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Screw Roman Reigns.  Dean Ambrose is the next big thing that the crowd is just going eat up, right?

​Sure does seem that way.  Which is weird because he was the last guy that I would have pegged for a giant babyface, but never underestimate the appeal of something different to a crowd that is craving change in the status quo.  As noted here before, Ambrose as the fly in the ointment every time Rollins tries to cash in can only lead to good things.  ​


  1. With no Bryan or Punk he is by far my favorite thing WWE has going for them right now. I feel he makes a lot of the roster look kind of bad in comparison. While so many guys just regurgitated what the writers tell them to say Dean makes it his own. He has the IT factor in a Roddy Piper way being so damn natural in front of the camera. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up with some Hollywood work at some point. I'm not saying he is the next Rock but Id certainly be more willing to give a Ambrose movie a try compared to... well any thing wrestler related WWE puts out.

  2. Oddly enough, keeping Reigns out of this was a good idea. Ambrose and Rollins look to be elevating each other simply by association with each other. Rollins getting the briefcase and aligning with Triple H sets him to be a top heel in the fans' eyes, while Ambrose gets to ride the momentum of feuding with Rollins. Ambrose is also the kind of unhinged babyface we haven't seen since Austin, has a great finisher that can be hit from anywhere and is just weird enough to appeal to Bryan's segment of the crowd. I think all he needs is a good theme and he's set.

  3. I've been higher on Ambrose than Reigns from the start.

  4. His denim and dago T look really speak to the everyday man.

  5. Dean Ambrose in Return to Hell Comes to Frogtown!

  6. Like a man who will beat his woman, but still *love* her.

  7. Ambrose strikes me as the kind of guy that if you owe him money you'd better pay up on time.

  8. Actually, until he hit WWE, I thought he was always trying too hard to play that kind of guy. Like, trying to show you how crazy he is instead of actually being crazy. Something changed since coming to WWE and now he makes it work.

  9. Let's be honest with ourselves: Dean Ambrose is the hero we've been looking for, and Roman Reigns wouldn't change facial expressions if a UFO landed right in front of him.

  10. Can'tcha hear me yellah
    You're puttin' me through hellah

  11. Now work Seth's name into 'Layla'

  12. Dirty_Dave_DelaneyJuly 2, 2014 at 7:16 AM

    His face run so far really reminds me of Roddy Piper as a face who I personally feel was a better worker as a face than he was a heel. Don't get me wrong as Piper's heel work was phenomenal, but in the ring he worked better matches as a face. I really do feel Ambrose is the same only he really has adapted his heel promo techniques to this current face run making him one of the best faces they have as he's not out there slapping the hands of fans and making silly jokes... he's basically still a scumbag heel but that's gained respect from the fans from his time in the Shield and now has been wronged by someone he thought of as a friend making him motivated to get vengeance. I miss faces having motivations other than winning the title or sucking up the the WWE Universe which is why Ambrose stands out so much at the moment.

  13. You can tell that the crowd is taking a liking to Ambrose a little more quickly, and I think his promos have a TON to do with it. They don't sound like scripted garbage, simple as that.

    However, I don't think Ambrose's ascent needs to be at Reigns' expense. They can both get over in different ways. It's not like Reigns hasn't been getting pops since the split.

    It's WAY too early to judge the Shield dissolution at this point, but so far, all three have landed on their feet to a degree, and that's good to see.

  14. I don't think it's one or the other regarding Reigns and Ambrose. There's room for both. Reigns is following in the Cena vein of superhero faces, only we actually buy him as a badass superhero and love him (for now). Ambrose is in the Punk/Bryan vein of grassroots heroes with a real-life (well, real-career, at least) underdog story whom we can feel like we "chose."

  15. Ambrose just has that awesome anti-authority (Lower case a) vibe that makes him easy to cheer for. If they play their cards right, they could have a very, very, very poor man's version of Austin on their hands. Which still means he'd be one of the best things in wrestling over the past decade plus.

  16. Semi-TJ: Speaking of facial expressions, Rusev's little half-cocked expression when Zeb and Swagger came out on Monday was terrific. I'm digging that dude.

  17. Hate to be the one to say this but anyone else think Ambrone is coming across as a poor man's Brian Pillman? His last couple of promos just seemed like a wrestling fan trying to copy his favourite wrestler to me.

