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Top 10 Most Overrated Video Games Ever

Here's an interesting one that I came across, a list of the most overrated video games of all time, done by voting, rather than just some guy doing a 411/Bleacher Report top ten list:

For those not wanting to click on the link (it's not in slideshow view), here's the top 10:

1. Call of Duty
2. Halo
3. World of Warcraft
4. Angry Birds
5. Minecraft
6. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarnia of Time
7. Halo 3
8. Grand Theft Auto 4
9. Final Fantasy X
10. TNA Impact (what?)

I would have put #6 and #8 at #1 and #2, respectively, and I can't argue that any of the top 9 should be bounced, but TNA Impact at #10? I'll admit I've never played it, but from everything I've heard it's nothing special, I don't recall people raving about it at the time.

Anyway, the link actually contains the top 100, and there's some surprising picks on there. If nothing else, this is way more interesting than talking about soccer.


  1. Ocarina of Time?! OCARINA OF TIME?!

    Eat balls, list.

  2. As a long, long, LONG time WoW player: fuck those guys. And I would have put FFVII on the list instead of X. Personal preference I guess.

  3. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 4:44 PM

    I personally hate any 3D Zelda game. I HATED OoT.

  4. I am stupid and thought we were talking about A Link To The Past.

    Eat balls, me.

  5. GTA 4 was a tad overrated. Great action but getting penalized for not playing boring games with the other characters felt tacked on. GTA 4: The Ballad of Gay Tony however is one of the best games of the series.

    TNA Impact .... what?

  6. I like the term Yahtzee Croshaw gave the CoD games, Spunk Gaga Weewee.

  7. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 4:48 PM

    I consider that to be the best game ever made. Though depending on my mood I might go with GTA: San Andreas, or maybe even Metroid Prime or Super Mario World.

    I want to put GTAV in there, but it's too early. Let's see if it's still awesome 20 years later, like LTTP or SMW.

  8. How can you not have Tomb Raider on this list?

  9. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 4:51 PM

    That's what inspired me to post this. Like, did a bunch of hardcore WWE marks spam the shit out of the voting or something? I would assume that if you aren't a wrestling fan you've probably never heard of TNA at all, much less their video game.

  10. I'm assuming he means the latest one.

  11. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 4:52 PM

    I don't think it even made the top 100. It should have been in the top 20 at least. The original one, anyways.

  12. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 16, 2014 at 4:53 PM

    Final Fantasy X.. Was that the one with all girls? That was around the time that I stopped gaming more or less.

  13. OoT was amazing, as was FFX. Like as mentioned down below, if any FF game is overrated, it's FFVII...which still was a great game, but it's not the GREATEST GAME EVER~! as lot of people make it out to be.

    WoW was really fucking fun for a long time. I don't miss playing it, though.

    Now, if you were going to compile a most underrated games list, I think Majora's Mask has to be up there.

  14. Truly a legendary game, I still play the Hyrule fight song on my workout mix.

  15. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 16, 2014 at 4:55 PM

    I was in to OoT at the time but I can't see myself playing it again now. Majora's Mask I never even finished.

    I'm not really that into the MMO thing but I did play WoW for a bit and until the repetitiveness gets to you, it's pretty good.

  16. Original Tomb Raider for the PSX was meh for gameplay, A+++ for boobage.

  17. Speaking of Final Fantasy I'm going to finish IX one of these days.

  18. Original for PS

  19. I definitely disagree with GTA IV being on the list. Yeah, the main game isn't quite as great as Vice City, San Andreas, and V, but both of the DLC help make up for it.
    Also, I'm playing through the remastered version of FFX and have fallen in love with the game all over again. Love the story, and Blitzball in HD is awesome.

  20. It was the next one, X-2.

  21. That was X-2 with the Barbie Magical Dress-up Jobs System(but honestly not the worst FF game by a long stretch).

  22. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 5:00 PM

    You want to hear something crazy? FFVII regularly sells for more now than it cost when it was new. Now that would make sense if it was somehow rare, but it's the second best selling PS1 game ever (behind Gran Tourismo) at nearly 10 million copies sold. So yeah, I agree, it should not only replace FFX, it should be in the top 3.

