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BoD Daily Update

Sting/WWE Update

Although reported that Sting had signed a "P.R. Deal" with the WWE, Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer confirmed with the WWE that Sting has not signed a deal with the WWE but rather a deal with 2K Sports. Sting and the WWE have been in talks for months regarding a deal.

Hulk Hogan to Guest Host the August 11th Edition of RAW

Key Reason for the WWE Signing KENTA

With the WWE Network expanding to Japan next year they wanted a top Japanese star and signed KENTA to fit that bill.

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter

TNA Television Deal Update

TNA talent has been told to expect an announcement regarding a deal at the 8/3 to 8/5 tapings in NYC

Credit Dave Meltzer, Wrestling Observer Newsletter


  1. I wouldn't be surprised if they keep KENTA in NXT longer than usual as draw for the network. I'm pretty sure that is the reason Zayn is still there.

  2. Semi TJ: For those who think I never criticize WWE...

    If yesterday's 411 report is true, that part of the budget cutbacks is taking away a Ring Crew bus that they used to sleep and relax in, where they are now exhausted and have to travel on their own. That's f'n horrible. They don't deserve to get punished, plus it can be very unsafe. THUMBS DOWN, WWE.

  3. That is pretty bad.

    Man, that seems like a grueling schedule

  4. KENTA, Zayn, Kidd, Neville, Kalisto, and Gabriel could all have some really good matches together

  5. That sounds like the classic TNA move. WWE's supposed to be better than that crisp.

  6. Throw those guys on Raw and let them have good matches together. 1. It will make Raw a lot better. 2. It will do more for them than any angle or storyline could.

  7. Gee, I wonder why? I couldn't possibly be because the product is bad and business is down.

  8. It'd never happen but damn, a cruiserweight division would really help the flow of 3-hour RAWS. Plus they could plug a match into the PPV so there aren't promos and unadvertised matches.

  9. I hope they introduce KENTA as a big deal when he gets to NXT.

  10. And that is very unsafe too. Not good at all

  11. Yep, I mentioned that part. Not only the driving, but they are probably up in the air quite a bit while hanging up all those spotlights and video screens and stuff. That's just an accident waiting to happen, unfortunately.

  12. Absolutely. Either in the road or at the arena

  13. MikeyMike, WitnessJuly 18, 2014 at 8:24 AM

    This Sting talk is fucking stupid. No offense, but how fucking hard is it to sign a contract with the guy? Are they that tight with the budget right now that they can't get a deal with STING done?

  14. I'm sure that they will.

    They introduced him with Hogan to the crowd in Japan and have had a lot of articles on about him

  15. Sting might be holding out for more than what he is worth

  16. How about KENTA as a cocky, Japanese superstar who feels he's above everyone? Have NXT guys personally welcome him but a translator cuts them off as KENTA is unimpressed. The tone wouldn't be un-American (too Rusev right now) but it would be a nice spin on a cocky heel.

  17. Agree. Those guys get over on their ring work. It's the only chance that Neville has

  18. MikeyMike, WitnessJuly 18, 2014 at 8:27 AM

    Then he should just go back to TNA and wrestle in front of 100 people wearing a tshirt.

  19. Topic unrelated to the thread at hand: I went and saw Mick Foley's comedy show last night. It was pretty awesome. I would highly recommend seeing it if you get a chance.

  20. I've always wanted to see an American puro geek character who tried to ape the Japanese style and just came across like an idiot; I'm talking yellow fever and everything.

  21. TJ: I wonder what happens with the Rusev Putin stuff following the plane crash. IMO, I think they layoff showing him on the Titantron. Thoughts?

  22. If this report is true I hope they run not walk down to the Teamsters hall.

  23. Wonder what KENTA will use for a finisher. Punk and Bryan stole a lot of his signature moves

  24. Honestly, I wouldn't mind just keeping those guys in NXT forever ha. It's such an enjoyable show that moving them up would only make it less enjoyable.

  25. They would all have great matches.

  26. Why cant it just be "WWE signs KENTA because he is a great wrestler and has been for over a decade"?

  27. But you know the Raw creative/announce team would just kill it. Selfishly, I'd rather them have great matches on NXT than risk messing up what they have by putting them on RAW.

