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WWF Madison Square Garden May 19th, 1986

May 19, 1986

Your hosts are Lord Alfred Hayes and Gorilla Monsoon

Tiger Chung Lee vs. “Leaping” Lanny Poffo

Lanny works the arm then shows off his agility before hitting a dropkick. Lanny goes back to working the arm for a while as Gorilla is impressed that all sorts of Asians are competing in the WWF. Lee chops down Poffo before hitting him with a pair of gutbusters. Lee lands some awful chops before hitting yet another gutbuster. Poffo fights back as Lee is on his knees begging for mercy. He is gassed too. Poffo hammers away on Lee in the corner for a bit. Lee comes back and beats on Poffo but misses a charge in the corner in a terrible looking spot as Lee paused before bumping. Poffo fights back then grabs a chinlock as the crowd starts to shit on this match. Lee is chopping Poffo against the ropes in the slowest manner possible until Poffo comes back with a mule kick. Lee comes back and beats on Poffo some more. Dropkick gets two. Lee then sends Poffo to the floor then brings him in and roughs him up for a bit. Poffo fights back and sends Lee upside down in the corner. Bcakdrop gets two. Poffo charges and Lee sends him to the floor. Back inside, Lee slams Poffo but ends up getting tossed off of the top rope. Poffo misses a splash but reverses an Irish whip and hits a hurricarana for the win (11:19) ¼*.

Thoughts: Oh, this was one shitty way to start off a show. Lee was blown up a few minutes into the match and everything he did look terrible. Lanny busting out the hurricarana was cool, especially for 1986, and really that was the only thing good about this match.

S.D. Jones vs. Brett “The Hitman” Hart

Gorilla tosses out the “this match can main event anywhere” line right off the bat. Match starts with Hart trying to psych out the referee and S.D. It’s the opposite of thrilling, really. Hart briefly works the arm then catches S.D. with an inverted atomic drop then taunts the crowd, showing some personality for basically the first time in the WWF. Hart then puts SD in a chinlock for a while as a few in the crowd chant “boring.” Hart takes down S.D. then kicks him out of the ring. Back inside, S.D. knocks down Hart with a headbutt but eats boot on a charge in a telegraphed spot. Hart drops an elbow from the second rope and that gets two. S.D. uses an eye poke as Hart begs for mercy in the corner. S.D. dances around before firing away at Hart. He then takes him out of the corner with a hiptoss and hits a shoulderblock. S.D. charges at Hart but gets caught with a backbreaker and Hart covers for the win (10:15) *1/2.

Thoughts: A must-see for fans of restholds. Brett showed a bit of personality here at least. I am almost positive that this was the result of B. Brian Blair’s injury, which had he been healthy would have at least given us the Killer Bees vs. Hart Foundation.

Sivi Afi vs. Hercules Hernandez w/ Freddie Blassie

Hercules shows off his power by shoving around Afi. Herc then stalls after Afi lands a few punches. Herc ducks outside then goes back in to work a headlock as Blassie is yelling to Monsoon. Afi comes back with dropkicks and armdrags but Herc kills him with a back suplex then distracts the ref so Blassie can ram Afi in the back with his cane. Herc drops Afi on the ropes then works a headlock on the mat. Afi fights out but runs into a clothesline and Herc covers for a nearfall then goes right back to the headlock. A loud “boring” chant breaks out then Afi fights out and gets two off of a sunset flip. Herc hammers away then uses a reverse chinlock. Again, Afi fights out then catches Hercules with an atomic drop and I am pretty sure Herc iced his balls immediately backstage due to that move. Afi uses the momentum of Hercules to take him outside then hits him with a crossbody off of the top rope that woke up the crowd and nearly gave Lord Alfred a heart attack. Back inside, Afi gets a nearfall with a falling headbutt as the crowd is still going nuts. Afi heads up top and hits Hercules with a crossbody but Herc rolls through the move and grabs onto the tights for the win (13:07) *1/4.

Thoughts: It picked up a bit at the end but everything else was dreadful. Afi wasn’t bad at all in the ring but he flopped so badly in his TV debut (if you think Adam Rose’s debut sucked, he has nothing on Afi, who was booed out of the building as the fans rejected him as a Snuka knock-off. The crowd went nuts for his crossbody to the floor spot.

