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The greatest heel turns ever


Figure this will keep some debate on the BoD - my piece for Camel Clutch Blog on the 25 best heel turns ever, in the wake of Rollins' shocking turn.

​Good list!  ​


  1. Not listed:

    Jim Cornette duping the Dynamic Dudes at Clash IX also makes me smile. The angle was meh, but that was good stuff.

    Also... no Barry Windham turning his back on Lex Luger to join the Horsemen and give the tag titles back to Arn and Tully?

  2. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 11:42 AM

    I always ask this question: How the fuck is Andre the heel against Hogan?

  3. Employing Bobby Heenan, that's about it.

  4. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJune 5, 2014 at 11:46 AM

    I did it...for the Rock!

  5. 'Cause he wanted the bigger trophy!

  6. I kept thinking Barry turning on Luger was going to be top 5. Biggest omission IMHO

  7. Windham turning on Luger is the only glaring omission I can think of right now. Terrific list all-around.

  8. The fans turning heel on Cena over the last decade has been pretty entertaining to watch.

  9. Agreed. Also, the idea of Windham as a heel was at one time unthinkable. Imagine Bryan turning heel now if he had never been one before.
    Believe it or not, the same was thought of Ted DiBiase, when Watts asked him for a suggestion of a feud for the JYD, and Ted quietly answered, "How about me?"

  10. "To be champion three years... is a long time."

  11. Hogan's reaction to Andre coming out with heenan is an all time classic.

  12. Batista kicking the bejesus out of Rey was great as well. It isn't hold up historically but the execution was great. "I'm gonna rip your head off. YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE MY FRIEND!"

  13. "Wait, what's going on here, man? What are you doing with him? You guys aren't together. C'mon man. Andre, what are you doing here with Heenan?"

  14. My buddy and I marked out huge for that turn. Batista was so lame by that point as a face.

  15. "You think I'm playin', Ray? I ain't playin'....."

  16. I'd bump out the Windham turn for the Terry Taylor turn. Mainly because I had no idea that the Terry Taylor heel turn in 1987 existed.

  17. What about Titus O'Neil turning on Darren Young?

  18. #1 is absolutely correct. I would argue the order of the rest of the list, but that's kinda minor. And the Scott Steiner heel turn wasn't really a great one. Everyone in the free world saw it was coming, and was in fact long overdue.

  19. Even those in the un-free world saw it coming.

  20. They leave off the Big Turn of 1980 as Ole Anderson turns on Dusty Rhodes during a cage match against the Assassins, wild stuff with the turn and Ole doing killer promos on setting up Dusty this whole time and guys reacting like Baron von Raschke going "this is a plot that would make Machivelli proud." Classic work there.

  21. Hard to argue with anything on that list, or any aspect of it at all really.

  22. I think he had blown about a year's straight of World title opportunities at that point.

  23. Impossible. This is the Internet.

  24. To quote Gorilla Monsoon: "He never asked for a match."

    Instead of coming to the champion and requesting a match, he sided with Bobby Heenan and confronted Hogan. Back then, associating with "The Brain" was enough to get you booed out of the state.

  25. Yeah he was like Luger with a belly tattoo.

  26. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighJune 5, 2014 at 12:22 PM

    "I'm gonna rip your head off"

  27. Really, EVERYONE back then who feuded with Hogan was booed. Paul Orndorff's heel turn, awesome as it was, was about a guy whose "friend" wouldn't even pick up the phone for. And Savage, crazy as he was, wasn't completely out of his mind, since Hogan had been overshadowing him at times (like getting the pin against the Mega-Bucks, for example).

  28. I wrote the list and I admit the 1988 Windham turn was a swing and a miss. I stand by the list otherwise though. Thanks for reading!

  29. You serious bro?

  30. The somewhat ret-con JJ Dillon made when explaining Barry's turn was awesome, and IT MADE SENSE (JJ saying Luger was unreliable, that Barry would make a better name if he were on his own, and that Hollywood was calling Luger and not him, so....why? were great points).

    It's the little touches that are missing today.

  31. Aww shut your mouth ya thong wearing fatty!

  32. Personally, I thought Ronnie Garvin knocking the ever-loving bleep out of Dusty Rhodes was a great one (too bad it didn't lead to anything). But notable is Gary Hart's comment: "Ronnie, Rhodes is saying you sucker-punched him? Every time you hit Dusty Rhodes, you punch a sucker!"

