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Vickie Guerrero

Now that Vickie Guerrero has ended her run with WWE, do you think that she is a hall of famer? I'd vote yes, as in my opinion she was the best heel non-wrestler since Vince McMahon. And when you think about where she started from that's pretty impressive. She started out as Eddie's widow who got a sympathy job (and who would want to boo Eddie's widow?), and was able to transform into a character who was so despised that more often than not you couldn't hear what she was saying due to the massive amounts of heel heat she was able to generate. 

WWE Hall of Fame?  Sure, why not?  For a real hall, not so much.  She was never in a position to draw and she was a terrible promo but happened to leverage that into nuclear heat.  She had a great career for the tools she was given, but let's not go crazy here.  


  1. Vickie Guerrero is a really underrated. Most people forget how dreadful she was in 2006-2007. She really came into her own when she started managing Dolph Ziggler. Barely gets enough credit imo.

  2. She'll get a HoF nod someday. She's too big a name not to and they're running low on names as is.

    And frankly, she took what little bit she had, refined it and worked it to draw crowd reactions way above anything anyone would have predicted for her. If Sting can go in, Vickie should.

  3. Are you trolling here, dude? Comparing Vickie to fuckin Sting?

  4. Now, we're the ones who are going to be asking, "WHERE THE FUCK IS VICKIE?!?"

  5. we were talking about "overarchievers" a few weeks ago: Vickie Guerrero is definitely one of them.

  6. I'd say her storyline with Edge was the bigger catalyst. That's really when the character and catchphrase really took off.

  7. This was an enjoyable to read.

  8. Cornette should be on this list, but who do you take off? Lots of good names here...

  9. btw: has the "Dangerous Divas" list already been discussed here?

    I was really surprised by some of the choices and even more how positive they are all spoken off.

  10. I'll make the same statement I say each and every time someone is questioned as HOF-worthy: If friggin' KOKO B. WARE can be put in the HOF, then ________ most likely could.

  11. Yeah, I get the point the guy was trying to make, but bringing Sting into the conversation is apples & oranges.

  12. Elizabeth was a valet, not a manager. There's not even an argument to be made there.

    Cornette should be high on this list, but of course he's not welcome because he says bad things about WWE.

  13. Nope, just pointing out that if one person who brought very little to the table could make so much out of it and go into the Hall (as Sting will), then Vickie is deserving as well.

  14. I was a big fan of Vickie as a heel and have gotten into dozens of arguments about her on here. The triple threat match at wm25 between cena, edge, and show where they feuded for Vickie's love (but Cena was just faking) is a good look at everything that's wrong with wwe creative but right with Vickie as she somehow carried that program.

    Also thanksgiving isn't the same without seeing a heel Vickie get food dumped all over her on smackdown (or Saturday morning slam).

    My last great memory of Vickie is when the rock brought her out to sing that Eric Clapton parody. She totally sold it like a champ, at first thinking the rock actually brought her out to sing a love song to her, and then got so pissed when he brought down the hammer. People here got so worked up about that but she played an absolutely awful awful human being on the show so it was perfect IMO.

    I'd put Vickie's heel run up there with every non wrestler but Heenan and Vince).Heenan and Vince are the Jordan and Magic of that stuff but Vickie was awesome in the role of fun heel to boo and chant stuff at. Not every heel needs to be HHH jizzing himself for 20 minutes or Bray Wyatt playing a spooooky comic book character. You need some shit bags for people to get easy heat on and laugh at. Vickie G did well with that role.

  15. Good point but I didn't get the feeling that she felt comfortable during those times. She was really A character with Dolph. Lost a lot of weight during that time too.

  16. I understand I just don't think Sting brought very little to the table. He was dynamic, fun, and a pretty good wrestler during his prime.

  17. Uh, it's BEATS of the Bodrhán. The Bodrhán is an Irish drum. You don't have to like the name, but it makes perfect sense.

  18. Vickie Guerrero > jobber with a parrot who sung a song > Vince srs limo driver who went on to manage the #3 arena in DC which was a territory the wwwf didn't even hit that often

  19. AverageJoeEverymanJune 25, 2014 at 9:11 AM

    yup they have been doing that for a while, all of Cena's more recent DVD releases have the same thing "Cena's locking in the STF(mute)!"