The crowd shows New York Yankees stars Dave Winfield and Dave Righetti in the crowd.

Nikolai Volkoff w/ Freddie Blassie vs. Corporal Kirchner

Kirchner wins a slugfest to start. Small package gets two. Kirchner hits a dropkick but Nikolai rakes the eyes then beats on Kirchner in the corner. Blassie rams Kirchner with his cane then Nikolai goes back to work. Nikolai keeps working a bearhug then knocks Kirchner down with a shoulderblock. Kirchner manages a reverse rollup but Nikolai puts him in a bow and arrow lock. Kirchner fights back and hits an atomic drop before putting Nikolai in a Boston Crab. Kirchner whiffs on a dropkick and Nikolai goes right back to work. Double underhook suplex gets two. Gutwrench suplex gets two. Kirchner gets Nikolai over with a sunset flip then goes to work on the knee. The fans start a “USA” chant as the wrestlers stall for a bit, mostly because Nikolai is gassed. Nikolai hits Kirchner with a spin kick then headbutts him down. Kirchner dodges a charge in the corner and tries for a Samoan drop but Nikolai holds on to the ropes and escapes. Back elbow smash gets two for Kirchner. He charges but Nikolai puts up his knees then rolls up Kirchner while holding the ropes for leverage and gets the win (11:30) *1/4. After the match, Kirchner chokes out Nikolai then sends him over the top rope with a dropkick.

Thoughts: Kirchner tried but Nikolai was awful tonight. This feud continued, sadly.

Gorilla Monsoon is backstage with Dave Righetti and Dave Winfield. Righetti notes how Ron Darling is not here tonight as Bundy and Heenan come out, with Heenan joking that it’s Little League camp and forgets Dave Righetti’s name then some guy claiming that he is the manager for the baseball players and this ends with them challenging the American League East. Fun for Yankee’s fans.

Monsoon is with Ricky Steamboat. He says that Roberts taught him a lesson after he turned his back on him but that will be the only mistake that he will make.

Special Guest Referee: Bruno Sammartino
WWF Intercontinental Title Match
Randy “Macho Man” Savage w/ Elizabeth (Champion) vs. Tito Santana

The match starts with both guys jockeying for position then Savage bails as the crowd boos. Savage stalls outside then comes back in as Tito gains the upper hand then ducks back outside and uses Elizabeth as a shield. The crowd is jacked as Tito works the arm. Savage gets knocked to the floor with an elbow smash then takes his time getting back in the ring. They trade armdrags then Randy starts yelling at Bruno, who yells right back. Savage snaps Tito’s neck off of the middle rope then hits a double axe handle off of the top rope. Savage takes Tito back down with a running knee smash then covers for two. Tito tries to fight out of a headlock but Savage yanks him down by the hair. Savage gets pissed at Bruno for taking his time counting then puts Tito in a chinlock. Tito fights back but Savage tosses him to the floor and follows him out with a top rope double axe handle. Savage sneaks around the ring to knock and attacks Tito then takes the action back inside of the ring. Bruno takes his time counting as Savage made a pin attempt then both men are down after colliding. Savage is up first and goes for another double axe handle but Tito catches him with a shot in the midsection. He then sends Savage to the floor with a kneelift and shoves him back in the ring to inflict more punishment. Tito backdrops Savage and goes for the figure four but Savage frantically crawls to the ropes. Tito eats boot on a charge but comes back with a small package for two. Tito slugs away and takes him down with a forearm smash. Savage escapes another figure four attempt as this crowd really wants Tito to win this match. Savage comes back with a suplex for two. Tito blocks an atomic drop and turns it into a figure four as the crowd is going out of their minds but Adrian Adonis, wearing a blond wig, runs in and attacks Tito for the DQ (13:25) ***1/2. Adonis knocks down Bruno then goes to beat on Tito but walks into a slam by Bruno. Savage attacks Bruno from behind then he and Adonis attack Bruno until Tito chases them away with a chair.

Thoughts: Fun match. Savage was tremendous in working the crowd too. He put on a clinic and always saved his best stuff for the bigger shows. Tito remains a crowd favorite and MSG nearly erupted when he applied the figure four and would have gone crazier if he won. They even got a way to hype a big match for next month’s show too.