  23. Square Enix has to bring in the money somehow.

  24. Can't imagine how it would sell for that much. I got it on Steam for like $12 last year.

  25. VII came to America right about the time I discovered red bud...I can't ever hate VII.

    X though, that game was not very good, I hated the slot system I much preferred the system they used in 8 where all the abilities and stuff came from the avatars.

    Call of Duty I couldn't agree with more, I can't stand any of those games it just looks sooooooooo fucking boring to spam kills/deaths for hours. Were there any kind of strategy at all involved I think I might have more fun with it. I've never really found any FPS too interesting though so maybe I'm unpleasable.

  26. People love having the physical product in some cases, especially when we're talking first-generation gamer nerds.

  27. This list is one of the reasons I sometimes question whether or not uninformed democracy is the best way to govern a group of people.

  28. Oh I hate VIII with the burning fury of 1,000 suns may it rot in Hell or other appropriately Hell-ish dimension.

  29. Could not get into FFIX. I'm in a distinct minority because everyone else I know loved it. I really should give it another go around sometime...

  30. I loved. Not so much for the story, which was pretty lame...but the Junction system was great.

  31. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 5:07 PM

    I play the game like once a week. Though the fun has gone out of it a bit though, because I thoroughly destroyed that game. If you look on gamefaqs there's a walkthrough that shows you the hardest way possible to beat the game (like how you can beat 95% of the original Zelda without the sword), and I beat it that way without ever dying once. I beat it in standard mode without ever having to refill my heath, I've been playing it nos-stop since the early 90s. I want to try to get through it without getting hit once, but that's fucking impossible.

  32. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 16, 2014 at 5:07 PM

    Pffttt, Soccer is way more interesting than video games!

  33. Most overrated game around here is No Mercy.

  34. You shut your whore mouth.

  35. I'm like that on Civ V now, I somehow ended up with 380 happiness across my empire and was going into golden ages like every 5 turns with a great person being born about that often too.

    There's almost a whole second version of the game once you've beaten it to that level.

  36. Spoiler: it's not.

    You're better off rolling the dice on a benevolent king. Democracy has checks and balances that assure failure.

  37. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 5:11 PM

    Collectors are crazy. The 3 NES porno games are worth a grand each, more if you have all the original packaging. And they all suck. Like, really suck. Some idiot paid $150 for a fucking repro of it. And he knew it was a repro.

  38. Ocarina of time overrated? Fuck the fuck OFF. That game deserves every praise that it gets.

  39. I prefer WM2000.

  40. Super Mario brothers 2. Boooooooooo

  41. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 5:17 PM

    Never played any of the Civ games. I just have a cheap 2 1/2 year old laptop, it's fine for what I need it for, but it's definitely not suited for gaming. It runs emulators great (though it's not powerful enough to run the GC one), but it's not good for PC gaming, which has never been my thing anyway. Just too complicated to install that shit.

  42. Spunkgargleweewee. And it doesn't just describe Call of Duty, but any realistic modern war shooter that abuses the tropes associated with the genre.

  43. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 5:18 PM

    FIFA 14 is on there somewhere.

  44. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 5:21 PM

    That's the only one I have finished. I broke my leg and had to just sit around for like 3 weeks, and by brother lent me the game and the strategy guide. Beat that shit in like 4 days.

  45. I love Mario 2! I wish they would bring back Wart in some form again and the pick up and throw mechanic in a game.

  46. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 5:23 PM

    Wasn't Wart in one of the Super Smash Bros. games?

    Him and Mouser (think that was his name) need to be in Mario Kart.

  47. Angry Birds...overrated?? Don't think it was ever heralded as fun little time waster. Sounds more like backlash at multiple areas of oversaturation.

  48. I don't remember Wart in SSB games, but him and Mouser would be a great addition to Mario Kart. And Fry Guy and the three headed snake too.