    Don't get me wrong though - love the guy

  18. I kind of agree, but I also think he will find his footing and that won't be as apparent. Even though he's been in the upper third of the card since the Shield debuted, this is his first time in the upper card flying solo. There's still a learning curve there.

  19. I hate Ambrose's finisher. And the name of it. But I agree with all of your other points.

  20. Pillman has been for 16+ years. He's a combination of Piper and Pillman with a little bit of Austin wrt to his promo and mannerisms.

  21. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 2, 2014 at 7:24 AM

    Ambrose is awesome. He's the one dude that I watch without any distractions.
    Like, when there's a match with Big E or Rusev, I'm going for a smoke break. When Cena is talking, I'm generally BS'ing on the live blog. Ambrose gets my full attention.

  22. Now that Ambrose is over on his own, the WWE will try to undercut that and make him the next Zack Ryder.

  23. That's silly.

  24. Ambrose is channeling 1980 Dusty feuding with Ole. Everyone loves the blood feud.

  25. Yes, that comparison has been made many times. I don't think it's at all coming across as a rote copy by any means, though.

  26. I wouldn't say he's getting over on his own though, he's being booked pretty sweetly which is more than you can say for Ryder

  27. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 2, 2014 at 7:25 AM


  28. Of all the things that people give other people shit about in terms of being played out, nobody gives people grief about this. It's played out, guy. They have given zero indication that Ambrose, Reigns, and Rollins are anything less than a huge part.of their future.

  29. Pillman took a lot from Terry Funk and made it his own; Dean is making his influences part of who he is. Matt Borne took a while to stop being a Piper clone, but he hit his stride anyway.

  30. I would have went with They Live Too but to each their own.

  31. I see what you are saying but I think he is pulling it off great and lets be honest. Poor Man's Pillman is better than 95% of the current roster of characters.

  32. I wish more guys would ape the acts of past stars.

  33. Not only that, but I would be willing to bet some prized possessions that if Ryder were to have gotten a big sustained push, that gimmick would have gotten so stale so quickly that people on here would have probably actively hated the guy 3 months in.

  34. I think that's a good point about Roddy, and I think it's true of a lot of really great heels, actually. I feel the same way about Punk: more compelling character-wise as a heel, but I like his ring work better as a face.

    I think it's a matter of being conditioned to see a performer like that as a vile, evil bad guy, and then when he's a face he's positioned for us to *love* everything vile and nasty about him as he unloads it on whoever we hate now.

  35. Some people are just incapable of being happy with something. We need to accept it.

  36. Yep, I hated him from day 1, and this comes from a Jersey Shore fan. That says it all.

  37. it goes back to the old gimmick vs. character. he's pulling this great Heath Ledger/Joker-style chaos for the sake of chaos ideology and making it translate ... he's like 1984 Roddy Piper had a love child with 1991 Jake Roberts

  38. I still feel there's tweaking to be done; his outfit is okay for this feud, but I would prefer the old school grappler look going forward, and a better finisher - is it time to give someone new the stunner?

  39. Stunner should be retired for life. Whoever uses it will get major backlash and will always be in Austin's shadow.

  40. I'm in the camp that thinks the Stunner is untouchable. Especially for a young guy. It will automatically draw comparisons that nobody can live up to. It's far too iconic.

  41. I agree. I know Scott's been pushing for it to be recycled, but that's the one and only move I'd consider unfuckwithable.

  42. is it time to give someone new the Chartbuster?

  43. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 2, 2014 at 7:36 AM

    That doesn't seem to be happening yet.

    And Ambrose is good, whereas Ryder was a herpes sore on the face of pro wrestling. That may be a game changer.

  44. That started Shawn's utter dominance of the bulldog.
    1992: Wins IC title against Bulldog

    1995: Wins Rumble by eliminating Bulldog in the final 2
    1995: Beats Bulldog on Raw in a 1 on 1 match

    1996: Wins Rumble, Eliminates Bulldog in final 4
    1996: Retains WWF title against Bulldog

    1997: Wins Tag titles (with Austin) against Bulldog and Owen
    1997: "Wins Euro title against Bulldog.

  45. CruelConnectionNumber2July 2, 2014 at 8:15 AM

    "Please let her live!"

  46. It's official, they've spent millions on Lesnar to give him the LOSING STREAK! gimmick. It worked wonders for Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler and Christian and....

  47. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 2, 2014 at 8:40 AM

    Scott, do you mean that Rollins cashes at Battleground, leading to Cena v. Brock non-title at Summerslam?
    If so, I dig.