“Mr. USA” Tony Atlas vs. King Kong Bundy w/ Bobby Heenan

Atlas is sporting black tights tonight. Bundy shoves Atlas into the corner to start. Bundy then works a side headlock then they have a miscommunication spot as Atlas falls on top of Bundy. Atlas staggers Bundy with a headbutt and goes to work on the arm but ends up running into an elbow smash. Bundy beats on Atlas then slows things down further with a chinlock. Atlas finally escapes then avoids a splash as my tape loses audio. Bundy eats boot on a charge then Atlas takes him down with a flying headbutt. He goes for a splash but Bundy gets his knees up then puts Atlas away with an elbow drop (8:05) DUD.

Thoughts: Awful match. Atlas was just about done with the WWF at this point due to his drug habit and Bundy was really just a generic big guy. These two had zero chemistry together.

Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat vs. Jake “The Snake” Roberts

The match starts with a brawl at ringside. Jake catches Steamboat with a kneelift as he enters the ring and goes to work. Steamboat escapes for a DDT attempt and hits a suplex then has to get pulled off of Roberts, which has the crowd and the announcers pissed. Roberts comes back in and catches Steamboat with a shot in the jaw after a fast paced sequence. Jake blocks a sunset flip attempt then hits an inverted atomic drop. Jake is talking to Steamboat as he hits him in the face then tells him to get up. Jake reaches for the snake but notices Steamboat getting up so he runs over and ends up getting his leg kicked out from underneath him. Steamboat hits a pair of swinging neckbreakers but Jake got his knees up on a splash attempt. Jake tosses Steamboat over the top rope, who lands on the apron before getting knocked down. Jake signals that he is going to DDT Steamboat on the floor again but Steamboat rams him into the apron then into the ceiling. In the ring, Steamboat busts open Jake with a flying chop then attacks the cut until the referee stops him. Jake beats on Steamboat in the corner then yells at the ref. Steamboat boots Jake down, who knocks over the ref in the process, and the ref calls for the bell as Steamboat is pounding on Jake (7:36) ***. All of the midcarders in the locker room come out to break up the fight and struggle to keep them separated and the brawling continues all the way to the locker room as the match is announced as a double disqualification. Steamboat then comes back to the ring to show the fans that he is okay and they applaud. 

Thoughts: Good stuff as they have made a hot, new midcard feud. In 1986, Jake looked so good in the ring, moving around fluidly and quick. That was not the case a few years later. Jake was really starting to get over with the crowds too.

Howard Finkel introduces Sammy Hagar to the crowd. He comes into the ring and struggles to roll inside then asks the crowd how they are doing. Sammy looked pretty fucked up here.

“Golden Boy” Danny Spivey vs. Paul Christy

Spivey works a headlock to start the match. They work a criss-cross spot that ends with Spivey stomping Christy. Spivey wrenches Christy’s neck then pie-faces him down. Christy comes back with some basic heel offense before tossing Spivey to the floor. He celebrates that achievement but Spivey comes in and goes to work. Elbow drop gets two then shortly after that, Spivey finishes him off with a bulldog (3:14) 1/4*.

Thoughts: A useless, but quick match. Spivey was floundering here and Christy was just a jobber but with this match, it seemed like they were trying to give Spivey a minor push.

Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart vs. “Jumping” Jim Brunzell

The announcers put over Brunzell’s dropkick. Anvil works a headlock for a bit. Brunzell takes the Anvil down and grapevines the legs. Anvil makes it to the ropes then ducks outside for a breather. He comes back inside and knocks Brunzell through the ropes with a forearm smash then knocks him off of the apron. Lots of “boring” chants in the crowd for this match. Brunzell drags Anvil outside and they slug it out until Brunzell sends him into the post. Back inside, Brunzell works a hammerlock and that does nothing to stop the boring chants. Brunzell hits a crossbody for two then goes back to the hammerlock as the announcers talk about the Anvil’s football career. Anvil catches Brunzell with an inverted atomic drop then starts to bite and gauge Brunzell, who is able to roll outside. Back inside, Brunzell gets a small package but Anvil immediately grabs a chinlock. The crowd is going restless as this is fucking dragging badly. Anvil catches Brunzell with a throat thrust after a leapfrog then goes back to the chinlock as the crowd is getting restless. Brunzell catches Anvil with a sleeper but gets rammed into the corner. Anvil works a front facelock but Brunzell escapes and goes to work on the leg. He rams the Anvil’s knee against the post then locks on a figure four. Brunzell breaks the hold and chokes out the Anvil in the corner but ends up running into a clothesline that gets two. The crowd actually booed when the match didn’t end. Both men collide and are down as the crowd just wants this to end. Brunzell tries to slam the Anvil but fails and Anvil covers for two. Brunzell dropkicks the Anvil and covers but the bell rings as the match has reached the 20 minute time-limit (20:00) ¾*.  