  49. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 5:25 PM

    I like Revenge the best myself, though probably just because I liked the roster better.

  50. CoD made the top ten, but not Madden? I figured they both go hand in hand.

  51. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 5:26 PM

    Ever play the real SMB2? They weren't joking, that game is fucking hard! Like, Ninja Gaiden hard.

  52. So basically anything that's "popular" gets tagged as "Overrated" according to that list?

  53. Yes yes yes to GTA 4 on the list. I love the world, but the game is so damn boring.

  54. Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels as found in Super Mario All Stars.

    Yeah, that game was skull crushingly difficult. Not Battletoads hard, but hard enough to make you not want to finish it.

  55. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 5:28 PM

    A couple of the other CoD games are further down the list, so I think they're talking about the first one. I'd imagine the Madden games got a lot of votes, but they were spread across 25 different games.

  56. GTA 5 is the only GTA i've bothered to play through the main story, so I know it has to be at least Good.

  57. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 5:31 PM

    There's a difference between those two games. Lost Levels (and Ninja Gaiden were hard because the programmers wanted it to be hard. Battletoads was hard because the programmers sucked.

  58. There is a segment of the populace that will hate every single thing, but for the most part this seems to be a casual gamer like fest.

  59. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 16, 2014 at 5:32 PM

    (I'm sure there's a modded version, but fuck me - they're so hard to run)

    I'd really like a version of No Mercy that contained all the rosters (ie. all the WCW games, all the WWF games), and all the arenas, all with the features of No Mercy.

  60. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 5:32 PM

    You just knew Rockstar was capable of so much more. It's predecessor and sequel shows it.

  61. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 16, 2014 at 5:33 PM

    What differences are there between No Mercy and 2000?

  62. I've only played it in the Super Mario All-Stars compilation. It's a beast.

  63. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 5:35 PM

    Maybe it's just me, but I like the AI better in Revenge and WM2000 a lot better than the AI in No Mercy. Can't really explain why though.

  64. God did Ninja Gaiden rule when it first came out, loved that game.

  65. Yeah it kind of sucks. Like obviously freedom is amazing and good and I'd never not want anyone to have it, but I guess the problem is then people have the freedom to waste that freedom on rash choices or simply execute their ability to be a first class a-hole.

    This top ten list was made 6 years ago and only has 3000 votes. Have those 3000 people played all those games to completion, are they literate, do they even like those franchises?

    It's annoying when it's a stupid vote about video games, but it's damn near heart breaking when it comes to shit that matters. I'm all for seeking out news sources you like, but wouldn't you get the hint that mayyyybeeee something is a little askew if most of your news comes in the form of one party's attack on another?

    I saw a thing by Sarah Palin get shared yesterday by millions of people that claimed the President was somehow missing 2 years worth of Oval Office recordings - in real time by the way, meaning millions of minutes.

    People don't read, and they'd rather make the snarky comment for the gags than actually engage in a way that builds discussion. Any dissenting opinion, anywhere, is almost always greeted with that dissenter being called an idiot or moron or stupid, or they get lopped in 'with the other side' despite the question having nothing to do with politics.

  66. I understand it was just them showing off what they could do with the new systems, but it would have been nice to have a boss game to match the visuals.

  67. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJune 16, 2014 at 5:36 PM

    I like CoD.

    Believe me, I used to be so against it. My friends all got on the CoD bandwagon, and it used to piss me off when they'd stick that on and play it over and over.

    I basically had no other option but to try it and try and join in the so-called 'fun'.

    I was absolutely useless at first, but I got a kill or two, and I totally understood the fun. There's something moreish about it.

    And i'd disagree - There is a strategy to it.

    Don't get me wrong, it's no sim. But there's different approaches you can take depending on your class.

    I'll never forget the time I got a 40-4 (kills to deaths..) by running around stabbing people. I manned out a tower block and just kept moving quickly. Modern Warfare 2 had this crazy type of knife called a tactical knife, where any time you stab, you just have the most unrealistic lunge/reach and can stab people from a meter or two back.

    It was tremendous fun.

