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Evening Thread - Wednesday Edition

Tonight, the Network presents Money in the Bank 2014: The Replay on the live stream. Nothing added to the library today, but watch for the SNME update in a few days.

Baseball is, like, the only sport going right now.

Bring your hostilities here!


  1. Got myself a refurbished first-gen Microsoft Surface, finally came today (keyboard coming tomorrow, apparently). So far so good, except for Microsoft keeping users from using Chrome or Firefox. I've always hated IE. But since I'll mostly be using it for multimedia stuff right now, it's all good.


  3. So who got banned in the threads today?

  4. I'm watching Judgment Day 2008. During the JBL-Cena opener, it seems like Cena is going overboard while selling JBL's offense. So much that I feel like he's doing a Shawn-Michaels-vs.-Hogan-at-SummerSlam thing, though Cena's thing is silly over-the-top facial expressions rather than acrobatic bumps. Any talk of that at the time? Did Cena have a problem with the booking? Because Cena wins the match anyway.

  5. There was a banning? More Schererities coming over causing a ruckus?

  6. New Riff Raff is off the hook, tip toe wing in my jawwdinz

  7. I checked the new Bodycount record,pretty good.

  8. Not sure, one was in the SNME thread and another was in the Wins Loses thread.

  9. Ironically the record is called Manslaughter and Ice T's son just charged with Manslaughter.

  10. Stranger in the AlpsJuly 2, 2014 at 6:13 PM

    I've been using Chrome for sometime now on my Windows 7 laptop. One problem I have is that Chrome sometimes acts like the internet is disconnected and is unable to load the page, and then you can't refresh the page for about 10 minutes.

  11. I'm off to investigate. Gotta love BoD drama.

  12. Oh the irony.

  13. 'llax mentioned something earlier about someone pretending to be him.

  14. Yeah, I found it odd in the Wins/Loss thread that he just posted "Hi."

  15. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 2, 2014 at 6:14 PM

    Anyone notable?

  16. He said he thought it was the guy that's been stalking Bayless and ratted him out.

  17. ESPN is so sad with their aggressive push of soccer and LeBron news. The former is whatever, but the latter is all speculation and they have no idea what they are talking about. Today's news item: LeBron isn't telling Wade and Bosh his plans. OH NO!

  18. Riff Raff #versacepython

  19. News? Or NEWZ!?


    **** match of the day.

  21. Almost every free-agency "report" for every player (LeBron, Melo, etc.) is just somebody saying, "Well, I think that maybe he's considering perhaps..."

  22. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 2, 2014 at 6:17 PM

    Just like Meltzer!

  23. ESPN was reporting the Manziel / Maywether / Bieber / Tyson seflie as actual news.

  24. It's almost like rumors of who is taking who to prom.

  25. "I haven't talked to anybody, but I get the impression that he's the kind of guy who..."

  26. The whole section from the SNME thread disappeared thou, and yeah, BoD drama seems to be better than WWE storylines.

  27. If that selfie was Manziel/LeBron/Michael Sam I think their webpage would've collapsed. They'd talk about it all the time on Sportscenter.

  28. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 2, 2014 at 6:18 PM

    I'm happy they push soccer to the point that EPL stuff will make the front page,it's bad enough they pretend hockey doesn't even exist.

    With you on the LeBron heat stuff; an actual SportsCenter item after Game 2 of the Finals: "LeBron's Yoga Instructor Live", where she basically told him to stretch to avoid cramping again. That actually happened.

  29. Manziel / Sam / Lebron / Tebow


  30. This troll is relentless.

  31. It annoys me when ESPN acts like they HAVE to report something even though they don't want to. Like, "Hey, we're tired of all these Johnny Manziel stories, but..." Well if you're tired of them, DON'T REPORT THEM.

