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WWF Championship Wrestling May 24th, 1986

May 24, 1986

Your hosts are Bruno Sammartino and Vince McMahon

Tonight’s featured match is between Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff & Killer Bees. Also, Harley race makes his debut. Plus, the Dream Team and Ricky Steamboat are in action and the “Flower Shop” with guests Don Muraco and Mr. Fuji.

Steve Lombardi & Paul Christy vs. “Golden Boy” Danny Spivey & Mike Rotundo

Rotundo returns after several months and still has “Born in the USA” as his theme music. The faces take turns working the arm of Lombardi to start. Rotundo catches him with a back elbow smash then slams him before tagging Spivey. Lombardi makes the tag as Christy lands a few shots with minimal effect on Spivey. Rotundo tags and they hit a double dropkick but Rotundo gets backed into the wrong corner and choked out by Lombardi. Rotundo escapes and a few mistimed sequences follow then shortly after that he catches Lombardi with the airplane spin before Spivey hits a slingshot splash for the win (3:56).

Thoughts: The crowd was into this match. Then again, it was the first show of the taping and sometimes that factors heavily into crowd reaction. They finally found something for Spivey and it was nice to see Rotundo return, as he was a solid worker. But really, this team was just to add depth to the tag team division.

WWF Update with Mean Gene Okerlund. We have a new set and music know too. This week, the subject is King Kong Bundy and how he is a mean guy. In a funny moment, they come back from the clip and a guy with a broom walks behind Gene, who tells him two doors down on the left then the segment just ends. This was not very good.

Harley Race w/ Bobby Heenan vs. John Centeno

This is Race’s debut in the WWE. He hits a back suplex on Centeno then tosses him outside and beats the shit out of him. Back inside, Race follows a neckbreaker with a falling headbutt. After a shoulderbreaker, Race beats on Centeno before hitting him with a piledriver. Race drops an elbow then finishes him off with a slingshot suplex (3:09).

Thoughts: Race was quite impressive here and was moving around very well. Not a lot of fanfare for his debut but he was completely dominant.

Ken Resnick is with Nikolai Volkoff, who cuts a promo on Corporal Kirchner hyping their house show match tonight in Boston. It was tough to understand Nikolai here as he sounded like he had marbles in his mouth.

Ron Shaw vs. Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat

Steamboat catches Shaw with a powerslam then tosses him outside as the announcers talk about his feud with Jake Roberts. Back inside, Steamboat works a reverse chinlock as Vince warns us at home not to try any of the moves. Steamboat hits a reverse neckbreaker then heads up top and finishes him with a flying body press for the win (2:48).

Thoughts: Steamboat was very aggressive in the match as they were hyping him as ultra pissed off over being attacked by Roberts at “Saturday Night’s Main Event.” That feud has been really hot so far.

Resnick is with Hulk Hogan, who said that he hates pre-taped interviews as they take place a month in advance. Hogan calls out his opponent in Boston, Randy Savage, and says that he is not a champion after robbing Tito Santana but rather a bum. He closes by promising to run wild on Savage. Interesting to hear Hogan tell everyone how these promos are taped a month in advance.

The Dream Team w/ Johnny Valiant vs. George Wells & Mike Saxon

Heenan comes out on commentary and interrupts the match, telling us that Andre the Giant has been suspended by President Jack Tunney. Back to the match as Saxon is getting beat down by the Dream Team. Valentine then puts him in the figure four for the win (2:48).

Thoughts: The match just the backdrop for Heenan’s announcement of Andre’s suspension, which was major news. The angle that followed was shit, however.

Flower Shop with guests Don Muraco and Mr. Fuji. You can hear all of the kids in the crowd start up a “faggot” chant aimed at Adonis. Muraco talks about how they look great while “Hulk Hooligan” walks around ripped t-shirts. Nothing much happened and the Flower Shop was a pretty bad talk show segment all around, actually.

We are shown the “Hulkamania” music video. It is always great to see this. I fucking can’t get enough of the video.

Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff w/ Freddie Blassie vs. Killer Bees

The Bees work over the arm of Nikolai to start as the crowd is screaming “USA.” Brunzell takes over Nikolai with a sunset flip but Sheik breaks that up. Brunzell goes after the Sheik and that backfires as the heels double-team him behind the referee’s back. They continue to beat on Brunzell until he escapes. The ref orders the heels back as the Bees put on their masks as the heels are confused. Blair is the one in the ring and locks Sheik in an abdominal stretch then they keep switching behind the ref’s back as he is unable to keep track of who is underneath the mask. Nikolai breaks up a sleeper but eats  a clothesline. Brunzell dropkicks Sheik, who gets pulled out by Nikolai then they head up the aisle and get counted out, as they did not want to deal with the Bees (4:38).

Thoughts: They used this match to get over the Bee’s mask gimmick. The crowd hated Sheik & Volkoff too. A fun match to close the show.

In action next week are Paul Orndorff, Jake Roberts, George “The Animal” Steele, Funk Brothers, Tito Santana & Pedro Morales, and Don Muraco & Bob Orton.

Final Thoughts: Solid show overall. The featured bout was fine and the big news of Andre’s suspension made it a big show. Harley Race’s debut went well and the return of Mike Rotundo got over with the crowd.


