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I haven't watched TNA since the network started, and just tried catching up with it again. I know I'll probably hate myself for asking this, but what's the deal with MVP and Dixie? If Dixie doesn't like him, can't she or her dad just send him packing?

Also if Joe and MVP hate each other, why does Joe enter to Godzilla's theme music and MVP enter to Godzilla's roar?

​Got me man, I jumped off that crazy train and never looked back. ​


  1. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 14, 2014 at 9:30 PM

    MVP won control of wrestling operations when his team won Lethal Lockdown. Dixie still has power but only in behind the scenes stuff. She's still around and it's officially WAR between their groups. In other words: it's the exact same thing as it was before Lockdown but now they're both heels.

  2. TNA was awesome in late 2011-2012. Shame they lost all that momentum. Roode as champ, the Storm chase, the ascension of Austin Aries and Bully Ray.

  3. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 14, 2014 at 9:40 PM

    I will never understand the decision to not put the title on Storm at Lockdown. Something about an injury but you could just have him talk and give him the month off from action.

  4. Heel/Heel warfare is MONEY!~

  5. This fucking company should have died after AJ took down Bully. Everything since then has just been putting bullets in a long dead corpse. And the worst part is they have GREAT FUCKING WRESTLERS WHO DON'T GET TO SHOW IT. Austin Aries. Fucking the best active wrestler in the world. Samoa Joe. Should be a fucking living legend like CM Punk but instead is basically Zack Ryder because TNA books him like shit constantly. Eric Young. If people actually cared about most improved wrestler or any of that shit he'd be at the top of the list, really, he's getting his due so good for him too bad its a company that is full of shit. James Storm. Why he's never been given the ball is a mystery to me man. Abyss. Should be a hardcore legend, but like so many others, his gimmick gets murdered, and he is marginalized. Bobby Roode. A modern day Shane Douglas, great talker, good worker who headlines in a C-level promotion. Even the WWE castaways are pretty good; Bobby Lashley, MVP, EC3, Mr. Kennedy, Bully. These guys should all have jobs somehwhere. Plus the ROH guys they've picked up; The Wolves, Kenny King. I respect the guys who left, and didn't take a pay cut from TNA. I don't think it's a secret that in a perfect world the guys I mentioned should be getting featured in WRESTLING MATCHES, and this back stage/in-ring/power struggle talk bullshit needs to end. Let the guys fucking wrestle and develop wrestling characters with their actions in the ring. That's what makes pro-wrestling different from other TV, like sitcoms or soap operas. I don't want to see backstage segments or people talking in the ring. I mean, why the fuck are Tazz and Tenay even there? To plug Bellator? Let them tell the fucking story that you don't think the wrestlers can get across. I guess I'm talking to whoever has been writing this fuckfest of a show, since about December 2013. This show sucks, and yes, I have been watching (since the Spike debut), so I have point of reference and all that shit. I'm holding out that Young/Aries/Joe headline the PPV and are ALLOWED to have a great match, but it's going to be a God damn Three-Way Cage match, which is contrived as fuck, so fuck. And Lashley will probably just win anyway and kill TNA once and for all, like he did ECW.

  6. Anyone have a list of TNA buyrate numbers? I think we all need a good laugh.

  7. I remember back when Spoony would review TNA he mentioned that if Russo was handed a script that was nothing but normal matches, Russo would probably look at it and go "that's really boring". And even then when he turns everything into a gimmick match, he can't book a normal gimmick match and feels the need to get creative when booking that. If Russo was writing Game of Thrones, I'm pretty sure we would have seen the first ever "first person to die wins the battle/fight" stip by now.

  8. Why is Russo even mentioned in 2014? I don't know him personally, or have worked with him, but I've seen his show. It seems everything he's associated with smells like shit.

  9. By all reports Russo is a great salesman/conman, which is how he's able to get jobs all the time and Dixie loves the guy because she doesn't know any better.

  10. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 10:25 PM

    "I haven't watched TNA since the network started"

    you are officially vince's favorite person

  11. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 10:26 PM

    "Roode. A modern day Shane Douglas, great talker, good worker who headlines in a C-level promotion."

    roode at his "so-so" is miles better than shane at his best

    i will give shane his props, though... his 96/97 work in ecw was great

  12. I guess he picked the right profession then.

  13. Last year's Slammiversary got 13,000 buys and that was headlined by Bully and Sting. This year's will probably get a lot less being headling by Eric and whomever.

  14. I liken Roode to more like a talented version of HHH.

  15. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 10:29 PM

    the problem with tazz now is that he is extremely (heh) stream of consciousness, and unfortunately, he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, so he comes across even more so as just a dunce

    when he was more controlled in wwe with cole, he was good

    tenay... i dunno. he's just there. i think his problem is that he tries to toe the company and network line, while also trying to appear edgy (like with the knockouts), and it just doesnt work

  16. Yeah, Bobby is a better worker now than Shane was then by today's standards, but its 20 years difference, so its really hard to say who is really "better".

