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Undertaker/Underfaker tag-team?


I was listening to Joe Gagne's Joe Vs. The World 1994 WWF recap podcast and he mentions that the plan was for The Undertaker and Underfaker to team up post-SummerSlam as a tag-team which was of course nixed when they realized the angle was a dud. 

Joe read a lot of Observers to prep for the podcast so I assume his source for this was Meltzer, but have you ever heard that this was the plan?
​I don't specifically remember that one, but it sounds like something they'd do.  ​Brian Lee was basically brought in on Undertaker's word anyway.  

And man, remind me not to hire Undertaker as a talent scout.  He's given us Underfaker, then DOA, and finally Kronik over the years.  


  1. Then didn't Taker flip on Kronik...Kronik...Kronik...after their dud of a match.

  2. That match sucked equally because of Kane and Taker. Kronik were a big pickup from WCW and would have been received differently if they debuted against the Dudleyz or Hardyz. Brothers of Destruction were the complete diarrhea shits that year.

  3. Agreed. Kane and UT were the absolute shit in 2001. Mainly Undertaker.

  4. Despite that, they kept rollin, rollin, rollin.

  5. Who in their right mind would give Brian Lee the nod? His feud with Dreamer in ECW was ok but he was totally ineffective outside of the south...and even then...

  6. Horrible talent scout, but those guys together would make one bad ass motorcycle gang.

  7. The Undertaker and the Undertaker's Apprentice, like a Sith Lord and his underling. Underfaker went away and Kane surfaces. It all makes sense.

  8. Who said that about Blink 182?

  9. Caliber regularly let out his love of Blink.

  10. I guess that would be, what, a face turn for Faker? If that's the case, what the hell happened to DiBiase in the 90s? He goes from trying to buy the WWF title to buying Andre's contract and the Hulk screwjob to...the Underfaker and the ineffective Corporation? Did the early 90s recession hit the Million Dollar Man THAT hard?

  11. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 4, 2014 at 8:00 AM

    They didn't transition well because Vince didn't allow them to.

  12. I think the clear best choice would be someone we haven't seen yet on Raw/Smackdown before. whoever the best NXT guy is.

    If they have to choose someone already on the roster, Dolph would be my 1st choice. 1) They're not doing anything with him now 2) He has a good reason to hate the Authority and want revenge 3) He's good enough in the ring to keep up with the other two guys

  13. Wait, who said coffee was worse than steroids? Was that Caliber again?

  14. None of those things really sound that bad to be honest. And I also like Cesaro's slow build as a future top face. It's clear he'll eventually snap at Paul and giant swing him to a monster ass pop.

  15. He should have crushed glass funneled into his urethra.

  16. Yup. Our hero. To be fair I think he was saying that steroids had no bad effects and were no more a PED than caffeine

  17. Zayn, Ziggler and Zach should form a stable. they could call themselves "ZZZ".

  18. You have a knack for making me laugh at stuff that I shouldn't

  19. AverageJoeEverymanJune 4, 2014 at 8:04 AM

    The big eagle? The one that came right after the winged eagle? Cause I fucking love that belt.

  20. But like Steiner, they were unbelievably unimpressive in the ring and it affected their overness. If the match had been ***, say, it might have worked out differently.

    Alternatively, Shane Helms did quite well in WWE and it was probably because he was adept.

  21. He also NAILED the character of the Hurricane... probably due to him being a huge nerd

  22. That was my first thought.

  23. "Are the storylines really that bad though??"


  24. I loved Blink 182...when I was 14.

  25. Well, it IS advocating violence against Caliber.

  26. Again, though, Kronik was unimpressive because they were booked with Taker and Kane, who were not anywhere near their high points as workers.

  27. The Hosses Of Anarchy!

  28. A multimillionaire voting for a Democrat? The 80s were a weird time, man.

  29. All it would take is one good promo from dolph and he'd fit something like :HHH/WWE has refused to take me seriously for years, so fuck it, I'm going to help destroy them

  30. For sure. Now, unless you are Hollywood or Warren Buffet if you have 7 - 9 figures you vote Republican

  31. I dunno, man. Taker back then was a pretty selfish guy and quite paranoid about his spot. Not really a fun guy to watch.

