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The SmarK Rant for Monday Night RAW–09.18.94

The SmarK Rant for Monday Night RAW – 09.18.94

Taped (ugh, again) from Lowell, MA

Your hosts are Vince McMahon & Randy Savage

Interesting bit in the pre-show video, as Tatanka shows up on Superstars wearing a suit after turning heel, which is exactly the direction they should have gone with him.

Lex Luger v. The Executioner

Am I watching a Clash from 1989 now? Vince notes that no one will ever call Luger a sellout ever again! Well, until a year later. The Executioner misses a charge and gets rolled up for two, and Luger follows with a small package for two. This whole thing is very upsetting to “Native Americans all over the world” according to Savage. Except in Canada we call them Canadians. Luger finishes with the powerslam and Rebel Rack at 3:00.

Jerry Lawler v. Duke Droese

Finally, the blowoff that literally some people have been waiting for! Lawler posits that Droese is in fact the trash and he, Lawler, shall be the one to take out said trash, thus REVERSING THEIR POSITIONS and blowing everyone’s mind. Lawler literally stalls for THREE MINUTES before Droese slugs away on him in the corner, causing him to run away again. Ad we take a break, returning with Lawler playing Phantom Foreign Object. Who the fuck decided to put this house show opener comedy match bullshit on national TV? So with the help of his “object”, Lawler takes over in the corner and we get more stalling before Lawler slugs away on him. See, if they had gone here instead of wasting 10 minutes to get to Lawler’s heat segment, the match would be fine. Lawler with the fistdrop for two, but Dink runs out and squirts water in Lawler’s face to draw the countout at 11:54. I don’t even have the bandwidth to start listing everything terrible about this. -***

The Heavenly Bodies v. Mike Bell & Steve King

Bet you didn’t realize that famous author Steve King did jobs for the WWF in his downtime! We’re joined in progress for some reason with Del Ray suplexing King as the commentary has already dropped the Headshrinkers feud and moved onto a Smoking Gunns feud. King gets a sunset flip on Del Ray, but Del Rey pounds him down again and Pritchard hits a Doctorbomb into a Gigolo-sault to finish at 2:13.

Bob Backlund is out for a special interview with Vince, and he’s angry about the loss to Bret Hart and angry at the PLEBIANS who can’t live up to his standards! Society, man! Kids today! Damn Generation X, ruining everything! He’s gonna chicken-wing each and every one of these fans because they’re all terrible people. So we move onto the meat of things, as Backlund vows to retire if anyone can escape the hold, and he’s not being fallacious about it. So to demonstrate, he calls in the poor geek who edits the WWF magazine and throws him around the ring in the move before snapping and going nuts again, resulting in RANDY F’N SAVAGE charging in to save. Say what you will about Backlund later on, but he was just KILLING it here with his tense and creepy mannerisms. And from now on, his name is MISTER Bob Backlund.

Bob “Spark Plug” Holly v. Richie Rich

Yes, more history as Bob Holly finally gets his name back. His friends no longer call him Sparky, apparently. Vince is just riled up about this Backlund thing, calling him out for being a coward for applying the hold to a helpless magazine editor instead of someone who actually had a shot. Bob finishes this goof with a flying bodypress at 1:51.

Yokozuna v. Phil Apollo

Thankfully Vince is calmed down again and can call this match properly. Apparently the big draw for the current house show tour is a 40 foot inflatable Undertaker that might make an appearance at your town. Or you could watch WCW and see Hulk Hogan. Your choice. Yoko finishes with the butt splash at 2:30.

The Pulse

Nothing to the show in the ring, but DAAAAAAAAMN was that Backlund segment some fine sports entertainment. I remember being legitimately afraid in storyline terms that this dude was gonna kill someone back in the day, and now I remember why. He would become a punchline soon enough, but the buildup to that was tremendous.


  1. "Say what you will about Backlund later on, but he was just KILLING it here with his tense and creepy mannerisms."

    Amen...watching Backlund kill it with his performances as a heel is one of the few redeeming things about the late 94/early 95 Raws I've been watching. Between Backlund and Owen, Bret had some solid heels to work with during this time period.

  2. And worth noting, Savage got huge pops so both times he came in and saved the day against Backlund. So instead of building up to a Savage-Backlund match, Vince of course told Macho that his services were needed in the announcing booth reading ad copy for the USA Network.