Thoughts: A painful match to watch. Anvil was terrible here and the crowd shit all over the match.

WWF Tag Team Title Match
British Bulldogs (Champions) w/ Capt. Lou Albano vs. The Dream Team w/ Johnny Valiant

Davey and Beefcake start off, with Davey getting the upper hand. He slams Brutus, who asks for time in the corner. Valiant is on commentary as the Bulldogs take turns working the arm of Beefcake. Valentine tags in and hits Davey with an elbow smash. Shoulderbreker gets two. Valentine works the arm then chops Davey in the corner but walks into a clothesline. Dynamite tags and he beats on Valentine for a bit. He tries for a snap suplex but Valentine blocks that and takes control of the match. The Dream Team uses quick tags to isolate Dynamite. Beefcake gets two off of a backbreaker then tags Valentine, who beats on Dynamite in the corner. Dynamite gets cut off as he tries to make the tag then Valentine knocks Davey off of the apron. Beefcake tags and hits a delayed vertical suplex but Beefcake also sells his neck and Dynamite makes the tag to Davey, who cleans house. He powerslams Beefcake but Valentine breaks up the pin then the match breaks down. Valentine tags and hits a suplex but misses a pair of elbow drops then Dynamite tags and unloads on Valentine. He gets nearfalls with a falling headbutt and a clothesline but Valentine shoves him into the corner. He puts Dynamite in the figure four but Davey breaks it up. Valentine drops an elbow and the ref counts to three as Valiant held Dynamite’s legs. The bell rings and Valentine thinks he has won the match then Dynamite rolls him up from behind and the ref counts to three for the win as he apparently waved off the first pin due to interference. (11:54) **1/2.

Thoughts: Solid match. Valentine did most of the work and that is a good thing .The finish was really, really lame though. Other than that, a fun way to send the crowd home happy.

Final Thoughts: A few decent matches but everything else was pretty much terrible. There was not a whole lot of feuds going on at this time but that would luckily change in a couple of months. I would check this out if you were a big fan of Savage but you could probably seek that out individually.


  1. So, wait. They put BRET in the match against the jobber and NEIDHART in the 20-minute Broadway with Brunzell?

    NOTE TO MODERN WRESTLING FANS: Vince has always had moments of insanity.

  2. CruelConnectionNumber2June 20, 2014 at 2:38 PM

    So was the finish of the main event "lame" or "fun" because you said both.

  3. This was my email! My favorite was when me and The Giant double-teamed Hulk Hogan. Great times!

    Seriously though, my favorite match live was IYH: Mind Games. Even though I was only nine years old, it was still incredible. I was wearing my corny ass HBK leather cap proud that night.

    Favorite historical moment was Wrestlemania XV. That first Rock/Austin encounter at Mania wasn't their best but it was still a huge moment. Austin returning at Unforgiven also rocked, even though the crappy aftermath really spoiled that moment.

  4. Patrick BrandmeyerJune 20, 2014 at 2:46 PM

    Went to both Badd Blood '97(first Hell In A Cell) and Survivor Series '98, so there's that.

    Also went to a house show in June 1993 where the Steiners won the Tag Titles from Money Inc. My second live wrestling event ever and I got to see a title about a huge markout moment for a relatively new fan.

