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BoD Daily Update

Seth Rollins Update

Rollins was not injured on RAW last night and the injury spot was scripted to remove him from the finish of the Fatal Four Way Match at Battleground

Reasons for Paul Heyman Being Kept Away from Cesaro Last Night on RAW

Heyman was kept away from Cesaro last night as the plans are for Brock Lesnar to return shortly and for Heyman to focus on his storyline when he returns.

Kayfabe Commentaries Releases "YouShoot" with Shane Helms


  1. That Rollins story doesn't add up. It was a stupid DQ finish, what is the point of keeping him out of the ring? And then the trainer came running over and stayed with him he whole time. Why bother with the trainer, why not having lying ringside selling the injury?

    The news story sounds bogus as shit, I bet he really hurt himself.

  2. Wrestlezone apparently violated the Elite TOS and 411 Mania pasted it to explain further

  3. Oh wait, I read it as scripted to remove himself from the Raw match. Still fucking stupid though.

  4. Yeah, I'm calling bullshit on this. It doesn't add up.

  5. 1) "Where's Hot Rod?" "I don't know, but I hope THEY didn't get him!"
    2) "Let's try to salvage this thing."
    3) "Soundwave - play back Laserbeak's findings."

  6. I guess it was a way to circumvent the current storyline of him trying to cash in at every possible opportunity, even though him winning might make the 4 way without the title, so everyone there would make sure it doesn't happen.

    You're right. DUM

  7. I had RAW muted last night, and I honestly thought Ric Flair had sold his time slot to Reigns to pay some back debts.

  8. Hey man backing away from Cesaro?

    WWE: Let's just pretend this never happened.

  9. So does that mean he won't wrestle Ambrose at Battleground? I'm kind of confused.

  10. It means they didn't want him in the ring at the end of Raw so they could beat us over the head with symbolism.

  11. I was confused too but the link itself says it was done so he wasn't around for the finish of last night's match, saying nothing about Battleground.

  12. So instead of letting Ambrose continue any kind of meteoric star rise by coming out and removing Rollins from the match himself, they had Rollins instead fake an injury, thus making himself look bad and Ambrose look like a wimp for staying knocked out the whole night.

    The WWE writers, ladies and gentlemen!

  13. Um no, i've been saying for months that Cesaro will turn face once he gets sick of Heyman giving all his attention to Brock. So this works perfectly into this.

  14. I totally read "Pasta Mania".

  15. He took a curb stomp on concrete, I don't think he looked wimpy to be beaten by 3 men and then out for the night.

  16. Cena would have totally gotten back up 1 minute later (LOLSummerSlam2010DDTConcrete)

  17. So then why couldn't Ambrose have just made the heroic run-in and brawled with Rollins to the back? That would have accomplished the exact same goal, while also keeping momentum on two future stars. Or is making new stars not part of the plan?

  18. Not having Ambrose factor into removing Rollins from the match reeks of this company not wanting him to outshine Cena and Reigns. Politics stinks.

  19. Cesaro is less over than Swagger is currently.

    He would need to regain a lot of momentum for that to be successful.

  20. No, Cena would have fought them all off before Rollins could hit the Curbstomp.

  21. *PHEW*
    Ambrose/Rollins have a crazy ****+ brawl at Battleground and all is forgiven.

  22. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 15, 2014 at 11:24 AM

    In what universe did Ambrose look wimpy? It's good that he sold getting curb stomped on a concrete floor.

  23. I think they also added to his toughness by him saying is that all you've got, before Rollins finished him off.

  24. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJuly 15, 2014 at 11:25 AM

    That's what I'm hoping for, give me some crazy back and forth action and they can even do a non ending.

  25. If this stays as a regular match, then I would be perfectly fine with a double DQ or something similar that leads up to a crazy streetfight brawl at SummerSlam.

  26. I still don't get why they didn't strike while the iron was hot and have him swing Colter the night after Mania and solidify his face turn.

  27. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 15, 2014 at 11:27 AM

    Yeah they absolutely booked Ambrose as an Austin-level badass in that segment. Last night gets Ambrose over even more than he was before. Selling that beatdown is 100% what should have happened.

