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Thunder - January 21, 1999

Date: January 21, 1999
Location: Market Square Arena, Indianapolis, Indiana
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tony Schiavone, Bobby Heenan

Reviewed by Tommy Hall

We're on the way towards SuperBrawl and the latest Hogan vs. Flair showdown. Nitro saw a few stories being set up for the pay per view with the second biggest one being Luger/Nash vs. Konnan/Mysterio. The Wolfpack has decided they want Mysterio's mask to prove how big and tough they are. Let's get to it.

We open with a recap of the David Flair story up to this point, including him knocking Bischoff out to shave his head on Monday.

The announcers show us clips from Souled Out with David Flair getting a beatdown.

Stevie Ray and the NWO B Team nearly get into an argument over being worthless. The Red and Black have sent them a note saying their private jet is stuck in Tampa due to bad weather. Horace and Brian Adams say they flew coach out of Tampa and never heard about a private jet.

Jerry Flynn vs. Disco Inferno

A clothesline puts Flynn down to start but he comes back with a series of kicks in the corner. More kicks have Disco in trouble but he snaps Jerry's throat across the top rope. The dancing middle rope elbow and a swinging neckbreaker set up a chinlock. Tony wants to know where Hall is, despite the letter covering that in the previous segment. Jerry's cross armbreaker is quickly broken and it's time for more dancing. A spinning kick to the head puts Disco down again and a belly to belly gets two. Flynn misses another spinkick though and it's the Chartbuster for the pin. The fans are into Disco a little bit.

Rating: D. It's a Jerry Flynn match so I don't know what else you would expect. Disco is starting to get over again with his goofy antics despite cheating to win all the time. That actually makes sense though, as it's hard to boo a comedy character, even if he's doing something heelish.

Back to the B Team locker room where Horace and Norton are playing with walkie talkies. That's the whole segment.

After a break and the B Team is still arguing. Vincent calls Hogan but only gets voicemail. That's a step above Orndorff in 1986 at least. Vincent tries Nash but an argument ensues with Stevie over who leads the team.

A limo has arrived so Horace goes to greet them. The Horsemen are inside instead and beat Horace down while Flair walks into the building. Mongo beats him up with what appears to be a vacuum.

Flair is in the ring for a chat with Gene. First up, Ric starts the tournament for the Tag Team Titles, even though they should be two weeks in. The finals are at SuperBrawl. Now the jacket comes off so it's time to get serious. Flair rants about Hollywood keeping great talent in his shadow for twenty years. When Flair was in Kansas wrestling Rufus Jones in Kansas, Hogan was wrestling fourth on the card in Madison Square Garden. While Flair was with Harley Race and Ricky Steamboat, Hogan was in Hollywood making movies.

He brings up Hogan beating up David and promises to prove that he's the real world champion next month. Guys like Jericho and Chavo Guerrero grew up wanting to be like Flair. That's why it's Flair's reputation against Hogan's fame. Flair may only have power for ninety days (even though it's been nearly a month already) but at SuperBrawl, he'll get what's his.

This promo was the usual passionate speech from Flair, but it shows part of the problem with the feud and a lot of what Flair talked about in general. As a fan, why should I care about Flair having a match in Kansas twenty years ago against a guy that I've only heard of either in his promos or from a tape that's ten years old if I'm under twenty years old? Odds are I've never seen the matches other than maybe some of his stuff with Steamboat.

I'm sure there are some fans at the time who had seen a bunch of those matches and care for them, but it's not exactly the best way to get the masses to care. Granted that might be because Flair led with Rufus Jones instead of Steamboat or Race, who far more people would care about.

Instead, Flair is the grandfather that says rambles on and on about how much better things were back in his day while his grandkids roll their eyes and tune him out. He may be right, but the way he talks doesn't help anything and makes me feel like he's talking down to me more than making a good point about Hogan. What he said about his own career makes sense, but it doesn't make Hogan look bad because he was in New York for a lot of his career.

Thankfully the feud is much more about Hogan beating up Flair's son because that's a much better reason to hate Hogan. The rest works in theory but it's mainly giving me flashbacks to all the fun matches that Hogan had and putting Eye of the Tiger in my head, which isn't going to make me boo Hogan.

The B Team is in the back and Horace's knee is in bad shape. He's also lost his shirt and Vincent is more concerned about getting him a new one.

We look at Jericho making sure Saturn wears a dress at all times he's in the arena.

Al Green vs. Perry Saturn

The dress is red this week. Saturn: “Life's a drag.” They lock up to start but Saturn trips up on the dress and falls to the mat. An elbow drop gets two for Al and that's about the extent of his offense. Saturn comes back with a superkick and a throw before stomping away in the corner. A guillotine legdrop sets up the Death Valley Driver to complete the glorified squash.

We see some old clips of Raven at home and getting annoyed at his family.