  28. I bet they hold off as not to piss off advertisers. They can't afford to lose them right now.

  29. WWE's schedule is what, 5-6 days a week right? Ughh

  30. Yea no kidding. No storyline, Kevin Dunn over-produced bullshit. Just give them 8-10 minutes of indy highspots, and let the crowd decide who they like by who does the coolest shit

  31. What do HBK, Diesel, Double J, Neidhart and Owen have to do with this?

  32. Yep, even if it's technically his move, he'll still be seen as a ripoff artist if he uses the GTS. It's just the way it is.

  33. "With the WWE Network expanding to Japan next year they wanted a top Japanese star and signed KENTA to fit that bill."

    Yoshi Tatsu's self esteem must be very low right now.

  34. I'd like to see him use the Tiger Suplex as a finish... but I've always been a mark for that move.

  35. Maybe he'll just use the GTS now that Punk's not around? And they can mention he originated the move on commentary

  36. TIL that Kane is tied for the most final four finishes in the royal rumble with Austin, Michaels, Orton, and Batista with 5. Sheamus is tied for second with HHH and Cena with 4.

  37. They would probably be worried about guys taking it, it's sort of hard to protect yourself.

    But yes, it's an awesome move.

  38. Especially since he got cut last month

  39. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 18, 2014 at 8:50 AM

    Because they're not Ring of Honor?

  40. Because, nobody actually watches for wrestling.

    /Some moron with buck teeth.

  41. That was the joke. [/Raineer Wolfcastle]

  42. I wish they would give him the all time elmination record. He's barely eliminated anyone in the past 3-4 years, and he's just a few away. Would be a nice. "Lifetime achievement award", especially since he lost his other record (11 in the same Rumble) to Reigns this year.

  43. I'm so glad Reigns broke that record. I've been saying for years someone should have done it.

  44. And I correctly predicted that Reigns would break it this year too. Go me.

  45. I thought they kind of wasted it on Reigns this year... now if Reigns got it NEXT year, it would have worked better.

  46. Jim Ross just tweeted that he is with Gerald Brisco at a tryout camp and will be doing the Colt Cabana podcast today

  47. I wouldn't say they wasted it, but they didn't really make that big of a deal about it. Kinda got lost in all the Batista/Bryan noise.

  48. Stroke!
    HBK and Diesel have stroke
    JJ has a move called the stroke
    Neidhart clearly has had a stroke

  49. Hopefully Colt asks him about his days on WWE creative and head of talent relations during the attitude era. I've heard enough mid south stories, I want some war stories.

  50. True, WWE seemingly had NO idea that the fans wanted Daniel Bryan and that even his non-involvement would overshadow everything.

  51. Owen

    There's a terrible joke to be made about waving arms wildly, but i'm certainly too classy to make it.

  52. Hah- have him insist on Japanese pronunciation of moves and everything. "LARIATOOOOOO!"

  53. Well, right after Batista's win, they DID show a replay of Roman's 12 eliminations. So they certainly made a huge deal of it that night, they even purposely overshadowed the winner.

  54. Maybe it's not a money issue. Maybe Sting wants to know what WWE Creative has for him. It's quite possible they have really shitty ideas and after years of dealing with bad WCW and TNA booking, he doesn't want to do another crappy storyline.

  55. I agree. Look at the death of Joey Marella, the best ref in the biz but due to WWE's hectic schedule, fell asleep at the wheel and died.

  56. TJ: Eric Bledsoe turned down 4yrs/$48 mil from the Suns because he wants a 5yr/$80 mil contract.

    Man, the salaries are out if whack in the NBA

  57. It really is a big deal. When was the last time WWE signed a Japanese main-eventer? I can't think of one...

  58. They tried pushing Kenzo Suzuki,, who sucked, but he was not a main event guy in Japan

  59. +infinity if they do a bit where Hogan kills him with the Axe Bomber

  60. That's crazy. Any team that gives Bledsoe that money is very, very, very stupid.

    On an related NBA note, lots of talk that Cleveland might trade Wiggins for Kevin Love. Thoughts? Love is a good player and one that definitely makes Cleveland stronger but Wiggins is a raw talent who could carry the Cavs when LeBron is in decline. What's the move?

