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TNA Title


Hey Scott,
Could I get your quick take on Bobby Lashley getting the TNA belt tonight. Is this a positive step since its not EY, a negative step since its Bobby fucking Lashley or a neutral move since its TNA and no one care?

​Shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic, dude.  ​


  1. Kinda seems like TBA has been the "Titantic" for ten years now. Kinda weird how a lot of guys that were up and coming stars are now getting past their prime. Roode, Storm, even joe and Aries are in their mid 30's. I will say I like EC3 and I don't know why they haven't just went for it with him.

  2. Does that MVP will draw Dixie like one of his French girls?

  3. Gentlemen, it has been an honour trashing TNA with you tonight.

  4. I absolutely loved that scene. The movie was overrated shit even with DiCaprio and Winslet in fine form, but just that random scene with the violin players knowing they're fucked and just saying that is amazing on so many levels

  5. I would rather be with you people than with the finest people in the world!

  6. In honour of the great Bobby Lashley becoming the world champion of the best company going, I give to you... Kanyon doing things.

  7. At least TNA has a World Champion.


  9. I was just watching that.

    Kanyon is a better DDP than DDP was.

  10. WWE has a better world champion right now.

  11. TNA's World Championship isn't a REAL World Championship.

  12. "Are you ready to go back to TNA?"

    *music swells, camera swoops past the Impact Zone*

  13. Except when it comes to keeping people alive.

  14. Himself included.

    (Going to hell. Straight to hell.)

  15. If God created the most devastating finishing maneuvre in the history of wrestling and bestowed it upon the greatest talent the world had ever seen, could he survive it?

    The pressure was too much for a demigod such as Chris Kanyon, much less a mortal. Kanyon, like any suffering artist would do, gave himself the Kanyon Cutter, felt the BANG! and left this miserable planet four years ago.

  16. Paging Abeyance...

  17. Kanyon is hell bent on Kanyon Cuttering Judy Bagwell and they treat it like it's fucking CSI. This is great.

  18. I was going to ask when Lashley returned to wrestling but then I remember he didn't. ..he just went back to TNA

  19. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 19, 2014 at 11:32 PM

    Because if there's one lesson learned from ECW, it's that a dying champion can't go wrong with giving the strap to Bobby Lashley.


    'What a mark.'

    'What's "Versase"?'

  21. If TNA is ever going to get better..... Nah not even worth finishing that thought. It's been 10 years and they are what they are.

  22. The one time Kanyon was a badass.

  23. The one time Kanyon was a badass.

  24. Coming to Nitro...Scott Levy's Day Off!

    WTF was even the point of this shit??

  25. You know, there's what wrestling fans want TNA to be, and what its owners want it to be, and sadly it's probably impossible to be either. I think most wrestling fans want TNA to survive as an alternative to WWE. The company, though, continues to labor under the belief that they can compete with WWE. They still think they can "beat" them--whatever that even means.

    Ok, so you got Bobby Lashley as your champ. Fine. What the company should do is only have him wrestle about once a month, have him not lose a match for at least the next year, and only involve him in *serious* angles that directly lead to matches. No comedy stuff. Build him up as a monster. Plus cut back on the overall silliness, focus on building new stars, put on longer & better matches, etc.

    Of course that plan might work if you're interested in actually building a well-rounded wrestling promotion. TNA doesn't really care about that. They just want to keep producing "exciting" TV shows that draw that +/- 1.0 rating which keeps them on SpikeTV--all while believing they are one big angle or hot star away from recapturing Attitude Era/NWO lightning in a bottle and competing with WWE.

  26. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 20, 2014 at 12:34 AM

    It makes me really sad that Storm and Roode tried as hard as they could trying to help make TNA big and basically wasted their prime on a sinking ship when they could have been big stars elsewhere. Oh well, hindsight 20/20 and all.

  27. Dixie: So what you're saying is you want Lashley to wrestle twice in one night every week for as long as he's champion?

  28. This remains the greatest thing Bobby Lashley has, and ever will, do:

  29. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 20, 2014 at 12:46 AM

    I need to make a dentist appointment for 2:30 tomorrow. Get it? Tooth Hurty? Huehuehuehue.

  30. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 20, 2014 at 12:50 AM

    Marks that are big fans of the Wyatt family are really creepy.

  31. If only TNA had the Vaudevillians, then it could be legit!

  32. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 20, 2014 at 12:53 AM

    I STILL can't believe they count that in the official title history.