    GREAT line.

  33. Austin's heel run was easily some of the best work of his career.

  34. Not listed: British Bulldog turning on Diesel.

  35. The Taylor turn was actually really good, and done really well. Taylor was major over in the UWF, and his turn was shocking at the time.

  36. Don't really want to reignite this debate for the umpteenth time, but I definitely think Austin's heel character was fantastic. There was a ton of depth there, and it was performed expertly. You could just as easily buy Austin serenading Vince with 'a bit of chicken soup for the soul' as freaking the fuck out and brutally assaulting an opponent.

    It was just done at a fucking terrible time, and suffered majorly from the shifting tectonics of the day (HHH's injury, the Invasion fuck up, etcetera), which were kinda out of Austin's hands.

  37. I just re-watched Survivor Series 94 and it is still remarkable watching Bob Backlund's heel turn. One of the most unexpected and best ever, the problem was they pissed it away by jobbing him out to Diesel. He should have had a run to WMXI as the heel to the "New Generation." Shit, I'd almost be fine with Diesel winning the way he did at WM as long as the rest of the show was hot.

    But Bob Backlund belongs on the list.

  38. Vince, 1991ish: I have a great idea. A great man's trusted friend and confidant will fiendishly turn on him in his hour of need, leaving him despite this great man helping out the traitor's family on many occasions. That's right, Virgil will turn on Ted DiBiase!

  39. I definitely enjoyed the work, especially the matches with Benoit, Jericho, and Angle, but there was also so much wrong with its execution. Based on Scott's chronology of it in One Ring Circus, there's plenty of blame to go around for it.

  40. That was good. Garvin so easily made it out of the Tower of Doom we should have seen the foreshadowing.

  41. Not listed but probably should get a honorable mention: Tatanka joining the Corporation.

  42. 'You said it yourself, Rhodes!'

  43. The Orndorff one everyone saw coming but still amazing execution. At 7 years old it was awesome!

  44. Not a 'heel turn', but still pretty great:
    'Daddy, you're a drunk...'

  45. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 5, 2014 at 1:02 PM

    Nash's turn on Bret and the "tweener" run probably deserves some mention, probably in place of the Taylor and/or Steiner turns.

  46. I loved the way that paid off in the match, with Luger not in place for the tag... little stuff that was there if you were paying attention. Plus Barry was just awesome at that point and could probably have been a good world champion.

  47. Pistol Pez Whatley turning on Jimmy Valiant b/c Valiant called him the best *black* athlete he ever saw. Why couldn't he just be the best athlete Valiant ever saw?

  48. If only they could have that turn now. Social media would blow it the fuck up.
    Want some mainstream attention, Vince?
    Barrett: Kofi, you're the best Black athlete I've ever seen, but I'm afraid I've -

  49. Jannetty-Michaels really could have had a tremendous blowoff. Why the hell did Jannetty have to be such a fuck up?

  50. Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

  51. Turning on Valiant for being called a "black" athlete, and JUST HAPPENING TO HAVE A PAIR OF SCISSORS IN HIS POCKET. Greatest moment in wrestling history.

  52. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 5, 2014 at 1:37 PM

    See, only in the South would that make Whatley a heel.

  53. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 1:38 PM

    Yeah, bro.

  54. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 1:39 PM

    "MY BROTHA!!!!"

  55. People all over North Korea and Myanmar were screaming, "Don't trust him, Rick!"

  56. That is so good.

  57. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 1:40 PM

    Barrett: "According to YOUR Constitution you are STILL worth only 3/5th of a white athlete. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!"

  58. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 5, 2014 at 1:41 PM

    For real impact, it should be Cena saying this to Kofi during a babyface promo:

    "Kofi Kingston, the best Black athlete in the WWE, everyone!"

    *cue Trouble In Paradise right in the kisser*

  59. If Jannetty could have stayed clean, he would have had a hell of a career. He was really good in the ring on those Raws from 1994. Then he suddenly vanished. Too bad.

  60. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 1:43 PM

    The overacting in that segment was phenomenal (especially with Pez Whatley looking like Carl Winslow from Family Matters.)

