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Is it me or does Sheamus' moveset have the dumbest names in pro wrestling (if not ever, then definitely currently)?

​Really?  Dumber than Doink's Whoopie Cushion or anything from Duke Droese?  Dumber than the BO-DOG?  I think not.  ​


  1. High Cross. Brogue Kick. White Noise. Irish Curse. Cloverleaf.

    I'm not seeing a problem here.

  2. Brogue Kick? The kick has an accent? I fucking hate that move name.

  3. This assumes twe're only talking WWE? Because indies and Japan are ful of ridiculous names. my vote goes to Mike Quackenbush for naming a bunch of completely dissimilar moves the Quackendriver (number).

  4. Ugh. i know. by that logic RVD should be hitting a Mumble Buster.

  5. I like the Bo-Dog name. I'd personally be offended if he DIDN'T have a retarded finisher name with that character.

  6. The names of his moves aren't any dumber than things like Attitude Adjustment, The Accolade, Pedigree, Bo-Dog, etc.

  7. NOTHING is dumber than Terry Taylor/Red Rooster's "Cock of the Walk" sharpshooter.

  8. The Bo-Dog is creeping up on The Lethal Injection in terms of my most hated move.

  9. I hate that they swiped the High Cross from Finlay who used that name for his Kryptonite Krunch. It may be more apt for Sheamus's seldom used Razor's Edge, but it struck me as disrespectful how they completely glossed over the fact that Finlay had been using that move name for multiple years. Then Sheamus started using the Krunch too, but he called it the White Noise. It would have been a nice touch if the original move name was intact because they could have recognized it as a nod to Finlay, but once more they act like the respected veteran never existed. Oh, and guess which other Irishman also used the Cloverleaf from time to time?


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