  32. He looks like James Franco in Spring Breakers.

  33. Nothing that big, just that Lax kept shutting him down.

  34. An NJPW match?

  35. James Franco stole his look for the movie, Riff Raff was pissed.

  36. Eh, I'm just not a soccer fan, but I do watch the World Cup for the U.S. since it has the pull of an international competition like the Olympics. I don't hate soccer, but I just can't get into it. Kudos to those who do.

    I also hate how they treat hockey. If you aren't on ESPN then you don't matter. It's like they leave Barry Melrose in a freezer and he is only brought out for 2-3 minutes a week and the poor guy tries to jam every single piece of hockey news into that segment.

  37. Has Iishi done any crazy shit lately?

  38. Our guy is already making it big!

  39. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 2, 2014 at 6:20 PM

    The thing is, they do it for the same reason WWE shoves Cena front and center: whether the reaction is positive or negative, LeBron/Manziel/et al pop the biggest pagehits/ratings/traffic and therefore, they keep pushing them.

  40. Of course,I'm the NJPW fanboy of the blog,that doesn't mean I love everything they made.

  41. Is the Tebow love still going on there? Figured he was old news, sort of like those CM Punk chants.

  42. NHL needs to bend over and to a TV deal with ESPN.

  43. Hey, I'm all for a NJPW match, great wrestling.

  44. It has Ibushi.

  45. whatever the bad ass dude

  46. Same reason Meekin stays on the blog.

  47. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 2, 2014 at 6:22 PM

    They really don't have to, they're doing solid numbers on NBCSN and that channel basically props NHL as their #1 draw, while they'd be a lower midcard status on ESPN like they were before. I like that NBCSN, while not the sexiest name out there, give a great spotlight to watch both the NHL and the Premiere League, free of "LeBron took a shower" breaking news and screaming talking heads.

  48. I get that, but don't act like it pains you so much to do it. Like when they had a reporter basically living in a car outside Barry Bonds' house for 2-3 years, they would introduce the segments like, "Hey, we don't wanna do this, but we HAVE to..."

  49. Yeah, the NHL has a nice deal with ESPN, even though my local area doesn't get NBCSN. I get NHL Gamecenter to watch the Leafs games during the season, though, so it works.

  50. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 2, 2014 at 6:23 PM

    I hope they comped Pedro Gomez well for that shit. Ditto Rachel Nichols covering Brett Favre.

  51. Who's showing CFL, I wouldn't mind checking some out?

  52. He lost the NEVER title to Yujiro in a boring match,not his fault.Yujiro is boring and they did a run in,They're doing a NWO thing with the Bullet Club.

    He's gonna be part of G1 this year,and I hope he wins.

  53. Shelly Smith for Kobe Bryant, Josina Anderson for Peyton Manning ...

  54. Unsure about the "BoD Power Couple" thou....

  55. During that Gomez run, I fully expected a grumpy Barry to one day come out of his house and just smash the guy to bits with a bat in a "GET OFF MY DAMN LAWN" moment.

  56. France was at least entertaining in the flick.

  57. Is that really going to be a thing now?

  58. NBC Sports occassionally pops a game here.

  59. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 2, 2014 at 6:27 PM

    SO I have three weeks of time off from work due to our system infrastructure getting upgrades ahead of the upcoming season, so this would seem to be a really good time to clear out some of my gaming backlog.

    *looks at my Dreamcast hooked up in my room*

    Or just keep re-playing games I've played for years.

    *turns on NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC*



  60. Only time will tell, but as much as I have no problem with them, I see how it's going to get annoying.

  61. Is it me or people are getting more and more obsessive off showing their lives on FB,you know it's okay to show some stuff but I don't know how you're eating,how dress,how sleep.

  62. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 2, 2014 at 6:28 PM

    Same, I think Michael Sam has kinda gone under too; we'll see when it comes to training camp, but I think it was mentioned that he and the Rams were going to curb the media attention since he has enough on his plate just trying to make the team as a rookie.