  61. THANK YOU. I'm so sick of Ross talking about Mid South like it was the greatest era in wrestling history. How about some insight on the Attitude Era, the hottest period ever?!

  62. Would be a great trade for both teams, which is rare. Cleveland needs to win now, and Minnesota knows they're losing Kevin one way or the other, so they would get a great asset in exchange for him. Win-win.

  63. Gordon Hayward ismaking a max deal. Gordon Fucking Hayward makes in the same ballpark as LeBron James. The next CBA talks will be interesting.

  64. If I'm Dan Gilbert I know I'm on the clock. LeBron signed a two-year deal. I consult with him and probably make the trade. Title first, future later. One title will give them all the time they need to plan.

  65. If the Cavs want to make a bold move and win now, they should trade for Love and try to pry Gasol, Allen, and Conley away from Memphis with Kyrie and some of their other young players.

    You would have

    T. Allen

    That is nasty

  66. Hey Miz, that's some jacket you're wearing.

  67. Plus, one title in Cleveland will make them legends for the rest of eternity. Talk about breaking the unbreakable curse.

  68. We're only a couple years away from the owners bitching about onerous contracts, conveniently ignoring the fact that they were the ones who handed those contracts out.

    Also, maybe I'm biased as a Celtics fan but speaking of teams having bad contracts, shouldn't teams be rewarded for NOT using the amnesty provision? We don't reward people for not handing shitty contracts?

  69. And, nobody knows if Wiggins is any good. He looks like he'll be a great player, but a lot of guys have looked good coming in and been busts.

  70. There won't be a 2017-2018 season

  71. Friday to Tuesday isn't it? At least in terms of shows and not doing interviews or other extra work.

  72. You are rewarded by not having to pay someone money not to play basketball

  73. He's tied with HBK for the all-time record with 39 eliminations.

    Unless he gets hurt he'll break the record, then again i thought he'd break it this year and he did bupkis.

  74. I'm with Bill Simmons. Why do you have to make the move today? If the Warriors are serious about no Klay Thompson, you have no worry about the T-Wolves making a deal.

  75. You suck McBain

  76. I'll make this a political TJ: Putin is a monster. He has the blood of Flight 17 on his hands. What the hell can be done about it? The sanctions aren't crippling enough and we're in no position to start a war. Arming Ukraine is a terrible idea. I'm not an isolationist, but there doesn't seem to be a good way of solving this.

  77. Agreed. I really don't know what can be done and the Americans won't really rush to do anything unless it was an American plane. Honestly, Putin has to be ousted from within but the Russian public loves the guy. It's a real conundrum.

  78. oh, i thought he was 1 or 2 behind. Yep, hope he does break it, and I was disappointed he didn't do it this year. (at least he officially ended CM Punk's career. THAT SHOULD COUNT!)

  79. It's all in the hands of Jack Swagger really.

    Oh, sorry, this was a serious discussion? My bad.

  80. Over/Under on the number of condescending digs at internet fans?

  81. Jack Swagger?!

    The world is doomed.

  82. You think the players will be that resistant in a Hard Cap as the NHL players were?

    Either way there has to be a hard cap, this soft cap luxury tax model is insanity.

  83. There shouldn't be a salary cap at all. It's ridiculous. If you want to spend, spend.

  84. And Daniel Bryan's!

    The Demon Kane indeed.

  85. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJuly 18, 2014 at 10:07 AM

    this raises a good point: if there is enough backlash against him in the press for all of this, what happens with lana and russev?

    of course, neither of them will be in the wwe anymore by the time vince hears about it

    (so a couple years?)

  86. Bah.

    You actually want a soccer model with 4 top teams and the rest of the league as a farm system?

  87. Eh, he seems like a nice guy.

  88. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJuly 18, 2014 at 10:09 AM

    "the Russian public loves the guy"

    good old fear and terror based love

  89. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJuly 18, 2014 at 10:09 AM

    *jack bauer

  90. I want a league where if the owner is willing to spend the money, he should be allowed to do so. LeBron James is so underpaid, it's ridiculous.

