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WWE's future endeavor bloodbath

Hey Scott,

1. I know it seems like WWE just cut a lot of dead weight, but do you think maybe they should have hung on to one or two of those guys? McIntyre seemed pegged to be THE guy at one point and probably could have been rebuilt with distance from 3MB (and some actual effort, so clearly I'm deluding myself). Camacho never really got much of a fair shake at all, and Brodus was screwed from day one by a comedy gimmick with a limited ceiling and then never got the courtesy of even getting to appear on TV to test the waters after the heel turn. Would you have given any of those three (or any of the others) a stay of execution, or were they all just too far gone to be reclamation projects?

2. Do you think we'll ever see any of those guys again? Personally, I think Bourne will likely receive a hero's welcome back to ROH, and McIntyre could be a top guy for Global Force when and if that's ever a viable option. Hawkins/Tatsu/JTG would all be solid hands in the X-Division if any of them want to get on TNA's sinking ship. Where do you think some of them will/should end up?

3. Even though none of these guys are tremendous losses to WWE, how are they going to cut McIntyre and Clay but keep useless slugs like Khali and Otunga employed? Or are there more cuts coming? I know if I were Zack Ryder or Justin Gabriel I wouldn't be sleeping very soundly for a while.


1.  I think Brodus was doing well reinventing himself as the monster he was originally supposed to be, but clearly the NXT run was a short-term thing where he was going to put over Neville and then disappear.  It's too bad, he had potential.  Camacho was miscast from the start and should have been Haku Jr. and aligned with the Usos or something.  
2.  McIntyre will do fine in a second-level promotion like TNA or Europe once the stink of 3MB is washed off him.  The writing was on the wall for Bourne a long time ago and clearly he wasn't a good fit, whereas ROH will be.  The rest will probably do their indy shots and sign autographs at conventions and stuff.  

3.  Khali and Otunga are for specific purposes and are probably safe.  I'd say Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd would have both been dead meat if it hadn't been for Total Divas to save Kidd, and even then he should probably turn his phone off for a while.  I bet they're gonna purge the office too.  The whole thing is exactly what I was worried was going to happen when the $350 million stock crash happened -- a lot of people losing jobs to make up for the network's shortcomings.  And there's probably more coming.  


  1. I hope for his sake Santino changed his phone #

  2. I feel bad for all these guys. At the very least, they'll have less hectic schedules. I imagine Hawkins is going to be cool never having to leave the NE.

  3. What specific reason is Otunga still employed?

  4. You down with JTG?

  5. Married to an A-lister.

  6. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 5:55 PM

    He's a lawyer, so he negotiated himself and IRON-CLAD CONTRACT

  7. I don't understand the question?

  8. I don't see how being married to a celebrity is a reason why he wouldn't be cut.

  9. There was no question, grammatical incompetence.

  10. He shows up on E! News and red carpets. Free publicity for the WWE.

  11. Connections to Hollywood and the promotional possibilities of such.

    That, and he can probably help out in Legal if needed.

  12. Literally zero people have watched Raw because Otunga was on a red carpet.

  13. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 6:05 PM

    Well, fucking tell Vince that then.

  14. I don't get these jokes. Does WWE not have the guts to fire someone in person?

  15. There's WWE Studios. Maybe they'd want to use Jennifer Hudson in a movie someday?

  16. Literally zero people watch Raw for a lot of things they put on TV, and yet, people like Alicia Fox are still employed.

  17. PLEASE no one trying to explain why McIntyre or Camacho should be employed by the biggest wrestling company in the world

  18. Vince loves his phone sex.

    "YOU'RE.....*fapfapfapfapfap* FIIIIIRED!" *splooge*

  19. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 6:09 PM

    Because... they're wrestlers!

  20. Yes she's won an oscar. However, I never hear her on the radio and rarely see her in a movie. If they want to use him for something, have him team with the Miz. One was on a horrible reality show and the other was on a horrible reality show.

  21. I honest to god couldn't tell you the last time she was in a movie.

  22. Threadjack: Warner Brothers are insane.

  23. Because of that huge overlap of wrestling fans and people who like Jennifer Hudson. /sarcasm

  24. In 2006 she won an Oscar. She's in the Cuba Gooding Jr category. C list at best.

  25. Aric Johnson, Sami LikerJune 12, 2014 at 6:14 PM

    Umm... don't think Oscars like, expire buddy.

  26. They definitely do.

  27. because Vince loves any connnection to hollywood.

  28. what about their sister Dot?

  29. Eva Marie is still employed over them.

  30. I've watched it more than than any other PPV, I think. I'll probably watch it 10 more times.

  31. Man Steamboat/Jericho at WM25 so should have taken place there

  32. CruelConnectionNumber2June 12, 2014 at 6:42 PM

    I spent the weekend in Chicago and capped it off with MITB 2011. One of the greatest live wrestling shows I have ever seen and I was an original ECW Arena guy.