  48. No way I see Brock not winning the title at Summerslam. He's supposed to work Night of Champions as well. I think they're going to go through with him having the title to WM despite few appearances. What you do to main event those PPVs between now and then, I have no idea...should be interesting to see how it plays out.

    I think it's too early for Rollins, and he'd benefit from holding onto the case for months.

    Why not have Reigns win at WM31, and Rollins cashes in there? There has yet to be a WM cash-in and it would send Rollins and Reigns off to the races post-WM.

  49. One of these weeks, I'll actually watch the show. And regret it for months after, I bet.

  50. Yeah, I am hoping Triple H at least sorta explains, even in the Wednesday interview, why he put Reigns in the match.

  51. What losing streak? He beat taker, punk, hhh x2

  52. Because: it's good business, and lots of fun to torment the babyface by getting him thisclose to the top prize and taking it away from him. He did it to Bryan, and now he's doing it to Reigns. Not that illogical.

  53. That ruins a bunch of house shows. 7 months with no world title on the line at any house show? That might work ok when it was the rock with only 1 of the 2 titles for only 2 months but not this. Besides, it also has not been defended since extreme rules anywhere

  54. Great. Now can I PLEASE have the Attitude Era RAWs? DailyMotion's streams are blurry as heck for these.

  55. Reigns has the look, charisma and hair that the WWE looks for in a Main Eventer. The most important thing is to keep his attire in dark colors. Stay away from the bright colors that play to the kiddies. Keep him in pants. DO NOT let him start wearing any sort of robe, jacket or cape to the ring.

  56. Saw the same spot at the Met Center in Bloomington, MN. After the match Hogan brought Mean Gene into the cage to fight Slick. Gene tossed Slick into the cage wall, then he and Hogan posed together.

    Highlight of that show was Savage vs Bad News Brown. The Megapowers split had just happened on TV, so the crowd was cheering Brown, even though he was wrestling as a heel. It was a Street Fight and they did a spot with a table in the corner. Savage went to whip Brown into it, Brown reversed, and Savage smacked into the table. The crowd pop was enormous. Savage ended up winning, though, with the elbow off the top if I remember right.

    But back to Hogan/Bossnan, seeing that cage match live I'm pretty sure it was like 100% move-for-move identical to the SNME version, which is fine, it was a good match, but I remember a friend of mine going "hey, wait a minute..."

  57. Hey guys they aren't defending the title at this Huntsville house show. I won't attend without the title being defended! All those big time non MSG house show title changes. They really bring in the rubes.

  58. I was watching some 97 Raws on YouTube and the audio quality was just destroyed from taping them SLP.

  59. If Vince is in panic mode about ratings now, put the title on Seth Rollins and see what happens.

  60. TJ: Watching the Shatner episode of RAW 95...never noticed how Todd Pentingill calls Bret "Bre Ha" No Ts what so ever when he hypes next weeks match with JJ

  61. I get it, and to a point I agree with you, but I'm wondering if they think it will help build up the prestige of the title if it's not around every single month like it always is.

  62. I was thinking on why it has to be a fatal 4 way instead of a triple threat match. Kane/orton/cena would have been just fine with reigns getting put into a handicapped match somewhere as punishment.

    This is also the problem with ppvs so close to each other. Everyone knows that this is a placeholder ppv and no one will buy it.

  63. I agree with you about the prestige thing. It would be like when nwo hogan only wrestled in every 3rd ppv with the title on the line.

  64. I...what? How is putting him in a Fatal Four-way with at least one guy that's not going to help stack the deck tormenting him? That's giving him an out.

  65. They are really treading on thin ice with Reigns. The four way will be his second title shot and already he's looking like 'just another guy.' He should have been nowhere near the title until he was ready to win it and the fans eat it up. Now he'll likely be the guy who won it at the third or fourth time of asking.

    It seems blatantly clear that this is just to set up HHH costing him the title leading to their match. Which is totally lame because why put him in the match in the first place?

  66. I could see Brock beating Cena at Summerslam, Reigns over Brock at NOC then Rollins cashes in after Brock destroys Reigns. Rollins wins the title, Reigns wins the Royal Rumble....Reigns chases Rollins to Wrestlemania. Maybe there's too much going there, but it keeps the title available at house shows and other events and still gives Brock the title for a month and keeps him strong. I doubt any of this happens, but it wouldn't be completely nuts.

