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Smackdown is Useless (and lack of continuity)

What do you think is the reasoning behind WWE putting zero emphasis on Smackdown? I understand it's the B-show but shouldn't there be some kind of reasoning for fans to watch? For instance, how about after the Rollins heel turn on RAW, Michael Cole mentions watching Smackdown with the hope of hearing an explanation. Or why can't they book a match for Smackdown and run an angle on RAW to set it up? One of the main issues with the booking nowadays is the total lack of continuity on what is supposedly an episodic TV show.

​And then they're like "What do you MEAN you don't want to pay $470 million dollars a year for the rights to this show?" and act all surprised.  

But yeah, Smackdown is pretty specifically ignored by Vince most of the time, and for kind of good reason, as ratings hardly seem to deviate one way or the other based on storyline stuff.  For a while they were setting up matches on Smackdown, but then they would totally ignore it and book something different by the time they got to the show.  At this point it really serves no purpose besides extra TV rights fees, much like Main Event and Superstars before they both got canned.  ​


  1. The shitty Friday night timeslot doesn't help. Friday is a night where TV shows go to die. Oh and with Teddy Long gone, how could it matter anyway?

  2. Smackdown used to go through periods where it was the better show simply due to being ignored by Vince and co. but once the brand split ended it became completely disposable.

    Smackdown in 2009 was unbelievably good - probably my favourite stretch as an adult wrestling fan. Then Undertaker came back and ruined it all - culminating in this, from the last episode of Smackdown I ever watched:

    Gave up after that.

  3. Wasn't that right before 'Taker's shitty WHC feud with Punk?

  4. Magoonie, did you send this?

  5. This Friday on SMACKDOWN...Seth Rollings speaks after turning on The Shield (but says absolutely nothing of note) plus Bray Wyatt returns to Smackdown! (via pre-taped video)

  6. It's amazing to me that they just don't move Smackdown! to the Network and put it on live on Tuesday night. They could make title defenses exclusive to these different shows (e.g. the IC title is exclusively defended on Smackdown! or the tag titles on Main Event or something) and do a brand split in all but name. For example, just imagine if Main Event was an hour of nothing but tag team wrestling and maybe 1 singles squash or something. You could rebuild these divisions overnight by doing that. If they aren't going to do anything with the show, then it really shouldn't exist, but TV = $$$ so they'll keep it on the air until its cancelled.

    I'm honestly surprised Smackdown! has lasted as long as it has. With the name it was given at its inception, I thought it wouldn't even last two years.

    One of the reasons I disliked the brand split (aside from giving us 2 world champions - they had it right initially with the champion moving between the brands) is that they would build up guys on Smackdown! and those guys would get over and then they would use the draft to pillage Smackdown! of those stars and either quickly job them out to Cena on RAW or do jack squat with them.

  7. The idea of a yearly draft was just dumb. I understand that every major pro sport has a draft, but you're not able to draft the other team's players. If they were really hell bent on having a yearly draft, they should have let each brand's GM 'protect' five wrestlers which would prevent them from getting drafted. Baseball sorta has that with their Rule V draft.

    Personally, I think they would have been better off with no draft at all but allow the GM's to trade the contract between brands as a way to keep guys fresh.

  8. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 5, 2014 at 1:12 AM

    It's not always that way thankfully. My dad is the kind of guy who says "this stuff is nonsense" and would just roll his eyes in the Attitude Era. One day I was watching Tribute to the Troops and he saw Cena give Big Show an FU. I glanced over at him and his eyes were bugging out at how easily Cena flipped him.

  9. Yep. Punk, freshly heel and RED-HOT after booting Jeff Hardy from the company was fed to a returning Undertaker in a lacklustre feud that saw Punk midcarding only a month after. Edge got injured also, ending his tag-team with Jericho before it could really get started. Smackdown, which had been awesome for about five months, promptly ceased to become a worthy show.

  10. 99 WWF was maybe even worse than WCW.

  11. The thing that killed Smackdown was raw's 3rd hour

    Now all the major storylines are sucked onto Raw to fill the extra time, leaving little of significance for Smackdown

  12. spraypainting was humiliating id say. When Giant debuted at st v day massacre i wasnt buying him bc he was a chump at the end in wcw.