  3. "Damn Generation X"

    I read this differently skimming through, got really excited that maybe the Raws had magically caught up to the Attitude Era, and quickly realized this wasn't the case. :(

  4. I've wondered what would have happened if Vince had let Savage continue to wrestle, and he'd never bolted to WCW.

  5. He probably would have been feuding with Mabel in 1995 if we're being honest. Although you could have gotten some mileage out of an eventual heel turn. Savage/Backlund as a crazy duo carrying the old school torch vs. Bret, Diesel, Razor, etc. would have been cool.

  6. Just watching Bigger, Stronger, Faster* featuring the very said jobber Mike Bell.

  7. You all check with Dave Scherer before you posted this? I think he asked a lot of questions about it 20 years ago.

  8. Great doc. Didn't Bell's brother actually make it?

  9. I've said this on here before ... he should have had the belt all the way to WM11 as the bitter old codger who hates the New Generation, then have Diesel tear through him to win the title ... Diesel failed because he had no build to his win.

  10. I assume this is not the same Steve King that did jobs on WWF TV in the 70s and 80s. For one thing, that guy would have never gotten anywhere near a hope spot.

  11. A 40 foot inflatable Undertaker to increase houseshow attendance is such a Vince thing to do.

    I didn't know the Heavenly Bodies feuded with the Gunns. Not that I would have cared, but I thought they were on opposite Survivor Series teams just because.

    Was this the end for Savage? I remember him getting involved with Backlund but don't remember if it lead to anything. Still, it should have been Savage going crazy and landing 5 elbow drops on nerdy magazine writers. Is he dead now?

  12. McCauley Culkin was on RAW!?!?

  13. Yeah, he got tag teamed by Michael Jackson. Er, tag teamed with Michael Jackson.

  14. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 12:44 PM

    Yeah, but did the 40-foot-tall inflatable 'Taker have flailing arms?

  15. It's too bad that Steve King got jobbed out, because I would have loved to see his devastating finishing move, The Green Mile.

  16. According to Lanny, Savage had proposed a long feud with Shawn MIchaels that would lead to putting Shawn over strong at a Wrestlemania, but Vince wasn't into it.

  17. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 12:46 PM

    No, it's obviously The Shining (Wizard).

  18. Damn a motivated Savage vs Prime HBK would blow the hell out of the universe. 5.5 Stars?

    Nah, Diesel-Mabel was just too money.

  19. CruelConnectionNumber2June 24, 2014 at 12:56 PM

    I touched the 40 foot inflatable Undertaker outside of the Spectrum in Philly back in Oct '94.

  20. Unfortunately, everyone had to Carrie him through a match.

    He just didn't have that IT factor.

  21. I heard that he had a manager named Christine.

  22. You could say that Phil Apollo touched the dark side of the moon that night.

  23. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 1:08 PM

    "So to demonstrate, he calls in the poor geek who edits the WWF magazine"

    Vince Russo?

  24. I just watch Mike Bell's match against Saturn where he got thrown out of the ring onto his head by Saturn...good times...

  25. "I remember being legitimately afraid in storyline terms that this dude was gonna kill someone back in the day, and now I remember why."

    Meaning what, exactly? You were afraid that some made-up character was going to fake kill some other random made-up character during a pre-determined skit on a fake television program?

    I am just terrified thinking about the prospect of such horrific occurrence.

  26. It's hands were probably the size of skillets!

  27. Adam "Colorado" CurryJune 24, 2014 at 1:30 PM

    Go away. Wanker...

  28. But Triple H putting Bryan and The Shield over does MUCH more to get them over than Brie Bella smacking Stephanie in the face or a departing authority figure throwing her in the mud.

    Ultimately what happens in the ring counts the most, and Triple H has really put Bryan and the Shield over as the major players we've all wanted them to be.

    You can't say the same about Triple H even six months ago when he was walking all over Bryan regularly. Just over a year ago he made Curtis Axel look like a chump in his very first Raw match (as Curtis Axel, anyway), and half of us thought he'd find a way to make Bryan look bad at Mania just because it's Triple H.

  29. The Langoliers.
    ........... what?

  30. AverageJoeEverymanJune 24, 2014 at 1:34 PM

    Crazy Backlund was never not killing it. Or CROSSFACE CHICKENWINGing it at least.

  31. AverageJoeEverymanJune 24, 2014 at 1:35 PM


  32. Adam "Colorado" CurryJune 24, 2014 at 1:36 PM

    "He can start fires by lowering his arms somehow..."