  1. Stranger in the AlpsJune 24, 2014 at 9:14 PM

    Hey Brian, did you steal this recap from Dave Scherer also? That's a legit question, not a heat seeking comment.

  2. No Jim Cornette? I know he's not on good terms with WWE, but come on.

  3. Ah, some rare work from Not Rod Trongard I mean Ken Resnick.

  4. Watching Paul Bearer manage Vader in 1997 was awesome. Watching Paul Bearer do anything in 1997 was awesome.

    Paul Bearer was awesome.

    But I might swap him with Heyman.

    Otherwise, this was pretty spot on and lacked Triple H.

  5. Cornette is missing as is Gary Hart. Elizabeth should've been removed and replaced with Cornette, and JJ should be higher, I agree.

  6. I cannot source Elite material. It is a strict TOS violation

  7. Honestly, I never cared for The Killer Bees.

  8. Stranger in the AlpsJune 24, 2014 at 9:34 PM

    This is too coherent and accurate to be a Scherer anyway.

  9. The Bearer news is interesting...if memory serves (and it may not), UT was managed by Brother Love when he first came in.

  10. And I never really understood Mr. Fuji's appeal. Maybe I just got him at the end of his run, but he didn't really seem to do anything.

  11. Stranger in the AlpsJune 24, 2014 at 9:36 PM

    He was. Brother Love "handed him off" to Paul Bearer in early 91.

  12. Stranger in the AlpsJune 24, 2014 at 9:37 PM

    Fuji was at his peak when he managed Muraco, and then Demolition.

  13. Harvey Wippleman should get an honorable mention for his wife.

  14. "The match just the backdrop for Heenan’s announcement of Andre’s suspension, which was major news. The angle that followed was shit, however."

    Nine year old me would like a word with you, sir.

  15. Not having Cornette on the list is ridiculous. He is 1A to Heenan. Gary Hart should be on the list. Bearer should be lower and only on the list if his Percy Pringle stuff in other territories is included. Sherri shouldn't be on there. Liz is questionable. She didn't do much, although she was over. Some say she is a pioneer but other territories were doing valets in the early to mid 80s as well (Jimmy Garvin for one in WCCW, I think Kevin Sullivan in Florida, etc.).

  16. Besides Cornette, also left off was Paul Ellering, who really was the off-camera manager for the Road Warriors and fantastic on the mic summing up their rantings.
    And no love for Skandor Akbar? The guy was THE heel manager for World Class for years, great heel.


  18. Fuji had a great look. He had that devious oriental look that made him a great heel manager. He wasn't that great on the mic and I don't recall him being that great a worker, but the look alone sold him.

  19. If you're going to rank Bearer that high and put Liz on there, you might as well add The Doctor of Style, Slick!

    What about when he lead absolutely no one to a title?

    What about when he taught Kamala that he was a man??

    His music was the best though.

  20. Grand Wizard should be on here. YouTube him.

  21. Paul Jones *shudder*

    Gary Hart was a huge miss, as were Humperdink and Cornette. Of the forgotten managers, the precious little I've seen of Bobby Davis showed him to be ahead of his time

  22. Aric Johnson (copyright 2014)June 24, 2014 at 11:46 PM

    Teddy Long and Sonny Onoo should sue this list for discrimination!

  23. Akbar, and Devastation Inc. in general never get enough props. They ALWAYS had massive heat.

  24. TM CooltrainerBretJune 25, 2014 at 12:29 AM

    Heyman is possibly the most successful kayfabe manager of all time. What the fuck?

  25. Jim Cornette should be on this list for him calling Ron Garvin the "Barney Rubble of Professional Wrestling," right before a real good tag match between the Midnights v Garvin and Windham...

  26. Man, talk about ahead of his time. If he'd been born a decade later, that guy would have ruled 1980's WWF.

  27. Dammit. I was hoping for Slick.

  28. " Sherri shouldn't be on there. Liz is questionable" Huh? I can see why Sherri shouldn't be on there (and Cornette should) but at least she was always seen as a manager. Unlike Liz who was always a valet. And while there were def other physical female managers this is WWE history and Sherri was the first. Didn't she win the Observer Manager of the Year award also ? Managing Savage, Dibiase, Michaels, Flair and Harlem Heat is fairly top tier. Nevermind that Michaels (Michaels!!) actually gives her credit for making him a credible single's competitor.

  29. No Shaniqua? No Coach? This list is bullshit.

  30. Jim Cornette NEEDS to be on this list. And Paul's celphone wasn't ridiculous, it's just that back in the day whey were huge.

  31. You're really going to get mad at Heenan as #1? I would've been fine if Heyman was there, but come on its freaking Bobby the Brain.

  32. JJ should be #1. In 88 he successfully brokered the inclusion of Windham in the Horseman and then promptly led him to the US title. That year they had all of the gold.

    How many world champions did Heenan manage?

  33. Yeah, he had the "evil Asian stereotype" down to a T. Literally all I ever remember him saying was "MY YOKOZUNA!"

  34. And where is Boyd Bradford??? THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!

  35. I'd rather watch a dog lick its balls than watch another one of these countdowns that leaves off key people just because Vince currently doesn't like them.

  36. Yeah really...grade school me always had a back up plan if I got suspended...just wear a mask and show up for class anyway.

    BTW this show was seen on my 9th birthday.


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