  13. Boxing was big in the 90's and owned sat nights.

  14. Used to work at a sports bar in the early 2000's and always found/recorded the backfeeds of the Smackdown taping via C-band. Just saw the taping clean and unedited without announcers....all the way from Dark matches to post show.

    Throw that on the Network Tuesday nights, and run it live. I will add 12 months to my subscription tomorrow.

  15. WWE without announcers? Where do I sign up?

  16. Not to defend Nash or anything but he's loaded with money. He's like the Gene Simmons of wrestling. Anything for a buck. Local indy shows once in a while, shoot interviews...anything to add to his bank account.

  17. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 5, 2014 at 4:53 AM

    I get the ratings stay stagnant but if that's the case why don't they try some new things on SD they wouldn't dare try out on Raw? New characters/gimmicks for lower guys to see if they can catch on at all, new feuds to see if fans get into it, give some of the younger guys a shot on that show and see how they do and to help them develop their on screen persona. Who knows, maybe they'll accidentally make a good show people will be more inclined to tune in or DVR it.

  18. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 5, 2014 at 4:55 AM

    Actually no I didn't. I know though, it's very close to the point I made yesterday or the day before.

  19. Don't remember the last time I watched this. Probably when Orton was babyface champ.

  20. Reading comprehension is hard.

  21. Is smackdown actually the c or d show now? I think they push main event more on RAW

  22. They just should handle Smackdown like another RAW show. In the beginning, the SD shows were as good as RAW. Each show should end with a cliffhanger, so when you watch raw you have to watch smackdown (and vice versa) to see how the main stories will go on.

    OR I had an idea some time ago, that they should book RAW and SD as one 4 (or now 5) hour show and cut it in half. So you have a kind of "brand extension roster split" but not necessary the same guys on RAW and the same guys on SD and you only need one world champion.

  23. The draft would work if they only drafted NXT wrestlers. They could pick from a pool of 8-10 talents each year.

  24. It was fading by 99 and they didn't have a fight every Saturday the way the UFC does now. January isn't a huge boxing month like May, September or November.

  25. I think I last watched during the Punk/Hardy fued which was like 5 or 6 years ago

  26. It was a weird thing not watching for a few years and coming back to see Smackdown as Sunday Night Heat

    Smackdown was at one point, pretty bad ass

  27. I am probably not the first to mention this. But the current (and for awhile now) Smackdown situation makes me so nostalgic for the Smackdown Six Era. What a great time to be a fan of wrestling and Smackdown.

  28. Hey, that's "the longest running weekly episodic television show in history to you," pal!

  29. At least 7 of those talents would be forgotten about in a month. The WWE writers have trouble enough launching two NXT callups (Adam Rose and Bo Dallas) at roughly the same time. And Xavier Woods a month or so earlier isn't doing much either.

  30. That's crazy that Jeff Hardy has been gone five years.

  31. I hope everyone who wanted the brand split to never exist realizes why I argued against them for 10 years.

    For shame.

  32. It was fine at times, like when they had two distinctly different styles of product. During the Smackdown 6 Era, when Heyman was booking, it was great. Quality matches and less bullshit drama while RAW was all about the stupid drama. The two shows were, in many ways, two distinct brands much like RAW and NXT is today.

  33. Funny thing. I actually was UT-Knoxville Security Guard when this Nitro occurred and was their that night. It was a cool experience, but as a longtime wrestling fan, now I realize how awful that Nitro was for just wrestling and for WCW as a whole.
    This Nitro shows so many problems with WCW at the time it is almost too much to list. But one of the points Tony made and you noted I think is really important and is a good example of this. Why on earth did Flair allow the Hogan-Nash video on the show. Additionally to this, why after everything Hogan did once the NWO was created did Flair allow the title match that would become the Finger Poke of Doom. In storyline term, both with Hogan and even Flair/Bischoff it makes Flair look beyond stupid to do what he is doing as after he won the match against Bischoff given his new powers. I know they made the refs look really, really stupid all the time in WCW (the Taser match tonite, just one example) but why Flair. Just a real shame.

