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Goldberg vs. Hogan

Hey Scott, was there any reason why WCW gave away the Goldberg vs. Hogan title match on cable TV? Yeah, I'm sure it got a huge rating, but if they'd waited and put it on PPV it probably would have been the biggest buyrate they ever had in their history. Was there any reason for them putting such a highly anticipated title matchup on Nitro, other than "because WCW"?  

Yup, they basically wanted a huge rating to stem the bleeding, PPV revenue be damned.  What's really weird is that they never did a rematch on PPV and basically shunted Goldberg to the mid card as champion.  


  1. You forgot - "[how latest WWE booking is totally great] Lighten up, Francis!"

  2. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 14, 2014 at 2:23 PM

    Mid card World Champion? From the heel run on he main evented every PPV, was the focus (often appearing 2-3 times per show) of every single Raw with announcers talking about him and hetman during other people's segments, and his record breaking title reign was the most pushed thing in the company. Yeah the first half of the reign he played second fiddle face to Cena, but from August on he was by far the lead in WWE. The heel run was absolutely star making stuff.

  3. Worst_in_the_WorldJuly 14, 2014 at 2:34 PM

    Man, it's pretty nuts that right now there's no Punk or Bryan on the show, and one of them is probably never coming back and the other might be gone for another year. Less than a year ago they're the two most over guys in the company, and now completely off the show. With that in mind it really is crazy the show's even as watchable as it is. (Or at least as watchable as some of us find it to be.)

  4. I think Big Show reading a bed time story to Hornswaggle for Money in the Bank 2011 and Santino dressed like a fortune teller for Royal Rumble 2012 top that for oddest poster to promote a PPV.

  5. The indies can't afford CM Punk.

  6. Power_of_Hogans_HOF_RingJuly 14, 2014 at 3:21 PM

    It's not a specific part, but just the repeated moment in 1998 when he'd be getting booed and would respond with "Dammit! Iiiii'm Vince McMahon."

  7. Commentating on Superstars and SNME, but also all the attitude moments with Austin. And of course the Tyson angle "YOU RUINED IT!!!"

  8. 2 million subscribers a month = $240 dollars a year replacing the PPV model which made about $80 Million in 2013. 1 Million Subs = 120 Million a year.

    Why would they NEED 1.3-1.4 million subs? Does the network cost 40 Million dollars a year to maintain?

  9. CruelConnectionNumber2July 14, 2014 at 3:39 PM

    Sasuke went over twice and was the hyped guy. They made a stink about signing TAKA to a deal (and having Sunny try to "Americanize" him) once they ditched Sasuke.

  10. Jim Ross - I assure you matter what @Sting does or doesn't do tonight on #RawRichmond#RawRichmond, many fans will squeal like pig stuck under a gate.

    Still don't see it happening, especially on a go-home show for a B-PPV?

  11. It was so weird for me seeing guys like Bret and Austin attacking Vince like they would, especially in 1997.

  12. Given Punk's ties to Chris Hardwick you'd have to imagine the podcast is a given and will be part of the Nerdist family of shows.

  13. Actually maybe that's the best time to have him on. Tease an appearance by Sting at the ppv to drive up interest in a show that's looking to do a low buyrate.

  14. ' What a maneuver! '

  15. SummerSlam SweatHogJuly 14, 2014 at 4:17 PM

    Oddly enough, getting beatdown by his son at WM17. Great stuff

  16. Too many to list and most of the great ones have been mentioned already but Vince's introductory Nwo promo always puts a smile on my face.

  17. Well to be fair it isn't like there is a convenient medium where he could comment on answers he finds interesting readily available... oh wait.

  18. You've got Vince, JR, Lawler, and Lawler's kid on commentary, and you need to get the cruiserweights over without giving them any kind of backstory.

    So who gets the least airtime? JR. Because Attitude.

    I feel like JR loved the idea of a cruiserweight division and decided to build one, only for Russo to get the book just as it was getting off the ground.

  19. The "gulp of fear". Whenever VKM was in the ring and the glass broke, they'd always do the tight camera shot to show him doing it.

  20. This might be an unpopular opinion but I've never been a fan of having a cruiser or light weight division because the workers in the division get stigmatized. Think about it, would Bryan or Rollins have benefited at all being part of that label?

