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The Lapsed Fan Episode 5: King of the Ring 1994

Hey Scott,
Here again with another plug for this week's Lapsed Fan episode.  Thank you again for plugging the show and for the excellent work you do on the blog.  This week we tackle the KING OF THE RING 1994.  

the lapsed fan

Amidst the Vince McMahon steroid trials and Hulk Hogan signing with WCW, the WWE was struggling to find its new identity and a "new generation" of superstars.  Headlined by "Rowdy" Roddy Piper versus Jerry "The King" Lawler, this event seemed more like a step backward than a step forward.

Jack Encarnacao and JP Sarro bring their brand of humor and nostalgia to the 1994 King of the Ring, discussing among other things:

-          Arguably the worst pin in the history of the sport of kings

-          How hard it was to find this particular show in video stores

-          Roddy Piper's prejudice against people without a neck

-          Who Bret Hart claimed was the WWE's most "stunning figure" at the time

-          Two words…Art Donovan

All this and more!  To listen click the link below:

As always Scott, thank you very much!



  1. Are you turning Bray Wyatt face in this scenario?

  2. Id rather they keep the Wyatts heel for now. Cant turn everyone babyface.

  3. Leave the Wyatt's as popular heels. It's what the universe needs. Nobody need them making poppy jokes.

  4. I just can't see any of the Wyatt's in their current gimmick with any gold. They are over enough, but like Jake Roberts, the gold belts wouldn't fit their personalities.

  5. This isn't a John Cena attack, I'm just saying that I care less about Wyatt now than I did prior to the Cena feud.

  6. Bray is the only new guy that I think could win it without it being too soon.

  7. But that doesn't mean that I think he will

  8. See, a Lesnar/Wyatt match sounds awful on paper but I'm so desperate for a fresh matchup I'm ok with it.

  9. The Love-Matic Grampa!June 18, 2014 at 9:37 PM

    I personally don't see the big deal with the Wyatts, but I'm clearly in the minority seeing how the crowd is into the act and it would be a welcome change from Cena or Orton again. Plus, I'd love to hear Flair's reaction (considering what he said about Bryan).

  10. If the Summerslam thing is correct then I have to say every MitB wrestler sans Del Rio would be a good match up for Brock. And I'm only discounting Rio for credibility issues, I'm sure the two could have a good match if they wanted to. I guess Orton would be the worse match up but I don't think it'd be that bad.

  11. If I knew for sure Lesnar was the Summerslam challenger then I think I could stand a month and a half long Cena reign. But I'd much rather have Cesaro or Bray win.

  12. Bray's reasoning for wanting the title are solid enough I guess, just causing as much chaos as possible. The only world title reign to come close to that recently was Kevin Steen two years ago in ROH and that was mostly ruined due to Jim Cornette.

  13. Another thing to consider is where Bray would go after losing to Brock? Maybe officially retire Taker?

  14. Brock absolutely needs to get his win back and Cena being champ would be icing on the cake.

  15. These are truly awesome ideas. All of these would make the Network THE place to be on evenings. The WWE is not thinking about enough ways to make people watch at specific times outside of NXT. These ideas would probably cause me to order the network.

  16. My first question is if Brock is getting the champ at Summerslam is he winning or losing?

    Cause if they are using him to put someone else over why not have Brock be a surprise entrance in the ladder match and win the title? I would assume Brock would be willing to work an extra date for a short title reign.

    Would much rather it be Bryan recapturing the gold than Cena. But another Cena title reign is inevitable. So why not give Brock the title for a month first. It'd make the Cena win slightly easier to swallow.

  17. I still think you have the Usos retain, going with the idea that Harper and Rowan are not at the top of their game without Bray at ringside coaching them. (Bray, of course, not being there so he can get ready for the ladder match.)

  18. I don't care about the live programming. I literally watch everything On Demand because it's more convenient and, mainly, because the live stream is broken on my PS3, constantly skipping or lagging.

  19. About Jimmy Hart, he was a GREAT pairing with Honky. They were perfect together

  20. Lesnar-Wyatt doesn't work for me because (1) Heyman in this form would crush Wyatt on the mic or obviously be pulling his punches, (2) if Wyatt is used as a transitional champion, it should be to give the belt to one his two biggest opponents (Cena or Bryan; why burn his first title run on a one month transition to Lesnar, and please don't even joke about having Lesnar lose his first match after breaking the Streak), (3) Wyatt has in no way been built enough to face the man who broke the streak (how many matches has he won cleanly without interference from Rowan and Harper? Is anyone else sick of this yet?), (4) ARMBAR, (5) neither should be turned face at the moment (and WWE would more than likely mess up what makes some people cheer a freaking cult leader if officially turned face), (6) the Wyatts have shown no interest in titles until now (despite Harper/Rowan beating the Usos on seemingly several occasions) and don't really need them (mind games against an uncertain face).

    I think you're more likely to get Sheamus-Wyatt than Lesnar-Wyatt.

  21. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighJune 18, 2014 at 10:28 PM

    If it's not Cena, I don't know who. Reigns could be interesting with heel
    Challengers already lined up. But I think it's to soon for him.