  34. Back loading a dull show with a hot angle is how we get ratings these days?

  35. Because Vince.

  36. So he wants to make a name for himself while completely mimicking his dad? Or at the very least, wearing the same thing? He's not making a name for himself. He's making a name as Scott Hall's son.

  37. It's reassuring to see that the breakup of their hottest act was executed in an organized well thought out manner.

  38. I get the sense that Bryan will be pressured to come back early and I pray it does not cause permanent injury.

  39. Oh good, they broke up the hottest baby face faction in years ago the fans were totally behind to 'shake things up.'

    I swear they just enjoy throwing money away at the minute.

  40. The correct term around here is "leaving money on the table." We don't throw money away, we just... leave it. On a table.

  41. I look forward to 2 weeks from now when we find out that Rollins "fake" turned and was a mole for the Shield with Evolution.

  42. But then it turns out the money turns on the table and it was all a big swerve.

    Just to shake things up.

  43. It's not that hard Vince, improve the show instead of randomly breaking up a group.

  44. But that's what happens when you're telling stories, which you let play out to see where they go.

  45. Damn Bayless, news is pretty Meltzer-heavy today.

  46. We depart with monetary relations on common household furniture.

  47. Me too, and it's a really twisted thing for WWE to do, even if the pressure to return is the unspoken kind (i.e., "We REALLY hope you'll be back for the next PPV...")

    I just really hope whatever happens with Bryan that when he's finally good to return WWE doesn't treat him like Ziggler when he got a concussion right after winning the World title. The company basically treated Ziggler like it was his fault for getting injured and promptly buried him all over again.

    Considering WWE's twisted logic, I can imagine them punishing Bryan for not healing quickly enough.

  48. So we're willing to "shake things up" with anyone not named Cena, eh Vince?

  49. The Torch had Nothing (They are more opinion than news) and PWInsider has not had a Mike Johnson hotline in a while

  50. The stories the WWE are reading from have pages missing, upside down and from a whole different book sometimes

  51. Stranger in the AlpsJune 5, 2014 at 7:55 AM

    *clap*.......*clap*........*clap* The Special Olympic gold medal for putting two coherent words together goes to Brian Bayless.

  52. Cena makes the company millions of dollars. Much more than a Seth Rollins does. Cena's character won't be shaken up until he stops making WWE so much money. Changing Cena's character would be like changing the formula of Coke. Yeah, it's the same thing for god-knows-how-long, but people still buy it.

    His character might be staler than two year old bread, but the people who spend the most money are still buying into it.

  53. Bryan: Oh shit? Oh shit.
    SummerSlam: Um, see above I guess?
    Rollins: Vince Jordan approved. I'll wait and see.
    Hall: Good luck kid.

  54. With Rollins, the only answer is We'll Play it Out and See Where it Goes.

  55. Damn, who IS the heel between you two?

  56. Also, I'm all for putting the belt on Rollins at Money in the Bank.

  57. I'd wager anything that this will be Bryan's last hurrah as a World champion.

  58. Yeah, that's where I am. Not much faith in the end result, but as long as it's >0%, there's a pulse.

  59. Cena hobbling to the ring at 76: "Listen young'ins, it's...*coughhackwheeze*...all about hustle, loyalty, and milk of magnesia. Buy my shirts and change my colostomy!"

  60. Austin made them millions of dollars, he still turned.
    Rock made them millions of dollars, he still turned.

    If two of the biggest, most popular babyfaces ever can turn heel, I see no reason why Cena can't do the same, especially since he's been the same goofy character for ten years now.

    And Seth Rollins by himself might not be a huge deal, but the Shield is.

  61. The Austin turn is widely regarded as one of the worst booking decisions in history. I can see why Vince WOULDN'T turn Cena when reflecting on that.

  62. It's always good to deviate from plans just to shake things up. WWE fanboys defend this stuff because they don't understand that things don't happen in a vacuum, but it takes you out of the story if you like continuity and logic in your stories.

  63. HHH: "See, Vince? I told you these indy geeks are fragile. They do one 360 triple rotation backflip phoenix bomb splash mountain driver and suddenly they have a little neck injury. We should put the belt on me immediately. I'm made of iron. I never get injured."