  33. There is something to be said for Dixie Carter, though: she's in everyone's top ten MILFs list. I'd so engage in an act of coitus with that lady.

  34. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 20, 2014 at 12:59 AM

    There's a reason they shitcanned all the Originals pretty soon after and revamped it as a developmental brand of sorts. It was dying in the same way you have a very old relative who it'd probably be best to leave this earth as soon as possible instead of struggling to get through the day without shitting his pants several times.

  35. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 20, 2014 at 1:00 AM

    It's sad that we know what he's gonna say almost verbatim. I can even imagine his tone of voice.

  36. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 20, 2014 at 1:01 AM

    " There's what wrestling fans want TNA to be, and what its owners want it to be, and sadly it's probably impossible to be either."

    See also: WWE

  37. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 20, 2014 at 1:02 AM

    She looks like an off-putting but still hot sister of Mary Steenburgen.

  38. How could TNA be what its owners want it to be? Its got a cable deal that won't move it forward unless Spike moves themselves forward and the company bled so much money from terrible hires that it had to release a significant part of its core group.

  39. Reigns wins the title. Rollins immediately cashes in his briefcase, which he won earlier in the night. Three way feud between the former Shield members for the title, culminating in a big Triple Threat between them.

  40. But, would Vince McMahon rather have Bobby Lashley or Daniel Bryan as the WWE world heavyweight champion?

  41. Do you really think that long wrestling matches will get them better ratings?

    They can do what they want and they will not get more than +- 1.0 ratings. I don't know why, but I think they are cursed. ;-)

  42. Stars = ratings. For some wrestlers long wrestling matches will turn them into stars like Joe, Aries and Wolves.

  43. I'm not sure they could have been big stars elsewhere they certainly wouldn't have gotten a shot in the WWE so really it's just sad TNA didn't do more with them in their prime.

  44. Did it say 3:16?

  45. Why should someone watch matches of wrestlers which he don't know? 2 * 0 is still 0. You can only make new stars, if you have stars to begin with.

    And I don't think that good wrestling could be a draw. WWF had much better wrestling in 97 than in 98 or 99 but the ratings were much lower. Angle vs Lesnar Iron Man on SD had a lower rating than the show before. The RAW with the overlong Cena vs HBK match had the same rating as the show before.

  46. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 20, 2014 at 4:53 AM

    I like both guys but I don't think either one would have gotten a decent shot in WWE and being on top of any other company is a far cry from "big star".

    A big star in ROH is equivalent to being a first day NXT rookie. Being a big star in any other promotion is equivalent to being a ROH rookie.

  47. Kanyon was just killing it here.

  48. overrated: yes. still great: yes as well.

  49. say it isn't so.

  50. Words just cannot express how amazed I am... They did it AGAIN..... (and I mean this in a very very very bad way). Yet again, F*CK THE PPV BUYERS.... hahaha

  51. What's wrong with a 1.0 rating if the product is good? Don't misunderstand me: I'm not saying that what I suggest would equal higher ratings. I'm talking about building a solid wrestling promotion that *might* attract a fanbase willing to spend money on the product. There's no reason they can't feature a young, inexpensive roster, have good angles and matches, modest production costs, be at that 1.0 ratings level SpikeTV seems content with and not be successful (i.e. profitable) overall.

    The problem is they've been poisoned to believe if they can just follow the Russo route they can remake the Attitude Era, follow Bischoff and redo the NWO, and with the right angle or hire the right ex-WWE star they too will be on the path to being a billion dollar company.

    Every time I see someone say "if only TNA were 'better' they'd draw better ratings" I sigh. Well, yes, ratings could be better, but only to a certain level. Hell, WWE can't even put on a show that isn't RAW and draw RAW-level ratings! Success in pro-wrestling is simple in concept but incredibly hard to achieve. You have to figure out what kind of wrestling you want to do, how much you can spend doing it, and can you draw enough fans to support it to make it profitable. It took Vince McMahon growing up under a grandfather & father who were in the business 50 years, himself being a daring & ruthless businessman, and more than 30 years of putting everything of himself & his family into getting and keeping WWE where it is today. The Carter family cannot come in and just throw money into a bottomless hole and hope to replicate that success.

  52. Should've taken it off Eric Young at the PPV. That was a major embarrassment.

  53. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighJune 20, 2014 at 6:18 AM

    Oh lashley....

  54. The Ascension have such a good look and entrance. Unfortunately, there's no tag teams on NXT that can hang with them. So if they are ever gonna drop the titles they need to build up a strong team quickly, or send someone from the main roster down to feud with them.