  33. Easily. Canadian Stampede is really good, but a bit overrated, I think.

  34. No Way Out 2001 is one of my favorite shows ever. HHH/Austin is kinda forgotten, but awesome, as is Angle/Rock.

  35. I'd go No Way Out 2001, MitB, Backlash 2000 as my top 3. Don't really care for Canadian Stampede.

  36. Exactly, I don't really care about Taka-Sasuke as great as the match was. Don't care for the main event either.

  37. Awesome list though, Justin. Every PPV listed is rewatchable many times over and were all great selections. Pretty much given that everyone's top PPVs will have slight variance based on what it meant to them.

  38. I think the main event was good, and the heat was insane. It just didn't do for me what it did for a lot of people.

  39. I know I'm in the minority on this, but I happened to like WM 2000.

  40. Mitch, The GodfatherJune 12, 2014 at 7:06 PM

    I liked it too other than the main event.

  41. Yep, all high star ratings, but...

    -HHH/Mankind was just a setup for the real blow off at Summerslam

    -Sasuke/Taka had the most obvious outcome ever (the guy they had hyped for weeks against a guy they didn't even bother mentioning until the actual match)

    -Taker/Vader was a last minute change, as Ahmed was injured, so the outcome was obvious

    -The 10 man tag ended with a distraction/roll up win, and the real blow off was at Summerslam.

    So basically, a total throwaway PPV, that just happened to have very solid matches and a memorable crowd.

  42. There was more to it than that. The Hart Foundation introduction and Stone Cold being led away in handcuffs flicking off the crowd are both among the most memorable moments in WWE history. Not bad for a "throwaway" PPV.

  43. It was a great and exciting PPV. The Ladder Match was fantastic. Angle vs Jericho vs Benoit is highly underrated, even by Chris jericho in his book. I didn't totally hate the main event. You're not the only one who would give the PPV a thumbs up.

  44. Oh for sure. I just certainly wouldn't put it as #2 of all time, maybe #7 or #8.

  45. ^^ no kidding. What years did you goto the ECW shows?

  46. Trishes rack was at her most epic at that show. So it's A-OK in my book

  47. Backlash 2000 or GTFO.

  48. I liked it too. I understand the complaints since half the card was filler/awful (I thought the Hardcore Battle Royal thing was a fun one-time idea that they ended up going way too long with), but the good was really good. This was when we were excited to see E+C/Hardyz and the Angle/Benoit/Jericho triumvirate of awesome. And it took balls to give the heel the main event win that I was shocked, which was negated a few weeks later, but still.

  49. I consider everything outside of Wrestlemania to be a "secondary" or lower PPV.

  50. Backlash 2000 or GTFO.

  51. God damn, other than beware of Dog, this list is killer.

  52. CruelConnectionNumber2June 12, 2014 at 8:50 PM

    99-00. I was a diehard viewer from 95-00.

  53. Good list, I would have ranked Fully Loaded 2000 much higher. Nothing but love for Camel Clutch, good read.

  54. It wasn't a bad PPV, but it was just underwhelming for a Wrestlemania. Also, since WWE put out so many amazing PPVs in the first eight months of 2000, WM16 stood out since it was simply 'okay' rather than outstanding.

  55. thanks man, always appreciate the reading.

  56. Thanks for taking time, man. CCB's a good place.

  57. Much appreciated

  58. I'm of the Bill Simmons school of thought: the 'big four' are Mania, Rumble, Summerslam, and Money In The Bank.

  59. this. I started from #1 and while reading once or twice thought "[insert ppv name here] should be on this list, too" .... and everyone I thought of made the list.

    (you can always argue about the order, but if I'd do a top 25 list, it would consist of at least 3/4 of this list)

  60. it obviously suffers from Backlash one month later not only being amazing but also having much more of a "WrestleMania-feel" (especially the main event).

  61. many would argue that the matches were more than just "solid".

  62. I think Angle vs. The Rock is the forgotten gem of that show, Triple H vs. Austin is considered a ***** by many and therefore mentioned more often.

  63. It sucked, not because of the match quality, but there was not a single single match and that is IMO a big no go for a wrestlemania. Only a women match which nobody cares about. Backlash was way way way way better. And haven't even complained about HHH as heel winning the main match, which is another reason.

    Take the Backlash 2000 with the tag team table match and maybe 1-2 matches more and you get a Wrestlemania which would be even better than WMX7.

  64. A little off topic, but I rewatched the Canadian Stampeed 10-Man the other night, and the one thing that stood out to me was the face off between Pillman and Shamrock before the match. Those two "loose cannons" jaw-jacking made me think about what an awesome program they could have had.
    Can you imagine the tension a match between them could have created for the company officials?

  65. I like the way you think. Let's be friends...

  66. That battle royal was a ridiculous amount of fun. Nothing I would jump on the network to watch today, but still a lot of fun. And the ladder match was freaking awesome.

  67. Oh, no doubt Backlash was a hell of a lot better; you're not getting an argument from me on that one. I'll concede the point about no singles matches. I hated that even back the fourteen(!) years ago. The top face not walking out with the belt was shocking, but it wasn't the worst thing in the world, either. Also, it was probably best for business, given what it lead to.


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