  64. Ugh, it's like Hogan all over again.

  65. The Austin heel turn would have been fine had it:

    A. Not been attempted in Texas
    B. Not been devoid of any top faces to counter
    C. Not been usurped by the stupidity of the Invasion angle

    At any rate, the point is that these guys were willing to turn in an attempt to keep things fresh. Cena hasn't changed in a decade.

  66. Serious question:

    I understand the irritation at breaking up the Shield just as they're peaking as the hottest babyface act in the company. HOWEVER, they have now beaten Evolution - the strongest heel faction in the company - clean on two straight PPVs. So what else could you do with them in their current form? They've taken out Evoution and the Wyatts, so what's left? I guess you stick the U.S. title back on Ambrose, the Intercontinental title on Rollins and the World title on Reigns, but then what?

    In other words, if you don't turn one and break them up, what could you do?

  67. Break them off into singles stars but keep the faction intact?

  68. The guy had to murder Lita and sing children's songs to get heel heat. People, regardless of location, didn't want to boo him. That heel turn was always destined to fail.

  69. Easy, make them a midcard dancing comedy act,

  70. Of course. How silly of me.

  71. They aren't black enough for Vince to do that.

  72. El Torito and Los Matadores. Luchas de Apuestas - Masks vs. Vests!

  73. Granted, but do you think Cena will have this same problem?

  74. Vince: "The Cat in the Greens Eggs and Ham is my favorite William S. Burroughs novel."

  75. Doesn't compute. The audience would never understand that story. It's all about the branding.

  76. Man the crowd is hot for this Mean Mark vs. Pillman match but man was Taker sloppy as hell.

  77. I've never understood why every team or faction HAS to be broken up and start feuding with each other. It would have been a nice change to split them up but still allow them to have each other's backs.

  78. The thing is, did they ever beat the Wyatts in a "big" match? I mean something on RAW or PPV, not Main Event or Smackdown...

  79. It always amazed me how the fans turned both of them face over and over. They would do every heel thing in the book and it didn't matter.

  80. Because Vince doesn't believe there's any other way.

  81. Austin's turn was a pretty bad idea in hindsight, so I doubt WWE would follow that model. Regardless of how we fantasy book it 13 years later, it didn't work at the time based on the circumstances.

    The Rock didn't really turn heel once he was mega-over until his "Hollywood Rock" phase in 2002-2003 when he was on his way out to put over guys like Lesnar and Goldberg. At that point, a lot of fans WANTED to boo him for leaving so Rock just played into that.

    Cena could probably pull off a "Hollywood Rock" type character ("keep booing me, I still make millions") because so many fans already boo him, but keep in mind that when Rock turned there were also big name faces around to take the place of them when they turned heel. With CM Punk gone, the only face that's remotely close to Cena's popularity is Bryan. As much as we joke about the "Face of the WWE" BS, there's nobody close to replacing Cena in that position.

    Are the Shield popular? Sure. But are they Cena popular? Not even close. To keep up my soda analogy, Cena is Coca-Cola and The Shield are RC Cola. Some might prefer the latter, but they're the minority.

  82. Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart didn't feud in 1991 when the Hart Foundation originally split.

  83. Oh boy that's great news about Seth Rollings! This couldn't possibly go wrong!

  84. Not really. I actually think everyone who says the smarks will start cheering Cena is full of shit. If they book him as "the face" of WWE, with Hunter and Vince's characters backing him, he'd be booed out of every building. The only way Cena gets cheered is if he goes out and starts rapping again, which is an awful idea anyway.

  85. Can we at least play the "Developmental Name Game" with Cody Hall??

    Ramon Hall? Scott Razor? Cody Diamond?

  86. No, they feuded in 1994 years after it meant anything.

  87. Keep in mind their characters. Austin and Rock would have been HEELS! any time before... 95, 96?

    That's one thing the Attitude Era changed, and WWE seems to want to have both the AE setup AND the Hogan-era setup at times. Mixed Messages 101, folks.

  88. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 8:10 AM

    COdy Diamond works.