  63. I'm addicted to Fire Pro Returns now,killing everyone with my CAW using the GERMAN SUPLEX OF DEATH!

  64. I couldn't go to sleep the other night so I got lost for like an hour on YouTube watching the old NBA on NBC previews for games like Denver/Seattle Game 5 in 1994, Jazz/Sonics ECF Game 7 in 1996, etc. I LOVED that NBC theme. You just knew shit was about to go down.

    Unfortunately, though, NBC doesn't want the NBA back.

  65. Apparently I'm bad at FB, because when I find myself doing something fun, I don't think to put it up on FB. Because I'm, like, enjoying the thing I'm doing.

  66. Well for me, that novelty wore off years ago, which is why I'm here more. Yeah, it's starting to get ridiculous.

  67. If it wasn't for a small side business I run, I wouldn't even have a FB profile. People are just getting nuts about what they post there and I'm also getting tired of people's crazed political rants after something happens in the news they don't agree with.

  68. NBA Showtime ... Was that the game that was kind of like NBA Jam, but it was 3-on-3?

  69. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 2, 2014 at 6:31 PM

    Me too; I basically use my FB as a Twitter feed for comic feed, but I don't like to get too deep. I especially dislike my female friends's penchant for dropping "cryptic" status updates that everyone knows what their talking about. A posting of an e-card that says you should be treated better by your boyfriend isn't exactly subtle, and it's not like she's gonna dump them anyway, so what's the point?

  70. I'm pretty sure I've avoided almost all threads they've been in, not because I have a problem with the power couple thing, just no interest in the threads they create.

    But it's already turning into a "hate" thing that's approaching Caliber levels.

  71. I just enjoy the comment section of Disqus better, because I'm actually having a conversation.

  72. I'll be shocked if the Rams cut him due to backlash concerns. It would definitely be in Sam's best interests to just focus on football. I feel his has already had some bad handlers who have led him astray a few times already.

  73. I don't have one and never will. If you enjoy any level of privacy don't have one.

  74. I'm very rarely on it anymore, the majority of people that I have on there make me want to vomit.

  75. Alright,you wanna share some events of your life,okay.I don't wanna know every step of what you do,Just like some dude I know,everything he posts it's about his workouts,fuck that shit,I go to the gym I'm not a selfie-obsessed,no one cares.

  76. It's been like that for a while now. I really don't post much and when I do it's nothing more than "Go sports team I like"

  77. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 2, 2014 at 6:32 PM

    Hoopz was 3-on-3; Showtime was the usual 2-on-2 Jam in 3D with the NBA on NBC presentation. And a killer roster: Shaq/Kobe, Robinson/Duncan, Pippen/Olajuwon/Barkley, Ewing/Houston, Vinsanity/Carter...

  78. The selfie craze gets on my nerves. I've never taken a selfie and have no desire to do so.

  79. I don't think the Sam documentary was a bad idea.

  80. Don't get deep one FB, get really deep on a wrestling blog.

  81. When wanna send something to someone I just send in her chat.I using FB because I can talk to people in college and the teachers;

  82. davidbonzaisaldanamontgomeryJuly 2, 2014 at 6:33 PM

    At least we're telling stories.

  83. I hate that word with a passion.

  84. I did for the fact that he needs to focus on making the team first. It's in his best interest to find a job first. Bringing lots of outside people in is going to cloud that process.

  85. Whats this about?

  86. Will TNA survive this year?

  87. Any word on their TV deal?

  88. Apparently they will keep paying.

  89. I just don't think having a camera crew around takes your focus away. These guys are used to being on camera. All the doc would do is mean he has to do some more post-practice "confessional" interviews; nothing too distracting IMO.

  90. Matt Perri and his girlfriend's articles on the blog, and how they get all lovey dubby on each other.

  91. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 2, 2014 at 6:36 PM


  92. Then yes, they life to fight another year.

  93. for real, I missed this whole thing

  94. You can start in the Bo Dallas Bray Wyatt fantasy booking thread.

  95. And at least we played it out and saw where it went.

  96. Since Jericho returned,I gotta say he in 98 was the best heel of WCW,he alone made the Malenko and Goldberd feuds.He was chickenshit heel at is finest.

