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The Sporting News Column #1!

My first foray into the Sporting News, as I preview Money In The Bank and make silly jokes.  Read it and share it wherever you can!


  1. The Bo Dallas submission idea is especially inspired.

  2. Gosh Hopkins: Rock KeeperJune 18, 2014 at 12:33 PM

    Wait...I'm still trying to put a mathematical figure to Smiley Face.....Otherwise glad to see you back in a minor mainstream website again. Loved the Wrestleline times as that's when I discovered your writings.

  3. As a guy who is going to the PPV, I'm hoping that they deliver a champion one way or another. I'd rather see Orton win then that whole abayance bullshit. Anyone, I'm rooting for Reigns or Wyatt although I'm curious whether or not they would have Cena win it in his hometown.

  4. The figure four would be good. Or maybe the sleeper as the opponent slowly goes under as Bo screams at him to never give up.

  5. It would be a magical moment for Cena to win in his hometown...if the fans there didn't boo the shit out of him every time he visits.

  6. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 12:40 PM

    I like the figure four idea, because it's a submission where Bo's hands would both be free for clapping and cheering on his opponent.

  7. Last time I went to Raw back in 09 or 10 I think, it was all the guys booing and the kids and the girls screaming for him. Wondering if it will be the same.

  8. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 12:41 PM

    I feel like the Reigns win deserves a better build. I know his day is coming sooner rather than later, but are the fans really clamoring for him to be The Guy yet? I feel like we're not yet in that phase of his push yet.

  9. But that is the Miz's finisher! You can't steal another guys finisher. :)

  10. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 12:42 PM

    Putting the belt on Cena would at least allow for Cena-Lesnar II (probably their best drawing match at this point). Maybe Cena-Batista too. Far from perfect, but at least it's something

  11. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 12:46 PM

    Never heard of her

  12. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJune 18, 2014 at 12:49 PM

    Of all the Cena wins in recent memory, mitb would probably bother me the least, which is sad cause Wyatt doesn't have the main event legitimacy BECAUSE of Cena.

    Great debut article, very safe

  13. Safe and effective column. Perhaps when he makes a guest appearance on the Mark Madden show Scott'll follow in his footsteps and call WWE out for their crap too. Then again, he doesn't have to make that appearance for my permission.

  14. Congrats on the Sporting News gig. My Dad read the Sporting News religiously when I was a kid.

  15. Now that they announced the regular MITB match as well, that frees them up to have someone win that and then cash in on the ladder match winner. Unless the plan is for Rollins to win that and carry around the briefcase for months.

  16. congrats on the gig and good column.

  17. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJune 18, 2014 at 1:06 PM

    What's the deal with the avatar.

  18. Good column. Now as wrestling fans, you do understand that it is our duty to chant, "YOU SOLD OUT!" right? Please don't take it personally.

  19. No, we need to flood his Sporting News e-mail, if he has one, with Montreal, Cena heel turn, and Invasion questions/fantasy books.

  20. And Chris Walker queries.

  21. I feel like the Wyatts aren't evil enough. They're such dark characters but need to really push the envelope more.

  22. Congratulations Scott. Good column.

    And now that HHH mentioned in his Cole interview that there will be a second MITB ladder match for the traditional briefcase, who gets into that one? Apparently Rollins is already in, so I would have to guess Ambrose gets in. Who fills the other 5-6 slots?

  23. I wouldn't mind Cena winning if Lesnar confronts him IMMEDIATELY after the match.

  24. I expect Reigns to get screwed out of a near-win by HHH to set up a 30-minute brawl at Summerslam.

  25. Agreed. He needs some more time to build his following. They are on the right track, though.

  26. All while screaming, "LOOK! IT'S STEVE DiSALVO!!!"

  27. Yea and as long as we are PG...who knows. I feel like him having the belt would free him up to do that. Even if they book him as the coward evil champion he could make it work. But he could run amok more and be able to back it up if he had the belt.

  28. Enjoyed that column El Scottereno. Speaking of wanting "real" like you stated, has the current product gotten so boring and bad that you like me pretty much only exclusively watch the older stuff and UFC?