  5. Same day...

    JCP @ Greenville, SC - Memorial Auditorium - May 19, 1986
    Hector Guerrero defeated Leo Burke
    Denny Brown fought Steve Regal to a draw
    Ivan Koloff defeated Sam Houston
    Nikita Koloff defeated Ron Garvin
    Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson defeated NWA TV Champion Arn Anderson & NWA National Heavyweight Champion Tully Blanchard in a Texas Tornado match
    Jimmy Garvin defeated Wahoo McDaniel in a lumberjack match

    Flair was touring the Portland territory as NWA World Heavyweight Champion so that's why he wasn't on the card. I'm betting the Texas Tornado match was better than any other match in the country that day.

  6. BTW that's the JCP "B" show. The "A" show was in Fayetteville, NC, but the only match listed is The Midnight Express (World Tag Champs) over Dusty & Nikita (I'm guessing by DQ). That's the only match listed for that show, though.

  7. As someone who attended AWA shows every month in 1986 and 1987, i respectfully disagree. I can't recall a terrible show out of the bunch. Terrible match, sure (Buddy Landell v. Earthquake Ferris, anyone?), but not a bad show.

  8. Here's the 5/18/86 AWA show

    Nick Bockwinkel defeated AWA Champion Stan Hansen via DQ
    Scott LeDoux defeated Larry Zbyszko
    Midnight Rockers defeated Boris Zhukov & Colonel DeBeers (sub Nord the Barbarian)
    Scott Hall defeated Doug Somers via pin
    Curt Hennig defeated Buddy Rose via pin
    Brad Rheingans defeated Earthquake Ferris via pin

    It's definitely a combo of green guys and over the hill guys, but I'd watch this over WWF.

  9. The fact the face team won was fun

    The finish was lame

  10. That's not a great card by JCP standards, but even still I'd watch that.

  11. I've only seen 15. I'm not big on watching movies in the first place, and a couple of these were ones I watched because of school.

  12. upvote for Funny Games.

  13. Do The Right Thing in the theatre, 1989. Bawled like a baby afterward.

  14. obvious "left me in awe"-movies:

    - Man bites Dog (1992)
    - Lost Highway (1997)
    - Funny Games (1997)
    - Oldboy (2003)
    - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998)
    - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)

  15. I know a lot of people hated the hell out of the ending of The Mist, but, like you, I thought it was at least as ballsy as anything I've seen in a long time.

  16. I wouldn't say fully abhorred, but I disliked it. After the two incredible films that preceded it, it had a high standard to live up to. I expected Nolan to nail it, but instead it was a 2 1/2 hour plot hole fest. Not as bad as Spider-Man or X-Men's third entries, but bad enough to make me suspicious of all forthcoming IIIs.

  17. I just think if you're a movie reviewer, and you've never seen a movie like Apocalypse Now, I mean, I don't know what to think. Even if you hate it, shouldn't a person who makes money reviewing films have already seen that movie by now? It would be like Dave Meltzer saying, "I've never seen Austin-Hart at WM 13." (Okay, it wouldn't be like that at all, but you get what I'm saying."

  18. TLC 1 at Summerslam 2000. Incredible fucking match.

  19. Aside from the aforementioned watching movies on acid, I also find more enjoyment than usual with drum and bass music when I smoke. It's enjoyable sober but weed is kind of an integral part of the DNB culture and I find it a lot easier to both DJ and produce if I'm lifted.

    Shameless self promotion but here is the last tune I produced -

  20. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 20, 2014 at 3:40 PM

    Huffer was my first ever TF action figure.

  21. If Parallax starts putting "scum" between people's names we'll know he's all about DDP.

  22. I'll just win it back.

  23. You're not a movie critic. You're a child with a keyboard.

  24. Were you there when Shane Douglas actually got his line right for once?

  25. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 20, 2014 at 3:59 PM


    "Coronation, Starscream? This is bad comedy!"

    I had to get one.

  26. Yeah, very big TF conversation.

  27. So, umm, QotD went well today....

  28. I'm reading the beginning, Meltzer was owning Meekin.

  29. Neidhart was a big hoss. And he had a power slam to boot. I would pay moment to see a power match between him and Hogan in 1987.

  30. Hospice by the Antlers.

    An album had never moved me to tears until that one.

  31. "but Steamboat rams him into the apron then into the ceiling"

    Railing, right? Just checking.