  20. Most wrestlers could only dream of getting 'Vickie heat'.

  21. Where do you get the opinion that Sting brought "Very little to the table"? Just because he didn't do anything in the WWE?

  22. Initially, you're right, but man did she grow into that character as time went on. Lenny is right, ultimately that Edge storyline made her.

  23. AverageJoeEverymanJune 25, 2014 at 9:12 AM


  24. To give James Dudley some credit, he did manage some wrestling shows for Vince Sr. in Washington D.C. Pretty much the first black man to run a wrestling show apparently. I think he use to manage Bobo Brazil as well.

  25. WWE has trained people to only care about THE FINISHER and perfectly good maneuvers are going to waste. Orton's draping DDT should damn near kill a man, yet not one has ever gone down in defeat to it.

    If they haven't already, these old school agents that they employ should suggest to Vince that Orton (for example) actually beats someone with something other than the RKO or the Punt to legitimize moves like the draping DDT. It would add another level of intrigue to his matches.

  26. I used to hate Shane Helms's move names like Nightmare on Helms Street (although Vertebreaker was a great move name) but I guess a lot of people liked that punny shit at the time.

  27. Yeah at Turner arena. Rinky dink and only when the wwwf came through. DC wasn't exactly a hot bed for them and other black guys were managing big acts in arenas around the country before or at the same time as him so let's not act like he's mlk. He probably killed some dude or covered up a rape or something.

  28. "Wade Barrett hits Wasteland" is better than "Wade Barrett hits Ziggler the Wasteland." Now, "Wade Barrett hits Ziggler *WITH* the Wasteland" maybe. But is the move officially called Wasteland or The Wasteland? Adrian Adonis, for example, had a finisher called Good Night Irene, not The Good Night Irene.

  29. Sting was the catalyst for the biggest show in WCW history.

  30. Especially since a High Cross should refer to a high cross body.

  31. I said it last night and I'll say it again: Roman Reigns's Paul Bearer impression alone is worth this month's $10 spent on the Network. I've got a buddy who works in production with WWE (he runs the crawls at the bottom of the screen sometimes), and he said everyone in the room was shellshocked when it happened.

  32. One thing you guys are missing is that nominate a woman almost every year. They are running out of women to put in there. Thus, put her in.
    Who is realistically left? Miss Elizabeth? Sable? Debra? Lillian Garcia? Stacy Keibler? Linda? Stephanie?

  33. I still don't get the Sheamus hate. The dude is a far better wrestler than, say John Cena, and has had some pretty good matches. Plus, he's the only dude who seems to go out there despite getting his ass run over by a truck each night.

  34. Very confused by your last sentence. Are you saying he takes the most bumps on the roster? If so, that's the first I've heard of it. Also hasn't he had at least one really long break due to injury?

  35. His character sucks. He used to be a rough asskicker who just went out and handled business. Then they turned him into a corny jackass a la John Cena. It's not his wrestling that's the problem.

  36. Long shot but I think Medusa should get in. Her and Luna Vachon. Did they ever feuded BTW? Seemed like a dream match

  37. Speaking about long shots, how about Chyna? She tore down barriers for women

  38. Hey, Koko B. Ware wrestled at Wrestlemania! What have YOU ever done?!

  39. My favorite memory of hers is when they were they first put Ziggler vs Cena in a match to see if he could hang in the main event, Vickie couldn't get 2 syllables out with out the crowd booing her. Even Cena was trying to get the crowd to be quiet so they can get through the promo; when the crowd wouldn't stop booing, Cena and later Vickie could help but just laugh at the situation.

  40. There was a rumor a while back that they were considering Mickie James for the 2015 class, but I'm not sure how much credibility there is to that (isn't she still with TNA?).

  41. Medusa is a good one

  42. Maybe if she stays sober

  43. "Plus, he's the only dude who seems to go out there despite getting his ass run over by a truck each night." What does this sentence mean?

  44. He's far from being Cena. They just made him more fan-friendly.

  45. That move is a great example of too many moves having names. Just call it "a series of clubbing fists." It's like if Duggan (or any other 80s WWF face) had a name for ramming the guy's face into the turnbuckles.

  46. They feuded for a bit in 94 and WCW too, but I can't remember the matches being anything special.

  47. You are aware Sting existed before TNA right?

  48. When was Luna in WCW? 95-97 period?

  49. It means he's durable. But, don't worry. You'll have something else to say, I'm sure.

  50. No. She's been working indies and focusing on her music career.

    She did help out at the WWE Performance Center a few months back as a guest trainer.