  28. They all but ruined his mania momentum and after the Cena feud, severely halted Wyatt's momentum.

    And the wonder why they struggle to create new stars

  29. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 15, 2014 at 11:29 AM

    Because maybe they also wanted to avoid having Ambrose do the exact same thing for a 3rd week in a row? Ambrose has ruined Seth's cash-in attempt on each show since MITB. Last night the heel got some heat with a beatdown, with Ambrose still acting super tough (throwing the first punch, saying "that's all you got Seth?") throughout. That's some star-making stuff for both of them.

  30. WWE should have held of on Cesaro's heel turn. Could you imagine Rusev running through Swagger and than Colter bringing in Cesaro to face Rusev? GIANT SWING~ to Rusev. And Lana.

  31. Patience. I seriously think Cesaro will be a huge deal before the next WM.

  32. It's the whole "Ambrose is gonna get buuurrieeedd in favor of Reigns" thing. they so badly believe it that they almost seem to want it to happen just so they can say :"SEE? SEE? I TOLD YOU SO!"

  33. He was on "the list" right?

  34. So Rusev and Lana are a real life couple right now... Are they "Giant Swingers"?

  35. I think it's a good thing he sold and made it count. Isn't that the kind of shit we get mad at Cena for every week? Barely selling big heel attacks?

  36. Yes. Yes it is.

  37. < Eric Bischoff becomes filled with intrigue >

  38. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 15, 2014 at 11:37 AM

    Yeah but I don't think this was an example of them not wnating to create a new star with Cesaro. It's just they made the decision that post-Mania he'd be better served staying heel than completing the face turn, and there's a lot of logic in that. At the time aside from Cena you also had the entire Shield having just turned face, and they were gonna get a main event push. (Which has paid off in 3 new singles stars right now.) Plus Daniel Bryan was gonna be the babyface on top, which obviously didn't work out but that was the plan. So there's logic in looking at that landscape and deciding that Cesaro would have more room as a heel linked up with Heyman.

    To me, the botch came when:
    1) Cesaro didn't win the IC tournament and IC title from Big E. I get that Bad News has a cool catchphrase, but Cesaro is light years better than Barret. He shoulda won the belt there.
    2) He didn't beat Sheamus for the US title the next month.

    He shoulda won a secondary belt by now and had Heyman gloat about it every show.

    I still think that Cesaro's winning the IC title and staying with Heyman on Sunday, and getting pushed as part of Team heyman from there. We'll see.

    Overall though I still think the guy's gonna be huge, and huge within the year. He's got the skills, the look, everyone loves him, and the crowds WANT him to be a star. I have zero worry about Cesaro ending up a main eventer.

  39. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 15, 2014 at 11:42 AM

    Yeah, I feel like there's a lot of fervor to recreate the Bryan/Batista scenario with Ambrose and Reigns, except that
    A) Reigns is super over as a face and the crowds WANT him to be the guy, unlike Batista
    B) Ambrose is getting pushed really well right now and at the level he should be.

    Also, chances are they both end up pretty huge stars who, along with Rollins, end up main eventing against eachother on PPVs for the next 5 years.

  40. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 15, 2014 at 11:43 AM

    Well part of that also is probably that Zeb is over 60 and absolutely can't get cleared to take any bumps/moves of any kind.


    Every thread, post-Raws.

  42. See Rollins is fine. Last night some of you guys already had him in surgery.

  43. CruelConnectionNumber2July 15, 2014 at 11:45 AM

    The writers saying "Eh, we'll just keep Heyman away from Cesaro" is all you need to know about WWE writing. Short-sighted and ignore all continuity and common sense once "Hey, here's an idea" happens.

  44. CruelConnectionNumber2July 15, 2014 at 11:46 AM

    They did "Ambrose stops Rollins" 2 straight weeks it'd get old.

  45. But see, only Cena should sell 3-on-1 attacks because we don't like him.

    "Is that all you got?" was pretty much Ambrose's no sell on that and I thought it worked.