  32. That still makes my brother and me angry.

  33. Agreed, but who doesn't love Starscream?

  34. My brother stood and yelled, "Noooo!" Haha, good times. Except for when Prime died. That wasn't a good time at all.

  35. Fuck that.


  36. Being at WM XIV to see Austin-Michaels was sweet

  37. The ending to "A Nightmare On Elm Street" (when the presumably killed Freddie breaks through the front door and pulls the mother back inside) left me absolutely stunned for a good five minutes (that was one of the rare times I actually was still in the theater after the credits stopped, wondering WTF else could happen).

  38. I downloaded that today.

  39. I make things happen around here.

  40. Because he got Optimus killed! He didn't deserve to lead the Autobots!

  41. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJune 20, 2014 at 5:16 PM

    So let me get this straight...The Yankees are in a division race with boston and two of their All Stars are fooling around at wrestling matches. No wonder they finished second that year. (mumbles something about Bill Buckner)

  42. What's this all about? Is it in this post's conversations?

  43. Let's be honest. That song pops up twice in that movie and they're BOTH totally fucking awesome scenes.

  44. The AWA was falling apart financially but the high-end stuff of 1986 was as good as any other promotion in the country. The Rockers, Rose & Somers, Stan Hansen, and Curt Hennig were pretty much guaranteed gold.

  45. The ending to Bioshock Infinite. I couldn't pick my jaw up off the floor during almost the entire credits sequence.

  46. Shock? Oof, that's a tough one. I could do happiness, anger, or sadness, but not shock.

    Closest might be Crono's death in Chrono Trigger? But even then, he can be brought back fairly quickly.

  47. I was at TLC12 (shield debut and cena ziggler) and a the raw in 01 when rock won the title from jericho. But IMO the best match I've ever seen live is a random smackdown when hardy and jericho went 20 mins and tore the house down. Was in summer of 09 during hardys main event run

  48. If the current Yankees showing up on RAW would make them miss the playoffs:


  49. "So I saw Apocolypse Now for the first time [...] No one in their right mind can say that movie was 'enjoyable'"

    What the fuck are you talking about? I loved the movie upon first viewing.

    "Has a piece of art ever moved you emotionally to the point of shock?"

    Get a hold of yourself, you sissy.

  50. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJune 20, 2014 at 5:59 PM

    where are we discussing TF?

  51. You're not alone. It could have been so much better.

  52. Punk vs. Lesnar, which is great because I got to see Punk's last great match in person, and Punk's my favorite wrestler.

  53. Ozymandias from Breaking Bad. I've never panicked while watching a fucking TV show until that episode.

  54. Thats how I was the first time I saw Fight Club on Cinemax

    High as shit and I just HAD to stay up and watch it again.

    Blew me away.

  55. I just want to add, if you have never seen Goodfellas, FUCK YOU.

    Im no expert on movies, but everytime its on tv and Im flipping, I have to watch it at the very least to the next commercial.

    Its not my favorite movie, but I feel its the perfect movie.

  56. I havent finished Breaking Bad. Me and Mrs Fuj got to season 5 ep 3 and just was like... meh... and started watching Dexter.

  57. If you get here in time for The Fringe, ICW are running a series of shows in Edinburgh, every Sunday Night - each one featuring Cabana leading up to a big show at the end; all Milhouse Van Houten themed names too :)

  58. It ends with the big reveal that Walter White was imagining the whole thing, as it cuts to him sitting in a Liberty Mutual office saying "Yes, I'll take out a term life insurance policy! Thanks for talking me into it!"

  59. Warrior-Hogan at WM6. 9 years old, floor seats, birthday gift. Still the most unreal atmosphere i've ever experienced live for any event of any nature.

  60. HowmuchdoesthisguyweighJune 20, 2014 at 7:43 PM

    Benoit vs Angle at royal rumble

    HBK vs Undertaker WM25

    Angle and Benoit vs Rey and Edge 2/3 falls on smackdown

    Austin vs HBK WM14

    HBK vs Flair WM24

    Goldbergs debut vs Rock

    Flair vs Foley I quit match at Summerslam

    That's my mix of awesome matches and great moments I have seen live.

  61. Rock-Hogan at WM 18, 3.0 winning the Campeonatos De Parejas at Chikara's Green Ice where I also got to meet Ultramantis Black and Generico, and the Wyatts/Shield at EC.

