John Woo, and Simon West), but Con Air and The Rock were produced by Jerry Bruckheimer.

  160. You don't watch Con Air for Nic Cage, you watch it for Malkovich and Trejo.

  161. Con air-Simon West
    The Rock-Michael Bay
    Face/OFF-John woo.

  162. So I just finished watching my first Sean Connery Bond movie today, Goldfinger. To me, it is very blah. It may be the first movie to have the gadgets and non-spectre stuff. The plot is so lame especially the finale and I kept on hoping Goldfinger would just shoot Bond to be done with it. Also Bond doesn't really do anything badassery except for the first 5 minutes.
    Oddjob and Goldfinger are good villains. Also, Pussy Galore is her real name, really?

  163. I think people dismissed it because they thought it was just another white savior movie.

  164. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:50 PM

    I just find that company to be evil. And for those who say "Microsoft is just as bad"... yeah, you're probably right.

    Capitalism at work, people.

  165. Cruise is never on auto pilot,he always gives his best in a film.

  166. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 14, 2014 at 6:50 PM

    And that people rolled their eyes because they thought the title referred to him, even though samurai can be, and in this case is, plural.

  167. totally disagree. Only good movie of his is 16 candles. High Fidelity flat out stinks.

  168. Um. Maybe because the Japanese really don't need westerners to save them?

  169. Jef Vinson (RIP OfficerFarva)June 14, 2014 at 6:52 PM

    My favorite Connery moment is the Barbara Walters special where he talks about smacking his wife when he felt she deserves it.

  170. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 14, 2014 at 6:52 PM

    I could care less about his beliefs as long as he puts on a great show, and he usually does. Not many actors look at the Burj Khalifa and say, "Yeah, I wanna go run and jump all over the surface of that."

  171. He'd be the worst player to ever win that award by a mile and so wouldn't Leonard. I'd rather see KL get over Diaw. I know exactly what diaws game is but to give him the MVP is a joke. Duncan or Parker better play well in the game SA wins.

  172. Heresy.The only bad Connery film is Diamonds are forever.

  173. LOL Just made a comment like that, and scrolled down a bit. I didn't hate Cruise when this film came out, and I thought it was just ok.

  174. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 6:52 PM

    He's the guy that now makes CSI, right? That's probably what I was thinking of.

    Keep in mind I know jack shit about movies.

  175. He's not the savior.

  176. He created CSI.


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