  32. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 4, 2014 at 8:10 AM

    Shane was recreated in the WWE machine, while Kronik went as they were. Only the WCW wrestlers that submitted and remade the way Vince wanted them to survived the purge.
    I always said the WWE was like invasion of the body snatchers. They kill the host and put a clone that is totally compliant to the leader out.

  33. Because nobody sees (the face). ;)

    Everybody saw the Undertaker fake face, so everybody knew (and that Lee was a head shorter or so ;-)

    I think it was meant that DiBiase thought, that he has the real Undertaker - or at least he wanted us to think that.

    And I think it could have worket, if he would have found someone with the size of the Undertaker and maybe with a mask.

    Later it worked when Undertaker was fake Kane

  34. They're known for riding out when it's 120 degrees in the middle of Death Valley, where the
    only things that survive in the desert are the cold-blooded,the snakes
    and the lizards, with only enough gas to get to the middle of the desert and not get back, and coming out with snake neckties and lizard boots, carryin' their Harley-Davidsons on their shoulders.

  35. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 4, 2014 at 8:12 AM

    How could Taker live in Death Valley and be that Pale? That would be like saying Sheamus lived in the Bahamas.

  36. There was no point in trying to salvage whatever they had though. Objectively speaking, they gave them a shot to hang with two of the top stars of the company. It wasn't like they were trying to build a tag division because they already had half a dozen over tag teams.

    So yeah, they could've been given a better opportunity, but they wouldn't have added anything to the company.
    C'est la vie.

  37. I guess Booker was the biggest success story

  38. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 4, 2014 at 8:13 AM

    He was beathen into submission by the Rock and HHH and remade through the Goldust team and King Bookah

  39. I bet Flair feels silly for endorsing the shield now.

  40. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 4, 2014 at 8:14 AM

    Kronik always was a knockoff of the Acolytes to me.

  41. Didn't say he didn't have to go through that... just saying I think he and Goldberg are the only WCW guys to show up for the first time after 2001 that actually won a world title.

  42. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 4, 2014 at 8:17 AM

    But they had to show that hard-headed Jew and the uppity Negro their place first.
    And that place was under HHH's heel.

  43. Ah so they played the role the non Top 5'ers play around here AMIRITE?

  44. That about sums it up. If you join WWE and you've been working the indies under a hot gimmick, you'd better be prepared to have a broad spectrum of abilities.

  45. I agree with you but too much marketing muscle had been put into the Lex Luger: Made in the USA character for them to give it up so soon.

  46. Of all the dumpster fire feuds he was in over the course of his long career, the Undertaker vs. a fake version of himself is still by far the worst.

  47. Face or no face people would care bigtime if they did a switch and they actually liked Sin Cara/he was over. If you put out a fake Rey Mysterio back when Rey had his heyday people would have noticed and thrown a fit.

  48. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 4, 2014 at 8:38 AM

    "801,166 total adjusted buys. Not exactly as much as the past couple years."
    That's word for word what you said. You said they did 801,166 buys. When IN FACT they did 670k plus 690k = 1.36 million buys. That is in fact the amount of buys they did. And yes those 667k had a different price than last year and so that affects how you announce the REVENUE, but the number of buys is what it is. No company adjusts the number of items bought based on price differences from this year to last year. They count the items sold as one thing and the revenue it generated as another.

    Saying this year's Mania got 800k BUYS while last year got one million plus BUYS is, once again.. say it with me... BULLSHIT.

  49. They absolutely don't owe us an explanation. Because, It's Smackdown. Explanations only come on RAW. But then again, I've thrown this whole angle in the dumpster anyway.

  50. I think the point is that the belts weren't necessary for the split, and since he was going to get pushed to the moon any way, the tag titles didn't really make any difference for him, and didn't really do anything for Shawn either.

  51. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 4, 2014 at 8:56 AM

    About as silly as proposing to wives 3 - 5 or investing his money properly.

  52. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 4, 2014 at 8:57 AM

    "Once the guys get in the ring, the stuff is great. It's just all the stuff surrounding it."
    That is the problem with wrestling in general.

  53. Well at least you gave it a fair chance to play out.

  54. Jef Vinson (Homewreckers Inc™)June 4, 2014 at 9:00 AM

    What's with the avatar?

  55. AverageJoeEverymanJune 4, 2014 at 9:01 AM

    because he danced.

