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The PG Era Rant: RAW is FIFA

When last we left our heroes, they had carried us on a thrill ride in South Africa. A Landon Donovan goal very late ignited passion, but it fell flat just days later against Ghana. Now, the rematch: can the Americans, now led by a German genius, take it to the team that has had their number the last eight years? The group is theirs for the advancing.

...wait, what? Raw? C'mon, it's the Cup!

Oh, all right.

The PG Era Rant for Raw, June 16, 2014.

Live from Cleveland, which would win the World Cup of Joke Cities.

Your hosts are Old King and Cole featuring a loudmouth Longhorn.

I'm not watching the pre-show because USA.

Everyone's on stage to begin, because the Authority has a major announcement to make. Stephanie gives Seth Rollins a pat on the shoulder on the way to the ring. We remind everyone that Daniel Bryan is not cleared to compete at Money in the Bank, and therefore our title is vacated. The Tron focuses on Cesaro for some reason. Everyone's out because the Authority CARES about them, and they know the locker room doesn't like a vacant championship. After all, every day WWE Superstars lay it on the line to prove they're the best, and the Champ is the best. Being a champion makes you immortal: just ask HHH. The fact is, the WWE is only as strong as the champion, which is why it's too bad that the champ has been an underperformer like Bryan. (This sets off a YES chant. Stephanie: “Yes, it's true; he is a B+ Player.”) Look, it's not about his ability, but it's about having no heart. He's selfish, which is why he didn't defend the title and give others a chance. It's his refusal to fight that makes it unacceptable, and everyone deserves better. So tonight, everyone's excited because somewhere on that stage is the next champion. Crowd doesn't care and wants Daniel Bryan.

So, tonight someone will enter the Championship Ladder Match. Already in, as a reminder, as Randy Orton, Antonio Cesaro, Alberto Del Rio, Sheamus, and Bray Wyatt. (If the crowd's anything to go by, Sheamus and Wyatt are favorites.) Tonight, there will be a battle royal for one last spot.

Hang on, HHH wants to amend it: some Superstars don't belong in the Battle Royal. The rebels who refuse to evolve will be left out of the event. And you know he means the Shield. Also, John Cena's being left out, which shocks him. But HHH says he has his own chance... see, we know Cena loves to help people, like helping Daniel Bryan or helping the Shield. So, he can help the Authority tonight. See, we just found out a while ago there would be a special match. Since Daniel Bryan can't compete, we can't give that match. But they're not liars, so the match will happen. Translation: a stretcher match against Kane... with a Championship Ladder Match spot on the line.

And with that, Kane's music starts. John Cena simply looks at the ring and accepts it. Seth Rollins is applauding. Meanwhile, an ambulance shows up. The stretcher is brought out for tonight's main event. Michael Cole tries to figure out why, but JBL shouts him down with how great the match is. Cole is not thrilled.

Tonight: Kevin Hart to appear! Sheamus faces Bray Wyatt! Dolph Ziggler faces Seth Rollins one more time, and that match is next!

But wait, before we go there, Kane appears on stage. Everyone else has headed to the back for tonight's show. Kane stares at the ambulance as we go to break. Well, that was weird.

I mean, that's the problem: you need John Cena to be in the main event because the other two people you've built up over the past few years... people we asked for... are either injured or retired. Now's not the time to roll the dice, because you could kill someone's drawing ability. So hold steady while you bring someone up through the midcard and into the main event. It will be interesting, though, if they decide to pull the trigger on Bray Wyatt.

Dolph Ziggler v. Seth Rollins. First, though, the WWE plays up the Special Olympics, which began last night and which the WWE is a primary sponsor of. Dolph gets introduced as being from Cleveland. Rollins still hasn't gotten out of his Shield gear. And we look back at Plan B. Seth with a waistlock, but Dolph reverses to a headlock. Dolph with an early tackle, and they face off as the crowd gets behind Dolph. Rollins with a kick to get the advantage, and he works away in the corner. He slaps around Dolph's hair, then picks him up only to get reversed on a corner whip. Hiptoss gets one. Crowd gets on Rollins, saying he sold out. Back in, Rollins with a headlock takedown. Dolph fights out, but gets tackled down only to recover with a dropkick. Rollins reverses to a Hammer Throw, though, and both men are down as we go to break.

Dolph/Rollins, part two. Rollins gets two for some reason, then goes to a chinlock. The hands go down around Dolph's throat, which I approve of. Dolph with a jawbreaker, but he goes for a dive only to miss and head to the outside. Rollins tries to follow, but Dolph slugs Rollins in mid-air. Back in, Stinger Splash and ten punch countalong by Dolph leads to a flying clothesline. Rude Awakening is blocked by a calf kick and enzuigiri. Rollins goes for the Curbstomp but misses, and Dolph with the Sky High DDT for two. Uppercut by Dolph, and this time the crossbody connects into mounted punches. Famouser is countered for a powerbomb try, but Dolph with a sunset flip for two. Rollins with the back kick, but Dolph leaps up to avoid the Curbstomp and gets the Sleeper. Rollins and Dolph do a series of reversals, leading to the Famouser for two. Both men are slow to get up. Dolph is lining up the Zig Zag, but of course Rollins shoves him off. Lionsault misses, and Dolph with a cradle for two. Sky High DDT is countered to the turnbuckle bomb by Rollins. Rollins' mouth is bleeding. He goes for mounted back punches until the ref calls him off. A second turnbuckle bomb, followed by the Curbstomp, looks to finish. But Dean Ambrose races in and runs off Rollins at 11:07 for the DQ. Perfectly Acceptable Wrestling. **1/4 Ambrose says it won't be over until he gets his hands on Rollins. Now, Rollins does nothing without HHH's permission, but save some time and just fight now, would you? Ambrose is ready to go, ripping his jacket off. But HHH appears on the Tron and tells him to calm down (making sure to mock Ambrose's angry face). And HHH has bad news.

And here's Wade Barrett to the ring. That match is next!

Rollins/Ziggler had to end in a DQ – Dolph as the hometown man losing would kill the crowd, but Rollins is on a roll and can't job yet. The DQ should've come about a minute sooner, though.

Dean Ambrose v. Wade Barrett. Joined in progress with Ambrose working the legs before chopping away on Barrett. Ambrose gets whipped in, but lands a crossbody and punches. Ambrose with a shot to the gut in the corner and some forearm scrapes. Ambrose kicks away in the corner, then gets a snap suplex for two. He rakes the nose of Barrett, then stomps away. Barrett fights back, kicking in the corner. He pulls Ambrose out with a swinging neckbreaker for two. Barrett drops the elbow for one. To the chinlock. Ambrose fights up and reverses to a back suplex. Barrett with a back kick and running kick, though, getting two. Barrett with knees to the gut, and he backs him into the corner, but he takes time to gloat and Ambrose comes out with a Thesz Press and Cactus clothesline. Ambrose follows with a springboard plancha. Ambrose sends Barrett into the steps, and back in, he hooks a Tornado DDT. But Barrett fights out and clotheslines Ambrose off the top onto the steps... and onto his shoulder. Ambrose is very slow to get up, checking the arm, but when he gets to the apron, Barrett boots him back down. Big kick on the outside, and Barrett drops Ambrose's shoulder on the ground as we go to break.