  61. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 5, 2014 at 1:45 PM

    Well, you know us Black folks all carry knives and such. To cut our watermelons.

  62. You know that's not a bad idea. Probably too edgy for WWE nowadays but it would actually shake up Kofi's stale, directionless character.

  63. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 1:46 PM

    So Andre got a smaller trophy for doing a much bigger feat and like Heenan said, "You ruined Andre's moment." by coming out and stealing his spotlight and he had no reason to get mad?

  64. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 1:47 PM

    It helps keep the blade sharp for when we want to go mug and rape white women.

  65. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 5, 2014 at 1:47 PM

    We're so busy, it's amazing we find to time to shuck and jive.

  66. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 1:49 PM

    Who says we's can't multitask, Boss?

  67. It sounds like Pistol says Jim Cracker promotions at the beginning of the segment.

  68. He then became Shaska Whatley but was a jobber...was too bad, while Boogie Woogie kept riding for a while.

  69. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 5, 2014 at 1:50 PM

    We are an industrious people. No wonder the South didn't want to give up slavery without a fight!

  70. I can see where the heel turn world be a good idea in theory, but Austin missed a year of action; the fans were simply not ready to boo him yet, even forgetting about where the turn took place. Plus, I'm not sure it was ever really explored why Austin turned in the first place. Sure, we knew it was supposed to be his paranoia and desire to be champion again, but I don't think it was ever made clear enough on tv. It was just, "He's a bad guy now. Boo him, damn it."

    And then yeah, all the other stuff going on really through things for a loop.

  71. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 1:52 PM

    The nerve of that uppity Negro not being able to take a compliment.

  72. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 5, 2014 at 1:52 PM

    The older I got, the more I sided with Andre. And Macho, for that matter.

  73. He also was injured for a good chuck of 08 and 09.

  74. I didn't say Andre wasn't justified! I was using 1980s WWF logic!

    You doubt the great Gorilla Monsoon?

  75. We are all heels.

  76. And then how the crowd was 100% behind him at SurSer a month later.

  77. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 5, 2014 at 2:00 PM

    The man who used the word "literally" incorrectly every chance he got.

  78. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 5, 2014 at 2:02 PM

    It's sad we don't get moments like this anymore. When we do, it's depressing stuff like HHH vs. Booker.

  79. Fuck yeah it is. "Andre, no brother. Please no. Don't do this."

  80. Also, Jesse corrected him on the whole "the momentum has done a full 360!" at WM VI when the other guy was in control. It's actually pretty funny hearing Gorilla have no comeback.

  81. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 5, 2014 at 2:08 PM

    and then he went and formed a tag team called the jivetones

  82. One that could've made the list - Luger's heel turn in 1989 against Steamboat. That led to Luger having an AWESOME half-year, to the point where he was getting more cheers as a heel than at any other point of his career to that point.

    Had Sting not gotten injured, a world champ Sting vs. awesome cocky heel Luger would've worked really well.

  83. That reminds me of Brickhouse Brown becoming a face when Col. DeBeers presented him with a watermelon as a gift.

  84. ....and then you'll see Kofi jobbing to a spare tire.

  85. Yeah, no one wanted Austin to turn. They should've called an audible and made McMahon face (as many people thought that's what had happened on the night) instead.

  86. They shouldn't have turned him heel in Texas and YOU DON'T DESERVE AN EXPLANATION was lame, especially when they had an explanation, but Austin's work as a heel was great. Paranoid Austin who just wants to be accepted was a great character, especially when he hugged Vince with that crazed look in his eyes

  87. Great list, I love the Camel Clutch Blog. The only one I felt was missing is Halloween Havoc 96' with Flair, once again, turning on Sting. This kicked off the "new breed" 4 Horsemen with Flair, Anderson, Pillman, Benoit and really nicely tied up the Flair - Anderson / Pillman feud. Flair was also poised to do really good business as a heel with Macho Man in the following months off of that hot heel turn. Great stuff, Sting is so glib.

  88. Or you could've had Austin say: Hey Vince DTA and beat the shit out of him to go face. Then Rock still has a beef when he comes back.