  68. San Andreas looking back was even more overrated though. For its time, it was great, but now the plot cohesion issues are obvious and the PS2 graphics look brutal. And no, I'm not a 1080p hound, but a lot of pixel games know how to properly use their graphics to convey the setting to the viewer, which is their entire point. SA's graphics just make you seem like you're in three rather small cities with not as much to them as the later games. Great for its time, and I played the game as a twisted form of therapy, but its been outclassed in so many ways now and not all of them are technological.

  69. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 5:36 PM

    "This top ten list was made 6 years ago and only has 3000 votes."

    GTAV is on the list, so it was made sometime in the last 8 months.

  70. Hey, its a top 10 overrated games list that doesn't have FFVII on it. I'm shocked I tell you. Never mind, its number 11. these lists are so predictable.

  71. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 5:38 PM

    You should play San Andreas. It's worth doing the missions just to see the cut scenes.

  72. The characters become a lot better if you call them and 'hang out with them' particularly Dwayne. It's interesting, Niko and him end up bonding over Jail stories and such, and they'll react to whatever activity you do in a way that's far more honest than Niko is with any of the other characters.

    That game is more "good" than it is fun though - it's really, really, really, rich, but not very exciting in a thrill-ride sense. It's sort of like a Lasagna when you expect Buffalo Wings.

  73. A lot of people did miss the point of VII's greatness though, not to mention the various instances of 12 year old cool.

  74. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 5:39 PM

    Keep scrolling down, they have the honorable mentions with the top 100. GTAV is somewhere in the 30's, I think.

  75. TNA sucks so hard it disappoints even low expectations.

  76. The US or Japanese version?

  77. I hate that term casual gamer. Can't people who like Angry Birds like Call of Duty? Can't people who like Madden Football enjoy Lunar 2?

    I hate this idea that you're either a casual gamer or a core gamer, sure, I guess it's possible to lean one way or another, but can't you put just as much time and effort and energy into mastering all of Angry Brids' levels and star ratings as you could getting to level 80 in WoW or getting a top ranking in Call of Duty?

    Where does a game like Super Mario 3 fall on that list? It's easy to pick up and play, but by the 8th world prepare to have your face blown off by the difficulty.

  78. This following comment about Super Mario bros from this list is a contender for the dumbest thing I've read on the Internet.
    game is pointless. compare it with Zelda or metroid on the nes which
    have some solid objectives. I think it must be so easy to make those
    first few:"

    The game isn't zelda shithead. Its a different genre and completely different game. That doesn't mean its pointless.

  79. Contra, Punch-out, SMB 3, Mega Man 2, and Castlevania were very popular, but they aren't in the top 100 (unless I overlooked them). I see your point though. The description as to why Super Mario Bros. is overrated is because people talk about it too much. People talk about good games, no way around it.

  80. Oh, I explored the Friends options, and they were interesting. Rockstar have gotten awesome at writing character interaction, it feels very real, for lack of a better term. It really shows in Red Dead, and GTA 5 (in my humble opinion, anyway)

  81. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 5:41 PM

    Ever play the X-Box version? It's still hard as fuck, but it has great controls and camerawork.

  82. Can't wrestling fans just enjoy Hulk Hogan and all the big slugs?

  83. Oh man, did you ever hang out with Franklin's Friend as Trevor? Holy shit.

  84. Blame the game media for that bullshit "casual gamer" term.

    Also, nerds are super protective, and get very resistant to outsiders they feel aren't worthy honing in on their "thing".

  85. Yeah it looks like the voting never closes, so that's annoying. but still bottom right has a little history of the poll

  86. ITs not even pub about good games, its the fact a lot of gamers are fed shit and think its ice cream, and thus vigourously defend that brand and slag deeper stuff they don't get.

  87. Trevor is one of my favorite characters ever.

  88. There is a character named "ho" in no mercy, oh and a ladder match, better career mode, and better roster.

  89. To be honest I'm not sure which system I played it on, may have been PS2. I just remember loving the idea of a stealth mission that was THE WHOLE GAME. Loved, loved, loved it.