Ambrose/Barrett, part two. We return with Ambrose slumped on the outside, eyes glazed. Barrett works punches, then rams Ambrose's arm into the apron. Back in, it gets one. Barrett works a top hammerlock as we see that Ambrose was tossed into the post during the break. Ambrose with one arm gets some forearms, then a hairpull slam. Ambrose with more forearm scrapes, and he fights out of the corner with a Tornado DDT. It gets two. Barrett stops Ambrose with punches to the gut, but Ambrose with a straitjacket neckbreaker for two. Ambrose punches away with one arm, but runs into the Bossman Slam for two. Wasteland try, but Ambrose with a crucifix for two. Ambrose with a running lariat to a big pop. But Seth Rollins is on the Spanish table to distract Ambrose. Ambrose socks Rollins when he goes to the apron, then tosses Barrett and dives onto both men. Rollins escapes, and Ambrose races after him for the countout at 11:57. **1/4 Ambrose smashes down Rollins, then returns and knocks Barrett over and lands the headlock driver. Ambrose has non-Shield music. I don't like it.

Backstage, Roman Reigns asks Vickie to vouch for him, but the Authority doesn't want it. So Reigns points out that she's become an errand girl when she's a damn Guerrero! So stand up for yourself, he says. Then again, maybe she wants to be a yes-woman. But if that's the case, put sweetener in that coffee. Vickie races off to get it, and Reigns doctors the coffee somehow. Reigns then asks Vickie when she's going to quit... and Vickie sneezes.

Later tonight, it's John Cena against Kane in a stretcher match for a spot in the Championship Ladder Match.

They're here. And they're next.

Ambrose/Rollins is going to be really good. The Reigns/Vickie thing... I have no idea where that's going. Or what the endgame is. Vickie gets fired? Why does Reigns want that? It's kind of a dick move.

All this week, it's the Special Olympics!

There's a ladder in the ring! And Bray Wyatt's on his way. Just added this weekend: Harper and Rowan will face the Usos for the Tag Team Titles. Wyatt chuckles to himself, then says power is everything. Without it, everyone would be a mouse in the jungle running for their lives. But power can be addicting. We need it, we crave it, and Bray Wyatt believes power is the downfall of the world. A powerful man is respected, but a weak man might as well be dirt. Power and influence are what Bray does. And as long as they're together in the WWE Universe, the gold is the power. Bray asks the fans to do something. He asks them to look at Harper and Rowan. Judge them however you will, but every label views them as outcasts. They're considered worthless, like dirt. But the world is a mysterious place, since soon those brothers will fight and will win the gold from the Usos, taking all their power. Power and influence! Power and influence! At Money in the Bank, Bray will be atop the ladder and will change the world. Above the ladder is Bray's absolution and glory. Up there is the change that the world prays for. All that he has to do is reach up and take it, and at that moment, he has the whole world in his hands. Time for a sing-along.

But Sheamus is on his way to the ring for a rebuttal! First, he tells Bray to stop walking under a ladder, especially when the ladder match is imminent. Yes, Bray is a bold man who says he has the whole world in his hands, but Sheamus will send his whole boot down his throat. Bray: “I LIKE THAT!” Sheamus says enough talk, let's fight, FELLA!

Sheamus v. Bray Wyatt. They lock up and tangle into the corner, and Sheamus shoves Bray, who just laughs. Bray fakes a charge, and gets into a slugfest. He loses, but headbutts out of the corner. He works Sheamus over in the corner, only to get a shot to the head. Sheamus with headbutts until he's held off. Bray fights back with a clubbering and an uppercut. Sheamus fires back and gets a short clothesline as JBL is annoying me. Sheamus with a running kick and uppercut, but Bray tries a kick only to get caught. Bray tackles Sheamus and pounds away. Bray allows Sheamus up, then Hammer Throws Sheamus across the ring. He works over Sheamus in the corner, but Sheamus reverses to a suplex. Sheamus with right hands and an elbow, into a neckbreaker (sloppy looking) for one. Bray with a chop to regain control, and he works over Sheamus in the corner with uppercuts to the gut. He charges straight into an Irish Hammer, though, and Sheamus gets a kneelift. He goes to the second rope, smashing a forearm for one. He goes for the Ten of Clubs, but Bray fights away only to get knocked to the outside. Sheamus follows but gets surrounded – which calls the Usos out for backup. It's a six-man standoff as we go to break.

Sheamus/Wyatt, part two. Bray has a sleeper on Sheamus as the crowd decides to chant for CM Punk because of a “434 We Want More” sign. Sheamus fights to his feet, but Bray headbutts him down for two. Bray with punches to knock Sheamus down, but the running senton eats knees. They slug it out on their knees, and Sheamus wins that. He gets sent into the corner but fires out with Irish Hammers and a shouder to the gut. Kneelift misses, and Bray with the running collision for two. Bray picks Sheamus up and tries the uranage, but Sheamus elbows out and dumps Bray to the apron, leading to the Ten of Clubs. Sheamus picks Bray up over the top rope, but the Celtic Cross is escaped and Bray gets a Northern Lariat. An awkward whip reversal leads to a kick by Bray, but a second try and Sheamus gets an Oklahoma Slam. He calls for the Brogue Kick, but the Family stops it at 11:10. Here come the Usos as well, and it's a war at ringside. The Family get the edge and throw the Usos in, and a ladder follows them. Sheamus fights off Bray and gets the Finlay Roll on the floor, which distracts the Family long enough that the Usos get a double superkick to the ladder. Sheamus clears the ring with the ladder and sets it up on the ropes, holding it in place as the Usos both race up the ladder and dive onto the Family. Sheamus adds the exclamation point by tossing the ladder onto the henchmen (Rowan appears to have gotten the worst of it). The post-match was better than the match. *3/4

Backstage, Vickie drops off the coffees, but one of them gets spilled and HHH orders another. Stephanie enjoys her coffee, though.

Kevin Hart is here! Plus, who gets the seventh and final spot in the Championship Ladder Match? A battle royal happens tonight.

Three matches, zero clean finishes, but you know what? None of the matches needed a clean finish, so it's okay. So far. Just don't make a habit of it.

We have an ambulance in the house, because our main event is a stretcher match.

Renee Young interviews Stephanie McMahon, still drinking her coffee. Renee asks about the battle royal tonight, and Stephanie talks about opportunity... but she's clearly a little off. She races away in a hurry.

Paul Heyman steps up to continue the intervew. He says chaos invokes opportunity. And there will be a new champion, which is a guarantee. He's worried about Bray Wyatt winning the match. Or, what happens if it's Orton and the Authority has all the power. Alberto Del Rio? Sheamus? Let's hope not. But there's a strategist in Cesaro's corner, and it's the same strategist who made the Streak end. And now another spoiler: Cesaro will win the gold.

