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Seth Rollins - world champ?


Where do you go with Seth Rollins now that they pulled the trigger on the Shield breakup? Wouldn't it make sense for him to win Money in the Bank, cash in on a prone injured Bryan and hold it strong till Wrestlemania? Then you could have Roman win the rumble, beat him in a hopefully incredible match and you'd have 2 made guys as single stars.

​Hey, whoa, I like Seth Rollins as much as anyone, but let's not get crazy here.  If Hulk Hogan time-traveled from 1984 to sign with WWE today even he wouldn't get that kind of push.  Let's just see if he can get over as a heel before booking WM main events around the guy.  ​


  1. I wouldn't mind him winning the belt if Bryan can't go.

  2. Until Seth Rollins learns how to cut promos, he is not a main eventer.

  3. Right now I just have pretty high hopes for his singles match with Ambrose. I think they could do something pretty damn good.

  4. Or a Rollins/Orton vs. Ambrose/Reigns match.

  5. I wrote when it came out that I loved the film from start to finish. Seeing Patrick Stuart get to return was a big plus for me, as I'm a big fan of his. And yeah, Fassbender was fantastic in the role.

    Time travel movies, while awesome, give me a headache, though.

  6. I agree. What I also like is that it makes the movies make a good amount of sense if you cut out X3 and Origins: Wolverine.

    If you watch the series as X-Men, X2, First Class, The Wolverine, and Days of Future Past, in that order, everything comes together really nicely.

  7. I did a backflip when they got FRASIER to comeback as Beast for like three seconds at the end.

  8. I noticed on second viewing that they never actually call him quicksilver. I assume as part of some settlement.

    And didn't the end of the wolverine not end up linking to this movie at all?

  9. When Hogan time-traveled from 1984 to 2002 he got that kind of push.

  10. He's finally won me over and I can overlook skunk head. But...getting rid of skunk head would be nice here

  11. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 8, 2014 at 12:10 PM

    Perfect fit.

  12. Here's why you put the belt on Rollins:

    He has a ****1/2 match with Daniel Bryan the first time they wrestle.

    THAT gets him over.

  13. "I'm glad that Fox is at least making worthwhile movies while staving
    off the Marvel Studios juggernaut's attempts to get the characters back."

    But FOX has the rights to Juggernaut.


  14. Let's be real here. Today's Vince wouldn't be able to get past Hulk's bald spot to give him a push.

  15. We need more Fassbender everywhere. I just re-watched that scene from Inglorious Basterds with him in it at the bar and oh my god the tension was incredible.

  16. I wish they had explained how wolverine got his metal claws back in the future after the wolverine.

  17. Well, they showed Professor X and Magneto recruiting Wolverine when he makes his way back to the States, and they show a commercial for Trask Industries in the airport.

  18. He's the guy that is gonna replace Craig in the Bond films.At least I hope so.

  19. Brock Lesnar.

  20. Let's be honest. He was the ONLY good thing about that movie.

  21. So that's right before the sentinels start fucking shit up? And isn't Xavier dead in that timeline? I never watched 3 so I'm a little fuzzy on the details.

  22. He should go with a clean-cut corporate look to show his change.

  23. I'm probably Rollins' biggest cheerleader outside of Jimmy Jacobs, but he's not Brock. It's a totally different beast, no pun intended.

  24. Except...he has? He's actually not that bad on the mic Not as good as Amrbose, but that's not a fair comparison.

  25. As far as the top 3 for me, it goes First Class, X2, then Days of Future Past. It was definitely one of the better ones. I don't think the first one has aged well, even though it's still good.

    That said, Marvel is still putting on a clinic when it comes to making superhero movies these days. Winter Soldier is arguably the best of the bunch so far.

  26. Still, it shows that it's not an automatic prerequisite. Here's a better example: Jeff Hardy.

  27. X2 is one of my favorite movies ever so it's hard for anything to compare but I really, really liked DoFP. My only real complaint is that Colossus was relegated to a big nobody AGAIN but I suppose it went with the idea of establishing how hopeless the future was against the Sentinels. The theater actually cheered during Storm's big scene, which was hilarious yet disturbing.

  28. I really hope Rollins doesn't fade to the background after getting beat by Reigns.

  29. My favorite version of Colossus is from the Whedon X-men. Seriously the only time I cared about the character for some reason.

    Oh, and the X-men Arcade game. You know the one.

  30. He and Kitty Pride were the protagonists of Whedon's run.

  31. Welcome to the BoD!

  32. Put me on record as saying that I never got Jeff Hardy.

    Seemed like a glorified spot monkey to me.