  33. I heard that King did really well in wrestling school. He was described as a very Apt Pupil.

  34. Why settle for a peek, when you can see everything from LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN?

  35. Plus you had Bret and Shawn having the most exciting and innovative matches on the card and Nash...well...he was very tall.

  36. I'm talking more about the levels to which HHH and Steph are willing to go to look bad and receive their comeuppance. Getting pinned (even tapping out) isn't necessarily humiliating for HHH's character, unless he were getting pinned by Santino or tapped out by Adam Rose's bunny friend.
    There's a difference, to me, between just losing and showing ass. Vince McMahon could've just taken a bunch of stunners from Stone Cold and lost matches, but he also let himself get beer-bathed, he peed his pants, he had his head shaved, etc. What Steph has been doing is closer to that than just losing matches.

  37. That time he went away for awhile. That was a great memory.

  38. Damn, I just posted something very similiar. Didn't notice. My bad.

  39. Wasn't the magazine guy played by Vince Russo?

  40. +1 for the use of "wanker". The Queen's English has some sublime profanities.

  41. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 24, 2014 at 1:48 PM

    I don't think I like you much.

  42. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 1:49 PM

    I'm sure the Queen says "wanker" a lot!

  43. You certainly have that right...but can you be more specific? Whats the problem? Is it just that you don't agree with my opinion?

  44. OMG, I remember PRISM actually did a piece about that show (one of many pieces they did that were basically infomercials for the Spectrum) and that was one of the pieces that frequently aired between movies in October and November '94. The inflatable Undertaker at least looked slightly better than the Brian Lee Undertaker.

  45. Again, what's the problem? I mean, we can agree to disagree on our opinion (which is all this shit really is) but some of the facts are correct. Hart WAS sloppy.

  46. Do keep in mind that HHH still considers himself good enough to be on top. So yes, losing matches (especially the Bryan match at Wrestlemania) is at least as bad for him, overall, as Steph going into a mud puddle or getting bitchslapped.

    HHH + Steph = Vince, here. Vince did BOTH. HHH does the in-ring, Steph does the "other" humiliations. And both are having fairly bad times since WM, on balance.

  47. And she also managed a tag team called The Sleepwalkers.

  48. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 1:54 PM

    example : "We are not amused... with this wanker."

  49. All the good ones have been mentioned. The debut, the anger management sessions, and the "Kanenites" promo. That promo was made all the more special by Rock's mouthing of "Kanenites??".
    I don't really care for the word, but used to love The Rock calling Kane "The big, red retard".
    The unmasking of Kane was such a letdown. People were expecting more and we just got Uncle Fester. Lots on the internet were figuring the character would be done soon after that.

  50. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 24, 2014 at 1:55 PM

    It's more the delivery than the opinion itself.
    You come across rather abrasive.
    But it's the opinion too. The Owen one in particular. Suggesting that his death wasn't one of the darker moments in wrestling because you didn't really like him seems a bit much.

  51. Looks like I am in a Twitter war with Scherer

  52. You're right, and while I don't expect HHH to do stuff like get puked on or pee his pants -- because he is still a legit contender in the ring -- he could do a bit more in between PPVS pinfalls to put other guys over. When he finally got knocked out by Big Show during the Orton-Show feud, that was perfect. Or if he'd let Dolph do something to him outside of the context of a match, that would work. Even when he lost his mind and let Bryan outwit him during Occupy RAW, that was a good example.

  53. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 24, 2014 at 1:57 PM

    Are you from Switzerland?

  54. Top Ten Tweets From The TNA 4-Sided Ring:

    10. I was excited when Hulk brought me in. Had known him for years. #CollegeRoomieEdLeslie

    9. I don't think Vince Russo liked me. Rarely used me in any of his angles.

    8. The Impact Zone smelled like ass. Just sayin'.

    7. Kurt Angle is a nice guy, but do NOT ask him about his gold medal. #talkyourearoff

    6. Pat Patterson is gay?!

    5. I got injured one year at Bound For Glory. Eric Young was the only one who came to see me in the hospital. Good guy.

    4. You try doing a Monster's Ball match with Abyss, then getting to a custody hearing on time the next day! #missmykids

    3. I got a yeast infection one time from ODB.

    2. I'd go work down in Mexico, but man, you steal just *one* donkey painted like a zebra...

    1. Dixie paid me with a jar of pennies once. #SoGlad2BeOuttaThere

  55. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:00 PM

    Sad thing is no matter what anyone tells him, he'll never understand what a copyright is, or what it actually means.