  67. That's what I was thinking. Lesnar has been running through guys in his last few appearances.

    He is all also a Client of Paul Heyman's. Being that Brock is Paul Heyman's Client, Mr. Heyman is apt to remind you that:

    "My client, Brock Lesnar, Conquered The Streak."

    Greatest momentum a heel could ever have. Using Lesnar as a set up for Rollins instead of getting the title himself would be the biggest waste ever.

  68. This is the first time Jobber and I have agreed on anything. Love this stuff.

  69. Nobody is ever completely relegated to "just another guy", if you take the "just another guy" and have him start beating everyone. 2 or 3 months later, and he's transformed. That's the problem -- once they make him "just another guy", they have a tendancy to give up even though they could easily re-invent.

  70. Mitb/elimination chambers are such a crapshoot that it doesn't really hurt a guy. Many times it helps build them up just being in there like cesaro earlier this year

  71. Triple H is punishing Reigns on par with how female teachers in gonzo porn flicks punish their students. Apparently giving Reigns a title shot is supposed to make him understand who the boss is, like James Deen did when he came on Professor Lisa Ann's face.

  72. And that's the exact reason why there are no new stars. Everyone is going over everyone else and no one is standing out. They had a glorious chance to break that cycle with Reigns but for me they're dangerously close to blowing it.

  73. How many times did austin lose in ppv main events before winning the big one (taker and 4 way after royal rumble)

    Same with foley; he lost many matches to austin, rock, and michaels for the title before winning it

  74. It's a good job they've practically given up on ppv revenue because a Kane/ Cena/Orton main event would just be death.

  75. I'm a Network subscriber and I won't even bother with Battleground. If by some miracle, the reviews are stellar, I might catch it on-demand, but this is the very definition of a throwaway show.

  76. I'll kickoff the next complaint, will they strictly upload Saturday Night's Main Event or The Main Event too?

  77. I think that guy's post somehow got copied from 2012.

  78. It's so obvious guys. Triple H put him the match so he can SCREW him! Genius!

  79. Reigns in the title match doesn't bother me, continuity-wise. You have the dual deus ex machina of Triple H caring about "what's best for business" (because, unlike Bryan, he always held Reigns/Ambrose/Rollins in high regard, kayfabe-wise; they just stepped out of line and had to be dealt with) and "Rollins cashing in is always available as 'Plan B' " covering that one.

    Plus with Kane in the match to protect Randy, they can take out Reigns and Cena and get the title back all at once. Not all of this stuff needs to be explained on the nose. We're allowed to figure some of this out for ourselves.

    I do agree, though, about Reigns failing in title matches potentially hurting him when he does finally win the big one. But he didn't figure in the finish of the MITB match in a way that made him look bad and he can similarly be protected in a four-way match. As long as you get him away from the title scene and back to mowing down the Authority after this match, I don't think his eventual first singles title shot is damaged at all. But yeah, it's a thin line.

  80. Any chance HHH put him in as he wants Reigns to win but get severely beat down in the process and then they'll have Rollins come to cash in and beat him?

  81. Well, yes. That's sort of it. Like I said in my might not make perfect sense, but it makes enough wrestling-logic sense.

  82. Not necessarily "wants" Reigns to win but, y'know, Plan B and all.

  83. I think HHH would love to see Reigns up there basking in glory for all of three seconds, then maybe THEDEMONKANE's music comes out, Kane beats him almost to a coma, then Rollins cashes in.

  84. also server is slow where I am so sorry I didnt' see your first post before I posted my thoughts.

  85. It's the modern equivalent of the Dusty Finish, and it still sucks just as much as the original. If you want to torment the guy, deny him ANY title shots or make him jump through ridiculous hoops to get one. Make the babyface outsmart the heel in power. Batista got WAY over when he broke off from Evolution because he progressively subverted Triple H's position as head of the faction.

  86. Mike Mears Construction: Filling Up WWE's Plotholes Since 2014

    Still think you're reaching on this one. Reigns was prohibited from even trying to qualify for a match that included the title three weeks ago. Now, he's entered in without explanation. So, he's been super duper mad at Cena and Reigns...and now gives them a fair shot of walking away with the title against two guys who haven't won anything in months.

  87. For the love of God, anybody but THEDEMONKANE.

  88. Most house shows are sold on the fact it's WWE, are they not? Can't remember the last time I saw one advertised with a card in place.