  33. Clearly Rollins and Lesnar are an apples to apples comparison.

  34. Watching the 1994 War Games last night, I kept thinking how not one of those guys would make it past developmental screening.

  35. Thank you! Been following Scott for over 15 years and thought I should finally give a comment

  36. I'm with Scott. Let's see if he can get past Orton or Kane on the hierarchy if heels first.

  37. Give him Flair as a mouthpiece then.

  38. He transferred his consciousness into another person.

  39. Both Fox and Marvel have the rights to name, so it was just a personal choice.

  40. The score on X3 was amazing.

  41. It's easily the best story of any comic book movie yet. So good.

  42. I'm so sick of people slagging the ASM series for no good reasons at all. You're butthurt over Spiderman 3 and the concept of endless reboots, we get it. For real Spidey fans like myself, this series has been great. A perfect adaptation of the character (I never liked Macguire as Spiderman at all, although Spiderman 2 was admittedly a great movie), lots of reverence to the original source material, and both were overall just good movies, period. I'm thankful the reboot exists, b/c as a fanboi the previous series wasn't enough.

  43. Fun fact: The Quicksilver sequence was originally supposed to feature Juggernaut. They drop him from a plane, and he smashes straight down through to Magneto's cell.

  44. Good point there, cowboy!

  45. I need closure! This is my humvee driver/gtv/who moved the briefcase!

  46. "A perfect adaptation of the character"

    Not as good as this point even though you never hear the most iconic line from the books.

  47. Magneto gave them back to him. There!

  48. I never saw the second one but a skateboarding peter Parker who joyously swings around in an empty warehouse to Coldplay? No thanks.

  49. I think the concept of something tingling is owned by Goldbond. So y'know, legal issues n' all that.

  50. lol wtf are you talking about?

  51. The Quicksilver segment was THE BEST!

    I'll be honest, I've not particularly enjoyed any of the X-Men movies (much prefer the 90s cartoon), but this one surprised me. Fassbender and Lawrence by far the best of the First Class, Dinklage was great as always, and I'm a sucker for a time-travel story - although it was more like a Star Trek plot than Marvel, no?

  52. But how, dammit?! HOW?!

  53. He was a nerdy guy in high school who got beat up because he was a smartmouth, not just a nerdy, and he legitimately enjoys his powers and being Spiderman. How does that NOT hit correctly?

  54. Hans Zimmer's score for ASM2 was terrible. That's one reason I can think of.

  55. Spider-sense tingling? You DO know who Spiderman is, right?


  57. Correct listing of the X-Men movies determined by sciences and maths so it can't be argued: DOFP, X2, First Class, The Wolverine, X-Men(These are all the good to great movies) X3(Not really that bad, if they cut out the Phoenix story and don't kill everyone, it is pretty good) X-Men Origins: Wolverine(no redeeming value at all)

  58. If you think that is the most iconic line from the series, Do you know who Spider-Man is?

  59. Man, I thought DoFP sucked

  60. Ohhhh you mean the movies, not the comics. You DO know he's a comic book character right?

  61. It's ok, no one ever accused you of having good opinions.

  62. Reigns shouldn't beat Rollins before Summerslam, but how would you keep them apart until Mania?

  63. Nope still talking about the comics.

  64. My great responsibility is using my great power to leave this convo now.

  65. I don't blame you after being this spectacularly wrong.

  66. Yeah, but he was arguably the most popular guy on the roster for awhile in 08/09

  67. Ha! Spectacular, like Spiderman! Genius.

  68. I had very little interest in DOFP because, as Scott mentioned, it was like the 90th film in the franchise by then. Strangely enough I only got interested when I remembered the cartoon did a take on the storyline, a series of eps I loved and used to watch over and over again as a kid.

    Course, it also helped immensely that the movie turned out awesome. Pleasantly surprised, all in all.

  69. My sarcasm sense is tingling.

  70. You have Rollins duck him using Triple H to put obstacles in his way.

    Example: Reigns wants Rollins, Triple H gives him Kane. Reigns beats Kane, wants Rollins, Triple H gives him Orton. Reigns beats Orton, wants Rollins. Triple H says no, Reigns now wants Triple H. Reigns beats Triple H, wants Rollins. Finally gets Rollins.

    You make Reigns stalk Rollins for 6 months or so before they have a match. Then by the time Reigns gets his hands on Rollins the crowd will be molten.

  71. They say you're quite an animal...

  72. Not sure how much of the masses I represent, but I don't necessarily "dislike" the new ASM series - I just have little-to-no interest in it because I feel I've already seen these movies already.


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