  56. Christ, stop trolling my every comment. Thats weak.

    Stupid heel turn, followed by "Only we know why" with no explanation. Go ahead, defend it then.

  57. I'm probably one of the more positive/neutral people here.

  58. Not doing what you wanted =\= fucking it up.

  59. I heard that supposedly the Headshrinkers refused to lose the belts on a televised event. Yes, apparently people were still doing this in 1994. And they were sort of "made men" because of their father so I can see them having that kind of pull. There had to be some problems going on, because Samu would be gone very soon after this.

  60. AverageJoeEverymanJune 4, 2014 at 9:10 AM

    "Just look at the adjective . . . PLAY"

  61. Seth Rollins walks into a bar. The bartender says, "What are drinking?" Seth orders a screwdriver, so the bartender brings him a vodka/orange juice.
    Seth Rollins says, "No I meant an actual screwdriver; I'm going to use it to go STAB MY BEST FRIENDS IN THE BACK!!!"

  62. The IRS feud soon after this has to be up there too just because of how nonsensical it was. Leaving aside the "Undertaker is out for revenge because IRS is digging up dead people to collect back taxes" set-up...who the hell would have thought IRS would have a chance in hell of beating the Undertaker?

  63. In all fairness to Rollins... it's tough to turn down a few suits from JCP.

  64. There was a kid I knew in grade school who used to call me Perrier.

  65. You're saying they fucked up the angle based on the potentially non-detailed spoilers of the first show following it. It's not trolling, it's saying you're making an absurd overreaction.

  66. It's funny you mention that because as a kind by the time Mankind came around I remember thinking, here's another guy trying to destroy the Undertaker that he'll roll over. When he didn't happen, I was very confused. I was so used to him destroying people in the upper midcard for years on end because he had such lame competition.

  67. Nobody wanted what they did. People like Daniel Bryan because he wrestles. Not because he is good at driving forklifts and running away in rental cars. It was a horrible storyline.

  68. Nice Andre in a plane semi reference there, if that's what you were going for. *thumbs up*

  69. "I personaly did not want it" =\= "Nobody wanted it"

  70. Actually, they fucked things up when they busted up the Shield. As for the spoilers, I am sure something completely different happened and the guy writing it just made everything up. Happens all the time.

  71. lol, Brian Nielsen says that they fucked it up. So I guess there's no reason for anyone to give it a chance, he has spoken!

  72. How many people thought that was a good match or cared about Kane?

  73. Yeah, this isnt trolling at all.

  74. AverageJoeEverymanJune 4, 2014 at 9:24 AM

    "They may have hated Neidhart for drugging and raping their sister"
    One of their sisters got off on that.

  75. I remember hearing that too! It was in all the news reports like Pwtorch, Observer, and even "The Slammer" in the NY Daily News.

  76. AverageJoeEverymanJune 4, 2014 at 9:38 AM

    Then Bad News Barrett comes out and my section (at least) was marking out for him, except my GIRLFRIEND, who didnt like that he only tells bad news. My GIRLFRIEND only likes John Cena untill I tell her that he's holding down Bray Wyatt from that main event push.
    Back to the action . . .

  77. He does it to everyone. Its really unbearable. Not because I don't agree, but because its a fake gimmick and he just keeps doing it over and over.

  78. AverageJoeEverymanJune 4, 2014 at 9:39 AM

    Changing his name to Art is a good start, backstage videos will show him going up to each wrestler individually to ask them how much they weigh.

  79. I have still yet to make one post where I did not say what I truly feel. I guess it just really gets under your skin that not everyone fully agrees with you?

  80. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 4, 2014 at 9:39 AM

    I'm guessing the "you" in that statement means "the audience watching Smackdown."

    Friday's thing is kinda meaningless--- the next move in the angle is gonna come on Raw.

  81. The thing with the Kliq is that they were over, they were top guys in the company, and they had great matches, but if they hold a title people act like there's some controversy behind it.

  82. "None of those things really sound that bad to be honest."


  83. Pretty much in agreement. But then they wonder why they get lowballed at the TV Deal Store.

  84. AverageJoeEverymanJune 4, 2014 at 9:51 AM

    yeah I dont get why so many people are down on this storyline. Ive never seen it before, though it seems old timey and probably has been used.

