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WWE Releasing Multiple Performers Today

Those Released Today are:

Marc Harris (referee)
Drew McIntyre
Jinder Mahal
Curt Hawkins
Theodore Long
Brodus Clay
Evan Bourne
Yoshi Tatsu

The releases do not seem to be done, either. I will update this list as soon as anyone else is added. You can see updates by refreshing the page as I will add them as soon as they are officially announced.


  1. TNA should jump all over Bourne and then sign Long to help book their tag division.

  2. Looking forward to Teddy as the face GM opposite MVP next week on Impact!

  3. JTG must have a rabbit's foot or incriminating photos.

  4. Well they let go of Teddy Long... they really have given up on the tag division... playa.

  5. How the fuck did JTG escape ANOTHER round of firings? Is he like Milton in Office Space?

  6. Brodus is the biggest surprise here... but I guess that ship has sailed.

  7. JTG is just too awesome to let go. Or show on TV.

  8. Camacho's release isn't surprising. When all "creative" has for you is "he doesn't like this guy because he's having too much fun", you're dead in the water.

  9. "You gonna go one-on-one with the Und...with the Abyss! Belie' that, playa!"


  11. He stole all of the pink slips.

  12. Which of these guys will Tenay be surprised in the iMpact Zone?

  13. JTG is still there.

  14. Yep, not sure what happened there. Huge push, then *POOF*, they just gave up on him.

  15. They are possibly writing MVP off TV tonight.

  16. I'm surprised they couldn't find a way to repackage Brodus Clay and bring him in as a monster, you know, what they should have done with him in the first place.

    And no more Teddy Long? I think that might be the most disappointing news of this whole thing.

  17. I'm so glad they gave up on Bourne. 1,000,000 indy guys that can do the same shit and won't be nearly as stupid.

  18. WWE website says Aksana as well.


    Who's going to make my six-man tag matches RIGHT NOW, playa?


  20. Teddy had a great run. From anonymous referee to high profile manager to general manager umpteen times. Not bad at all. I wish him the best.

  21. Aksana has been added

  22. I am updating the list constantly as people are being added

  23. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 12, 2014 at 9:29 AM

    I'll miss my main playa Teddy, and Brodus could probably have been a little more than he was.
    Otherwise, no particular loss.

  24. Casualty of brand reintegration, I suppose.

  25. Due to the injury?

  26. Brodus was awful.

  27. I will, try and fail probably, but I will try

  28. Flawless victory.

  29. I don't see that. I only see:
    Curt Hawkins
    Theodore Long
    Brodus Clay
    Evan Bourne
    Yoshi Tatsu

  30. CruelConnectionNumber2June 12, 2014 at 9:30 AM

    Dead weight x7. Bourne will end up in TNA and ROH once TNA closes.

  31. update the WWE page

  32. Yep. Maybe they will replace MVP with Roode at the PPV.

    This from WZ: "TNA's official website has posted an update on the ongoing Dixie Carter vs MVP angle, and the article notes Carter recently met with the TNA Board of Directors to decide the fate of MVP as Director of Wrestling Operations.

    In light of MVP's recent injury, this story line update could be TNA's way of eventually writing MVP off TV."

  33. I wonder if they just waited til he got officially healthy.

  34. Ah that is too bad. I always liked MVP and even though I haven't been watching, was happy he was in a good spot (relatively speaking).

  35. JTG's continued employment needs to become a Blog of Doom meme.

  36. Damn, Aksana was by far my favorite diva, and by that I mean I thought she was the hottest one. That sucks but I hope TNA signs her and she works in the knockout division, I'd tune in to see how hot she was looking.

  37. Yeah, I mean, they really don't need him as an authority figure, although I would have been fine with him going back to managing, as a way to "get back" at the Authority for treating him like crap all these years.

    Pairing him with a team like the Ascension may have worked, actually.

  38. Roode has no heat going into the show. That's awful.

  39. Kevin Tourne, Freddy Bong, Burt Chalkins, Lotus Gay.

  40. I bet he is released before noon

  41. Plus, looser dressing standards in TNA!

  42. Brodus could work, Camacho too. Don't see much upside in signing anyone else. Which means they'll snag EVERYONE ELSE other than the two I mentioned, because TNA.