    Also, a crummy Winnepeg Indy that Johnny Devine was working on, during which Johnny went to the top rope some kid yelled "shooting star press!" to which my friend and I scoffed and then the son of a gun actually did it! It was kinda hilarious.

  62. Without a shadow of doubt for me it was Austin v Dude Love at Over the Edge. Crowd was insane and more importantly the match was insane.

  63. Soa you're saying Mabel winning KOTR was your top moment I'm guessing

  64. I've got to give RVD-Lynn from ECW an honorable mention

  65. I just saw the Funny Games remake and thought it was going to be a fun home invasion movie. Nope. The movie gave me nightmares

  66. Why do you hate black people you racist sack of shit?

  67. Hey granny snuff, ever been snuffed out?!

    That movie was fucked. up.

  68. There's a reason I listed it. Breaks the rules of film and it's just goddamn disturbing.

  69. The only wrestling show I've ever seen live was Spring Stampede 1999, but it was a great one. Juvy vs Blitzkrieg, Kidman vs Mysterio, Benoit/Malenko vs Raven/Saturn, Steiner vs Booker T (God, I hated Steiner) and DDP's first world title win. The best non-wrestling parts of that show were the massive "STEROID" chant for Steiner and the sign I saw, "HOGAN DOES NASH UP THE BUTT."

  70. Oldboy didn't really shock me the way something like Red State did. Maybe because I saw the American version, but it was pretty obvious what the twist was. Lost Highway I can agree with - I watched Twin Peaks as a kid, but I didn't really get the whole David Lynch thing at that point.

  71. Just because I'm curious - does anyone else automatically think 'guilty or innocent? INNOCENT' when someone mentions Transformers?

  72. Wait... you made it all the way to season 5 and THEN said meh? That seems odd.

  73. Have you only seen the American version? It's awful, original Oldboy is about 1 million times better and that's being conservative.

  74. I knew nothing about the movie and neither did my friends, I kept waiting for Roth and Watts to kick that prick's ass. Nope.

  75. Oldboy was amazing. I went in kinda knowing what happens (I don't want to spoil) and holy shit, it's still so great.

  76. Yeah, I'm not real big on Hong Kong cinema I guess. Same with the Departed - even though I technically knew it was a remake, I just preferred the update. I'll check it out tho.

  77. The rewind button when she (spoiler redacted) was what really blew my mind. That was when it went to pretty cool psycho-thriller to what the fuck am I watching.

  78. It's South Korean.

    Original Oldboy is insane. New Oldboy is just bad. The whole movie comes off as flat, everything happens too cleanly and there's clear that large sections of the movie are missing. There's also needless changes like a cut where they shouldn't be.

    Apparently they took the film away from Spike in editing and whittled down his 140 min cut to 104 minutes. Brolin and Spike have both disowned the movie.

    I knew the twist going in but in the South Korean version it still is so shocking and so well done. The ending to both films is different too.

  79. My mistake. I'll track it down.

  80. Yea, I was like: Okay, Haneke is just being a dick at this point. Going in relatively blind just made the whole thing so much more disturbing.

    Having seen two of Haneke's other movies, dude's got some issues.

  81. I've never seen the original, but the US one is apparently a shot for shot remake. You don't see that too often.

  82. Do so. I saw the original on a Friday night (midnight showing) and then saw new Oldboy on a Sunday. Big mistake, new Oldboy just comes off so castrated. You shouldn't do Oldboy unless you're gonna go balls out and I think it will never be an easy sell to mainstream audiences if you do so.

    The new one may suck but you know is still awesome and Elizabeth Olsen is never something to complain about

  83. Yea, I don't really see the point of why he did that, I guess he wanted to go for a wider audience?

    The director of 13 Tzameti also directed the American remake. Not sure of any differences, but the intriguing premise came off as really flat and the whole thing never clicked. I can see why it got basically dumped.

  84. Never heard of that one.

    I'm actually a fan of straight remakes. Same with book to movie adaptations, for the most part. I thought No Country For Old Men could have been longer and included the hitchhiker. Oh well.

  85. I'm kind of a hypocrite in that I will always argue why stuff was changed or different because movies are different than books, but if I see a movie based on a book I love, I get ready to bitch.