  46. This place overreact? Highly unlikely!

  47. CruelConnectionNumber2July 15, 2014 at 11:46 AM

    It was on a wooden box.

  48. I take it all back, what a bitch Ambrose is.

  49. So it was to remove him from the main event of Raw, not from the main event of Battleground as is presented here?

  50. Geez, that was a mighty good selljob by Rollins. Even Ziggler has to tip his cap at that one.

  51. He can recover in the hospital for the next 8 months, right next to the room where AJ gives birth.

  52. Yes, see my comment under yours.

  53. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 15, 2014 at 11:54 AM

    And "is that all you got?" is a 1000x better babyface no-sell than getting up an hour later and smiling and cracking jokes. Ambrose is goddamn awesome.

  54. "your attack is poopy!"

  55. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJuly 15, 2014 at 11:58 AM

    russo better sue pwinsider for flagrantly releasing copyrighted information!!!

    Update on Vince Russo Working as a Consultant For TNA

    Posted by Larry Csonka on 07.15.2014

    An interesting story…

    - For
    some time there have been reports that Vince Russo has been working for
    TNA as a creative consultant. Mr. Russo has repeatedly denied these
    Mike Johnson reports that he was accidentally "CC'd" in an email from
    Vince Russo, which featured instructions and advice from Russo to Mike
    Tenay and Taz on how certain segments of a TNA TV episode, which are
    about to be voiced over, should be handled.

  56. BTW I find the URL of that youtube video offensive.

  57. Heyman may be the greatest manager of all time but he is apparently awful at multi-tasking.

  58. So Brock is the ECW booking, and Cesaro is the ECW financials?

  59. You find the African country of Niger offensive? I'm sure they don't care for you, either.

  60. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJuly 15, 2014 at 12:03 PM

    there's scientific evidence that people will be more drawn to words mimicking reflecting their own feelings and beliefs

    we'll just call you "vince mcmahon"

  61. The most basic of wrestling logic is that when a heel is getting over with the crowds as a face, has tension with their heel manager, then turns on them, they become a face.

    Its the most simple thing to do in wrestling and they went another route that has failed so far. Cesaro is as cooled off as before he was in the Real Americans

  62. "Yeah they absolutely booked Ambrose as an Austin-level badass in that segment."

    The segment was idiotic as you had Cena and Reigns in the ring knowing that this was taking place and not doing a thing about it.

    It was like they could care less that he was getting destroyed and that he was part of their match later that night.

  63. Vince Jordan is not a gimmick and I will not stand for anyone who says different.

    I don't care if he's the only one talking about people being buried every single week, he has DEFINITELY got "they" pegged as silly smarks. Keep fighting the good fight against "they"!

  64. MikeyMike, WitnessJuly 15, 2014 at 12:21 PM

    They're the worst. Both of them.

  65. Using Petuka's "lawyer" defense from the other thread.

    OMG, name ONE instance where I specifically said, word for word "I think you are silly smarks!" JUST FIND ONE!! No reading between the lines, I want a direct exact quote!! [/petuka]

  66. It also doesn't help that his theme song absolutely sucks. It suffers in the same way that Seth's does. "Tough, Tough Guy #3" from 2K15, it would have been,

  67. "I don't care if he's the only one talking about people being buried every single week"

    I count three people who have mentioned the topic in this offshoot of comments on this thread alone.

  68. It is fairly in character for Cena who has no sold it on numerous occasions when there was another face in peril.

  69. It's annoying that Reigns would do that though. if someone had done that to a comrade of mine you could bet I'd be racing to the back, not watching a beatdown from a distance.

  70. I had a friend that went to the show and I asked him what Reigns and Cena were doing during the attack. He said the arena just went black and Cena and Reigns left.

  71. I read basically every random group of characters phonetically as I see them.

  72. Then cut a promo saying "This is what I love about the WWE Universe, anything can happen!!"

  73. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 15, 2014 at 1:13 PM

    The segment was not idiotic. We can assume they went back there and couldn't find him in time.

    Calling that segment IDIOTIC is just nitpicking an otherwise great segment to an absurd level. I mean, that's the nature of pro wrestling beatdowns--- why aren't all the faces stopping every heel beatdown?