    I'm really liking UFC fight pass over the WWE network. It has more of a selection and I LOVE watching the early UFC shows with Royce Gracie, Ken Shamrock, Dan Severn, etc.

  29. I think your Cesaro odds are a bit low. Cesaro wins the title; Lesnar comes back and says he wants the title. Heyman has to choose who to go with. OR Cesaro wins the title and dumps Heyman; Heyman wants revenge and has Lesnar do it for him.

  30. The submission should be the Yes Lock. He says he's doing it in honor of Daniel Bryan and screams to his opponent to be like Daniel Bryan and to never give up.

  31. Cesaro has cooled off so much that it would be a disaster at this point for him to be the champion

  32. Good column.

    Cool to see your work reach a bigger audience

  33. "In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if he was released as a cost-cutting measure halfway into the match."

    (Sees ADR chased around ringside by some muckity-muck waving a pink slip, said muckity muck collides with Cesaro/Wyatt, and as a result THEY get released. Riots ensue. Make this shit happen, WWE.)

  34. Cena wins at MITB, Brock destroys him at SummerSlam, holds the title until Wrestlemania where Reigns is finally the guy to shut him up and get the belt.

    Completely random side note: whenever it is that Cena turns heel, I want him to do a few shows in Japan as CENA just for shits and giggles.

  35. Which sucks. He never should have been paired with Heyman.

  36. Maybe Ziggler?

  37. I'll settle for Cena Johnuhhhhhhhhhhh!

  38. He should never have been in Real Americans, either. He should have been doing exactly what he did in NXT - using his freakish strength and wrestling ability to get over.

  39. I looked into ordering it so I could get the exclusive live fights (I've cut the cable, so I don't get any of the FS shows), but am I crazy or does the UFC not even have an app? I have no interest in having to hook my computer up to my TV every time I want to watch some MMA. How can they not have a PS app?

  40. I dunno. There's something captivating about Bray Wyatt but I feel like they still haven't captured the essence of it.

    When he was against Cena, there should have been more in the way of mind games and how no matter what John tried, he couldn't get rid of or beat Bray. Imagine if they had a Dreamer-Raven type of feud where the hero couldn't win no matter how hard he tried. It would have benefited both guys.

    There should have been more personal stakes but it seems they didn't want John to go that way with the Wyatts. It's not like John is not capable of having such a feud, as his program with Edge can attest to. But instead, Bray just became another notch in Cena's belt.

  41. Totally agree. I like Reigns well enough, but it seems like he's far more popular behind the curtain than in front of it. I think there's a lot of work to be done before they've built him up enough to be a viable champion. He's certainly a bad-ass, but I'm not feeling much charisma yet.

  42. With only a week to go Ziggler, Barrett, Kane, Ambrose, Rusev (last man eliminated from BR), and whoever Cesaro beat (RVD?) would make the most sense, with Rollins filling in as Orton's non-qualifying equivalent. There's some wiggle room there but I wouldn't be surprised to see most of those seven actually in.

  43. One of the most baffling decisions the WWE has made post-Mania.

  44. He never would have been paired with Heyman after turning on the Real Americans. He should have been. A face.

  45. As much as I like Ziggler, I doubt the PTB would put him in there. Further, I haven't (personally) seen anything to suggest Rusev is capable of the highspots needed for that match (which is why putting Henry in there a few years back was stupid).

    Since Rollins is in, I'd add Ambrose, Dallas, Barrett, Kane, RVD, and Kofi (hell, why not - you need the high flyer).

  46. my issues with RR is can he go in singles matches. 95% of his career since being called up hes been protected in tag and special stipulation matches. The times i seen him go one on one have been very underwhelming.

  47. i thought it would be cool at first, but they have done NOTHING with him and Heyman. its really weird.

  48. i feel zero charisma from him. alll he does is play with his greasy hair. at least rocky was smiling and showing some personality when he was the blue chipper.

  49. "Alberto Del Rio...In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if he was released as a cost-cutting measure halfway into the match."

