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The Best of Al Snow know, because Mick jokes that there is no such thing.

But seriously, what would you say his best match was? The hardcore match against Foley that ended with the "wrong dressing room" trick sticks out for me, but I could be wrong.

While we're at it, how about...





Lance Storm?

What a great series of questions to ask a guy who didn't like ECW all that much, huh?

​Oh yeah, terrific.

Snow had lots of good matches in his pre-WWF days, but once he actually got to the bigtime it seemed like injuries piled up on him and his style changed drastically.  I really liked his stuff during the New Rockers era, for example.  I honestly can't think of anything specific that broke ***, though.  

Raven's best match was obviously the Raven/Richards v. Pitbulls tag match, with his best singles match being the Benoit match at Souled Out 98.  I also really liked the Jericho match at Halloween Havoc 98 and the first blowoff with Jeff Jarrett on the weekly TNA PPV.

Taz's best would probably be the Bam Bam Bigelow one everyone loves.

Sandman probably had a good tag match in there somewhere.  

Candido, no clue, he was just a guy most of the time to me.

Storm's would be the Thrillseekers v. Heavenly Bodies bloodbath from SMW.  As a single his opener with Edge at Summerslam 2001 was pretty good.  ​


  1. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 2, 2014 at 12:02 PM

    That's gangsta!

  2. Stranger in the AlpsJune 2, 2014 at 12:02 PM

    Never mind. BoD Daily Update just posted.
    Good Bayless.

  3. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJune 2, 2014 at 12:03 PM

    Wyatt being buried under Cena, apt.

  4. = bandwagon fan.
    Good luck to your Heat in the finals.

  5. I think $$$$$ is the issue, not stubbornness.

  6. For some reason my phone spelt 'decides' - I meant to say does.

    Without the benefit of knowing that Bret specifically went out there wanting to make Michaels look as bad as possible, it's a great cover.

  7. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 2, 2014 at 12:28 PM

    Shock treatment is a viable option.

  8. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 2, 2014 at 12:29 PM

    Yep, but we don't simp. We hurt people's feelings and sent them away crying. For that is our way.

  9. You know what I found really awesome about the main event? A lot of times, we'll see an elimination match result in early pins, that would never happen in a regular match. In this match, it took like 27 minutes for our first elimination. I liked that a lot.

  10. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 2, 2014 at 12:40 PM

    that was the word going around the live thread last night

  11. "Alicia Fox is getting over" seems to be Meltzer's new "Sin Cara sells a lot of merchandise" (even though you never see anyone in the crowd wear a Sin Cara shirt or mask and he's never once appeared on WWE's strongest merchandise sellers list).

  12. And the dominoes fell after each other. Which is also a more likely way of happening. Despite the long, unnecessary beatdown, the ending psychology worked well.

  13. That's it! I'm going to post all day and all night until I take ABeyAnce out of the top 5! Doesn't matter who I have to hurt! It is my destiny!

  14. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 2, 2014 at 1:08 PM

    THAT'S the kinds of unfeeling douchebag mentality we look for in the Top 5.

  15. It's the training of parallax shining through!

  16. The Ghost of Faffner HallJune 2, 2014 at 1:27 PM

    Yep--according to the date that took place two days after the Survivor Series. Here's the Rumble match:

  17. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 2, 2014 at 1:37 PM

    Good job. Your journey to the dark side is proceeding nicely.

  18. That's kind of how his WM 28 match with 'Taker ended, with 'Taker grabbing the hammer from him, followed by a crotch chop and 'Taker's hammer shot and subsequent Tombstone

  19. A match of the year candidate and worth going out of your way to see.

  20. They also teamed against Ric and David Flair in one of the last WCW pay-per-views. At least that's what my addled memory is telling me.

  21. Yeah he sold it but logically, he shouldn't have be able hit RVD 100% - at least not enough to get a 3 the first time. Maybe if he hit RVD twice, that would have been enough to knock him out.

  22. I never thought Kofi could be a heel, but then he dropped the accent & I think I remember some serious promos during the Randy Orton stuff. He just needs ANY kind of character at this point.

  23. And I Really thought those Sin Cara ejaculating penis shirts were gonna be over

  24. I dunno, that smiling blackface turnip logo he had (does he still use that?) seemed like it's racist enough to make up for his lack of shuckin' & jiving.

  25. Knuckleberry PinnJune 2, 2014 at 3:47 PM

    This times a million. Nobody was getting pinned with a standing elbow drop in this bad boy.

  26. Well, does The Shield look unstoppable, or do they look like they got their asses handed to them for most of the match and then somehow lucked out a win because the heels got cocky?

    You know. Like babyfaces do.

    I'm with you about the beatdowns. They have been excessive for my taste. That caning looked particularly brutal. I also agree with the point you made further down about the psychology of the match working well...aside from the tipping point of a guy weighing around 200 pounds trashing 3 guys by jumping on them.

    And, I know why chair shots to the head are banished. But, didn't bray take two headshots with the FUCKING STEPS? Including once where Cena threw them at him from the ring to the floor? Dafuq, man?

  27. I thought after Kane beat down Kofi, Bo was going to slide in and try to pin him, THEN give him the pep talk.

  28. Pretty sure Ambrose never said that. Whoever writes for the magazine wrote that on the request of their boss.

  29. Dude, Husky Harris continues to surprise me with his ringworm and Cena came off looking like a BEAST! Good shit.

  30. "Contract or no, I will not bow to any sponsors."

  31. Explained here:

  32. Agreed. He should've at least hit him with the other elbow, or yeah, have RVD kick out because Barrett couldn't land the right elbow with full force. Or, you know, have a guy win a match with a high-impact move that isn't his finisher for once.

  33. Unlike a Divas elimination match (e.g. Survivor Series) where girls are getting pinned with bodyslams and roll-ups after like 30 seconds.

  34. I was also expecting him to power out -- or at least almost power out -- of the Accolade. The loss shouldn't hurt too much if they move Big E away from Rusev quick and make him look strong again. In fact, it wouldn't be a bad idea to have Big E in one of the MITB ladder matches.

  35. It was the way the lighting hit the seam on her dress. You could see the same thing during her entrance.

  36. As much as I complained about there not being an Usos vs. Harper/Rowan tag title match on the card, their involvement in the Cena-Bray match was great. But definitely do that tag title match at MITB.

  37. Why Scott no review the Luchas de Aweestas match?

  38. How do you know that? I don't recall Cena taking off Wyatt's boots in that match.

  39. To be fair, they've already established that rollups are as lethal as a top rope Tiger Driver '91 in Divas matches.

  40. Best typo ever.

  41. I'm watching the show right now. Did they really need to do the D'Bry- Steph segment on a PPV? It feels like I'm watching Raw.

  42. Ring worm can appear in other places

  43. Yo, tell me about it.

  44. Ever read his posts?

  45. Well I don't have evidence that he's not the President of the United States either. But hey, tell me if you'd be treated by a doctor who posts what he posts.

    Oh and Mr. Satan definitely did beat Cell. Check the video his party put out, seems legit to me.

  46. I hate with a passion when matches like this result in pinfalls 7 minutes into the match. To me, that is so business exposing.


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