  97. Or follow my lead and avoid it!

  98. Yeah, it's really not funny/annoying enough to get sucked into (at least for now).

  99. France sucks.

  100. Baby steps, it will.

  101. The only house show I've ever been to was when Jericho was undisputed champ and feuding with HHH. I've never seen a guy get a crowd so worked up against him. Jericho had people throwing cups and other stuff at him (then mocking them when they missed), and this is the usually polite Seattle crowd we're talking about.

  102. This is why he's my all time favorite.

  103. The only time Facebook was fun for me was when another wrestling fan called me out in a comment.

  104. Is that dude's name has a J in the beginning?

  105. I do that every once in a while, just get lost in random game intros. MLB, NFL, NBA, all good.

  106. When wa the last time you heard anyone make a casual Montell Jordan reference in your personal life?

    This isssssss how we do iiiiiiiiiiit!

  107. Jericho is so great. It's kinda sad watching the period from after he lost the Undisputed Title to when he left in 2005 because you can tell that for the most part his heart just wasn't in it. Jericho's always been a master at taking whatever he is given, be it a 5 minute promo or a 20 minute main event, and he makes the absolute best of it.

  108. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 2, 2014 at 6:48 PM

    I can watch any year for WCW but WWF doesn't peak my interest til 95. Nice to start streaming these Raws

  109. Also, just because:

  110. Another thing,screw Fault is on the stars.

  111. Abeyance would not like my side ad right now:

  112. Why won't this week end? Ready to get this vacation started people!

  113. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 2, 2014 at 6:50 PM

    I got all the friends I need here!

  114. Not sure, I'll have to relook, what happened was I was legit curious about how much Johnny Gargano made for his 2 gigs in WWE, so I asked him every once and awhile, but I never got a response. One day he had an open question time, so I asked it again, he responded with what I believe was a made up number, I was fine with that because I at least got an answer. Next thing this guy pops in the comments and says "Only a-holes ask how much money you make".
    I would have to look at the name again to make sure.

  115. Stranger in the AlpsJuly 2, 2014 at 6:50 PM

    Netflix added American Ninja today.

    That's like the Bash 91 of ninja movies! So gonna watch it.

  116. My 1st semester is finally coming to a end.

  117. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 2, 2014 at 6:51 PM

    I really wanna start boozing.

  118. What? how does the scheduling work down there?

  119. Gargano is pretty good.

  120. I don't drink so get "turnt up" for me. That's what the kids say, "turnt up".

  121. Are you kidding? All the side adds that have been popping up for me on this site have been Asian dating service websites.

  122. Stranger in the AlpsJuly 2, 2014 at 6:53 PM

    "Let's get it started
    Let's get it started in here"

    Shoot me now.

  123. That and SNME in the same week. 2014 is good

  124. He's from Cleveland, so he's automatically one of my favorites. I just can't believe I let legit curiosity accidentally turn me into a jerk.

  125. I was supposed to start my first semester in february but due a strike I started on march,I should've been on vacation right now.

  126. Head or gut?

  127. Stranger in the AlpsJuly 2, 2014 at 6:54 PM

    Oh man.....could you watch American Ninja and the Hogan-Andre battle royal episode ALL AT THE SAME TIME??

  128. 4 day weekend over here.

  129. Let's drink water from shot glasses!

  130. Still not making any sense to me. Do you just start when you want? Here it's fall and spring semesters. There is summer for the hardcore.

  131. Stranger in the AlpsJuly 2, 2014 at 6:55 PM


  132. The first class starts in the summer,the second class in the winter.

  133. What about hard lemonade? What is that stuff anyway?

  134. That's what the 45-year-old ladies say on Real Housewives of Atlanta and Love & Hip-Hop Atlanta.

  135. If someone told me that 20 years in the future I could easily do that I probably would have lost my mind from not being able to wait, but man would I have been excited.