  21. MikeyMike, WitnessJuly 14, 2014 at 4:41 PM

    Probably not. It was a fun thing though when they had absolutely no shot of getting to the top of the card in WCW.
    Can you imagine Hogan losing the title to a devil horned wearing Rey Mysterio?

  22. MikeyMike, WitnessJuly 14, 2014 at 4:42 PM

    It makes me sad that he would be turned into a joke.

  23. He'll never be the #1 Draw or the Franchise Player like me... that said I could care less about welcoming anyone.

  24. SummerSlam SweatHogJuly 14, 2014 at 4:43 PM

    That time he said "whatamaneuver"

  25. Should have clarified that it was fine for WCW because the style was new and fresh. Plus as you said they had no hope of being elevated no matter how popular they got.

  26. I was at that Raw show and i can't remember anything about this match. There was also a pretty good Stone Cold vs HHH singles match and a boring Bret vs Goldust main event.

    The LHW division was always going to be DOA in the WWF but they surprised even me with their incompetence.

  27. SummerSlam SweatHogJuly 14, 2014 at 4:44 PM

    The Rumble 99 workouts. Pure gold

  28. I still believe that with thier larger ring and booking style, cruiser weight wrestling will never work in that company

  29. That feud had the most cartoonishly heinous quote ever: "I will NEVER forgive your mother for giving birth to you!"

  30. At least his career has had decent longevity. Seeing him on all the NJPW I downloaded was almost as surprising as seeing Jushin Liger still wrestling.

  31. Nope. He was not the plan

  32. MikeyMike, WitnessJuly 14, 2014 at 4:50 PM

    It was an alternative I suppose. If booked correctly I think you could have done an effective "Giant Killer"

  33. It's just... I never saw a purpose for it in WWF/E. If they want to showcase some smaller wrestlers they'll do it without pointing out how smell they are if that makes sense.

  34. Well Rey's ill-fated giant killer run showed WCW couldn't book it, or pretty much anything else, correctly.

  35. Welcome to the Blog of Doom, Beau James!

  36. Yes. But only the God of Mormon, the one true religion.

  37. Come on Hogan, don't be scurrred.

  38. No, he fucked up that move with Heenan. A clean drop is one thing, but he let Heenan bounce off his shoulders on the way down, so Heenan couldn't control his fall.

    And it wasn't a safe bump to begin with, which is why nobody has used the Press Drop in over 20 years since.

  39. Mister_E_KindaBuzzedAllBecauseJuly 14, 2014 at 5:07 PM

    I'd forgotten about the RR workout vignettes until reading through here. Those were awesome though.

  40. "1-2-3, he got him. We have a new champion. No, he didn't get him. That was only two."

  41. Although I kinda remember some stuff from 85-86 (I was only 5) I distinctly remember watching and hearing Vince's commentary live in 86 during the Orndorff turn on Hogan. He was so upset and yelling at what was happening after the big clothesline. I was super hooked by his emotion. I never ever missed another Saturday fox 5 show after that.

  42. Tatanka & The Smoking Gunns vs Bam Bam Bigelow & The Headshrinkers is a real gem. **** match all the way.

  43. Even if Sasuke lasted I think they would have changed gears to TAKA. He's obviously more marketable.

  44. Once we got to his 1992 run and into the future from there, it's a total bury-job until it just becomes a pile of lies, like how the ratings for Nitro were garbage for his debut, and he totally ruined a midcard angle by wearing a baseball hat, and he ate the souls of small children.

  45. Stories also circulate that Andre only did what Andre was willing to do. If he didn't want to put him over, he wouldn't have. Again, these are second hand stories, so who knows.

  46. I seem to remember the Raw match being VERY sloppy. They also pronounced "Sasuke" incorrectly. Ugh.

  47. I always wondered how that would've turned out had they got Great Muta instead of Sasuke. Muta was solidly a NWA guy for a while, but maybe WWF could've got him in the late 90s.

  48. Depends. If they're working a straight lucha style, people may not it; however, by incorporating strikes, suplexes, mat wrestling, and psychology, you have a more complete style.

  49. They kept saying "SASKAY" and I was getting annoyed.


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