    I LOLed

  50. "Also, while I welcome any and all feedback and questions for this
    column, the same ground rules will apply here as to my own blog: No
    discussions about Montreal, John Cena turning heel, or re-booking the
    WCW invasion of 2001."

    But wait just a minute, I recall SEVERAL times when an e-mailer has.... *NEVERMIND!!*

  51. He can still improve. Batista was the slug of all slugs and became passable. And Reigns seems more athletic than that roided gorilla ever was.

  52. I still don't understand the "common knowledge" that Brock's getting the title at SS.

    We're trying to dig ourselves out of the "guy with the title never wrestles" hole *right now* why would they jump into the same hole a month after crawling out?

  53. yea but they didnt throw the stra on bats at the beginning of his singles run. this has ortons first run written all over it where it could hurt him.

  54. I see it completely differently. Fans seem to really be rallying behind Reigns.

  55. That punch is a license to print a million dollars if they push him right.

  56. Nice job Scott. Weird seeing you at the Sporting News!

  57. I felt uncomfortable with it from the beginning. Cesaro was getting over as a babyface on his own and then they just pushed him as a heel again, which wasn't what the fans wanted.
    If anyone is furious over Daniel Bryan, look at Cesaro as well.

  58. AverageJoeEverymanJune 18, 2014 at 2:26 PM

    Article should be named The Sporting Entertainment News

  59. This was better-written and more entertaining than any of your other recent blog posts. I feel had!

  60. Can Brock Lesnar guy at least be banned?

  61. Was that really Orton's fault? He had a good, long IC reign, Benoit put him over nicely, fans cheered for him when he was betrayed by Evolution...and then HHH beat him for the title a month later and made him his bitch repeatedly.

  62. Especially after winning that big battle royal at Mania. A prime moment to turn him into a fan favourite.

  63. "John Cena: 2:1. If you’ve got money to place on someone, you’ll never go broke betting on Cena to win at least 50 percent of the time."


  64. Scott, how would you have booked Montreal if John Cena were leading the Invasion?

  65. "Greetings and welcome to my first Sporting News column, which is a weird position for someone like myself who covers the most non-sporting sport possible."
    Good article, and like the honesty.

  66. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 18, 2014 at 2:38 PM

    People work harder when they have financial motivation.

  67. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 18, 2014 at 2:40 PM

    They just won't let that shitty gimmick die, will they?

  68. in a couple weeks is way to fast and a license to lose money. he needs serious seasoning especially with charisma and shit we dont even know what he can really do in singles matches, like i said hes been hidden for 18 months and was the guy that would come in for th espear the punch and the triple powerbomb. so unless every match hes in peril for 15 mins than hits those 3 moves and wins idk what we got really.

  69. Remember back in 2000 when Mike Awesome left ECW as champion, so they had to get the belt off of him at a spot show and they gave it to Taz? Then Taz dropped the belt to Tommy Dreamer, who immediately dropped it to Justin Credible? Whoever was coming ouf this show was going to be the new "man" for ECW, and they couldn't have that happen by the "man" beating a midcarder from the WWF (which is what Taz was at that point), so they transition it through Dreamer and now Credible beat ECW hardcore icon Tommy Dreamer to become "the man" for the promotion.

    The reason I bring this up is because you really can't "launch" a guy by having him be the one guy out of seven to pull a belt down. I think you have to go with an established guy like Cena (likely) or Orton (longshot) to set up the big money showdown, Cena v. Reigns or Cena v. Cesaro to have the new guy beat the established guy ONE-ON-ONE and thus make the new star. It would almost be the same story as Cena v. Bryan from last year.

  70. Brock gets belt at Summerslam means he defends at Night of Champions, the first ppv network subscribers will need to renew to see.

  71. Rusev needs to just keep winning squash matches.

  72. Nobody should ever use the figure four in the WWE because people tap out to submit to it and it looks really, really stupid. Should always be a verbal submission. See also: The Sharpshooter.

  73. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 18, 2014 at 2:49 PM

    And yet the fans despised "blue-chipper Rocky Maivia", and Reigns is over.