  51. Right, but why not say something true? And how does he "get his ass run over by a truck each night"?

  52. I'd like to say 97, but not sure.

  53. "HE CALLS THIS THE TEN BEATS OF BODHRAN!" -- Michael Cole, despite Sheamus performing that move for 72 weeks straight.

  54. The worst was when he cut those promos about his rural life in Ireland and how he had a cross-eyed uncle named O'Brien or something.

  55. That's the name of his fatality.

  56. Shows how closely I follow TNA!

  57. True, but that's not what really got him over in the first place. People took to the no-nonsense Sheamus, not the grinning, wisecracking, goofball.

  58. Sheamus is NOT a better wrestler than Cena.

  59. It's true. You just don't agree with it.

    Oh, right. I forgot. I have to explain myself and my opinions to THE Daniel Swinney of The Internets.

  60. The PerfectPlex would like a word with you...

  61. If I watched TNA today I think their entire roster consisted of just 10 people because when I read the results it just seems to be the same guys wrestling every week and most recently some of the wrestlers have been wrestling twice in one night.

  62. You get super offended when people challenge your statements, and present no facts to back your argument up. You probably won't go very far as a writer.

  63. Right...but he was already over. Kinda like the way The Shield was over. Then they broke them up, made Ambrose into a Piper-like screwball and Roman Reigns into some chick-magnet badass and Seth Rollins into some sort of genius architect team specialist. You can tweak people. We'll probably see Bray Wyatt turn someday.

  64. Also carried the face end of the Dangerous Alliance angle and the Vader push.

  65. I once drank a 30 pack of pbr in one I could think of

  66. Sheamus takes sick bumps, Daniel Swinney. He's a durable wrestler, Daniel Swinney. I think he's a decent wrestler, Daniel Swinney.

    You're just asking the same question but not reading the answers.

    But, you're right. I will hand in my resignation and stop all the writing I've been doing in the last 365 days for four different websites. They probably don't think I'll "go far" either.


  67. I have a hunch that whoever thought up that awful Great White nickname also came up with The Apex Predator, as they have the same kind of terrible quality to them.

  68. I'm asking the questions because you haven't presented as single fact to defend one of your assertions. Repeating your assertion is not backing up the assertion.

    If he is so durable, what's with all the injury time?

    Sick bumps? Name one that is above what other wrestlers do.

    Decent wrestler? When did I say otherwise? As for the writing, glad to know it's paying your bills.

  69. Teddy Long in the HOF before Vickie playa

  70. I was just thinking of that name, which is "cute" but takes way too long to say. Same with Greetings from Ashbury Park, which is just a mouthful.

  71. Can't imagine they'd ever give her a live mic.

  72. Obviously its Vince's worked hall and not a real thing but for the sake of argument let's say there is a real hof, I'd say
    Chyna, Miss Elizabeth, Sable, Vickie, Stephanie, and maybe keibler from the current crop of retirees

  73. I'd rather be Emmalated than hear another one of her move names.

  74. Should Vince just put anyone who was on TV for 12 months in the hall of fame at this point?

  75. Sting was a main event act in wcw for 12 years

  76. Yeah, way too kitschy. Wrestling is kitschy by its own nature, it doesn't need all the "wink wink nudge nudge we get that it's silly too, please don't think we're being serious!" stuff.

  77. Same thing with Wade Barrett, too. The Winds of Change and Wasteland are both pretty legit moves, yet ever since he introduced the Bull Hammer I don't think he's ended a single match with them.

  78. FELLLA!

    The FELLA shirt is awful. I have no idea why anyone would want to wear a FELLA shirt.

    The 1-800-FELLA vingetes while funny were pretty stupid. I don't understand why they insist in getting FELLLLA over. It's dumb.

    She amuse is born to be a heel. His move set works better as a heel. He looks like an ass kicker. And he also has the kind of face you just want to hit with a bat. He should never be out there telling jokes for the kiddies.