  22. I know people have hated the idea, but I'm putting the title on Reigns at MITB. This company desperately needs a shakeup. Pull the damn trigger.

    What I predict is that Cena wins after Reigns best chance is thwarted by Triple H interference to set up SummerSlam. Wyatt probably eats an AA off the ladder and through a table or something.

  23. Jim Cornette wasn't a good fit for ROH, but i wouldn't say Cornette ruined Steen's run.

  24. Maybe but man was Steen's run underwhelming despite some good matches of course.

  25. Sheamus will probably be busy with Rusev by Summerslam for the US title.

  26. The thing is, I can understand why they'd want Cena to win to set up Cena/Brock for Summerslam. But damn will I be sad if it happens. I don't even dislike Cena, he's worked way too damn hard in the last several years for that, stale character or not, but the company does need a shake up. They have some very healthy long term prospects but a short term change is needed.

  27. For Summerslam if Reigns wins: HHH/Reigns, Brock/Cena II and Ambrose/Rollins in their final blowoff match as your top three. Still a lot of the roster to play with.

  28. That would be a solid card actually.

  29. Just have Lesnar kill Bray, but the twist is that Bray would have a smile on his face after the beating.

  30. Is Batista due back for Summerslam?

  31. Probably not, still could be promoting GotG.

  32. He's already a face in ours eyes, that's good enough for me.

  33. I hope he's still gone. They'd give him a top-tier match undeservedly if he's back.

  34. Wyatt makes sense if the game plan is Bryan winning the titles right back when he returns.
    If the gameplan is Brock facing the winner at Summerslam, you'd have to go with a face or Cesaro.
    You could have Cesaro win and then Brock attacks him on Raw setting up an eventual Cesaro face turn.
    Or they can just give the title to Cena or Orton like always.

  35. They won't turn Wyatt heel because the idea of a cult leader being cheered is too brilliant for words. If they turned him face and had him repent, he'd be a jobber by the end of the year.

  36. I'm all for it.

    Reigns has the look, the charisma, the big moves and the crowd digs him. The only thing he doesn't have is single main event experience, but you only get that by main eventing solo regularly. And Reigns as champ creates a lot of new matches: Reigns vs Cena, Reigns vs Lesnar, Reigns vs Wyatt, Reigns vs Del Rio, Reigns vs Bryan, Reigns vs Jericho (when he graces us with his talent again), Reigns vs Ambrose. That's seven title defenses right there.

  37. Props for starting the show with Funky Child, that's always been my favourite Lords tune.

  38. I don't think they've booked Bray as tough enough to go toe to toe with Lesnar at this point. They could do a whole mind game thing but that's not how they should be using Lesnar's precious appearances. Better I think to have Lesnar go over, say, Cesaro and set up Bryan/Lesnar.

  39. Works for me.

  40. I think it would be more like Raven in ECW with the title. Raven didn't need it either, but it was almost a breath of fresh air that a guy who didn't "need it" had it and actually made it a bigger deal because of his act.

  41. Heel's tend to win these multiman cluster fuck matches, so I agree I think Bray is winning. Effectively, only three have a chance to win Cena, Roman, or Wyatt. I think they are saving Roman's first win for a PPV that actually matters so I don't think he's winning. Cena could win, because he's yet to win a title since his latest return, and that would set them up for Cena vs Lesnar for title at Summerslam. However, I do think they want to get the title to Wyatt so some face (either Cena, Bryan, or Roman) can chase the title.

  42. Just show this video on loop for an hour and you will draw ratings. The one where he asks Sting how his week was makes me laugh for some reason.

  43. If this was what the network looked like, I would be watching every night, and I'd re-up in the fall easily.

  44. Yah great song for sure

  45. Thanks Brian! Glad you enjoyed. I agree with Hart/Honky too, definitely his best charge as far as fit.

  46. Can Reigns go 30 minutes in a good main event yet? If not, I say hold off on the title. Wyatt would be interesting, and you may as well do it now when things are a bit down anyway.

  47. against guys like Cena, Bryan, Jericho: yes.
    against Lesnar, Wyatt and to a smaller extent, Del Rio: no.

    because the guys in the first group are all able to "guide" Reigns to a good match, I am afraid the second group not as much.

  48. Jesus Christ, Abigail is dead. Dead. This is canon.

  49. With 2 belts suspended above the ring, why not spilt them up again? Have Wyatt and Cena climb up opposite sides of the ladder, each grab a belt and fall to the mat with it. Adds a fresh aspect to their feud of who's the better champion.

  50. although I would get why that might not happen because it would cost effort and even some money in producing that show.

    but the mentioned countdown shows are right there in their archive anyway.

  51. or go completely left field and add stuff like a whole year of Velocity for s**** and giggles.

  52. "The WWE is not thinking about enough ways to make people watch at specific times outside of NXT."

    I don't get that idea at all. isn't the best thing about on demand services that I don't have to watch at a certain time anymore?

  53. I think the last thing Raw needs is something on another channel tempting viewers away from it. I don't see them ever scheduling Nitro (or anything remotely interesting) against Raw on their network.

    The WCW Saturday Night idea is awesome though.

  54. Fixing the on demand streaming service by programming for certain nights and hours? Uh guys...I think you're missing the point of this thing....


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