  17. I think Tenay would make a fine play-by-play guy but I think TNA tells him they want him to announce with more emotion, which Tenay doesn't have the acting chops to do.

  18. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 10:35 PM

    it's amusing to listen to his wcw work, b/c he was so by-the-book straightlaced

  19. What if you never watched TNA like me? Will Vince come to my house and give me a hug?

  20. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 10:39 PM

    I haven't watched TNA since Destination X 2012.

  21. Roode is more like Orton, but a better talker by light years. HHH is closer to Shane Douglas than Bobby Roode, actually.

  22. Yeah, I thought Roode patterned his gimmick after Ric Flair/HHH.

  23. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 10:41 PM


    they still reference option c

  24. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 14, 2014 at 10:42 PM

    Huh? I always watched the D-X shows just for the workrate, I never tried to follow the shitty TNA booking.

  25. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 10:43 PM

    i dunno. depending on how well they get the word out (not at all likely), the fact that aries and joe have a chance to get in the triple threat might entice some people to watch

    even though it'll most likely end up being EY vs. team mvp (love to be proven wrong)

  26. I've never seen anything from TNA.

  27. The problem is TNA has ruined both Aries and Joe (and everyone else) that it won't matter who's in the main event.

  28. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 14, 2014 at 10:46 PM


    i forget what options a and b were, but option c is something that aries came up with while holding the x division belt that allowed him to challenge for the world title, basically making whoever held the x division belt when D-X came around have a MiTB type deal

    sabin also cashed it in last year and got a one month world title reign out of it

  29. Like with all things TNA 2005-2006, I used to love how Tenay was this nerdy little guy who would call the moves and not take shit from any wrestler no matter how big and scary they were. I thought it was great to watch him tell guys to fuck off b/c as an announcer, logically, he should be untouchable, right? I have no idea who he is now, much like everything else in the company he's become too tainted to ever take seriously again.

  30. Maybe a less talented version of HHH. He gets a lot of hate(and I've sent him some hate as well) but when Triple H is on, Bobby Roode(and most people in the world) can't lace his boots.

  31. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 15, 2014 at 12:21 AM

    I have no fucking clue what you're talking about. In other words, because TNA.

  32. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 15, 2014 at 12:22 AM

    I gave TNA several chances. No more.

  33. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 15, 2014 at 12:25 AM

    Remember the first Monday Night Impact? Jeff Hardy coming out in the same shirt that my gf got me a couple weeks before really pissed me off for some reason. Oh, I had just watched a shitty 10 minute cage match where I couldn't see what the fuck was going on, so that probably didn't help...

  34. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 15, 2014 at 12:52 AM


  35. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 15, 2014 at 1:08 AM

    Hulk Hogan - simultaneously both the best, and the worst thing to ever happen to professional wrestling.

  36. We should at least be thankful that Hogan and Bischoff are now too old to tank any more wrestling companies, although I do have a scary feeling Jeff Jarrett will put his trust in Johnny Ace after WWE inevitably fires him so everything will be right back to square one: People who should know better always end up trusting the wrong people.

    And to think: If only Jeff followed his dad's advice twelve years ago, all of this could have been avoided.

  37. Threadjack.

    The opening match in PWG Mystery Vortex II was one of the best opening matches I've ever seen in my life! And all three of the wrestlers are pretty much COMPLETELY unknown (only one of them has ever even appeared in PWG). It went from chants of "Who Are You?" to a well-deserved standing ovation at the end of the match.

    In-friggin-sane. If all three of them don't have jobs with PWG at the beginning of that match, they'd better by the end of it.

  38. You would think that Bryan Alvarez's grandma frequently cutting better promos than Dixie Carter would be enough of a clue that Dixie should not be on TV cutting promos but nobody ever accused the higher-ups at TNA of having a clue.

  39. You got that right.

    Since your name is "Sami Liker", I assume you mean "Zayn" (and not "Callihan"). You should get the "The Many Adventures of El Generico" DVD from PWG. Awesome, awesome stuff.

  40. I loved last week's Bryan and Vinny Show where they ripped Impact to shreds and pointed out that the company is so infested with constant talking that even the in-ring wrestling matches have talking now.

  41. Well, DIRECTV replaced their One Night Only PPVs with porn so the numbers can't be too good.

  42. I think that Russo is ridiculously good at coming up with storylines. Honestly, if he'd just come up with the storyline and let someone else handle it, he'd be remembered as one of the best idea men in professional wrestling.

    The problem is, he's got to mess with stuff. The guy has a massive issue with ADD or something. Rather than taking things to a logical conclusion, he's got to add a bunch of moronic twists.

  43. You need a buyer to have a buyrate.


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