We look back at Rusev's award ceremony. And no one cared then.

Heath Slater v. Alexander Rusev. Lana says nothing. JBL says Rusev's award was designed by Putin himself. Lawler: “It's just a star!” Okay, wait, now Lana has something to say. “Shut up!” That works as well as it ever does. She says America was founded by weaklings whose insecurities are in the fading colors of America. (You mean, the same ones Russia has?) The men America worship lack conviction in their leadership and shouldn't be called men – especially compared to Putin. America's time is coming. Soon, the emasculated nation will drop to its knees. The monuments will crumble, and new ones will be built in their place – such as a Mount Rushmore with Putin, Lenin, Kruschev, and Rusev. This gets a USA chant. Lawler (about Kruschev): “Is that Dory Funk?” Rusev says whatever. But wait, Slater wants to talk. “Week after week you all come out and talk about how good Russia is.” He says they should just go back TO Russia, because even Slater hates hearing it. HEATH SLATER FACE TURN! Tonight, Slater is the American Rock Star. And then the beating begins. Wait, Slater with the first shot, and he has the advantage until the Russian Hammer and leaping kick hit. Rusev Crush already for the tapout at 35 seconds. Well, so much for the momentum. Not much booing after the match – time to face facts that Evil Russians just don't work anymore, Vince.

Meanwhile, Stephanie is vomiting in the bathroom. HHH asks Vickie to check on her. And of course Stephanie vomits on Vickie. A lot. WHY? Dear God, why was this on TV? And now Vickie is having dry heaves, almost joining the vomit parade. But HHH puts Vickie in charge and tells her to take a shower. Vickie instead screeches.

I would like to take this opportunity to call for Kevin Dunn to be fired. I have no doubt this was his idea.

Backstage, Roman Reigns checks in on Vickie, who is VERY upset. Roman says that it's clear her job's in trouble, but maybe she can do something positive on the way out. Reigns wants in the battle royal. Vickie allows it just to get Reigns out of her hair.

Here's a look at Kevin Hart's movie, “Think Like a Man Too”.

And now Renee Young interviews Kevin Hart. It's a typical synergistic interview (“This movie's gonna be bigger and better”)... but now the Exotic Express appears. Adam Rose introduces himself and puts the movie over as fantastic. But Hart needs to think like a Rosebud. Hart thinks it's drugs and refuses, so Rose and company just party away. Hart will be on commentary, next.

Well, that went nowhere fast. Much like Adam Rose.

Kevin Hart comes to the ringside to provide commentary for our next match. Holy cow, he's short.

Fandango and Layla v. Summer Rae and Adam Rose. Kevin Hart is MORTIFIED looking at the recap of Layla and Summer Rae. Also, Rose's theme music is stuck in Hart's head. The men start. Hart (about his shirt): “Sorry, JBL, this only comes in small.” Crowd is singing along to Rose's music. Lockup, and Rose gives a clean break. He gets a waistlock, but Layla tags in and attacks Rose... so Summer Rae dives in for the catfight. Layla shoves Summer away and tags in Fandango, who gets the edge of Rose as the women race off to the back. Party Foul soon after ends it at 1:25, however. Hart's commentary was fun, this match was nothing. Kevin Hart decides to dance with the Exotic Express, rabbit or no rabbit. Sighted in the Exotic Express: the Ascension. Rose and Hart stage dive into the Rosebuds as they get carried off.

Nineteen men have a shot at the spot in the Championship Ladder Match! It's a battle royal next!

See, that's how you use a celebrity – to get a midcarder over. That hopefully gives Rose a good rub going forward.

Your main event of Main Event is the six-man tag teased earlier on Raw: Sheamus with the Usos against the entire Wyatt Family. Enjoy, Matt.

Battle Royal for a Championship Ladder Match spot: Roman Reigns v. The World. Might as well call it what it is. Damien Sandow is in LeBron's Miami jersey. Roman's music is a remix of the Shield's. Sandow is stuck in the middle and gets promptly dumped at 12 seconds. Crowd pops. Why not. Now the battle royal chaos begins. Titus O'Neil has Primo almost over, but he recovers. Rusev goes to toss Reigns, while Santino works on Axel. Santino's out at 1:11 somehow. Titus nearly eliminates Dallas, but he hangs on. Kofi Kingston works over Jack Swagger. Rusev has Primo in the corner, and he's gone at 1:52. Primo follows at 1:59. Woods charges Rusev and is gone at 2:16. Barrett and Swagger almost get Langston out. Titus works on Reigns. Double boot choke on Kofi in a corner. Langston goes over and back again. Dolph airballs on Bo Dallas and sends himself over, but not out. O'Neil is tossed by Reigns at 3:17. Sin Cara dodges Swagger, then goes up top and gets caught. Swagger catapults him out at 3:50. Kofi jumps on Swagger, but no dice. Ziggler tossed over but not out by Ryback. Axel airballs Langston. Dolph hangs on for dear life against Rusev. Bo Dallas has Swagger in trouble. He recovers and pummels Kofi. Axel chops away on Rusev. Langston has Barrett in trouble. Reigns , meanwhile, almost has Dallas out. Bo celebrates still being in it. I love this guy. Swagger almost tosses Kofi, but Kofi gets a headscissors and maintains his way in. Second try by Swagger, and this time Kofi hangs on to take him out at 6:26 as we go to break with 11 people left if I'm counting right.

I've been told you can hear the refs say “Not yet” during some almost eliminations. Maffew, please confirm.

Battle Royal Qualifier, part two. We return by looking at the belts as we appear to be down to 10. Dolph is out and back in as Kofi Kingston was tossed during the break. Rybaxel combine to take Ziggler out at 10:20. Bo Dallas celebrates his dominance of Fandango, but Roman Reigns comes up behind him. Rybaxel are working together. Axel tosses Dallas away, and both tag members work on Reigns. Axel runs into Reigns' elbow as he fights back. Everyone runs into something from Reigns, including Rusev getting the Superpunch. Ryback stops all momentum, but Reigns with a headbutt. Fandango lands on the apron and kicks Reigns away. Curtis Axel has a cheering section, but it doesn't matter as Reigns spears both men. He then takes Fandango off the top and out at 12:46. Langston suplexes Rusev as Reigns low bridges Ryback at 12:57, then tosses Axel at 13:03. Rusev and Reigns go at it, as Rusev gets the jumping kick. RVD and Barrett are at it next, but Bo Dallas wants to do something about it. RVD takes out Dallas with a spinkick, but Barrett clothesliens RVD. Dallas and Barrett double-team RVD. RVD sent into the corner, but he catches Dallas with a high kick and Barrett with a flying kick. Rolling monkey flip to Barrett, but Dallas knocks RVD out at 14:35. Crowd really doesn't like Dallas. Dallas makes sure Barrett's okay, and they hug... so Barrett gives him a short lariat and tosses him. Almost, as Dallas hangs on. Reigns goes after Barrett as Langston works on Rusev and Dallas slides in. Barrett's out at 15:23 via Reigns. Dallas sends Langston out at 15:27. Reigns spears Dallas and tosses him at 15:44, so it's Reigns vs. Rusev and the crowd loves it. It's a HUGE slugfest as Reigns gets the better of it, but Rusev gets a spinkick. He gets ready for a Sumo Charge, landing an avalanche. He sets up another, but Reigns follows with a clothesline and uppercut. Rusev to the apron, hanging on as Reigns punches, and the Superpunch sends him to the floor at 17:00 as Reigns wins. This really picked up when there were 6 men left, but the beginning was just disjointed. *1/4 I can see why Scott Keith has trouble rating these things, by the way.