Glacier vs. Kenny Kaos

Kaos gets kicked in the ribs to start but takes Glacier down into an ankle lock. A rope is quickly grabbed and Glacier comes back with more kicks and punches in the corner. Kaos knocks him out of the air and hits a clothesline to stagger the ice dude. A springboard clothesline is enough to give Kaos the pin.

Rating: D. I'm still trying to get my head around Kaos being half of the World Tag Team Champions. It's just such a random choice and doesn't seem to have served much of a purpose. He still comes off like a jobber and isn't any more interesting than he was when he got the belt. The feud with Rage seems to be forgotten as well.

Back to the B Team for a big surprise: Vincent reveals a Red and Black shirt after the rest of the group goes to find the Horsemen. This is supposed to be a big deal.

Here's the B Team in the ring because we're supposed to care about them due to the shirts they're wearing. Horace, despite having a bad knee earlier, walks to the ring fine but is holding his ribs. Vincent comes out last and gets a mic. Oh dear this could be bad. Vincent says that Horace and Adams will be in the tournament. Tonight, it's Norton/Stevie/Vincent vs. the Horsemen if they have the guts. The other members aren't cool with this for some reason.

Booker T. vs. Norman Smiley

Smiley goes to the ropes for an early break but is quickly sent to the floor. Back in and Norman takes over with some shots to the face but walks into Booker's flying forearm. The Horsemen have accepted the NWO's challenge. Norman kicks him down again and loads up the Big Wiggle but isn't ready to dance yet. The spinning slam gets a mini dance and we hit the chinlock.

They head outside with Norman chopping away before taking it back inside for a belly to back suplex. Smiley stays down too until he backflips to his feet for the Big Wiggle. He slaps Booker in the face but walks into a powerslam. The Harlem Side Kick and 110th Street Slam get two for Booker and Norman rolls to the floor again. Norman is sent into the barricade and then back inside for the ax kick. Booker goes up for the missile dropkick but Norman rolls outside and takes the countout.

Rating: C. The match was ok but the ending brings it down. However, the important thing to this match is how we arrived here. Both guys have been on hot streaks and then they were put against each other in a match that wasn't easy to predict. That's old school booking and can set up some interesting matches. Unfortunately it's nothing that's done very often anymore.

We look at Scott Steiner harassing the Nitro Girls.

This Week in WCW Motorsports! Again, the car didn't do badly but didn't win.

After a break, here's the EXACT SAME SCOTT STEINER CLIP.

World Tag Team Title Tournament First Round: Brian Adams/Horace vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr./Kidman

Horace, now totally fine, stomps away on Kidman in the corner to start before bealing him across the ring. Kidman comes back with right hands in the corner and a dropkick before it's off to Chavo, who is almost immediately low bridged down to the floor. Adams throws him up over the top rope and back inside. Chavo's cross body is caught in mid air but Kidman dropkicks Guerrero's back to put Adams down.

The small guys do some nice double teaming to get two more on Adams but Kidman walks into a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker to change control again. We take a break and come back with Kidman walking the corner to bulldog Horace and make the tag to Chavo. Some dropkicks stagger the NWO members but Horace kicks him in the face to take over again. Another tilt-a-whirl backbreaker gets two on Guerrero and it's back to Horace.

Kidman and Vincent get in a fight on the floor as the announcers mention that this is a double elimination tournament. That's quite the information to leave out for most of a match. Then again I can't imagine the tournament has been mapped out at all at this point. Kidman gets the hot tag and everything breaks down, allowing Vincent to hit Kidman with the slap jack to give Adams the pin.

Rating: C-. Good match messed up by another bad finish. The NWO B Team isn't exactly something that makes me care as even their teammates treat them like they're nothing. It doesn't help that neither of these teams have any real chance to win the titles. You have to have filler like this, but it would be nice to have it be anyone but the Black and White.

MORE B Team stuff with Vincent congratulating the winners but getting yelled at for stealing the slap jack. Then they yell at him for the shirt he's wearing.

La Parka vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

Rey dropkicks La Parka down to start and avoids a charge in the corner to keep things going. La Parka backdrops him to the apron and stops to dance but is still able to catch Rey in mid air. He puts Rey on the top rope but gets caught by a hurricanrana, followed by a second one from the top to the floor.

Back in and La Parka slams him face first down for two and a kick to the chest gets the same. La Parka goes up but dives into Rey's boots. He misses a charge into the post as well but is still able to crotch Rey on top. Mysterio gets launched face first into the buckle and La Parka goes up again. This time he's the one getting crotched and Rey hits something like La Mistica for the pin.

Rating: C. This was better and had a surprising finish as Rey usually uses a huricanrana or some kind of rollup. La Parka didn't look bad either, which is the case for almost all of the luchadores: if you give them time to show off in the ring, they can give you a pretty good match. It helps that he was in there against Mysterio of course.

Here's an upset DDP with something to say. He isn't cool with what Scott Steiner did to his wife on Monday. Page is used to men hitting on Kimberly but he didn't like the things he was seeing. Kimberly wants to handle Steiner herself, but Page isn't letting that happen. If Steiner wants a freak, Page will be his hook up.