  74. And then he doesn't make another appearance for four months, leaving us right where we are now.

    Though completely blowing up six months of their TV show to try to prop up the failing Network wouldn't surprise me even a little.

  75. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 18, 2014 at 3:00 PM

    ECW deserved to die for that whole fiasco.

  76. i wasnt straight comparing the paths, just the outcome after he was champ. lost heat etc.

  77. Brock wins belt at Summerslam.

    Brock loses at Night of Champions or Battleground.

    How does that blow up six months of TV? Especially the dead Sept-Dec period? I mean the shows then suck compared to football... at least World Champion Brock Lesnar would be... something.

  78. I can't believe in 100 years of wrestling no one else came up with that.

  79. Del Rio does squat as a utility player and I was kind of a fan of him at first. He's gotta be an expensive contract for not much return.

  80. My wife has Cushing's syndrome. The avatar was something about Cushing's awareness from months ago. I just changed to a picture of my pussy!

  81. Oh I thought we were all assuming he would hold it until WM since that's the only time of the year they might be able to recoup his appearance fee.

    If he drops it the next month that could work, and it would finally close the case on whether or not his breaking the streak was a good idea too, which is a personal bonus for me. Throwing that all away on his second match would be the funniest thing I'd have seen in a while.

  82. Seriously, it's *exactly* right out of every great Superman comic.

  83. No offense to The Sporting News, and I don't know this for sure, but I'd wager to guess that this site gets as many if not more page hits than TSN. I would consider myself a pretty well-informed sports fan (even reading TSN hard copy for a long time), but I don't recall ever going to their website.

  84. Oh for sure, I'm not saying throw the belt on him tomorrow. I'd like to see him rise post WM31 actually, I'm just saying that finish is CASH.

    Like Austin always said, the best finishers can be hit out of nowhere, a simple irish whip can transition into the Superman, it's great. (Incidentally that's what I always found funny about the smarky Punk love, his finish was bullshit unless fighting a lucha.)

  85. I don't see why Awesome just couldn't have dropped the title to Dreamer or RVD. Why the hell did Taz have to get involved?

  86. TJ: I have a question for the Americans here about something that has kind of confused me about US politics. A large group of Americans say they are libertarians and believe in the personal freedom of the individual to do what they want without obstruction. Yet, they ally themselves primarily with the Republican Party, which try to restrict women's rights to abortion, marijuana use, same-sex marriage and a lot of other things (except for guns) that fly in the face of personal freedom.


  87. Because Vince wouldn't pass up an opportunity to embarrass a WCW wrestler, despite not giving two shits about Taz.

  88. Our voting system makes it all but impossible for third parties to win any major seat so people align themselves with what they consider the lesser of two evils. Republican ideology claims to be for smaller government and meets up with libertarianism more in a venn diagram. I vote Democrat and honestly would go Republican before LIbertarian. I really can't stand the entire Ron Paul movement and think he's nuts.

  89. Scott seemed a little bit nervous on the big stage, and the article was a bit too heavy on parenthetical comments, but he came off as a jolly good bloke. A good start. **1/2

  90. Jesse The Brain Ventura: Doing The Impossible!

  91. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 18, 2014 at 3:39 PM

    EXACTLY. They should have just put the belt on RVD. Out of the the (very) long list of Heyman ECW fuckups, not putting the belt on RVD is at the top of the list. Typical Heyman booking, building to a payoff that never comes.

  92. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 3:40 PM

    Oddly enough, I was just reading through some old ECW stuff from that period today and thinking the same thing. They easily could have just run Awesome vs. RVD in 2000 (Rob could afford to lose to Lynn ONCE and move the TV title on before challenging Awesome).

  93. Sporting News apparently gets 500k+ unique visitors a week; the blog gets 2,700. It's not even close.

  94. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 3:40 PM

    Had to have those PPV title defenses against Kid Kash and Spike Dudley though. smh. Plus, are you willing to deprive us of RVD vs. Scotty Anton (Riggs) on PPV?