    Seriously, you were watching that segment and just shaking your head saying "this sucks" because Cena and Reigns didn't stop it? Or because they didn't come up with what, a force field that prevented Cena/Reigns from getting to the back?

  74. YankeesHoganTripleHFanJuly 15, 2014 at 1:17 PM

    The Dangerous Alliance did ok.

  75. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 15, 2014 at 1:19 PM

    Right, but sometimes the other tried and true move is to let fans fall in love with someone and build them up to a face turn... and then pull the wool over their eyes and heel them up even that much more. (See Rock in '98.) Again, The Shield had JUST turned from 3 heels into 3 babyfaces. Bryan was getting the rocket. There's definite logic in looking at that landscape and deciding that Cesaro would have a better spot as a heel.
    The problem was just that they didn't rocket push him as a heel with Heyman, or at least give him the IC or US title. At that point a rocket heel push would have worked just as well.

    Anyway, he's already been accepted at a high level by fans, they just need to give him an angle and feud that puts him in the spotlight. Cesaro is way more over than he was a year ago, he just has zero going on at the moment for fans to get crazy over.

  76. I was questioning as to why two guys were not helping out their partner in tonight's match and why the announcers did nothing at all to tell is why the did not help out Ambrose.

  77. Jobbing out en route to the IC strap is hardly going to build someone back up as a heel

  78. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 15, 2014 at 1:24 PM

    Shitty theme songs is definitely a problem right now. Rollins, Ambrose, and Cesaro all have generic TNA-sounding themes.

    Ambrose especially needs something new.

  79. The only theme songs that work are Wyatt, Bryan, and Fandango's

  80. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 15, 2014 at 1:28 PM

    Fans are pretty good about accepting something as a slate wiper, especially with a guy that they're already predisposed to care about. (Which is what Cesaro has become in the last year.) If Cesaro wins that battle royal and then defends the IC strap against Kofi and Big E the next few weeks and proclaims himself a killer once again (or has Heyman do it), then he'll absolutely be able to rise up again.

    Not saying that's how it SHOULD be done with these losses the last 3 weeks, but Sunday could easily be a slate wiper. If he wins and goes on a roll, fans will absolutely buy him.

    Fuck man, Jack Swagger's been losing for 5 years now and fans are ready to annoint him the new patriotic megaface.

  81. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 15, 2014 at 1:31 PM

    In the whole company? What about Swagger and The Shield (now Roman) or Bo Dallas?

    Plus I'd say there's a load of guys whose songs might not be our favs but that absolutely sound distinct and work well for the characters. Orton, Del Rio, Sheamus, Usos etc. The problem is that right now Ambrose/Cesaro/Rollins aren't even getting anything at close to THAT level.

  82. Shield too but that one might go away. Swagger does too. Forgot about him

    Ortons has been around for so long that it is just like Cena's at this point

  83. Lana has amazing legs.

  84. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 15, 2014 at 1:38 PM

    You think they'd get rid of the Shield one altogether? If they switch up Roman's they better have something incredibly awesome ready to go, cause that dude's their money maker going forward. The Shield song gets an automatic pop so if I'm them I just keep it unless they know the new one is "Real American"-level.

    Orton's song is so perfectly emo-douchetastic it's as if he wrote it himself in a tattoo chair.

  85. He had Medusa to help him out. Until he decided she was stupid. Let me spell it out for you. He had to F-I-R-E her. And then the Alliance split.

  86. Unless Reigns keep it, they will put it away for a bit I think.

  87. My buddies at PWInsider are in a Twitter war with Vunce Russo.

    Honestly, it is what sets them apart from Meltzer and Keller

  88. The overreaction to Heyman allegedly being fired based on Lawler's commentary was much worse.

  89. Is this guy the brother of Vince Russo?

  90. :looks up:
    Ha! That is offensive.

  91. Yeah, this place exploded for that one.

  92. Yeah, that line saved the segment for Ambrose.

  93. Symbolism.....

  94. As longs as Rollins and Ambrose get to fight on Sunday, it's all good.


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