  79. I'd throw in Mickie and Victoria.

  80. Mickie definitely deserves it.

  81. Whoever Sheamus is feuding with should knock him out and lock him a tanning bed for 2 hours! That'd be awesome!

  82. I will say this: I like Marc Mero's Kiss That Don't Miss, but I think that just flows better despite being cheesy

  83. No, I just say things you disagree with. In the last five years, he was out six months due to a legit injury.

    The rest of this is just splitting hairs.

  84. Sheamus vs Backlund tanning bed match

  85. The 2024 Hall of Fame Class proudly welcomes..... THE HIGHLANDERS!!!!

  86. They should announce him. Than boot him and replace him with Vickie.

  87. I dunno, Scott, I'd say the "I Have a Small Penis" backbreaker is worse than anything Doink or Droese used.

  88. She'll absolutely get in. She's been a team player for her entire run and it'd create a nice "feel good" moment at the ceremony. I'm for it!

  89. Not in a position to draw? She was about 90% of Edge's heat while they were together. She was the last legitimately good manager WWE has seen (not counting Heyman since he was doing his thing before Vickie started).

  90. Sherri should really be no lower than 7th. If we're going by kayfabe shit like titles held by her guys or whatever, meh, ok, but she did a lot more to add to matches and storylines than Fuji or Blassie.

  91. Also, speaking of Bo, he should really have a submission move called the "Bo Tie".

  92. His mic work, his character and the booking of him is why I personally hate him.

    His character is an unlikeable douchebag, he is not funny or witty on the mic despite the character thinking he is a riot and he wins TV match after TV match but never gets near being the world champion (he has less of a chance to win the MITB title match at the ppv then Cesaro). He is just wasting everyone's time winning 12 minute meaningless matches on TV every week.

  93. Sherri was awesome. Nuclear heat and sometimes took the best bump in the match.

  94. No, you're right. Vickie was fantastic and pretty much solidified Edge's career as the top heel while he was around.

  95. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:08 AM

    his "white noise" is really just the kryptonite krunch

  96. LOL "the great white" moniker for Sheamus was indeed terrible. I kept thinking that Cole kept forgetting to finish the moniker but that was the moniker sadly enough.

  97. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:09 AM

    1st time i saw it (if you're talking about the dark grey and orange one), i thought he had a big water stain down the front of it

    turns out it was just a cross

  98. Let's be fair, Bo's finisher is supposed to have a stupid name because he's a dumb, delusional heel. Sheamus' moves are unintentionally dumb because they're trying too hard to sound cool.

  99. THIS. Sheamus is good at playing a big man against smaller guys and kicking the shit out of other stiffs, but beyond that he's kind of limited.

  100. Hey hey guys. We've already driven out one writer this month. Quota's been filled.

  101. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:12 AM

    oh god, i hate that about the original ecw

    "the franchise shane douglas" driver!

    belly to belly "the whole fucking show mr. ppv, mr. monday night rob van dam" plex!

  102. I disagree with him being "far better" of a wrestler than Cena, but Sheamus is friggin' great in the ring, busts his ass, isn't afraid to sell for his opponents, and seems like a genuinely good person.

    Still, his character is awful, and his booking usually is, as well.

  103. I've certainly learned my lesson about asking a writer for clarification or to expound on a point!

  104. I really do wish Sheamus would get a move called the Potato Famine (instead of say, the Brogue Kick, so he could be all, "Don't worry, I've got something to feed you, fella!") or the Baby-Eater. I think those would be awesome.

  105. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:13 AM


    bo-dog can come from out of nowhere

    lethal injection is freaking announced ahead of time and even then the guy taking it has to wait for lethal to springboard

  106. Disagree, he's had great matches against a variety of opponents, from Daniel Bryan to Big Show.

  107. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:14 AM

    ya know what's a great name for a move?


    also, can't go wrong with ARMbar

  108. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:15 AM

    "potato famine" would be when rvd stops throwing punches

  109. I love the name Steviekick. The naming convention there perfectly suited Stevie's personality in a way that it wouldn't have fit nearly anyone else in wrestling. (Which is why the silly insert-wrestler's-name move names usually suck.)

  110. Teddy should only go in as part of a TAG TEAM induction.

  111. Or give him a finisher called the IRA. Maybe a torture rack, rechristened the Irish Rack Attack? Bonus Vince points for rhyming!

  112. I'd have no qualms with Doom getting in with Teddy. Cool name, bad dudes.

  113. Vickie's entire run pretty much disgusts me. They hired her to deflect heat from Eddie's death and still made her look like an asshole and insult her any chance they got.

