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BoD Daily Update Correction

I apologize for the incorrect report regarding Roman Reigns defeating Brock Lesnar for the Heavyweight Title at WrestleMania. Here is the correct report:

Right now, there is a lot of talk within the company that Brock Lesnar will defeat John Cena for the Heavyweight Championship then for him to build for a match at WrestleMania 31 against Roman Reigns. However, there is no confirmation from the company that Lesnar will be winning the title.

Sorry for the confusion.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter


  1. The next nine months just aren't going to be the same now.

  2. I'm pissed that Bryan/Brock might never happen now

  3. Classy move with the correction. Keep up the great work.

  4. Not to sound like Vince Jordan, but it's kinda silly how fickle this place has been regarding Roman Reigns lately. Just weeks ago he was awesome and WWE was bringing him along just likely...but now because we learned about plans for ten months from now all of a sudden they're shoving him down our throats and the fans aren't even that into him, despite evidence of the contrary?

    I'd like to see how some people here would react towards him if we never heard anything about WWE's plans for him.

  5. I agree.

    I do not know how you can watch wrestling for years and not figure out why the WWE would want to push Reigns

  6. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 3, 2014 at 2:15 PM

    I'd bet it happens, maybe even on 2 PPVs. If Brock does end up winning the title and defend it until Mania 31, he'll need some main eventers to defend against. Cena rematch, maybe Jericho, Sheamus, and I'd bet 1-2 matches against Bryan. Maybe a schmozz in the first, Lesnar goes over in the rematch. Or Lesnar beats him one and done.

    Either way if Bryan comes back, they'll probably eventually do that match.

  7. Thank you.

    I was pointed out my error on Twitter, in a nice way, and when I went back to check the observers, I realized that I completely skipped over a sentence.

  8. Clash 21 on the Network; a good choice for a random Clash to watch.

  9. Does anyone think there's a chance The Rock would come back to put Reigns over? Him as Hollywood Rock talking down to Reigns like he's still a kid then eating a Super Punch and selling it like the GTS would be a great moment.

  10. I don't know what's parody anymore.

  11. Agreed -- Reigns is awesome. Sometimes I wonder if the fanbase has gotten Vince McMahon disease of stopping & starting pushes...

  12. I like him well enough and of course I see why they would "want" to do that, but I think a lot of just hoped that the emergence of guys like Punk and Bryan would lead to an era where big hosses don't automatically get pushed to the front of the line, and where delivering long, dramatic title matches with great wrestling is the primary modus operandi.

  13. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 3, 2014 at 2:27 PM

    I don't see Rock ever coming back to turn heel. He can't do anything in WWE that even in the slightest could negatively impact his appeal outside wrestling, nor should he.

    But I could totally see Rock doing a tag match with Roman down the road, which would still be a way of putting him over.

  14. Original Metlzer report: "Something is rumored to happen"

    Correction: "Unless it doesn't."

    Too easy. Just too easy. :)

  15. I liked the Shield as a unit, and I liked the role Reigns played in it. I just haven't seen anything from him that I can really invest in. It doesn't help that they have him in title matches already that you know he isn't going to win.

  16. sources told me that roman reigns was fired than rehired for shoplifting an ipod case

  17. I already have every SNME on DVD recorded from tv, but one if them, I believe episode three is just terrible quality. Might hunker down with the DVDs for the long weekend before they end up on the network.

  18. Big hosses aren't worse than junior heavyweights.


  20. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 3, 2014 at 2:36 PM

    "It doesn't help that they have him in title matches already that you know he isn't going to win." I'd agree on that point for sure. MITB is fine, everyone was in that fucking match, but the Battleground title match is a dumb idea. He shouldn't be in another title match again until he's actually winning it. Monster types like him shouldn't get the Daniel Bryan OHSOCLOSE booking.

  21. Austin lost his 1st title match at IYH Final 4 in Feb 1997, then another one against Taker in 1997. Did you give up on him too?