Renee Young is with John Cena and asks about Reigns' win. Cena is excited about it. He says the impossible can happen, and he loves that. On Raw, anything can happen. Tonight, the Authority needed his help. Kane wanted a stretcher match, so he gave them a helping hand. There's a hidden message, and it's that Cena's #1 (although he teased a middle finger) because Cena in that match is best for business. Crowd gave him a pass.

Sadly, I was rooting for Bo Dallas, and I got a great run from him. That says something about me, doesn't it?

Cameron v. Paige. Interesting note during the entrances: Naomi is smiling and playing to the crowd, while Cameron is staring ahead and in her own world. Cameron is not impressed with Paige during intros. Paige with a double-leg takedown for one, and she flings Cameron around by the hair. She adds headbutts, then some knee smashes in the ropes. It gets another one count. Paige with some back elbows in the corner and Cameron bails, so the race around the ring is on. Cameron tries to apologize for a slap earlier (on the WWE App), and the two shake hands. Yeah, right, Cameron with a series of kicks to gain control and another slap. Back in, it gets one. She tries again (“Stay down!”) for one. Cameron shrieks in Paige's face and beats her up for two. Naomi is a little concerned about this match as Cameron goes for a suplex, but Paige reverses. Paige is furious as Cameron begs for mercy. Cameron kicks Paige's leg out of her leg, but Paige with a short clothesline, then two more. A single-leg dropkick follows, then the PTO follows for the tapout at 3:13. Now that's the Paige everyone wanted to see. *1/4

We look back at Payback, as Cody Rhodes feels he's holding Goldust back and will look for a new partner for Goldust. This leads to Byron Saxton interviewing Goldust about a possible new partner that will match Goldust's star power and so on. Goldust has met him and is thrilled to have him as a partner. We'll find out who it is, next.

Place your bets, everyone!

The Rewind is Goldust attempting to team with R-Truth and not succeeding. But Cody promises the perfect partner, which we'll find out.

Rybaxel v. Goldust and Stardust. Stardust, for those wondering, is clearly Cody imitating Goldust. The announcers are confused. Are we supposed to pretend that isn't Cody? The brothers attack from behind, and they get double punches on Axel. Crowd cheers for Stardust as he gets a DDT on Axel. Ryack is dumped, and Cody returns with a springboard elbow. JBL all but admits it's Cody as he gets Diamond Dust (of course) for the pin at 58 seconds. The Curtis Axel Fanclub was louder than the rest of the fans, who didn't seem to get a good look at Cody.

We look back at the Opening Ceremonies of the Special Olympics USA. Celebrities include NBA rookie Michael Carter-Williams, Brooklyn Decker, Jane Lynch, and David Otunga. Oh, and Big Show and Stephanie. We show that the ramp has the Special Olympics logo on it.

Up next, our main event! John Cena and Kane in a stretcher match!

Okay, folks. I work with people with intellectual disabilities in my day job. They are wonderful people who make me feel like this job I have is worthwhile. So no jokes about one of them booking Raw. They'd have done better than Kevin Dunn.

SmackDown's feature bout will be Roman Reigns against Alberto Del Rio. We look back at the battle royal.

Main event, Ladder Match Qualifier, Stretcher Match: Kane v. John Cena. In this match, the only way to win is to strap your opponent to the stretcher and wheel it over the finish line, which is on the stage. Cena slugs away on Kane to start, but he gets Hammer Thrown into the corner. Kane kicks him down repeatedly as the duelling chants begin. Kane with an uppercut and he kicks Cena out of the ring. Kane pounds away on Cena on the outside, and he puts Cena on the stretcher but can't even get him away from ringside. Cena gets the stretcher and shoves it into Kane's gut, then charges it at Kane. Kane reverses Cena into the STEEL steps on the outside. Kane stalks Cena around the ring, then throws him into the post. Another trip to the steps, but this one is blocked and reversed. Cena throws Kane into the steps again, then rushes him into the barricade. Kane with a right hand to floor Cena, and he rolls Cena onto the stretcher at the aisle. Cena gets nowhere and crawls back to the ring as we go to break.

Main event, part two. We return with Kane grabbing a chair and ramming it into Cena's gut before hitting his back. Back in the ring, we look at the belts. Oh, and then at the match. Kane sets up the chair as the crowd wants CM Punk again. Cena reverses to send Kane into the chair for a double KO. Cena pulls himself to the top rope, but he leaps into the chokeslam. Kane leaves the ring and gets some stairs. He tosses them over the ropes and in, lifts them up, and he's begging to be drop toeheld into them. Yep, there it is. Now Cena sets the steps up, and it's an AA try, but Kane reverses to a DDT on the steps. Kane pulls Cena out of the ring and preps the stretcher, putting Cena on it. Up the ramp we go, slowly, but Cena falls off again. Cena fires back with right hands to Kane before sending him into the STEEL post. He cuts Kane off and keeps firing away, but Kane sends Cena into the barricade. Kane clears the table, but Cena was playing possum and gives Kane the AA through the same table. The camera clearly showed Cena was lying in wait, too. Crowd gives this a YES. Well, they're nowhere near a stretcher, so Cena goes for the fireman's carry to the stretcher. Cena's not going to make it, but instead of doing an AA – Kane's in position – he keeps the fireman's walk up. Only he's too tired to put him on the stretcher, which scoots away as he tries. Fortunately, there's two stretchers, so he tries to put Kane on the other one. That works, but Seth Rollins emerges, as does Randy Orton. Rollins with a lariat on Cena in the ring, and Orton lands the RKO. Rollins grabs a chair and measures Cena, but Dean Ambrose emerges to cut Rollins off. Ambrose dumps Orton and Rollins, so Kane returns and chokeslams Ambrose. Cena low-bridges Kane to send him out. Cena thinks of his next move, then grabs the steps and – just as at Payback – hurls them at Kane with a direct hit. But now what? Cena brings the stretcher back, and this time he's able to scoot Kane onto it. All he has to do is get it up the ramp... but Kane sits up just before the line. Cena avoids a chokeslam, and he AA's Kane onto the stretcher to take him the last few feet at 16:07. Eh, I'm a fan of no-DQ matches. **1/4 John Cena celebrates as we end the show.


I wasn't always paying closest attention to this show, because I was still excited over the USA's performance. However, I enjoy decent-length matches, and we got FIVE matches of 10 minutes or more.