The B Team is STILL arguing because Stevie is on the phone. The rest of the team goes to the ring for their match and Vincent tries to drink raw eggs ala Rocky. He spits it out but finds a hidden security camera. The Red and Black is shown watching from what looks like a limo. Hogan says they know what time it is. So if they were never at the building, who put in the camera?

Ric Flair/Chris Benoit/Steve McMichael vs. Vince/Stevie Ray/Scott Norton

It's now Vince, despite being Vincent all night long. Steve and Stevie get things going for a power match but it's quickly off to Vince. Mongo sticks out his chin so Vince can have a free shot, and that's exactly what he does, taking over with kicks to the ribs. Vince gets taken into the corner for chops by Benoit and a big one takes him down. Norton comes in and gets chopped as well before it's back to Mongo. McMichael gets powerslammed down but Vince misses a middle rope elbow. The hot tag brings in Flair who goes after the leg and everything breaks down. The Horsemen clean house and the Figure Four makes Vince give up.

Rating: D+. This was almost a squash with nothing at all happening. Thankfully Mongo would be gone soon as he's somehow regressing despite barely having any skill at all in the first place. The guy just wasn't that good and it showed really badly over the years. At least this was short.

Benoit crossfaces Vince to end the show.

Overall Rating: D+. This is a hard one to grade as there's good enough wrestling and some passable stories, but the stakes are so low with the B Team being the focus of everything. Other than that, the wrestling was watchable but it's really hard to care when you know this is going to mean nothing in the long run.

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  1. As a fan, why should I care about Flair having a match in Kansas twenty years ago against a guy that I've only heard of either in his promos or from a tape that's ten years old if I'm under twenty years old? Odds are I've never seen the matches other than maybe some of his stuff with Steamboat. I'm sure there are some fans at the time who had seen a bunch of those matches and care for them, but it's not exactly the best way to get the masses to care. Granted that might be because Flair led with Rufus Jones instead of Steamboat or Race, who far more people would care about.
    This reminds me of a beef I have at times with those "Rewriting the Book" things at WrestleCrap, the author does stuff like 2005 Bischoff ranting on the territories Vince put out of business and while I'm sure the writer means well by them, from a fan point of view, hard to buy 2005 WWE fans giving a crap about that. This sort of proves that point right for real.

  2. Gosh Hopkins: Rock KeeperJune 14, 2014 at 10:00 PM

    I miss Norman Smiley. He was a semi-nobody who knew he was never going to rise above comedy match status, so he just went out and had what seemed to be a great time in WCW. I like guys who know that not everyone will be a main event guy or have World Championship matches, and just seem like their doing it because they love it.

  3. Man I really hated the watered-down version of the NWO. I loved Hogan, Hall and Nash, Savage and X Pac. Great, logical additions. To a degree Dibiase was smart and cool, so by default Virgil gets a spot, but it should have stayed extremely minor. And due to Savage, I thought Liz was a great addition.

    From there, too many WCW guys. Buff actually fit the mold, Poppa Pump was PERFECT, and Norton was also a fit. But they were all too much.
    The Giant was never a fit, or Stevie Ray, Horace, or Konnan.
    Technically, Wallstreet and Big Bubba fit due to the WWF ties, but they should have never been in, Adams either.

    So give me Hogan, Hall, Nash, Syxx, Savage with Liz, Hennng with Rude, and Dibiase with Virgil. And an open door for Bret.

    When they tried again with Bret Hart, Jarrett and the Outsiders, then there was room for Buff, Steiner and Norton.

  4. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 15, 2014 at 3:58 AM

    I wish more fans got that. There's nothing wrong with being a career midcard guy that gives the fans a chuckle. Jim Duggan made a fine career out of it.

  5. Yeah, the whole B-Team thing sucked. The problems were huge: they devalued the nWo brand by attaching jobbers and sucky guys to it, they were Jobbers a lot of the time, they took up a ton of TV time with their unimportant antics (I mean, their entire angle was based around them not being good enough to be "real" nWo), and most of them never ended up DOING ANYTHING.

  6. Didn't Wallstreet and Bubba join in the same method Buff did: Under Bischoff's demand to join the NWO in late 1996? Pretty sure that was only to fill out the original Souled Out card, and didn't last long at all. Beyond that I've never really got the "watered down" stuff about the NWO, and actually think the group was pretty solid top to bottom at least through 1997.

  7. I remember liking the B-Tean shenanigans. For a lower card angle they were usually pretty entertaining. Just jobbers arguing over who the leader of the jobbers was before inevitably getting their asses kicked.

  8. Except for his four month run with the us title. Also wished Hacksaw had wrestled Hogan during 1997 due to the promos he was allowed to say against Hogan.

  9. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 15, 2014 at 2:01 PM

    That's in the midcard, where I said he was.

    Yeah that was kind of odd. You would think he would have gotten to fight someone in the NWO.

  10. See Kofi Kingston.

  11. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 15, 2014 at 5:31 PM



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