  114. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:17 AM

    i loved the way vickie went out

    got well deserved respect from the crowd, paid tribute to eddie in a number of ways, and she looked strong (so to speak) in her own right

    imagine how awesome it would have been had she come out in a low rider (as non-sensical as it would be, for them to have just one around)

    plus her kiss and "i love you" to eddie were great

    only thing i didn't like was what steph said about "we took pity on you." i know it was a heel promo, but it was still "damn, too close for comfort"

  115. I think he's a very good worker, but unspectacular at any other aspect of the pro wrestling genre.

  116. If Vickie gets in, that would make her and Eddie the only husband/wife combo to be Hall of Famers...which means Linda McMahon is DEFINITELY getting in before Vickie to give the McMahons the husband/wife honor.

  117. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:17 AM

    i watched raw once... i'm a surefire HoF contender

  118. Sheamus. He's durable. 4 1/2 years active in 5 years. Wears massive bruises and welts to the ring. He can take a bea--you know what? I just don't care anymore. You disagree and that's that.

    Go hate Sheamus, Great Daniel Swinney of the Internets. Tell everyone how you conquered Matt Perri on the BoD!

  119. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:18 AM

    if you never not to experience the heel heat vickie got live, it was something else

  120. The window for you to answer a basic, non-sarcastic question without being a dick passed a while back. But that's cool, if someone writes Main Event recaps, don't question them.

  121. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:19 AM

    i dont think miss elizabeth's family wants her in there

  122. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:19 AM

    feminists always like when males fight for the cause

  123. Welcome to Chicago, Motherfucker!

  124. Also disagree. He had incredible matches against Bray Wyatt and Cesaro on Main Event. His match against Cesaro on that show was incredible and only had a bad mark for the no contest ending.

  125. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:20 AM

    i'd like to see a jobber123 with a parrot who sung a song

    what song would he sing?

  126. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 25, 2014 at 10:21 AM

    props for you, sir

  127. How many true heels are left? Vickie did a great job at being an actual, hate this person don't buy a shirt heel. Oddly, she and Big Johnny are the two best in recent years at that. Maybe an active wrestler should try being a real heel.

  128. I disagree with people who think they're running out of names to put in there. I don't think the HOF will be diluted (well, more so than it is now) with mediocre names in the future or cut the induction list down to like 3-4 names. Just think about it: Savage, Sting, Taker, and HHH are automatic headliners. The tier below holds guys like Vader, Sid, Demolition, both Express teams, Steiners, Heyman, Bischoff, Rick Rude, Big Bossman, JBL, Goldberg. Stables/factions like nWo, DX, Freebirds, etc. Then there's guys approaching retirement (Christian, Big Show). There's guys who appeared in WWE/WCW but did a lot more elsewhere. There's a few folks from ECW who deserve it as well.

    That being said, Vickie probably should not make the cut, but Vince does make it a point to include minorities in each class. It's hard to gauge how much of this should be accomplishments or memorability sometimes. The bottom line is impact, though--did she make a big enough impact on the genre/business? I hesitate to give an affirmative answer on that.

  129. I'm still upset that we never got Finlay as Sheamus' mentor - the timing would have been perfect, with Sheamus having just turned face after several very heelish acts (taking Trips out, benefiting from all of Nexus' interference, beating up smaller guys like Evan Bourne), and Finlay being the only member of the lockerroom willing to give Sheamus a second chance.

  130. If this were fifteen years ago, he'd absolutely have a move called the "Irish Car Bomb".

  131. Boy...I kinda answered it. You just don't agree. I just laugh at you now each time you respond.

  132. That's the one. And what is with all the cross imagery for him? Because he's Irish they are pushing for both the Catholics and the Protestants. FELLA!

  133. "... she was a terrible promo but happened to leverage that into nuclear heat."

    This is probably the most perfect (and perfectly succinct) description of Vickie ever. She was always tripping over her words, and would often break character by smiling/laughing during promos, but there's no doubt that she went out and gave 110% every single time.

    It didn't matter how often she was referred to as fat or stupid or slutty or sub-human, she rolled with the punches, and did it with a smile on her face. She knew exactly what her role was, never complained, and managed to turn all of her many lemons into lemonade. Vickie deserves all the love and respect in the world from wrestling fans, and it was great to see her get that on Monday.