Definitely an acquired taste Raw. You had long matches, but they weren't all deserving of their length (Sheamus/Bray was a mess). Kevin Hart was used well, but the vomit segment was unnecessary and pathetic. Battle royals always get the crowd going and are useful in building people up, but this one had all of one person who could've won it. I can see just about any rating for this one.

Do you look at the positives? Rollins/Ziggler getting massive time, Reigns getting big heat, a fun no-DQ match to finish? Or do you look at the negatives – no real strong matches, a long undramatic battle royal, and Cena wins again? It's your call. I don't know.


MATCH TIME: 73:32 over nine matches
BEST MATCH: Rollins/Ziggler
WORST MATCH: Rusev/Slater
NIGHT MVP: Roman Reigns

FINAL SCORE: USA 2, Ghana 1.

Let's look at the lineup, folks!

TUESDAY: Matt Perri gives you the WWE Main Event.
THURSDAY: Scott Keith looks at NXT while Tommy Hall examines Impact.
FRIDAY: Hall returns to give you SmackDown.

FLASHBACKS: Hall will look at Nitro from 1999, Logan is looking at Raw 1998, Brian Bayless will have some WWF 1986, and I'll be here Saturday... maybe... still trying to decide which show to recap. Meanwhile, discuss this show.



  1. The Rusev/Reigns battle royal faceoff was awesome.

    They made Rusev look like a big deal tonight.

  2. The crowd really helped make this show good.

    And even the vomit thing led somewhere special. Doesn't excuse them doing it of course but hey, gotta look for positives,

  3. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 16, 2014 at 9:28 PM

    The ladder match looks great.

    Sheamus and Del Rio have no chance but they're former World Champions so them being in there is fine.

    Orton and Cena being in a major multi man title match is hard to question.

    Cesaro, Reigns and Wyatt all look great at the moment and are all dark horses to win. I think Bray might actually pull it off.

  4. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 16, 2014 at 9:32 PM

    Yeah not really any actual positives.

  5. Jason Powell's summary on

    "A strong show from WWE. I enjoyed the first half of the show more
    because they reached that usual point where they hit the wall that
    exists during the three-hour show. Still, it was a newsworthy show with
    the Money in the Bank qualifiers and the debut of Stardust, and there
    was some good action, particularly early on when there seemed to be a
    real energy to the show."

  6. "it was a newsworthy show with the Money in the Bank qualifiers and the debut of Stardust"

    He lost all credibility with the mention of Stardust in that quote

  7. Nah. Reigns is the face next to Hulk Hogan on all the posters of the overseas tours. The rocket launch begins shortly.

  8. Hey, the crowd loved Reigns winning. That's a positive.

  9. So...Reigns wins the WHC, Cena wins the WWE title, re-unification at SummerSlam?

  10. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 16, 2014 at 9:43 PM

    The show was so bad I forgot Reigns won!

  11. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 16, 2014 at 9:45 PM

    I really hope not. One day yes, but season him more and make the big moment mean something.

  12. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 16, 2014 at 9:46 PM

    I only saw bits and pieces. Reigns and Rusev both looked good, and I like Wyatt. Cena had a Cena promo and the vomiting stuff was obviously pretty bad.

  13. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 16, 2014 at 9:47 PM

    That was pretty much the whole show.

  14. What means more than winning the world title?

  15. Wow, really? I don't know what to say to that. The show wasn't super great or anything but the matches were mostly good, the booking worked, and the crowd was hot. To each their own I guess.

  16. I have no idea where they're going with anything right now.

  17. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 16, 2014 at 9:53 PM

    Neither do they.

  18. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 16, 2014 at 9:54 PM

    This was also the first show I've been sober for in... well several weeks, so that might be why I'm savaging it so.

  19. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 16, 2014 at 9:54 PM

    I missed the opening, only saw the last bit of Ambrose/Barrett, missed Kevin Hart, the mixed tag, Stardust, and the main.

  20. I will admit that Bo Dallas is very slowly starting to grow on me.

  21. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 16, 2014 at 10:00 PM

    Winning it in a big showdown instead of a big multi man mess. Using Austin as an example, what makes his title win mean more: winning it at Final Four in the four way match or winning it at Wrestlemania XIV in the main event showdown?

  22. I saw the 1st 60% of the show, it had some stuff I'd watch anytime like Rollins vs Ziggler and the ambrose stuff, and stuff I hated like that opening promo, and some shit that was so bad I turned it off.


  24. But only to watch Fully Loaded 2000. Monday is wrestling night for me either way.

  25. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 16, 2014 at 10:03 PM

    Yeah, there's a few 'round these parts.

  26. I am watching the May 1986 MSG House Show.

    Tiger Chung Lee vs. Lanny Poffo is the opener and holy shit is this awful. Lee is gassed halfway through the match

  27. Since they both result in him becoming champion, I would say that they are equal.

    The title is the prop that says that the person holding it is the best. It is a necessary destination on the road to becoming a star, but that alone doesn't make anyone a star. It's what happens after winning the title that matters.

    Mankind became a bigger star after winning the title on a throwaway RAW than Chris Benoit ever did by winning the title in the main event of Wrestlemania.

  28. And now, SD Jones vs. Bret Hart

  29. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 16, 2014 at 10:14 PM

    I would highly disagree, especially since Reigns doesn't have the seasoning yet.

    The Mankind match proves my point even more. It was a showdown between guys with a story rather than a three man match which was more about HHH vs. Shawn coming in.

  30. If that puking segment was anyone's idea, it was Vince's. We all know he loves that kind of humor, that plus his love for seeing Vickie humiliated was a big win in his eyes!

  31. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJune 16, 2014 at 10:16 PM

    Too soon. Way too soon, the only place for him to go would be to job the title out and there's no build to him winning it. Of course with this setup, there's no build to anyone winning, but generally you should just go with the heel. Bray or Orton are taking this.

  32. This is like the 1986 version of Payback.

  33. Sivi Afi was as over as Adam Rose is right now.

  34. Who's building to anything? This is panic hotshot time.

    There's no long term plan a coach can lay out in the middle of a broken play. Just get the ball to your hottest player and see how far he can run with it.

  35. Aric Johnson, Ambrose EnthusiaJune 16, 2014 at 10:23 PM

    He conceived the idea, helped write the segment, and then congratulated everyone on a job well done afterwards.

  36. I thought he was a little stingy with the star ratings. The first 3 matches seemed damn good, at least live anyway. The battle royal was damn good fun, the place came unglued for Rusev-Reigns showdown. Both guys are super over.

  37. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 16, 2014 at 10:26 PM

    After he finished laughing his ass off, of course.

  38. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 16, 2014 at 10:28 PM

    Man you know the fans are *begging* for anything new when Rusev is starting to get over.

  39. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 16, 2014 at 10:29 PM

    His entourage cost a lot less, I bet.

  40. Goddamm, this is like the second time in recent memory that Cena has overcome a 3 on 1 advantage.

    Fuck it, might as well make the MITB match 6 on 1 just to make it fair for everyone else.