  56. How did you "steal" his content? I'm lost.

  57. I used my personal and not the one I use here and he found me.

    Whatever, I like the site but no point giving him my money again

  58. They shouldn't be making any plans to put a pool in the backyard with their bonus money. Hell, they shouldn't even expect a Jelly of the Month membership.

  59. I can understand the abrasiveness. I do tend to swear a lot and have strong feelings on the subject, but don't we all? (Though particularly hated Punk's Reign of Terror. A year+ and who did he put over? Who benefited from it other than Punk, who was made already. The dude completely politicked his way into history)

    Re: Hart, look I certainly believe his death was tragic, but any loss of life is tragic. Like I said, never wanted him dead (I'm not a sociopath) nor anything of that nature...but dark day? Again, no more than Junkyard Dog, or Mike Awesome, of anyone else really. Though, let's be honest, if HHH kicked the bucket tomorrow, while no one in their right mind would be cheering, I don't think anyone would shed a tear either.

    Less abrasive?

  60. I sourced something from his hotline and he thinks I am a loser and a scumbag as a result. I think he needs a dictionary and it is long enough for him to reward while walking a much-needed treadmill

  61. I preferred his transitional move: The Dreamcatcher.

  62. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:08 PM

    another : "We had Our constitutionally-mandated meeting with the Prime Minister... the wanker."

  63. How is that any different than what thousands of wrestling sites do with the Observer?

  64. Which is exactly what I said in the 3rd sentence of the second paragraph.

  65. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:10 PM

    The difference is that Dave Meltzer understand what a copyright is.

  66. Definitely not. This guy was a runt (Russo's well over six feet), and he didn't have a unibrow.

  67. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:12 PM

    Sorry I guess I misunderstood you ranting about how much you hated Owen to a bunch of people who dared to recount their sadness that he died.

    Obviously, your intentions were good!

  68. Bret not giving up after 10 minutes in the chicken wing didn't exactly help put the move over.

  69. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:13 PM

    He also wasn't wearing a Knicks jersey.

  70. My intentions were self serving just like everyone else's here.

  71. This still wasn't prime HBK. This was just as he was about to hit his stride. Prime HBK was at least a year away.

  72. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJune 24, 2014 at 2:14 PM

    I feel lame having to defend my own opinion, but when Punk is the sole reason I watch the product, I don't see why that is such a 'silly' option for darkest day. I make it pretty clear in the original comments it's a personal thing.

  73. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 24, 2014 at 2:15 PM

  74. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 2:15 PM

    if it's "for personal use," doesnt that mean you can do whatever the fuck you want with it?

  75. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:15 PM

    It's pretty hard to make something called a "crossface chickenwing" out to be a terrifying submission hold.

    If anything, it merely sounds delicious.

  76. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:15 PM

    Damnit, now I'm hungry.

  77. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:16 PM

    That's what I told the officer about my stash, it didn't work though.

  78. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 24, 2014 at 2:16 PM

    In my opinion what made it a notably dark day for the industry was the unique circumstances surrounding his death. An otherwise healthy man, both mentally and physically, who would in all likelyhood still be alive today, died on the job, during a live television broadcast.
    That is what separates it from any other wrestling death, though none are any less the tragedy for those invovled.

  79. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:18 PM

    That picture is tiny, *and* she's fully clothed.

    You're slipping!

  80. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 2:19 PM

    with all this world cup zaniness going on, it got me thinking: vince should really encourage the "ole" chants for sami, then call him up where the chants carry over, and then whenever crowds at the world cup chant it, vince can be like, "see, the wwe universe is global! everyone has embraced a slice of americana!'"

    thing is, he'd really believe it

  81. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:19 PM

    World Cup TJ : Did Greece's goalkeeper injure his ass? I haven't been paying attention.

  82. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 2:19 PM

    huh huh

    bouncing titties

    those are cool

    huh huh


  83. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:20 PM

    He botched a move on Steve Austin, so obviously we shouldn't care.

  84. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 2:20 PM

    "he thinks I am a loser"

    pfft, he wants to see a loser? let me subscribe and steal!

  85. He is making it out like I was stealing his stuff from torrents and posting them for others to view.

  86. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:21 PM

    So he doesn't know what torrents are for either, great.