  95. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 3:41 PM


  96. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 18, 2014 at 3:42 PM

    I'm still pissed that in between Taz beating Awesome and losing to Dreamer they had to have him stop by Smackdown and job to HHH. Though I believe that Vince and HHH have both admitted that it was a really petty dick move that they regret.

  97. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 3:42 PM

    The part about renewing subscribers makes me think we are headed to a combination of Cena vs. Lesnar and Lesnar vs. Bryan

  98. Its cool to see Scotts stuff on a bigger platform. However I totally disagree that Daniel Bryan should retire just because he's main evented a mania and can't achieve anything higher than that. He's probably the best and most over wrestler in the world. If he can make a comeback in 3 months or a year he should do it. Not only is there probably millions of dollars for him to pick up but he can go out and live the life of the #1 wrestler in the entire world, and be in a spot only a handful of guys have been in. Its easy to make a call from the sidelines that someone should walk away but if he can heal properly then why shouldn't he come back for a 3 or 4 year run on top?

  99. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 3:43 PM

    I'm thinking Cena wins the belt at MITB, then drops it to Brock at SummerSlam. Bryan can return and challenge at Night of Champions (depending on his health) for that big Network renewal phase

  100. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 3:44 PM

    Goldberg was a one-trick pony and he got over just fine

  101. US politics aren't a real thing. Its fake like wrestling.

  102. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 3:46 PM

    I thought the pairing was fine. I also thought the Battle Royale at WM30 was leading to Cesaro beating guys like Big Show, Mark Henry, etc en route to a Cena feud though

  103. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 3:47 PM

    Cesaro & Sandow would have been a much more interesting tag team

  104. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 3:48 PM

    I rented a UFC tape in 1998, when Shamrock and Severn were in WWF. I thought a Shamrock-Severn shoot fight would be awesome. It was the most boring thing ever.

  105. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 3:50 PM

    Yeah, it should have led to Cena being forced to channel a darker side in order to finally overcome the villain. Sort of a Batman vs. Joker sort of deal

  106. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 3:52 PM

    I really want to see them finally go with the obvious: a dude who decides he's just gonna sit on the briefcase until Wrestlemania. Seriously, how are we supposed to suspend disbelief for almost a decade in that regard? We're supposed to believe that these guys are so obsessed with headlining Wrestlemania that the Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber exist....yet no one cashes in for Wrestlemania?

  107. Anytime you can NOT put the belt on your hottest commodity and most over and loyal star (and RVD might have even been the most over star in wrestling not just ecw) to save your company, and instead put that belt and the focus of your company on a guy whose my avatar as a joke because he was the jobbiest jobber of all, and package him as a rip off of everything a smart fanbase hated about HHH you gotta pull the trigger.

  108. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 3:53 PM

    Yeah, none of it feels "organic" right now, like when fans got behind Austin, Rock, Punk, Bryan, et al. It is still forced and still early in his rise.

  109. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 18, 2014 at 3:54 PM

    See, I don't think he can achieve anything higher, because the neck injury (which was probably there long before he got the title) fucked him. Vince and Co. are going to look at it as they gave the man the ball and he dropped it.

    I agree with Scott. Neck injuries are no joke, he should just retire before he does any more damage. He had his moment (Hi, CM Punk!) and he's made enough money where he's probably not set for life, but at least has enough to pay his way through school and get himself a nice well-paying real job, plus he can make money doing the talking head thing for WWE DVDs (or Network Specials or whatever).

    Of course, I'm not the guy that finally realized his lifelong dream a couple months ago, Bryan might feel differently.

  110. That'll happen in a few years, once Vince has completely dumped the idea of "champions" and makes everything about "Getting on Wrestlemania."

    The briefcase will have an "automatic WM main event contract" in it, the catch being that EVERY WM match will be considered a "main event".

  111. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 3:57 PM

    Agreed. The guys he went with (Dreamer, Credible, Corino, Rhino) were all OK on their own level, but none were "carry the company" guys. RVD was right there, yet they kept dragging their heels. Mike Awesome defending against Kid Kash and Spike Dudley while Rob faced Scotty fucking Riggs was the end of ECW ppv for me.