  134. "...but Sheamus is friggin' great in the ring, busts his ass, isn't afraid to sell for his opponents, and seems like a genuinely good person."

    And that is the best assessment I've seen thus far.

  135. I guess this begs the question: your favorite move name?

    Vertebreaker and Sharpshooter are two off the top of my head that I really like.

    ......and it's hard not to like the Miracle Ecstasy.

  136. CruelConnectionNumber2June 25, 2014 at 10:43 AM

    Cornette always seemed like a guy playing a character, while Heenan actually was a character. Never thought Cornette really added anything besides "annoying" heat.

  137. Scorpion Deathlock is a good one.

  138. CruelConnectionNumber2June 25, 2014 at 10:44 AM

    I never liked Ellering. Having a shrimp talk tough for the massive Road Warriors was always odd to me.

  139. I guess I'm alone in thinking Brogue Kick (which my little brother loves that name), Celtic Cross and White Noise are pretty cool sounding names. I certainly don't see anything offensive about them.

  140. My 11 year old little brother loves to say "Fella". Of all the things these guys say I wouldn't consider that one overly stupid.

  141. Stretch Plum!

  142. I don't think there's any shortage of female candidates. You just named eight right there, so that's eight years' worth. By then we'll have a whole new bunch of divas, at least a few of whom won't have been treated as completely interchangeable on WWE programming.

  143. Vince himself isn't in the HOF yet, I presume they're saving that for when he finally retires (though this could be never).

  144. I insist you continue with these. I laughed muchly.

  145. THAT I will agree with. Not everything needs to be named. A finisher and maybe a unique trademark move. That's all you need.

  146. Wasn't Wasteland his finisher for a brief time?

  147. No, I don't have a problem with them either.

  148. Yeah, the puns with him are endless.

  149. I'm still mad that Cesaro never once named his swing the Swing State while being part of the Real Americans.

  150. AverageJoeEverymanJune 25, 2014 at 11:28 AM

    One of my favorite moments ever

  151. You know, I've always hated the name Sweet Chin Music.

  152. AverageJoeEverymanJune 25, 2014 at 11:32 AM

    She also tore down her barriers for X-Pac

  153. Wait until Sting, Taker and Savage all go in next year.

  154. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 25, 2014 at 11:33 AM

    Rick Rude isn't in yet??

  155. That was the point, they were the brawns, he was the brains. Animal and Hawk would growl and snarl and Ellering would use ten-dollar words to explain things and it all worked.

  156. AverageJoeEverymanJune 25, 2014 at 11:34 AM

    Make Ron Simmons a 2 timer

  157. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 25, 2014 at 11:35 AM

    Chyna would be...interesting. Who gives her speech? HHH? Steph? ;-)

  158. AverageJoeEverymanJune 25, 2014 at 11:35 AM

    You're next inductee . . . Teddy Long!!
    Now hold on a second peanut head, you get into the HOF if you can win your match . . . . . . against DA UNDATAKAH!!

  159. AverageJoeEverymanJune 25, 2014 at 11:36 AM

    but not the one that was caught at a TNA event on TV

  160. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 25, 2014 at 11:37 AM

    Vickie Guerrero getting in would be the non-wrestler equivalent of the "Koko B Ware Precedent" for wrestlers.

  161. AverageJoeEverymanJune 25, 2014 at 11:42 AM

    The HOF refuses to cut the music and keep the noise down

  162. Naming Paige's finisher "The PTO" is a pretty ripe slice of hell.

  163. I'm glad Wasteland became a secondary move since imo it looks too weak to be a finisher, plus people kept kicking out of it by the end of his original IC title run that got ended by Ezekiel Jackson. Winds of Change is just a Bossman Slam, isn't it? I think it was okay that Bossman used it as a finisher in the same way it was okay that Hogan still used the Legdrop, as they're grandfathered in.

  164. Vickie Guerrero In, Toots Mondt out!

    The McMahon Way! Seriously google the guy, he fucking built the company along with Vince Sr. But i guess that doesn't fit Vince Jr's. vision of history.