    No flying cars and hover boards but we definitely figured out how to watch TV better.

  136. hahaha. That's when you know a slang phrase has jumped the shark.

  137. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 2, 2014 at 6:57 PM

    Awful tasting lemonade with alcohol in it. Mikes Hard Lemonade is crap.

  138. I hate people who live in America, but cheer for other teams. Like all my Portuguese friends who cheered for Portugal over America. Seriously, if they like Portugal so much, why don't they move there?

  139. American ingenuity at its most useful.

  140. I feel like before each new season starts filming, they sit down with the network's young, "urban" interns and bone up on new slang so they don't sound like old ladies.

  141. Stranger in the AlpsJuly 2, 2014 at 6:58 PM

    Damn furreners.

  142. Golden era of basketball for me. And I probably don't need to tell you what my ringtone is lol

  143. Well, in fairness, soccer is about all Portugal has left.

  144. Well, what's a beverage I can drink that isn't all alcoholy but won't make me look like a puss for drinking it? Trying to split the difference here.

  145. I think flying cars would be terrible. People can barely drive on the ground as it is.

  146. So you're gonna kill some people in here.

  147. Probably the same for these old rappers. Did you ever imagine a time when most of the popular rappers would be middle age?

  148. I'm surprised Robot Chicken hasn't made a skit from that yet.
    "Where's my hover board?"
    "There aren't any, but look, we can watch TV on our phones, and touch the screens to control it."
    "I don't care about that, all I want is my freaking hover board!"

  149. I feel the exact opposite. It's just sports, it's not war. If I like another team for whatever reason, I shouldn't have to apologize because I'm not rooting for the home team. That's like saying you can't live in New York and root for another team besides the Yankees or Mets.

  150. I think it could be way safer. But that kind of stuff is probably more like 100 years so I probably won't ever get the chance to look at the statistics

  151. Someone should write a paper about how Europeans have channeled their nationalist energies into soccer rather than their armies in the post-World War II era. It helps explain the hooligan nature of European soccer if you think about it.

  152. don't forget college football. Costas and Musburger used to own that stuff.

  153. It depends on who is doing the driving. Then again, I hate to fly, so that might be clouding some of my judgment. I just imagine a mid-air collision of two flying cars that come plummeting to the ground in a burning heap.

  154. I'm from the first class.

  155. Absolutely. But let me ask you this. How do you feel about Dallas Mavericks fans that would cheer for Germany in the Olympic basketball tournament? Or a Spurs fan cheering for France?

  156. Then all of the people injured and killed from falling car pieces.

  157. I'm going to cheer for the country that has given me an opportunity. Hell there's a lot of things I don't like about America. But it's for damn sure better than a lot of other countries. Yet, people talk about these second or third-world countries they came from like they were the best places ever, even though their parents had 100 dollars in their savings.

  158. My wife asked me the other day if there are any genres of music that we'll ever be too old to listen to. My thing is, I might get too old to listen to *new* rap, but I can always listen to the rap I grew up on. Even if Ice Cube is like 50 or whatever.

  159. MikeyMike, King of ClevelandJuly 2, 2014 at 7:04 PM

    Bud Select comes to mind!

  160. A lot of Bruins played for different countries. Not one was America. I still cheered like hell for America, even over Finland.

  161. I live in an area where a large portion of Chargers and Raiders fans participate in a lot of similar shit to soccer hooligans. Dodgers fans also.

  162. Oh for sure. I actually talked to a friend from California about this idea last week and he said that American football is taking on the hooligan nature of European soccer.

  163. Again, it's just sports. You're not cheering for the Algerian government, you're cheering for some soccer players from Algeria. You're not rooting for France to colonize England, you're rooting for France to score more goals than England in a soccer match. Just not that big of a deal to me.

  164. But if the franchise player of your favorite team, like say Dirk Nowitzki was playing against the American team would you root for him.