  43. As he even been on TV since Obama got reelected?

  44. Sure he does. MVP suspended him like 3 weeks ago. Kayfabe wise they could give him the title shot because of an unwarranted suspension, plus the suspension happened right after he and EY were going to have a rematch for the belt.

  45. It's not already?

  46. That Lowrider bicycle was a real winner. I can't believe they had Haku's son and the best they could come up for him is "kayfabe Mexican"

  47. That heel turn murdered his heat, and he wasn't ever going to get it back.

  48. Well, thank god Hornswoggle keeps his job.

  49. Hell yeah. But she did rock those leather full body suits quite well

  50. Shit, I forgot this cat was still employed.

  51. Bryan is too injured to act in the Leprechaun movies, so they needed Hornswoggle.

  52. Stranger in the AlpsJune 12, 2014 at 9:35 AM

    So WWE has released the entire Playa's Club stable?
    -Teddy Long as the mouthpiece
    -Camacho as the bodyguard
    -Aksana as the whore
    -Curt Hawkins, Evan Bourne and Yoshi Tatsu as the muscle.
    Yeah, they would suck.

  53. It's not the heel turn that murdered his heat. It's that they did legit NOTHING with him immediately following the heel turn.

  54. That heel turn could've put him back to where he should've been, but jobbing to the Miz was the kiss of death.

  55. That's not getting anybody to buy the show. MVP was the guy that was supposed to win.
    The Show is DOA

  56. Stick to writing reviews that no one will read.

  57. So WWE cleared out their garage and put several people on the curb... TNA is gonna go rummage though it and pick up most items by sunset.

  58. JTG survives!

  59. I'd have kept Bourne and Hawkins and fired Jinder and Otunga.

  60. Brief Analysis

    Aksana: Slowly improving and has a nice rack but I wonder if her smashing Naomi's face was what did her in

    Curt Hawkins: A mediocre worker who has been there for several years

    Theodore Long: With HHH and Steph dominating the TV time as the on-air authority, his days were numbered

    Brodus: A big man who was a terrible worker. They tried with him but he was not going to be anything special

    Camacho: Had a good look but did not stand out

    Evan Bourne: Was good in the ring but he has been gone for so long and wasnt lighting the world on fire before the injury so I don't see how he would have fit in when he returned.

    Yoshi Tatsu: Soldi worker who hasnt had a TV match in ages

  61. Roode vs. EY will sell more PPV's than MVP vs. EY. MVP vs. EY for the strap for free on Spike a month ago did a 0.65 which was their worst quarter hours in years. Roode vs. EY did around 0.95 which is good.

  62. If there are more names coming out, I have to imagine one is going to be Ryder

  63. Jinder Mahal is gone too

  64. It may take until tomorrow; they're going to have to scrape the change out of a lot of couches to be able to afford any of these talents.

  65. 3MB is fine, but Jinder is useless. They could plug anyone else into that spot and accomplish the same thing.

  66. I never saw the appeal of this guy. Hate to see anybody lose their job, but this isn't surprising.

  67. JTG is the real anonymous GM....

  68. They are saving JTG to announce last to give him at least 1 main event spot.

  69. Time for Swagger and Zeb to go, too.

  70. "Super!" - Bobby Heenan

  71. Dont be drinkin da haterade....

  72. Why would they be that nice to him?

  73. You saying all black people are criminals?

  74. I predict that Ryder will be next.

  75. I thought it was a slow news day and this post meant they were cleaning the Legend's House...

  76. WHAT???

    I mean, Swagger I can kind of understand, but ZEB?

  77. Mike Johnson has posted the following about today's releases:

    n the case of Teddy Long, his WWE contract expired. He had been taken off TV for some time and it was well known in the company that he was going to be departing the company.

    In the case of Yoshi Tatsu, there was a feeling for some time that he had really regressed in the ring. The company had attempted to find another role for him, including trying him out as a ring announcer in NXT.

    Regarding Brodus Clay, the feeling among those I've spoken with is that he fell out of favor with creative, which was obvious when they broke up his team with Tensai and then did nothing with him. His final appearance for the company was putting over NXT champ Adrian Neville on TV, which was a sign there wasn't a plan for him going forward.