  89. Also, I'd like to add that the nightly threads are crazy. The Top 5 posters all seem to stay up til 2 in the morning and POST POST POST.

  90. Wyatts are supposed to be turning face this year anyways.

  91. "Gator" Scott Studd

  92. Right. And then the company is out millions of dollars in Cena children t-shirt and hat revenue and all the good PR from his Make-A-Wish activities.

    Considering how much money the company has lost in the last few months, the last thing WWE wants to do is lose the Cena cash cow at this moment.

  93. Right, but that was three years after the break-up, which was my point. The Hart Foundation didn't EXPLODE and feud when they split, they just went their separate ways until they had a good story (or a good enough story) in place for them to fight.

  94. I wouldn't worry too much. Smackdown was amazing as recently as last year when it was the shield show. It will be back again.

  95. I already took that shot below, but thanks for the assist.

  96. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 8:11 AM

    'Cause when you're a Top 5'er, you can go ALL night long. WOoooooo!!!

  97. That's very true. Rock turned in 98/99 and it didn't matter then he did it again in 2003 and the crowd still didn't care. The Austin turn in 2001 was similar. They really can't have it both ways, it has to be one or the other.

  98. Aaron Gentry

  99. HHH: "Or I'll just go out and pin the guy after hitting him with a sledgehammer, even if I have to wear bicycle shorts as ring gear."

  100. Damn WWF 1987 and I flipping back and forth with the 15-16 spots on the Top 19. I need to up my game, or stay up later. Who needs sleep?

  101. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. They don't have anyone to fill that role because they don't book anyone in a way that would allow them to fill that role. DBry seemed to be getting the company more PR with his one Make-A-Wish deal with Connor than Cena has in the 100 or so he's done. That was EVERYWHERE on the net, even non-wrestling sites.

    Cena is the best and worst thing that ever happened to WWE. They have someone who can do that type of stuff but they're too scared to do anything to upset that so they're going to continue to see diminishing returns on Cena's part.

  102. He won't be called Cody with Cody Rhodes on the roster. Say hello to "Bad Guy" Scotty Diamond.

  103. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 8:14 AM

    With all the rods and pins in his knees is almost IS made of iron.

  104. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 8:14 AM

    Even that's good.

  105. They used to do a lot of things they don't do now.

  106. Didn't Neidhart just leave the company completely? I can see Vince booking a quickie win for Bret in another scenario.

  107. Better than whatever the WWE comes up with, I guaran-damn-tee that much.

  108. I don't think that's what Flair meant.

  109. Nope, he started teaming with Owen in the New Foundation! Parachute Pants!

  110. Clearly those MC Hammer dollars were more important.

  111. I'm not all that convinced that kids won't still have their parents buy his shit.

  112. Blake Swift

  113. ... and that's why I loved it. It wasn't ever going to be like WWF/WCW, but RAW/SD led to lots more guys getting shots in different slots, trying new things, and even made inter promotional matches exciting (briefly).

  114. That reminded me of the BOATS BOATS BOATS! from HIMYM.

  115. I stopped posting at like 10:30 last night. I can't stay up late. Too tough.

  116. Oh, it's completely their fault that they've never built anyone up as big as Cena. The fans had to basically hijack the entire Rumble in order to convince WWE to push Bryan. It also helped that the "YES!" chant was being done outside the WWE. You know Vince loves when stuff from WWE crosses over.

    What's going on with Cena now closely parallels the way Hogan was from 1992-1993. People were tired of the schtick but he still made money, so Vince kept sending him out there to headline the shows. Bryan is like a Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels right now, but WWE really needs another Austin to replace Cena.

  117. I'm OK with the Rollins turn because it keeps all three of these fantastic talents in the top tier storyline through the summer. Especially if Bryan can't go for a while (Hey, D-Bry is recovering from injury, let's make his first program back with a guy who could legit kill him. Brilliant!).

    It may be desperation booking, but it's smart desperation booking. Rollins gets showcased as a top-level heel and Ambrose and Reigns are looking for revenge. I won't be shocked to see these guys put on some killer matches this summer.

    I'm more concerned with the Daniel Bryan situation and how they keep the title on him through SummerSlam (if the Brock rumors hold). I really think putting the belt on the line at MitB is the best bet right now, let Bryan heel for a while and then come back to win back the title he never lost.