  112. The worlds biggest dick measuring contest.

  113. I think involving Taz was an attempt to make WCW wrestle Mike Awesome look bad on his way out.

  114. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 4:00 PM

    I don't know how different Bray's character would be though. We tend to hide behind the "if only it wasn't PG era" thing, but how would you book him differently? More blood in his matches I guess?

  115. RVD was so over in the 90's that he still has residual heat and always somewhat over despite doing nothing of note for like 10 years.

  116. Also I think RVD was still injured at that point.

  117. Okay then. I would doubt they get 500k, but I didn’t know the BOD only got 2700. That's far less than I would think.

  118. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 18, 2014 at 4:02 PM

    Really? This site has had about 21,000,000 page views in about 26 months. VERY impressive for a site run by a guy that 99.99999% of the population has never heard of, but Sporting News probably gets that sort of traffic in a few weeks. And most the people that come here are about 200 or so regulars.

    Put it this way, the Bod is a really nice small town, Sporting News is a tourist trap.

  119. I might be in the minority here but Bryan needs to ease back into things with safe opponents. He will have not been training for several months and he is suppose to come in and look credible against Brock. No fucking way. I like a Brock - Cena feud. Let the two biggest stars do battle.

  120. Aric Johnson, Ambrose FanaticJune 18, 2014 at 4:04 PM

    It's called "hypocrisy".

  121. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 18, 2014 at 4:06 PM

    "and the article was a bit too heavy on parenthetical comments"

    That's one issue with my writing (both in reviews and just comments) that I can't seem to overcome. Then again, my style is heavily influenced by Scott's, so it's not surprising.

  122. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 18, 2014 at 4:08 PM

    He may have been. Ever see the video of him destroying his ankle? It's not Sid or Hayabusa "I never want to see that again" bad, but it's up there. IIRC he was out for well over a year.

  123. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 18, 2014 at 4:10 PM

    That's the kind of sarcastic snark that keeps me coming here. Well done.

  124. It's just laziness. Save the parenthetical comments for another article where they will be more appropriate.

    The occasional one is fine, but three sidenotes in a small ~1000 word article is abusing them.

  125. So he could job to HHH as ECW Champ.

  126. Would the average Sporting News know what lingo like "turning heel" means?

  127. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 18, 2014 at 4:26 PM

    Yeah, good point. He probably shouldn't go out there and take the shit-kicking that match would require.

  128. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 18, 2014 at 4:28 PM

    Kind of hard to explain, but let me give it a shot, in a pretty broad generalization. Republicans are greedy business-first scumbags who want the government out of any kind of regulation so they can do shady shit without going to jail, but are totally fine with the government restricting things like who you can married to, because they interpreted a book that was written centuries ago a certain way. Libertarians generally side with them because they want the government to stay out of their shit. In a nutshell, Republicans want less regulation, Democrats want more.

    Democrats meanwhile are basically now just going against anything the Republicans are for. The GOP (Grand Old Party, short name for Republicans) doesn't support gay marriage? Then you are a BAD PERSON if you don't support it too. It's a big pissing contest, only one side is really into it. Ever see someone race a guy at a stoplight, even though the other guy has no idea he's racing? The Democrat is the guy revving his engine like a douche, the Republican is the guy next to him that laughs his ass off when the douche gets pinched for reckless driving, and then forgets about it 10 minutes later.

    Keep in mind, these are very broad generalizations, and really the people that feel that way are in the minority, but get the most attention, because our news media sucks so hard that most people our age (I'm guessing you're somewhere between 20 and 35) get their news from the 11-to-midnight block of Comedy Central.

  129. It took a really, really huge fuckup by the major parties in that state to let him take that - plus his built in fame. One governorship 16 years ago means it's an exception and not a rule.

  130. Yeah. I'm only an observer since I'm Canadian but it seems like Jon Stewart has a better grasp on things than any of the cable news outlets.