  85. CruelConnectionNumber2June 4, 2014 at 9:51 AM

    Papa Shango should have had strings connected to Backlund's head and arms and have him be a real-life Howdy Doody puppet. License to print money.

  86. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 4, 2014 at 9:52 AM

    Ah, there's just too many hours of WWE TV nowadays to fill them all with storyline twists and turns. They'd blow through feuds immediately if angles on Raw absolutely had to have a big twist/advancement on Friday.

    Personally I'm fine with the basic set-up they have, in which the angles come on Monday night while Friday is pretty straight forward matches and interviews.

    The thing that would help is if the midcard and tag titles were treated more importantly (which, to be fair they've been starting to do, especially in the case of The Usos and having Sheamus as US champ) and there was a well promoted IC or US or Tag title match main eventing every single Friday. That could make Fridays feel like a bigger deal, even without big angles.

  87. CruelConnectionNumber2June 4, 2014 at 9:52 AM

    Shawn and Diesel showed up on a live edition of Regis and Kathy Lee on a Friday I think the day before SummerSlam 94 with the titles they won the night before. I was like --- WHAT?!?!?!? OMG THEY HAVE THE TITLES!!!! This is pre AOL, internetz, etc. Awesome

  88. Then he can scream "Who's dat guy wit da American Flag?!?!" at Big E.

  89. Well the explanation for Ambrose disappearing against the Wyatts was "C'mon guys, if you don't trust me I'm gonna split."

  90. Fantasy booking I have no expectation of happening, just a thought:

    Monday: Rollins/HHH/Orton come out, Rollins begins speaking, and the moment he says "Why did I betray my friends?", the crowd hears "Sierra-Hotel...". Reigns and Ambrose make their usual crowd entrance, straight into the ring, face to face with HHH and Orton. Oddly, neither one gives Rollins more than a glance. Ambrose grabs a mic, and without taking his eyes off Orton, tells them "You don't owe us an explanation, or an apology. You owe us a pound of flesh. And we're here to collect." Before the first punch is thrown, a mystery man slides in behind Seth, and BLASTS him with a chair across the back. Cue six-man brawl, with HHH and Friends bailing ASAP.

    Let the new third man be whoever you want, just with that basic framework.

  91. Bray who? Really?? Man, relax a little.

  92. Regarding the comments section here... the same people who were saying, "Don't overreact and keep an open mind," are the ones digging their heels in and acting stubborn. "It's on Smackdown. It doesn't count. Shut up."

    Let this Daniel Wyatt thing play out? Thank God they scripted that Michigan State scene for ESPN and wrote a week and a half epic storyline with his quasi heel turn. That's what happened, right?

    Let Kane-Byran play out? We had a couple weeks of the worst horror tropes on display, and then Bryan has to play second fiddle to Stephanie in the vast majority of his segments.

    This Rollins thing makes perfect sense? There were no indicators of a heel turn on any script until Monday. AND we get the vague, non-reason reason by the end of Tuesday. They can still make this thing work, but let's not act like this was a clever ace up the sleeve. On the surface, it was as illogical of a turn as it could be.

  93. I bet to be a total contrarian, Vince Jordan hated everything that happened in 1997 TO 1998, and late 1999 to 2001.

  94. Bottom line: Most of this stuff is still written or revised on the fly. It's fair game for criticism. I don't begrudge anyone who's upset on breaking up their best faction and, perhaps, hottest act.

  95. There's still a good 20% chance Rollins shows up with the Shield like nothing happened on Monday.

  96. Harsh words from a guy who just escaped 20 years in federal prison for steroid distribution.

    It's no wonder that Vince had it out for Hulk and later Savage. Vince was like the 2Pac of wrestling around this time. Just ready to take on any and everyone. Wouldn't be surprised if he actually did record a diss song about Ted Turner.

  97. Has anyone else seen Triple H's sit down interview with Cole about the Rollins turn? Holy shit awesomeness.

  98. That michigan state thing is still extreme BS if you ask me. Not buying it for one second.

  99. Cole: "The reconciled over a steak dinner on Sunday night at one of our sponsors...Applebees!"

  100. Also examples:

    1. If Bryan works a program with Kane after WM, it's shitty and no one likes Kane and why isn't he feuding with someone like Evolution. If Bryan keeps feuding with Triple H after WM, why wasn't that feud blown off at Mania and OMG NOTHING EVER CHANGES!!!