    As long as he's 100 percent, I absolutely want to see Daniel Bryan-Brock Lesnar next year at WrestleMania.

  118. Stranger in the AlpsJune 5, 2014 at 8:19 AM

    Hody Call.

  119. I like it. WWE won't use it and will give him something completely stupid, but I like that.

  120. AverageJoeEverymanJune 5, 2014 at 8:20 AM

    OH NO! I didnt even know he was ill!

  121. You really are creative, aren't you?

  122. If he doesn't defend, we get TWO MITB matches instead of 1. I'm all for that.

  123. Yeah, I need to get up early and hit the gym. Even staying up to post past 10 was a stretch for me. I was dragging this morning.

  124. I'm in Sales, so posting throughout the day is hard enough of a challenge.
    I work 12 hours a day and generally go to bed an hour after I get home

  125. Today is my 1 day off for the week from the gym and I'm bored out of my mind.

  126. Pacific Standard Time is my HGH for comment counts

  127. I always wanted them to break into a rendition of "2 Legit 2 Quit"

  128. Oh, it's very possible that a heel-ish Cena would be embraced by Cena fans, like NWO Hogan was embraced by old Hogan fans. NWO shirts sold like crazy.

    I'm not all convinced that WWE is willing to take that gamble though. Frankly, considering their financials at this point I don't think they even CAN take that gamble.

  129. Obviously having sex with Nikki Bella makes you recover quicker than having sex with Brie Bella.

  130. I was never any good at sales. Tried it once a few years back and I was completely terrible at it. My brother-in-law is amazing with it, as is my girlfriend's brother. I admire their schmoozing ability.

  131. Doug Furnas is wrestling in bodybuilding trunks against Barry Windham. Furnas has had a wedgie for about 4 minutes now. I am uncomfortable.

  132. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 8:22 AM

    Flair? You mean the old balding drunk guy that elbow drops his jacket?

  133. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 8:23 AM

    Imagine how he must feel.

  134. Is that what Steph said? I thought it was just the one, and Daniel Bryan's status determined what the stakes were.

  135. AverageJoeEverymanJune 5, 2014 at 8:23 AM

    I loved the split when it was strict. Only mashing up the rosters on ppv (and then still mostly brand specific matches) and whenever they did a special "Supershow". Hell I thought it would be beneficial to make them more regional with Raw on the East and SD on the West to split them even more. Then we could have feuds about one brand invading the others territory.

  136. There's reports saying that there will be a MITB for the vacant title and a MITB for a briefcase as well.

  137. The bigger the breasts, the better the regenerative powers. Look at women in comic books...

  138. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 8:24 AM

    Can he come to the ring singing "Hi-de Hi, Hody Ho" like Cab Calloway?

  139. Blah. Not a fan of that.

  140. "Might Not"? How could it possibly go wrong? Vince's spur of the minute stuff is always brilliant!

  141. Roster isn't deep enough for that I think.

  142. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 8:26 AM

    He WAS the man. Now he's a parody of the man he used to be.

  143. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 8:26 AM

    Kryptonians don't age as fast as humans do.

  144. Vince is just stupid for not turning the injury setting off.

  145. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 8:27 AM

    Her implants are full of the waters of the Lazarus Pit.

  146. I'm more interested in that amazon who does flips.

  147. I think it's past time that the "Because _____" meme died off. It's too cutesy and the word "of" is only two characters. If people are too busy to type "Because of ____" maybe they should re-think their schedules.

  148. I think we need to expect stuff like this when he is here Because ape

  149. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 8:32 AM

    Hey Joseph Ducreux!

  150. So, after watching nXt Takeover, can we all agree that they need to move the ramp back about 2 feet? It seemed like they had 4 or 5 instances of someone banging the back of their head on it.

  151. It actually is, as long as they keep the numbers in the matches down and don't put 8-10 guys in a match. But it'll still be rough on the rest of the show.

  152. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 5, 2014 at 8:35 AM

    Deciding to do it that day doesn't mean they completely came up with the idea that day. They've obviously been teasing a Shield breakup for almost a year, and Rollins teased a heel turn on them a few months ago. Hell up until two months ago Rollins WAS a heel.