  87. He is retarted. I need a hashtag for him.

    I am thinking #MrCopyright

  88. I thought it put the move over strong and put Bret over too as a guy who never quits.

  89. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 2:23 PM

    "hey vince, what about that montreal gimmick?"

    "so you think you're responsible for the attitude era gimmick?"

    "did you rent the gimmick that killed owen? still mad at him for breaking my neck with this tombstone gimmick"

  90. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:24 PM


  91. It sure as hell did the latter (to an absurd degree). I mean, it could have been done in maybe 2 minutes, but nearly 10??

  92. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 2:27 PM

    that luis suarez dude seems like a grade a douche

    only thing that would make him worse would be if he posted copyrighted fifa updates

  93. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:28 PM

    If that were actually wrong, you better believe he'd have done it! While biting people, and calling black dudes "monkey".

  94. He had the ladder match in 1994 and another one in 1995. Maybe not his prime but certainly good enough to tear it up with Savage.

  95. AverageJoeEverymanJune 24, 2014 at 2:29 PM

    Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Taker

  96. I called him out to show the example if where I did this. I am now trying to make him look like an even bigger ass

  97. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 2:29 PM

    it's cool, he's taking it back


  98. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:29 PM

    That might be impossible, but I applaud your efforts!

  99. They had to stall so Stu and Helen could process what was happening for their crucial part in the storyline.

  100. Was the magazine geek our ol' pal Scoop Sullivan?

  101. Well, we like Shane.

  102. I don't know who else he'd be talking about.

  103. It's always a great memory.

  104. I was just thinking last night....can they not create a new monster? Because for those of us that have been watching this whole time, it's been almost 20 Goddamn years of Kane.

  105. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:35 PM

    50/50 booking makes properly building a monster totally impossible.

  106. Adam "Colorado" CurryJune 24, 2014 at 2:36 PM

    I should run that as a special today.

  107. I'll get the popcorn.

  108. Bret was out for a month and a half selling the hold, at least. UFC was in its infancy and shootstyle was pretty isolated in Japan, so we didn't really grasp the logic of instant tapouts.

  109. This. Absolutely this. As a kid, I knew Bret would never give up (as had been established in his character ... and every other top tier babyface character in the company), but the fact that Bret couldn't escape meant the move was DEATH.

    The best technician being stuck in a hold for 10 minutes meant it was a pretty damn good hold. It was clear in the match that he wasn't going to escape even if Owen hadn't pulled the towel gag.

  110. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:37 PM

    You're surprised a wrestler from the 70s drew something out for 10 minutes?

    I'm surprised it wasn't 20.

  111. He also had no opinion on the status of the politics in the back.

  112. They can't create stars in general.


    I now own this thread, eat balls.

  114. HE is going to talk shit about you on the "elite" side of the site..and you won't know what he is saying about you!

  115. Plus Nash's first PPV opponent was...Bret. Talk about setting a guy up to fail as a babyface.
    They also made the exact same mistakes they made with Luger a year earlier, turning him from somebody with an edge to a smily happy babyface. I know this is practically a cliche, but if they'd played their cards right Diesel actually could have been a "Stone Cold" type figure. Y'know, the character he played a year later.

  116. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:40 PM

    Yeah, well, I copyrighted YOU!

    I await my royalties.

  117. Geez this guy is relentless.

  118. I would argue his peak as a worker was post-comeback.

  119. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:41 PM

    Ironically, THAT would be covered by copyright!

  120. I'm higher in comments than you all so I copyright all of this.

  121. Yeah I think Keith summed it up perfectly in his rant saying it was a great old school match, but he could understand how people could be bored with it.

  122. One cannot copyright that whose copy has already been righted, right?

  123. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:41 PM

    Like Kobe in a hotel room in Denver! UNSTOPPABLE

  124. :sighs:
    No, so I guess you win.

  125. I'm going to sell these posts for bitcoins as soon as I figure out what bitcoins are.

  126. The crossface chickenwing was a pretty popular move when I was at school. We'd always apply the move to some unsuspecting victim.

  127. For such a genius, Vince never really learned his lesson on that. With very few exceptions, heels that get over turn into smiling, happy-go-lucky babyfaces, and then get blamed for not getting cheered enough. Nash, Luger, Batista, Sheamus, Brock, Big Show, even guys like Punk and Cena to an extent.

  128. Best luck to you in all of your future endeavors Abraham Washington.

  129. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 2:43 PM

    i'm going to repost it, since according to scherer you have to be a loser to do so!