    They should've never kept HHH heel. Disrespected Triple H who is turned aside by Vince for Austin (even though HHH beat him) is money

  89. Yea, Flair turning on Sting when Sting didn't want to team with him because Flair was going to turn on him ruled.

  90. Are you taking the piss?

  91. I like Backlund and Scott Steiner's heel turns because they did such a 180 with there characters. They became totally different (and more entertaining) people.

  92. He should have kept his mouth shut and stayed out of the title picture. That belt belonged to Hogan.

  93. Not sure if it counts as a Heel Turn, but what about Brian Pillman's first appearance in ECW?
    He comes out to a hero's welcome, then proceeds to berate the crowd, threatening to "whip out his johnson, and piss all over this Hellhole!" while Joey Styles, Paul E, and Shane Douglas are in a panic trying to stop him. THEN, he attacks a fan with a fork!
    Now THAT was an extreme moment...

  94. It wasn't that much different than Ole and Flair threatening Sting for getting a title shot Bro!

  95. Yup that was the deal. But it is funny how Hogan came out and hogged up Andres moment and got kind of huffy when Heenan brought up a title match.

  96. You're right. Other than being completely different, it's not much different at all.

  97. What's crazy is that most believed that Marty was a better worker than Shawn and he was the one with the potential to be huge.

  98. Champ gets mad a deserving challenger steps to the plate?

  99. I hated the character, hated him being with WCW (they fired him via fax), hated the inVasion like everyone else, but I absolutely loved his in ring work. Austin was on fire and could do no wrong between the ropes during that time.

  100. Flair begged Sting to team with him, brought out little Stingers and everything and still turned on him. It was a fucking awesome dick heel move and a nice swerve to tie with the Anderson feud. Sting cleanly beat Flair the next month by the way.

  101. That's not remotely what happened. Andre never asked for a title shot. He showed up with the manager the champ had been feuding with and attacked the champ. I get that you're trolling but at least put in some effort.

  102. I carry mine so I can carve a bigger hole in my drawers so my massively enormous black penis can breathe.

  103. I was watching at the time and I remember the Little Stingers. Flair is such an asshole.

    That to me was such great writing. Flair is just such a dick.

  104. Eddie Guerrero turning on Rey was great

  105. Even their banter during the match was awesome:
    Sting (as he's absorbing a butt-whoopin'): Nature Boy!
    Flair: I'm here, Sting, I'm here!

    Sting wrote the book on gullibility, but that was a great turn.

  106. That promo was awesome and was a part of the basis for my BoD Raw character.

  107. Yeah, I really liked Tatanka's turn. Especially when he pounded Luger into jelly...left the ring...and came back to dole out more punishment!

  108. Chris Benoit.

    What? Too soon?

  109. As a face Flair doesn't even crack my top 100. As a heel there is none higher. Maybe Shawn Michaels.

  110. Shouldn't make the list, but awesome and gullible: Dustin asks Arn Anderson for his help against the Studd Stable. Arn agreed, only if it was the "cheatin'" Arn. Then Arn subsequently turns on Dustin during the match. Hilarious.

  111. I think Austin performed it well but he should have changed up the character more. Change the colour of the trunks, wrestle a blander style (to infuriate the crowd because the fists o' fire brawling gets pops) and even stop using the Stunner. He should have pushed the character even more.

  112. They couldn't follow it up with great matches though, which was sort of expected. The brainbuster on the stairs was crazy.

  113. Hogan is such a heel, using back-scratches and eye-rakes.

  114. That whole year is so much different if Hunter goes face that post-WM Raw.

  115. EVERYTHING is different if HHH turns face after Summerslam 2000 against Angle. I mean, you could go 12 different ways with that.

  116. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 5, 2014 at 2:32 PM

    Arn told him EXACTLY what was going to happen, and Dustin STILL fell for it!

  117. Marty could still bring it even when he made his brief return in 2005. Not that it's hard to have a good match with Angle, but Jannetty/Angle was really terrific.

  118. I love the match they had on Smackdown and the Judgment Day match. Ignoring the Vicki botch, the Summerslam one is fun

  119. Sting: "Dustin, you can trust him."

  120. Get this man a cane and a fork.

  121. New list: Top 25 Flair heel turns on Sting

  122. Man, Sting should have his own wing of "Guys who turned heel".

  123. Just a light hearted example to point out that 80's hogan could be kind of an on air jerk. Not everything is a big fight dougie.

