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The Lapsed Fan: Episode 3

Hey Scott,
I was hoping to do another plug for THE LAPSED FAN wrestling podcast.  For this week's two part episode we review (or tear apart) arguably the worst PPV in WWE history:  The 1995 KING OF THE RING.  Click on the links below to listen or download the two parts.

For up to date info on our shows and opinions follow us on twitter: @thelapsedfan

​I think they've done WAY worse shows than KOTR 95.  The 99 show, for example, or the ECW December to Dismember.  But there's certainly an argument there.  ​


  1. King of the Ring '95 was the first wrestling show I ever saw that I knew completely sucked as I was watching it. 7-year-old Yetaaaay did not like King Mabel.

  2. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 6, 2014 at 6:39 PM

    I could listen to this on my PC.

  3. The thing about KOTR 95 was that WWF had the talent and could have put on a good show. The December to Dismember PPV had a thin roster (and 6 of their top guys were in one match to boot) and KOTR 99 was handicapped by Russo.

  4. I knew this show wasn't as good as others, but I was still pumped when watching this show at the time as I was a huge mark and loved everything wrestling.

  5. Plus, Hardys/MNM alone is enough to put December to Dismember ahead of KOTR 95. That's a really good match.

  6. Listening to the podcast now and never noticed that with the death count all the fat guys are dead.

  7. I gave up on the show after the MVP heel turn, because god forbid the promotion not have a heel group in charge. I have no problem with Alvarez not watching the show... he's more of a color guy on their website, with Dave being the meat and potatoes. I think the people subscribing to their site just for the Figure 4 Weekly newsletters is zero.

    But, Bryan's argument that Impact isn't a major pro wrestling show is an interesting one. Yes, they still get a decent audience because they're on Spike, but they've lost 1/3 of their audience in the last year... and Dave believes there's a strong chance that ROH's PPV will do better than TNA's this month, and ROH's live event attendance is also generally much better than TNA.

  8. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 6, 2014 at 8:13 PM

    As long as they have a weekly cable show in prime time, they're major. They may not be quality or entertaining, but they're major.

  9. King of the Ring 99 > King of the ring 95 because at least the 99 show had Austin and a pretty good Hardyz/Brood match. The 95 show only had the Bret/Lawler blowoff going for it. NOTHING else.

  10. Would it have been better if Mabel beat Micheals, too? At least we get two HBK matches.

    Mabel could do some crazy moves for a big fat guy. Like leg lariat type things and big belly to belly suplex. Maybe if he wasn't dressed in purple he could have been taken more seriously.

  11. Bulldog, Luger, Owen Hart were perfectly healthy and not even on the show!

    Ramon and Kid were both hurt so I can see why they didn't wrestle.

    Jeff Jarrett was healthy too! What the fuck 1995 Vince!?

  12. Technically it was a better show, but because this was the product I grew up on, I have a easier time watching KOTR 95 than 99.

  13. Well he does own a win over Triple H in a casket match.

  14. I defend KOTR 95 just because it was different. We look back at Mabel and Savio Vega with scorn, but the 'underdog' storyline was a good one back in the day. And Savio wasn't a bad worker then, his feud with Austin after that was quality. Even now, with the same guys always on top, I'd love to see Vince have the balls to have a shocking winner of the Rumble.

  15. MaffewOfBotchamaniaJune 7, 2014 at 5:50 AM

    KOTR '95 had at least HBK vs. Mustafa.
    KOTR '99 had the Austin vs. McMahons main event and a decent-if-short Hardy Boyz vs. E & C match.


  16. Bob Holly vs Roadie was the real match of the night.

  17. MaffewOfBotchamaniaJune 7, 2014 at 8:18 AM

    With a fucked up finish.

  18. They didn't know it was time to go home. Vince probably made a last minute audible because he didn't want any good wrestling that night.


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