  41. They did a good job putting him with that hot chick. The whole thing has this big time Rocky 4 vibe and it makes it even better that they are really fucking. I dig the guy, I tried to start an "I must break you" chant but had no luck.

  42. Cena not only wins but overcome 3 men lol

  43. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 16, 2014 at 10:30 PM

    If his heat survives until 'Mania, it'll happen.

  44. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 16, 2014 at 10:30 PM

    The chant, I mean.

  45. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 16, 2014 at 10:31 PM

    By "in recent memory", do you mean the last 24 hours?

  46. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 16, 2014 at 10:31 PM

    The special Olympics logo on the ramp is very befitting of this show.

  47. Yeah I can see him jobbing to SuperCena on a random PPV and getting turned into Dancing Rusev. Wjo knows though, I think they are doing a good job with the slow build monster heel thing for now.

  48. At first I thought it for the Gay Games which evidently are going to be in C Town this summer.

  49. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 16, 2014 at 10:33 PM

    My guess is eventually the two groups merge to save on overhead. Just good business sense.

  50. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 16, 2014 at 10:33 PM

    It could main event any middle school gym in the country!

  51. Coconuts ain't cheap!

  52. You dont have to pay people who do not actually exist, which is cost effective

  53. Well, that's it then, It's over. The only way Cena could have possibly jobbed at MITB is if that kid at Extreme Rules was booked in there too.

  54. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 16, 2014 at 10:36 PM

    Billy and Chuck reunion perhaps?

  55. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 16, 2014 at 10:36 PM

    Bray Wyatt may still have more creepy children up his sleeve!

  56. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 16, 2014 at 10:36 PM

    Lawler sure hopes so!

  57. The Dust Brothers saga reminds me of Grease. Danny tried to conform to Sandy, but in the end, it was Sandy that needed to conform to Danny.

  58. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 16, 2014 at 10:37 PM

    Pffttt they already have the Gay Games.

    They're called "The Olympics".

  59. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 16, 2014 at 10:37 PM

    I want the creepy kid to win the ladder match. If this show is gonna be this bad, it may as well go all out and be Russo bad.

  60. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 16, 2014 at 10:38 PM

    I would take that kid as champ over David Arquette any day.

  61. All this is leading to the return of Se7en.

  62. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 16, 2014 at 10:39 PM

    What I really think it depends on is whether US-Russia relations continue to deteriorate.

    Which is sad, and stupid.

  63. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 16, 2014 at 10:41 PM

    "Live from Cleveland, which would win
    the World Cup of Joke Cities."


    that sound you hear is white thunder going into a roid rage rampage not unlike his avatar

  64. Remember when Austin got his ass kicked for 20 minutes against Undertaker and Kane and only got out when the two of them turned on each other?

    Cena would have ended up with then pinned stacked on top of the other wearing a shit-eating grin on his face.

  65. Actually, I don't. I remember Undertaker and Kane both pinning Austin.

  66. Worded it badly. I meant got offense in.

  67. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 16, 2014 at 10:45 PM

    Come to think of it, that kid looked like Se7en.

  68. Is Detroit beyond being the butt of jokes now?

  69. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 16, 2014 at 10:46 PM

    Too depressing to be funny now.

  70. No way that kid gets the kind of free publicity that David Arquette got.

  71. Not Vance Middle School. They demand the likes of Sting.

  72. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 16, 2014 at 10:49 PM

    Pfftt yeah like about the same amount WWE got tonight from that Hart guy.

  73. To be fair, Cena only got out of that New Year's Revolution chamber match when Carlito turned on Masters. And then he got pinned cleanly by Edge.

    It's taken him many years to build up his superhuman skills.

  74. I wouldn't mind seeing the ambulance match. One day I'm going to try and watch all the raws in order on the network so I'll get to it at some point.

  75. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 16, 2014 at 10:58 PM

    That's a lot of *ahem*, "episodic television" to get through.

  76. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJune 16, 2014 at 10:58 PM

    But then you give the belt to Reigns with nowhere to go with him either. He eventually faces Trips at Summerslam, if he even keeps the title until then. After that, then what. Face transitional champions are a bad idea. It doesn't help them. If they're serious about Reigns he needs a proper buildup. There's plenty of fallback guys in this match. Whether it's one of the usual suspects or someone like Bray, who wouldn't be hurt by a two month title reign.

  77. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJune 16, 2014 at 10:59 PM

    Was it wrong that I laughed when they showed the special olympics logo with an ambulance in the background?

  78. Nobody is "hurt" by a two month title reign. Dusty Rhodes and Mankind are two huge stars that had nothing but transitional reigns.

    You can't prepare for being the man except by being the man. No better time to jump start that than now.

  79. I know...I know...they'll never turn Cena heel cause dying kids want to waste their wish on meeting him but...isn't it all there for him to turn heel at MITB and become the corporate champion?
    The whole storyline is that The Authority wants Orton to win so they let him enter without qualifying and they're going to do everything in their power to have him win the match.
    They don't want Reigns to win. They also don't want Cena to win because he talked back to Stephanie or whatever.
    Unless they're planning on pulling the trigger super early on Reigns, they're probably going to have HHH cost him the match by attacking him near the end of the match to set up the Reigns-HHH Summerslam match.
    So let's say they have a point at the end where it's just Cena and Orton in the ring. Kane and whomever else will be around the ring to ensure Orton wins. Then suddenly, you do the swerve and they attack Orton and allow Cena to win and end the show with The Authority and Cena celebrating.

  80. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 16, 2014 at 11:34 PM

    Man, the sick and dying kids will eventually move on to someone else, just like they did with Hogan. And then it's... BLAMMO heel turn!

  81. I just got home from the show, it was a lot of fun. Reigns and ziggler got the most pop and Barrett got the most heat (ripping Cleveland) Cena got his standard dueling chants. Lana looks hotter live. I felt robbed by main event. After the show was over, Rollins and Orton started beating Ambrose up and Reigns came for the save.

  82. I'm a BOliever.

  83. I….didn't hate it.

    I have to assume this is the beginning for the long rumored Goldust-Cody feud.

  84. I never got the Kevin Dunn hate. Firstly because he's not a booker, so while things he likes are stupid it's everyone else's fault for implementing them. And second because in terms of visual production, he's the best guy ever in wrestling.

  85. A small example: Sheamus won King of the Ring 2010 and immediately went on a losing streak that made him look bad. Why? Because Kevin Dunn.

  86. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 17, 2014 at 12:32 AM

    "And second because in terms of visual production, he's the best guy ever in wrestling."

    I think he's giving me epilepsy.

  87. Dunn is now responsible for refusing to let Flair work with ziggler and demanding Flair work with miz

  88. So we're angry because Flair doesn't get what he wants?

  89. If he's responsible for all the intentionally shaky camerawork, then I want to strangle him with my own bare hands.

  90. He needs The Monkees to play him to the ring at Wrestlemania 31.

  91. He's like a bizarroworld Sean O'Haire.

  92. Bear in mind by "everyone else" you mean "just Vince". Nobody else in the WWE can stand him, but he has Vince's ear, so his stupid ideas are approved by Vince and no one can say no to them. It's an open secret that the millisecond Vince steps down, Dunn is out.