  131. Imagine if he won the belt by superman punching at the belt from a ladder several feet away and snagging it on the way down, like he was dunking or something.

  132. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 18, 2014 at 4:35 PM

    I can't speak for Scott, but I never went to college, or even really high school (have my Good Enough, though), so I think I did OK with the ROH shit. Sidenotes are kind of his thing though, you can almost tell he stuck #3 on there just because it's what he does.

  133. I think on the Monday, HHH beat Benoit, who was the legit WCW champ who left the company. So HHH beats Benoit then Taz, making himself the real world champ by beating the WCW and ECW champions.

    In hindsight, is it really crazy that Vince did that? Wouldn't anyone in his position do the same in order to make his world title be the most important there is?

  134. Yes. I see it get used outside of wrestling a lot.

  135. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 18, 2014 at 4:42 PM

    It also helps that he's not on a news network. For a rough guide, Fox News is the Republican channel, MSNBC is the Democrat one, and CNN/HN (think of Headline News as CNN2, they're both owned by Time Warner) are kind of in the middle, giving airtime to both sides. Comedy Central is... well, a comedy channel. No one cares if Stewart or Colbert say something inflammatory, because it's not even a real news show.

  136. " Republicans are greedy business-first scumbags who want the government out of any kind of regulation so they can do shady shit without going to jail, but are totally fine with the government restricting things like who you can married to, because they interpreted a book that was written centuries ago a certain way. "

    I actually think it's more devious than that. Since the Democrats are pro-choice, pro-gay, and pro-regulation, the Republicans embrace the views they do about gay marriage, etc. because that will get their base to vote Republican on those issues. Most Republicans could give A SHIT about gays and abortions, but use them as issues to rally the base so they don't notice their unions getting destoryed and bankers destroying the economy.

  137. The Daily Show is the only real news show left.

  138. As a libertarian leaning republican myself, let me explain why I do it. I want the government out of my pocketbook and my home. If you gave me 50 issues, I probably side with the republican side 40 times out of 50. It's also where I express my importance. For example, I think drugs should be legal; however I don't do drugs so I'm not a big voter on that issue. Same with abortion and gay rights.
    My big issues are taxes, size of government, protecting the us, immigration, etc, which lean towards the republican side. More of those affect me personally than other issues.
    I wouldn't vote libertarian because they have no shot at winning.
    At the voting booth, I usually vote republicans 75% of the time and democrats 25%.

  139. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 18, 2014 at 4:45 PM

    Kinda, but they make sure it's funny before it's really informative. Which is totally fine, getting you laughing is the whole point of both the show and the network it's on.

    Sidenote: He must be making a SHITLOAD of cash for TDS. And he's earned every cent of it.

  140. Also keep in mind, we have a left right system. It would be better if there 4 parties with fiscal on on one line and social issues on the other. I would be on the social liberal fiscal conservative quadrant

  141. Get through school and get a well-paying job?

    Is that what you really think he would do?

  142. Totally agree on RVD. When he showed up on RAW with Dreamer as part of the Alliance, it was surreal because he was probably the last big star that hadn't been picked up by WCW/WWF.

  143. People love the guy, even though his move-set as a high-flyer is like you said, a decade out of fashion.

  144. I've used it at work to the point my co-workers are using it on a normal basis.
    A lot have also started to refer to me and others as a "Jobber" if they think they're being stupid or just as an insult in general.

  145. How crazy would that be though? Within a six month period we would have two of the three biggest stars in the WWE gone from the company.

  146. They tried to do that at Mania but there wasn't any real build-up so it floundered.


  148. A punch as a finisher? Ron Garvin and Ox Baker both did that. Or does the running before the punch make it special?

  149. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 18, 2014 at 4:56 PM

    Like I said, that's just a very broad explanation. And it goes way deeper than what you mentioned on both sides.

    What irritates me is when people outside (and many inside) the U.S. assume that if side with one or the other you agree with all their ideas. I mean, while I usually vote Dem and lean to the left, I'm registered as non-partisan and consider myself a moderate. For instance, while I have no problem with gay marriage (my mom is married to another woman), I'm not any kind of advocate for it, and I'm opposed to gay couples raising kids, or at least adopting them. I'm also against gun control, but in full favor of legalizing marijuana and totally against the industrial prison system this country has developed.