    We haven't heard much in the way of Evan Bourne's release but he hasn't wrestled in a long time on the main roster after being hurt in a car accident while he was out on a Wellness suspension. There was always a ton of potential for him in the ring but the timing was never in his favor.

    The departures of Curt Hawkins and Camacho were the biggest surprises amongst people in the company we've heard from. Camacho was extremely popular within NXT circles and had a strong charisma and was well spoken in recent appearances. Hawkins had several more years on his current deal and had been considered a good hand in the ring, although he had not been utilized beyond putting people over in recent months.

    Hawkins has a school he opened in Long Island, so he was already preparing a "Plan B" for himself and will likely get a ton of indy work in the Northeast.

    The belief is there may me a few more releases among the wrestlers, but when releases happen, paranoia does kick in and everyone begins to freak out, so we will see.

  78. You can lose money in futons too.

  79. Im guessing Mahal wont be out of work soon, there are plenty of cab companies hiring....

  80. Is his contract nearly up?

  81. TNA just announced they welcome all WWE castoffs who are willing to accept internships.

  82. Well, they have him ~3 whole weeks to get over a new character to an audience that had never seen him, what more could they do. And besides, they have tons of guys they've developed that are ready to go that they can put in his place.

  83. If they really want to generate interest, put Rollins in Evolution and, in 2 weeks have Orton turn on them and join the Shield b/c he's tired of being in Hunter's shadow. And two weeks later, Ambrose can turn on the shield and join Evolution b/c he's sick of Orton hogging the spotlight. The 2 weeks later , HHH can turn on Evolution b/c he thinks Ambrose is creepy and join the Shield. And 2 weeks after that Batista can come back, jump Reigns and kick him out of the shield and join the Shield himself. Naturally, Reigns joins evolution and boom, 3 PPVs worth of new material.

  84. Kalisto is soooooo good. I'm very excited to see him get a shot on the big stage. Hopefully he'll get to have some matches with Seth Rollins. I think they'd work well together.

    Lucha! Lucha!

  85. Don't forget Mean Gene at SummerSlam '89.

  86. It sounds good! As I said, the PPV had wide angle shots too, just less than the THV edit. The cropping was a much bigger issue.

    Yeah I was impressed they even showed the Summer Slam 90 broadcast with the wonky crowd camera angle that has all those glitches, although for some reasons they seem to have permanently replaced Vince's commentary from the original start of the Rockers/P&G match with the redubbred commentary from the PTW re-airing,

  87. What venue was this done in?

  88. Your_Favourite_Buck_NastyJune 12, 2014 at 10:36 AM

    since when does fucking KEVIN DUNN get to bury people?

    his crack team missed reign's spear on rollins on the stage the other night

  89. He can bury his dentist.

  90. And the worst part is that he keeps working the word evolve into his promos since turning. Why have him say evolve and evolution over and over if he isn't in the group?

  91. Amsterdam_Adam_CurryJune 12, 2014 at 11:37 AM

    I've always been convinced that the WWF/AAA thing was never meant to succeed. "You've seen lucha and it sucks, so don't bother turning on Nitro".

  92. I saw Kalisto have some great matches in pwg with some amazing spots. Looking forward to this guy getting a shot on the main roster.

  93. Scott already told us how Hendrix became the Ruler of Hell.

  94. Yeah, 3 weeks is definitely enough time to know if a thing is working.

    Regardless, either way, all I was saying is that it was dumb to make the debut of such an over-the-top cartoonish character be downplayed and subtle.

  95. ...You're right. For some reason I got him confused with someone who died in 2000.

  96. Haha, you're silly if you think there is really a person named Kevin Dunn. It's just a projection of the McMahon collective mind.

  97. Did they attend your lemon party?

  98. Should have put it in the dungeon of donuts

  99. If this leads to Batista showing up in a blue flak jacket, I'm sold.

  100. Can someone remind me of the genesis/storyline for Regal/Eaton as the Blue Bloods? I seem to recall some vignettes where they had Eaton and Regal in the UK and them shilling the character backstory that Regal was friends with the British royal family and WCW even hiring a Queen Elizabeth impersonator for a vignette where Bobby Eaton got his "royal title". Was Eaton's character retconned as being an uber-distant member of the royal family ala that john goodman film or was it a case where Regal got his new BFF a royal title as part of Regal's backstory at the time of him being a wealthy British aristocrat who had Queen Elizabeth on speed dial to give royal titles for his friends on a whim?