  86. Patriot Games pissed me off. Big time.

  87. That sounds like an Azerbaijani version of a Takashi Miike movie.

  88. Tim Burton's version of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was offensive. But I thought Scorcese did a great job with Shutter Island.

    I started seeing the HP movies and then reading the books so I wouldn't turn into a vagina. It worked.

  89. Never read or seen any of them, but I get your meaning.

  90. I loved that VHS back in the day.

  91. I have a love\hate thing with Tim Burton. Big Fish is one of my favorite movies ever, but I really dislike pretty much anything he did with Johnny Depp.

  92. I was there too! The atmosphere was unreal and the match was great.

  93. Those are three of my all time favorite moments. Nice.

  94. Haven't been to many shows but the two best I ever saw were Steamboat's US title win over Austin in 1994, and a great (and I'm being very serious here) house show brawl between Nikita and Luger in '91. Both guys really brought their working boots that night.

  95. Was at both of those too... unreal. Especially the first event because the SkyDome was so new...

  96. Huge fan of that tag match!

  97. It was like gus died and season five started slow for us and we was like fuck it, dex it is...

  98. These are the cards and shows I love. No talky talky bullshit drama bad acting segments. A dark, smokey arena with a hot crowd when not bored with jobbers. Poffo/Tiger gets 12 minutes?
    But matches like Roberts/Steamer, Macho/Tito and Bulldogs/Dream Team are all great matches during a great feud.
    Jake, Savage, and the Bulldogs were always a few of my top favorites as a kid and still now. I was pissed when they pulled the plug on Roberts/Hogan.

  99. Another thing: If wrestling would make you a star, Dean Malenko would have been the biggest of the 90s and not Steve Austin. It may work in japan or in the indies, but for the mainstream, you need angles, stories and just more than wrestling.

  100. I've never been more disturbed by a film. So fucking brutal.

  101. Mister_E_LogdriverJune 21, 2014 at 6:53 AM

    Like you watched the planes hit?

  102. "Kirchner tried but Nikolai was awful tonight.". Tonight???? Lol. When was Nikolai not awful?

  103. To be fair this was a dull card and the fans were kinda bored throughout. Didn't matter though--wwf was hot.

  104. Yeah. Its all perception unfortunately.

  105. To be fair, George Scott was still booker at the time

  106. Who the fuck was Earthquake Ferris? That couldn't have been John Tenta, right?

  107. Just seeing Hulk Hogan live at a Thunder taping (???!!) in 1999 was enough for me. He wrestled Curt Hennig too. I also got to see Flair-HBK and the first ever encounter between Census and Triple H at a house show in 2005. So all of that was cool.

  108. -Hogan v Rock at WM 18.
    -Angle v Lesnar at 19
    -Piper showing up at 19. I remember just hearing one guy yell "it's Piper" and the crowd went nuts!
    -10 man tag match @ Canadian Stampede
    -Seeing TAKA and Great Suzuki wrestle - twice! I was a big Suzuki mark back then.
    -Angle v Edge in a cage on smackdown
    -Benoit v Austin where Benoit German duplexed him 10 or so times. The crowd counting them and losing their shit over it was epic!
    -Foley v Orton hardcore match at backlash. I'd include the main event of that show, but we got kicked out for being too drunk and rowdy.

    Actually all of these shows I associate with being too drunk.

    Oh, Johnny Devine v Sabu Stampede Wrestling. First time ever seeing Sabu and Devine was a guy everyone knew would make it.

  109. My personal favorite live moment was during Kevin Steen & Jimmy Jacobs vs. El Generico & BJ Whitmer at an ROH show in 2012, Jacobs whipped Whitmer into the barricade, and a cable tie popped off of the barricade and flew into my lap, while I was sitting in the fourth row.

    Other favorite live experiences:

    UT vs. Edge Hell in a Cell
    Shield vs. Wyatt Family for the first time
    The Dragon Gate six-man match at ROH in 2006
    Daniel Bryan wrestling for DGUSA just days after winning the US title
    Vladimir Kozlov wrestling a dark match before Raw, some guy starts chanting "USA!" and I start chanting "USSR!" just to piss him off


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