  93. Over Ziggler? Yeah.

  94. I hope Flair can teach him the correct way to do the fig4

  95. Would USA winning this World Cup be a bigger miracle than the 1980 Olympic Hockey gold medal?

  96. I always feel strangely uncomfortable with the idea of a face spiking someone's drink.

    Just doesn't sit well with me. At all.

    (Call me a boring old fart if you like! I can take it!)

  97. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 17, 2014 at 1:59 AM

    That is a very un-face-like move. And probably something that shouldn't be done at all on a show that's intended for kids.

  98. Agreed. It's twice (at least) in recent times, too.

    The NAO attempting to spike Betty White was worse, though - that just felt SERIOUSLY off. Rapey as hell (although it turned out to be just a laxative, showing that even the idiot who loves drink-spiking in creative has a line he/she won't cross...).

  99. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 17, 2014 at 2:04 AM

    When you're watching WWE, and feeling "strangely uncomfortable"... it was probably Vince's idea.

  100. It's a fair point. I suppose we should be thankful that it's "PG" now so we can't have graphic poop humour, which I imagine would have him rolling on the floor laughing.

  101. Am I tripping or didn't Steph fire Guerrero four shows ago and again last week? And now she's not fired, bringing "coffee" (in plastic cups, no less) and has the power to make matches?

  102. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 17, 2014 at 2:12 AM

    It would be a bigger miracle than every disease on Earth being instantly cured.

  103. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 17, 2014 at 2:13 AM

    LOL @ continuity

  104. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 17, 2014 at 2:17 AM

    At least that made sense, because the Outlaws are old enough to want to rape Betty White.

  105. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 17, 2014 at 2:18 AM

    I remember seeing in the Sleaze Thread that Bret used to spike Owen's sodas or whatever (supposedly Owen hated booze) to get a good laugh at seeing him all fucked up. Somehow I doubt that's true.

  106. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 17, 2014 at 2:19 AM

    And then Owen told him that was the greatest rib he ever saw, and they cried about it, yada yada you know the rest.

  107. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 17, 2014 at 2:21 AM

    I would think at that age you wouldn't need to rape her, at that age a chick is begging to have someone clear the bats from her plumbing.

    I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. Time to go to bed, Adam...

  108. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 17, 2014 at 2:22 AM

    Ye gods, man.

  109. May the ghost of Blanche Devereaux haunt your every masturbation fantasy from now until the end of time!

  110. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 17, 2014 at 2:24 AM

    Owen being famous for his pranks is the only thing that makes that story plausible. Every wrestler has an Owen rib story, and I bet if he were still alive most of them would not be so kind in their recollections of said ribs. And Bret grew up in the same house with him, so I can see him getting a little payback.

  111. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 17, 2014 at 2:25 AM

    You made a joke about raping Betty White not even 10 minutes ago, you're in no position to say a God damned thing.

  112. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 17, 2014 at 2:27 AM

    When wrestling jokes go bad!

  113. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 17, 2014 at 2:32 AM

    I don't know who that it is, and I'm probably better off not knowing.

  114. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 17, 2014 at 2:33 AM

    They rarely go well.

  115. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 17, 2014 at 2:34 AM

    I seem to remember it as 3-2 with Kane down for most of it but that might be fair to Cena.

  116. Jef isn't around, so I'll do the honors.

  117. Let it play out and see where it goes.

  118. HHH walks into a bar. He no-sells it.

  119. "Yeah that Jack Swagger is a bigger star because he had a relatively lengthy title reign."

    Said no one.... ever.

  120. I was wrong! I can't take it!

    *sobs in the corner*

  121. Stardust is fine for now in this angle. But if he would have debuted like that he would have been doomed.

  122. "Rollins/Ziggler had to end in a DQ – Dolph as the hometown man losing would kill the crowd, but Rollins is on a roll and can't job yet."

    I would agree if this would have been there first match. but Ziggler could have been seen losing to the curbstomp twice on the other shows. so the viewers rightfully assume that he would have lost to Rollins again. this dq really doesn't keep him strong or anything, he just looks like someone who would have lost the match if not for some interference.

  123. This show completely fell apart after a very strong first hour. Vince must love puke.

  124. All the laughs on this one. This business has greatly benefited from Dunn's visual production of quick, shaky cuts.

  125. "The puking scene made me laugh" -Ian Austin

  126. There's certainly plenty to bitch about from a creative standpoint nowadays, but at least the in-ring product has improved drastically. Could you imagine the crowd reaction nowadays if they went out and had Billy Jack Haynes work the arm for 20 fucking minutes?

  127. Yep, I have always felt that most DQ's are similar to what you described. Like if Hogan has a heel beat with the big boot/Leg drop, does it really "protect" the heel if another heel runs in? HOGAN WAS WINNING ANYWAY. So yep, agreed.

  128. I don't know, Austin won a Rumble, and made the final 2 in another one when the other 29 guys were specifically gunning for him. I don't think Austin is a good example when it comes to "Vulnerable top faces"

  129. Hey, had Iraq given a bit more resistance in that Gulf War, the Wrestlemania 7 buyrate would have been MUCH higher. DAMN STRONG AMERICAN MILITARY!!

  130. Yep, Even Austin and HBK had a few failed title shots as upper mid-carders before they finally made it big. I agree that it's too soon.

  131. Or Goldberg winning it in a 1 on 1 match against HHH, instead of a 6 man Elimination Chamber match, AMIRITE?? (oh right, that Chamber loss ruined Goldberg for life apparently)

    (yes i'm a bit snarkier than usual. I lost a tennis match yesterday, grrrrr!!!)

  132. That can be seen as a good thing, right? Better than being predictable.

  133. I haven't watched any wrestling since WM30 and I feel like I've missed nothing. It seems like it's literally been the same matches week in and week out, including at the PPVs. How do they get away with this??

  134. I like that you made your avatar a man sobbing in a corner to reflect this.

  135. Continuity ain't how life works, son.

    Random shit happens, and our brains spend all of our waking hours trying to make "sense" of it all.

    Vince is keeping it real.

  136. No wrestler under 35 has an Owen rib story.

  137. You're very cool.

  138. Apparently iced coffee is unheard of where you reside?

  139. The Dougie Seal of Approval!


  141. You missed Stardust and a great Kevin Hart sweater tonight.

  142. It was very obviously 2 large RC colas.

  143. I like the idea that the impact of the moves are so powerful, their mere vibrations shake the cameras at ringside.

  144. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJune 17, 2014 at 7:34 AM

    I thought it was interesting what they did with Ambrose and Reigns last night. First off they kept them apart the entire show. And second they showed the clear contrast between the two. While Dean was obsessed with getting to Rollins, (and punching everything else in sight, Reigns was much calmer and more calculating, focusing on the big picture, (the title) and finding a way to take Stephanie and Hunter out of the equation.(I admit I laughed at the puke scene, mostly for HHH hiding behind the door like a coward.) One wasn't necessarily better then the other because both Ambrose and Reigns were fantastic last night...just different.