  165. I think the higher ticket prices go, the more people feel entitled to act like jerks. "I paid my hard-earned money for this..." I don't agree with that mindset, but that's unfortunately how a lot of people are.

  166. I'm with you on this. That's why I never got the hate for people that didn't want to give up their summer for the dream team. It's not that serious.

  167. I had season tickets to the chargers one year and the raiders game was legitimately terrifying to be at. There were so many people there that just showed up to fight the other set of fans. Like you could NEVER bring a small kid to that game. Its crazy.

  168. Is Jack Swagger a face now?

  169. Heck yeah he is!

  170. Against Rusev? Of course. Plus, "We the People" has been getting positive crowd response for months.

  171. But he's right wing maniac.

  172. As well as his theme.

  173. No. Tukka Rask, the number goalie for the Bruins, was Finland's goalie, and I rooted for USA. Dirk is representing the Mavs only when he has the jersey on, in my opinion. It's almost like when people asked me if I was going to cheer for Pierce and KG now that they were a Net. As much as I really liked them in Boston, I'm not going to cheer for them now, because nobody, in my opinion, is bigger than your own team.

  174. See, I can't listen to anything made after 2004. That was when rappers stopped talking to me. My nephews make me listen to new rap but I always have to ask what they are talking about.

  175. But he's fighting a Russian, which means he's fighting for America.

  176. I was on a flight back in the fall of 2004 from Chicago to Los Angeles and on it were a bunch of drunk Raider fans. They were about 50%+ of the flight and they were all going out there for the Raiders-Bucs game. During the flight, an older woman thought she was having a heart attack and all the drunk Raider fans were like "NAH, SHE'S ALRIGHT! SHE DON'T NEED ANY HELP!" Thankfully, the woman ended up okay, but those idiots have made me hate the Raiders ever since.

  177. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJuly 2, 2014 at 7:10 PM

    I refuse to acknowledge a Evening Thread NOT created by Bayless!

  178. Bud Select it is

  179. Then what is this thread called then?

  180. One of WWE's best,too bad Cesaro lost the theme.

  181. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJuly 2, 2014 at 7:11 PM

    It depends, FOX News views Swagger as a hero but MSNBC views his as a villian.

  182. Yeah you know exactly what I'm talking about. Fucking animals.

  183. I still love Miracle better than his new Swiss Made one.

  184. There are no heels or faces in the WWE!

  185. I see right wing extremists as bad guys,just like the left wing extremists,

  186. Except on Cena's case.

  187. It's called not having pride of being where you were born; no matter how you want to phrase it, that's what it is.

  188. Speaking of Rusev, I'm reminded of the Flair/Nikita feud. Flair's babyface promo was basically him saying that capitalism is the greatest thing ever and he can own as much expensive stuff as he wants. It was the Reagan years. What can I say?!

  189. I rooted for Russia during the Olympic hockey tourney. I don't hate America, but because winning the gold this time would've meant SO much to Russia, I wanted to see them get it. It wasn't a political statement or anything, just rooting for the feel-good story.

  190. Miracle was great.Had that low key feel he has.

  191. I think they can temper the character to make it a "Proud fo be American" Jim Duggan-like character. The Rusev feud is a nice way to move Swagger away from the extremist angle and toward a more moderate position.

  192. Well yeah, he's obviously a heel.

  193. Were your Portuguese friends born in Portugal? Or do they visit lots of family there? Would you still cheer for America if your job or significant other caused you to move to another country?

  194. Better be this case.

  195. Magoonie NOT Teddy BelmontJuly 2, 2014 at 7:14 PM

    Seriously, what opportunities did the American Soccer Team give you? It's a fucking game! So what if somebody cheers for another country in a GAME! Does that make them a less American because in a kick the ball into the net game they root for another team for whatever reason? Lighten up man and get off your high horse.

  196. A feel good story.....America has never won ever, and you're rooting for Russia for a feel good story!?


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