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Easy, but fun joke

Hi Scott, hope you are well.

Back in our day, they would have been scared if the white powder HADN'T shown up! (rim-shot)

Take care,


I would like to think we are above that sort of humor here.  I mean, clearly we're NOT, but I'd still like to think it.  


  1. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJuly 2, 2014 at 7:37 PM

    Can't wait for the hilarious skit on Raw they come up with for Reigns out of this incident.

  2. What idiot would even send that to WWE headquarters?

    #CenaWinsLOL is driving people INSANE!

  3. If suicide bombers show up next, I don't know what they would do.

  4. You'll never forget the name of...ooooooohhhhhh...Powderdust.

  5. You only smoke and powder......

  6. The bomb squad simply should've just sent in Michael Hayes to snort it up to test it.

  7. For christ's sake, next time let the home office in on the surprise Mr. Fuji appearance.

  8. "Wasn't me"

    G. Zahorian

  9. Next week on Impact: Dixie Carter and MVP receive a mysterious package full of white powder and spend the entire show tracking down who sent it

  10. According to our sources, the powder was quite pure...I mean think of this,can you imagine if Tanahashi and Flair matched up in the 80s? Oh wow what a fucking incredible match. I feel like, we are totally on the same wavelength right now, like, we could sit here and talk forever. You're like, one of the only people who gets me, ya know? Shit,have you listened to this new Sam Smith album? Fuckin ***** stars man! seriously, it's so epic. I mean, I could write something about it right now, that would be fucking GREAT, let's go dancing or something.

  11. Vince would've heard of the movie Powder by now. I'll bet it's connected.

  12. I thought it was Blow?

  13. Spoilers, it was Bully.

  14. Come on WWE, you knew it was just the new brand of power Big E. slaps on his hands.

  15. He's going to lace it with something.


  17. So...Big E is so bad he slaps the white off...himself?

  18. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJuly 2, 2014 at 9:11 PM

    *top gun handshake*

  19. "Ugh, I miss when all drug dealers were white and could follow simple directions" - Michael Hayes.

  20. False alarm. Pat Patterson just farted.

  21. :top gun handshake:

  22. Uncrusimatic_Buck_NastyJuly 2, 2014 at 9:21 PM

    i'm posting from my phone. this is uncharted territory for me

  23. I guess it's too late to ask for a refund on ICOPRO?

  24. The Love-Matic Grampa!July 2, 2014 at 9:44 PM

    It took me more time than I'm willing to admit to get this joke.

  25. just admitted it took time.

  26. Maybe it was that infamous "Python Powder" from the Hulkamania 1 VHS tape. You know, the segment where Hogan, McMahon, and Lord Alfred Hayes talk about the need to have some Python Powder and take lots of pills to improve your physique!

  27. iPod is bad as well.

  28. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJuly 2, 2014 at 10:36 PM

    ***** for Meltzer on coke. This should be more regular.

  29. F'N Body Slams - Dan SelbyJuly 2, 2014 at 10:37 PM

    Drug hounds of Justice

  30. Funny that Bruce Prichard tried to defend how Vince McMahon treated a lot of WCW talent.

  31. People here think Dolph Ziggler should be pushed, I'd say the humour bar isn't that high.

  32. CruelConnectionNumber2July 3, 2014 at 12:36 AM

    used to happen every 2 years or so, we were never e-vac'd... or so I heard

  33. CruelConnectionNumber2July 3, 2014 at 12:38 AM

    watching chi town rumble 89, I noticed your face resembled frosty the snowman by the 10th minute of the main. 5 SNOWflakes, indeed...

  34. CruelConnectionNumber2July 3, 2014 at 12:38 AM

    Aces and 8Balls

  35. Adam "Colorado" CurryJuly 3, 2014 at 1:03 AM

    Totally fair complaint, needing one bullet to finish a mission and getting shot down is when I say "fuck this".

  36. I don't he's main event worthy. However, I'd like him to be able to put on 20 minute matches on PPV. If you don't think he's a good worker, then I think you're crazy.

  37. But.... Imagine HHH did it.

    It's Shane's company now, bitchessssss!

  38. Alcohol and the popularity of commercial flights post-WWII have a lot more of the blame than nationalism.

  39. Hot chick? I guess by Walmart standards.

  40. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 3, 2014 at 3:04 AM

    I still keep forgetting he's done, every time Miami plays, I'm waiting for the camera to pan to the end of the bench and Juwan is woofing it up at the other team or chilling in a suit and tie as a healthy scratch.

  41. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 3, 2014 at 3:06 AM

    This makes me feel better. I've only been on my diet & exercise regimen for a week and my physique is already better than that.

  42. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 3, 2014 at 3:07 AM

    Taj deserves to be in the lineup as a starter, and gives them some extra defensive presence down low alongside Noah. That was a poor contract and Boozer really mailed it in at times.

  43. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 3, 2014 at 3:08 AM

    I think this is the first time someone's outwardly campaigned to have Burke Badenhop on their team.

  44. I really like how Jericho gives Steph credit in his book for helping him reach the next level because she was really a great sport and a great target for his verbal attacks.

  45. I think he's a damn good mid-card heel who makes for a rock-solid 'IC champ who gets his ass kicked and chicken-shits his way to wins' run. But he's an awful face by any measure, he needs a manager to cut promos for him, and I just don't think he's believable against the top line wrestlers.