    2. Before WM WWE is oblivious to how over Bryan is and keeps trying to bury him in the midcard to force feed Batista as the top face. After WWE builds arguably the biggest PPV since the first Wrestlemania around the guy and does good business they decide they want to keep him on TV as the champ even though he's hurt if they can...AND OMG THIS IS DUMB WHY DON'T THEY STRIP THE BELT FROM HIM?!?!?!?

  101. It's happened before. The Hardy's broke up, had a match on PPV which sucked ass, then they were kept off TV for three weeks and returned at the Royal Rumble as a team again.

  102. You'd think they would have learned the first time they did this angle and working with Dude Love as a proxy for a corporate feud killed Stone Cold's title run dead before it even got going.

    Wait, what?

  103. Again, good review, you've been on a roll this week.

  104. They need the brands again, just for the fact of keeping certain stories like this one on one show.

  105. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 4, 2014 at 10:57 AM

    The Daniel Bryan heel turn was one of the most boneheaded, stubborn creative decisions Vince has ever made. It backfired and they changed plans and righted the ship.

    Turning Seth Rollins isn't even on the same planet as the Bryan heel turn. Bryan was the #1 babyface singles wrestler on the roster. Seth Rollins is one of THREE guys in a group. And they've teased both the Shield breakup a lot in the last year, and Rollins turning just before Mania.

    Daniel Wyatt was an epic fail worthy of immediate backlash. Turning Seth Rollins is a perfectly acceptable pro wrestling storyline. Like anything else it can be terrible, but it also can be awesome. Either way, it's not a crazy move on the surface at all.

  106. How long have they been doing these interviews?

  107. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 4, 2014 at 10:58 AM

    The Shield still exists, and Ambrose and Roman are still top babyfaces--- now with something that will gain them more sympathy and support from fans than ever before.

  108. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 4, 2014 at 10:59 AM

    I kinda wish Smackdown had a NXT feeling to it where it's mostly it's own universe with storylines played out on just SD for the lower to mid card guys they are doing nothing with.

  109. If the Bryan turn didn't happen, we wouldn't have had much of a problem with Batista, and yeah, Seth turn is completely different.

  110. Agreed, one of the reasons why they still need a type of brand show, too much of the same happens on both shows. With Smackdown, however, feuds are kind of pointless on there now.

  111. He probably forgotten by now based on all of the drinks he's had.

  112. Yep - with the big blue globe. It really looks like a belt befitting a world champ.

    Plus, belt shotting someone with that big gold plate looks vaguely legitimate, compared to the belts that have followed it.

  113. I hope that's an ironic title.

  114. In a way the heel turn probably helps Rollins a lot too, as he's never really struck me as having the personality to get over as a babyface on his own.

  115. Yeah, I really just saw him as a mid card guy that had a lot of talent, but nothing else.

  116. You're on a roll.

  117. He has a flashy set of moves in the ring, a nice alternative look, and he's come off just as relaxed and consistent as Bryan is on the mic. He's damn near perfect as a face. He and the other members of the Shield are future main event material regardless of turns.

  118. Pardon the reference, but he reminded me a lot of someone like Benoit with respect to his position on the card. Someone whose work could keep him over and popular as an upper-mid card worker who could be plugged in to a main event spot or multi-man match here and there when needed.

    But if this turn works out and gets him nuclear heel heat, it could make him as a main event player.

  119. Oh yeah, has the sympathetic look down pat.

  120. No problem with the reference.

  121. YMMV, I guess. I've never really liked his mic work. But then, I don't think Bryan is that good on the mic either, and if he wasn't a made man either way I don't think he'd be able to sustain his place as a face with his mic skills.

  122. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJune 4, 2014 at 11:13 AM

    I know, that's how I view Smackdown, pointless where nothing of note happens so I very rarely watch it. Meanwhile if I knew they were doing some entertaining storylines with guys I like, I may be more inclined to tune in or at least DVR it. Like imagine if they did a Best of 7 series between Barret and Ziggler for the IC Title but only on SD. I would probably watch that. Take Tyson Kidd and put him in an angle with a bigger guy like Henry where he has to prove to himself he can beat him. Simple storylines, that can be recapped in 10 seconds and you can jump right into.