  130. Tatanka shows up on Superstars wearing a suit after turning heel, which
    is exactly the direction they should have gone with him.

    It says alot about us wrestling fans that just putting a suit on a guy makes him heel. And yeah, I'm all about some Jerry Lawler here. His matches may suck but he KILLS IT on the mic.

  131. So hard to say because hit high levels of greatness both times out. I wonder which version of Shawn is better all the time.

  132. I haven't seen Lawler/Droese, but I think Lawler stalling and playing "hide the object" sounds infinitely more entertaining than Droese attemping to wrestle.

  133. And to answer your question, I sent the jobbing on BoD tweet.

  134. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:44 PM

    Nobody wants to see Lawler play "hide the object".


  135. He rarely got a chance to show it in the WWF but I'd say Lawler is an easilyy top-20 worker all-time, possibly top 15 or 10.

  136. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 2:45 PM

    now i know your name and can do absolutely nothing with that information!

  137. I think Lawler worked that exact formula in the majority of his WWF matches. He only started putting effort in his matches when he turned face at Summerslam 2000.

  138. You have a FB account?

  139. I see Lawler's run as just doing what he was asked. He still had his own promotion to worry about so I doubt he did much politicking in the wwf

  140. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 24, 2014 at 2:46 PM

    yeah but i keep it to myself... haven't wanted to cross that line (copyright tna) yet

  141. Lawler got a better match out of 1990 JYD than Flair did. Fact.

  142. Yeah, I only ever saw his WWF matches as a kid and was always confused when PWI magazine put him over as a legend.

  143. Is this the one where Backlund says he's never "eaten" marijuana? The look on Vince's face is priceless when he says that.

    But seriously, it totally looked like they were building up to Backlund putting the CFCW on McMahon. Vince seemed to antagonize him, and Backlund even challenged him once. I wonder if that was ever in the cards, and if so, would it have lessened the impact of the Stunner three years later.

  144. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 2:48 PM

    I liked it when Scott used to call him "The Junkfood Dog".

    That's all I got.

  145. Well, yes. Lawler was happy with a steady paycheck and the chance to wrestle, period, even if it was against Doink and Droese and the like. And a big part of Lawler's deal is working smart as opposed to working hard, though in his best matches he does plenty of both.

  146. No, I started this so it is mine, you loser scumbag

  147. Yeah but you never hired a lawyer and wrote copyright anywhere, pretty sure there is precedence for this.

  148. You won the round against Scherer.

  149. I'm not going to lie... I'm probably the biggest Kane mark of all time, and the only person who gleefully purchased a 3-disc DVD set of him. He's had TONS of stinker moments, thanks to "invisible heat" where he can be used in any role and never really lose face. The best moments I can think of, other than the debut, obviously... His in-ring debut against Mick at Survivor Series, Armageddon '99 and the flying clothesline off the top of the cage, the early weeks of the unmasking where he was a rekindled fire, laying out Stone Cold, Jim Ross, and anyone who stood in his path, and the Wedding From Hell. Come on, THAT WAS AWESOME.

  150. I think that came later, during the Man Mountain Rock feud.

  151. The line about Lawler being the one to take out the trash reminds me of the Cat Burglar episode of The Simpsons. "So, Mr. Malloy, it seems that the cat has been caught by the very person who was trying to catch him".

  152. You fuckers better never copy and paste my stuff again. You hear me new QOTD guy? Keith's going to owe me money every.time you trade.on my good name.

    You're into me for 40 cents, SK. Better write a new e-book!

  153. Speaking of Simpsons, I remember an episode where Homer said "it's time to take out the Euro trash". Droese should have given his catchphrase a personal touch like that depending who he was wrestling against.

  154. yeah he did. Its very well done.

  155. It's all relative. I don't think anyone is doubting his ability to put on a pretty great match in the proposed time period - especially with a guy like Savage who is a control freak that is known to up the ante when the stakes are high.

  156. Threadjack:

    In today's newspaper: "A local AAU boys basketball organization, the Louisiana Lightning, will be shrimp plates for $10 each on Friday and Saturday at Kris Stylz Beauty Salon. The seventh and eighth grade teams are raising money for travel."

    Unlike TPrincess, I have no qualms about dirty you want to get. Please just have fun with this "one key word missing" article.

  157. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJune 24, 2014 at 2:59 PM

    Homer Simpson Patty and Selma after they insulted him, "all right...time to take out the trash...but first I am going to ask you two to leave."