  124. 25. Sting throws a pizza party for himself and the Horsemen. Flair asks for extra pepperoni. Pizza comes and Flair is not satisfied with the amount of pepperoni. Horsemen proceed to pummel Sting and shove his face into a steaming hot pizza. Delivery guy reveals himself to be Lex Luger and puts Sting in the torture rack.

  125. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 5, 2014 at 2:37 PM


    /that guy

  126. Now all we need are the Top 25 WORST heel turns.

  127. AverageJoeEverymanJune 5, 2014 at 2:37 PM

    a young Kim Jong was cheering Scott the whole way.

  128. to his credit, his heel turn made him great again.

  129. I understood Triple H's rationale for not wanting to turn in 2000 - why be the #3 face when you can be the #1 heel? - but him not turning after WrestleMania made NO sense.

  130. 24. Sting uses all of Flair's hair-care product. The Horsemen, unamused (especially Arn) pummel Sting and bleach his hear to the point where he is bald. Subsequent interviews show Flair refer to him as "The Tan, Bald Sting".

  131. "With the hair, JACK...Sting was a Cadillac! Bald...he's not even a Honda, WOOOO!"

  132. btw: I think the turn itself is overrated.

    maybe it's one of those "you had to watch at the time to appreciate it" moments. but for someone like me the match (and all the hype surrounding it) is still very good, but the initial turn is far away from being "the greatest heel turn ever".

  133. AverageJoeEverymanJune 5, 2014 at 2:42 PM


  134. AverageJoeEverymanJune 5, 2014 at 2:43 PM

    But wait how can you all reach the blades if they are in your pockets but your pants are always sagging way down around your knees?

  135. I put mine in my big ol' fro like an afro pick.

  136. AverageJoeEverymanJune 5, 2014 at 2:46 PM

    Sting: "Yes, Mr Goldman I can assure you that Mr Hitler is trustworthy and will have your back."

  137. It was partially the time. Nowadays, people are expecting guys to turn heel. Back then, someone as beloved as Andre turning heel was almost unheard of.

    The best parallel I could give would be Hacksaw Jim Duggan turning heel, but even that's not doing it justice.

  138. At first I thought it was... today I decided it wasn't. I haven't seen you since I made that decision. Don't worry our alliance is still strong...

    or is it?

  139. 2 words: JIM ROSS!

  140. You just need to bring out some facepainted kids and swear you won't lie to me and I'll believe you

  141. It was DRASTICALLY Overbooked

  142. How in the world does Barry Windham turning heel and joining the 4 Horsemen not make the list?

  143. No...that was Robert Fuller that gave him the watermelon

  144. Lol these posts are soooo retarded. I'd be offended except....I find them hysterical

  145. No....they would just make it about The Authority. Just like everything else on the show

  146. Austin, Rock, Jericho, Nash, Jake

  147. yea especially him going nuts and bashing Steamboat and Douglas in the head with a chair

  148. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 5, 2014 at 3:07 PM

    Linda McMahon is #1.

  149. I'd bump out the Terry Funk turn, because it wasnt really a turn

  150. Yeah, hadn't they been teasing that for like a year?

  151. Also the Jive Tones, despite going nowhere and beating nobody of note, were legitmiately an awesome team.

  152. Thank you.
    I appreciate that a lot.

  153. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 5, 2014 at 3:10 PM

    So now we have fake Caliber Winfields. I don't know whether to find that hilarious or sad.

  154. Austin, Jericho, Eddie, Foley, and RVD. Team ECW

  155. At least six of them would be Chyna at WrestleMania XV.

  156. Scott's reviews after that refer to him as DUHstin Rhodes.

  157. You're right, Flair was pretty meh as a face. I guess I didn't mind his return as Co-Owner but he wasn't wrestling at that point.

  158. Oh, MAN, that's cold. Funny, but cold.

  159. It got to the point where everyone was "get on it with already".

  160. Stand corrected. But there WAS a turn involving someone against DeBeers...

  161. Writer already owned up to it.

  162. Oh man, has there ever been a nutshot so anti-climactic? I mean, it was a foreshadowing of her Senate runs.

  163. "Nobody who speaks German could be an evil man!"

  164. TheRealCaliberWinJune 5, 2014 at 3:26 PM

    DTA you sumbucks!