  145. They seem to have managed to get the storyline together now. Rollins kept the team together. He's gone, so Reigns and Ambrose go on separate paths. Reigns is pissing off Triple H while Ambrose, the unhinged one, wants revenge.

    It's not how I would have gone, but I'm not writing a television show, so what do I know?

  146. It's kind of disappointing, because the interview segment with Reigns and Ambrose last week made me think they'd make a REALLY good face tag-team combination, and I think a Reigns/Ambrose vs. Rollins/Orton (or Triple H) match that got 20-30 minutes would do 4-5 stars with ease.

  147. "As in, the guys who are supposed to be the future of the company and help to ensure their long-term success."

    Let's be honest. Probably less than 25% of the people signed in Developmental will ever make it to the main roster in any meaningful way, and of that small number few will reach Reigns, Ambrose, and Rollins status.

    WWE can afford to lose a few of the guys they have the least amount of faith in. Frankly, it's better that they do so now while those guys are young and can find work in another business.

    From a business standpoint a housecleaning was in order in WWE for a long time. I hate to see anyone lose a job, but WWE had 1998 WCW levels of guys just bloating the roster and not doing anything for months at a time.

  148. On the network live stream at 1pm: the 1995 KING OF THE RING! I am reworking my whole day around watching this.


  150. Somewhat upset with the #CenaWinsLOL ending, as I think there's more of an upside to keeping Cena out of the match and giving the spot in MitB to Rollins. But it seems like they have worked out some sort of plan, so that's more than most people expected last week.

    I imagine Cena or Orton wins the title at the PPV and we tread water for a bit until A) Bryan is ready to come back or B) Reigns is ready for his title win.

    Also, I saw where the "Reigns messing with Vicki" bit was going from Jump Street. Not getting Vicki fired, but getting Reigns into the battle royal. Sometimes, the predictable is OK.

  151. That explains the "humor" then.

  152. Not gonna lie...I laughed at the puke thing. It is nothing I want to see on a regular basis but....I wasn't expecting it and vicki played it well.

  153. Everything is fine.

    No, really. In this case, everything is fine. Probably plenty of fat to be cut in the nether regions of NXT.

  154. Hardy boys reuniting in TNA because....TNA.

  155. There was no ice in the the cups.

  156. If TNA or GFW can ever get their shit together it's good news for them. They have access to a bunch of professionally-trained wrestlers who will be looking for work. WWE won't miss them and they'll likely have more skills than the average indy geek.

  157. I'm not complaining im just confused

  158. (finds a wrestler who had Owen rib him when he was still a child.)

  159. She was fired as general manager. She was clearly kept on as an assistant to the Authority. And when Steph had her intestinal issues, Triple H said she was in charge.

    She'll probably be fired again next week, and they'll use it as a running gag. Vicki gets fired, and she's still there the following week. I fire my staff weekly, too. They don't go anywhere.

  160. Flair already tried. And it failed, as miserably as Face Miz failed. (Well, except for the Brock beating him silly part. That was fun.)

  161. How were you "not expecting it" her drink was spiked. There were sounds she was sick. If was Vickie. Everything pointed to puke.

  162. Bully Ray basically tweeted as much yesterday.

  163. I was half paying attention, obviously she was puking I just wasn't expecting the puke canon.

  164. ..........the fact that I can predict a company I don't watch.

  165. I imagine we'll get Ambrose-Rollins ending in a mess at the MitB show and then we'll get the tag team match at whatever the hell the next show is, before Reigns-Triple H gets signed for the SummerSlam.

  166. Considering how much straight fucking goes on at the Olympics (allegedly), yeah, that may not be as accurate as you think.

  167. For as smart as Vince is, he's equally as big a dumbass.

  168. "This past RAW was the first one without him and that led to Vince putting in a lot of his type of humor throughout the show."

    So that explains the bullshit we watched last night.

  169. I want to institute WWE Rules in my office for the rest of the month, where lower-level employees can overrule manager decisions at will. By the end of the week, I'll have the interns calling the shots.

  170. How often does WWE go through head writers? It seems like it would be a terrible job to take given the turnover rate, AMIRITE

  171. Godfather needs to work on his garden and let Micheal take over the family business.

  172. Vicki took a long time getting it to them, and it was hot. The ice melted.

  173. Maybe we've been looking at this wrong. Maybe the writer monkeys are the only barrier between us and three hours of midget bulls puking on each other with occasional dancing minorities.

  174. The problem with Raw is that it's too long. Three hours every week is ridiculous. You are bound to screw up with that much time. Even if you combined Larry David in his prime for humor and Vince Gilligan for drama and gave that super human writer three hours every damn week, people would still whine.

  175. If I were Sylvester Lefort, I don't think I'd answer my phone for a while.

  176. WWE currently has the most talented roster from top to bottom that it's a shame there's no real alternative promotion for wrestlers to jump ship to because most of them are just wasting away in the company.

  177. HHH even acknowledged the ice had melted. I actually find it kind of funny that they used logic and continuity to explain an iced coffee, but can't use it for major storylines.

  178. It's not just wrestling, I think being a writer for the entertainment industry is one of the most insecure jobs there is.

  179. It wouldn't be my first choice. Then again, I commend them for taking risks if it really is their dream.
    A lot of the ex-WWE guys mention getting burned out and having to take time away from wrestling.

  180. First hour should be just squash matches and short interviews. The show shouldn't really "begin" until 9 PM.

  181. Agreed. I don't think anyone would disagree that only having one major U.S. promotion is bad for the wrestling business in general and worse for the wrestlers themselves.

    It's probably why so many people rip on TNA and the (so far) amateur-ish presence of Global Force Wrestling. We so desperately want them to be worthy alternatives and are disappointed time and time again by every fledgling alternative semi-legit promotion that has popped up in the last 13 years.

  182. "They keep dozens of guys in developmental that we never even see on TV."

    This. It's basically the equivalent of undrafted free agents not making an NFL team in camp, as opposed to a 1st- or 2nd-rounder not making it. The Sami Zayns and Tyler Breezes are gonna be fine.

  183. Yeah generally speaking if a tv show starts getting stale or reaches it's zenith the head writer leaves or gets turfed out and gets replaced by someone else. It's the main reason why Dexter turned to crap after the Trinity killer.

  184. They can't shut the Network down any time soon, if ever. Who is going to go back to paying $50+ for PPVs after they've gotten used to getting them as part of their Network subscription?

  185. I know this isn't a terribly relevant comment, but I bought Graham Cawthon's History of Professional Wrestling: WCW 1989-1994, and 98% of it is just the ring results that can be found on the web site. I like Graham and his site, but this was kind of a waste.

  186. The only problem is I don't know if there really is a "Michael" in this case.

  187. I think Vince needs to be put in a nursing home. He has become absolutely senile.

  188. Raw is really 4.5 hours with the overrun and network pre and post game shows. The live crowd also gets superstars.


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