  158. Bob Holly mentioned in his book that Taker went with the dress code anyway despite being exempt. Thought that was neat.

  159. When Jack Bauer threw Catelyn Stark out the window in last night's ep, he soooo should have used that catchphrase.

  160. I remember when he returned from a major injury and helped out Booker T and Gold Dust. He had a new outfit and was totally cool looking.

    The first words out of Kane, the big red monster, was "I know what you people want to see...A Kane A Roonie!" It completely violated every single thing that character stood for, but in that moment I became a true fan of the guy.

  161. Aaahhh! SPOILERS!!!! You son of a bitch! The episode is on my DVR and now it's ruined! I hope you rot in the deepest, darkest, dankest pit of Hell!!!

  162. I only consider it a spoiler if it hasn't aired yet ;)

  163. Hehe. I'm just kidding. I don't watch 24.

    Shine on, you crazy diamond.

  164. The Gunns/Bodies feud was over the Bodies stomping the Gunns cowboy hats, and then Billy and Bart retaliated by ripping the angel wings off Pritchard and Del Ray's jackets.

  165. If you can find a NJPW torrent from the 21st I would be happy. (not serious)(kind of serious)

  166. Yup. Hell, he got up from the Banzai Drop on Superstars when it constantly stretchered dudes out.

  167. This is my comment of the day.

  168. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJune 24, 2014 at 3:11 PM

    Didn't he mostly just wrestle against hunter? Time to take out the clique trash perhaps?

  169. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 24, 2014 at 3:12 PM


  170. I'm thinking more "time to take out the Aristocratic trash" but I'm not very creative. Maybe somebody can think of something funnier. Though if he had a match with Vader, he could have said "it's time! It's time! It's time to take out some Mastadon trash!"

  171. I was a big fan of the Kane/X-Pac team, thought their overall story arc was tremendous. I particularly loved the promo where X-Pac through away his electrolarynx and told him to start speaking for himself. It was a great moment for the character because he needed to be humanized somewhat in order to start evolving.

  172. I am trying to bait Scherer into making himself look like more of an ass. I think it is working. He wants to bash me on Twitter, then he left himself open

  173. Unrelated, but if i changed my name to The Uh, Y'Know, Beserker, would y'all get the reference?

  174. Wait, you up-voted your own post?

  175. I'm wondering what context they present that murder in to make it even remotely not evil. But then again, i'm probably not the audience for that.

  176. They implied it, but I Vince was sporting a neck brace that July at the trial, so it's doubtful he'd have taken it.

  177. Apparently Kizarny is better at playing that.

  178. Bauer was a complete dick in killing Catelyn Stark, but at the same time I love Bauer and hope he never changes.

  179. Diesel getting the belt when he did would be like giving Roman Reigns the title two weeks after The Shield turned face.

  180. Nash vs. Bret was ALWAYS fucking awesome when Nash was a heel and Bret was a face. Their chemistry was just far superior to what Nash had with his buddy Shawn.

  181. You should come see him in person to really appreciate how big they are. Like typewriters, honestly!

  182. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 24, 2014 at 3:20 PM

    Dave Scherer is a giant douchebag, and every website that he has been involved with has been a malware infected pile of horse shit.

  183. I was going to source Chad Ford in a draft rumor he wrote but I do not want by ESPN Insider account banned

  184. You reckon Cavs take Wiggins?

  185. I think Parker

  186. Is Luke Harper's sweat stain real or painted on? Inquiring minds want to know!!!

  187. Great job, let him humiliate himself.

  188. I heard on the radio yesterday that he came into his workout with the Cavs overweight and got winded easily. They said insiders said he tanked the workout purposely so the Bucks would take him instead.

  189. Couldn't tell that was a female from the clip. Welp, people cheered Bubba Ray for super-powerbombing women through tables, so why not? ...And then there's the Sweeney/Dempsey/Danger bit from ROH...and I've depressed myself.

  190. Great Seinfeld reference there-wasn't that the Bryan Cranston character?

  191. In bookstores next week.

  192. He has heat with Tommy Dreamer. Can't stop insulting the poor guy.

    He's a real Tommy knocker.

  193. So Bill Watts is to blame for Vince Russo getting on the creative team. I did not know that.

  194. Or maybe it was a shoot!

    (Winks at Meekin)

  195. Maybe he's bringing in the spam bots.

  196. Let's hook 'em up!


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