    Dont trust anybody!!

    Ill be back for real soon. You all know who this really is!

    My vacay is almost over

  165. Wow.. I feel really old because I remember the Larry Zybysko turn being a HUGE angle and a big money maker for the WWWF:

  166. Jim Duggan joining Team Canada in WCW was a dumb one.

  167. Stranger in the AlpsJune 5, 2014 at 3:30 PM

    Dammit, this place has gone off the rails as far as the comments go in the last week or so. I include myself in that.

  168. Threadjack: Over an hour (10 videos, 6-9 minutes each) of people getting KTFO.

  169. TheRealCaliberWinJune 5, 2014 at 3:33 PM

    Good plan Cal, this was fun.

    Time to ride off in the sunset.

  170. Really? Besides troll Caliber and the spambots there hasn't really been anything bad here, has there?

  171. Thank you Fuj/Farva/whoever for your irrelevant opinion.

  172. Stranger in the AlpsJune 5, 2014 at 3:35 PM

    Ask Bayless that.

  173. Yeah, this is still the highest level of discourse I've personally seen on a wrestling forum.

    Of course... that's really not saying much, but still.

  174. Not going to lie, I bought in to it. Who were you in on it with, Farva??

    Btw long time no see. You shouldnt just stick to 411

  175. All of Sting's heel turns.

  176. TJ: Got Fire Pro Wrestling Returns working via emulator barring a few minor music hiccups. I set a match between my CAW and Misawa, but it wasn't as good as old times. I mean, Misawa couldn't get up from a Lifting Reverse DDT, an STO onto a piece of table, two lariats, three superkicks, and a tiger bomb? The fuck is this?

  177. TJ: Cena made local news today granting a non-Make-A-Wish wish to a local girl who's dying from leukemia,

    There was a similar piece on another station that I can't find a clip for but it was basically the girl's mom crying about how happy it made her; can't lie, I got a little choked up about it. Regardless of how stale his character is on TV, and how much that infuriates me from time to time, the fact is that he's a real-life angel to a lot of people. Not being able to do the stuff he does is all the motivation he needs to not turn heel, merchandise and attendance be damned.


    That's the link for the first piece that I forgot to put in.

  179. Taker, Andre, Brock, Nash, Vader.

  180. Obviously Scott was being facetious on the Hogan deal, but I'd go with the Desert Storm match vs. Slaughter, any of the WWF Flair matches or either of his Smackdown matches vs. Angle or Jericho.

  181. Problem with these lists is that Hogan at Bash at the Beach '96 is always gonna be #1. Just once, I'd like to be swerved. Has anyone asked Vince Russo for his top heel turns list?

  182. Austin, Bret, Jericho, Punk, RVD.

  183. I gave an asshole answer earlier but I'm surprised I haven't seen Batista turning on Rey in here yet.


  184. Apparently it is Onita?

  185. Yup me and another guy here, surprised he wasent outed yet

  186. Great review! These are what get me through Thursdays.

  187. Tony Schiavone in TNA.

  188. If success in elimination matches is the driving factor, then I'd have to go with Cena, Andre, Ultimate Warrior, Randy Orton, and Mr. Perfect.

  189. I have a hard time picturing Barbarian having a normal conversation in English.

  190. Not sure if this has been done but for the hell of it…Undertaker, Andre The Giant, Goldberg, Mick Foley and Vader….Team Armageddon

  191. Him turning back into Stunning Steve would've been awesome; the multicolored tights, the robe, not using the stunner, going back to the mat-based work. Hell, even shaving the goatee and trying to grow his hair out.

  192. Great piece of storytelling in that match. One of the few times in recent memory where a guy went out there and put someone else over unquestionably as a monster.

  193. Do the Ranger Ross one next. I know it's on highspots but not sure if it's on sale, but it's Ranger f'n Ross, it's probably permanently on sale

  194. Hogan. Bash At The Beach.

    Not even Heenan could ruin that.


  196. Damnit, Heenan was always suspicious of Hogan!

  197. Hogan was part of a fatal four way in 1999 that I heard was pretty good (never watched it though).

    Or also the Hogan/Rock match at Mania 18.

  198. Austin's last great one... You probably have to go all the way back to Summerslam 2001 and the match with angle, which was ****3/4 for REALZ.


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