    Why should the owners keep instituting caps on player salaries because they are stupid and keep issuing bad contracts?

  91. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJuly 18, 2014 at 10:09 AM

    i bet he'll have something negative to say

  92. That's what I meant.

  93. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJuly 18, 2014 at 10:10 AM

    and jaime-san is RIGHT THERE, too in the agents

  94. That's pretty much how the NBA feels most years already. Last year was Miami, Indiana, OKC and San Antonio.

  95. Fuck it, bring on WWIII. Let's send this bitch humanity out In a blaze of glory.

  96. There could also be additional items in the contract about royalties, naming rights, etc. that he doesn't want to sign.

  97. 8 NBA teams have won titles in the past 30 years.

    If you want a competitive league and aren't a fan of the Big teams winning year after year you need a salary cap.

  98. The Smark demon!!!

  99. Upon further inspection, these are loafers.

  100. The guy just straight up HATES the current product with a passion.

  101. It makes you look like a homosexual.

  102. At a press conference this week, FAA officials studying last year's crash of TWA flight 800, announced that they have pinpointed the cause: a frayed wire leading from the jet's fuel tank. According to the investigators, the wire became frayed when it was struck by a missile.

  103. He's a good innovator of moves. Maybe he'll pull something cool out.

    On a related note, remember when we all watched WWF Superstars or whatever as kids and a new guy would debut? Remember that excitement watching his first match and waiting to see what his finisher was? Good times...

  104. The same teams win year after year anyway, and that's with a salary cap.

    LeBron James and others make billions for the league yet their salaries are capped far below market value. That doesn't strike you as a little bit absurd and unfair?


  106. He should post here.

  107. Damn you, that made me laugh out loud at work. I am a bad person.

  108. Under a European soccer model the Lakers & Celtics would have been relegated to the B-League last season!

  109. Exactly. It could be possible WWE wants full rights of the Sting character and Borden, understandably, doesn't want to give them up.

  110. No.

    Oh poor Lebron, only making $21 million dollars a year! My heart bleeds!

  111. LeBron is worth far more to the NBA. He is grossly underpaid.

  112. Because if the majority of the WWE audience cared who's a "good wrestler," Daniel Bryan would have skipped NXT and won the world title in his first match.

  113. So you believers players should be paid far below their market value so owners can make even more of a profit running their franchises?

  114. Let me clarify, i believe in a Hard Cap but not in an individual player cap.

    If a league's salary cap is $65-70 Million dollars and a team want's to sink 50% of that into a single player...let em. I don't care.

  115. Relegation sounds awesome. But obviously the NBA could never do that

  116. Why should we save the owners from themselves? Why should we reward owners who refuse to invest in their franchises? Why should players be the ones to suffer for poor choices by ownership?

  117. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJuly 18, 2014 at 10:28 AM

    got an e-mail from wwe saying "Battleground LIVE, Only on WWE Network"

    interesting that they're restricting it to the network. cable companies are still carrying ppv's

  118. That's actually very uninteresting.

  119. It's not simply saving the owners from themselves it's about ensuring a competitive league where well managed teams can win and not worry about the big markets stealing their talent constantly.

    If you're a Yankees,Lakers or mid 90's New York Rangers fan who cares i know but if you're not a bandwagon jumper most fans want to see a league where anyone can win if they do their jobs correctly and draft and develop good players.

  120. They sent me an email about how I had not logged into the network in two weeks and reminded me to watch Battleground

  121. You mean like baseball, where anyone can win?

  122. Weekend Update?

  123. Hopefully they've been taking dancing lessons in their spare time.

  124. The playoffs are a crap shoot, especially in baseball,hockey & football.

    The Oakland A's are great again this year and look to be contenders for awhile to come....until the Yanks,Red Sox come calling and then the ride begins again.

  125. The Oakland As have been good now since 2000. The Rays have also been good at developing players and staying in contention.

  126. I want a league where if ownership is willing to spend money, they are able to and not restricted by a "salary cap" because of those poor small market teams are always crying foul even though at this point owning a sports team is a license to print money

  127. Of note... Reigns is now a smirking babyface in the promo photo.

  128. Name your favorite teams.

    Why do i have the feeling i can already guess.