  90. Most underrated: Sailor Moon S for 3DO.

    Helluva fighting game!

  91. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 5:46 PM

    I've played the real version, outside of the SNES version having updated graphics they're identical. And I bet everyone walked right into the poison mushroom the first time.

    I never beat that game, think the closest I ever came was level 6.

  92. You spelled Antz wrong. Not even being sarcastic, its a pretty good platformer on the GBC no one knows about because Antz got snowed by A Bug's Life and people think movie equals shite game every single time.

    Not sure its accurate to the movie, but its some mighty fine, glitch-free platforming action.

  93. I would like to lay it again. My copy fucked off at about the point I was getting into the second city mission, and I never bothered getting another copy. I did enjoy that one the most, besides 5.

  94. San Andreas was smooth as silk.

  95. Ocarina of Time? What the what?

  96. Also, difficult as fuck for those that like that. Final level requires finding like 20 ants hidden in the level to form a giant ladder, which leads to some pretty difficult blind jumps/dealing with enemies/THOSE FUCKING MISPLACED BRANCHES OVER INSTANT DEATH WATER

  97. I think a lot regard Majora's Mask as being better but this got all the hype?

  98. Which isn't even fair to OoT, really. OoT is amazing by is MM.

  99. Shit is stupid easy to install these days. A newer computer helps of course, but most things from a site like will run off a computer from many moons ago.

  100. I don't know about the other games but I know World of Warcraft devolved over time. It was a fantastic immersive experience back before Cataclysm, and while that expansion introduced some interface improvements the game became dumbed down from patch to patch until it became more like Pokemon than an MMO.

  101. "more like Pokemon"

    Hey, not cool man. OG since 98 here.

  102. US version. Very disappointing 1988 :( its OK.overall but couldn't beat the fun of 1

  103. I was selling WoW all through the hot years. Now, if I ask any old players, they pretty much all say the same thing: "Eh, after Cataclysm, it stopped being interesting", which can probably also be attributed to how many goddamn hours they had already put into the game, plus any faults Cata might have caused.

  104. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 5:56 PM

    I think it's one of the greatest games ever, and I don't see any issues with the plot. And I can care less about the graphics, GTA has never been about graphics.

    But you make valid points. I had the XB version, and those graphics were pretty crappy, and the PS2 was even worse. But I get so immersed in the story, combined with the shitload of side missions... that would probably be my desert island game.

  105. Lol at Halo seriously being on here

  106. I get that and am with you 100%, but for Super Mario Bros. to be on the list because people talk about it too much doesn't make it overrated. Call of Duty and Madden are talked about even when they come out with a slightly different game each year, and that is crap, but for games like SMB, Pong, and Pac-Man to be on this list because people talk about them too much doesn't make it overrated. Without Pong, Pac-Man, and Super Mario Bros, we probably wouldn't even be having a discussion about video games in the first place. They were so popular during there time and were actually inventive and fun, that they paved the way for the gaming industry. If it weren't for Pong (which started the console craze) and SMB (which brought the gaming industry out of the Crash), there might not even be a home console market at all right now.

  107. I enjoyed the multiplayer for Halo one. After that, it became incredibly skippable to me, but I can totally understand the love for it: Easy to learn, fast, and multiplayer based. That's all Quake, or Tribes, or Goldeneye ever where...but I had already played those by the time Halo came out, so it was kind of by-the-numbers for me. A new generation of gamers? That shit is like heroin.

    I can understand the hate, too. but it's grumbly old man hate,

  108. Yeah I should have made that more clear. The only modern FPS I've liked is BulletStorm and that was mostly due to Rick Remender writing it.

  109. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 6:04 PM

    Plus Pong is the shit. You know God damned well that if anyone here was offered the chance to play Pong for a few minutes they'd do it. And anyone who hates on Pac-Man can fuck off.

  110. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 6:07 PM

    Do you have a 3DO?

  111. Had one. Died on me years ago, no time now to play anyway.

    John Madden football for 3DO was also wonderfully quirky.