  22. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJuly 3, 2014 at 2:39 PM

    nonono....he was fired for spilling white powder in Vince's office. Then hired by TNA.

  23. I don't see Reigns as someone people are clamoring to see as Lesnar's opponent.

    I think holding off the Bryan/Lesnar match for WM31 is more bankable and they should find another opponent for Reigns.

  24. kbwrestlingreviewsJuly 3, 2014 at 2:40 PM

    I'm really curious as to what this show is going to be. We've pretty much had every major aspect of it covered a dozen times over on documentaries. Maybe they'll be airing Raw and Nitro episodes?

  25. Not trying start a big deal here, but didn't you just say a few threads ago that the Attitude Era is over and we shouldn't be comparing it to the current era? Or was that someone else?

  26. Wouldn't that be too many working dates for Brock? Or did they restructure his contract?

  27. Roman Reigns isn't Steve Austin. And there's no reason Reigns has to be in title matches. Maybe give him a one on one match that he's screwed over in and then let him continue to work his way back up the card but when we're talking about multi-man matches there's no reason he has to be in there.

  28. It makes it less special when he's not even a singles wrestler two months ago and he's been in title matches every month since.

  29. So I watched the wwe UK ppv insurrection this morning and it was like watching a really awesome episode of raw from 2001. The main event is undertaker challenging the two man power trip to a handicap match, and theres also Jericho and regal having tons of fun and some Benoit vs Angle goodness. Worth a watch if your ever board. I only saw it because I'm going through all of 2001 in order and this was next but its a fun show you've probably never seen.

  30. I still don't see that many people complaining about Reigns. I see some folks saying, "I'm not sure about him in the ring or on the mic yet", but I don't think I've seen anyone say "Fuck Reigns. Why do they like that guy?!?!?!"

  31. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJuly 3, 2014 at 2:43 PM

    Can we get Reigns vs Ambrose for Mania?

  32. Where is anyone saying they don't like Reigns at all? I saw a post where one guy called him boring, and a couple others agreed....that's about it. I think we wonder if he can go in the ring and improve on the mic, but that doesn't mean we don't think he can. I think this is the general feeling towards him. This whole "be contrarian on an issue that doesn't really exist with most posters" deal gets old from some of you guys after awhile.

  33. Here's my only issue with Reigns: he has not done a 15-20 minute 1 on 1 before on ppv. True Goldberg never did that either before he defeated Hogan. However HHH, Orton, and Kane will work with him on that.

  34. I think Reigns vs. Ambrose vs. Rollins is probably the best way to go; as long as they make it even and interesting unlike the terrible Legacy breakup match.

  35. If it's an hour long program, it'll probably be significant nights compared (fingerpoke, foley title win, austin/mcmahon, goldberg/hogan). They'll discuss the major event, which will be stuff we've all seen, and discuss the other show's night. Kind of like how WM rewind focuses on one match.

  36. Me getting more and more impatient for the Saturday Nights Main Events goddamnit.

  37. been reading some old reviews of the many vhs tapes for wrestlers that WWF put out (Austin, Foley, Rock, HHH, all the old coliseum videos, etc.) and it just saddens me at the lost opportunities on the network. Just throw all that stuff up there. You will lose more subscribers by holding back programming than you will lose by throwing up a ton at once. One one hand you create ill will toward WWE. On the other you have so much stuff they need to reup just to watch it all and you create good will, particularly with a group of fans who may not be all that thrilled giving WWE 10 bucks a month anyway.

  38. I've been watching the stupid celebrity countdown special and I not ISD something. I'm pretty sure Summer Rae was in the Raw crowd the night Bob Barker hosted Raw from Chicago. This was about a year before she would have signed with nxt (maybe 2), but I looked at her Wikipedia bio and she was a player for the Chicago LFL football franchise at the time, so it's definitely possible. Anyone else notice this? Anyone else watch this countdown?

  39. I was at that show! Man, i could have not hooked up with her!


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