    Not familiar enough with their ring work to know if they could cut it on the main roster, but if they brought them up and booked them this strong they could really have something here.

  55. Now that the belts off EY who's the next momentum destroying champion? I'm thinking Manik.

  56. Jesse Godderz to capitalize on the Miz push?

  57. They put a press release and everything out for......a guy who hasn't been a big deal in pro wrestling since 2008.....and is another former wwe guy.....Yep that's a fresh start and a step in the right direction!

  58. AverageJoeEverymanJune 20, 2014 at 6:36 AM

    The Vaudvillains need large anvils to lift and a crazy 2 seater bicycle with one large wheel and one tiny wheel

  59. Ladies and Gentlemen the new TNA World Champion A Black Gentlemen and one of the strongest guys I have ever seen: BOBBY~! LINDSEY~!

  60. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJune 20, 2014 at 6:40 AM

    Dammit...beat me to it by 3 minutes.

  61. Lashley always has this look on his face that says: "I'm sorry but could you say that again but a little bit louder this time?"

  62. Have modern day Raven and Axle Rose been seen in the same place at the same time?

  63. Hope his first challenger is Willow, aka Jeff Harvey.

  64. Also when they are eventually split up, it has to be via an old-school double cross.

  65. Oh I disagree TNA and its management live in a its only little world.

  66. when HHH was world champ from 2002-2004, it was a "Fake world title", but once Benoit won it, he was the ABSOLUTE WORLD CHAMPION, BABY!!

  67. Too bad for Lashley that he didn't come around later. He could have received a better wrestling name from the magic WWE NAME GENERATOR, like Garrett Baylor, or Marcus Sandor, or Anton Block.

    He could also have been a Paul Heyman guy, and would never have had to talk.

  68. How many WWE mid 00's flame outs are at the top of the TNA card right now? MVP, Lashley, Kennedy...

  69. I think that was just Scott ribbing HHH. Doubt he actually felt that way.

  70. I watched his match with Saturn at the Great American Bash 1998 and it was fucking awesome. They were just beating the shit out of each other and suplexing the shit out of each other. For 1998, it was pretty impressive.

  71. It's either they couldn't help themselves and had to do something of shock value or MVP is going to be out for a while.

  72. with Willow and Bubba Ray still in the mix. It just never changes.

  73. I think it was most of the internet that had that philosophy. I did find the hypocrisy and double standard quite funny. (Like it or not, that so called "reign of terror" did make that new title prestigious.)

  74. AverageJoeEverymanJune 20, 2014 at 6:58 AM

    if something is going wrong a very long cane should be extended from the back and hook them out of the ring

  75. Hardy and Bubba at least had their day in the sun and served their purpose. Everyone else I mentioned never lived up to expectations. Though I have long argued about why in the world would you give bubba a big push because he (in the teens) is not going to draw in new viewers or put more butts in seats.

  76. AverageJoeEverymanJune 20, 2014 at 7:04 AM

    If so then "it's your ass"

  77. WCW did with Ted Turner. :-) And it wasn't so hard: First: get the old main eventers from the competition, second: get then two hot main eventers and let them take over 4 life. :-)

    I think a 1.x Rating for a prime time wrestling show is just bad. It was bad in 1993 - it is bad in 2014.

    Normally TNA should have at least a 2.x rating. 1.x was always something like velocity or some other jobber show and not the flagship of the company.

    Even WCW in their worst times had better ratings compared to TNA and they were still head to head with RAW.

    TNA has no competition and they still don't draw. IMO they need to reset everything. At least a new name.

  78. True, and at least Bully Ray is a different and interesting character, so i'll give them a pass on that one. But yep, so many "home grown" TNA guys (former ROH guys can count as home grown, simply because they're not WWE/WCW castoffs), they could have so easily made a good dozen major stars by just putting those guys over the castoffs. So frustrating.


  80. Best part of that, both times they used that video for HBK, it really WAS a lie.

  81. The problem with TNA in a nutshell: with guys like Austin Aries, James Storm, Samoa Joe, Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle, Bully Ray, Magnus, and Bobby Roode (I think he's still with TNA, isn't he?) on their roster, they come to the conclusion that Eric Young vs Bobby Lashley = ratings.

  82. Everquest Roe!
    Typhus Felch!
    Lol Bathysphere!
    Fie Spoons!
    Harold Kumar!
    "Milky" Rodgers!

  83. The last time TNA was good was when Aries had the title. I have no problem with TNA pushing Jeff Hardy because he's a proven mega star who was still in his prime but they needed to build the company around Aries and Roode. That ship has sailed, sunken, and been given up on by the rescue team.