  112. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 16, 2014 at 6:15 PM

    I played one a few times and hated the controller. They go for about $50 around here.

    I'm considering selling my NEO-GEO CD. I could use the money, and I get the feeling prices are about to go down.

  113. Orcania of Time is one of the best games of all time. Period. The other one is Gunstar Heroes. Neither can be overrated.

  114. I liked San Andreas, but never saw the widespread appeal. GTA peaked with Vice City (my favorite game of all time). San Andreas was fun, but I hated the rpg elements. GTA IV was fun for a while, bit got boring quick. I've still yet to play GTA V, but even though it looks like an excellent game, I'll go ahead and say I won't like it as much as Vice City because of the map alone. I love the fact that in Vice City, I still have the ENTIRE map memorized, and I haven't played it in at least four years. It's small map makes me feel like I'm driving around in a city that I've lived in for years. Plus the soundtrack is the greatest of all time (maybe tied with Streets of Rage 2).

    I like the concept of open world maps, but San Andreas and GTA IV are so big that I'll never memorize the entire map, which was one of the high points for me with Vice City.

  115. Ms. Pac-Man was superior, but no one can hate on Pac-Man.

  116. I played Gunstar Heroes for the first time about two months ago, and it is absolutely amazing. It's easy as hell, but the replayability level is high.

  117. I have a hard time agreeing that angry birds is overrated. Its a pocket game you can take out and play anywhere you have to wait around and it's free. And it's just a goofy touchscreen control. What's overrated about it?

  118. On a PC at high settings it looks like a crisp smooth cartoon with a very distant horizon. I recommend it.

  119. X-2 is a actually a good game, it's just wrapped in an annoying package.

  120. I didn't even realize it was that bad until GTA V came out and revealed how bad IV was in comparison. It kept the realism of IV but brought back all the fun that IV lacked. The only place where IV is better than V is the soundtrack, especially once the Lost and Damned additional tracks were added.

  121. Upvote for the Vice City soundtrack

  122. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 16, 2014 at 7:08 PM

    I'm guessing it's because they went so overboard with the merchandizing and trumpeting "we're officially more popular than Mario!" that people got sick of it. Though that's due to advertising more than anything.

  123. Virgil's Gimmick TableJune 16, 2014 at 7:12 PM

    There's a guy on another forum I used to frequent that would talk down to people who played any games besides RPGs. And most games considered RPGs (I.e. Elder Scrolls, Fallout) he considered not "true" RPGs. Some people are just too up their own ass to make sense.

  124. To me, Super Mario Bros. gets a pass. It's like the first WrestleMania: it's so historical that it deserves it's place in history.

    People forget that Super Mario Bros. was a breathe of fresh air after all the crap Atari produced. Mario is THE game changer. It is the single most important game in Nintendo's history and perhaps the most important game in video game history. Comparing Mario to The Legend of Zelda is foolish. Mario came put YEARS earlier and they're two different types of games.

  125. Mario 3 and Mario World are on the second page. This list must have been made by somebody that didn't grow-up with a NES, SNES or Genesis.

  126. Anybody who thinks ocarina of time is overrated is not a person worth talking to.

  127. Seriously? I didn't even click on it because I think the top 10 is pretty awful (I love a lot of those games), if Mario 3 and Mario World are right there as well, then this list really is shit.

  128. I actually do find FF7 to be overrated, personally (just not a fan...I fucking hate the blocky graphics and the storyline didn't do anything for me), but to each their own. The list sounds like it's garbage anyway.

  129. One of the few I agreed with on the list (actually, just that one and Halo 3...I love Halo 2 but wasn't a fan of 3, personally...I haven't played a few and can't judge).

  130. Well, we can see what we're working with here. The Earthbound entry has a comment along the lines of "this game good not best ever it good but bad porky is hated character so it bad pokemon and the vc and pokemon bad and stuff". If this is the level of intelligence we're working with in terms of who is voting...

  131. Yet they don't want to do a remake of it with better graphics. Leavin' money on the table, yo!


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