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WWE Countdown - Top Ten Managers

"At this time, may I introduce the manager...."

WWE Countdown presents the top ten managers. WWE lists them, the Universe ranks them, and I deliver you the message. So direct your misguided frustration to Tell them Stranger says to GET IT RIGHT!!

The talking heads bring up the role of a good manager. Statements like the manager is a mouthpiece for a guy who doesn't talk much; a manager can change the dynamic of a match, or even get crowd heat; we don't see managers much in this era, but the right one can still make an impact.

10. Sensational Sherri. Sherri was the queen of distractions. Managing guys like Buddy Rose & Doug Somers, Randy Savage, Ted DiBiase, Shawn Michaels, Harlem Heat. She was tougher than a lot of guys on the roster. The heads believe that Savage became even bigger-than-life with Sherri in his corner. HBK says that she gave him credibility; she also paved the way for women managers, especially ones who would get involved in the match.

9. JJ Dillon. Paul Heyman says JJ looked, spoke and acted like a manager. Dillon managed Tully Blanchard before the Horsemen. Dillon was inducted into the Hall of Fame with the Horsemen. He may get overlooked because his time was in the NWA; Dillon knew how to take guys to the top.

8. "Classy" Freddy Blassie. He made the term "pencil-necked geek" popular. He was dubbed the "Hollywood Fashion Plate". He was a pretty accomplished wrestler back in his time. He knew how to position his guy into the main event. He actually managed Hulk Hogan as a heel. Sheik and Volkoff chime in here as talking heads, and Sheik is actually kind to him. Heyman gives him respect for molding guys as a "wrestling villain" better than anyone.

7. Mr. Fuji. Fuj looked devious with the suit and hat. Santino gives love to Fuji Vice, which was so horrible that it was awesome. Fuji once said that a merry Christmas for him was watching people suffer. Fuji and Demolition were the perfect fit for each other. When he managed Yokozuna, the heads reminisce about the salt being thrown in Bret's eyes, which actually caused his tears, I understand. Heyman gives him credit as an evil son of a bleep.

6. Capt. Lou Albano. The manager of eighteen tag team champions. He had a unique look and personality, looking like a slob with rubber bands hanging on his face. Dean Ambrose says he was awesome. He also suggests Youtub-ing Albano to see some of the best promos, especially one where he was managing Greg Valentine. Albano was responsible for bringing in Cyndi Lauper during the rock 'n wrestling era, which helped bring wrestling into the mainstream in the 80's.

5. Miss Elizabeth. Randy Savage turned down the services of every manager in the WWF at the time and brought in Elizabeth. A real-life relationship played out on television, and whether Savage was a heel or face, she always seemed concerned for him. She had a vested, personal interest in her guy. Their reunion at Wrestlemania VII is recalled, with everybody welcoming it with tears of joy. STOP CRYING!!!

4. Jimmy Hart. He had a lot of charisma and energy. The megaphone was his trademark and aided in making his guy a bigger heel. He was very flamboyant in look and attitude. They bring up his great tag teams like The Hart Foundation, The Nasty Boys, Money inc, The Natural Disasters, and the greatest Intercontinental Champion of all time, The Honky Tonk Man.

3. Paul Heyman. Paul himself is wondering if management is aware he's part of a top ten. Cody Rhodes says he's underrated as a manager. His career began as a talkative agent who is always on his ridiculous cell phone, to the guy carrying the WWE Championship while with CM Punk. His turn with the Dangerous Alliance is brought up, as Steve Austin can claim that he was a Paul Heyman Guy. His WWE legacy will always be tied to Brock Lesnar. Even Jim Ross gives him props as the best he's ever seen.

2. Paul Bearer. They mention Paul Bearer as Percy Pringle in World Class, showing some clips. Paul was hired to be the manager for The Undertaker in 1991. They became a package deal, as you would not see one without the other. Now the heads each try their best Paul Bearer impression, with Roman Reigns winning that one. Go figure. Daniel Bryan says that you don't want a dead man doing the talking, so Paul Bearer took care of that. Bearer had his own talk segment, The Funeral Parlor, which was the scene for some infamous attacks from The Undertaker. Paul Bearer kept the urn close by, as it seemed it had magic powers over The Undertaker. Of note is Corporate Kane speaking about Bearer very eloquently.

1. Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. CM Punk gives him love as the best manager of all time. Vince says that Heenan was brilliant. Heenan built a stable of big guys who you had to go through if you wanted a piece of him. Flair calls him second to none; even Jimmy Hart says he was the best and learned from him. Daniel Bryan says he was hilarious and biting. Seth Rollins says he hated him as a kid, and was truly a weasel.

The Post-Game Opinion: BAH GAWD, THEY GOT ONE RIGHT! Heenan at number one is a no-brainer. Paul Bearer is too high, JJ Dillon is too low. Gary Hart and Paul Jones are probably too old school to even mention. I would even question the inclusion of Elizabeth, as I feel that she was not really a manager. Not too much wrong with this list.