  129. Why did that automatically download?


  130. Yankees. Lakers. Cowboys. Red Wings.

  131. Virgil's Gimmick TableJuly 18, 2014 at 10:39 AM

    God damn it. They are already starting it.

  132. I was kidding.

    Braves. Nets. Saints.

  133. Goodbye Roman the badass,hello Super Roman.

  134. Yeah, his title reign was lackluster.

  135. Compared to guys like Rey Misterio,Dolph Ziggler & Daniel Bryan's it was the 3rd coming of Bruno.

  136. *sigh*.... Daniel was basically 1-0 in his reign, then he got injured. You're seriously comparing it to Rey's where he jobbed clean like 5 times in non title matches??

  137. So what name will they give KENTA?

  138. People here apparently hate people who show any signs other than misery. They sure hate smiling.

  139. Daniel Bryan's first reign before it was ended by Sheamus was fun. He was beating giants (Big Show and Henry) and had entertaining chemistry with AJ.

  140. Maybe they'll actually keep his name.

  141. The Roman Reigns that got over, was not a smiling babyface. I made a joke last week during RAW that at lease he's not all smiles and sunshine already... well... it's starting.

  142. Yes! That was totally me. Although I'd often wind up disappointed because the guy would win with a flying body press or a roll-up.
    I still remember watching Rocky Maivia's Raw debut and turning away in disgust when he finished with a common shoulder-breaker.

  143. Sounds like you're determined to hate him, you're just looking for any excuse.

  144. 3 time WWE champion with 1 successful title defense!

    Kayfabe terms he's one of the all-time worst.

  145. I like the guy... he's not in my top five, but I hope he does well.

  146. I enjoyed that run too, but that was a World Heavyweight Title in name only.

  147. Maybe he'll finish with a variation of the neck breaker! Or with an Overdrive!!!

  148. Let use the GTS,he created the move.

  149. I'm just going to assume this post is a parody

  150. Both Rey and Dolph Ziggler's reigns were with the world heavyweight title.

  151. Rey's also a former WWE Champion, for about 2 hours or so in the fallout from the Summer of Punk remember.

  152. He'll be hugging fat chicks in the aisle before the end of summer.

    Screencap this!

  153. That argument only works if it's the same teams every year. Obviously there are going to be a handful of teams every year that are better than the rest of the league. In soccer it's basically the same teams constantly.

  154. Vince: "Nah, we'll just make him a non-speaking worshipper of Hirohito. Or possibly his nephew. We still have the rights to Tensai's old music, right?"

  155. LOL he wants a max deal. Sad part is he will probably get it.

  156. I thought they learned their lesson from Smilin' Diesel and Always Smilin' Rocky Maivia. Other than some people who don't respect his wrestling ability, he's got the vast majority behind him. Stuff like this and spiking drinks, though, makes ya roll your eyes.

  157. These WWE budget cuts, I tell you. I expect the next cake a heel takes to the face to be cardboard with icing on it.

  158. "WWE have been in talks for months regarding a deal."

    "This would drive me nuts if I worked there. This is what we can offer you, take it or leave it old man."

  159. Before that stand-up guy John Cena, fresh from not having wrestled for a week, won the title from a man who'd already had a match that night. What a virtuous babyface!

  160. Smile = buy

  161. Welcome to You're "Doom!"


  162. Yep, gotta admit, that one was strange.

  163. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJuly 18, 2014 at 11:27 AM

    Mark Henry Comments On The "Silverback" Nickname WWE Tried To Give Him

    Posted by Joseph Lee on 07.18.2014

    He couldn't do it...

    In an interview with The Huffington Post,
    Mark Henry spoke about WWE attempting to give him the nickname
    "Silverback" in 2007, a reference to the silverback gorilla. It was
    quickly phased out.

    On the "Silverback" nickname: "A lot of people remember the
    Silverback thing. Honestly, I could not do it. I told them: 'I can't do
    that. I got two little black kids at home.'"