  123. Papa Shango possessed Seth Rollins.

  124. They really need to change the format of the shows again, like you said.
    Raw: Main Event talent
    Smackdown: Mid card talent that's not being used.
    NXT: Developmental talent
    Main Event: Raw talent faces Smackdown talent
    Superstars: Lower tier guys facing off against each other, and an NXT training ground.
    You know, give some uniqueness to the shows.

  125. Now that you're a champion, when are you going to start making cartoons on the chalkboard that have "the boys" in the BoD in hysterics, particularly our giant, Hoss, who always liked you best?

  126. And yeah, that was good.

  127. Jimmy Hart Saturday Night! Jimmy Hart Saturday Night!

  128. The greatest feud on the BoD today! lol

    Generally, I fall into the camp of "letting it play out to see where it goes" because I want to be entertained, and generally hope they do, no matter how many times they screw it up. Yeah, I'm disappointed they busted up one of the most popular face stables we've seen in a VERY long time. They were not John Cena type annoying/pandering faces, they were just bad asses that destroyed heels, fought for each other, and generally looked like they enjoyed it. From that standpoint, I'm a little disappointed they broke that up...

    But on the other hand, the combinations for the Shield to fight were starting to dwindle. They completely destroyed Evolution at the last PPV, so then what? The Shield has had a lot of adversity but has overcome it, can they overcome an actual original member their biggest enemies nonetheless? I'll give it a chance to see where it goes.

  129. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 4, 2014 at 11:37 AM

    When I first saw that first sentence I though it said "Welcome to the Tuesday Night Stream of Concussions".

  130. Weirldy though: The Daniel Wyatt angle wound up being pretty awesome.

  131. Worst_in_the_WorldJune 4, 2014 at 12:05 PM

    Yup. The cage segment ended up being one of the best Raw moments ever.

    So I guess... what the fuck do we know.

  132. That exchange summed up the good and the bad of mid-90s WWF in a nutshell.

  133. You're probably correct, and I doubt it was ever anything they even considered, but hindsight being what it is, I think it was the way to go.

  134. If he uses Perrier he opens up a lot of "more like derriere" jokes.

  135. If I tell Dolph that Dixie's calling enough, will he believe it? Seriously, TNA would be a step up for him. I just wish TNA wasn't as obnoxious as they were about hiring ex-WWE stars and pushing them. ECW did much better making stars out of the Big Two's rejects.

  136. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJune 4, 2014 at 1:28 PM

    Good thing it's not 1996.

    Hulk Hogan as the "third man": I DON'T OWE YOU AN EXPLANATION!

  137. Being the bottom guy in WWE is still > > > > > over being the top guy in TNA.

  138. We could have had a tag team Ttitle match at Summer Slam and maybe a title change, but instead we got a non title match...why not wait for the raw after the ppv???

  139. trust me Matt would never drink Perrier, maybe he should make it Margaritas with Matt / Matthew or the Mattster? He makes killer Margaritas. :)

  140. I bet he was the coolest kid in school.

  141. Welcome to Perrier's Derriere...nah. That probably wouldn't work...

  142. With the amount of legit injuries these guys have been sustaining lately, that's not too far off.

  143. A depressing reminder of what could have been?

  144. I think that Goldust and fill in the blank Cody's choice of tag team partner keeps losing every week and Cody realizes that he isn't the problem in the team, it's actually Goldust and THEN turns on Goldust.

  145. I think the lesson there is that most things can be salvaged, so long as you realize when to cut bait and deliver a strong blowoff people still want to see. Daniel Wyatt was dumb and awful. Daniel Bryan outsmarting Bray Wyatt and beating the ever loving piss out of him before celebrating with a crowd that's losing its fucking mind is great TV.

    I still maintain that the company's booking is more or less fine, even good. But the writing that fleshes out the shows and the overall production of Raw is fucking brutal.

  146. Or have Cody about to complete the turn and have Rose pop up and be like, "Don't be a lemon, Cody! I'll take over!"

    Then Cody will leave and he'll still be a face somehow and he'll spend the next 16 weeks finding a better heel to take his place.


  147. The Billionaire Ted sketches are two years away.

  148. ha IT WAS ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what do i get??

  149. Did you notice they said "The Payback Pay Per View" instead of just "Payback"? So annoying!


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