  165. "What I'd like to have right now, is for all you FAT....OUT OF SHAPE....Hall of Fame HAS BEENS...button your lips, open your eyes, and give your utmost attention to how a REAL MAN summarizes his career while rocking a tux!" softcore pron music, hip swivel

  166. Make that 10 and Bo now!!!! Love this kid, hope they don't screw it up.

  167. CM Punk gave it the old college try. The people just love his monkeyshines too much

  168. Emmabarassing.

    (And I actually like Emma)

  169. no way--Trips and Steph will go in separately and as The Authority

  170. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 25, 2014 at 11:52 AM

    That would have been fucking glorious. I love Rude. One of my all-time favorite heels. That intro was classic

  171. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJune 25, 2014 at 11:53 AM

    Just out of curiosity does anyone know why she decide to leave?

  172. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 25, 2014 at 11:53 AM

    They should induct the Midnights and RnR Express the same year. Let one team induct the other, then switch. :) Epecially since Corny probably won't be on good terms any time soon

  173. Just wait till Alicia Fox gets in

  174. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJune 25, 2014 at 11:55 AM

    considering Koko's spot on each WM card I would say jobber wins that one.

  175. "Bo and Arrow"?

  176. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 25, 2014 at 11:56 AM

    Agree with the last part. She did fine with augmenting heat, but contributed nothing else. It's not like she's one of those Heyman/Cornette types that gets in for the on-screen character AND backstage contributions as a package.

    Sure, she helped Edge out plenty, but Lita was also a wrestler and had other dimensions to her career. Vickie had none of that. She isn't a big enough star to warrant it for on-screen contribution and I doubt she has enough resume to support going into even a fake HOF

  177. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 25, 2014 at 11:57 AM

    HHH & Stephanie have been good heels this year

  178. honestly her dumping the WWF Womens title in the trash on Nitro should cement her getting in. An iconic moment in the Monday Night War from pretty much the only relevant American female wrestler of the 90s.

  179. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 25, 2014 at 11:58 AM

    Mordecai in 2015!

  180. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 25, 2014 at 11:58 AM

    I read that as "I'd throw IT in Mickie and Victoria..."

  181. I've always been partial to Frankensteiner and Sliced Bread No. 2

  182. Agreed. I can't get enough of him

  183. Absolutely Vickie should go in. Best manager not named Heyman in years.

    The way she used 'Excuse Me' was glorious. It wasn't just a catchphrase, it wasn't just used for cheap heat, she used it as punctuation in her promos.

    Just watch the way she would through the 'Excuse Me's in mid sentence in order to really rile up a crowd.

    Only thing that's close is how Austin used 'What' initially.

  184. If you think about it Vickie was the perfect villain for PG WWE. She's gotta remind all the kids watching of their mean teacher who gives extra homework on Friday out of spite, because the class was too noise that day.

  185. The Immortal Hoke OganJune 25, 2014 at 12:10 PM

    I miss the days when this company had diverse characters. Not every babyface had to be a smiling goof. Sheamus as no-nonsense asskicker seems quite simple to book.

  186. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJune 25, 2014 at 12:11 PM

    You have a pleasantly appropriate amount of snark...very enjoyable read

  187. For the Eliminators, he'd stick "Saturn" or "Kronus" in every other move name. Then there's Frankenmikey which made a bit of sense, and the "Big Dick Dudley Sault"

  188. Stranger in the AlpsJune 25, 2014 at 12:12 PM

    I did not recap that show. I took the mandatory week-long Divas nacho break.

  189. Stranger in the AlpsJune 25, 2014 at 12:14 PM

    I had no problem with the majority of this list. I recap the show because it generates discussion. Honestly, I'm in agreement with most posters here about Countdown.

  190. That's funny, when I used to be a substitute teacher I'd drop Vickie's signature "Excuse Me!" when the kids were being assholes since I hated subbing and didn't give a fuck.

  191. But if it was a grapevine submission hold, would it be called the BOvine?

  192. I had actually thought he was in from the early pre WM 20 days. I stand corrected.

  193. Ziggler never really survived being split from Vickie.

  194. If Christian gets in the hall so does Jannetty.

  195. I'd imagine Vince, who makes the final decision on the Hall of Fame, would think that announcing himself as an inductee a bit tacky -- even for him. Regardless of how much of a joke some of us think it is, it's obvious that Vince sees it as a big honor... and there's nothing lamer than awarding yourself an honor (I know he won the WWF and ECW world belts, but that's just Vince being an asshole).

    Because of that, I don't think Vince will go in until after he's dead.


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