    On the WWE not being racist: "Black culture, we dance and sing.
    We're entertainers. James Brown said it best: the things we are make
    people want to be like us."

    i thought the silverback was a great gimmick in the sense that it reflected a hulking beast who's gonna fuck shit up when he wants to, and never once considered the racial connotations of the gimmick till other people went looking for them

  164. "WWE has been in talks FOR A DECADE regarding a deal"

    That's what it feels like anyway.

  165. It might alter plans for this weekend. Instead of RUSEV Crush!, we might get a Swagger win to drive the point home.

    Although, this is the company that turned Sgt. Slaughter into an Iraqi sympathizer and had Muhammad Hassan attack Undertaker with a bunch of guys in black hoods. Who the fuck knows.

  166. Don't forget Smilin' Sheamus!

  167. The Silverback vs The Great White?

  168. The racial undertones are RIGHT THERE, though, especially for anyone who has dealt with that kind of situation. Now, maybe they thought that since the WWE wasn't calling him a monkey or an ape, they would be OK, but it's still too close to the line.

    Good for Henry for refusing the gimmick. Although, I'm not sure anyone should defend the WWE for how it uses it's African-American/Black talent.

  169. In fairness it isn't like fans had been loudly voicing their desire for Bryan as champion for months.

  170. I don't think anyone went looking for those racial connotations, though. They kind of just slapped people in the face with it. "Here's a black person...let's call him a gorilla." Like I said in the racism thread a while back, they're both horribly racist and color blind at the same time. Never discriminatory but unable to see past stereotypes.

  171. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJuly 18, 2014 at 11:32 AM

    someone in the 411 comments section made sure to bring up sexual chocolate as a counterpoint

  172. I like how obviously uncomfortable he looks doing it.
    Everyone go look at promotional materials for real fights. How many of those guys are wearing shit eating grins? Exactly.

  173. Well, if Sting doesn't want to agree to WWE's terms, it can be pretty fucking difficult. This isn't some fourth round draft pick they're taking a chance on, it's a guy who has an established brand for himself. I'm sure he wants to protect it from the usual WWE shenanigans.

    It's not like they can force him to sign a deal if he doesn't feel it's equitable.

  174. Funnily enough Ryback's nickname was Silverback when he was first starting out.

  175. Isn't that because you're a racist piece of shit?

  176. I hope the endgame is a Swagger win, not at Battleground, but at Summerslam. It's a chance to make a new babyface pro-USA star. Although Swagger will probably get crushed to set up Big Show to stink up the ring with Rusev, before Cena finishes the Bulgarian off.

  177. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's less derogatory than calling the guy a primate. Most guys would be happy to go around bragging about their libidic prowess.

  178. Nah, it'll be a cupcake.

  179. Funnilier (let's just make up words because why not) enough, Gorilla Monsoon was called Gorilla. There is precedent.

  180. Boom. Roasted.

  181. Don Rickles would be so proud.

  182. Probably a rosebud. They have a lot of those lying around now and have to get rid of them somehow.

  183. That might be the most likely scenario.

  184. "There's a difference?"

    /Most Americans

  185. And Smilin' Sheamus. My apologies.

  186. TJ: Tiger with a "clutch" triple bogey on 17, which officially puts him below the cut. UH-OH!!

  187. McIlroy looks like he's gonna run away with this one.

  188. Fucking called it.

    Now lets just see if this chump can out-smile Sheamus or Big Show

  189. No, it's more people are sick of notion WWE puts off that if you are "good" you have to smile. Just wait til RAW on monday, he'll be grinning ear to ear high-fiving the fans better than Big Show

  190. You are so totally brainwashed and in agreeance by everything this company churns out arent you.

  191. I made two separate $1 bets on thursday morning.

    One for McIlroy to finish in the top 5, at 6-1.
    One for Tiger winning outright, at 29-1.

    Needless to say, I feel slightly more confident about one bet over the other.

  192. No, cause I'll get called up to go there and I finally got something good going in my life

  193. That's it, he's ruined!!! Finished!!! He will never draw a dime!!! Let's burn WWE Headquarters with a torch!! (am I doing it right?)

  194. If there was ever not a 5 yr/$80 mil player, it's Eric Bledsoe


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