    Really, it comes down to this: forget about Democrat and Republican, just follow the money...

  150. Good start, but I cant link your article from the main page. I would demand that get fixed, and maybe throw in a personal limo and trampoline insurance.

  151. I'm pretty sure I already told someone "okay then."

  152. There's a part of me that hopes Bryan either calls it quits, or does the whole Lesnar part-time act, where if he goes all out every now and then, it's only a few times a year on the big stage. He's a heck of a wrestler, but it'll be great if he's still walking 20 years from now without serious health issues.

  153. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 18, 2014 at 5:04 PM

    It's what he should do. Get a finance degree and go back and work for Vince in Stamford. Or get into video game design, or become a doctor, or whatever.

    He won the fucking world title at WM30. I think that will be the peak of his career, and it's a fine note to go out on. Walk away while you still can walk, neck injuries are nothing to fuck around with.

  154. But wouldn't this injury give him the same stigma they have for Dolph Ziggler? That they gave him the strap, he got injured, and now he's too injury prone to really get behind

  155. I see him joining the Peace Corp or working at an environmental non-profit

  156. why can't gays raise kids?

  157. Drug addiction is a path I could see for him. Some cash, some fame, a serious injury that calls for heavy meds. Maybe he starts popping oxys like pez, becomes dissatisfied with the hole in life in his not wrestling has created and he fills it with opiates. Not saying that's a guarantee but if we could make wagers on Bryan's life in Vegas I promise you that's on the board.

  158. Vice is the only real news show left.

  159. How can gays teach their children how to procreate?

    The world would die out in a generation of everyone turned gay!

    Never forget Ultimate Warrior's dying words as he lay in Dana's arms: queering don't make the world work!

  160. a libertarian is a republican that likes to smoke pot. that's about the only difference.

  161. 2700 is more than I thought. A few hundred, maybe, but 2700 is damn good if you ask me for an independent.

  162. Is Scott's article mentioned on the front page, or do you have to dig a bit to find it? I'm pretty sure the majority of those 500k unique visitors are going to click on a wrestling related offer.
    It's still cool that Scott has this opportunity though.

  163. that's Jesse "The Mind" Ventura

  164. I don't want to see another Cena win, but there doesn't appear to be another viable option right now. I'll take anyone but Orton. Anyone but him.

  165. According to rankings

    Sporting News: US rank #1,189, World rank #6,016
    Rspwfaq: US rank #64,661, World rank #243, 123

  166. Not bad for your first column but a seasoned veteran like Scott Keith wouldn't make so many mistakes and parts were unreadable. Hope to see you grow and mature as a writer in the upcoming months.

  167. Awesome. We're number 64,661! We're number 64,661!

  168. Wow. Again, I stand corrected.

  169. Lets compare other sites in U.S. Ratings:

    Wrestlezone: #4,683
    411Mania: #11,547
    SE Scoops: #21,148
    Inside Pulse: #50,549
    NPP:(Global Ranking Only) #1,837,720

  170. Rand Paul is worse than his dad. What a vile piece of shit he is

  171. It's important for us not to panic in terms of ratings, Bayless. BoD Raw is still putting out a quality product and we shouldn't focus on 411Mania Nitro or Wrestlezone Thunder. If we get some type of lame skit featuring Billionaire Widro or Mark "Fatten"/Madden, I'm out.

  172. I should scrap the segment where Hoss shakes down "Barry Sonka" then. Also, the one where Curtzerker tosses Sforcina through a plate glass window

  173. I thought if you bet on stuff like wrestling, movie awards and random crap like that has a $100 bet limit.

    Then again, if you threw $100 on Lesnar at Mania...

  174. WadeMichaelMeltzerJune 18, 2014 at 6:22 PM

    Here is a hot rumor, gang:

    The proposed BoD RAW Invades 411Mania Studio's Angle has been dropped.


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