  101. Orndorff with the NWO would have been a bad idea. Orndorff never was a huge star in the WWE (his feud with Hogan gets overshadowed by the Andre feud and the Piper feuds) and at least in the beginning, there was a sense that the NWO was A-Level WWE expatriots.

  102. Yeah, it actually strikes me as a bit of sabotage against the competition. Sort of like how the NWA angle in the WWF was basically a rib on Jim Cornette that was always meant to bomb, as well as discredit WCW's claims on "Tradition".

  103. Loose Cannon Brian Pillman was a fluke that will never be repeated.

    Even CM Punk, during the Summer of Punk, never had the "I'm a complete psychopath" vibe Pillman had. Hell, even the straight edge pseudo-Charlie Manson SXE version of Punk couldn't pull it off.

    Ambrose might be able to come close but you'd have to consider that A. the WWE will NEVER let him go 100% with the gimmick and B. they'd need to spend some time setting Ambrose up to snapping, since ever since he's shown up, they've played him either as a tool for the establishment or a thug for hire.

    They'd need to have Reigns turn on Ambrose and dissolve Shield entirely to make it work to have Ambrose just go full-tilt crazy pants. And not Danial Bryan "Yes/No" type crazy, but legit crazy-crazy Mankind-type crazy....

  104. Whatever happened to wrestler A hates Wrestler B and they put on good matches?

  105. I legit marked out the first time I saw him on the Packers' sideline. There's a guy who got and respected THIS BUSINESS.

  106. He was pretty bad in the ring- even his big New Japan matches failed to be very good. That, combined with his lack of charisma, really made him a failure on the U.S. scene- at least slugs like Nash had some mic skills.

  107. Or, if you hate your job that much, you could always quit it. I don't know if the Heenan drinking stories are true or not, but it sure sounds like he hated his time there. I have trouble sympathizing with people who hate million-dollar jobs so much they're forced to drink, while I'm slightly over the Obama-proposed minimum wage. Rant over.

  108. A little surprised that Hulk and Macho could use the "Mega Powers" name in WCW without Vince trying to put the kibosh on it.
    A couple of fantasy-type matches here, with Flair and Show vs Savage and Hogan, Pillman vs Eddie sounds pretty awesome, and to a lesser degree for all you hardcore fans, the Nastys vs Public Enemy sounds intriging.
    When did Luger become a comic? The American Males or State Patrol? How could he say that with a straight face....great heel move to wanna battle the jobbers lmfao.

  109. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 2:20 PM

    Way to get that sly Obama jab in there, yank.

  110. Is Adam Rose supposed to be gay?

  111. Rollins just went undercover to try and break up Triple H's plans from the inside, he just went too deep undercover.

  112. Yeah, I agree with you 100%. His character is not a slow burn sort of guy.

  113. And just when Faksana was getting ready to take off.

  114. This would be the best thing ever.

  115. Kevin's a multimillionaire so I can't feel sorry for him being the inspiration for Timmy The Tooth when he can clearly afford to get those stupid teeth fixed.

  116. Yeah, whatever happened to Kerwin Silfies anyway? That kind of shit NEVER happened under Kerwin's watch.

  117. There may a location in Nashville available soon after a certain Spike TV contract expires in a few months.

  118. Hell he's better than Mike Tenay and Taz. At least he doesn't sound like he's zonked out on downers like those two.

  119. El Generico and Kevin Steen were able to feud for FOUR FRIGGIN YEARS with just that simple premise. No matter what side of the fence they were on, they hated each other.

    It isn't rocket surgery, but these guys sure want it to look that way.

  120. Nope. They won't do it. That actually made some sort of sense.

  121. To do what? Take out the team that they already had outnumbered?

    That was good for a laugh, though, because I could see them doing it.

  122. Don't you mean The Superdome?

  123. It's easier than using logic.

  124. I think that was an awesome feud as I think you could tell Steen had begun get tired of El Generico, he turns on him in a brutal way and boom a great feud is born, too bad the WWE would rather give us a soap opera with written scripts and 50-50 bookings as opposed to a more simplistic and most of the times more satisfying experience...


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