    Anyway, this isn't turning John cena heel. It's turning one guy heel who's part of a three person group. The risk factor is pretty low.

  153. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 8:35 AM

    I don't think the Divas have a problem with their head banging against anything.

  154. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 8:35 AM

    It is, but there are a lot of wrestlers that have been forgotten about.

  155. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyJune 5, 2014 at 8:36 AM

    Personally I think that they should book Bryan to surrender the championship only on the condition that the championship will be decided in the MITB match and in return he gets the MITB briefcase so he can challenge for the title when he returns.

  156. Yeah, because the Authority is all about giving Bryan what he wants.

  157. Realistically speaking, he should at least get a shot at it when he returns since he was never really pinned or submitted into losing it.

  158. Don't you mean "___ or GTFO"?


    If everyone is destined to talk in hacky memes all the time what's the point of only doing it halfway?

  159. Would completely take away from the point of an off day. I lift 5-6x per week, and run 2-3x per week.

  160. Rollins Turn: Jesus. Here I had hope that they had a long term angle planned out. Clearly that wasn't the case.

  161. WCW in 1990's roster was HORRIBLE at cutting promos especially the pre-taped ones compared to WWF.

  162. That could be really bad news for Bryan. I hope he doesn't need more surgery.

    Way to go, Vince. Nothing like a knee jerk reaction instead of planned out storylines.

  163. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 8:45 AM

    I was thinking their heads banging against the wall from repeated backshots.

  164. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 8:46 AM

    Then you're doing what you're supposed to do. Rest.

  165. Got some Scarlett gifs ready for Impact?! Or Taryn ones ? Can't go wrong with Taryn especially with her return soon

  166. Luger just beat Sid in under a minute. WTF.

  167. That's not good regarding Bryan. He really needs to tone down his style and put himself in a wheelchair in 20 years like with what happened to Dynamite Kid.

  168. Aaron Drevnick

  169. LOL at Dixie Carter..


  170. He's jumping to WWF to be the guest ref at summerslam

  171. That's in 1991. This match happened in 1990.

  172. Here's a fun booking idea: ladder match for the briefcase opens the show. Guy X wins.

    Ladder match for the belt closes the show. It's a total trainwreck match, guys going through ladders, tables, etc. Two guys on the ladder, 4 guys down and out outside.

    Guy X runs in and tips the ladder, putting the last two guys out through a table. He hands the ref his case, sprints up the ladder and grabs the belt.

  173. At this point, NXT should take the place of Smackdown; let RAW be the storyline show, and NXT be the wrestling show.

  174. Shock value win for Luger. They covered it pretty well with Sid not really being ready for the match to start.

  175. Isn't a neck injury leading to arm strength loss the problem that retired Paul Orndorff and Arn Anderson?

  176. Edge talks about losing strength is his arm to, but that was his first sign that he needed surgery - not after already having it.

  177. Instead of turning Rollins, I think it would have been cool for HHH to promote Zayn and two other guys to form his own Shield to fight the originals.

  178. That is... pretty inventive. Good stuff.

  179. Good thing is he's a terrific and skilled enough wrestler to do so. If he turns his style into a mat-based one, he'll still be over because he's so good at it.

  180. Cody Hall would be well-served going to Japan for a bit to improve his skills.

  181. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 9:07 AM

    I like it.

  182. Cody Corridor

  183. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 9:09 AM

    It sounds like the brand split killed Smackdown.

  184. Arn Anderson has a buttshot during his Clash XI match with Orndorff.

  185. They weren't SPORTZ ENTERTAINERZ.
    But I do agree.

  186. So...Bryan is in bad shape and who knows when or if he will be back AND....they don't have any plan for Rollins and it was just a Vince go bored moment like we feared.....great

  187. The good thing is they've spent the last year or so building up a solid mid card and have a bunch of guys they can have step right into Bryan's spot.

  188. Yep like...Orton...or Batista when he comes back or...maybe Brock...when he is here for a couple months...uhm...well I guess it's good Cena is done with Bray.


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