  89. Yeah, having Brock as champ doesn't really "ruin" house-shows in any way - as long as Cena and one or two other popular guys (Reigns and Ambrose, at the minute) are there, the tickets will sell, whether or not the title is being defended.

  90. it's pretty funny, they don't have enough subscribers, Vince is losing money and still they can't put up a product people want. Maybe if they threw in a version of
    WWE 2K15 compatible with computer, iPad, PlayStation and Xbox they'd get a few more?

  91. at this point I'm hoping Vince (the real one now a Sandow in costume) comes out and explains wth is going on.

  92. It's already nonsensical to a ridiculous degree that Trips would just hand Reigns a title-shot for no real reason, but then you add on that JUST LAST WEEK, they fired Vickie for giving Reigns a title-shot, and it makes you just want to punch the writers in the face.

  93. Yeah, the juxtaposition to Vicki being fired for putting Reigns in the battle royal is the part that's bothersome about it. Agree with that.

    It's wrestling. Take whatever shred of logic you can get and cling to life, because you're going to be bombarded with things that can't in any way be reconciled.

  94. Plan B is Lesnar

  95. I'm sick of THEDEMONKANE as enforcer angle also, just I don't think Rollins could sell that he beat Reigns even after a match without a little help. I'm all for the help being in the form of a different enforcer.

  96. Just telling stories here.

  97. sorry I posted my thread after you. The server where I am is slow, so I didn't see your thoughts first.

  98. By the way, why aren't we adding THEVIPERRANDYORTON to our smark name list?

  99. I think they say it more like THEVIPER...RRRRANDYORTON..ooops I replied to you in a thread. ;)

  100. No, no, don't do that. Let's keep it clean. :)


  101. "The fans don't remember that."

  102. That's actually an argument in favor of the 50/50 booking, sort of. When a guy does break out, it means so much more. Because it's obviously not accurate to say "there are no new stars." Of course there are.

  103. I think I understand why Are you serious got canceled. This drek is actually worse than Hulk Hogan magically appearing in the dungeon of doom. They need to just give up. Fire the writers. And start using 1985-86 storylines on modern talent. Cena can be Hogan. Del Rio can be Tito Santana. Get one of the fat wrestlers to be booked as a muraco and get another guy to play Steamboat.

  104. One of these days the E should just broadcast a uncut Prime Time Wrestling during Raw and see if anybody could tell the difference.

  105. Scott: "You made a good point. Good job, Andy."
    Andy PG: "Don't worry; I won't let it go to my head."

    (with apologies to Mandy Patinkin and Andre the Giant)

  106. At the end of the day, the Authority can do what they want. Put people in title matches, take them out etc and naturally we need to suspend disbelief with certain things to enjoy the product.

    But yeah, in this case, putting Reigns in the title match by their own free will makes NO SENSE whatsoever, and the only way it could ever possibly make sense is it Reigns turns heel at the event, which wont happen. 'Because WWE' I think is the new saying we should go for.

  107. Lol. You kids are so cute! Replying to each others posts and calling each other out on it. Really playing up that "Power Couple of the BoD" gimmick. Good for you kids. It must be rough to be in a relationship and only have a wrestling board to convey your thoughts to each other. Just a shame all these butt heads gotta call you out on it.


  108. The Super Friends?

  109. I think this is the second or at most third time I've replied to him directly on a thread. Brian Bayless gave us the Power Couple of the BoD title, we just ran with it a bit.

  110. They tried that in 2006-07. With a million hours of TV already (and the championship defended at least once a week on TV), the genie is definitely out of that bottle.

  111. I'm here! Welcome to the BoD spammer!

  112. That and the Hogan-Andre thing are the angles that got me completely hooked on pro wrestling. If I could turn back tiiiime...

  113. Thanks, Abey, I knew you wouldn't let us down!

  114. That's the one thing that really sucked about the SNME dvd. You have to have the synth music.

  115. Just trying to align with the power couple just like THE DEMON KANE! Might help me get a BoD Raw push.

  116. We need this to be an angle on BoD RAW. :)

  117. You're such a nerd

  118. Funny thing is I bet Abeyance wouldn't have even noticed the difference here

  119. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJuly 2, 2014 at 4:48 PM

    Great review as always, mate.

  120. It's what I do....

  121. The comment is deleted, what did he say?

  122. I believe so, yes.


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