    In a world where all of us are wishing for a alternative wrestling program, to the point where the wwe feeder systems 1 hour show is probably the most popular show in this blog, its engaging that TNA is a pathetic parody of a wrestling promotion.

  84. ARRRRGH THE BARBARIANJune 20, 2014 at 7:59 AM

    Brodus Clay

  85. What is La'Carpetron Dookmariot doing in the Impact Zone?!?!

  86. I follow @TNAMecca on Twitter for shits and (plentiful) giggles. I can't wait to see how they react to what happens next week.

  87. Jeff Hardy is to wrestling as Shogun Rua is to MMA. Just because he is still young doesn't mean he's not used up and out of his prime.

  88. Taking the title off EY is a MUCH needed move. The guy didn't draw. The guy will never be taken seriously. At least casual wrestling fans flipping through may recognize Lashley plus he is decent in the ring. Point is, what is going to draw better ratings: Eric Young defending the title every week and beating guys like Kenny King and MPV or Bobby Lashley being challenged by Bobby Roode, Austin Aries and Samoa Joe? I'll take the second option every day of the week. I think they are going to hotshot the title to Roode at the NYC tapings though or wait until BFG.

  89. TOP of the card? Kennedy hasn't been at the top in years. MVP has been in TNA for a couple months, this is Lashley's second trip in TNA. I wouldn't consider Lashley a "flameout" he left on his own terms. TNA also has plenty of fresh faces in the main event or top of TNA right now....Roode, Aries, Young, Joe, Wolves, Hardy, Magnus, Storm...

  90. kbwrestlingreviewsJune 20, 2014 at 9:40 AM

    That would make me feel better. I missed their names and looked them up on a match database. Maybe that was wrong.

  91. Here's what we know about the Lashley situation, based upon notes from last nights taping: the feeling was, EY was to capitalize off Daniel Bryan. But with Bryan on the shelf, TNA had no frame of reference on how to book EY. Dixie pitched the idea of legit injuring EY to spike a rating, as well as a "Walk in Clinic" match between EY and Abyss. Both ideas were nixed and Lashley got the call. What this means going forward, is anyone's guess. Lashley may have a long reign, but he might not. He may be champ at Bound for Glory, but there's also a chance he might not. Plans change, but there is talk of hopefully bringing in Tanahashi.

  92. Haha, nobody in TNA is a "draw"

    It's silly to think putting the belt on Lashley will mean anything in the long run.

    TNA is pretty much dead in the water.

  93. Tell that to the 1 million fans that watch every week.

  94. I'm ok with Babyhead Black Lesnar getting the title. MVP's crew isn't as effective without it (really thought MVP was going over at the PPV before he got hurt). Plus this would be the low-rent version of what Brock will do at Summerslam.

  95. A 1.0 rating on cable TV isn't bad depending on how much money you are spending and if you're making a profit. That's the whole point. WCW did have better ratings, and they spent millions of dollars and never made a profit except for those 2 NWO years. TNA has tried everything, had all the talent in the world, and their highest rating ever was what... like a 1.5? That pretty much shows you what the ceiling is. They can't take what exists, "improve" it, and be at WWE's level. They've tried the WCW route of dumping millions of dollars into it and hoping lightning would strike. Hasn't worked. The other path is to pare back, stop trying to compete with WWE, and basically be the highest profile Indy fed in the country. No one there seems to want to do that though.

    You are right about the name. At this point it's poison.

  96. And yet this same company refused to put the belt on Monty Brown.
    I bet they really regret that now.

  97. We are dressed in our best and are prepared to go down like gentlemen.

  98. So, they one-upped WWE, and did Bryan vs. Brock when WWE couldn't. The ship's turning around!

  99. Getting KO'ed by the likes of Chad Griggs will do that to you. It's so funny how spot-on the Lesnar comparisons are, though Lashley only held the WCCW Texas belt in MMA, not a world belt.

  100. What is Rinse McFan doing in the Impact Zone? (sorry, had to).

  101. That's kind of my point. 1 million fans. That number never really changes.

    It doesn't matter if the champ is Lashley or Eric Young or Jeff Hardy or Angle or Roode.

  102. She was a upper tier milf, but recently has gotten less milf worthy.

  103. The Ghost of Faffner HallJune 20, 2014 at 1:51 PM

    That would be literally the greatest thing to ever happen in the history of the WWE.


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