    Same with Kofi. Neither's awful, they just aren't 'the guys.' Which is fine. Not everyone has to be, or should be. I mean... compare Ziggler to Barrett. Barrett was headlining too, but since his 'de-push' he's polished his act big-time to the extent that he got 'I'M AFRAID I'VE GOT SOME BAD NEWS' over.

    Ziggler is in the 'they don't push me so I'll complain' group. The ones who make it just focus on improving their acts so that when they get a push they make the most of it.

  46. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJuly 3, 2014 at 3:28 AM

    *shudder*, have never seen or heard of anyone here throwing shrimp on the barbie, but I'll gladly chuck a few more snags on instead :P

  47. I'm not sure. That's just what I hear from the local wrestlers here in Australia. It might have to do with her work visa or possibly her bail/court order.

  48. Yeah, a company that blurs the line between reality and fiction really should be trusted as a credible news source of what's actually happening behind-the-scenes.

  49. I agree with you about Ziggler's promo skills. They are weak, as he doesn't sound natural on the microphone. It's the main reason why I don't think he'd be a good WWE champion. He could never do those "you need to see this upcoming match" promos. When it comes to his in-ring work as a babyface, though, he's awesome. Much more natural than he is as a heel. He sells awesomely. He can create sympathy. He bumps amazingly. He can do some awesome athletically gifted stuff. And he makes people's offense look awesome. The small things he did in his match against Barrett impressed the hell out of me.

    Comparing him to Kofi Kingston is a little harsh. Kofi is a decent hand merely based on his athletic ability. I find a lot of his matches to be average-to-good. Rarely does he have a bad match, but they are nothing I can emotionally invested into. He doesn't really use any facial expressions. Injured Kofi, Angry Kofi, Frustrated Kofi, Sad Kofi, Intense Kofi all look virtually the same.

  50. Rusty ShacklefordJuly 3, 2014 at 4:58 AM

    I'm saddened by the fact that nobody has yet connected this to Brutus Beefcake yet.

  51. Terry Garvin was fired for the molestation stuff not Patterson. Pat was fired for sexual harassment of a ring announcer. Still point is fair because Garvin or someone else was rehired after that for a time.

  52. I request someone does Scott on acid as a gimmick poster.

    "No rant on the PPV tonight because I need to get all these damn ants from crawling all over me."

    "That's great sir, but this is a Tim Horton's"

    "Oh god, don't tell me I'm still in fecking Canada?!""

  53. Send out Tim White to play chicken with 'em.

  54. Blow is about coke, Powder is about some weird kid and is most notable for being a Disney film made by a convicted pedophile (who also later did Jeepers Creepers)

  55. ABC

    Anyone But Cena

  56. Mister_E_SeesTheLineInTheSandJuly 3, 2014 at 5:42 AM

    But he did not admit to how MUCH time.

  57. off the top of my memory... Filty, Dirty, Disgusting, Brutal, Bottom feeding, Trashbag HO!!"

  58. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 3, 2014 at 6:06 AM

    so is History a stripper, or is she just easy?

  59. AverageJoeEverymanJuly 3, 2014 at 6:22 AM

    Must be because they didnt use the obvious "I've got a shock stick for YOU Mr. Mountie!"

  60. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 3, 2014 at 6:34 AM

    "The GORE and the WHORE!!"

  61. All I know about Australia I learned from 80's movies and commercials!

  62. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 3, 2014 at 6:34 AM

    Yeah. Steph started the rally and A.I. finished it. They actually play well together.

  63. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 3, 2014 at 6:35 AM

    I agree. There is only ONE Dream Team.

  64. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 3, 2014 at 6:37 AM

    Then he can't cry if they don't have the cap space to sign anyone afterwards. These "Big 3" teams were the reason the cap was changed.

  65. If she leaves the country she may not be allowed back in due to the arrest.

  66. Zeb musta been working part time in the position.

  67. "I also have an anti-smark streak ten miles wide. Hence my unrequited love for Miz and Orton."

  68. I mean, it's just icing...

  69. Crikey Mate Down Under AussieJuly 3, 2014 at 7:35 AM

    Rightio, off the top of my head:

    -insults are compliments (dickhead etc)

    -Only 3 sports matter, Footy, rugby, and cricket, also netball if you're a sheila.

    -Standard of living is pretty sweet thanks to China buying all our minerals but I think we're screwed in like 20 years, or whenever the mining boom ends.

    -every animal here will kill ya, unless you kill and eat them first.

    -Kiwis are sheep shaggers until they knock you the fuck out, then they're alright blokes.

    -All yanks are stupid, like your all represented by George Bush jr and that's just the popular perception.

    -Poms have a stick up their ass and can't play cricket or rugby for shit.

    -Nothing beats a piss up and a barbie on the beach, it's the Aussie winter atm and I think it's rained twice.

    -'Straya is the greatest country on Earth and if ya disagree I'll let my kangaroo loose on ya mate

    Yeah that's about all you need, and didn't need, to know

  70. Porn Peddlin' Jef VinsonJuly 3, 2014 at 9:22 AM

    "Your name ain't Tony's peaches, BITCH!"

  71. I thought it was funny at the beginning of the Twisted Tea bit that Santino said, "Nobody came to my party. Not even Emma came."

  72. and/or got scared off by one hell of a good lawyer or legal team. I'm sure WWE has a stable full of lawyers but put the right lawyer or group of lawyers opposing them and they'd get the kind of bad publicity that could make the WWE Network an even bigger loss than it is now.

  73. Eh, I respect your stance and detailed opinion. But Ziggler was tops when he was having those awesome heel-face matches with Kofi/Punk for me. They meshed perfectly in their roles.


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